The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 02, 1874, Image 3

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3aUg HiHttdm i'OLIMBlN, GA.i iHL'KSUAV APK1L ISM ! OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DR. I. T. WAR NOCK. SurgiKtu itnU ChjMlclAij, . urt.. • Mt Slaughter* Drug Mote. Jui|;, ad urm. L3CAL NOTICES. ~4 (’ity~Tax Sales ' HALD MOUNTAIN. DU. J. *. H. M 11.1.IA Y1. I OtL-ni bla^-roteatlou-H .erviic*. office o»-r K *. kiuiubtii A R. ..»nwboue«" KluolUi**e» Ibe 4'usaeU- ne „ of Mempaper Ilutnnnlty. Kr.»ai tho Morrlaton CiRtette.J Nkau tub Volcanic Kxoioxs,Mnroh ill. LiU-nt in the inouutuitiR !”—“Old iialil-v" Prep»riug t<» Kruot!—Volcano: aruuke ! —Pun ! —The Earth Quakiug 1 Millinery. •MISSI S WU1TK A* TUCK Kit, luthiuiiHblt* Milliner* aud Dii'.MUHlivrii KUitntud'o i iu Walin'* <Ji V good MRS. C. V. IIAItl.OW, \V 1 H 1 .. *■?. *w. Ul nKyC 'I'UKSlvAt iN , ” Alhli. N t.\ 1, la iiui.t uf ilie HU. «ou bun. : ••• Llli* s Haiti', n. in the i*ll) ol Culuiulu., th? l"llUW|[ , ( ; .!iv 11 Uhl |-M(j«ri\, .11 fti lilt. 1 “ " ‘ -‘■•■ihu., iMiul Oii mtlij) eundiyil )*.r 1-7.1 city ut Coluiulm U> lliiugH Trolling! —1 heard all this, and ' Taahloimble Milliner uud Ureiiumker. 1 coultl not stand it. I hud never »,.ioAH,>t HO * mounted my horse and put ,.it for “old Bald.” lhe news got worse ) tarther I went. Am I approached tho mountain 1 mot tho natives a gottin — men, women, children and dogs, They !>egged me to turn back, and suug, •lurn, siuuer, turn and 1 think some theiu prayed for me. It beat old Mrs. Ward's saloon at Greenville. To get out ,,l the fust* I pUMhed on. I struck a lead ing spur of old Bald, and rode up, up as ur as I could ride. Then I dismounted, Utohed my borso and walked on. Where the spur joined the rnaiu mountain, my was obstructed by perpendicular 9, 1 oonld see Bmoke from the top, i.ut I could not hear tho rumbling. I climbed up and around tho luouutaiu avoid the rocks. After proceeding fur some time, I began to hoar the rumbling. It appeared to be below tae unrt farther around tho moun- t-iin. I g°t on a high point, from which there was a cotmmmdiug view below. 1 he rumbling from this poiut was terri ble and unaccountable. Just here 1 saw ..sight that astonished me more thau if the earth had yawned at my feet. I h aw « wagon, with four mules, driven furi ously around the sido of tho mountain. It had on it an old fashioned wagon bed, uud from the noise, there were a few' loose rocks iu it. How the thing held to other bouncing about over the rooks is nnaccountablo. It went u few hundred yards aud turned round. It stopped ibout ten minutes as if to rest the mules, theu here it came again. The road—if it could bo culled a road—was about -loo ids long. It would turn and rest the aralos at each end. I saw it muke sever al trips. Then 1 took a drink from my iltsk, and scrambled dowu to this Devil's u npike. I placed myself by the side of ioad. to wait for the wagou. la a u v minuted here it come. The driver ,hd -"i *oo me until ho was within fifty step.* of me. lie appeared astouishod, stood up in his stirrups—he was riding one of the mules—and tried to blutV me by yelling out: '••Get out of the way, you d -d fool!’’ As soon as he spoke I know him. It vus George Sikes. Ho used to livo iu ltuocoinbe. I picked up a couple of rocks uud placed myself in the middle of tho road. Thou he stopped aud I went for kirn. Said I: • George, if you don’t waul to be lifted from that mule with one of these dor- uioks, talk fast." •‘Talk what said he. “Volcauo!” said 1. ••Now look here, Sawbones, (he always called me Sawbones) you know that I am \ poor man. I am paid by the oditors to •l. tliis.” “Hut how about the smoke aud lire!" lie said one of his boys wus on the top, and with slicks and wet leaves he kept up a •mioko. At night they built a fire. •‘How about tho blow out ?” Here George laughed outright, said tho natives were very skittish when tbev heard tho rumbling, but when the •blow out” camo they incontinently tod dled ! Ho had buried a keg of powder about eight feet deep, inserted a tin tube in the kog, tramped iu the dirt, lit a slow mutch and theu she blew out' “They say they hoar this rumbling to Old Fort'{" *‘0h, yes ! They hoar it there ! They will hear it in New York soon—the news h spreading mighty fast ! Sawbones, for God’s sake, give me all the tobacco you have about you—go homo to your family, and keep your mouth shut." 1 did coino home to my family. The old quilt saw mo comiug aud run to meet ruo. The first word was “Volcano!” I told her the voloano was all right, but ihat the cussedness of human naiuro wns breaking my heart, aud that if she didn't L>*t iu tho house and make me a strong cup of cotYee, there would be a volcano right there. She wont ; not being H’mng'ininded crusader, she consequently doe* what I ask her to do* If you are in tho “volcano” business you can suppress this. 1 do not want to injure any mau's business, uud this vol- I'ano-enrthquake uews is mighty exciting reading. Sawdonkh. AN ALABAMA FARMER OF THE RlttUT KIND. Children mid Plenty of j Corn and Meat. i Dutternk A C*-.'» l» rt t; Notaries Public. U. D. I11UUI.N8, Notary Public lui ro.-i’ocUUily solicit* the (uxt manga i i_.j_ .. . . *uU 2d SMtiuitJttyt ut i itiuiiih, Eating Houses. ROGERS* EATING HOUSE, at the litynl, utieu al all hums, nut ami Meals tor all Trulim. ,Notth |.art «•' lot No. »*>, Veiiml* \crtJnuy s.imrr, til lui|>ro\eU;t‘Ut ibereou, being i.tu- .jimri.-i of - bsw. l.cviud ou at the pruMtly M. Ahlu. rth. Attiutiiil uf tux lot No. *27, with Improvement* •II. Iwma V'« HU licit*, more or It-**. I. vie.l OU a^ lhe prupei.) u| \\. U. I'letnoiin. Auiuuul «.f .atflLUNERT, BACKING AnS> INSURANCE. Latest Styles of New Spring Millinery ! II. H. I PPIVG. Pres*f. II. W. MltV U»HS. raxhltr. II. V Ml — •— The Chattahoochee National MRS. M. R. HOWARD I 0,0 < « i *>. Hank of Mr«. hob’ i-vu.s:.. South h.ilf » largs «nJ Fsihjonsble «to,k ol MILLINERY. Ac., ! l lot No. ISA, Ut lail I of t i luiprotrtmeuU th«reoti, >•* < ho It pie. | by J. C Alulrta .. jropeit) of .lohu 1*. fatter. ot l». A J. J. Ora r Lidies’, Misses and Children’s triamed and untrimmed Hats and Bonnets; Flowers and Ribbons; Best Real Hair Swi chos, Jewelry, Till. Bunk transacts a General Bankinu business, lui. rest on lie. 1N7 1. n ifS'.'.T •. 1M71. JST e w Spi*i i ig; ]Nii 11 i nery ! posits under special contract, gives prompt attention to collet lions on all accessible points, and invites correspondence. Information transmitted by mail or wires when desired. FIREMAN’S FUND INSHR.WTK COMPAN "ST. I-O, >>twpro| Furniture, Ac. At l’milv rrivtn, A. O. HARWELL, Dealer in all kinds of Furnilua-e. Also, Metallic, Wood Cofhus, and Onsk. t^. Chsiub. ie stioe U of tax #8.7.V I'.srt ut lot No. .i'-A, U-ln^ t.'» feet tiont off ot north part ot tmiU lot. Levied on as tho property of ,1. f. Jordan, trustee for Julia l\ Jordatt nlid child, Milan. Amount <>f tux ^•’Uth half ot lot No. ) e iiittunitiK ! s ol tin ;te, more or lui, with iiiiprov.-nicntH theitou. Levied OU us the prop. ity of ,\. It. Lniuai, trust..i for Uathe. II. lotuinr. Auiouitl t f tax $.*i|.*JA. North hull' of loth No. 4SII, cont&tuint; 1 ^ ot an re, more or I.mb, with unpr»v .Muents therrou. Levied on as the properly ol Jasoti I.cmi- iiioust of tax f 17.7A. Lot No. Ill, containing half an acre, more or less, with improvement* thereon. Levied ou us the property of It. ti. Miti lodl, trustee for Ann 11 road Lawyers. A. J. VK UI RN, nntl UoutiMclior nl Levied Winter, trustee Mrs, »f tax tailroud box ear, levied on as the property of the North and South Itailroad Company, Amount of t I'm tii the day ol > Tailors. J. B. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting and Making iu tho Latest Styles. Us puiriug neatly done. South Railroad St., over Furniture Store. Jal Dentists. J. L. It. SMITH, UeutlBl, Does Plate Wotk uud Plugging ou reasonable dee'JJl term* Chnmle rs street. Barber Shops. WESLEY HARKINGER, Barber, Corner South lull road mid Chau.hei* street* derJJ BIG NON A TURNER, Barbers, South ^ Itailroad street, ttuuer Adams House. Hotels. ALABAMA HOUSE, Convenient to business portion of the city. U. W. AI.LKN, I'top'r A DAMN HOLME. When you go to Opelika, be sure to stop i der-2. Adams House,opposite Paesenger Depot. Insurance. E. C. BOWEN A NON, (ienernl IiiNiirance Agents. Office, lt.iilro.xd Street, ov« r H. M. Ureeita A Co. FOR SALE AND RENT To Rent. A FTlilt April Oth, two Furnished HKD{£-* Mini ROOMS, Kitcken iin-l Stuhlo. with use of dining room and parlor. Address a pi tf M. Knquirer Otlie For Rent. Q LAUGH ROOMS, with side entrancu, with At ot parlor and kitchen. Parties ran boutd with family on very reasonable terms, If preleri House is well located. Address jq-7 if l, Boa HI. House and» Lot for Sale ON LOWKII PART OK RltOAO KT * JMIK lot is buy the house liaa three i looms, hall Htid nM ni ersH »rv JjiMl buildingN. Will be sold cheap to a cash er. Apply to Tor Sale Low. SCIIOLAR'IIIP IN TilK MKDICAL COT. LKGK AT KVANHV1I.LK, INDIANA. novK if APPLY AT THIS OFFICK JOB PRINTING. Letter Press and Card Printing. l:il:K (i.i IS NOW Ot’JS.NINU A I.ARUK AND VASII10NAIIU: STOCK OV Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s HATS, Trimmed aud Untrimmed. Ladles’ Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, Sic., Real Hair Switches, ! And other Desirable Goods, which sho will .ell Cheap for Cash. oluinbtis, Oa., March At, 1874. tf Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, Boston “ “ - $529.3(i4 92 “ “ “ - - 180.903.89 Total Aisotv Gold January t»t, 1874, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. die property Jet Victoria Winter. Amount $ $l*'l •etlle the above cum inj the amount of I advertising. tiled, togutle Muscogee Sheriff Sale. II* ILL he sold on the IIr*t Tuesday iu April next, U bi t woon I lie legal hour* ot *ale, before the auction lieiiru of Klli* A llurritou, Uroad street, Columbui, Ua., the folloMlug described pinj>ert), r barrel of laud lying and being ; Muscogee, and in the Northern Liberties and adjoining the North Commons of the ity of CnlumhiiA, and known ill the plan nf the lot iiumlrer lorty live, (4M 117 feet In indies, aud Northern Libcrtie Irouttng on Jackson niuning back east 117 feet In Incli as tho property of Hampton Huitoti, tiu»tee, dee’d Agues Renton. Sold by virtue of a mortgage li Iu Looted by tho Superior Court of the county oi DRY COODS. 3NTEW GOODS ! ARRIVINC DAILY AT Tl i e JSTe>\ r Ycirk ©tcire. Elegant Silk Poplins at 65 ct J CUT RECEIVED. S. LANDAUER & . . josses Hue ami ITnpAid jOshpk in proiotiH of mljithtiuont. or mljuntoil ami not duo.... All otlior OlaitiiH COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Museogi 1*0, lit folttiniius, id said i ity h»”. llJ-'i)* or less. 1a* trustee, by t *ime lime Iin l pjuie, nil that tract ind lyi g ni.d Kdug iu tlie city of "A ; 'l vouut). nt.d known in th»« plan I’d nuuiiiei .He hundred uml tliii t>- aiding . ii .purter of an acre, more I on a* tin | i.• |.ritv ol A. K Lamar, morigugi 1 li la isMird l.y the Superior Court ol M teb’d ouW2ui II. ti 1 VKY, rhftitT. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. \\'ILL be sold on th,- first Tuesday iu Aptil ’* next, between the legal hours of sale, lie- Hie legal hours of s I* of Kills A Harrison, It., I in* following de* a h.iir f I . r of . shares ..f stork in tli- Mn and a like interest iu th - I • stand*, a* tlie pioperty .1 id I. Skii.n-r, avor o| .\ I .t by pi uuttO. . Mii.luiti, Als> l-r.-pei ty of Sjsborn Jell * ,| d. >..ld I.' * i*ly a li 11 issued irom '.o*i .•• Mipcior Court favor of S'mm I M t'.iiii i, i\.i i|mi ,i harisli t’ ter, dt eias-d, Hg.» li-l .-iab- i u J Reniiiiig, adin istruior of t < .il>oiu Julies, deed, Ja* W War suit John L Mu*t nil I'l Ja-vt) p- r. ted out by lend* li tn. land No" 17.; oo Mel W« ; '. i A la HnUli and Tl’umus Mm t , in me ..r» • f t!iduuibus, I lie properly uT M,.h •!.) Iluliiu* lui in favor of l i c I ny v- Mali * ILopcrt) po.iil" I oiit by 11 xintilf's mliio Wld II. G. I \ KV. M„ r I Sheriff Sales for 'faxes. W ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday In Aptil next, between tne leg il hum* of s«l<;, i trout of Kills ,v Harrison's aii -iion huu*e, Hroii street, Columbus, (la, till* following diseiiln property, isfy it uuiiilu r ill, containing i. less, with impiovt tueiits projeity levied O.'I as tie Miielu ll. iru*ieo lui Ami Foaly, I county I »xr.s | ,i llie year I87 J. Levy Muhaffey, lawful Willi. const.tide. mli 1 1 ohwR II. <». IVBY, Sliorlff, Muscogee Sheriff Tax Sales. W ILIi he sold on the first Tuesday in dpi'l next, between the leg.I hum* ol sale, ill front of ilie unction li use ui Klin A llitrrinou, It road *1 reel, ('idmnbus, Ha., t he following desc ri li ed projerty, til-wit: Parts uf lots of laud number* l and in Hie ‘.Mil District H M. co ita'iiing acre*, more or I* **, as the ptopei ty Mi * )i,ti I ill, H W Mat tin, • prof n l> *iied lui , > *ia 'M»tt) pm t h> v *li»v fur Hu- M Michael^ •■able. liin- and pi ulot ><[ lun !, Uitli ill. I tie r* li. Nu Ii i) uf Coliim propel ty ... Mr- .1 t Jui'laii. to sill*') ■’ t for Is; s. Prop la \ ) iiutd'* i lui ' “ W " "th pal' t il e f *1" •. M. M and pl;u <. li •till pari* of lot* t'JJ uud VI, willi nuproti iik uts tlieroou, ill I li) uf Colll'llbil*. I. i a* lln- pi - p; Ity ut M return*d t At ■.HU' lun I HI a. <- i i, a* Hu- j i id county 11 I JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF e, a Freo-Will Itapliat preacL- j LETTER Jr, fnraihUos tho Afubnmian tho fol- | ** * lowiug faots going to nbnw that farming j BILL HB-A.I? does pay, ?veu in Piokous county : 1 have liceu living in Pickous coiiuty [ S t ft to 111 O 111 I * - 1 us °' „„ Muscogee Sheriff Sale. VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS , i. r '. , ll T ,“;:;;!7 )r , 1 , -, w i versii co ISI8. Uamed uiy first crop in M-. Lin pnblio land. 1828 — borrowed I 7'id of tho iit-niey tt» p.y for it. Kent ml | i-nl tUiit yc»ttr to cultivate. In Iho I li I I . law till i • list *hle. l lit halt ol luls <d ■*. in Ming ifv of John H t' tr ior 1*72 mid 1*7.5. A H. Me.Mit lot I, !. I VKY, Sheriff. Ml of w I.i l»e luntiili' tl priiHcl • Mull h JiiMtfh and cleared Uud, aud «tiue plan \o|. I have sold corn, • •r ie**, every year since. At (he tormi- j -Minn of the late civil war 1 owned ‘ thirteen negroes uud other propet ty ae- • vurdiugly. Since theu I have hired hands j i *0 yours ; uud did very well. Working I t'H pharos hud then become almost nut- ! ' At that I lost. During the two j its' years I cropped out portions of my laud. That was nut a success. This year , • rt, u hiring some few bonds. 1 do not 1 propose to work upon principles that ! j know from practice will not pay. Last j vaar, wi h u step sou 11 years of aye and uiyself 7:» years of ago, aud a few tl »vs | hiring occasionally, I made 000 bush* It of j ‘‘oru, 1200 pounds of lint cotton, about j lo» bushelsof tints atidplenty "f potatoes, j turnip*, cabbages, etc. '1 he Dtil.ts conn- . 5 Qur Seventy Pa^O IllUStra" «y fvieud reports I.'» old h*m*—I report!! I’, besides selling and givitig L» the sick J s *v«rnl, aud the last one of h ints of year before last is on my tab «». I have | killed 18 good hugs this seihuti and du- r *bg theso fifty odd years I have never j buiiuht pork or bacon but two or three j '•tues, aud have sold thousand* of pounds "I each. Since the surrender l have paid VliM) .-,o security money fa dead !«»■*•. and bsvo also paid for iho liu l ling of a ‘htiroh house. 1 have uo commission or «ro3iry merohant, aud payovery tliun ns * when chauge can be made. 1 know nothing about “hard times;" but know something about hard bauds. '1 hat is the **y tho thing is done. I am :he father of iwecty-oue legitimate children, none others, living or dead). I w s 7.’l ve»*rs “M the 3d of last October. My pr^out *‘fe is the mother of four living children, two g«rls and two boy*, all born within last four years ; and, uti’e*s the old l ‘**n is p.vnsioue 1 oir, or s uuething is 'ene to atop this wonderful propagation, *1 would seem Ihtt he wil' soon liegiu to know something about hard times. I form inown “clubs,’* and do uiy own _ , Krauging. My only transportation is and Sheet Iron worker, from iuy hog pen to uiy smokehouse, anil repairing iion<* with dopatvh, »t p. II Kv from my cornfield to my crib, and from , Ur t \u, i llue -hup. Omuiuui' Piauin* mu* ®y gin house to market. | a * b5 Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. ’I'ixos. Giltoert, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, rol.r.M HI'*, <i \. ; DOORS, SASH, ETC. ted Catalogue of DOORS, BASHES, 1ILINUS, STAIK KAII.S. NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., M„i!"l U> nn? 'Hi. Iiit.r,.!'-1 in r.c.ii’l ui «l«u.|». KEOGH & THORNE, 2.1 A SA* CANAL STRKKT. jyll diwtj NF.W YORK CIT\ • -J ;*i’*|M rty. J. KYLE & CO. R KFPKt’TFULLY nntmiiii. i’ to llu-ir Iri.-ml-, t u*tuiiu i* ti.J ilia |>ubllf rciip ally, that Iholr l'Al.l, AND WINTER HTIM'K OF DRY OOODN i* tu.w oompl.lo in evo-ry ilaimrHmHii. coiiaintiiiR of every artlclt’ usually fotitol in a flrat cliaa iny U<hhI* ll< u»«. They were huiight tluriug tuoiiey p»nlc in New Yoik lor money, niul will he noltl at pi icon te correepunil with tbi< limes, lot i. *#- Wo still keep a largo line ol IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION ! ALSO, A Pl'LKNDlD LINK OF LndieH 9 , and. Uliildren^K HUock, of tlio Latest Stylo ami Beat Make. Also, n Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Prices. I wishing to piircliast- will Jo w*-!l to n* a mil, ui wo houghl low nml will noil cheap foi cu*h CROCERIES. RKtlOVAI,. AMYET & YOUNG H A n- uiovi’il fr an th-ir olJ Htaml t • the : •tor** for'i.’- j known iih tlie •’Burin* | Conor," oil tight.i- • *tu*ef, opposite Jolm j Mi-huff-)'»■ Bag ullli •-, wl n t Imy have a lnn> m-w ■ mill'» «w l POUND CAN CHICKKN8, stf renta; | 1 •• TURK KY, ’Jo ’’ 1 • “ 1IBF.F, «•"* “ Freeh Pour*, 2 th can a, 2o ceul* . •• Quinces, 3 th cans, JO ccuts; Kgg Plnnn, 2 !*» rniiH, 2A mil.* , " Aspuriigne, J Ih runit, a ) non Is ; Shaker Pi t’seivoH nml Jr III'’*, all kimU, )I j* Choice Reef Tongue*, •>i to 7’>c each; Kx Hit Cliolct’ Sn.; ir-Ctir >1 llitni* ; •• •• *• Hhoiihiura; Mi IJ Cnml While Meat; h'apolio for Cimtiing (Has*. Ac., lot- per cake; Morgan s Hand fhipolio, lo and l.'.i All giadds cl Flour, Meal and Giit«, at mill pr c lllackwell’* Genuine Durliam Smoking To'-ito DRY COODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT Call at ten Hun lo the fo. t Hitt they are snlliug Dry Goods of eve?y description, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Ac., i» < ANII IlUYKKk, At such pi ices a* will lie anio to please all who Spring l > rinlH, s.V c;. PKACOOK A SWIFT. t Ih. 1 have deterniii.ed l<» soil my good* at a very do-o margin; coti*e«|nenlly, from and allei thin dale, I will deliver no good* until puid lor. ROB'T S. CRANE, iiu-Ii l'.i ffehl iIOd] Trustee H. F. ABELL & CO. IIAYK JUST KKCKIVKb A NKW INVOlCF OF Queen Olives, quarts and pints, German Chocolate, Vanilla Chocolate, Condensed Milk, Parraflne and Wax Candles, Rio and Java Coffee, roasted. Young Hyson and English Breakfast Teas, Citron and Spices, all kinds, Astral Oil, 80c per gallon. McEwan's Sparkling Ale, Dundee Marmalade, Barclay A Perkins’ Porter. 0iU2*J tf F. A. POMEKOV A l IKDOII lilt's rOICM IC, CALLS ATTENTION T*» Choice White Shad, “ Fresh Bay Fish, “ Mobile Cabbage, “ Celery and Lettuce, “ Livo and Dressed Poultry, “ Fresh Country Sausage, Spare Ribs and Backbones. A Chun <• LuI ..l I ru«h ECONOMY! Do you know that you can Savo Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BRO.? Foreign s Domestic Drv Goods BELOW COST! Their Spring* Stock Id UNRIYAI.KI) D#* Hall and !•■• runviin-i-d. No. G9 Broad Street. Mill dtr MILLINERY. SPRINC MILLINERY. I UXT R KCKI YKD a fl'iiull lot nl NKW 8TYLI HATH and OIIIKK MjAKl.TIKA liuin i HUM' OPKNINGH AI.FO.nI l'K* and >v.-ll uH.-l Hu, k uf Mil LIN1 RY. I.rri’l-* HI..V-- . * ui- * ’ , v,.ryll.ii, UMtal'y V. >j t lit a ll«*t 11 th* M- r.*talilt»h a-l t,. tho rt Mary Crackers, Sugar Jumbles, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Creams, Ac. Apples, Onions, Potatoes A Turnips. Alan uhi. iI l aiitily a-jppl.i* inul KainyHiu .i >• HIDES. None. 4<22 l f>U8 00 ..^GU»,S87 73 Uaio. $ 03,GtVA rg I.onncn l*roni|»ll.s AtlJiitltMl i*ntl Fairly Sclllctl by G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, ootsa iy COLUMBUS, GA. lutr-t. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Ol Oi'onci Otroot, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and Englisli Companies, SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Savo what you Waste, it would be no trouble to become Independent. EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS DEPflRTM’T, Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the seourity of Depositors—$12 in assets for overy del lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards rocoived. Sovon por cent compounded four timos a yoar. Deposits payable on domaml. N. J. BUSSEY, Pros’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, TreasY. fwhft dtf MERCHANTS' ii MECHANICS' COIjUMDUS, W. L. SALISBURY, Presid’t. K’dnnary ath. lt-7-l it amono-iA. A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cashier SECURITY- -PROMPTNESS- ni lo -LIBERALITY ! Georgia Ilium’ liisuiaiice ('nmj> v (OMIM I.S TO OFl'Mt Till: 1*1 III.M INDEMNITY apinKt Loss by FI Hi:! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000,01), Sho Wants a Citanco to Cot it Duck. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S, MURDOCH COTTON W ARE HOUSES. I F. ! KK IT. LI ti l and will tuiiu’M and l tlully I’It I Hi KN w.ll Ic toll ltd at the mi l><- |iI- .i*mI to wait oil Im lurin’ i • l ii-ad*. 'I h” imtrunagi*of lln- jiuldn T. J. Pearce&Co., (H i<-< *«ur* tuWillt.nm*. I*. k ||u.|o,) -ol. nOIIII. j ! Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, / HATTAIIOOCIIKI . OlT.T i.y h-li. 2.1-1, 1®* I -W Iicr-.I*, R. C. I’alt* r*’ii lias !>• rn duly fil’ d ing partuan.’ " .' h i'l:: I -t '• Groceries, Plantation Supplies, <tc., W hich will l.-« *o!d l-’-f nnd Dtrictljr for ia*h. ' J.t G Jrn T J. I'KARCK A CO iiiinlntr.ition <!' GEO. T. GIFFORD, Boiler IvEstK-er / * KHKOlA—MUHC(J(iKK COUNTY.—Thoma* K. ! \J 111 in- hard, itdaiiniatralor ot th*- «-st*t»- -.f Dutt'xu M-Uui.gnl-1, d” *ia»ed. *l-ldir» fut nav.-t. • •'.! Hu r-al • *t*t>- I- long.u.' ; ! d*. - .»•«- ] All prnuai coDc*rn**i art* tb-rrlt**- uotill*-1 tu ; fflc tliair objoCti'-ua tf any lh> ha»» uni) ' tti - , Within the 11 Ut* ,iroacrU»*-d l-> la* , w hv I«-af* t-- sell «ail real e»ta*.e ahould not l»*’ grant*-I. illveu under mv *>ftlcl»l aignalure, thia Mart Ii ; 4ib, 1*74 jih$ wit K . M BROOKB, Oidiaai). I ACTS ho Last Legislature, run s.u.k iiv W. J. CHAFFIN. Choice Simpson Cotton Seed FOR SALE. RaNed from Nelacteil Nfnlk*, by E. T. 8HEPHERD. 1A >111 ; i i ii < * VV; i h'lionst ALLEN, PREER & ILLCES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants Orders Solicited in person exocutcd for buyer or Roller. if <JOX-*TTJVXX3TT/!=i by letter. Commission promptly 0330XXC2 CLOTHING. HIDES! HIDE.-1! WK WILL ITY mi: Highest Market Price FOR Green i Dry Hides, Furs, Bcebv.-ax, &c. BARNETT A CO., lull JI im Ciatt lord Mrort. M. Wl. HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Speolaity. i N*’Xf ' to » W. I** «-< .V , Will rny IliH If Iffhuat niMrkfit I'riuit r«»r vr„.,„ t w i* i ivr . . , 4 - n ,,,i »* Have Just Received a New Lot oi Men and Hoy s Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Raus. ...... ^ , „ 9 > CL.OTHIN Gr, All kinds Wrapping Paper At g roduction of 2Q t 25 pcr cont on formcr w||ol „ sale cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less ili.-n Cost prices for tho samo class of goods purchased earlier in tho season. As we were able to get a still further re Auction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, wo will Sul! at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy good Clothing at lowor pricos than over sold in this section. iy-ft-Call and see for yourselvos. . THORNTON & ACE Xi rsro. -70 Brona stroot. and Paper Bags on hand. JxtA dly Wood. Wood ! JJKNT WOOD, road) •»«* !, |l.'*l p r I W...| Or»Ur# filled |*rotn)*!• MUHMXJKK RAN M MJ i