The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 01, 1874, Image 2

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Sail# < 01.0111 N : WEDNESDAY Al’JtIL 1. 1874. diet, tipocitically, tbo charged which AUCTION 8ALES. Ky ELLIS & HARRISON. idor poliolc doalroyod by TO.IIAV. After long waiting, and inoro patie.nco than wo imagined wo wore capable of, to day we Bond our pnpor only to thono who pay for it atrintly in advance. It will bo ukoIcmh to order thin journal hereafter if the Bubacription price bo not paid, accord ing to onr published terms. We have cleaned our rolls, and propoHO to kocp them in that condition. It must not bo imagined, however, that wo inland to re- linqnihh our claim to the rnoiioy owed uh for back HubncriptiouH by mo many people. We are making up tho list of delin quents, and we propose if it tukoH ovary cent of the inmniul due us, and more, too to collect this mono^ in tho courtH. In several rases we lmvo continued tho popor to men who came to our office and lixed a time to pay ; hut IhuHO who have never made an explanation, and who have gone on deliberately taking our paper without u thought of paying us, have been doing themselves, oh men claiming to bo honest, as much wrong as they lmvo done uh, who do not claim to be wealthy. Tin. Chattanooga Timet, noticing tho hiring of the (luorgia Penitentiary con victs, i;:io in number, for about £7,(MM) per nntiutn, says that Tennessee gets •.'VMM) f ,,r fl anmllor number. \\ i w ihii the ladios of tins soction, or somebody else, would open a Hiicc.ossful crusade against the tliousuuds of curs whoso existence blights all hopes of do- mostic o!ouginouH pork and uuctiuus unit- Tin. House Judiciary Coinmiltoo, at a meeting held on the ‘.’Kth tilt., decided that in the distribution of the Geneva uwiwd no provision should be made for i•'imlfiirHiti;' any insurance companies for losses Mist allied by t hi iusnriiig vessels which ('Oiifederalo cruisers. A soldiv hioiit it is to see a spike team, coiiHisting of a skeleton steer and a skin ny blind mule, with rope harness and a squint eyed driver, hauling a barrel of new whiskey ovor poor roads, on ii hor- inorphrodito wagon, into a farming dis- tru t where the pnaple are in debt, and women and children are forced to practice scant attire by day and hungry sleeping ut night. Tnk New York South says in a recent issue: “Tho present is an opportune time lot our friends in tho Houthoru States to secure (he most reliable laborers to lie found in this city. The widespread and protracted destitution has convinced a very considerable number of really worthy moil that the South offers a most desirable opening, and they are willing to accept, such terms as we feel assured the Southern poople will ho nhlo and w illing to make. Ala. Pikuoic, of Massachusetts, intro duced ii resolution a few ilayn since, which the ilotiso passed, to have tho telegraph instruments in the capitnl fenced in, so that outsiders cannot make out the dis patches by the Hound, it is staled thut this resolution was offered because Hen Ihitler had lured ii man to read by Hound the tolugiaiiis which the opponents of Simmons sent from the cupitol during the reoont squabble over the continuation of that individual ua Collector of tho l‘nrt of Itostou. Tub Senatorial contest in tho Massa chusetts Legislature appears to bo as' doubtful in its result as it was on the first balloting. Hut it may now be regarded us almost certain that ncithor Dnwoi nor Hoar can bo elected without tbo support of tho great body of tho Democrats. Diiwch, at one tune last week, rati up to votes, unit his friends then full confi dence. They argued that if they could secure for him ou anyone balloting lot ltepuhlicuu votes that hoing a majority of tho party he would then stand in position of the choioa of the party, would gradually draw ctiough of its strength to elect him. Hut since thut time his vote his fallen off, and the | peel of Ilia obtaining 101 itupubliouil votes seems more remote. I lout sstrength, uio.iiituno, has not increased ; so no dis position to unite tho party ou cither ol them is yet apparent. (Ikn. Jun\ Thompson, Htato Engineer of Louisiana, arrived in New Orleans ou Saturday, and reported two bad uml dis astrous breaks in the levees above. Olio, at Hard t imes, in Tensas parish, a very large one wheu he o.imo dc was enlarging last, ami the nature of the sell was such us to iuttk • it give way rap idly. Mucli damage was apprehended from this crevasse. The othor was at Hun-., iii i'atroil parish, just below Lake Pi >idouco. lloio the Unco was swept eo letoly away .for over half a mile, and wi,n little or no hope of a cheek until the river falls, the current having full sweep, the levee new and very crumbling, and the whole country under water. This break is a very laid one, ludcod, ami will eauno immense loan, an the boo Lou of country ovei Mowed is very largo and rich, tin* planters being totally unprepared, It Hooding their hinds so suddenly as to, in some instances, barely give them tune to save their stock. Journal is gross who ran exclusively rper. Hal i:-*ue I made about misrule in Alabama ; bat it ' —elected him over the most popular rr.xu 1 has not done so. It continues tho dodge in the Distriot, who would most probably ' of “barking round" what it cannot meet, have beaten him but for this iwme. The Now suppose it stops that affected blush- rosult of thin contest dispones of .Mr. j CllfllTI "yViflC?* 1 1 1 to and ligaros Momminger h assertion that showing wherein wo havo mado, and the would neither Roll nor give their cotb Alabama papers havo copied, “gratuitous the Government. Hound his associates | p 1 '. and unjuct assaults, Pluck and white . probably distrusted tho poople too much, might do bettor than red in this oaso— i and herein a blunder was committed, might ho more convincing to poople who put the qaoslion of shipping tho cotton want to learn tho truth. ia itself an evasion. The Government Tho paper which hair “come to the need not have shipped it at all. It conld assistance of the Journal' in Uh mode of i have used it in a variety of ways, in Eu- mcotirig our charges, is the Cherokee ropo, to help tho cuuso, as it afterwards do not ca used gold and cotton bonds. SuppoKo tho Govornrnont had held gold and silver as a basis of its Treasury Notes, would it havo boon obliged to ship this specie to Europe to mako it a substantial nocurity ? If not, theu why ship cotton, which had a value as certain as gold ? It was a basis —a security—which tho Confederate mon ey lacked to givo it a real and permanent value, and this basis or security would have boon afforded ns well by cotton us by gold, and tho cotton could havo re mained in the couutry as well as the gold. It is to he npprehonded that Gen. John ston's hook will open personal discussions from which no good can result, but rath er hitter recriminations inconsistent with thodignity which tho Confederate leaders havo so far preserved in their crushing defeat. Put this is not likely to he one of thoso questions. It involved u differ ence of judgmont inorely—no personal rivalries nor obstinate adherence to falla cious hobbies. Whatever it tnay involve, however, it is duo to truth and candor that tho proposition should be fairly stated, as well as tho disposition of tho peoplo concerning it. It is a question in which tho peoplo of our old District wore particularly interested, because they dis tinctly declared fur the policy which Gen. Johnston thinks would have saved tho Confederacy. Therefore it is that wo mako thoso comments, without under taking to express our opinion whether tho policy suggested would or would not huvo had this effect. UKATIFYINU. Not a duy passes that wo are not in ro- coipt of kind lottors from our subscribers, in which they send us words of cheer and pledges of co-operation. Tho following letter comos in a doubly welcome form, ns it shows appreciation in the most tangible form : Notabuloa, Aj.a., March 30, 1871. Major A. 11. Calhoun : Deah Hill: Appreciating tho noble stand you have taken iu dofouso of tho law'-abidiug people of Alabama, uud your bold denunciation of lawless ness and crimo, regardless of party favors or personal fear, wo send as an ovidonco of our endorsement of your course, thir- ty-ouo subsoribors with cash onclosed, for which please forward your excellent paper to tho addrosses given. Wishing j you God spood in your labors, I am yours, l. c. n. Advertiser, with which ebaugo. I'AIK FI.AY. At heart nil men liko to soe fair play ; and fair pluy implies that all men shall be hold equally amenable to law and custom, bo equally punished, and bo equally re warded. Alabuma h a curious State at this time, and her ideas of fuir play nro mar vela to tho civilization of tho ago. A mau steals a horse, or violates his mar riage vow, and he is held guilty by the laws of that model Htato of “a misde meanor," and ho con get release from tho oasy grasp of tho law on his own recog nizance. Hut that wonderful act, which a tuugua churla for Alabama criminals, states that if the man released on his own recognizance does not appear for trial, ho shall bo hold for “felony." Mark tho houtUy of the act, and the lino gradation of crime there iH from robbing it corn- rib, as a gentle misdemeanor, oifQ refus ing to go hack and bo tried for it, which makes a felony. Tho Holons who mado law admitting homicides—thoro no murderers in Alabama—to bail, say their great object was to lesson tho expense of tho Hints, and nt tho sumo timo secure the uppearauco of the men who lesson tho voting population by tho knife and pistol. Tho judges who con strue this law in tho profundity of their loarniug, reason that “the hail must be reasonable," that is, such an amount as the accused man can raise without great difficulty, lleiico wo see that tho bail for slayers vanes from fivo thousand down to Uflooh hundred dollars, hut wo can see no reason why it should stop here , if a man can t raise fifteen hundred, hut cau control live hundred, or one hundred, why should ho not Ini released ou that sum ? Or do they measure a man's crime in Ala bama by tho wealth of his friends? It would Boom so, and wo ask those ques tions tho hotter to understand why Thom as, the negro who is hold ill the jail at Opelika on tho iunjneion of having mar- derod old Mr. Allen, is not siihjectod to a preliminary trial, uud a chance given him to secure hail. If ho ho a murderer wo acknowledge ho is a torrihly wicked tlend, but there is no cer tainty of his having committed the crimo, tho ovidonco against him is purely cir cumstantial, and the ablest detective in thiH part of tho Htato assures us that, white this negro is a man of doubtful ohiirnotor, he dona not think tho ovidonco atrong enough to commit him with the crimo. I’ursoiially wo uro in favor of holding such men on suspicion and giving thorn J f a quick and fair trial, but wo are at a loss , to reconcile tho peculiar feasibility of Al- ; *' abania justice. A dozen white tnon who I have killed their mou, beyond doubt are on bail, and having as good u time appa rently us if thoir houIh wore • milk white ( Hut this negro, about whose criminality j r | thoro exists a reasonable doubt, has no showing. Clive him a hearing and boo whet bail lie can got. In equity, the Judge should ooiiHidor his poverty, as the uhjoet of bail is to seeuro tho appearanoo of tho prisouer and save tho Htato from pplyiug him with hash. Wo would suggest live hundred dollars as a reason able sum, and a speedy hearing us noeci - siiry. COTTON AN II HU. I .UI.I WE. Hon. 0. O. Momminger, Conlodorato Secretary of tho Treasury, has replied to the chapter of Ootioral Johnston's book winch wo copied yesterday. We have not seen the reply in full, but wo loam from the Augusta Chronicle that ho declares it would have been impossible to ship tho cotton crop of 18(10 (oven if much of it makkf, hum black, iiiu remained in the South, which was uot tho bo ward, pro\ lu'g p? oaso) within the throe mouttiH between the formation of tho Confederate Govern ment and the proclamation of hlookado ; that at that oAily stage of the contest the Oovorumout had no money to pay for the cotton, and it could, therefore, only ob tain it either by soi/uro or donation—tho peoplo would neither give it away uor permit the Government to seize it. Of course no practical end can bo at tained by the discussion of this question now, toil inasmuch as Gou. Johnston 1ms raised it, and inasmuch as the people of our old Confederate District took tho same view of the question iu 1 StiI thut Gen. J. lakes now, we think it due to him and to them that the faclH should be fair ly stated. Mr. Mcimuingcr bogs the quostiou. (Ion. Johnston did uot sny (list within the three months between the organization of i n n —Alt p 1 the Confederate Government uud tho uko noti.e, an* proclamation of blockade, ull the cotton j ni|| . tl l( which the Government should lmvo . bought could have been shipped. Ho said > MllSCOg00 MdUUttiCtlirill^ CO., that within that time much could have) Cuimnr*. g March 2sih, lUTi. been shipped, and thut for the twelve JlfllK Annual M.vt.u; of Stockholder- ot Mn« , . , JL oogwe llauufkclurlug V inpany will i •• 11 months following the establishment of ,,i office *r tbo Company hi Thursday, :-\ Api ii. the Confederate Government the blockade “*h* , *V V.*i ^ ** \v \ swirr Tm«'i was uot at all effective and could easily __ . have been broken by European nowers in- Merchants aild MCCUaillCS By Ellis Harrison. Mules and Dray. rpuifl day, WKDNWDAY, 1st April, 11 o’clock, J \w will •ell in front of our store, Two Young, Well-Hroke Mule* and one Dray an l HiniBM. aprl it By ELLIS & HARRISON. Hay at Auction. O N WEDNESDAY, 1st April, 11 o’clock, we wll! «*• I in front of ■torn, XI Bales N« (ill'll KHN HAY. OibSl lit By ELLIS & HARRISON. Admsnistrator's Sale. IIY order of tli<. Hi norahh* Court of Ordinary IJ ol .Musrojft.o county, I will m-ll in front of •'.Hi*. A lliir.- .n'a auction room, In thin city, at I o', lock on Saturday, the 4th day of April next, lo* following property, belonging to the «»tato of Olio KxprenH Wagon and Harness. One complete net Carpcutor'a Tools. On** lot IMutigbs. An Inventory of tho lumber cau ho h A Harrison's auction room. K. T. YOUN Columbus, Oa., March 20, lb7». JOB PRINTINC. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTEB, BILL HE-A-JD AND Statement Paper, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of which cau he furnialied printed ut short notice, at i.ovr Cash Katzs. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. TIiob. Giltoort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, GA. WHOLESALE LiOCOft COALERS. ROSETTE & LAW HOA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL !_■ iq uor IQ ealer REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, ATTKNb PROMPTLY totiiksai.k, .NT AND I*I the properly in sold. For Sale. VACANT I.OT OF LANI), being tho west por tion id lb** "Nam •» lot,' on Mryan s reel, adjoining tlic residence of lion. M. J. Crawford. Call soon If you want a bargain. fold;! If CITY LOT No. tin I, on Mr.IntoMh Rtroot, with three dwidlings on tho Haiuo. Will I"' sold together or separate, at a low IIguro, for cudIi. Ja-7 A KKMI It A IM.K K0U8K AND LOT, with t i< i. s ground, iu Llnwood, one mile from 8. W. t. d p .i , a very comfortable and desirable li"ii For Rent. I STORK IIOUS Kin tho valley of Talbot county, a cross-road, three U’ileM of the Chalybeate ingH. A very deairal'lo location for a idy »U and ilrocery btwlnean. »<>pt7 DISSOLUTION. It Kill), CHAMHKUH A HANKS '"Iveil by II..- . jus.*ot o| „|| , u r All unpaid ndvum . * nr.-in tin. NOTICE. ' ri'HK UNI.BItSIUNUU will .till roiitlmiu Warehouse and Commission Business AT TitK LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. Thankful f« , ttie present hi tinunnto i In* every effort April 1, 1871.- I'oliage bestowed lip ruspertfiilly soil it 11 h ason, with a pr.uiiiso I U. A. RHDD, OEO. V. HANKS. Taken Up, uiy plai-t..ur miles from t Talbot Ion io id, i\ *. 11.0 Other erav : in* owner cm m i i •criy and pi It. t». To Rent. A FT Kit April H00M8, Kitchen and Stable, with use i room aud parlor. Address apl tf M, Knqnirer SPECIAL NOTICE Kilt litali. d Dl l' ft ' tar.,*; IH'i’KD liiform our patrons ami the puldi that we have a r« liubl > ami ssfer Coletia now, and ran birnisti our COLOKINil Wl l lloi'T much DKLAY AS IIKKKTOFOltK. Persons lining Photographs of any kind and wanting thorn COI.UKKD, can have it done at the shot teat iiotuo and at the lowest prices Our price* for COLORING M ILL BK l TO ONK llAFL TIIK PRICK.'* charged l at WILLIAMS' AUTO A LI 8t RiO id St., over Carter’s Dm iis owing us foi Cob It to only with one of t U. T. WILLIAMS AMUSEMENTS. Springer’s Opera House! WKDNCNDAY AND TIIU1ISIIA V, April 1st anil 2d. HUNT API’F.AHANt’i: IN THIS CITY OF lei'll nk MacEvoy’H NEW HIBERNICON, Or, Iroland In America. The Favorite Irish Comedian, MR. W. F. L A W L O R, In Ins great diameter, ItAKNKY, tho (bible. Mr KM 1L AMKS, tlm celebrated Delineator of tier man Characters. ffl-' KATK ItK.ILLKY, the Favorite Soprano. Miss MARY MaeCKKA, the Popular Contralto Miss KATK IlYKNKS. late of Dublin Theatre. Pr..f. M OKS LIN, Musical Director. ’I’., cum hide with tho laughable Farce, THE HAUNTED GUIDE! ami Dress Circle, Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER BOOK-BINDER Blank Book Manufacturer, (Old Sun Oflioo Building,) ICAMMM.1*11 M., < 01.111 IM S, (a, ury description, viz: LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, HILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OE ACT, H LSI NESS AND VISITING CARDS, LAHELS AND SllIL’HING TAGS, HAND HILLS AND CIRCULARS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS Ac. LEGAL BLANKS. Railroad RcooiptB, Hills Lading. Ac in book or loose, Blank Books of tdl kinds; with or without printed heads, mado at short notice. Giving tny ontlro personal attention to Job Printing and Binding, 1 am onablod to fill allur- dors promptly ut LOW CASH PRICES, guaranteeing satisfaction, Orders from abroad rocelvo same attention as II partlos woro piegont. Sond for Price List Kveuing Price r *c ; Gallery, . r .ii ( U**h.*i vml "»e vt: xtru ch irg<*. M \TINKK TIIUK8DAY AT i V etiI•»; Chihli, u, -•* c uts. Oti’iV.Vr.'-u 1 ,t CliatUu’* Uook Stove, without BOILER MAKINC. GEO. T. GIFFORD, I3oiler IVEn.K-or and Shcel Iron Worker. DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Page lllustra* ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., Mailed to any one Interested in building, eti receipt of stamp. KEOGH & THORNE, SIM A WU CANAL 8T11KKT, Jy 11 UAwly NKW YORK CITY. Tuk Montgomery grievously hi tried up about our articles concerning the failure to punish crimo in Alabama, utnl tho notioo whieh some »f the Alabama papers take of them. It ''blushtw to omu that some Alatiauia I shipped to Luropo journals have been pnsilUuimous onongh . eluded all of the c to rt publish these unjust assaults. \ t he Mobile Cti.i.Jtr, iu copying one of them, said that the facts stated itt our article would bring tho blush of shame to tho I triol, to which wo referred yesterday, co- j Journal if it was suRoeptible of such a currod iu the fall of 18t>l, and of course loimtion. but it seem* they were not the poople of life District wanted tho wlmt the Journal was Mushing about!] j Government to take their cottoa crop of | t he “official organ is also astounded that 1ML That the people of thin District ] “only one Alabama paper has come to the wore then willing to sell their cottou to assisuni o of the*il iu repelling the Confederate tioverunieut for iU Trea such gratuitous and uujiiat assaults ( aury notes, is conclusively shown by tho We challenged tho Journal to contra fad that they elected a candidate for Con an powers in tent on getting our cotton. That this was true, our people are well aware. Again, Gen. Johnston s plan was not conflued to the crop of IKilo, either by his language or by fair inference in fact the inference is clearly uguiust it. He says that for twelve months after Febru ary. I8t’*l, the cotton could lmvo been This would have iu- p of 180*1, as well as the fragment of the crop of 18th) remain ing iu the South wheu the Government was organized. The contest iu onr Dis- Bank. \ IM \ IDKND OF l INK ('0 I’KIt t’KNT FROM tlu* * Oiling* .>f Hu* |wi*t «;\ ti)*<iilti4 «ill Ik* paid t>* tin* 8tiH khold»«n. *>n mid nfliu April l#t. ShorifTs Salo HIDES. HIDES^! HIDES! I wt; will pay thi: Highest Market Price FOR Green i Dry Hides, Furs, Beeswax, &c. BARNETT & CO., ( raw lord NlriWl. M. M. HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Street*. 4«r A full stock ol Logal I Hanks ulivayn Goorgla anil A la bam: in hand. lobe—It MONETARY. Treasury of Georgia, Atlanta, March, VI, ls7 l. Holders of the Chance Bills OF TIIK Western and Atlantic R. R, V 8. v 'L'Kb hofon* and dining tho war, nro horohy 1 ii< *11 ll***l (hut liny tin pronont llioni loro: inntiou at tIt • State Tivnsnry, on and alter th First Day of April Next. Tho pci foil of Ha id con lily, do iob m nly . • ii i \ uniiiHtioii, tuny bo That I boninio |»oi*khhho.1 or rpornhitlon, nml \li:i ' • y pio.ioi.iiou from and uf i*‘d with tho owner'h nitato. I>• -*1 licloru mo, — ■— — y olln r offh or iiutUorizvil tnko iilliruiiition.H. ionoral Asscnildy. JOHN JON'KS, Trousuror adminietor oath.H « tty order of tho inhIff taprl Treasury of Georgia, Atlanta, March 11,1.-71. Holders of Overdue Bonds Stato of Coorgia A" STATE TREASURY IN ATLANTA will be paid :n I \ n »h. -,i III** nmtuml . •"I "»•* "f 1‘1'pri V* >o rev, r pn\ »b|e, will be | i thin Di p.irmieut, and all p. on pr* ** nt it ion ble.iut ol thot at the F. ur III Nation .1 Ruuk'of New York.* NO INTEREST ON OVER*DUE BONDS WILL BE ALLOWED after the 31 at instant. ( KxpreM chiugi* t.» te paid by the owner of Ity order of the Governor, mb 17. taprl JoIlN JONK.-*, Trei fim: I N ol«*di.*n<o t J R. M. Waters A Co., 56 Broad St., C7IOAUS : Hides and Furs a Specialty. 0 N n cw f Y 3 ^^ b r t c e cc ^„?: p0 f ;l Ac ^“I'! 5 R M . Ortmi Sab* u*«ii»l liour* of Halt*, m loom, 0*>liliiibu«, Ga. in L jo nt I G. IV KY, Sheriff. YVIH l’i».v the Illgheal Mnrkf»t l’rlco for Hides, Furs. Beeswax A Rags. All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. Crockery at Cost! M 1 11 A V K t.m.'vid uiy nt.vk ofCUOCKKKY and j ib- lll. tSSM ARK lo the llanla are 8tt*ro of Junta ) tli, Kuills, and will eontiliue to •< II at c\*t I J. ENNIS, AtLSlgU Important to Fanners. K. T. J. 8TKVKN8 it kimwn t*> tlu* Plauli-r* ol UeoiginHiul AUtuiiui a<* one of m >t r»tfct>l u ! - n. ..i 01 n m Rian rs In *oUUll>. Whrrevrr he tin*. Worked be . »nli»f4. lien . and. aa lie pro|H«e« to make a lime, planter* i.e«K2iiig lull r*-paua fhould await hi* ioDmi£ "Work well luU'it daw it terms from Bjnks. Bankers, and Corporations, subject lo check al sight. Loans made only on Cotton and Approved Stock Ex change Collaterals. Wood, Wood ! J^F.ST WOOD, ready sawed, fl.ui p.*r rord. M'*hh1 y on appb. febXl tt s I***r cord. A)rdem filled prompt- I to the Muscoamt co H 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., AVE NOW IN STOKE A CHOICE SELECTION OF PURE AND UN ultoratod Liquors, Homo of which nro three ami four yearn ohl. Ilonnesaeo lira ml V. Poach Apple “ Cherry “ Domeatio ** Jamacia Bum, Now England Bum, Holland Giu, Domestic Gin, Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Madeira “ Malaga Wine, Martin Whiskey, Bourbon “ Cabinet “ Irish “ Jtye “ White Corn Wbiakoy, Adaiu Crow’s “ Weller's Bombou “ Kobertfiou County Whiskey, 'J’oui Moore Rye “ White Wheat “ Pft. Dow Drow “ Tho above is offorod at wliolosalo anil retail, iu quantities to suit purchasers. fold8 tf ROSETTE A LAYVHON LOTTERY. LOM OF REAL ESTATE TiEEEIH C3L3Z]OI=LC3-IA. Real Estate and Immigration Cc OYPKIl TIIK mu.IC TIIK FOLLOWING SC1IKMK : §5126,000 Real Estate in Georgia G<LO PRIZES ! WHOLE TICKETS ONLY SOLD. CAIUTALI'HIZE, - - $23,000 . TICKETS $10 EACH. Iwt anil Cn|iltal l*rize- An Impr.iv.-d m i ..I l...yd ami Wall -u<< b-i t I rout uml running bn»*k 1 In f hi me ti**l fniir-story building lb. i ihoilU * ail I- • it* U v.■ " ' ' l •2si» I'ltr/.F. A I'iiy U*l **n WVHI -1 U *1 rp i Atlaiila, frunling Dm 1*1. •■ml i is 11itti*il a m w and .1 panlly b. lllnlls roullis, b -siili-h li.illl I*H.III . **at< i w..rks ttlla. li.-d, l***l mi l . Oiii* **f Iht* ni'Mt cb sinibb* * ity i• Itii I’RI/.K—A Fu ••nlttiiiiiiK :i-'( [all*-y, Witil'f lioilhi'H: a lj *. . i City I willi a l i‘ii room aw * I ling Imu ItuiiHi*, dairy liuiisi*, htuLlcs, t*li .. r "f Atlanta, Hitu:iti*R at i!n* cur ..I Urn l*nion Pas.HMi.-. Di'pnt, nil* y—a now and «I' gHiitly cou- . i. I*- r.ioin*t#Riid bio* ping apart- ** * u lulu uud ilium airowta, in m :< * t to .ii. ,.lb*y, whoreon tln*ro b .us**, I'oiitniuing olcveu cuiimio- niter i luRi-t, tucl ruoiun, otc., with *, nml all necessary oiit-buildings. .nil, balance well limber \aliu-iI ill.... ii.*, new and ui-.-ehSiuy ui M < i Crawford county, | i liiiei.niia cr. «*ka—half cleared aud - b* iivily i* »iil»« r* *1 with oak, hickory aud beucli; in in I • olloii pr* hh, valued at UMts in * •'iiniy , Georgia, one-half : Align- i, Georgia, with all lliu iiiipruvouioutH m: name *lw**lliu , with all the necessary out- III .ti.iiii’iiii, ua., v.utllillillg about tv* u uviro, • lh**i*oil, in ..I repair, kitchon, servants’ \ ii lliu • y .u I ihe railroad depot, valued at 7,6tH» i '• co | .-i\ I’li/es, each I'M 1 mi "i Fix Hundred approximation prises G.ikm 1 MODE OF 1 DRAWING. until their oimte i<t 8 are thoroughly mixod. A hoy under ft I toon years of uue, blind f* I dud. »d 111oi* draw from tbo larger wheel one of Uic l'J.O 'U ticket*, and holding it up in lull \ lew ol tin spectators and auditors, its number will be called by tlio crier appointed lor ibis purpose, so (hal all pro.-ent may he ir. The number will then bo passed to the eoinmitleo of elir/.ens, who ml say who*her the number has been rightly called. It will then bo parsed to a registrar, wlm wll. hie it, uml record it upon a Imok prepared for that purpose. A hoy ol similar ape will then draw trom the smaller wheel one ol tho tubos containing a prize, which will be opened and held up to the view of tho spectators and auditors. Tho value ol the real estate pr./.o will then Ixi cried, and passed to tho committee, who, after inspection, will givo it to another reg istrar tu Rio and record. VUe prize thus drawn will belong to the ticket bearing tho numbor drawn Immediately before it. Thus this process will continue, drawing tirst hum the large wheel containing tho tickets, and tlien from tho small <>r prize wheel until all the tubes containing the prizes uro drawn. An accurate record of tho a hove will be kept ou Rio, certified lo by tho coniinittoo ol ditdhtcrcated citizens officiating. The Prizes below $ tru iu value aro approximations, ami will bo •lotortninod and paid as 'ollows; The numbers ol all tho Itokotslsold being con-ldcrci in circle, numerically tormt.l, and bating lliu highest numbor, 12.0 u, and tho lowest 1, hrouuht together, then whatever number lit this circle may be b> lot determined to bo tntled to the Oil pita l Prize of *2 *,000 will betaken us a center, ou each side of which the next 3 " numbers in numeric tl order will bo counted for tho tlu Prizes, thus limiting on the two .-i io> »»l the Cap tul the e u nearest numbers, each ol which will ho entitled to a It cal Ks.ato Prize <>l Flu. All the Tickets drawing larger Prizes will ho excluded, and the circle extended to inclu lo tJuU *m both siijes ol tho Capital, being* 3 hi on each side, it being the purpose ot the management not to duplicate prizes. jMUNEY.—All money received fro:;, sulci tickets will be deposited in Rank Immediately on rceoipt of remittances. TRANSFERS UF TITLES.—Within ten days alter tho drawing, partlo* putting Weal Es tate on tho market under this scheme, aro required to mako uood valid and unincumbered ti tles thereto tu the Georgia Rout Estate and Immigration Company—Mild Company obligln themselves totransler such title in fee simple to tho pirty or parties who may draw such prize <•! Real Estate. Tickets can ho imd on application, personally or by letter, to uuthorizod agents, tho man agers, or JAMES GARDNER, President Georgia Real Estato uud Immigrition Company, Atlautaor Augusta, Georgia. CORPORATORS. MANAGERS. Hon. WILLIAM SCHLEY, Savannah, Ga. A. M. WALLACE, Atlanta, Ga. ROBERT SCHLEY, E*«i., Augusta, i.u. It. L. WILSON, “ “ Col. JAMES GARDNER, “ J. I). WADDELL, “ “ 4J"Partles desiring to disnosoof their real estato tlirough tho Georgia Real Estate nn*l lmmigraiiou Company iu their next Grand Lottery, to be drawn on .luly 1st, 1n74, can do so by addressing JAMES GARDNER. Pre-ldent Ga. R. E..St 1. Co., Atlanta or Augusta, Ga. OW. AG ENTS wanted in every county. mariT—.lxiviim 11 LI*I.S A lI VltKISON. Agents, Columbus, Ga. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. A. \V 1TT1C1I. c. M. KINSKL. WITTICH & KINSEIi, Practical Watchmakers, Jewelers & Engravers No. G7 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Mw, i -***as£'*' \ N I’NTIKKI.Y NKW STOCK of tbo lw**t g<H»i|« an.l tin* lafpst stylrs have been recently purchase' in Now York, ainl are now off. rod at tho lowest cash prices, watchi:h, clocks,, sturi.imi siia a ■•i..vri:i» w abk. All of tli • latest maiiufucturcrB. lHnmnndH, Gold and stiver Spectacles nml Vye-tilnaaea* Gold an.l siLov Thiinhlos, l.ndics* and Gents* t bains. Plain uml i-ancy Gobi Rings or bcnnlirul workmanship, and every v«rRH of trllolo found In n First-Class Jewelry Slur**. Mcnril Plates of every description out al short uot ire. FOLK AGKNTS for tho celebrated Diamond Pebbled Spectacle* and K)c-GIhbv m. i Agent* for * * A r nude I Pebble 8ji I'lea or eye-glass is. Watch, Clock ami Jewelry repairing ■lightly colored, and iu high favo iely Iiadgei, d«c23 dim