The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 01, 1874, Image 1

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SO»C*nB3WWBl Columbus ^zstid Ar Enquirer VOL. XYI. COLUMliUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AERIE 1, 1874. NO. 7<*. DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY Vn IJWQITIIiKK. A L^RED r7 CALHOUN, Proprietor. T waive mouths, in advauco $8 00 Six months, “ I 00 Thr«*e months, “ ~ 00 One month, * 4 75o. iu,:ki,y r.NQUinKB, ouo year 2 (Ml Spnuay Enquirer, one year 2 50 Si'Npay and Weekly Enquibeb to- jvtlior, one year 3 00 AilvvrtiNiiiK; Hates. c.iunre. I \v...-k, Dally, $ •} ' ii .. 1111111 *. 1111111II m II11111 lv «S» I j».|»iare 1 your 42 (K» Tlx* nl*>v« is with the privilege of a change ry tlnv.t ui-iutlis. For yearly cards a liberal dia- ,.mill a ill he made Ttly rate ! Advertisemont Is changed more than in three month* the advertiser will ho clnirg- fl j with the cost of cmnp«**itiou. Foreign udver- must |»av as do those at home. WASHINGTON. LOUISVILLE LOTTERY. SO. 55,101 DRAWS THE CAPITAL PRIZE, ftlS7,500. Ollier Lucky Numbers. Louisville, March 81.—The following imm’mrs havo been drawn : Nos. 1 .,01)8, 1 : i » 11, 4.-1,505 ami 40,585, which drew $7,500 each. No. 58,171 drew $18,125. The capital prize ($187,500) was drawn l,y ticket No. 55,104. It is not known who holds the ticket. No. 1,950 drew $7,500; No. 82,882 draw $37,500. Special to Knqulror-Sun.J More of the Drawing;. ||IiOUlsviLLE, March 31.-55,104 got tho big uionoy. No. 3,571 drew $7,500; 21,101 drew $75,000. A man named Stevens, of Groonaburg, Ohio, holds two-tenths of tho ticket which drew $75,000. No. 9,077 drew $3,750; 51,308, $3,750; 49,582, $7,500; 43,435, $3,750; 0,423, $3,750; 58,171, $3,750; 13,125, $3,750; 8,504, $3,750; 49,159, $3,750; 14,840, $7,500; 31,404, $3,500; 21,818, $3,750; 70,847, $3,750; 1,491, $3,750; 47,595, $7,500; 28,545, $3,750; 2,834, $3,750; 5,128, $3*^50; 41,093, $7,500; 10,097, $3,750. IIAN A LOTTERY OP HIM OWN. Cincinnati, March 31.—A mau calling himself J. Audersou, who some time ago opeued a store on Cent ral Avenue, in this city, has absconded, ufter getting on a credit goods to the value of one hundred thousand dollars. UEOROIA !VEWM. —None of the bridges of Upson oounty were destroyed by the late freshet; ami there aro 21 in .the county. —An Atlanta correspondent of tho Griffin Macs thinks that “there is blood u coming," as tho result of the sharp con troversy betweeu Attorney General Far row ami the “ilcraid people." —The Firo Department of Augusta elected officers for tho yoar on Saturday. Frank Smyth was re-elected Chief Engi neer, without opposition; and J. J. Moore was re-elected First Assistant by a majority of two votes over O. A. Hobbe. Thu other incumbents wero ro-eleotcd. —Nearly all of our Georgia exchanges aro bragging on samplos of fine wheat, and reporting the crop iu tho neighbor hoods as UQUBually promising. This is encouraging, but it affords auother argu ment iu favor of a big corn crop. Too much Hour broad might make us dyspep tic. —The McDuffie Journal tells of somo “King William” tomatoes, ono of which Weighed 15 ounces, another 15j, and a cluster of three weighed 2 pounds 15 ounces—all grown by Mr. F. W. Fitts of its oounty. Is the editor of the Journal u Granger? And if not, is ho right sure that sum#* one has not been imposing Kmg Philip pumpkins on him for King William tomatoes? -The Meriwether Vimlicator publishes tho muster roll of the “Echols Guards,” the first volunteer company that left Mer iwether during the war, and its list of cas ualties. The company mustered 119, ruuli Senate. Washington, March 31.—Fenton pre sented a memorial of the recent Conven tion of the tax payers of South Carolina, askiug relief against misrulo and corrup tion. Referred to the Judiciary Commit tee. Uy n vote of 29 yeas to 27 nays, tho Senate struck out the fourth section of the F.nanco bill, as reported by tho com mittee. This section provided for tho gradual retirement of legal tenders as additional national bank curroncy should be issued. Such retirement to be in tho ratio of 70 per cout. of additional nation al bank circulation until tho volumo of lo- gal tenders should bo reduced to $750,000. Sevcrnl amendments offered by tho friends of specie resumption were re jected. House. Dawes presented a memorial from tho South Carolina Tax-Payers' Convention, recitiug tho loadiug facts of misrnlo and oppression under which the people of that Stato are suffering, and nHking some relief at tho hands of Congress. Dawes said the petition bora tho aigna- ture of a large number of prominent and inlluential men of that State. Randall asked what Congress could do about this matter. He Raid ho had always opposed any interference by Congress iu the affairs of tho States. Dawes Raid ho did not know oxactly what could bo done about it, but he thought it just and proper to rocoive tho potition. Aftor further discussion it was referred to the Judiciary Co.iumitteo. On motion of Stone, a bill for tho im provement of tho mouth of tho Missis sippi river was made the spociul order for April 21st, at lmlfymst 1 o'clock. The previous question to be called at 4 r. m. ou that day. Tho Louisville and Fortland Canal Ilill passed. It provides for tho Federal gov ernment taking charge of tho canal, an soon as Kentucky relinquishes tho juris diction, assumes bonds, and debts, and reduces rate of tolls. WnNliiiifftoit Notea. Washington, March 81.—A perempto ry summons from the Committee of Ways and Means was sent for Sanborn. A nice question arises wholher tho Ways and Moans will wait on tho felony triul progressing at New York, or intermit. Nomination: Alexander N. Wilson, Ap praiser of Merchandize, at Savannah. Foote and l'aschall argued before tho Private Laud Cluitns Committee of tho House in behalf of Mrs. GaiueH iu cer tain land clnims on Louisiana. Mr. Lawton, of South Carolina, ad dressed tho Committee of Railways and Canals in behalf of a narrow guago railroad from Port* Royal to a point on the Missouri. Tho company simply asks n charter. Tho South Carolina Memorial being now before Congress, tho delegation hav ing it in charge hope to have a speedy hearing before tho Judiciary Committee of both Houses, to which it was referred. I'lllMU* ol' l>4*|»r4*K«ti4»ll. Tho morning papers uttrilmte the de pression in business in London to exten sive strikes of coal and iron miners iu Staffordshire and in other parts of Eng land. HERMAN Y., March 31. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cologne was arrested to-day for violating tho ecclesiastical laws. The arrest was undo without any demonstra tion. INDIA. The Tain I no. Calcutta, March 31.—Reports from tho districts affected by tho famine show a great improvement in the situation. Tho measures taken by tho Govormcut to relievo tho distress of tho puoplo have proved vory offootivo. There are now no actual cases of starvation outside of Tir- hoot, and in that district thoro aro but few. Japanese t'oiiimlssioiierN Lout at Sen. Tho Message, tho Rios Mariatonos steamship to tho Nile, was lost on her last voyago from Hong Kong to Yokohonm, ami all her passaugors woro drowned. Among them wero tho Japanese Commis sioners to tho Vienna Exhibition, t'ulia—Ru ruing; ol Nilgai* I* Ian tut Ions. Havana, March 31. -A lottor of tho 25th says that tho incendiary tires among tho enno Holds are raging all over tho Island, and tho destruction of property is fearful. The Monin plantation in Nemodiaft, consisting of about 300 acres of sugar cane, was destroyed on the 18th. In tho jurisdiction of Cioufuegos eigh teen plantations have been burned. On tho Eastman plantation, tho owner, his son and three others woro killed and the placo .burned by the negroes, formerly slaves of tho estate. Every effort has been tnndo to capture (lib perpetrators, who are suid to bo insurgents, but thus far without success. New York, March 31.—Cotton closed quiet; salos 2.852, at 17jJ; net receipts 1,558. Futures closed barely steady; sales 23,100 as follows : April t(! 5-32*lG 3-1(1; May Hi 9-1G; Juno 17al7 I-32; July 17 13.32a 17 7-1(1. LEGAL NOTICES. City Tax Sales. Now AdvcrtisimicniR. W0IIKI.Mi OIJSS v . Galve-sti rdinury 14 ; March 31.—Nominal: good middlings JUjJ; net receipts New Oulkanh, March 31.— Quiet : mid dling III-} ; low middling r* oil ord nary llj, ordinary ll\: net 1-coipUt 48i*o. exports to Great Britain 2ti7S. -ides 1500 —last r. m , 1,850. Charleston, March 31.- Pirn; mid dlings 15* 11IS; low middlings 1A; good ordinary 115n 14; net receipts ...*>9: sales 800. Horton, March 31.— Higher; middlings not receipts 30; exports to Grout Britain (129; sales 300. Mobile, March 31.—Firm; middlings 1G; net roooiptH 113; sales 500. Memphis, March 31.—Firm; offerings light; low middlings 15; rocoipts 59(1; shipments 989. Savannah, March 31.—Buyers ami Rol lers apart ; middling 10c. : not receipts 791 ; sales 59(1. Augusta, March 31. — Dull ; middling 15.jal5jf ; receipts 390 ; sales 5(14. MISCELLANEOUS. Empire Mills and City Mills. Reduced Wholesale Price List. COMIMUUH, U.\., Miiroli Utah, 1KM AA l-'lonr (Htricily Fancy) p.-rtuurd $10 A Flour (Cliuitv Family m It Flour ploo.l Family) a pat Kt tl iu ' „ 1 . ami 1 .. *iuk-. (Iran, j* Hu It. i Until, It»-«t lli || Ship SiiiIIh, "ji Inn It. •> Ship Stull'*, “p Iiki i |h.. Hunt Whitt nil.... li-'J It Save 9IAN» tCHLNETTN SENATORIAL ELECTION. Boston, March 31.—Tho seventh ballot for Uuited Statos Senator was as follows : Dawes 95, Hoar 78, Curtis 70, Adams 15, Hanks G. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. fitl’AIN. C'ArliMla* mill Ri*|»u III 14*mi Accounts London, March II.— 1 'Riero havo been heavy losses on both sides in tho battles beforo Bilboa. fcantundor is crowded with wounded from the Republican ranks. Tho Oarlint besieging force has partially suspended the bombardment of Bilboa, in order to turn their guns against Ser rano's army. Maduid, March 31.— Marshal Sorrano has issued an order prohibiting tho trans mission from Santander and places iu the vi.dnilv of that lowu of private tolo- —Judge Benedict, of Now York, in tho Sanborn case, was expected to deliver his opinion yesterday. It is upon tho point mndo by the U. S. District Attorney, that Sanborn illegally took money which was collected l>y Hawley amt Van Sowaken, both of whom wore in tho employ of tho Government, and such collections should havo boon covered into the Treasury ; also, that tho contract between Sanborn and the Secretary of the Trenailry specifi cally holds that he (Sanborn) could not recover any money unless he personally collected it. Tho District Attorney puts in ovidonco tho preliminary letter of the Secretary of the Treasury interpreting the contract, that Sanborn must make his collections himself. ■ tiieTveatiier. Department of War, ) Washington, March 31, 1874.) Probabilities.—For tho South Atlantic States, southwest winds, low barometer, falling temperature and cloudy woulher, with occasional ruin to-morrow. ship Yews. New York, March 31.—Arrived San Jacinto. London, March 31.—Tho bark, Hiram, urrivod nt Liverpool, from Pensacola. Sho experienced very heavy woathor on her passage, and lost sovoral men over- hoard, including tho master. MARKETS. BY TE LEI j R A 1*11 TO EXUUIRER. Mon<*3* mid Sloeli Harkctn. Paris, March 31.- Routes G9f and 90c, New York, March 31.—Stocks active Money 4«5. Goldll3jJ. Exchaugo—long 485, short 488. Governments strong and uotivo. State bonds quiet. London, March 31.—The genoral opin ion on the Stock Exchange is that tho rate of disc »uut by lho Bank of England will be advanced Thursday next. 34jaJ. Cousols 91>*. New York, March 31.—Money iu fair demand at 4«5. Sterling quiet at 485 Gold opened stiff on advices of weakness in tho London markot. but declined dur ing the day, closing at 13}al3jJ. Govern intuits dull and steady. States quiet and lower. ...Hi me ; it l.,Ht 22 »*> in iVattlo i^ wbo R™l-W- * la-a,,- fire ta died of, end 0 wore ponnonanlly »P '->■ ail.llory upon IhoOerliHU positions but other troops rre rest- iop Madrid, March 30.—The cannonade nt Abautea coutinuod Saturday and Sunday. Tho condition of Gen. Lonmin is improv ing. FRAME. Algeria in n Mali* of Siege. Paris, March 80.—Gou. Cbaucoy has been authorized to declare Algoria iu a stato of siege, iu order to restrain tho meeting determined to adhere to the violent abuse of tho Radical journals iu strike. In Kensington alone 112 shops the Colony, sre still. j END LAM D. maimed—total casualties 49. Great "as the loss sustained by this gallant com pany, a was uot greater than that of tunny olliers in the service, and uot so grout us ibut of somo. TELE<URA1*HI€ NOTEN, -There was a snow storm in New York yesterday. Wind iu the northwest. —Sanboru and his partners have been acquitted. The indictment was defective so as to exclude certain evidence. —The Philadelphia carpet weaver's I'ahlo .M.miI ami Grit*, |k*i bu*lu*l, Your Grain Sacks! THE EMPIRE MIIIS yyil.L llUY SECOND-HAND GRAIN SACKS in i|iiiiiititii>t! that may In- ulT*n*l. niliSO *2taw It Yam Potato Seed! A 8IM.KND1D VARIETY. For'null* by J. MARION ESTES, mlt2P at i a Broad Strop* Stolen, I AROM my |.|un-, near Fort Mitchell, 1 ItllKiiiol <\i,i ly, Ala, on tin* liight nl the &Jil ( h) i Dark llnmii or Ray IDu*-, iiIim* or tvii yeniv ohl; Inn k III lull mi-,u ri.I Innii mi-l.ll,- ainl gi-ai ;, lilii/.o In tin* fari-; hair ulioiit tin* |.-i-t long, hi two ot tlm foot while. I will pay flu lor ll horn*, mi l fir* for ih<> thief, inlri'.l coil.ltiwIt M. !.. PATTKRSON. nth part ot tuihl lot. |.i-\ii-il .Ionian. IriiBtPP for Julia rhihl, Hilinn. Amount of tax f '.7.7. r *. uth half of lot No. Uk'i, con tain I an >ro or Ivhh, with Impn i iih th*< property oi a. for Mat lie. II. Lamm. Aiiiount - half of loth No. -1k;t. routaluiiiK ro or h>MH, wnh improYoinoiilH N\). Ill, containing half an aero, inoro or It-**, with improM'inent* thorooii. I.evie.l on a* tho propel ly of It. G. Mitchell, tiUHtoo for Aun Scaly. Ainoiinl of lax fiil.Yf*. North pmt of lot No, 17H, fronting on It road root In foot i> inchoH, and riinuing hack 117 l<-ct 10 Inchon, \\i111 IniiMiiig llioioou Going loiionioiit Loviod on a* tho propony ot JoHopli S. r. tiiitUoo Mm. t*. Yictoiia Wintor. Amount f-a.75. o North and S nt of lax flel io* may Holtlo any of tin* above* oiimo* hoforo y ol mii hi hy paying I In* am,amt oi tax #poc- lllud, togotlmr with ooit ot advortialng. MATT. \V. Mil Ill'll Y, niliR ohw 1t Marahal. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. 11.1, l>o Hold on tho liiMt I'lioHday in April next, it lictwoon (lit* legal li-aii* ol *alo, Ih-Ioio tho n hou I Kill* A llaiilM.n, llroad Plan, .Inn, Ga., tho lolhiwiug do*i ul i d 1'ioporty, NOTICE. HAVE Hold my inlorost iu tin- Hu*inorts of l.l- firm of MEYER Jt HUSUII to Mr. Join nu ll. PciHon* lining loft repair work uitli nn will plou*o call lm it hy tin- loth .J A| I-Xt, or ii will lm Hold t" pay chargoH All | rnaiiJ and M-ttJo. E. A MEYER, Adm’r: Having Imuglil the IntoroHt of tin* Into F. Moy. n tlm FURNITURE BUSINESS, I am prepared a UpholHtoriug, Repairing, Ac., iu tin* hom ma ii-r. I Hollcit tho iiiHlom of my frieiolH and tl ivo'rieii:. riiinuiuiiii tickkts Notice. O N AND AFTER APRIL 1ST, tho I tout.* of til** Co ii trul Lino w ill leave ColuuilaiH on SAT URDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. Tho Saturday hunt only will go throng 1 roliloola. a* Dancing School. I.F. HOSA (JARNCRGSS Iiuh n \r 54i HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York! Now York and New Qrloans Mail Lino. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, CoLUMliUM, G.X., Man Ii 2d, IK7-I TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY r Atlanta, • • • ln.-P> A. Arrive at Atlanta, - • f*:-l2 I*. .Moiilgonn-ry mid Solmn, Imni \. Ixo at Montg'y , itdjolniiig I ho Not Mi t'oiunioii*- ol llm y of Coin mini-, and known ill itn plan of tho nth. in I ih. Him a* |. | nini.l.. i Inrly llv. . { 4 G mting ou Juiksoii mIiuoI 147 foot in iurlioN, ainl i milling fi.n k . a-t I IT t.. t 1«i mein-*, nioi ■- or Iomm, prop *i ly of lluiiiptoii Benton, ti UHtoo, doc'd, Bt-iiloii. Sold hy virtue of aniortgago II la hy llm Suporinr Court of tho county of M IIHCOgl o. .iliimhUH, iu mild roiiiity, and known Haul .Hy iih lot iiiiiiiIm-i-ouo hundred an l.lliht>- vo, (Uto) 1 ontailiiiig iihe .|iiTl■»*•! I-I All ueio, iiioih i Iom*. Lex i. d mi a* tin-|-iopei ty ol A. It. I.mnar, UHloo, hy virti I a liioilgago li I * IhhiiimI hy tho uporior Court ot tMiiHcogeo count v. *ed»:t oaw Jiu II I. 1VEY, Sherlfl. Muscogee Sherift Sale. W";! TmiHilay in Apiil FOR NEW YORK, DAILY. (Tlmn A1 1 -j hour*.) LEAVE COLUMBI S In. to a. in. A Kill \ E a Opnllku U:il7 p. ui., at Atlanta (j:l2 p in. I.K.WI Atlanta linn p in., Gieenvillr*, t’., I .1 a. in. IIARI.GI'I I. h,:t.'» a. m., tlii-i'IihIioiii l I . |.. in Dmix illo :i:27 p. Ill , Itn hill I 11 o', p. III. Arrixi WaHlniiglnn 4: ill a. III., at Balllinon- ii ju a. in I'hilndolphia l ikip in., at New V.ok • I * p. m Nl4*4*|>liig Car** Run •«* Cliiirhilh* TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, - * -• I A. b “nun Mnutguinory and Solum - tl.SO I*. » Ticket* for Halo at Union I’liHMongcr Depot. • CD AS. I*. DA LL, IJoiM-ia) Sup'l H. A. BACON, Agent. | mu. hi tf Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. • •Nta'a*****! uu - UM i l*i, 1.-71, tniiiiH 0 ■ and a half uiiddliugH l.a fax acker*, t piece* HOItp, jam cand, L Skmin >.i ol Alh hy pl.iintlll hundred Jink in III*- Mu*ci-g i- Homo Building lie propel ty ol I. lm I, Ml|*tilill. Al*< old I deccuM d. IIg: iMtllltnrol So.ihoi I and John I. .Must.* fondant*. lVo"l7/!: o'n Meliiii! Tliouiu* htroet*, m p'ac- Ellin A llm Htrc t, CollllllhllH, ti proporty, , Holme*, lo *ut *rry v* Malith hy plmulifT'* a WACON MAKING. —It is nndurstood that tho governmont t: n c»po 4»f Rorliolort m»<l Olhora—Ho will try Charles Cullendar during the m xt |t| (omillK t4> n,,. iniic<l Mateii. oriuiinal term, on an iudictment charging I .... . .. r , Um with anoepting a hriba of ®7*:,000 j Loniiok, March ..l.-lho Dud,/ I.U- from the Ocean Natioual Bunk of New graph's Australian correspondent says York, to influence his official action as jj onr y Hoohefort and his companions os- hank examiner. capod from Now Caledonia in a nmull -The war in New York hot we# n the groat boot> They had been throe days at railway trunk lines, on the snhjH t of car- u » , . * rying emigrants, i» assuming in ini,-res(- sea when the* wore picked up byn jintish ing shape, and is likely to prove honefi- sailing vessel and brought to an Austro cial to emigrants, as it will result io great jj an p ur t. ltochefort has telegraphed to rednoiion of rates as long os it lasts. ParjH fur f au da. Ho intends to visit lire -li. K Mee.zcllor, a female yhy-iotan , Slate8 „ in New York, was convicted m J**rs. v . . , , , a a City uf causing Ibo death of Id., W. Vale and other cities before lie returns to Eu- by malpractice, was yesterday senten<***d rope, when ho will probably take up his to ton years in the State prison. Motion reS |j on( »e in Brussels, for a now trial was refused ; Ii()M)ON) March 31.-A dispatch from «l,T' rh9 .n n ?t or joua 'I'O'U Hrftatan w« MelUourno R „ ya Henri ltochfort and his RUot m the bead iti Humdtou, Ohio, M<*n- , , . . iluy night, it is supposed. Ly John Kobe- companions escaped from Now Laledouia l«r. Both wore drunk nt «be time. Me- hy storing themselves away in a vossel fiehan’s wound is not fatal. It will bo | JOUn( j f or j s * ow Castle. They arrived at «*,•>/ *«« ^ »• Uia trial for murder. 1 rec ** Wood and Blacksmith Shop. J. H. MOSHELL | | A V1NG y .it Mali.ti nt Hr G ’I pui lilt’ll oil II G. IVEY. Sltcrin Sheriff Sales for Taxes. W ILL l.u Hold on tlm Hint TuciuUy in April iH’Xb hidwyon tin. I. * * --wing ili-ricril.cil inlicr 111, ciiulainiug liull mi m r, li***, xvitli iniprnvi’iin nt* tin icon, Ii-vIk.i property of it G Milcln-ll, IriMlim for Ann Scaly I ol Slut** and comity taxi* for thoyi'ur 1 s' Iliad.* and rollillii-d l.y William Malialli mill I oa xv It II.G. IVEY, Muscogee Sheriff Tax Sales W M I- * nr.tTj.oday ... ih-xI, lit'lwi.-n Hi-- l.-gil Imiri'H o| mi- front o| ill. alien.hi li inn- ol Mli* A Mar III oad *ln cl, ('<diiii,I>n*, Iiii., I lio tollowing dc .1 pro, -ity. i. xvil: •’in ' * -d lot •lot land Iiiiuiticr* U uh-l '.it, i ‘••I. I-,.*m-I *• M, cn.ituiiiing -ini Her*-*, m- I -. ■ ■!. • p-opcriy -' Mi* M .Mm. G \V 'I x made and ii-lni lit d prepared ■'revision .31 iirli4*ts. Nr/.v York, March 31.—Flour q’liot and steady. Wheat a sbudix firmer. Corn unchanged. 1’ork steady; mess $IG0o a$lG.75. Lard quiet; steam 9 l-lfiu;j., March 31.- Flour dull and lower; superfine $1; extra $5; oxtra fam ily $8; common *7; fancy $8. Corn dull and lower at 7«»a72o. Fork firmer at $IG 25. Bacon quiot and unchanged. Lard—tiorce, 9;,‘c; keg, lOAc. Whiskey 91c. Cincinnati, March 81.—Flour un changed. Corn easier at G3aGG for mixod. Fork firm; sales at $1G.25. Lard xjuiet, but firm; storni hold at 9}; kettle offered at 9|J. Bacon firm; shoulders (»2u7; clear rib'.»j; clear sides 9'F all picked. Whis key firm at 91. St. Louis, March 81.—Flour quiet and weak; small biiMiioss corn good demand, G3a<>34 for No. 2 in xod m elevator; whis key steudy at 92; pork firm at $IG; bacon strting- shoulders 7.|: clear rib 9jaf: clear ‘.»j; lard easier; 9 f>»r refined, bought during the first halt of April. 4'4»tt4MI .VIlirliClM. Liverpool, March 81- Noon.—Cotton quiet ainl unchanged; sales 10,000 hales, including 2,04)0 f-.r speculation and ex port. Sales of uplands, nothing bolow good ordinary, deliverable in March hi; do , nothing below low middling, deliverable 1 lecture in Now York | in March, 8 3-1C; sales include G,GOO bales of American. Later.—Sales of uplands, nothing be low low middlings, deliverable iu April and May, 8 3-1 ft. Liverpool, March 31.—Colton—sales of uplands, nothing bolow good ordinary, shipped in March, 8£d. New York, March 31. -Cotton steady; sales 988 bales; uplands 17; Orleans 17^. Futures opened as follows : April 1G 5-32; May 1G 15.32a 1G 19 82; Juno IG 81- 82al7 i*lG; July 17 15*32al5^. Iiin*' Him I* * i*i it li Fli- . ilo BlnckHiiiithiiiK ii I'lmituti«*ri Wink, 1'i-pitiriiig uf (Jarriiigi * ii agon*, making >>l all ili-rtcriptinn* of Pin Tim p.itromrgo of loi-k of I Ol I'ETF.R EDGAR iu rt-Hpi-i I fully II. MOS 11 ELL. BOOTS AND SHOES. Spring is Coming! WITH LARGE ADDITIONS OF SEASONABLE COODS . WuE ItIII ti ll Boot*, | . I'p x nl IIII. I. KEN S AN lx LI lutvi- all tlm l.iVorlti- *t - *t liau-l-*. vvi-l. ami in , all gu naiil*-' -I r I-al*li\ OUR M’OC'K -»<l Hll R-l Ilf I# *) Brogans, Plow Shoos III all Otlmr Si x)-'*- Goo-I* for tlm wsuiIh of tlm W<- ar.- xv. II diipplm 1 xx itli Leather and Findings, WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Streot. • 'iy ••' * ill-1 W light, > poll tin- ptop. n I-Midi tor I* «»pi*rtj | - I Mr No VJtri, mix lax for tin ) •“* ' oil* ‘ 1 S. Mr Ml! lm I>4ii• 1, xvitli i W M lit lull ol lot* lau-l .117 iiii-l .tlh, m tlm > ity -.1 -*, l.i-xy niinlu-'u'n-Vi<-tiiiVr- 1 *! Vi hy W ' S Mi Mi- ha laxx Ini ion*tahl--. rnhie xx Ii II. G. IVEY, BlmrifT. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. W'r,? front of tin- .m- Broa’I -li.-t, C «1 prupi rty lay in M A llatriHi- AII t a ii in llm |'l.i of laii-f lying «Jty I Mi-1 III Millions of Acros RICH FARMING LANDS FOR SAFE VERY CHEAP ! ••ii Yearn' frnlli, Inti-nsi only t icHrrlpl I Vi* I'amplih’l, xx nil F< ii Tho Pionoor, IllUllIrtiUlIl’ 11111*1 It t <--l Pitpi-r, $78 ^WEEKTO ACEN-m. ' •"I'l* f**r I . J III; IDE, 7n. I i ...lx N ami afli-r SUN DM tx ill run a* fulloxx * : PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN, p (’oluuihiiH - - • t*. m. - n* at Uolumlnn • • IV*:».-» A. M. i* Macon • • • 7:17 l*. M. • 0 .it .Macon • 7:'J’> l*. M. DAY FREIGHT TRAIN. i« ColuinlniH '• :m a. m. (Sun-lay i-\ Xl* at CollllllhllH li:!tfi i*. w. " id’HVO Rincon x. M Ai l ive at .Macon :i nn i*. m. VIRGIL POWERS, ling, ami ' . CLARK, A. • nl. u RUPTURE VcD ) * TRUSSES\ > • *7 Cln nImil *11-•«■ I, Phil -I- Iph.a, m-l 7.-7 Bio nl xx a x. N ■ \ . B-xx.ii- o| J.t| ammil miilalioiiH. Ixv For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND AI L THROAT DISEASLS, TJ WELLS'CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN' III.i i: HOXLH. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Hold l»y UrugulHt*. -Ixv '■'In* lil^lii**«l mi'll lirs I ii nl liorll ifs ol' l-'.iiro|M* Huy Iho HlrnnKPHt T*mli*. I'nrliicr ■i 11 -1 Duolisl runtil Uiioxvn to llm tncillriil xxorlil i JURUBEBA. lo'iitHint \ olihtrnct Riiih ainl ads til rod lx on Iho I .lx Sitloun. I’rlco +1 a D-tilo. .lull,\ it I.IMKI, Ih I’lall SI.. N. \ . HOTELS. Chewalla House, t'.lil'uul**' AIuImiiiih. | A. J. RIDDLE Ac WM. SMITH A, I'ltol'ltl KTOltS. »pllK TRAVEI ING PIBI.IC at- i.i-.hI t-*p.,l I Inlly IliviD-I Dt jrivi* It* II I all. XX ,- xx Hl^-lo Ih- Rankin House, CJolmnl>iiK^ C*n.. J. W. It VAN, Fropr. Fbank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Beslan mill, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under the Rankin IIouhk. my24 lUwtf .1. W. Id A.\, I'rop'r. t>. . 3 33-a:* ox.;: *» -. 4 ! III u® llsi CIGARS. luii iu:irs CIO All EMPOimmi! on HAM>oi-I'll sitr.i.r, IfouK XVI Hi tho JIBII puts i Tpm i|.h - Imported and Domestic II iiY ii nn CJi«*n i h ! Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, U’lo'lll I---I lo, . XX hi- I., Ill I- . . I-I l!, II .* - l.l, I ov-ir hr<.UKli'l l! Vi*. ’ ' ' Delpil New Orleans Snuff. Garretl’s Scotch Snuff. * Lorillard’s Muccuboy Snuff, Put up iu h ith* at,.I Jar*. “Rustic” Pipes. Call iiii-l ,-x.iiniim. I.GI IF |tl III.Ell. | THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good NoWs to Smokers I WE WANT ,. IU viTi.Ass BOOK AGENTS over piihli*h. -I : U. S. BONDS i..:rr'J-r5:r. t. W. K. Handy. am* M Alt* 4 IIA l.l.'.' LIFE «*F Gen. Robert E. Leo. TIIIIMIUhh IJROTII hits, ixv Dnltimoro, Md, IIL'BII ■ liooil i)lM*n>>cN, Hy ii-i l'ci-toral propcri D*t llv, ill cure the t Bevore recent or llnrcrlng Cougli In |. lire tlmo required bv liny oilier m**-1!« find is perfectly f.lfe, Immenlng c«ni| li,» , :: luk IrTlUitlon, and relieving M»rn.< by all lirttpH 1 h. It. V. 1*11.114 i , yt. u World’ll I>iH04'irtaurv. liullah*. N- L mill I TOR REED ORCAKS ! The Oi'nan at Homo ! 'New MetW lor Refill Oi-jraiiv •i. A <;«>. IN’ ewmn n lot I „ A V K ., IJ.HT Ol'KN |;II A RETAIL CICAR STORE l,1 l ‘ j At 141 Broad St., Columbus, aii-l t«, im-'-l llm .I. m ui'l for GOOD Cigars, Tobacco,, Pipes, &<:„ i H i |,-y hav.i lal-l iu, al gri-at cxpi-n***, a in a - ii i It <-•-1,1 Clarke’s Dollar Instructor Hi A \S. Ii. U. IVEY, bbontt. Fml i - i "ii receipt «r retail priri*. Olivor Ditcon k Co., Chao. II. Ditocn k Cc. IhMiuu. 711 Uroailway, N Y. fohlo ilStaxx *xx