The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 25, 1874, Image 2

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p;tilt| enquire* 4 l COLCNHIH: WBDNE8DAY MAUOH 25, I« NO SI list HIPTIOM ItlirKlVKD t'M.KSS 1 PUD I ou IN JtnVANCK. promise to raise them a threat ileal mure. Somehow such Nights reconcile dh more nr own burdena, Hoflen our haarta in charity, and make us feel that II aven has been kinder to ns than we deserve. “THE ItlSO” 1* POLITIC*. It may seem a little strango that soma 1 he Comptroller of the Currency hr a 0 f t j 10 Hepublican papers in New liamp- issucd a circular calling upon the national B ^j ro aweribe the defeat of their party in banks for a repott of their condition at tho iaU election mainly to the appoint- thn close of business on >riday, 27lh of m ent of Simmons as the Collector of the February. Bald Mountain N. C., the licit whiskey distillorios. The very place whore one might suspect the existence of “the cratur" concealed, as an Irishman would say. t'elUiu iu Oreoce. The production of cotton is becoming itn iimportant interest in Greece. Pre vious to the late civil war but little was raised, but the blockade of our Southern ports arid the consequent cotton famine abroad, stimulated the cultivation of the fibre iu Greece, no that now the average crop of the country amounts to 6,500,000 pounds. The principal cotton produuiug district in Greece is that included iu the fertile provinces of Le- badea, Bmtia and Locris. Formerly the cotton was all exported ; now a large pro portion of it is manufactured into cotton yarn, no loss than sixteen factories hav ing been established for this purpose, ■n.lly, and lliey will not be directly at j omployiUB 26,400 apiudlea, the yearly ..... , . , , . ! manufacture of which amounts to 2,200,- jetod by hie B«od or bad conduct aa an | ()()|| ponnd() of yaru uf differenl «... officer. If be is connected with personal Tbia (; reo fc yftrn )a largely displacing the interests in Massachusetts, that sooms to j English article in many of the Levent I markets. Large works for the weaving Port of PoHton. The people of New " f , Hampshire do not know Simmons per- ^ • 1 unnallv anil tliav Ufill tint lilt A n.YiNo machine iH building at Au burn, N. Y. Htenm is tho motive power, and by it four sets of wings are moved. Tho machine is described as “something of tho appearance of a turret tower to a monitor, carrying above it a maht of a vessel, with spars attached and swinging nround it, with a balloon basket suspend ed underneath." The triumph of David Kalakaua, late election for a King of tho Sandwich islands, may b t regarded us a victory for the homo rule party and u defeat of the carpot-haggors. Queen Kiuma was tho enndidato of tho missionaries, and her election would have boon preferred by tho ropresontativos of foreign govern ments, but tho latter promptly loot their assistance against tho ex-Queon's party when they resorted to violence and revo lution. Tin. Massachusetts Legislature will vote to-day for a United Htates Henator to succeed Mr. Sumner. The probability seems to bo that Mr. Curtis, tho Demo cratic nominee, will loud on the lirst bal loting, but us his vote is not likely to in crease, there is no chance of his election. Late reports say that Judge Hoar will probably bo tho loading ltopublioun ou tho first balloting. Tho Legislature con sists of about 205 Republicans and 75 Democrats. Tiik Philadelphia Inquirer thinks that Hon Hill's suggestion that tho South sends too many gonoralH, colonels, majors and captains to Congress, is applicable to tho North as well, nnd says: “At tho next election for Congressmen tho voters of the Union might do a great deal worse than put iu prnotice Mr. Hill's covert comiHul—leave the generals, colonels, ot ootorn, at homo, and send to Washington, if not statesmen, nt least jurists, mer chants, bankers mid manufacturers." |To which we will add farmers J -CM>l C*~ A oohqksuondknt of tho Now York liertild, who accompanied the British army to CoouiasHio, does not think that the results of the war are altogether sat isfactory or honorable to England, lie soys that if Sir Gurnet Wolsoloy’s orders were to burn Cuomassie and defeat the AshuntooH, Sir Gamut has obeyed thorn to the loiter, but tho Ashuntoo power is not by any moans crushed. Tho more burning of Ooomassio and the killing of about. 2000 AshuntooH in live battlos can not compensate England for the loss of 1'1,800,000 and the killing and disabling of 1100 of her sons, besides the Ions of over two score of valuable men by dis ease. • A HEAVY I.ONN. We nro satisfied that tho loss to Geor gia by tho lute freshets in the rivers and creeks will amount in the aggregate to hundreds of thousands of dollars. All of «>ur exchanges report tho loss of bridges, dams, fences, &0. In some counties bh many as half a dozen bridges for ouch uro reported goiio. Tho tax on tho oouuty treasuries alone to repair the dumagos must be very considerable. These plan ters, too, have lost in time, fertilizers and feneos, and their farming operations have boon seriously impeded. Tho dis aster is undoubtedly a grant one, and falls upon a people already laboring un der grievous difficulties and disadvan tages. We hope that it will ho met with a resolute determination to make good and judiciously apportioned crops yet. :ess of construction at tho —Hon. J. M. Fra noin. THE HOWE MACHINE CO. JJAVINO be a question of Htnto politics not ordi , - f ... , . _. . .. . ,, I of cotton cloth, the iirst in Greece, nnnly likely to affect purties in other j n „.„ Htates. lie may favor this or that co- i p torie in the dispensation of his official ■ patronage or the distribution of subordi- | nate officers, but that is a matter direotly interesting only tho citizens of Mass- chuhotts. All this is true, if we take a view of the mutter extending no further than this. Hut if we look upon Siuimons and his patron, Butler, as the representa tive of “the ring" system in politics, wo I will see that tho appointment wus one of more oxtonded signifl lanco and bearing. Tho corruption 1 of “the ring" system were nevermore strikingly shown than in this appointment of Himmons, with its connecting circumstances. Simmons, as a Federal officer last your, did effective work in support of Butler's nomination for Governor. To his shrowd manage ment and active exertions Butler owed tho choico of u number of liostou delegates friendly to him, when tho pooplo of the districts which they represented were strongly opposed to him. Tho nomi nation of Himmons wns intended as a reward for this service of last year, and to give him an opportunity to render still greater service in the same behalf this your. .President Grant may not so have intemlod it, but ho certainly permitted Bailor to enginoor this nomination in his own interest. This is shown by the fact that Hie nomination was unsuccessfully opposed by both Hie Senators and u ma jority of tho Representatives from Mas sachusetts—ull Republicans. By Butler's iullnonoo over the President, the Federal patronage in Massachusetts was organized and directed to the upholding «»f a per sonal clique in thut Htnto—not to liie advantage of the public service, or even to the support of the Republican party as a whole. Thus it is that tho contest over Sim mons’ appointment orfnnnnnds an interest and political iiilluouco outside of Massa chusetts, and is regarded as only an inci dent of a policy affecting tho wholo coun try. Butler is the distiuctivo represents- | live of that policy, because bis wholo I course has been one of political intrigue \ and the perversion of tho powor and patronage id the govern tin. ends of party or of self. Thinking | other Nat tonal Hank- men of ail parlies cannot fail to soo that ' ** State Hunks and this policy is making tho government one Furniture nnd Fixtures of corruption and oppression. They soo * tho ncoossity of making a stand against i’roinluins paid it, oven to the disruption of old party ]||i| H ot other National Hunk*. REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, I \iriLL ATTEND PRoMJ*TLT TOTHKSALK. W KENT AND PURCHASE R£AL ESTATE iu tlib City and country, aud will advertise the ■.true (at private salt) FKmf OF CHARGE, uq!m> tbe property la bold. For Sale. VACANT !/)T OV LAND, being tba wait por- du ol the “Nance lot," oo Bryau ■ reet, adjoining ie residence of Hon. M. J. Crawford. Call toon if you want a bargain. fobl‘4 tf CITY LOT No. 601, on Mclntoeh street, with three dwelling* on the same. Will he sold together or separate, at a low tigare for cash. j*27 VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY, situated in tho bueiuum < outre of th city. Will sell at a great bargain, or to an acceptable party an undivided lutereftt. The property can be made to pay a large interest on the investment. A DESIRABLE HOL'SK AND LOT, with ten acre* ground, in Llnwuod, one mile from 8. W. R. R. depot; a very comfortable and deairable home. JOB PRINTINC. *.e in the City at prm tice la hereby given to ail Interested the undersigned still hu« charge of the hii*it and any order* for Machines, Repairs, Needles, or FINDINGS of any kind left at Dr. E. C. Hood & Bro.’s Drug Store, or through the Postofflce, will meet with prompt attention. J. F. REEVES, Agent. mlrlj dlw*w2t SEALED PROPOSALS For Repairing Upatoie Bridge. act to replace 1 a 1*0 to | laco an additional Hingi* the of the lattin I bridge. The Comml*al .tier* wll i'-it r ipilro l, »i< I the hid* will In ritit Louie F. (Jut runt, at Jan ird. PETER PRKKK, W. O. WOOf.FOLK, LOU 18 F. GAltRAlUJ, Notice. O N AND AFTER APRIL 1ST, I lie Boat* of the Central Line Will leave ColumbUH on HAT- UKDAYrt AND WEDNESDAYS The Kiuiinluy bout only will go tl I ichlcola. ground. For Rent. A STORK HQUHK in the valley of Talbot county at a cross-road, three miles of the Chalybeate Spring*. A very desirable location for a Dry Good* and Grocery bnsineee. sepl7 Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER, BILL HEAD AND Statement Paper, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of which can he furnihhed printed at short notice, at low Cash Hatks. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Thos. GUltoort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, GA. BANKINC AND INSURANCE. J. RHODES BROWNE, President. OEO. W. MLXJHOHAlt. Ca*Ue- GEORGIA HOME RANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. FOR SALE AND RENT. For Rent. LARGE ROOM8, with side entrance, with une u! parlor nnd kitchen. Parties can board with family on very reasonable term*, If preferred Uou*e l* well located. Addrtta JaVi tf L, Box 184. House and Lot for Sale ON LOWER PART OF BROAD ST. rjlIIK lot I* j<| aero; tbe house has three buy.- ro; tbe house has , hall and ail uec Hidings. Will bo sold cheap to Apply to nhZ2 tf Z A. WITTICII For Sale Low. SCII0I.AKSI1IP IS Tnn mkdioai. coi. I,MlK AT UVAN8YILLB, INDIANA. uovO tf APPLY AT THIS 0KFI0B. GROCERIES. CHOICE Croam Cheese 20o per lb., 1 New Currants 12 l-2o “ Turkish Prunes 16 2-3c per lb., Fresh Fox Crackers, Milk Crackers. Cracknells, Niok Nax, Ginger Snappets, Bakers’ Premium Chocolate, Irish Oat Meal; at Tin-: CI.0SK op iiI’sinmsn on tiik S7TII ^ urc Apple and Wine Vinegar 50c gal, Report of the Condition or THE Cliattahoncto National MY AT COLUMBUS, In the State of Georgia, !ltY OF FEBRUARY. 1S7I. Rl’ISOU IH’KH. 1)K. ns and Discounts *100,^71 55 nlrnflfl W.228 VH S. HoihIh to Mooiiro circulation loo,ooj oo t’. S. bonds on hand 600 00 Other stocks, Itontls and mortgages.. 11,800 00 t tu HllDBorvo Jino from apurovud redcomlug and 1 * 06,086 88 4,408 :j: ! 3*2,610 I'.’l ! | Italian Macaroni 25c per lb., ; Fine Teas at very low prices. 16,o; • in 2,805 48 107 18 . 881 U.» I 603 06 1,007 00 Hanks. ..w... *o all who fully ntuuohoud its dan- Hills of Htnto H« - tlu <vf , , J 1 1 , . Fractional enrrenoy, includnickels 2,028 07 j^or and roaolvo to resiftt it, iiullor ia .Specie 1,834 oo ospmnnlly obnoxious, ami they will l'qjbt Bfgal i cutler Notes 32,66 i oo llutlerinm (which is a Hyuonym of *‘iin^' politioH) as well iu Now Jluinpsbiro or any uthur Statu in tho Union as in Miihhu- chuNotU. LIAHIL1T1KS. oaly. ♦'174,243 44 OR. t’apltnl Stock paid In ♦liH),fHK) oti Sit rid ua Fund 20, ooo Oo Exohnngc 2,8’.»2 3b Interest 1,868 40 . # , Frotlt amt Hoss 4,608 78 At a mooting of ropruHontutivea of tho t’lrculutlng Notes, nutitandtiig 90,ooo oo “Hipml UlKbta AH^uoiuIion of Alabama ’ !CSSK^;i'tts U “ h0, ' k : "5SS S (an organization of the negruea), held ou j “ ** State Hanks and Hunkers... 467 uh Monday laHt, it wan resolved to oall a $374,243 44 Oouveution of “tho colored people of tho STATKUK aKOHUJA, ^ | tho Stile of Alabama, through their proHontativoH," at Montgomery on tho 25th of Juuo. Wo boliovo that this is tho ttrat timo u nd RubHorlbcd be to this 24th Tin: Yoin:i.i:8N. n rcapoiihc to tho oall wo made yonte I till* hubt Of Sworn to . March, 1874. K. M. MUtiYORD, Notary Public. I, U. W. Kdwards, Oashter of the tMiatta- hooehoe National Hank, do solemnly swear convention of tho negroon exclusively has ( Jhaiand^feilef * 8 ‘ ailed in Alabama. It is to be i U ° K it. W. Kl)WARDS, Oashh dotor-’ t’orrect—Attest; ]{. b. MOTT, ) JOSKP1I KY1.K, J IMrccto S. U. MURPHY', S mh25 It day to help tho dumb man, wo have hod several responses. One gontlontAn gave nn ton dollars, dosiring his narno not to bo aiu!*tiouod ; and from others wo coived : nvoral dollars. A lady who would not leave her nnmo sent us a bundle of clothing and provisions ; uud Dr. Colzey has generously taken charge of the Hick man. In company with tho Duotor, visited tho houoo whore tho afflicted man and his old decrepit mother livo. oall it a house by courtesy, but a more wrotohod, dilapidated, uucoiufortabl and worthless place it wotild bo hard to ituagiue ; bo worthless is it, indeed, with its broken windows nnd unhinged doom, that the poor old widow di 1 not know tho owner. Sho found it v cant, and with her helpless sou sho (.icd to coal it with her little means into the semblance of comfort. A shoot covered tho space once occupied by the window, but it rose and ilappcd above the solitary bed, which she shared with her sick sou like n banner of death. It was a cold day, but they were not rich enough to afford much tire, two sticks tried to keep each other warm ou tin hearth. The mother must bo near eighty, but all the happi ness set-und to have left her face. She appearod sick aud iutlrui, very helpless in deed ; oue that needed care and nursing herself, but there lsy her emaciated, coughing, broken dowu son, and weak though she was, all the love of tin* old wo mans heart nerved to exertion for the saving of her boy. Nho was very grateful, poor thiug ; ihuukiug us for the sppatent lease of life sho imagined tho modicine we Lad sent would givo her son. He whs dear er to her, no doubt, for his very defects. Oh, the pure unselfishness of a mother's Jove.' He, poor fellow, dumb from his birth, could only write with his long thin linger*, and look pleadingly as if to road hope iu our Tacos. We trust some of our good ladies will take charge of these poor people. They will know more what to do with th« money than we and we will hoped that this call menus » initiation to cut themselves aloof from ' u few white adveuturors who have here- j fore marked out tho coiuso and ap- l opriatod most of tho honors aud emolu ments of tho Republican party. If tho | negroes intend to maintain a political J organization of thoir raco in tho South (a policy to bo deplored), they ought to ( manage aud direct it for themselves, and | not sutler tho dictatorial intrusion of a , few whites who only want to use them to 1 procure office ami power for themselves, i Lot them, in this Oouventiou, show that , they really aspire to bo froomnu capable , of inauagiug thoir affairs for themselves, and they will command moro rospoot for j their race than they will by continuing i under the guidance nnd leadership of the j whites who, contributing less tliau one- j tenth of tho vote of tho party, have here tofore appropriated nearly all of its of fices, especially of tho higher class. ROB’T S. CRANE, nidi 15 [febt il«m] Trintue. F. A. POMEKOY, AT IIOOUl;l«’S COIINKR, CALLS ATTKNTION TO Choice Whito Shad, “ Fresh Bay Fish, " Mobile Cabbage, “ Celery and Lettuce, “ Live and Dressed Poultry, “ Fresh Country Sausage, Sparc Ribs and Backbones. A Okuicu Lot <>r Frank Crackers, Sugar Jumbles, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snapa, Lemon Creams, &o. Apples, Onions, Potatoes & Turnips. Also ubuhI Family Supplies and Faucy Gro.erios T. J. Pearce & Co., (Suc< <>s*ors to William*, Pparce A Ilodo,) Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, R espectfully auntmn llit- public that they Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER BOOK-BINDER Blank Book Manufacturer, (Old Sun Office Building,) hamioli'Ii vr.,V»i.i:.7iHi:s, cja. I AM now prepare and dispatch nrd cry description, viz: LETTFft HEADS, NOTE HEADS, HILL IIEADsS, STATEMENTS OF ACT, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BII.LS AND CIRCULARS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS Ac. LEGAL BLANKS. Railroad Receipts, Hills Lading, Ac in book or loose, Hlnuk Hooks of nil kinds, with or without piv b il heads, mudo at short notice. Giving my on tire attention to Job Printing and Binding,lnui onublod to fill all (tr iers promptly at LOW CASH PRICKS, guaranteeing ratipf.ictIon, Ordors from abroad receive same attention ns If parties were prevent. Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who livo at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound- ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY'.—By the terms of the Company’s charter, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for ths obligations of the Savings Bank. directors: J. RHODES BROWNE, Fron t of the Co. N. N. CURTIS, of Welle,Onrtin & Co. JAS. F. BOZEMAN. Onpitalint, Atlanta. J. R. OLAPP, Mnnof'tr, Clapp's Factory. Hon. JOHN McILHENNY, Mayor. JAMES RANKIN, Capitalist. L. T. DOWNING, At!orney-at-Law. D. F. WILLCOX, Scnretary of the Co. JOSIAH MORRIS, Banker, Montg'y. CHARLES WISE, masr4 eoJAwlt 1S4D. 1*74. D. GENERAL F. WILLCOX, INSURANCE AGENT, 81 Broad Stroot, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. \Vk copy tho very latest report that wo have boon able to fill A concerning tho Bald Mouutain exoitomout. It is a tolo- graphic dispatch dated Marion, McDowell ( cornuv, N. O., March 20th : • Tho Bald Mountain, in tho southwest ern part of McDowell county, was shaken a few days since by volcanic throes, and some of tho inhabitants iu tho neighbor hood becniuo much excited and alarmed. However, oue of the oldest citizens says that tho shock was not severer than it was in 1812. Wo have no reliable information of the emission of either fire or siuoke. l’wo parties of geutlemon, one from Ma rion and the other from Rutherford, started for the disturbed region to-day.” —The French Government, acting on the recouuuoudation of tho Committee on Fortifications, Iias determined to keep for the next five years 6,000 pairs of carrier pigeons for breeding purposes for service in wartimes. Each fortress will have a military pigeon-house, aud each pigeon- house will contain 1,000 birds. Two gen eral stations will be established, at each of which fit),IKK) pigeous will be kept. The German fortresses at Metz and Stras bourg have been for a year past connect ed with other German forts by a system of carrier pigeons. H. F. ABELL & CO. NOW HAYK Mazeppa Flour, RiiMvtt Potatoes. Northern Outons, (Silver 8kIn). Goshen Butter, Cronin Cheese, Pino Apple Choose, Florida and Silver Drips Syrup, Now Layer Raisins. Horse Hadlsli, Imported Wine* and Cigars, Zautn Currants and Citron, Now Olive Oil and Olives. ;■ -• s nurehaaes delivered. in Bankruptcy. Nk>. libti. <• rt'tlce that on tit** 21 at day . 1874, a wnrraut iu lUtikrupt thoir friomhi n rontimm buttltn they will keep a sootl Groceries, Plantation Supplies, die, Which will bt* void low and Htrictly for cash. I Ja3l 3m T. J. PKAKCK A CO. A lull stock of OeorgiA Deital Blanks always on hand. id Alabama teb6—It FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, - - $529,364.92 Boston “ “ * “ - - 180,903.89 Total Aaiets- Gold—January 1st, 1874, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Losses Due and Uupaid None. Losses in procoss of adjustment, or adjusted nnd not due $22,598 Oo All other Claims 1,615 52 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Income, 1873 $01^,887 78 Income, 1872 526,217 8T Gain $ 93,66® 86 latftsca Promptly Adjusted and Fairly Mettled by G. GTJNBY JORDAN, Agent, oct22 ly COLUMBUS, GrA.1 SAVE YOUR MONEY! lit.* t | ** tttion, ud dot ivory r of any pr ■data of Edward \\. So nty or ltnrris, nnd Stn > ndjuiigi'il a ILtukrnpt . »f any premrty b«*lo him, or tor In* u*«* »l*orty by him, n CICARS. T1IE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good News to Smokers I .1. IVowmnn & Co. HAYKJ08T OPKNKI) A RETAIL CICAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbia, and to meet the deimud for GOOD Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c., thev have laid ill, ut great expense, a magnifleent ■lock. Give them a call, and enjoy, nt the lowest price consistent with living, the beat a moke j ou have ha t for mauy a day. Remember tho place, J. NKWMAN k CO., tnhl 3m 144 Broad 8t. •eting eJito d.leu by of (he debts, a or more assignee* of hi* estate, will be held at Court of Bankruptcy, to la* holden it Colmubu (la., at the office of L. T Downing, before Lennn T. Downing. Kn.|., Keylater. on the Irttlx day . April, A. D. 1ST! at It* o’clock M. \VM II. SMYTH, Unittd State* Marshal, as Messenger, nth Notice in Bankruptcy. * 28(h day DELICIOUS ! DRY COODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT Call attention to the foct thut they aro selling Dry Good, of eve y description, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Ac., TU CASH ltl Yl II*. At.ocli prices in will t,e ,uro to plnu. ~ll who will roll To arrive 16th iiiat., a uow cnee of Spring X»t ints, &Cs Jal6 l’KACOCK & SWIFT. ECONOMY! Do you know that you can Save Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BRO.? Foreign i Domestic Drv Goods BELOW COST! Their Spring Stock IS UNRIVALED! Cali and he convinced. No. 69 Broad Street. i*f i* ah.* ha* he **« n iu tition. aud that tlio pi and the deliver) of an) pr *jvi Bankrupt, *o him oi i . I*.» h i or any property 1*> Mil j •ung .-tiii. . and tlu* Iran* •rblddrn by law .<• said Ibtukrupt to prove thvir debts and to t s un-.M of his .vtat.’, will b» hell at a Cour ltaukruptc), l» be holden at New nan, 0a., at Court House, before Lemuel T. Dow mug, F^.pt Register, on the 4th day of April, A D., 1871 ,.’clock, j mltS4 2t NOTICE. —The priests who died of yellow fever iu Memphis are to have a fine monument erected to their memory. Five of them lie side-by-side in Calvary Cemetery, aud os yet there is nothing to show when or | * WYNNK, (fori how these martyrs of humanity died. Ka ;um*r j I send thoir accounts through tlio Bo At I cannot cell in parson on all w bo aro indebted to the late firm of RAG LAND publisher* of tht Columbus While living, they did not swerve from retpectfully urge them to call at my their duly, but nobly faced the danger, Carriage Kcpoattory and tattle. I’nhi miaiBtermg to the want* of the sick aud ( dying, until they had finally to euecomb to the fell destroyer. It is eminently proper that their doed* should be kept ! green in the memory of their countrymen j this . 1 shall be compelled to pt n other hands for collection. TU0S. K. WYNNK, Surviving partner of Ragland 1 W\nu* nibiil vUawlt LOUIS BUHLER, The Tobaccoist, On Randolph Mr, ct a few doort b low the En- i|uirer Office, house with HKD 81UN, lias Received Day A new lot of ‘‘Culebras" Cigars Delirlotw indeed, at reduce*! prie-t. Two new brands of Cigars, Perrique Smoking Tobaoco, Lone Jack Smoking Tobacco, Eureka, Durham Smok’g “ Fine-Cut Cigarette Tobaoco, Fine-Cut Chawing “ Finest Plug “ ht here. A new lot of thoto ••Rustic” Pipe*. MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would be no trouble to become Independent. EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS DEPARTM’T, Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, TreasY. MERCHANTS' IND MECHANICS OOLUMBUS, W. L. SALISBURY, Presid’t. F brunry 5th. lt>74. tf G-EORGIA- A. 0, BLACKMAR, Cashier HIDES. Ever broi 'all ani examine. uh3 tfj a few dot LOUIS Dl'IILKK, i bvlow Knquirer Office G KORGI A—MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—Whereat, T. D. Tlntloy, one of tba executor* of the w ill of Thomju Kaglaod, dcreated, hae made ap plication to r*«ign hit office, to ■how cause cant should n trust. (liven under F„*bruary, 1 (47 4 teh* ddUi therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to file their objection in mv the firet Monday In May next, l*e permitted to resign hit said my official eigaatnra, this — V U BROOKS. Ordinary HIDES! HIDES!! WE WILE DAY THE Highest 3Iarkct Price FOR Green i Dry Hides, Furs, Beeswax, &c. BARNETT A CO., C raw lord Ktrcrt. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp) (OYTDri'EN TO OFfr'ER THE PFBEIE INDEMNITY mint Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000,00, She Wants a Chance to Get It Back. J, RHODES BROWNE, GEO, W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH PrcNhlent. olumhut, Oct. l»t. It*’ Trrannrer. M. M. HIRSGH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Street*. Hides and Furs a Specialty. Will I*»y the Hlffhrat Market Price tor Hides, Furs, Beeswax A Rags. All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. REMEMBER! THE NEW YOKE STORK IS STILL SELLING AT Panic Prices ! OUR JObVIN TWO-BUTTON KID GLOVES AT 90c. A PAIR. ONLY A FEW DOZEN LEFT. S. LAND AUER A BRO. Kov. M, l»f». ’ '[n*bl«-eod4wlj3 Haw Terk