The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 27, 1874, Image 1
mam——i - ■BBggaBaBgMBggggagga— Columbus ^istid JDJL.TT_,-yr Enq uirer. VOL. XYI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1874. M(). 72. TERMS j or THK DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY suvQuznxm. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. WASHINGTON. OOXUREStllOXAL. lenMe. Washington, March 2G.—West called TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. —The New Orleans printers' strike is ended. —Iu tho Ludington (Mich.) lumber yard, a fire occurred yesterday. Loss $(>0,000. —Seven of nine wards in Providence, K. I., voted for Itnrnsides for United Six months, “ Throe months, “ One month, M 76o. Weekly Enquiueb, one year 2 00 Sunday Enquirer, one year 2 50 Sunday and Weekly Enqueues to. gether, one year Advertising Rotes. 1 Month, « 00 in co 17 oo A) oo « 50 25 00 42 00 change BANKS. OKFICK OF Til K Now Advertisomontn. WORKING CLASS 'V' , " T Twelve months, in advance 00 np, in th. wurniug hour, the Honau bill 4 00 appropriating thirty thoueaml dollars to j Stal6a Senator. 2 00 continue the dredging at the mouth of I -Loae by the Creacent City exploaion . . ... .... . i near Uemphie. on the MiaaisBippi river, la the Uuaisaippt river. The bill petard, ! ( 3()0)000 and goes to the President. i _il ou . William Orion, of New York, After some diaonBeion, at 5^ o'clook thia ! Preeident of the Western Union Tele* afternoon, on motion of Wright, by a j graph Oompauy, has gone to Europe in vote of 31 to 26, the Senate etruek out eeareh of health. the first aeotion of the bill reported by j -At,tl.e Susquehanna depot in.Penn- u.o. * • I aylvauia, nine hundred workmen left the the Finence Committee, anl inserted an- ( Krie Uiilroad shops. The meroh from $ u oo other eection fixing the maximum amonnt the shop ..a made amid thexingM 3 1 of legal tendera at #400,000,000, instead' I' -lie ana reaming of whistle?. im of $363,000,000 as the Committee recom- u,rnin 8 ''«en crippled ; also the v ’ ’ : engines by taking out the pin. As fast as mended. ■ trains arrive they are fixed. Ouly mail A number of amendmeota woro offered, I trains can leave, and stook trains go only but without taking any further vote the I ©ant to Deposit,where the feeding yard is Senate adjourned. !° cttted ‘ ? rder of lh8 mon ’ the 8R - J Hoaa© 0008 ftr ° closcd - ’ . i —About 11 o’clock yesterday morning The Committee on Naval Attaint, upon between fifty and sixty Italians wont from the motion of Hunter, waa directed to in- 1 New York to Hoboken for the purpose of quire into the expediency of moving the j working on the new luunel of the Dele- ♦« u.w.nAeia I ware, Lackawanna and Great Western nevy yard from Washington to.Alexandria. | Railr ’ oad ,, UBt before UlBy nrrlved Bl 1 Square 1 year The above is with the privilege of every throe moutlie. Yor yearly curd* a littoral di* conut will bo made. Tho Weokly rate* will invariably be ooe-thlni of tho Daily. When uu advertisement in chained more than one* in throo month* th > advertiser will be charg ed with tho cost ef composition. Foreign adver- tiaors must pav as do tboso at home. QEORMA NEWS. --Gov. Smith has informed the “South ern Rifles,” of Talbotton, that at present it is impossible to procure arms for them. —A large pump manufactory has been established iu Atlanta. It manufactures the “Beau Pump." Messrs. Nichols Jk Treadwell, proprietors. —A Savannah uiau resorted to a novel method ot punishing a burglar whom he caught in his store. He stripped him stark naked and turned him into the street, where bo was soon gobbled up by tho police. —The Athens Watchman reports farm ing operations in that section greatly re tarded by the heavy rains. It also says that the peach trees now in bloom have been considerably injured by frost, large numbers of tbe blooms having falleu off. Tho Atlanta Herald, in informed that Dr. Joseph LoOonte, who lately left Georgia to tike a high position in the California University, has determined to return to this State. It proposes his ap pointment as State Geologist. —Iu tho Superior Court of Dekalb county, the other day, Judge Hopkins sentenced Tom Wilson and Dick John son to twenty yours imprisonment in the Penitentiary for breaking into and rob bing a store in Stone Mountain. Andy Ward, who broke into another store, was also sontenoed to twenty years in the Penitentiary. —The Treasurer of Talbot county re ports collections for taxes $5,455.48, pay ments $4,210.80—leaving a balance iu the Treasury of $544.02. He saya that when the remaining outstanding indebt edness is collected the oounty will ba out of debt. A good showing. Talbot is in a very favorable condition to build a nar row gauge from Talbotton to the North and South Railroad. —The Lumpkin Independent thinks the late rains damaged Stewart county three or four thousund dollars, iu the matter of bridges, levoes, orops, Ac. It mentions the destruction of several bridg es over the Hannahatchee and Turners oreoks, but says that they were “bonded bridges,” which the builders undertook to keep up for seven years; therefore the loss will not fall on the county. The bridges over the Pataula were not de stroyed. —Governor Smith, just rotnrned from Macon, informs the Atlanta Herald that the Central Kailroad, in accordance with a promise made to tho Georgia Legisla ture during its last sitting, has made the Macon and Western railroad a trunk lino, and will hereafter ohargo the same tariff for freight consigned from At lanta, or auy point on the line of the Ma con and Western road, to any point on the Macon and Brnnswiok, as if it was consigned to some point on tbe Central. —The Supreme Court of Georgia on Tuesday rendered judgments of ajflrm- ance in the following additional cases: Theo. Ewing, administrator, et al., vs. R. J. Moses, administrator, from Musco gee; W. T. and Virginia Dennis vs. W. J. Weeks, from Musoogee; and judgments of reverent in tbe following : Peacock, Chapman A Co. vs. Benjamin Peacock, from Musoogee; John Durden and E. R. Smith vs. James Whittle and James White; Sarah M. Brown, by next friend, vs. Elizabeth Kimbrough et al., from Tal bot. ALABAMA NEWN. —The Montgomery firemen will have their aunual celebration on the 15th of April. — A privnto telegram roeeivod at Troy reports the death at .Jefferson, Texas, of Mr. Frank Tark, formerly of Orion, Ala. —A convention of Granges was held in Troy on Saturday last, and a Council was organized, called Piko County Council, with Hon. Wm. J. McBryde as President. —The Hayneville Kx; miner says that Col. Francis L. Campbell, of Gilmer’s, Lowudea county, is a great grandson of Richard Ilonry Lee, the great Virginia statesman. —Tho several daily papers iu Mont gomery are having a lively and lart dis cussion of “personal" patters, and seem to be firing around promiscuously, each one shootiug wherever ho sees au ed to rial head popping up. The brethren are uot working together in harmony there. —A correspondent of the Tnskegee News nominates Wm. P. Chilton, of Montgomery, for Congressman at large for tho Sta'e of Alabama. This nomina tion is an excellent one,for Mr. Chilton is a young man of fiuo talents, superior judgment and habits of industry that well qualify him for the position. —Tho Good Templars hod a fine cele bration iu Montgomery on Wednesday. Tho order was out in strong force. K. W. C. T. Hastings, tho highest officer of the order in the world, was in attendant e and delivered addresses. Several other speakers delivered strong and entertain ing addresses—among them. Dr. Hick man and Rev. Mr. Buck, State Lecturer and editor of the Southern Templar. —An aero is 4,840 square yard-, or 66. yards, 1 foot, 84 iuches each way, A square mile, 1,760 yards each way, con taining 640 acres. An Irish mile is 2,240 yards ; a Scotch mile is 1,084 yards ; an English or statute mile, 1,760 yards; Ger man, 1,806; Turkish, 1,826. The fathom faix feet) is derived from the height of a full-grown mao. A hand, in bora# meas ure, la four Inches. the tuunel they were attacked by about one hundred strikers, who had been lying in wait, and put to flight. The leader of the Italians is thought to be fatally MARKETS. Honor introduced a bill in bankruptcy, allowing appeals to the Supreme Court when amounts exoeed $2,000. Resolutions directing the Committee on j Expenditures to investigate the alleged ir- ! regularities and frauds in the expenditures in the judicial districts of Alabama aud , Illinois, were passed. The Cheap Transportation bill wan lost by a vote of 21 to 11C. Butler, of Massachusetts, presented a new set of credentials for Pinchbeck. Re ferred to Election Committee. Finance discussed to adjournment. Wnnhlnftoa Nolen. Reardau, of the Charleston News, is here, looking after the Tax-payers’ delega- \ and active. State bonds quiet, tioo. 1’rovlnloii Markets. Nominations—Wm. O. Taylor, Collec- j Liverpool, March 26.—Sug tor second Texas district; Alexander ! on the spot; 24s. afloat [AGLE AND PHENIX Manufacturing Comply, Columbus, Georgia Paid up Capital, (1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HABIT OF SAVING ON THE PAUT OF THE OPERATIVES, AND TO PROVIDE A safo aud roliable arrangement for the beneficial acomnnletion < f the earnings of artisans and all cih'jr classes, this Company han established, under SPECIAL CHARTER FROM THE STATE OF GEORGIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, in which tho following advantages are offered to Depositors of oither large or siuaII amounts: • THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. This unrivaled Medicine in van-anted uot to c tain a single particle of MmcntT, or any Injurio mineral anbBtanco, but is 1M R KLY V KGKTAII I.E, containing those Southern Hoots and llerlm which an all wise Providence him placed in countries where Liver Diseases ni.M pr. vail. It will euro nil Dlncnnon ciumetl l>y l»orni»H« % * incitl or Hi© lilYornnd llowvln. Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicino Is eminently a Family Medicine; und by being kept ready lor Immediate resoi i will save many an hour of nutfering aud Western Railroad of 171!’; 1 :Z Alabama. ’ hills, dollar iu eititiK spon- h tho Forty Yenrs' trial it is still qu-ilitted testimonials to i of tho highest character a slhility. Kiutticnt phyiiciaim common* MONT KFKECTI A L SPECIFIC FOIl DYSPEPSIA OK ISIIIGKNTIOaV Armed with this ANTI DOTH, all climates ant changes of water and food may he faced fear. Ah a Hemedy in MAl.AltlOtJH FKVKHS, now HI. COMPLAINTS, KKSTLK8SNKHH, .1AIIN- ieu 541 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York! Now York an! Now Orleans Mail Line. Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS in siimam;a, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP : Mill, I fit* BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Money and Jilock Market*. London, March 2H —No change : batik rate. CodboIs 1)8 jj. Erie 38$aj{. Pacts, March 26.—Rentes olJf. and 80c. ; New Yoke, March 26.—Stocks active. Mouoy 4. Gold 12$. Exchange—long 485j, short 188$. Governments strong Lenstrom, Appraiser of merchandise, at the port of Charleston; A. B. Hall, Post master at Galveston. Tho delegation of South Carolina Tax- Payers this morning held an interview at the Capitol with a number of Republican Senators, who expressed sympathy with their wrongs, aud willingness to extend auy practicable relief. At55 o’clock, they oalled by appointment of Secretary Fish At his residence, who received them with great courtesy, and informed thorn that ho was authorized to say that President Grant would receive them to-morrow- morning at 11 o'clock. Seoretarj Fish will present them at that hour. Massaelmictls ftenntorlnl Election. Boston, Maroh 26.—Second joint bal lot— Dawes 62, Hoar 82, Curtis 74, Ad ams 14, Banks 6, scattering 4. No elec tion. Boston, March 26.—Tho second ballot to day resulted as follows: Dawes 62, Hoar 81, Curtis 74, Adams 15, Banks 6. MAOOX RACES. Macon, Ga., March 26.—Central City Park—Seoond day.—First race, 1$ mile dash, all ages, was won by Revenge. Time: 2:22—beating Fireball, second, and Nashville Harry. Seoond race, j| mile dash, was won by Quits. Time: l:26;j—beating Belle of Australia, second, and Pretty by Night third. Third race, mile heats, beat two in three, was won iu two straight heats by Tabitha. Time: 1:54, 1:55. Chief Engineer was second, and Joe Johnston distanced in the first heat. Rained all the morning, and track heavy. No races Wednesday, on aooount of rain. FOREIGN IfFELLTgENCE. HPAI5T. Mum 11 Pox-Drawa Bailie- Madrid, March 26.—'Two hundred small pox cases iu tho city. Several deaths dai ly- A desporato engagement was fought yesterday before Bilboa. The Republican army, under the command of Marshal Serrano, attacked tho Carlists at 6 o’clock in the morning, and met with a stubborn resistance. The battle was kept up all day, and was only stopped by the approach of night, when tbe Republicans eucamped on the positions that they had captured from the Royalists. The loss of the Na tional troops was 170 men. Gen. Lorn a commanded the centre, and Gen. Prirno New Yor.K, March 26.— Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat quiet auti steady. Corn quiet aud firm. Fork firm at $16 80 al6 515. Lard quiet; steam 6$a6 11-16. New Youk, March 26.—Coffee .jo lower and dull ut decline : Rio 28$t»24c, gold. Sngar firmer. Louisville, March 26.--Flour and Corn quiet und unchanged. Provision* quiet. Pork $16. Bacon unchanged. Lard— tiorce 6je; keg V ; j. Whiskey 02. Cincinnati, March 26.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn firm und h’ghor: mixed (»5o68. Pork held at $16. Lard quiet; light, offerings. Bacon firm; shoul ders 0$; clear rib sides 0; clear sides 6{b*|; sains of clear sides 0, loose. Whiskey firm at 60. St. Louis, March 26.—Flour dull and drooping, lower to sell, small business. Coru slow, closing weak, No. 2 mixed 62, elevator 63 in April. Wheat firm at 62. Pork firm $15.50al5.75. Bacon strong and active ; futures—clear rib Dj}, seller, last half May, D| last half June, 8j last half July; other sales private. Lard firm and active at 6c. for Keokuk and St. Jo seph in April and May. Cotton Market*. Liverpool, March 26.—Evening —Cot ton a shudo easier; sales 12,000, including 2,000 for speculation and export. Cotton to arrive 11-16 cheaper. Hales of up lands, nothing below good ordinary, ship ped February 8j; do., do., delived in May and June, 8. Liverpool, Mar. 26.—Later,—Uplands 8ju8|, Orleans 8jjd. Sales uplands, nothing below good or dinary, shipped March and April, 8 1-16 ; do., do., shipped April and May, 8|j; do., do., deliverable April and May, 8d. Sales Orleaus, nothing below low middlings, shipped February, 8 5-16. Sales include 6700 American. Liverpool, March 26—6 r. m.—Halos of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable May and June, 8 1-16.; do., nothing below low middlings, deliverable May and June, 8£. New York, March 26.—Cotton droop ing ; sales 605 bales; uplands 16jj; Or leans 17. Futures pened us follows: April IGjf L.i-542; Ms i 0-32a5-16; June 16 18-16; July 17 8-lou7-5l2. New York, March 26.—Cotton dull and easier: sales 25126 at 16(jal7; net receipts 1746. Futures closed steady; sales of 15,800 bales, oh follows : March 15 25-82; April 15 25 32al5 155-16; May 16 11-82; June 16 27-82al6$; July 17$. Charleston, March 26.—Cotton quiet; middlings 15$; low middlings 15J; good ordinary 14j«$: net receipts 1,1655; sales 800. Morile, March 26.—Cotton dull; mid dlings 16; net receipts 126; Halos 500. New Orleans, March 26.—Cotton firm ; middlings 16j; low middlings 15$; good ordinary 14$; ordinary 12$; not receipts 642; exports to Groat Britian 55,406; do Revira tho right. It is probable that sa j eR ^- # g0; | afl t evening 5,200. he battle will be renewed to-day. ENGLAND. London, March 26.—Prominent Irish j members of Parliament have resolved to pass the Home Rule this session. Return of Troops. London, March 26.—Tho troop ship, Himalaya has arrived at Portsmouth from the Gold Coast with tho royal marines and rifle brigade. Havannaii. March 26.—Cotton firm buyers and sellers apart; middlings 16o ; net receipts 1,580; exports to Groat Britain 1,000: to Continent 1,672; sales 1,000; stock 71,254, REMOVAL. AMYET & YOUNG IL A ™ SHIP NEWS. rc«l from their uld • formerly known n jlethorpn * treat, • Mehall-j's Kajr Office, where til* stock of FAMILY UKlM’KRIK pl< -Arrived : Java, New Yobk, March 26.- City of Brooklyn. Savannah, March 26 —Arrived—Stella. Cleared—America, Bomerville, Sappho, Index, Polenarius, Annie Stevens, John Wentworth, Jane Fish, Stormy Petrol. London, March 26.—Bark Caroltou, at Bremen, from Mobile, reports that on the 154th she paased the abandoned wreck of ship Bnrman, from Pensacola for Liver pool. THE WEATHER. Department or War, \ Washington, March 23. 1874.) /VoirtiiVi'liM. —For the Southern States, northwest and sonthwsst winds, slightly higher pressure end unchanged temper.- | ture, with partly cloudy end clearing weather. Important to Farmers, M R Ddefflri«* n t fil.N-W RIGHTS in y. Whrr.vr hr b»« worked he Iih* ifuctloD ; and. as he proposes to make a bort time, plHntcrs Deeding Oiu rejiuirs -•it liis reining. “Work »ell done is Take Notice. JN thirty days from this date, having the con sent of my husband thereto, 1 will become a Free Trader. DOHA .f. FP.ILBK. February ^, 1H74. Wood. Wood ! gKST WOOD, re.’ly rord. Wood wod for .V) cents per cord. Ord* application to the MC0COO«K RANT.NO CO PERFECT SECURITY. The assets of llie Company were on the 1st of January, 1873 $1,704,456 43 and aro steadily increasing. Tho Reserve Fund is $267,766 62 AU of which property is specially pledged by tiot of tho Gouerul Assembly for the protection of Depositors; aiul in additiou, by the same act, the Stockhold ers of the Company are made 1NDIV1D- ALLY RESPONSIBLE in proportion to their shares, for tho iulogrity of tbe Savings Department und its certificates of Deposit. 2. LIBERAL INTEREST. Halo nllowed Seven per cent, por unnum, compounded four times a vear. 3. DEPOSITS can be withdrawn at any time without notice. Depositors residing out of tho city can draw deposits by checks. RULES AND REGULATIONS of this Department furnished upon application, and all desired information given. BOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSIT’S given to depositors. 6. AU accounts of Depositors will be con nidered strictly private and confidential. DIRECTORS: N. J. 15IJ88KY, W. II tOUNQ, W. K. PAKRAM0HK, A LYHKD 1. YOUNG, of Now York. C1I AUI.K8 QKKKN, President of the Savannah Ilank an*I Trust C« pany Assignee's Sale OF Crockery ,China& Glass rn. T. J. Da YORK h Nti OOOI>8 and rltli hi* Hooka and Account*, l am hotun« at (JRKATLY KKDUUKD PKI0KB, at the OLD STAND, on Randolph Street, between Broad ami Oglethorpe. Parties indebted to Mr. DeVoro will please call and settle. MV MR. R0BKRT. A. KNNI8 will h Choice Simpson Cotton Seed FOR SALE. rpitUOUUlI TICK KTS had at office of ~ of lloath to Jacksonville,