The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 03, 1874, Image 2

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•Daily « 01,1 VIII I N s FRIDAY APRIL 3, 1874. ♦#-.\0 M Its! illl'TlON RECEIVED UNLESS PUD FOK IN AI>VANTE. alleged JiLel not atnbigtmu* or uncer- pend on thn (utnra (acInlfiUtuent : hut it j tain, and that the innaemloeu in the tho reflations we hec.1 made on every i —r plaintiff* declaration didttot ostend the handle $»ut hall. cut, the snooeai qpri • - AMUSEMENTS. Tnr shipping below New Orleans was in a bad JLr on Monday. A atcainor going out through the Southwest Pass had stuck in the nun), blocking Ibo channel ho that llioro could ho no ingreas or egress. I orty-sovun vessels wore outsido, waiting for tho removal of this impediment. Tue New York Tribune thinks tho President will sign tho $400,000,000 bill if it passes Congress, but that he would veto n bill authorizing any greater expnn* Hion. It will bo a lucky hit, then, if he and Congress agree upon tho exact amount that would bo allowable. Tue Washington correspondent of tho Now York IhraUl writes, March ‘20th, that tho Frco Ranking amendment cannot suecoed in the Senate, unless accompan ied with provisions for a convortiblo basin. It is said that Senators Morrimon, McCroery, Bogy and Keiiy, who favor ex pansion, will insist on such a basis before they will voto for free banking. Chaplain Hundcblaitd, of tho United Stntoi Konato, who lately prayed tho Almighty, not to rotorni and save, hut to “burn with consuming tire of wrath" tho wrotch who alandored Zach Chandler by saying that ho got drunk—t his Chaplain Sunderland is said to bo an extensive speculator iu real estate. Probably ho wants a contract to furnish the wood for tho burning. Chattanooga is just now fuirly alive with business in tho shape of Western prodneo. Tho Titties says that on Monday “below Pino Htroot prosontod a lively sight. It was lined for tho ontiro distan with bargos throe and four (loop laden with corn, wheat, bacon, butter, eggs, ap ples, potatoes, »Vo., Ac." Tho total re ceipts of corn for tho threo days previous were estimated al 100,(MX) bushels. Sumo twenty or thirty more flat boats wore known to bo thou on tho way. The price of oorn was 70(g»7l cents at the wharf, which, tho Times says, is u much better price than usual, as tho basis for several years Iiuh been Ml cents. Largo quuntitioH of eggs, butter, chickens, Ac., were also brought down by the list bouts on the prosont rise. It has heretofore boon mentioned in those columns that a telescope with the largest object glass iu tho world was iu process of erection in tho National Ob servatory at Washington. It is now re ported that valuable discoveries have airaady boon made by its use. Among otliors is tho disoovory that Neptune has only one satellite, and Uranus only two, instead of tho six or Oight heretofore givou by ualrotiomors. If this bo so, then perhaps those lator discoveries show tho non-existonco of that singular little antelito of Neptune or Uranus, whoso ec centric movement has heretofore boon adduced as tho strongest argument against Lu Place's theory. Rut possibly the disappearance of those moons is ac counted for by Prof. Proctor's theory of “accretion"- they have boon appropriated to tho building up of their primaries or some other planets ! Thk editor of tho Athens Walchnuin, who is a North Carolinian by birth, calls the Raid Mountain sensation a “cock and bull story, llo says that in 1M4 he heard what won apparently heavy cannonading iu the same neighborhood, and no ono could account for the phenomenon ; also that singular noises have been heard for years past in that region. All this may be true, and yet the fact that the noises have of Into been so alarming and extraordina ry as to terrify pooplo who have long lived on the mountain is signifleant. They would hardly bo driven to neglect their businoHS aud spoud their whole time in prayer by any noises or oommotiou iu the mountains that they bad ever experienced before. We fear that Brother Christie feels too secure at his present remote dis tance from the threatened volcano. Por a newspaper man, whose future state is a tritle uncertain, he exhibits n skepticism that shocks us. Nl l’ltl MI. 4 <H UT FLowbero wo copy from the Herald the list of ratio* in whieh tho Supreme Oomt of Ueorgiu rcmlored derisions on Tue el iv. Tile <' i>!it’d^'ii publishes the opinions it\ several of theso oases, for which we cannot find room iu full; there fore we have endeavored to cull from them tho main points upon which the de cisions turned. Hem. of Tinsley vs. Loo, from Musoogoe, was nu action of ejectment, both parties oluiming to de rive title to a tract of land from Wui. J- Tinsley. Loo was in possession, having gone into possession by virtue of a pur chase from Tinsley iu HSMl, when, it is claimed, Tinsley was not tho owner, but ouI\ a tenant under one Howell, who pur ely 1 the land from Tinsley in 1853. Kuhaoquoutly, to strengthen his title, Loo purchased tho land at Sheriff a sale, when it was sold ins the property of Howell. Tho plea was made that tho Sheriff's sale w as void because it w as under an » xeou- tion obtainod Hgaiusi Howell, executor. Tho Supremo Uouit affirmed tho ruling of the Court below, that the Sheriff's sale was not void, and that the adding of the word oxooutor was a more irregularity which could not affect tho title. Tritt vs. Riio, from Musoogoe, was an nctiou on au indenture of apprenticeship, chargiug a breach of it, and the question involved was whether tho Court of Ordi nary had exclusive jurisdiction, or wheth er the Superior Court had concurrent jurisdiction. The Court below sustained n demurrer to its jurisdiction, and the Supreme Oaurt reversed this judgment, maintuiuiug that the acts of 1 thU-lltl did not vest exclusive jurisdiction iu the Or dinary. Dark A Iverson vs. The Piedmont A Ar- .lugtou Life 1 insurance Compauy was an action for libel, from Musoogoe. The de fendant having alleged tho truth of the publication w hich was the foundation of the action for libel, tho Court below charged the jury that the language of tho moaning of the langtmgo sot oat iu tho 'of tho future is a matter of mathematical publication, and that such being tbacaso, j cetfainty, 1'hcro is no agricultural conn- tho jury would not determine whether j tryiu the world that has tho recuperative tho inunondoes were true or false, but ( power of the South, and this fact is ono would, from tho ovidonce, detennino . of tho quicksands that ever threatens her. whether the defendant hod proved that the j A few years of successful cotton culture, published language was truo; if so, they i and our farmers will bo out of debt and would Cud for the defendant,if not,for tho money plentiful. This is the experience plaintiff. Tho Supremo Court decided j of the pabt, a review of which shows us that there was no error in this charge, j that as money becamo plentiful economy The plaintiffs asked tho Court below to became lax, and Industry went to iloep in charge tho jury on several points, which ' tho lap of Luxury. It is said “Eternal vigi- the Court refused. ‘The Bapremo Court lauoe is the price of liberty." It might II0U8K. One N'ght Only, aturday Kvtoii.g. A|*ril 4th, lfc74. Amur- v « n.-mt Fatuous Comedian, MR. JOHN E. OWENS. Th> j • rlorumiir*- will < >tna)‘*iice with T*#m Tay- r ■ i ••!• brulul three »Ct comedy of the VICTIMS and SOLON SHINGLE. Mr. Owens an - - - Batt-rby and Solon. dccidod that there was no error in the re fusal, because a compliance with tho re quest would have been to express or in timate an opinion as to what had or had not peon proved—a question for the jury. Judgment affirmed. In the case of Mary Johnson vs. John Quinn, administrator—which was a bill against tho estate represented by the administrator, for services as housekeep er, cook, Ac.- -the Superior Court charged tho jury “that if tho services had been rendorod, and plaintiff bad been paid for them, she could not rocover,"—which charge tho (Supreme Court bold to bo error, as thoro was no evidence in tho re- oord to sustain it. A charge that if tho plaintiff was the unstress of deceased, and in that capacity rendorod tho sorvicos for which payment was sought, she could not rocovor, was also hold to be erronoous be cause no ovidonco in tho record author ized it.—Judgment reversed. t'ANII. Many of our lato subscribers express astonishment and surprise at our having dropped their names from our rolls. If we had uot ropeatodly expressed tLis in tention during the lust throe months, thoso who complain might do so with sorno reason, and nrguo custom in de- feuso of tho crodit system, which is to-day stagnating so many departments of trade. Every successful pupor in tho country enforces the paymont-iu-advonce rule, and tho richest man in tho land could not get the Now York JJerabl or similnrly successful papers unless they were dead-headed or paid iu advuuco. Home urge their ability to pay, and that wo should therefore trust. Wo do not doubt this ability on the part of any sub scriber, and it is our belief iu this ability to pay one time as woll as anothor, that loads us to adopt a rule to which wo moan itillexibly to adhere. Others claim that wo should uot bavo dropped thorn, be cause they have been friondly to tho paper and havo endeavored to advance its lutorests. For this wo aro thankful and approoiativo, but we consider it pru- deut to pay for all serviocs rendered, and to require the name. Wo do not, how ever, think simple courtesy or apprecia tion should satihfy a business obligation. Had we adopted tho oush system at first, wo would ho richer by thousands of dol lars than wo find ourselves to-day, and if tho business men, some of whom fool hurt at our decision, but stand by us and help to onforoo tho example wo endeavor iu this rospoct to sot, they will find it better for themselves and tho country in tho cud. Having adopted a rule tho only fair course to pursue is to onforce it, with rich and poor a'iko, and if there bo an exception to it, let it be always in favor of the poor working mau, but uovor by courtesy to u rich man who imagines wo should rospoct his presumed dollars, and go hat iu hand to wait his pleasure to pay us. Wo try to givo u paper well worth the money asked for it, but when u col lector has to call a dozen times on a man, claiming to understand business, for two dollars, the profit and much of tho priu- pul, is lost in tho ondeavor to got what should havo boon paid at unco. Wo can uot help thinking that ourhrothron of the press South are much to blumo for tho indifference exhibited by subscribers in paying for their papers. They havo, by curcJessnoss, led tho people to belivo that publishing a paper requires but little tirno or money, when tho fact is there no business, where sales to tho same amount ure made, that requiros one-third the ucutul cash necessary to couduct a pa per, and (hero is no enterprise that if properly conducted, oun havo a moro heartfelt intlnonco on ovory department of trade. Wo are anxious to aooure bus! ness or wo would not work; and wo dosiro to do all in our power for our patrons,but never again will we let our dosiro in this respect induce us to trust for a paper, every inch of which haH to be paid for by us in very hard cash. be said, “ Eternal labor is the price individual and national great ness. In order to oontinue prosperous faml we now feol prosperity is coming;, must continue in the means that have placed us in that condition. The outlook now seems most hopeful, and tho chances that, this section at least, will raise abundant food for man and benjit, thus leaving the cotton crop u clear gain. A few months of hurd work aud hard times, and the prospect will brighten, never to bo so dark again as now, wo hope. We are like a bucket at tho bottom of a well and tho chain played out from tho wind- loss, a tarn in any direction will raise us, and lot us resolve as vre ascend to re main up. As an ovidenco of the fact that tho la borers here are employed, wo learn that the contractors of the water works wanted to employ fifteen men for a fow days and could not find them, although it has boon Raid that many persons were idlo.—Mont- gornery Journal. A very unsatisfactory mode of proving it, if this circuraatanco is adduced to show that there aro no idlers about Montgome ry. Work is all the time offering, all over tho Houth, to all men able to work. Thoro is always a demand for agricultural labor. And yet wo find all our towns aud cities infested by hundreds who bavo no em ployment or visiblo means of support. Tho law regards such persons as “va grants," and u proper enforcement of tho vagrant laws would do more than anything olso to diminish crirno—especially thiev ing. DRY COODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT Call attention to the foct that they are Belling Ory Goodi of every description, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Ac., TO CASH nl’TKHS, At aucli prices ad will be aura to pleaat all who will call To arrive ir,th tost., a new case of Spring Prints, &c* Jal5 PEACOCK A SWIFT. St. Aldemar Commandery. A MAU COMMANDKRY bn lieM Mild (Friday) A fail alien lain r cniaiug ) M •••■jao.itml. Kb i tit'ii "f ulll- iill he held. apr3 It MM MOORE. Recorder. Masonic Notice. iday) evening at 71 3 ■ ■. In k in good standing CLIFF II. GHIMKS, Visiting ru invited to attend. By order M P. aprS It City Light Guards’ riltkl ANNUAL Basket Pic Nic ! —AT— Foil Mitchell, on M. & G. R. R„ Wednesday, April 22d, 1874. i DAY OF PERFKiT ENJOYMENT xroithdR during the day. A Hplen lid program mo lias 1> which will kt-op every throughout th•• tiny. A splendid It It A 88 BAND Imv III discourse sweet tiituir during flui* String Band of Bit in-truiu. AUCTSON SALES. By ELLIS & HARRISON. O N BVrl'RI'AY, AI'HII, 4th, Ui'J .‘clodt, «• will dell a u-mr.ibie lot Fine and Common Furniture, Embracing nearly every article iu the line of boose keeping. apr3 2t By ELLIS Si HARRISON. " Hay at Auction. SATURDAY 4tb^ April, at 11 o’clock, we _] BALES NORTHERN HA*Y. aprl 2t By Ellis ^Harrison. CHAMPAGNE WINE. O N SATURDAY, April 4th, 11 o’clock, we will .-tell in front of our} store, without reserve, 15 ECONOMY! Do you know that you can Savo Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BRO.? Foreign s Domestic Drv Goods BELOW COST! 'JPlieir Spring Stock 13 UNRIVALED! 94“ fall arid be convinced. No. 69 Broad Street. By ELLIS & HARRISON. Admsnistrator’s Sale. t Carpenter’d Tools. uu“ ioi noiigi.n. An inventory of the lumber can be seen at Ellis i Harrison's auction room. R. T. YOUNO, A im'r. Columbus, Qa., March 26, 1874. dt 1 REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Ileal Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, VlMI.I. ATT BN H PROMPTLY TO TUP SALK, YY BI NT AND PURCHASE of REAL K.-TATK iu li e City aud country, aud will advertise the privut* H.ile) HIKE OF CHARGE, * P ro l* 1 ' I id sold. For Sale. VACANT LOT OF LAN D, being the west po >>n ul th- “Nance hit," on Bryan s root, adjuinln ,f n-hidcU' • nf Hon M. J. Crawford. Call son you want a bargain. fobl2 tf CITY LOT No. 6<il, on McIntosh street, wit Kings on the dame. Will !>,* sol r st parate, at a low figure, for crush. thn* MILLINERY. SPRING MILLINERY. I UST RKCK1VKD a small lot <»f NEW STYLED ft HATH and OTHER NOVELTIES from the FIRST OPEN I NOS. ALSO, a large and woll assorted stork of MIL LIN' KltY, besides (Moves, Corsets, and everything tiHimlly Kept in a lirst class Millinery Establish ment. Next door below tho Now York Store. MRS. COLVIN and ocilf In mati MI8R Donnelly. BOOTS AND SHOES. Spring is Coming! "Tho I,lids aro beginning to dwell." Likewise our stock is beginning to bwoII WITH LAUOE ADDITIONS OP SEASONABLE COODS! Al7 K have roccdv YY Ladle.’ Till el Dross S Ippers a los, Congress, |.« and Button Boots, Serge, Fill • Pebble ami Kid. VALUABLE CITY I ROl’ERTV, situated in the - ■ : ■: w ill sell .it .i grrat bargain, or t > an an eptalde party on undivided interest. The property can be made to pay u large interest on the investment. A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with ten at ret ground, iu Linwood, one mile from 3. W. R. it. depot; a very couiturUlile and desirable home. HOUSE with five good rooms, within 200 yards of Sonthwvbteru Railroad depot, oue-hulf acre For Rent. A STOKE HOUSE in tho valley of Talbot county, at a cross-road, throe miles of the C'haiyl.eti Springs. A very desirable location for a 1 i % WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. ROSETTE & LAWHON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor Dealers, 121 Broad Street, Columbns, (Ha. n AVE NOW IN STOKE A CHOICE SELECTION OF PUKE AND UNAD- ulterateil Liquors, some of which aro three and four years old. Heonesseo Brandy, Peach “ Apple “ Cherry “ Domestic “ -iuutuciu Hum, Now England Kutn, Holland Gin, Domestic Gin, Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Madeira “ Malaga Wine, Martin Whiskey, Bourbon “ Cabinet “ Irish “ Kye “ White Corn Whiskey, Adam Crow's “ Weller’s Bourbon “ ltobertson County Whiskey, Tom Moore Kye “ White Wheat Pa. Dow Drow “ Tho above is offered at wholesale and retail, in quantities to suit purchasers. ROSETTE A EAH IIOV. LOTTERY. cm plot el platforms, rapal>lc <-f m i ntn t«» dance, will he ori < ted. , The CompAii) will haw and Targid Pra« tire for a | i Althougli each person wi I'aNkut, yet all wli* at ton l w m i» ) r \. : t tor, and tli» Company will furnish Leu..made and other Ketreahments, fri-e. Taken all .g.-ihar, this will bo Til K PICNIC of the s. MOD, and all BUOUld Atltllll TU’KKTH ON K DOLLAR KACII—for sale by Iso tl w •. I its, Ac. v Drt In t morning te i- x pt*cl< d I - • arrjr eacli member of the Ccnpaiiv. Lace Points, Sacques AN I. Sleeveless Jackets, J. S. JONES’. NOTICE. milK Arm of I.tlUDKNBER A BUO. iudisun v. d 1. by ii. U111«I roll ten t. The debts of tin* t.>n.ei n Will be nettled by K. W. l.oudenb. r, who w ill ron- linuo the i usini «*. K. W. LOUDEN I.Ed. J A LOUDHNUHH Ctilumbua, (la , April 1st, I®7 I. F. W. LOUDENBEE, (SncoOESor to Lmulcitbor A Bro. Estab lished April, ls7l.) Cigar Manufacturer, R A A 1)01.1* II NTH i:I I , Ono i). <>r \Y<«t «> r eld Shu CM ■■ Build.; COLUMBUS, GA. Orders by mail promptly attendid to. apt J4t. 4; *r NOW ! Whou pooplo complain about hard times, and show iu thoir dross and faco that they aro not aotnally suffering for food or clothing, wo know that they situ ply occupy the very low financial lovol to which wo have all been reduced, and therefore wo feol kindly disposed without having it at all iu our power to remedy an civil tlmt afflicts us in common. When great calamities conic ou us, and it seems us ii everything wero going against us, thore rises a Providential capacity in our souls (hat we knew not of before, and a strength comes to braiu aud limb, a pow er born of Hope and Dospair. Old men shaking their heads, and looking over tho many years Miey havo lived, assure us, as they compare them with tho proa- cut, they never saw such hard times as “now." After all, our im mediate grief, and pain soems always the hardest to boar; and a storm today would be the fiercest wo ever saw; a crime perpetrated now would be the most outrageous ever hoard of; a good follow met would bo “the finest fellow we OTor saw," and so on. The last impressions seem tho strongest. It is tho last kiss wo remember, aud the lAst blow that smarts. Now we are oertainly very poor as a people, probably as hard up as the South, at least tho oottou belt, ever was. This can bo demonstrated ; but whether we are to have a repetition of the year of disasters depends altogether on ourselves collectively and individually. Wc always regret the past when wc are suffering for acts that might havo boon avoided. This is despair; but determining to profit by them aud do so no more is hope, and JLV* wo feel strengthened in our troubles Of course, the rosolutions made now do 111 .I'll I! at as LOW fit ICES us ran t-t ■ n . u.\\v I., i II KU 1 Nil uiu! SMOKING TOBACI O. lllllt th«* public HOLSTEAD & CO. SPECIAL NOTICE. Tho v.un iM implement* of Agri- vilturc, Chemicals for making; Manures, Farm amt Clarilen Seeds, Flower Seed, «Se., Are., t" "biili tin- atten tion of tli* readori of tin Ex^l'inna is called from liuu* to time lu tho “Farmers' lk-partment” of this newspaper, can b.> found and examined i w about th« risk and trouble of h i. tii.g to RELIABLE 1*ARTIES NORTH) at iioi,nti:ai> a co.\n Agricultural Depot, l '. 1 Urea I Stro -t. apr2 Coluiubu*. <•*. C ”N KORit I A, Ml-SOiHiKi: COUNTY Katie jj Johnson, t lit* head of* fvnniv, li „ , plod Lt » Homestead exemption ot IVrs. n.iLj , l o 11 upon Mu' same at mv orti*•« ou Saturiiav, the till, of April, 1874, at 10 o'clock, a. m. ap‘2-—St* K M RK00A8, Ordinary. Sheriff's Salo OF FINE CIOAR8 ! i of Mu«vvx«e county, 1 ou Wcduead*), the Mil day of April. 1874, to t higheet bidder, for cash, 5,4M 1 MlKAlllLl A CliiAllS. in .mall lot*. I*-\i on as the property of R. W Oflutt, to eat;.tv ta.'hment in favor of Boehm, Beuheim A Co., R w.OflUtt s*b- «iii taka i . v usual hours of sat*', al Ellis A Harrison's aucti rvH'ni, Columbus, tla. tnhJ'J td 11. U. IVEY, Sherirt. Important to Farmers. M haiid-»cwe<l, ami iu cheaper giudis of all guurauti'Od r liable. OUR STOCK OF Brogans, Plow Shoes, all otic r Stap'o Ooods for tho wuuts of tlio tile, is unoxoellt d. i'e ale \\"II nuppliod with Leather and Findines, I can utTi-r indurt'Uo'iits to all cl ihsos of buy. rs. * B. We pay the highest market priro for Dry WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. V/AREHOUSES. DISSOLUTION. rnilE Firm or RK1)I>, CHAMBERS k BANKS has hee a dissolv'd by tho consent of all tar- tii*H cunc'-rued. A'l unpaid advances art* in tlio Liiinls of the Uii'lurs’gned for Hettlemeut, who w ill aim pay all claitus against tliu old firm. NOTICE. rnilE INUUUSIUNED nil] still contlnm. Hie Warehouse and Commission Business AT THE LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. Thankful f. HIDES. HIDES! HIDES! I WE W ild. PAY Til F. Highest Market Price FOR Green l Dry Hides, Furs, Beeswax, &c. BARNETT & CO., niii-'l 8m Crawford Street. M. M. HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty. Will Pay tlio Highest Market Prlcu for Hides, Furs. Beeswax A Rags. All kinds Wrapping Papor and Paper Bags on hand. Ji?8 dly LOTTERY OF REAL ESTATE! TIEHIIIj g-eorgia Real Estate and Immigration Co. OFFER THE PUBLIC TIIE FOLLOWING SCHEME: $126,000 Real Estate in Georgia. 640 PRIZES ! WHOLE TICKETS ONLY SOLD. CAP1TALPR1ZE, - - $25,000! TICKETS $10 EACH. , 187*1. Glu l‘t 1st mid Capital l*rJae— An Improved Lot 114*1' of 1.0} d and Wall Hti*.« (■*. will, loot front and running back llu lent, .Inielcd lour-stoiy bml.ling tli thoeltyof Atlanta, altu.ih'il Oil f«*«*t of tli« Union I .o^ i. ; 2’) ft*t*t alley—a now * nemeiit, store room* ut •d at r i,ii*hi | . r ainiuiu, valued ut st side )f J-pring .tri-vt, Lot weili t iiiu and Atlanta, fronting llK) f*. »*t, un>l i tinning bn k 2‘tU leet to au all 1* erected a uuw aud elegantly built dwelling Iuiuro, coutaiui diou* rooms, besides b*th room., stole room*, water closet, tue the cor- • Depot, 26 water Works attached, hot aud cidd water pipes, and all i One of the most desirable city r. -i lences in tliu 8oiilh, vuiueu okD l'lllZE—A Farm in the far famed Cedar Valb y, Polk C4iun>y, Georgia niilo-t trom Ceiltriow n, coutainin^ djo auri a—half chart d, tala ahnii'hiiit i *r. i. .i.g water, toiuo i titblo buildings, etc., valued ut., ■Itu l’lllZE—A Farm , , Nat fhee Vulleji, ’>\ liitt* county, Geotgiu, of 260 ac eguntly ( eping upnrt- $26,000 ( ,.i streets, in t veil comino- buildings. 20,000 00 > 1 aud ligh the roliago bestowed up* respect fully soli it it tiuunuco the coming season, with a promise i every efl'oi t t'i promote the interest ol'oil C. A. 11EDD, GEO. Y. HANKS. MISCELLANEOUS. Merchants’ aud Mechanics’ Bank. Muscogee Manufacturing Co., CoLUMHUS, Ga., March 28th, 1874. fJIHK Annual M* ut or Stockholders < f Me- ng C m puny will t *• ln l«i nipuny on Thuisdny, 2il Apt il, Crockery at Cost! have nmov glv.s>n tKJ unis, and will , .1 in) stock of CROCK FRY i I - the Hardware Store <>f Jul ■utinue to nil at coat for ca J. ENNIS, Assigaco. NOTICE. r pint'III III TICKETS 4 I had at 4.dice ot' Central Line i f Uoats I * Jaoktouvllle, ov. ***** JV, PHOTOCRAPHS. SPECIAL NOTICE. » TCHF* We inform our patrons and the public that w e have a rollahle and safer Coh*ri»t new, and can furnish our COLOR I NO WITHOUT S' * much DELAY AS HERETOFORE. Person* laving l'hotegriphs of any kind ati.l wanting them COLORED, ran have H done at the shortest notice and ut the lowest prices. Our prices for COLORING WILL BE REDUCED TO ONK llAFL THE PRICES charged heretofore at WILLIAMS’ ART GALLERY, SI Broad St., over Carter’s Drug Store. N. 1L—All p rs. tti owing us for Coloring will take uoti.e, aud settle only w ith one of us. G. T. WILLIAMS A BUO. mh31 tf MONETARY. R. M. Waters & Co., 56 Broad St., New York, receive Deposit Accounts 1 on favorablo terms from Banks, Bankers, and Corporations, subject to check at sight. Loans made only on Cotton and Approved Stock Ex- : change Collaterals. Notice. AND AFTER APRIL 1ST, of the Central •Iruubnson SAT- Jr-.'" IKP.WS AN1) W KDN K*DA YS.BASjETS Th<* Saturday boat only will go thmugii l chituln. tiiii Dancing School. \ f ’LL E 'D\- A C.VHNCnOSS i\L cven-U ir* in her illnet will couiiuence I «*r Dancing, at the Plant day. Match 5th, at and * t*. m. Twelve I.e*. cue, $o —payable CHEMICALS—PURE ! I'uU HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW I'UICKS. E. C. HOOD & BRO. WACON MAK1NC. I. tut - i lining tli" *1 dwell ng, in 1 lu I ruin the c . Augusta, < , valued at.., 1 vitiity, Georgia, one-half with all tho improvements • dwelling, with all tho necessary out- Marietta, Ga., containing about two acres, i room dwelling huiist* thereon, iu good repair, kitchen, servants’ , dairy h-i'iso, stables, etc., withiu •» yards of the railroad depot, valued at 7,500 ( ^ ... $7.'**o tfi j Prizes, each........................ fifio i i l.iouooi Six Prizes, inch 300 t jkimi Six Uuudred upproxlniutiou pritec 6,000 i *.*, amounting in tin* aggregut MODE OI' 1 DRAWING. There will bo upon the f*tnge two glass'wheels, tho content? of which can 1»o ?cen by nil the spectators. A committee o! two citizens, in no way connected with the management, and ut u .doubted integrity, having lirst counted aud examined, will pi m o in tlio 1 tiger wheel 12,Cud tickets exactly alike, and having printed numbers irom one to P2.6 u, corresponding i > all the tickets hold. A similar commit too, having first counted and examined, will place In tubes pn clsvly alike, the prizes,,whieh are placed lit the smaller wheel. Jhdh wheels will ti eu be turned until their contents are thoroughly mixed. A boy under rtttccn yturs of age, blindfolded, will then draw Irom tho Jurger wheel one of the 12,6 u tickets, and holding It up lu lull view ul the spectators and auditors, its number will ho called by the crier appointo-i lur this purpose, so tl. all present may hear. Tho number will then bo passed to tlio committee of citizens, who will say who: Iter the number has been rightly called. It wilt then be pu.-sed to a registrar, who will tile it, and record It upon a book prepared for that purpose. A boy of similar ago will then draw Irom tlio smaller wheel one *>l the tubos containing a prize, whieh will be openeduudhold up to tho view ol the bp etators and uudltors. Tho value ot the real estate prize will then bo cried, und passed to tho committee, who, after inspection, will give it to another reg istrar to tilo and record. The prize thus drawn will belong to the ticket hearing tin* number drawn Immediately betore ft. Tlius tills process will continue, drawing ttr.-t Irom tlio lurao whe 1 containing the tickets, und then Irom the small or prize wheel until all the tube ontalnlng the prizes aro drawn. An accurate record ul the above will be kept on hie, certified I t.mcrically ormed, mid having Tho numbers ol nil tlio ticketsjsold being Considered''in ucircle, v , the highest number. 12,6. 0, and the lowest 1, brought together, then whatever number in this circle may bo by lot determine.I to bo * titled to tho Unpual i’rize of *2 ,oou will bo taken as a center, ou each side of which the next 3 *t numbers In numerical order will bo counted for tlio ♦lo' Prizes, thus making on tho two .-1 ic- *»f tho Capital tho 6 0 nearest numbers, each ol which will bo entitled to a Keitl list ate l’rlze (d 4*10. All the Tickets dr.wjng larger Prizes will he excluded, and the circle extended to include 600 on both sides ol the Capital, being 3 won each fate on the market under this scheme, are required to m iku good valid uud uumeumbere* tics thereto to the Goorgla Real Estate and Immigration Company—aid Cmnpuuy obllgin. UtetnsGves totransler such title in fee simple to tho p irty or parties who may draw such prize o Tickets can be had agers, ur l application, personally or by letter, to authorized : JAMLS (JAKl'iNEK, President Georgia Heal Estate and Immigration Compni.. Atlumuur Augusta, Gcorgi. CORPORATORS. MANAGERS. Hon. WILLIAM SCHLEY, Savannah, Ga. A. M. WALLACE, Atlanta, Ga. KOHEHT SCHLEY, Esq., Augusta, oa. H. L. WILSON. “ Col. JAMES GARDNER, “ *• .1. D. WADDELL, “ “ ♦^-Parties desiring to dlsnoeoof their real estate through the Georgia Real Estate Immigration Uompun> in their next brand Lottery, to be drawn on July 1st, 1*7 addioeelug - - * * Pre ident Ga. R. E. & I. fc£,AGENTS wanted in every county. marl7—dAwCm LI.I.IS d HAIIUISOX, Agents, Columbus, Ga. FOR SALE AND RENT. To Rent. ^ FT Ell April Oth, t«o Furu.-h d BlT'g. ROOMS, Kitchen nuu Stal .e with use of d.uiu n * t** *m aud pith r. Addrce* :vj• I tt M. Enqulror Ofllce. For Rent. LARGE ROOMS, with si lo entrance, with use /W ot parlor an! V t.l.«u. Parties can board with family on v.*ry reu-otialdo term*, if preferred rtd.All.4 an.l *th,-out GIN M RIGHTS ut Wh*rvver hi* h»* worked lu* lias given •atisfai-tii't). and. m* ho propose* t«> make a tour ta a short It me, planter* t ooding llm trj-airs should await hi» comiug. “Work [ twice doutf." tuli24 dswtf Wood and Blacksmith Shop, J. H. MOSHELL H AVING taken Goi-tchiu*’ Bl.*«ksnjith Sh*»p, i* now prepare i t*> do*mitlung an I \V ,*»■ I Work in all their various branrlu-v, such a* I’lantatlon Wotk, Repairing *«f Carriages aud Wagon*, making of all descriptions of Plows, ll**r*e tiioeing, Ac. 1 kt*i*i> iiijjstantly ou hand a largt* stock of aJJ kiu Is of PLOW 8 in general use, which w ill so'.l a* cheap as can be found any where iu the a Well located. Addn §* . tf L, Box 184. JOB PRINTINC. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK of LETTER, BILL I-IE-A-D AMD Statement T’ape House id Lot for Sale A!.- on i.oimi run or uroad si. d guarantee all ron line Tin* patronage of the public rk done, either in the wood respectfully J. II. MOSHELL. T” ree 5iS !il (heap to a c A. WITTICir. For Sale Low. ^ SCHOLARSHIP IN THE MEDICAL COL- I.LGK AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. uov6 tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. VISITING and BUSINESS CARP| All of which can be furnished prink • short notice, at low Ca*u Rates. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Leg^ Blanks, on hand. Tlios. GrilTvort* PRINTER and BINDER. Sun and Times liui | d' n j COLUMBUS. GA.