The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 26, 1874, Image 1
Columbus Enq uirer. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1874. TERMS or Tint DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY 1 BWQUIRMR. alpred'rTIdalhoun, Proprietor* Two lve months, in sdrsuco *8 00 months, “ <00 Three months, “ 2 00 One month, “ Too. h'KESLT Enqciiusb, one year 2 00 Sumbay Enquitob, one ye»r 2 00 SrsDii snd Weekly Enqdibkb to- pother, one year & 00 Advertising Buies. square. i Mono,,;; ,5™ * .. •• 17 00 . .. •• to oo •• W 60 5 .. “ 25 00 j ?qnaro 1 year 00 The above ii with the privilege of a change every tlireo months. For yearly orde a liberal dia- 4 iuut will be made. Tli.) Weekly rate* will luvarlably be one-third of the Dally. When an udvet tlaomont la changed more than once in throe months the advertiser will be charg ed with the cost ef composition. Foreign adver- tiaera must pav as do those at home. GEORGIA NEWS. WASHINGTON. CONGRESSIONAL. —The Fort Valley Mirror flays that Mr. WilliatuH lost about thirty head of cows by the freshet in Flint river. —The Vuldosta Times says new Irish potatoes and green peas have come into lashiou down there, though there was quite a resectable frost lust Saturday week. —The Savaunalt Hews learns from a private dispatch that Mr. Wm. J. Cole, a young met chant at Blackshear, was bru tally murdered on Sunday evening, but has no particulars. —The programme of the 20th unnual parade of the Macon tire department has been arranged. It is to take place on Wednesday, tho loth of April, and is ex pected to bo a big thiug. —The committee of the City Couucil of Atlanta have agreed upon plans for materially improving and beautifying the Fair Grounds, on which tho Georgia State Fair will be held next fall. The race track will be moved and made exaotly half a mile in circumference, the pond enlarged, Ac. —The tramp of the U. S. Deputy Mar shals is fetill daily heard on the mountains of upper Georgia. Last woek Marshals Blacker and Fiudley, assisted by a detach ment of infantry) arrested twenty-five persons accused of illicit distilling and selling of liquor, in Habersham, Rabun, and Franklin counties. —A letter to the Rome Courier reports the burning, on the night of tho 18th inf-t., of tho summer residence of the late Hon. William Dougherty, on Lookout Mountain, with about fifteen hundred dollars worth of furniture. The firing is supposed to have been the work of the siimo incendiaries who burned Cedar Grove Church. —Some negroes stole a lot of bedding, ou which nmall-pox patieuts had lain, from the hospital near Forsyth; and now there is great fear that the disease will be communicated to others and spread in that locality. The bed clothes bad been bang out, with the intention of burning them tho next day, and during the night they wore 6tolen. —Tuesday was the day appointed for eponing proposals for the hire of the Stme Penitentiary convicts. The Atlanta Jfemhl says that up to Monday evening uotu single bid bud been roceived at the Executive Department, and it apprehends that with the oxception of the foroe to be omployed at Indian Springs, the keeping and support of tho convicts will be thrown upon the State, —Tho Cleveland (Ohio) Herald men tions the return of several well-known citizens from a Southern trip, having vis ited by invitation a very extensive gold mining property at Dablonega, Lumpkin county, Georgia, lately purchased by a resideut of Cleveland. They expressed confidence in the abundance of gold in this mine, and are about embarking largely in tho mining of this precious nietal. —In the Supremo Court of Georgia, on Tuesday, judgments of affirmance were roudered iu the following cases : Patrick Gorinley vs. Wm. D. Chapman, from Tal bot; T. J. Johnson vs. Wm. Scott, etal., from Talbot ; Joel T. Johnson vs. J. II. Lovelace, from Harris. Judgments of reversal were rendered iu the following cases: W. U. Garrard, ex'r, vs. Charles G. Moffett, from Muscogee; F.zokiol B. Smith vs. James Whittle, and John Da vidson, adm’r, vs. Same, from Talbot ; George W Sizemore vs. B. P. Pinkerton, from Stewart; Louis Wimberly vs. E. A. Adam--, from Talbot. ALAHA.KA NEWS. —Three negroes entered the store of Mr. Seth Grubbs, in Cl tyton, on Friday night, made a murderous assault on him, and r ibbed h.m of $155 in money. Two of thorn have been arrested. Mr. Grubbs was badly injured, but is reported to be recovering. —An illustration of the low prico of Alabama lands may be fouud in the fact that tho owner of n plantation is williug to soil to auyhody who will make a crop to the extent of its capacity this year, aud give him tho plantation for the mop.-- Mobile Graphic. —The following new mail routes have recently been opened in Alabama : From Rutledge, via Helicon, Argus, Arcadia, Strata, Mount Carmel aud Hickory Grove to L itohatchoe. From Ozark, vu West- ville, Daleville, High Bluff und High Fulls, to Geneva. From Abbeville, via Cureuton'rt Bridge and Echo, to Czirk. From Troy, via Union Iiill, to Clayton. —Concerning the freshet in the lower part of Alabama, the Ozark Southern Star says : “We have heard already of several bridges being carried away, and several others are expected to follow. All recent Senate. I Washington, March 25.—Fouton, from the Finance Committee, reported favor ably on the bill to refund customs duties to certain parties in New Orleans. Placed on calendar. 'The Rock Island City Counoil petitions against the removal of the military prison. Fifty-one firms, iron founders aud oth ers, in Mahoming Valley, ask for more currency, and free banking. A bill removing the Kickapoos to In dian Territory was passed. Finance resumed. A vote of sutue kind will be reached to-morrow. Executive session. House. The House met at, ten o'clock to dicuss cheap transportation. The Committee on Banking Currency was ordered to inquire, and have parts of the government security printed at difier- ent places to avoid fraud and forgery. The Sutro tunnel occupied a great part of the day. It was claimed that the tun nel was in the interest of smaller mines, and that a quarter of a milliou had been put up by monopolists. The House .esumed the cheap trans portation question, and nearly reached a final vote on the bill to regulato inter state rates of commerce. It will bo passed to-morrow. The principal feature of tho cheap transportation bill is the appointment by the President of a commission, who shall, on data to be ascertained by them, fix schedules of freights for the various linos of railroads, which rates shall not he ex ceeded without a violation of law. also aims at preventing unjust discrimi nations between relative points ou lines of railroads. Washington Nolea-l'onuulttec Re ports. The Postmaster General wants an in stallment of $500,000 upon tho $1,000,- 000 needed for postoffice buildings. lie thinks the most economical plan would be the erection of new buildings similar to the Patent Office. The Committee on expenditures is look ing into tho accounts of United States Marshals. Confirmation. Wm. Ingsly, Postmaster at Marion, Ala. The report of Judgo Lawrence, chair man of the House Committee on War Claims, to said committee, on tho general subject of war claims, was considered, und after considerable modification, au thority was given to report tho same to the House. Messrs. Hazleton, Melliah, Scnddor, Wilson and Heluian, signing a statement to the effect that, while they believed from the examination they had been able to give the subject, that the law applica ble to the various classes of claims before the oommitteo was correctly stated : yet they reserved the right to consider indi vidual cases of particular hardship or Buf fering on their merits without prejedice. This statement was not signed by Messrs. Kellogg, Smith, Harris and Merriman, though it .is not understood that they will make any report on the subject. Tho conclusion arrived at by Judgo Lawrence is that the Government is not legally bound to mako compensation for property used, damagod or destroyed in the lute war by tho United States foreos, but that whatever is done is to be consid ered as an act of grace to mercy. TEI.EURAPIIH' —Oliver Ditson’s music storo in Boston is burned. Lorb—$75,000. —Major Randall had a fight with the Apaches, killing eleven warriors. Thirty women and children were captured. —A tenement house at Williams’ Bridge, N. Y., was burned with a mother and throe children. Husband aod two chil dren escaped. —Platte A Boyd, of New York, whose books were seized by Jay no, July lGth last, have beguu a suit to recover $50,- 000 damages for trespass. Other and similar suits against Jay no are threatened. —Vice-President Agnillera, of tho Cu ban Republic, is iu New York, and re- )orts that his visit to the cities where Ou- •ans rosido, to elicit subscriptions and or ganize expeditions, have beon quite suc cessful. —The Spartcnburg and Ashville Rail road, one of tbo links of tho projected direct connection between Charleston, S. C., and Chicago, was orgunized yester day in Charleston by the election of C. G. Mammiogor, President, with a strong Board of Directors. —The Chenp Transportation Conven tion, J. W. Allen, President, mot yester day st Rock IsLud, Illinois, with uinn hundrod delegates. Tbo speakers devel op a wide diversity of views. Among tho resolutions of a general character is ono specifically favoring a Hhip oanal at tho mouth of s o Mississippi. —Tho i • of Mrs. Baines, who, with L jr children, Mimed to dentil in Mott Haven, Now York, lias been recovered. The body is burned to a crisp. Eleven families occupied tho building, who have been made destitute. Nothing wns saved from the flames. Loss on building $15,000. Barnes escaped with ft child by jumping on tho next roof. —Iu June, 1872, Belle Secor, a young girl sged thirteen, w is outraged aud mur dered in Mercer county. Ohio, and two men named McLeod and Kimball, bus. peeled of the crime, were lynched by tho infuriated citizens. A few day < »g MARKETS. BY TELKUKANI TO ENQIIRER. Money aud Stock Markets. London, March 25.- Consols 02aV»2$. Erie 8l>j. Pauis, March 25.—] .os 60 aud G5. New You March 25. -Stocks nctivo nud stroug. Money 5. Gold 12$. Ex- chaugo—long 485$, short 188. Govern ments stroug and active. Stato bauds quiet and nominal. New York, Mareli 25.—Money in active demand at 4u5 per cent. Exohnngo firm at 4854. Gold active and advanced to 112jall2,‘. Governments stroug and ac tive. Provision NIarkctN. Nkw York, March 25.— Flour dull and unchanged; wheat quiet aud un<\\\filiS°B; corn quiet and steady: pork flu,.*. $10 25; lard firm, 0$ fur steam. Cincinnati, March 25.—Flour quiet and unchaugod. Corn firm at 02 for mixed. Provisions quiet and firm. Pork—$17 askod; $10 bid. Lard firm aud steady; 0$ asked. Bncou firm—shoulders o\‘; clear lib 8‘; cleur sides !>|. Whiskey steady at 02. Louisville, March 25.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn 70. Fork firmer. Bacon quiet and unchaugod. Sugur cured Hams 12a 12j. Lard, tierce, 0 ; ,‘. Whis key 92. Colton NnrketM. Liverpool, March 25—Noon.—Cotton quiet and unchanged. Sales 15,000 bales, including 5,000 for spoculatiou and export. Later.—Uplands, nothing below good ordinary,shipped in February,8 .*5-Hi; do., do., deliverable iu May and Juno, 8$. Sales include 9,200 American. Liverpool, March 25—5 p. m.—Sales of uplauds, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in February und March, 8$; do., do., Hhippod in March and April, 8$; do., nothing below low middlings, delivery in May aud Juno, 8 5-1(5. New York, March 25.—Cotton dull THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. ViiiH iiiii MihIIi me in « nrrnntod not to cn alii » •ii»i;Im particle of Mkni'urt, or any injurious illliernl iilbutHll.e, I.lit |* Pt HKI.V VKUETAHLE, filnliin Southorn Hooth and llorlm which rdghts will lie nlil|>p.*d by by i kune* wutghtUR not over olio but (16(1) pounds will I.h received dully nil vldei 1 ihh placed in U will cure all IMmm»ri>n raiiNcil lij Ooruiiito* incut of the l.lvmind llowcln. Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicine 1« eiiiiue.itly a Family Medicine; and by being kept ready lor immediate wort will h.*v any an hour of an (Taring and many a dollar in time and 'ItIiir SPECIAL NOTICE. South-Western R. 11., Alt' Forty Yearn' triul it in i tlie moat iin<|ii illfled tcNliuionialN from |»«iaona of the higliertt character and roapon nihility. Eminent pliyliciaim commend it «« tin MOST EFFECT!' t1, SPECIFIC FOK DYKPEPftilA OK I.MMUENTION Armed with thin ANTIDOTE, all climatea am IrtHRi'i Him ,d limy be MAI. AH IOCS FKVK118, HOW KL COMPLAINTS, It KSFI.KbHN Kt*S, JAUN DICE, NAP8KA. HAS NO Etd'ALI It is I lie Cheap.- - in ill- World ! J. II. XEI l.l & t O., MACON, I! A., and I'll I LA IlKLPII I A. I'l ire, $1.00. Sold hi all Druggist*. Douglass, of Fort Wnyue, (nd., on his sales 871 bales; uplands lbjj; Orleans 17. death bed, confessed that ho committed the outrage, und afterwards participated iu tho hanging of the two innocent men. Fut 15 15-1 MASSACHUSETTS SENATORIAL ELECTION. Boston, March 25.—Joint ballot for U. S. Senator to-day resulted as follows : Dawes 87, Hoar 82, Curtis 74, Adams 15, Banks 5. Sanford, Whittier, Wendell Phillips and Bullock had one or two votes exeb. Total vote 281. EXPLOSION. MFTEKS PERSONS KILLBU AN1» WOl'SBED ON THE .MIS- HISSIPPI. Memphis, March 25.—Ibe tow boat, Cresent City, from New OrleaDS for St. I.oiii-, "itb live sugar and cotton barges, exploded this morning. The barges wero burned, eleven persons killed and Boveral hurt. Tbo Cresent City was valued at $70,000. At tho time of tho explosion she had 14<) pounds of steam with water lloes. Twenty minutes before the explosion the engineer in charge at tho time was aft watching a fire hook. Ho cannot aceouat for the explosion. The barges in tow had fivo hundred tons of coal, six hundred tons of sugar and two hundred tons of queensware. All wero lost, l onr addi tional dead. None of the bodies of those killed have been recovered. Eighty TIioiinuihI l>»llnr Fire In DiiIIiin, Tex an. Galveston, M.ireli 21.—A special to tho Heirs from Dallas, Texas, dated March 21, says : “A destructive fire occurred in this city la»t night. Ten Htoros were con sumed ; loss not ascertained, but esti mated at $80,000. Fully covered by in surance. ” Killing; of nil Arknnmis .Indue. Little Rook, Ahk., March 21.—A dis patch from Forest City, Aik., states that Judgo John W. Fox, Judge of the elev enth Judicial District, was shut, with a double-barreled shot gun, this morning, by J. It. Aldrich, a lawyer, and died this afternoon. Judgo Fox was on his way to the post-office, from the hotel, when Al drich stopped him in front of a drug store and said, “Now, Judgo Fox," and fired. Judge Fox sank to the ground, exclaim ing, *‘Oh, Lord! I hid a dead man !” Al drich fired the Rooond barrel of tho gun aftor Fox had fallen. Aldrich delivered himself up to the Shetiff. Tho origin of tho difficulty is not known, though it is thought it grew out of Romo remarks to Aldrich by Judgo Fox while the latter was on the bench. —Tho San Diego l'/lion of the 1st says: Tho California Boot Sugar Com pany has completed its arrangements for rnoviug its mill from Alvarado, in Ala meda, to Soquel, in Santa Cruz county, iu April next. The stock of beets of 1875 amounted to 8,000 tons, and they will not be fully workod up for several months. The yield of sugar for this crop your will be about 1,500,000 pounds. The company lias now been working steadily four years, extending its opera tions ovory year, but koopiug the details of its business from tho public. Tho re peated onlurgemeuts imply that there is not much loss in th e rogular business. The motives for moving tho mill to So quel nro, that laud aud fuel can be bongbt there for fifty per cent, of tho price at Alvarado. A thousand acres are to be planted with beets this season, and this area should yield not less than 2,000,000 pounds, or 1,000 tous refined sugar. The Sacramento Beet Sugar Company iutonds to enlarge its operations this your. Most of its beets are grown at Davisvillo, and hauled fifteen miles by rail to the mill. Flies from Annotino Horses.—According to Uochard, a French voterinary surgeon, a simplo method of preventing flies from annoying horses consists in painting the insido of the ears, or any other part especially troubled, with a few drops of ompyrou- matic oil of juniper. It is said that the odor of this substance is unendurable to tlies, and that they will keep at a distance from the parts so auointed. If this treat ment should accomplish the alleged re sult, it may perhaps be cqtiully applicable in repelling niuskotoes from tho face and hands of tourists and sportsmen, when passing through woods or meadows. —A now .cctric whistle for locomo tives is now coming into use in France. It is intended to take tho place of switch signals : opening the switch causes a cop per plate, a short distance off' in tho road way to become electrified. A metallic brush on the ongiue transfers tho current to the whistle, which is opened, and re mains open until tho steam is shut off by the engineer. If iho engineer is neglect ing his duty tho fact known by the continu hurtle opened us foil 15 27-52; May lfi ll-52al Mi 15-llitHi 27-52. New York, March 25.—Futures closed quiet; sales of 17,11)0 bales, i.h follows: Marc li 15 ,'al 5 25-52: April 15 25 52a 15 15 10; May 10 5-10 »1 7 11-52; Juno 10 15-lOa Hi 27 >42; July 17 5 10al7 7-52; August 1 -Hia 17 25.—Cotton quiet Receipts 170 bale* Augusta, March middlings 15$ Charleston, March 25.—Colton quiet and easier; middlings 15$a 10; low mid dlings 15$; good ordinnry 14$. Boston, March 25.—Colton quiet; mid dlings lOj: Savannah, March 25. —Cotton quiet and firm; middlings 10. Memphis, March 25.—Cotton quiet and unchanged; receipts 015; shipments New Orleans,March 25.—Cotton quiet; middlings 10$: low middlings 15$; good ordinary 14$; ordinary 12$; net receipts 5,207; oxports to Grout Britiun 5,400; sales 2,000; last ovening 2,000; stock 271,055. Mobile, March 25.— Quiot and easy; middlings 10c; low middlings 15.{c; good ordinary I4$c. Galveston, March 25.—Quiet and of ferings light; good ordinary 14&C; mid dlings 10$c. DR. TUTT’S HAIR D » (lint ttu ullixr cljo <!< FOR SALE AND RENT. For Rent. Q I.AltGK ROOMS, with Hida antrattce, ul parlor mid kitchuu. 1'arlivH can In family on very rraeinnliln term*, if JIoiino is well looatBd. A'id r*»» J ; i *■' • I L I House and Lot for ON LOW Kit I’AUT ()t IIUOAII ST. rpiIKIol in >4 ncro; tin) Iiound Iihh tlm nA^ I lurRo rooms, hall nud all iiifOHHar)’ |{£li out i.iiildiiuia. Will hi* Hold rhi'Hli to a ca»h PJJi Sale For Sale Low. * SCHOLARSHIP IN TIIK MEDICAL COL LEGE AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, uovr, tf APPLY AT THIS OPFICK. DRUCS AND MEDICINES. J. I. OKIFF1N, IMPORTED ►Drugs 8i Medicines^ PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS, at ii»:di'ci;i> I'liirt s. MiT I'r.-act iptiotiH can* All «««' '»•*«" fully prnpsrod at nil !i JnlH rteodfcwly A. I. GRIFFIN, IDS Brood 1 nee made ud of the THE WEATT IiEPAKTMLNr OP Wtn, Take Notice. J N thirty dnyn from thin date, having tin* co *oi,t of my huahnud tic-r-to, I will become Kr«* Trader. DOHA J. KKILKK February 20th, 1874. lm* Wood, Wood! JJKST WOOD, ready naw. d, fl.Mi.- « r, r d. Wo, Western Railroad of Alabama. ... Mfj.j /Ssrvray \j w 54* HOURS TO NEW YORK NIKE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York! ;Jow Kork and New OrlGan: Hail Line, V K8TKIIN RAILROAD OF A I AllA.M 'OR NEW YORK, DAILY, II A l( I.OTT I: NO. 71. Now Advorti8omonts. A ouvrs MAsmn. d IIIy • s.u.iph - in.*!hd In*,*. N. II. \\nm Ni Wftlk, N. $78 A WEEK TO AGENTS.-K«<t HHinV:, 7.17 li load way, 4w or SOUL Oil AltM- l‘**r m*x may liiM*limto Huaihaia *»I any person l hi- .-iin|-1 o iiiontal nc- In***. l»y mail, for rrl.ini* Riililt’, r.Kypllan • I*, bail iu.-*, Wedding- »***r l ook. Aildrena T. . Phlla. 4w AN ACCIDENTAL CURE. RUPTURE TRUSSES ", li- dnul nil.•••!. I'll,I id* I|dna. .ri.l 7;i7 Riot. I wa \ , N. N llmai. **r j .|..*,i„.. | ,i,„ialioiiB. Iw For Coughs, Colds, Hoarsonoss, AND Al L THROAT DISMASTS, TTsio V/£LLS'CAIUiOLlC TABLETS 1*UT III* UNI.Y IN III.I I. IllIX UN A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold Ly llntEvl.M. 4w ‘•EDEOOIJAPHY,” a ... I. Ureal Reduction in liit I'rirr of FRUIT TREES. Applo Trees" i,;V.-V'iw*” "" Pencil Trees 1 '' i!o,'))•'■• ><>"■ \ u ii \ I i sov, iii. ...ui ji. u,.. i iik'l"li I .10 a at l , liilad..l|dua I :to NI(m>|»Iiik t urn TKAIN8 AHltlV Atlanta, c Ii if* It cal incdicia I <« tifliorillcw iirope say liio strongest Tunic, Purlflur ouhstriiDiit known to tho medical world Im JURUBEBA. [•sts -Irony ul vital tun-os, exhaustion ol vigor to thu iluldl -.1, olo <o MiuiloH* HIM IIU8 DAILY bn< in V\n\\ hii-Is *1 *1 n In udo lo n I lm I.Ivor and MIN Q. lv Kb Fro.ii Mo ny ii Tlckota for till AH. I* IIAI.L, It. A. IIAGON, Agent. STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves NATHAN CRuWN,*-, Change of Schedule, Southwestern R. R. O N and after SUNDAY, Man li 1st, I will run a-* follows : I'AHHKNllKK AND MAIL THAI ro CollllllhlM • • Z .IU l*. DAY F It Kill IT TRAIN VI HU 11, I'OWKHH, Kn y-ym Oolurnbus, Gii., /OULU r"H|K'.:lLilly Invili* tin xllnull'.u w st..« !* of HTOVKH, HOLLOW AND TAMI'KD WAIIK, IIOUHK-KIJHNIHIII NO (iOOD.-', Sr Also TIN W’AHK.nt wholosahi aud mtail. M.inufiicfuror of TIN, HIIKKT IRON AN COI'PKK WORK. Roofing and Guttering •I Mi a t In: \yr~zt MISCELLANEOUS. IIIAtlO.MI M'lATAn.l S ! WE WANT I HST-4 I. ANS Orders filled |ir ly on apldici ,MUHC'KiY.Y. MA WashINoton, March 20, 1874.) Probabilities.—Vox the Suuthorn States, southeast and southwost vrinds, falling barometer, rising temperature, cloudy FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. I weather ami min.^ ^ ^ SHIP NEWS. CUBA. Madrid, March 25.—Don Jose de la t Concha who succeeds Jovellar, receives i Savannah, March Airivet » an utuors are expectea to iouow. ah reuuui- umtun, who ’ . j . (; , r „ lRn u-.l \ntoi- ly ploughed lands—and the farmers wero the title of Governor General of the An- Jacinto, Americ a, German bark i ° ... , .. .i •_ l ... ..... t j _ ...ill .. »• rr , t F Aarpil • Stnrmv never so well forward with their work— uro terribly washed; the fences on low lands are gone ; tho poblic roads are ren dered very nearly impassable, and much time and labor will be required to recover from the efi'ect of tho general disaster.” —A South Australian man has just dis covered a care for diptheris, which has been used in the colony with great suc cess. It consists of a dose of four drops of strong sulphuric acid in three-quarters of a tumbler of water for adults, and a smaller dose for childreu. til!c*«, with unlimited power. He will J nette, Effeo J. Simmons. Cleared: Stormy have supreme command of (Juba and Por- | patrol, Ankothor, Morouco Chipmau. j to ttico. Burriol is to be made field Mar- Sailed: Steamship Loo. Assignee’s Sale OK Crockery, (Jli i na A G lass \1 It.T.J. DoVORK lm vine anwign**.! hi'entire 4 >t Ht*;tk "f GKO* KKItY, Ilol .-K KUItNIHII- lNO GOODS Mini a Oool IRON hAKK, togeiher with hia Hooku ami AfcuunU, I am h-l)ii.g at GREATLY KKDUCKD I'RICKH, at tliu OLD STAND, on Ramlolph l»etw»*. n Ilr"i*1 ami Oitltathorpe. I'artiea indebted to Mr. I*. Y .i*. will |1-.'<• r»ll ami settle. MM- MR. ItOBT.ItT A KNNIfi will have < liarga . KNN IF. A'algn shal of Tticon Arezino. CXOLAXD. Knvlisli Rncee. London, M»rch 23.—At Lincolnshire spring meeting to-.lav, a race for Lincoln shire handicap was won by Tomahawk, of Oxford; Mixture was second, and Hhy- look third. Thirty.fivo horses rsn. REMOVAL. AMYET & YOUNG H AVE removed from their old eland 0 n-w nturr formerly a* th** Hi Corner, ..n Oglethorpe •tr.-t, '-ppoeiie Mehaffey’H Hag Office, where they have a »:•< Htork -.I FAMILY GHOGKHIKH, and woul pleM.*d t G K will plin Cotton Pool. HOTELS. Chewalla House, r.iiluiilii, Aiitlmiim. A. J. RIDDLE Sl WM. SMITH A, I'HOI'H I FiTolt,-. •I ll K THA VKI.bNG I I III.D - i„„Ht . * .. I fully invited t.iglvn ii** .. . .ill. \> • will .1., 11,. I.chI we ran I*, i.loaei*. mill I hi. Rankin House, Co’nnihiis, («u. J. NV. It YAK, Prop’r. 1 Frank Golden, Olork. Ruby Rcstuunuit, Bar and Billiard Saloon, UNDKIt TIIK 11A N It IN lioL'HK. in y 24 dawtf .1. W. HYAA, . BOOK AGENTS i. s. HONDSkiriii^^Kr W. K. Handy. ani* M A It HUAI.1/8 l.l Y I. OK Gen. Robert E. Lee. TiritvHtri.i. mtoTiiKits, IJnltirnoro, Md, KwollInt'N i Illootl I>Ih ITctoritl ]>i m nud all Skin Hint 11 v Il.*t Vf.iifhrDiI it w111 rum tho most rim' ruiigh Di halt BOILER MAKINC. GEO. T. GIFF0RB, Boiler 1VE<-1 t t * and Sheet Iron Worker. REPAIRING dom* with def.pnt. h, at II. II. I: dei a Mar.Illnc* Fliop, Goet« Inn- JManing MiIIh iiit.l h pt-i-ffc uy » f“. !'■" '•mug cough, a«H)tfi ll,g Jri Hail'in, OI.'I relD v!: g eon-n. -M. S.-lti livVl Ururd-'t". It. V.S*IlilU’i:,17I.I>^ \Vorl<Pn DlMUCiiwarv. iluilulo. N. i. WACOM MAKINC. Wood and Blacksmith Shop. J. H. MOSHELL “DirectTrade Fiiion.’ To the Patrons of Husbandry. rjn rici:. »'..**<• I! K ii'K, K- ,g|i rt ll . -<f Apr.1 liTl I Monday m May iinaten Mill he re..,rdi*.l Ly Railroad' utl.e t„, t„. flMt "I April, i -t-kl.old For Sale. f i !:l. IN MKRUIIAN1 - y WILLIAM W. IIKARD . M. KLAD.