The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 26, 1874, Image 3

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jaassssssssi Mfiifi COLIMBIS, UA.i TIIUH8DAY MARCH 2G, 1874. Senator Humner'i Wll«. \Vtt!*l»in*cton Correspondence Courier-Journal. His beautiful homo iu tbis city, with its choice collection of books, paintings, statuary, and everything that a highly, refined and intellectual mau would tuke pleasure and comfort in, was destitute of the highest charm which embellishes a home—the presence of a wife and the voice of a child. She whom he uhose for wife when his early manhood had ripiued into maturity, was all unsuited for his doep and earnest nature and riponed in tellect. She was a beautiful and chariu- iug woman, but disappointed her husband by possessing u violent temper, which was uncompromising and unyielding in regard to his wishes. Thero was much scandal when, after they had beou married a year, it was ru mored they were separated. It was said ho was jealous. If she had rightly prized the possession of his great heart, then would she nevor have given him occasion to be jealous; but, without being a wicked woman, she simply defied her husband s wishes, and, taking refuge in her wouud* ed pride, which repelled the thought that her husband should insult her by a doubt of her purity, she left him and did some unwise and imprudent things. He, too, was proud and unrelenting, and would not remonstrate further; and so they parted six years ago, the Legislature of Massachusetts granting him a divorce scarcely more than a year ago, after a five years’ separation. Only last week d! 1 the wife apply to the Legislature for permission to marry again. She is now freed by a higher power, and to-day as I looked upon that marble face in the cof- lln while the whole nation were united in paying honors to tho cold remains, I won dered how that woman felt whose privi- logo it should havo been to be the chief mourner and object of the deepest inter cut to his friends. She alone is excluded from the ceremonies here and in Boston. Every man, woman and child in the coun try has the right to pay the tribute of a tor.r but she. At the funeral to-day, his father-in-law, Mr. Hooper, wept as though he had lost a dear brother. Mr. Sum ner's separation from his wife has never interfered with his friendship with the Hooper’s. I'aililoiiAble Heart Disease. Dr. L, 'mm lectured yostorday afternoon at Association Hall, iu the Ladies’Course. Sho said : Heart disease, among both ladies and gentlemen, is tho otio most in vogue ut present. A synonym for pseudo heart disease is indigestion. False modes of dress, by crowdiug the heart, cause it to boat irregularly. Remedy tho dross, and tho heart will healthfully porform its func tions. The heart is almost the last organ to bocorno dineasod, because it has a great work to do. Nature made it stroug and suppliod it with ns few uervos as possible. Women who faint, bs a rule, have too small cavities fur heart and luugs. Faint ing is a provision of nature for the rein statement of the body, by allowing tho heart a brief respite. When tho stomach is unduly distended by food, the heart is crowded and complains. Good, straight shoulders are highly essen tial to woman. If she possess an erect form, a woman’s heart has a better oppor tunity to beat evenly und healthfully. Many mistake a palpitating sensation of tho muscular wall of that portion of tho stomach nearest the heart for an affection of tho heart. Adipose or fatty accumula tion around the heart will often render its boating labored or heavy. The heart is not, however, diseased ; it is only work ing under difficulties. Prostration also affects the beating of the heart, causing it to pulsate more rapidly. Strength will remove this difficulty. It is a theory with Rome physicians that in a natural life tho heart bouts only a given number of times. If this bo so, running up and down stairs, intense excitement, hurry, by increasing the number of heart-beats in a minute, diminish tho length of one’s life. It is n well-known fact that a race-horse is not loug-lived, becauoe, having such a de mand made upon the action of its heart, the hoart-musoleB wear ont sooner than thoy otherwise would.—New York Tri bune, 20th. The \ew Iron Fortification* of Ger many. [Pall Mall Gazette.] The drilled cast iron gun-stands and iron-clad revolving turrets, which have since 18(J!i beou completely tosted in u scries of experiments on the great artil lery shooting grounds ut Tegel, will now be used for tho now works to be began in tho German fortresses. Two of these turrets will maintain a se cure communioatiou between the forts of St. Quentin and St. Privat at Metz, and two of the tlank works which will be at tached to those forts, so as to command the va.leys of the Mosselle and tho Seille, will probably be made in the form of the gun-stands above referred to. All the iron for these fortifications can be cast on tho spot, of any required thickness, in fouuderies specially erected for that purpose. Each of the works will ho constructed with h few huge plates, which will fit into one another by means of joints made in the casting. The gnu stands are each made to hold one gun only, but a number of them may, if accessary, be placed side by side, and they may bo connected so as to form a single work. The embrasures are made so small as to prevent the en trance of any projaclile fired at them, and the whole is protected by an earthwork with apertures to carry away the gas and diminish concussiou. During tho trials of 18G1> seven shots from a dOO-pouuder (the 24-oentinietro gun) hit tho plate of a gun stand of the kind without disabling it for further use. —The New York Pont, a Republican jouruul, which supported Grant for Presi dent, asks: “Why should uot this man Bntlnr, by right and justice, be deprived of his privilege to insult the country from a seat in Congress? Ho is there as the attorney of interests which antagonize the ( commercial welfaro und morality of the i country, llo is voting constantly upon ! questions which almost directly promote ' his woalth. Oakes Ames was sacrificed for fur less mercenary, if not less crimi nal, offenses than those of which Bu’ler is guilty, and why should ho any longer ho allowed to ride over public sentimont by tho favor of the administration ? * —The Boston correspondent of the Springfield Republican is discouraged over the figuring on the Souatorsbip at tho State House. lie says the Democratic strength iu tho two houses is about 75 ; the Butler men number about 60 ; the unconditional Dawes men (who are a'so anti-Butler men) perhaps 40 ; the sup porters of Judge Hoar (say) 50 ; the Ad ams Republicans 20 ; and the doubtful or uncommitted men 30. So that neither candidate is yet within sight of a clear majority of tho 280 members who will, next week, begin to make their selecti >u. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. nil Ilia LOTTERY. I MM WHOLESALE LIOUOR DEALERS. LECAL NOTICES. DR. I. T. WARNOCK, Surgeon and Physician. at Slaughter's Drug t-tore, Railroad it red. D11. J. W. H. WILLIAMS Offers his professional services. Office over R M Ur. eu A Co.’s, Ohambur* A It. R. Street*. nov2o Millinery. MISSES WUITE A TUCKER, Fashionable Milliners and Dressmakers. Guntleun-u'a blurts cut by chart measure, niul Uaiituteed to lit. Chamber* street, next to Kahn * dp good* atorc, j, p\ MRS. C. V. ltAULOW, Fashionable Milliner and Dressmaker. Sole Agent of Uutterlck A Co.’s l'atterus. At tho late hanking House ol bhuppaid A Co.. Opelika, Ala. mg. ’ Notaries Public. V. D. HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary Public for Lee county, respectfully solicits tlio patrouage of his friends. Holds Court 1st and 2d Saturdays of each mouth, at It. 0. liollitiuld's Uw office. ju23 Eating Houses. ROGERS’ EATING HOUSE, Right at tho Depot, open at all hours. Hot Colic and Mcuh for all Traius. Ja21 Furniture, Ac. At Panic Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer iu all kinds of Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Coffins, and Caskets. Jain Chambers street. Lawyers. A. J. VU liUis, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office opposite Alabama House. Practices iu all the Courts of tho State. J»3 Tailors. J. II. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Culling uuil Making in tlio Luteal Style, lie- pairing neatly done. South Railroad St., over Furniture Store. Jal Dentists. J. L. K. SHU 11, Dfuti.t, Does Piute Work and Plugging on reasouablo d-c23 j terms. Chambers street. Barber Shops. WESLEY llAIllllNUElt, Darker, Comer South Railroad t.uJ Chambers streets. duc23 UIUNOX A TURNER, Barbers, ~~ South Railroad street, uuuor Adams House. Hotels. ALABAMA HOLME, Convenient to business portion of the city. jal (1. >V. ALLEN, Prop’r. A DAMN HOUSE, When you go to Opelika, bo sure to stop at tho dee2A s House, opposite Passenger Depot. Insurance. K. €. BOWEN A NON, General Insurance AgcntN. Office. Railroad Street, over R. M. U rootle A C'o.'s A. O. Harwell having withdrawn from tho firm of Harwell, Griffin & Co., hns removed to Chambers street. His friends and patrons would do woll to call on him in his new quarters, and oxnmine stock before buying el.sewboro. Prices at panic ratos. jal8 stnl'wodff Treasury of Georgia, Atlanta, March, II, 1874. OP TIIE Western and Atlantic R. R., I SSUED bofore and during tho war, are hereby notified that they ran present them for exam ination ut tlio Statu Treasury, on und uftor tho First Day of April Next. Tho persou prosouting them will be required to accompany thorn with tho following affidavit, to-wit: GEORGIA, - I, - County. •, of said county, do solemnly swear that T am the bona fide owner of certain Change Rills of the Western and Atlantic Rail road, herewith presented, amounting to. (Leave this blank, as some, on examination, may be re jected as spurious ) That 1 became possessed of them iu tho regular course of business, and that I did not purchuso then' or any part of them for extra profit or speculation, and that I have hud them in my possession from ami uftor the tint day of April, 1883. (Signed with tho owner’i Sworn to and subscribed before me, — , N. P. or J. P, or any other officer authorized to administer oaths or take affirmation*. By order of the Uoiierul Assembly. inhlS tuprl JOHN JONES, Treasurer. Treasury of Georgia, Atlanta, March 14,1874. Holders of Overdue Bonds Stato of Ceorgla STATE TREASURY IN ATLANTA, Whereupon, if Genuine, those payable in New \\>tk or « U.-» h. r» • ut of the StuK- of Georgia, will bo paid .n Exchange on New York, if desired, uu 1 those payable at the State Treasury or ei where iu Georgia, will be paid in currency checks <>n Athens, Augusta, Columbus, Macou Savannah, as the holder may prefer. All matured coupons of approved bonds of the State < f Georgia, wherever payable, will be paid on presentation at this Depariment, and all paya ble out of tho State will be paid on presentation at the Fourth Nation tl Bank of New Yoik. NO INTEREST ON OVERDUE BONDS WILL BE ALLOWED after tho 3lst instant. Express charges tj le paid by tho owner of bonds. By order of tho Governor, tuhlo taprl JOHN JONES, Treasur Important to Farmers. M R. T, J. STEVENS is well kuown to the Planters of Georgia ami Alabama as one of the most reliable and efficient GIN-WR1GIIT8 in tho couutry. Wheruv* r he lias workod lie has givou satisfaction ; and. as he propones to make a tour iu a short time, planters needing Gin repairs should aw tit his coming. “Work w ell done is done.” mh24 dswtf NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. A Masonic Grand Gift Concert! 10,000 Pr zcs to be Given Away, Amounting to $250,000, all | n Currency. T U l?, 1 p nterprNo iieonlucted by the MASONIC It El. IKE ASSOCIATION OF NORFOLK, VA., under authority ol tho Virgiuiu Legislature, (act passed March 8, 1873.) for tho purpose of raising funds to complete the MASONIC TEMPLE, now u course or motion in Norfolk. There are no individual benefits to be derived f-ora this undot- taking—it is wholly in the cause of Masoury. Tho Concert will positively take place on Tuesday, the 5th of May, 1S74, aud no further postponement is guaranteed. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift foo (K)0 Oue Grand Cash Gift On* Grand Cash Gift Ono Grand Cash Gilt One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift 24 Cash Gifts, $500 each • r H i Cash Gift a, 260 oach 60 Cash Gifts, 200 each 100 Cash Gifts, 160 each 160 Cash Gifts, 100 each 5‘JO Cash Gifts, 60 each ’ ’ 0,000 Cash Uifta, 6 each . ’ [.. Grand Total, 10,000 Gifts, all cash $260,000 Whole Tickets, $6; Half Tickets, $2.50. Club Rates—11 Tiekots for $50; 22 Tickets for $100. DIltBOrORS AND ADVISORY HOARD. John I. ltoper, President; John li Corprew, Treasurer; James Y Leigh, Walter H Tavlor. Geo S Oldfield. John A Kusson. Duufol limited, Wil- harn^H Wales, M 11 Stevens, S Weil, Johu T Red- Ilia Excellency Ex-Governor Gilbert C Walker, (ol Kudor Biggs, P 11 P; John ! McDaniel, P G Commander; J J Burroughs, Cupl iiuuol L Waits, Virginia Legislature; Rob’t K Withers, G M G II P and 1) G C of G C; Col Thos F Owoun, P G M; John It Whitehead, Esq, Ex-Mayor; Col W II Tay lor, State Senator; James tl Bain, G G G G C. Address communications to IIKN RV V. MOORE, Secretary Mu-onic Relief Association, Norfolk, Va. N. B.—For further particulars apply to S. H. HILL, Express Agent, feb25 eodtd Columbus, Ua. FOURTH Grand Gift Concert. FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE Public Library of Kentucky. Success Assured! A FULL DRAW I CEUTA IN On Tuesday, 31st March Noxt! in order to meet the geuornl wish and expec tation of the public and lloKot-holderfl, for tho lulliuiyinontof tho tit-gniticenl gilts mm unc oil tor the Fourth Grand (lilt Concert of tno Public Library of Kentucky, tho management have determined to poatpouo the Concert and Drawing until Tuesday, the 31st of March, 8741 No Further Postponement. NO DOUBT Irt KNTBUTAl.NKD OF THU SALK OF MVUUY TICKKT HKFoKK TU It DltAWIMI, HUT WHKTHKIl ALL AUK HOLD Oil NOT Til K OONOBUT DllAWINO WILL l’OBITIKKI.Y AND UNKqUl- VOCAI.LV TAIvlt FLACK ON THE DAY NOW FIXED, AND IF ANY REMAIN UNHOLD THEY WILL UK CANCELLED AVI) THE PRIZES WILL RE REDUCED * PROPORTION TO THE UNSOLD TICKETS. Only 00,000 tickets havo been Issued und 123.000 Cash O-ifta, #1,500,000, will bo distributed ntnong the ticket-holders. The tickets are printed in coupons, ol tenths, and all fractional parts will bo represented in the drawing just as whole tickets are List of Gifts. ONE GRAND CASH GIFT $260,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 100,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 60,000 ONE GRAND CASH G1TT 26,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 17,600 10 CASH GIFTS $10,000 each 100,000 30 CASH GIFTS 6,000 each 160,000 60 CASH GIFTS 1,000 oach 60,000 40 CASK GIFTS 600 each 40,000 100 CASH GIFTS 400 oach 40,000 160 CASH GIFTS 300 oach 46,000 260 CASH GIFTS 200 oach 60,000 326 CASH GIFTS 100 each 32,600 11.000 CASH GIFTS 60 each 660,000 TOTAL, 12,000 GIFTS, ALL CASH, amounting to $1,500,000 Tho chancoH lor a gift aro ua ono to tlve. Price of Tickets. Wholo tickets $50.00; Halves $26.00; Tontlis, or each coupon $5.00; Eleven Wholo Tickets lor $600.00 ; 22J4 Tickets lor $1,000.00; 113 Whole Tickets for $6,000.00; 227 Whole Tiekots for $10,- 000.00. Nodlscount on less than $600.00 worth of Tickets. The Fourth (lift Concort will bo conducted In all respects like tho throe which havo already boon given, ami lull particulars may ho learned from circulars which will be sent Iroo from this office to all who apply lor thorn. Ordors for tickets ami applications for ngen- cles will bo attended to in the order thoy aro received, ami It Is hoped they will bo sent In promptly that thero may be no disappointment or delay In tilling all. Liberal terms given to thoso who buy to sell aguln. All agents aro peremptorily required to settle up their ac counts and roturn all unsold tiekots by thokuth day of March. T1IO. II. lilt A III LETTEf Agent Public Library Kentucky, and Manager of Gift Concort, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. [del3 «l2lawitw Tickets for salo and prizes cashed without discount on presentation by Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt. Prizo Tickets sold by mo cathtd without dis count. John D. Blackmar, Agont by appointment of Gov. Bnunletto, 82 Broad Stroot, Columbus, Ga. decl4 td BOOTS AND SHOES. Spring is Coming! “The buds are beginning to swell.’’ Likewise our stock is beginning to swell WITH LARGE ADDITIONS OF SEASONABLE COODS! L ceivod Toilet and I)re«» 8’ip|i Congress, and Button Boots, iu Serg“, Fine Pebble and Kid. —Tho report of the Texas State Super intendent of Immigration allows that in the year 1873, 125,000 camo into that fcJtato. Of these 37,3l»4 came by tho gulf through Galveston, and the remainder by land across the northeastern frontier. In 1850 the population of Texas was 212,502. It is now more than a million. The im migration into Texas in 1871 was CO,000, in 1872 it was 100,000. Dancing School. \f»LI.K R08A CAUNCROSS bus re- i v red from her illness, air! will commence her Third hession in D.inritig, at *ho Planter/ Hotel, Thurs day. March 6th, at 3 and 8 p. M. Twelve Lessous, $6 uo—payable in advam ACTS Of the Last Legislature, FOB SALE BY W. J. CHAFFIN. CHILDREN'S ANKLE TIES, black and in colors, neat and substantial work for school weur. Wo have all the faverit** styles for Men’s Wear in best hand—wed. and iu deeper grades of vrmk, all guaranteed r'T.ubb*. OUR STOCK OK Brogans, Plow Shoos, Leather and Findings, and can offer Inducements to ull tlmeo* of buyers. N. B.—We pay tho highest murket price for Diy Mldes. WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. ROSETTE & LAW HON,i . s»ie» WHOLESALE AND RETAIL or 13 ealers, H 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. AYE NOW IN STOKE A CHOICE SELECTION OP PUKE AND UNAD- ultoruted Liquors, Homo of which arc three and four yonrw old. HonucHsoe Brandy, Poach “ Apple “ Cherry “ Domestic “ Janmcia Kum, New England Kum, Holland Gin, Doutoalio Gin, Port Wine, Sherry Wino, Madeira “ Malffga Wino, Martin Whiakey, Bourbon “ Cabinet “ Irish 44 Kyo 41 White Corn Whiskey, Adam Crow’s “ Weller’s Bom bon “ Kobertson County Whiskey, Tom Mnoro Kyo “ White Wheat Pa. Dow Drow 44 The abovo is offered at wholesale and retail, in quautitios to suit purchasers. f»«bl 8 tf KONKTTK A LAW HON. DRY COODS. J. KYLE It. CO. R ESPECTFULLY announce to thedr friend®, customer® and the public generally, that their FAI.I. AND Wivrr.ll STOCK OF DRY ilOOUN IS m w complete In every department, consisting of every article usually found in a first cLimh Dry Goods House. They were bought during .“■"** Id a •espoud with the times, for a first cl si tho money panic in New York for money, and will bo cash. Air We still keep a large line of IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION I ALSO, A SPLENDID LINK OK LadieN 9 , and Children 9 *! NIioch, of tho Latest Style ami Bent Make. Also, a Beautiful Line of Carjiets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Prices. MILLINERY. Bargains ! Bargains !! Millinery anil Fancy Dry at Panic Prices WILL, ON AND AFTER TO-MORROW, OFFER HER ENTIRE , OF MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOOD/OR CASH, AT PANIC PRICES ! LOTTERY. LOTTERY OF REAL ESTATE! THE GEORGIA Real Estate and Immigration Co. OFFER THE PUBLIC THE FOLLOWING SCHEME : $126,000Real Estate in Georgia. 640 ! WHOLE TICKETS ONLY SOLD. CAPITAL UKIZE, - - $23,000! TICKETS $10 EACH. lNt ntld 4’uplfitl i*rla<» An Improved Lot in the city of Ailnnla, situated at the nerof i.oyil and Wall streets, within tin feet of the Union I'usm-nger D«po tool front and running buck 110 foul, to 20 feel ulb y—a new and eii-guntl) < htructed four-stoiy building tin munis—ran be reiib d ul $ pur annum, valued > PRIZE—-A City Lot on west side .1 .‘‘pnng stiei t bet we, Atlanta, fronting I'M feet, and running back 200 I is erected a new and elegantly built dwelling lioi dious rooms, bus I don hitli rooms, store rooms, wnl water Works Httaidu-d, hot and cold w iter )>ip* s, aud all rooms and sleuping apar t- One of the most desirable i lly resident es in iim Hoiitli, valued ii 3RD PRIZE--A Farm iu the far famed Valley, I'oik c-muty, Georgia, iu i bn from Cedar tow n, containing 320 a< n-n - bill cleared, l.alaiu abundant running water, < oinlortahle buildlugs, etc., \uliu d at., 4tii PRIZE—A Purm Valley, Wliite eoiinty, i.eorgia, ■> ■cessary <>ul-huihlkng*. • ultivaliu ellillg, I houson: u valued at l PRIZE—A Farm of bOO acres, situate twenty mile* w-it of Macon, iu Crawtoid Georgia, iu the fork of Dig and Little Hr ha onn i creek*—half cleared and good state of cultivation, balance heavily temhcied with oak, hickory und In .gliilicMiit possessions of C’upt. Jus. II. Nolnrls, nty mibi good dwelling, e bill PRIZE—A Tract ot Land «»t 26 mile from the corporate limits of Augusta, < thereon, consisting of an elegant Irume 1. buildings, 111 good order, etc., valued at 7i 11 PRIZE—A recently Improved City Lot in Manet with a leu room dwelling house thereon, house, dairy house, stables, etc., within V Oue Prize of $7,'s Oue Prize of 4,61 On’Prize of 1,3 Three Prizes, each 1,H Two Frizes, each '•* Ono Prize of 7C 040 FrlZeB, amounting iu tin- aggregate tt , Uk , t tintiiining about I wo acres, 1 g ml repair, kitchen, servants' 1 Is >,l the railroad depot, valued at uli Six Prizes, eat I Six Prizes, each Six Piizes, each Six Hundred approximate) $120,000 CO MODE OF* DltAW IJNCJ-. There, will bo upon the ftnge two glusH whoolri, the contents of which can be seen by all the spectators. A committee ol two citizens, In no wav connected with the management, and ol undoubted integrity, having first counted ami uxatulneil, will place In the larger wheel 12,coo tickets exactly alike, and having printed numbers from one to 12,8 #0, corresponding to all Hit] tickets told. A similar committee, having first oouiiied and examined, will place in tubes pre cisely alike, the prizes,jwhlcb are placed in the smaller wheel. Both wheels will 11 oh be turned until their contents aro thoroughly mixed. A boy under ttfteoti years ol ago, blindfolded, will then draw from the larger wheel one of the 12,8 >0 tickets, and holding It up in full view of the spectators and auditors, Its number will be culled by the crier appointed tor this purpose, ho that all present may he tr. Tho number will then be passed to the committee of citizens, who will say whether tho number has been rightly called. It. will then bo passed to a registrar, who will tile it, und record it upon a book prepared for that j urjaise. A boy of similar age will then draw from the smaller wheel one ot tho tubes Containing a prize, which will bo opened und hold up to the view ot tho sp ctutors and auditors. Tho alu-ot tho foal estate prize will then bo cried, and passed to the committee, who, alter it n». Ion, will give It to another reg istrar to file and record. Tho prize thus drawn \ ill belong to the ticket n -arlng the number drawn Immediately before It. Thus this process will continue, drawing first from tho large wheel containing tho tickets, and then trom tho small or prize wheel until all the tuhoH containing the prizes are drawn. An accurate record ol the ubove will ho kept on nle, certified to by the committee ot dlstr.tcrcHted citizens officiating. The Prizes below $ k.-o in value are approximations, and will he determined del * aid as ollows; Tho numbers ol all the tlcketK|H<dd being considered f 11 a circle, numerically :orm*-d, and having tho highest number, 12,8 0, and the lowest 1, brought together, then whatever 1.umber In this circle may bo by lot determined to bo critlod to the Capital Prize of $2 -,00o will be taken a- a center, on each side of which the next 3 " numbers In numerical order will be counted lor the $1U Prizes, thus making on the two kMos of tho Hup tal the 8 0 nearest numbers, each ot which will he entitled to a lteul Jtsiate Prlzo of $10. All the 'rickets drawing larger Prizes will be oxduded, and the circle extended to include 800 on both sides ol the Capital, being 3 on oach side, it being the purpose of the management not to duplicate prizes. MONEY.—All money * *“ receipt of remittances, eived fros sale of ticket- will be dcpuBltod Iu Bank Immediately « R. M. Waters &. Co., 56 Broad St., New York, receive Deposit Accounts on favorable terms from Banks, Bankers, and Corporations, subject to check at sight. Loans made only on Cotton and Approved Stock Ex change Collaterals. ties thereto to theOeor themselves totrutiHicr a Real Estate. Tickets cun be had o agors, or i application, personally or by letter, to autlmHzo ! ,/4ftn * Provident CORPORATORS. Hon. WILLIAM SCHLEY, Savannah, < KOI)KBT SCHLEY, Ewp, Augusta. (Hi. Col. JAMES GARDNER, “ MrPartlcb desiring to dinp«> e of their 11/1U. bo sold ..II till KIK.'T I I k.-UAY Yf ABRIL NEXT. In front «.r tbu ail. tl.-n hoti.-iu ol Ellis .V llariisuii, In the eily ol I'oluiubtl 1 , following ilesri'ibuJ )>i.• pultv. all him itc i in tlio uty of Colouibus, levied oil to satisfy Htindrj ll Uw for la.vus due said eily of Columbus lor the year 1873: North part of lot No. fi. Female Academy square. " H ll iUlproVOUleUt tllel eoll, leillg oil. qlllll tel' of I an arte, more or less. Levied on as th properly 1 Rob’t M. Aldw. rlh. Amount « i tax South half of lot No. -127, with Improveinenls thereon, b. tug « 4 of nu acie, more or less. I. v ied on as the \ ropeny of \\. G. cieimms. Amount of lax $8 26. Bart ot lot No. lt.3, with improvements thereon, being store house now occupied by J. (’ Andrews. ; . . Amount of tax $346.76. One-quarter interest in water lot No -o q on as tlio property of D. .v .1. .1. Grant. Amount of tax $18.26 lad No. 387, containing 1 .J ucro, more of b with improvements thereon. Levied . u u- u,, property of W. N. llnvvks. Amount ot tax f >.* v... North half of lot No. 3!l6, containing 1 , of aii acre, mote or less, with iuiprovoun ids tlu-i.- u le-vled on »* the property of Ada Jones. Amount of tax $8.75. • Bart of lot No. 353, tiring l’6 foot front off of north part of said lot. Levied on as (lie prop.-ity of J. 0. Jordan, trustee for Julia (’. Jordan and child. Hi linn. Amount of tux *'.7.75 Houth half of lot No. L'.o, containing •, »>t uu ucro, more or less, with improv.-tuetils lliereon. Levied ou as tho property of A. It. Lamm, trustee forUatlie. II Lamar. Amount ol t.»\ f *t.. >. North half of l.dli No. •!*< '., . o-itaiineg 1 , an acre, tltoro or less, with improvements lliei on. Levied on us the property of Jason l.ewi-. less, with imprnvcuieii the property of It. G. Mitchell, trustee lor Seuly. Amount of tax $'•! '.'5. North part of lot No. 17f, frotdiri; on I streot Id feet 8 iuclies, mid i mining back 11’. Id III. lies, with bllll.Illlg III.-r.-Oil being t.-n No. 38. Levied ou us (lie properly ot .It se Wilder, trustee Mrs. C. Victoiiu Winter. Am of tux $ 3 75. Oue lullrnud box cur, levie.l oil us the pn | of the North mid Mouth Kuil|-ou<! ( . ll j Amount <d tux $l(d '.’5. Bull ten null settle liny ol the uho\< ruses l> the day of sale by pay ing the iiiimiiiI of tax iliud, togvthei with cost of advertising. MAT I’. \\ MUIIBII V mh8 ouvv4t Marsh Muscogee Sheriff Sale. ILL t'O sold uu the first Tuesday In May !■- and admonish all and siugului d creditors .»f said deceased to i Jhin the time prescribed (If i tbe have) wby- front id' the Broad streot, scribed p| ope let wm It t b'l legal b oil I s ol sale, diction bouse of Filin A llmr. Columbus, Ga., the following cl or parcel of bind lying mid bn • f Columbus, in mild eon lily, and plan o| said . ny as lot liuiub. r 2 n-lialf itci .* morx nr less. S..I.I molt gag.- ft fas issued Horn Musco> ol Win N II twits, In » F C Dlckc lit same time mi ' phi..-, all tlm «f land lying und being in said . o niid know n hi tie- phill ol -aid coiili i Itii rve, containing sixty-two (i r leS ’, xx 11 ll tile illlpl oVCIlieiilH t lx] ■ ' ’* ' until by 'I 11 o' I Tine Jmues F Winl.'i; mid ..u tin- west by lug fioui the M.t.oii toad to tin-St M tlio propel ty ol Georgia A Tlioinlo Uiongiige li la im-iin «| limn Mu.-eo « .nrt iu favor of Win N II .w In. 11. Home Building mi l Loan An d-«-i:itin ot Imni being Muscogee, botllliled Jain.-i, C (j, ok; ei*i by Hi- llmullt. by tbu residoiiru of ,V||m |-.|x m ill that • I lie bill Hli by Hi by tin- lands is lot I eing Hie mo- itwoi i a loll ot part Hit mil us .. • . 'ook Hr,) and Improveiiieii - prop, i t; c lliiglo lluglo-1, trustee for J. to satisfy llvn mortgage n in ihsind Lot gee Superior (’out I, m favor o| Win N i rousurer of Home Building and Loan Ah.. I'rop-rty pointed out in nnl li fas. place, soli Hi pmt iilning il1111y • l U i limn II and . Iiil.lien, land No 473. • mid 'I'liotims streets, m leil o-i as the property i t-llv i Maliab y Holnn-s :es. Broperty pointed out by |daiiililfs 7- I" w2m II. 0. IVKV , Slit m Muscogee Sheriff Sale. I Tm-nday in April t,. Northern Idbertiea (routing mi Jackson stio-i 117 t riiuiiilig l.iok east M7 |ect In in. Ill- property of llamptm " nton. F ‘' * j tho 8u Muscogee Also, at the same time and place, all that I or parcel ot land lying and lining in the cl Columbus, iu Mild i minty, aud known l>- lie- pi lot number one Inindn d and tlm I \ .lining one quait.-r i I all in n , mm< Lamm, or less. Ixwvlftd trustee, by virtue ol a inmlgag. Puperior Court of Muscogee . minty Muscogeo Sheriff Sale. \I,’ILI. be Hold on Hie IIihL Tuesday iu S V> next, between tin- legal Imins ..I sal- fore the auction bouse of Kills .V llmiismi, Iti Htriet, Columbus, (la., Ill - li.lli.wing dean pi Opel|y ml a butf mid.Mings Also, at same ipi-i ly ..I W It . my bands in Broperly point- I • -I V. Hi inn. i - Mu id | la - II.. alid e like interest III I In- la slan ts, as the property of John I. Miistain. city l<d No 227, and linpiov-ii . lit-. Ili. i. mi, property of Sual.oin Jmi'-s, il.-id. fold isly a II la issued limn Mil—ogee Mip. i im r. M t < Uto deueiiHud, iigalust Ki-abol u .1 I Islraioi of Feaboin Jones, ib-i’d, .1 and L Muslain. l i..petty pm ml.U Aid II . I\ KY. Sheriff Sales for Taxes. W ILL be sold on tl... I.mi 'I i-G.,,, ... / next, between tm- legal In.lirs ..I sal front of Kllis A's uu. ti..n b .i. - , li Hlieet, Coluilil.iH, Ha, Hie loll.w n•! i property,tu-wit : Lot li u III he r I 11, con I aim n - bad an i n.<... or property of it H Mitibell, tin n < n i A hi. .-> ,.ly, for Htatn and county taxes |..| llieyi .ii H id. Levy made and returned by William Mabalb-y, lawful Colisl tide. uilill o.i-,v •: If. 0 IVK1 Muscogee Sheriff Tax Sales. W ILL bo Hold on the lirst Tuesday in April next, between Hie I. g ll III.Ill' ol sale, ill front of the auction limi- ol I.Ills A llai i imoii. Broad stri et, (", Ga., the |>. I low mg <J. -. ill. ed property, to wit. i the properly of .MmMhiHii, •! N\ I r I n71 and I rTl I- \ y 'ni.-b ,’.d tV. H. M> Mi< l.ael, lawful (onstabb . me tl in* aiel pin. e. Hontli par t ol |. t, as tin- property ol Mrs hpivi-y, At snm*i tin.- pbe -, lot of land, pr*.p -rty ol Mrs Mat-and . minty tax for Is7 ! Bn. out I y tax - o||... t„r. Levy mad. by W M< Mi• !. o I, i . w fnl . on-i..1,1 At same time ,n.d P n II .1 tl. p . d .TJf, with inipi<>vein. n'a II city of ( l» right, for Mato .m ••rty pointed out by i returned to by W. .- Levy mad- an law Nil i miita ml. 10 w4t M V'' *P\ V MANAGERS. A. M. WALLACE, Atlanta, <i.». ILL. WILSON, J. D. WADDELL, “ stuto through tho Georgia Real Estate and Immigration CompanV In their next Grand Lottery, to bo drawn on July 1st, 1874, can do so by addressing JAMES GARDNER, Rro.'idcuL On. R. E. fit l. Co., Atlanta or Augusta, Ga. •luAGKNTS wanted In every county. Uiari:—dAkVVdm tl.I.IS A II.1IIKIWON, Agents, Uoluiubus, G* Administratoi’B Sale. A greeably to uu ordoi lium tin , tie Court of Or ]!n • iy *.r < li it *;. 1. .... I uuty will b- so’.d bib.ieGiu ComUn u-' d< iu Cu - ta Ga,. on tb- fiiat Tin nday ill A pi. in \', < • i v. ■ .. 11. usual liMlrt of sale, all of I i No. 1 acres in the N.W.roin -r; \Y. .t l til . t la.i No. I . and a I that part . I l a N 1 Luu.pi iu roiul, tl whole ol i 36*) acres, more or less. A small purl • ( said lain sold to perfect titles. Paid property . Him r.-u as tat* o I ll .i am f u ter, doer . • I ■ni.. a h '<. W. Fuller, Administrator, .KK Col.'ItT OF ORDINARY Mu!.a s I.ip pile. I f.,r .* ||oi.n«tead Aty and Beiaoi.ttUy. ,md l V iU pa rdry, the •-*' ltr« slmul.l ..... b,. t m..l.a »« »«u my ofllultil slKnutllro, Mon * 11 * F. M. IIItOOKS, Onlliiury. rjHOIt.lIA—MU8000HK COUNTY.—Mil. Noll,. It.t.tiiK n|...lI...1 r.i. l,.tt. estate .q Lafayette G' lieu Adiiiiuiftr.ttiuii m This is In the kin.In-.I and aj pr ir a M ' Vi ' Hu and aduioutsli all and singular, lid creditors of halii d, . . as. .!, to he ii my otlie- wdiiin Hu- tune proscribed I show e.ui,o (if any ll- > bav iwl.y sliotil.l Hot bo griilitud l<> Kill.I ttppli- lor my official signature, Ibis March F. M. BROOKS, Ordluary, ( t KOIUII A —M l'8Coii Ft. COUNTY.— .Ininn M V4 Thompson lm\In., . pp, ,| |, M - Letters of Ad istvaUen on Ho-. W|„. Thompson, ih is to cit- mi l nliimuish nil ntld singular, km lied and .- . i. H ald d.-. eased, to be appear at my office (b.. |||,„ prescribed i.isVi inli.t \ by lax - (if i I. U7I. mb \ x Llmiuistia "Hh’lttl signature, this March F M BI10OKN, Ordinary. COUNTY.—C at not William 8 Ii all and Hingulm aid .1....1, p, i , nm. appeal ». mx omc will.u, H,.. t„„„ -sc, il,-.| by aw. and nIkiw cans- ut any tlo-y I,ax.) w I,x said letters should u-l be granted to said .q.pli Given under my official iIgnaluie, this Mar. I. 2d, 1371. ‘"I'd w U ■ F. M. BROOKS, Ordinal) x 1 KOIlG I A MUSCOGI-.F. CM'NI'V -MnittuT " * ( l! ‘ ,| - : ‘" j'“Vtng applied lor b tl-i-ol Admin aald l.-l tel s 2d, lh74. nilid x It" I- and Iidtumilsli all a ,1 . i.-dil..,- of F. >!. BROOKS. R’ggkk county William B o< kindred and ei. dilors ..| . ,I .1, , id appeal at my .dll .- within lb- Inn i law, mid show .ails., (If aiiy Him .1.1 let t''| .1 mIi.iIiIiI not ltd glilllt.l.l I I. i w4l* official slguatuie, l F. M. BROOKS, • , 11 AT I'A llOOCII LIC COURT OF OK V Fell. 23J, |37I AVIinreas, tlm ap|> It. (’. Baltet.smi has been duly filed in ol ng peniou .t letters of Adminiatratio Ixiug, I..I. '• said eminiy , inn -.I ; Ieb27 w It ( ' tl ATT A l lone i -loie - and adiuoiiihl. I Wll.l.l A M A I ' l>> sabl applh why lei • oUlUNAUA s a| p ii a'lmi tor i -s.atu o| W.l- ■ ltd aditioiiisli all iu the (list Mon- sli-Mil.l not bo Wll.l.l AM A. BAULKY, wit Oi dm.ll y. t'i I A Ml S', .OH .cot ,NT\ - Tlimuas I hue hard, ail in i n i - f • itm ,.i Hie • state . Mel.migabl, ,l- -eased, npldl, m bn l-.ix-I l.-l.-i id d>. N (If I is March e I no- pi e-cr I bed I y law , .I slioiild not be gnu • ,-u under my official siguaturi i, I .I. lb > xx It F. M. BROOKS. Notice to Debtors ond Creditors. i.'I'Aoiis ind„btei| to Hie eslnle ol A I'll Mg. ib-MUMi-d, m e I eqUest'-d to Inn t" payment to tlm nnd-isigucd, at FI liaving demands against I A 1 ' i iu i If. KDDI Ml, Ex Chiittohooclicc Sheriff Sale. 'olirt House don "day i ' i nl. Api il next, within Hi loW ilig i|e* erll.ed pi "| my hands, is- s tl! li, l II. Ifya vor* ."i W il)lam ' H Hi • j roperiy of said ' II ATT A ll(M M’l C ti " and place, one lliiggy, l-vic it less warrant for lent, issue out I of ( hat tail...I. In-e . ..lint j ill'll, agaiiHl John I.. Hot u, a I John L. lU.iii JOHN M. SABB, Slieiin. Ill-: COURT OF ORDINARY. I’ka'riJk'y, Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. IRI.EABLV to all ordei Iroin tlm IIoiioi C. ill t ol Oidiumy «d Chat Inliooi Ime coll I- Hold b. Hie Court lloline ill ' , Ga., on Hr- iosi Tuesday m April noxt, • •iilily, as I be pro MILLINERY. SPRING MILLINERY. i.'.-T HFCKIV Ft! a •.'mill lot ■ li A I S mid O'l II l-.R NON Id T VI. I .Millin'- "Vi jH'i. I -i la Id im Mis- UO.N I.I.I.N DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Pago lllustra* * ted Catalogue of t B O O R S, S S.XSIIKS, III,INI.S, KTAIK KAII.S, NKVVKI.S, FANCY GLASS, Ac., M .:t• • 1 I-, any oim inti reded in building, KEOGH & THORNE, 1 ,' r.i, CANAL HTUKE'I, jyll .1.7 w Iy NEW YORK CITY. Choice Simpson Cotton Seed FOR SALE. Kitim-fl from Sch-cb-il Slallts, liy C. T. SHEPHERD. FRESH COODS ! rmi-MiMO & HOFFMAN ■ il • ... J ■ Froth Let ..r Dt'.‘ Prunes, Raisins, Figs. Choice Apples. &c. CHEMICALS—PURE ! FOR HOME MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW l'KICKS. E. C. HOOD & BRO.