The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 03, 1874, Image 3

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© tuttticut. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. CVLl'MUIla, «».: [tll'AV. ....AVKIL S, 1874. I Doctors. UR. I. T. WAKKOCK, .Surgeon uml l’hy»utnn. bluuglilui'* Drug Mote, Railroad street. farmers; department. A l»EAl*ODY, ■ Editor. Agricultural Implement*!. •jbe foilowiog timely remarks arc ex- ..ieted from a report recently read before Ljltiuibns Grange : Hie character of the implements used bv flll agricultural people is generally a very * 1 judex of the progress they have made iu agricultural pursuits. The farmor who .rovidea hiuiHelf with the best and most iroved pattern of plows, is euubled to , ive bis soil that preparation which so much facilitates tho making of his crops. Ibis implement of all others ruuks first, for upon it dopouds that success which wo all look forward to as the result of our labors. i'bo different patterns mostly used in this section, are the Dodgo, llrinly, Ex celsior and Watt plows. Tho two first, ^withstanding their very general use tiuce the war, do not fully answer tho wants of our people as a sod plow, though they perhaps do all iu other respects claimed for them in pulverizing the soil and taking the laud. The Excelsior and Watt both turn a better sod furrow,there by covering up all vegetable matter upon the surface, preparatory for its decomposition and improve ment of the soil. Tho success of our ‘crops depends very largely upon ibo thorough manner in which our lauds ar o broken up. Each farmer should tberofore Rpare neither trouble or oxpeuse providing himself with such plows ns arc best adapted to tho soil he cultivates, for after thorough preparation any Bimple plow will do the cultivation. Among the difforont planters in use, tbo Dow Law sooms to givo the most gou- erol satisfaction—tho mechauism of all being similar, except in the application of tbo power in working tho distributor, ,.:ic great want among our people bciDg t, encourage labor and do the work iu a iccurato and perfect manner. IVw implements pay n hotter invest ment than a mowing machine, or a mower ami reaper combined. With tho mower each farmer can supply himself with all the rough forage he may need upon his farm, and furnish a largo burplus for mar ket. Four handB, with one of these ma chines successfully handled, will save more forage in one wook than twenty bauds can do in double that time pulling fodder. The ground should bo prepared for them to operate in, turned over iu tho spring and harrowed, to lovol the surface and keep down the weeds. With Ibe reaper attachment he can harvest his grain crops, wheat, oats, rye and barley, cutting the grain more uniformly, there by saving the sap sustained by scattering with the hand cradle. lie, however, who employs a maohiuo of this kiud must familiarize himself with its mechauism in order to instruct his workman how to it, or ho will find a great lugs of time will occur, and perhaps considerable expenso bo incurred from getting out of order, tho machine being excessively compli cated. The cost of the mower is about $145. The mower and reaper combiued about $200. Tho horso rake to accom pauy mower $4."». A more general use of the harrow behind our plows,especially up on our Btiff, tonnciouB clay soils,would add very greatly to their productive capacity, thereby assuring that fiuo tilth which we so much rely on in the preparation of tho soil in our gardens. It is greatly to bo desired that Southern farmers will each year diversify their crops more and more, i.i order that a greator variety of imple meuts may ho brought into use, thereby suving us from depending so largoly up on hired labor. Dlt. J. W. It. WILLIAMS* s Ills pruiudBioiMl ■irvUcH. uiluc ( .\, r ll!• t*u A L’u Chainin'in k H. K. mu- t Millinery. MISSIES WII1TI; A- TUCKER, FuihluuHblu Milliner, ami Ure.snmker., Ueutk'im-u's tiluri* cut by chart and gUiuulit—i to lit. ClmiulHio street, u, xt to Kuhn's dry good* store. i t .pi Mitt. C. V. HARROW, 1*iishlomiblu .Milliner anti Drosaiimk-r. Agent of Ruttirick <k Co.’s I'ntterus. At the lute Hanking House ul Slmppaid A Co., Opelik i, Ala. j u .rj ’ Notaries Public. U. D. HIGGINS, ing appointed Notary Public for Lee county, respectfully solicits the patronage ol tils It lends. Holds Court 1st and 2d Saturday* ol each month, ... .. „ ja-2a Eating Houses. KOGKllS’ BATING HOU8K, Uight at the Depot, open at all hour*. Jioi uuu Meals lor ull Truins. Ja-ii At runic Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Coffins, and Caskets, jultj Chuinbt r* street. A. J. Yli'liLKS, Attorney tint! CouitMcIlor at Law. Office opposite Alubuntu House. Practices in all the Courts of the State. jud J. U. I'AMPBKLL, Tailor, Cutting and Making iu the Latest Style*, lto pairing neatly (lone. South Uuilroad St., over Furnituro Store. Jal Dentists. J. L.l£. SMITH, Dentist, Doe* Plate Work uud Plugging on reasonable “‘I term*. Cliambi-rH street. Barber Shops. W EM LEY 1IARKIXUEK, ltarbcr, Corner South Railroad aud Chamber* streets. tlecSS Empire Mills and City Mills. Reduced Wholesale Price List Columbus, Ga., March 20th, 1874. A A Flour (strictly Fancy) per barrel $:() A Flour (Choice Family n H Flour (Good Family) 8 0 Flour ti packed in % aud V, sacks. Itrun, ft IPO Ih 1 Bran, y. 10 in lb H Ship Stuffs, I op |ti 2 Ship Stull'*, V loo J lfi 17 lle-t White Table Meal ami Grit*, por bushel, c dll 1 00 tnliJU -It Save Your Grain Sacks THE EM Fill E MILLS YYMI.I. BUY SBC0ND-UAND GRAIN SACK8 i quantities that tuuy bo offol trl.29 2taw It NOTICE ! IT AVIS sold my interest in tin* KtlHinoss of the l-to firm of MKYBK X RUtiGII to Mr. John •’ 1 'iseh. Person* h iving left repair w<-rk with t lirai will pL-a-io call h-r it by tin- 1 th - f \\ rit will be * M.n* indebted to t f-irwaid and settle . A. MEYER, Adm’rx. Having bought tlw* interest of the late F. M»-y ’ ’ prepared o best him tny fib uds and the joiin g. nr sen, mh‘29 1 w ThotmiH, near Itmnd Hfcot AC T S Of the Last Legislature FOR SALK 1IY w. J. CHAFFIN. ttovirt tf Choice Simpson Cotton Seed FOR SALE Knitted from Selected Slnlkn, by E. T. SHEPHERD. min', tf FRESH GOODS ! PROFUMO sT HOFFMAN Have Just Received a Fre*li Lot of Dates, Prunes, Raisins, Figs. Choice Apples. &c. fttltt tf Wood. Wood ! JjKST WOOD, ready sawed, f I. u p.-r cord. Wood •awed for 60 cent* per cold. Order, filled prompt ly on application to tlm f*bll tf MUSCOGEE MAN'F’NG CO It. G. Holiiln-ld .* law uffice LECAL NOTICES. City Tax Sales. . be *uld on tin* FIRpT TUESDAY IN NEXT, III tiohl ..r the aucMuti Luuse Mil* A Harrison, in the citv of Columh'i- ti... for llarrisou, in the i mg . i-Mnt.e.i | roperty,' all situated i 1 foliitubu*, levied on to miti*ty . 187:1. Nor th part of lot No. with improvenient th an acre, more or hsi. Levied • d Mr*. Kob't M. Ahlw.rlh. aid city of Colutnbu* h i Female Academy square, the l pr-.petty outli half of lot No. 127, with lliipiov* moots leoii. leing ' , of ail line, more or hs*. I. Vied a* th.- propelly of W. G. demon*. Amount of lot No. Iiid, with Improvement* thereon, ’•pied by J. C Andrew*. (report) of John 1). Carter. Du being store bunco Levied ,n ac th Amount ot t,\ *j i -j Lot No :-l6, c. t.t with improvemc . ro $316 76 't." G * ° f ttU Rcri '* ,, '° ro ° r i{jV.I'_ r ‘ , i rr, y of John J. Grant. Amount of tax with improvements thereon.” Levied property of W. N. Hawk*. Amount of tax $ti',».7 .. North half of lot No. ikl6, containing of au r loss, with Improvements thereon, tho property of Ada Jones. Amount MILLINERY. Latest Styles of New Spring Millinery ! MRS. M. R. HOWARD I S NOW nRCKlVlNd AND Ol'KNlNQ » l*r K c urn] Fn.liloniililo utak or MIM.IS CUT, *c., consisting of— L illies’, Misses and Children’s trimmed anduntrinnned Hats and Bonnots; Flowers and Ribbons; Best Roal Hair Swi dies, Jewolry, 11X74. 1K7 1. 1ST e w @pi*in ^ ]\I!i 11 i 1 ic >1 *y Vied ou i of tax $8.7, Part of lot No, north part of said lot, ordun and being 06 feet ftontofTof the prope child, Silian. Amount of uth hull of lot No. l;i6, ClUtnlniiig V, of an >r less, with iiiiprovi-uieiitH thereon, the property of A. It. Lanotr, trustee Amount of tax $51.26. Furniture, &c. Lawyers. Tailors. •Vied o for Uatlie. II. Lama vw ., - North hull of loth No. 4M, containing '_j of ji Amount of tax $17.76.* Lot No. Ill, containing half a op. Scaly. Amount of North part of lot No. 178, fronting on Uroud reel 10 feet *i inclio*, aud ruuniug back 147 feet lo iu, In-*, with building thereon ladug tenement No. 3ft. Levied on a* the propett.v ol Joseph 8. Winter, trustee Mr*. 0. Victoria Winter. Amount of tax $j;i.76. Uim tail road box cur, levied on an the property of the North and Booth Railroad Company. Amount of tax $l('l 25. Partie* may settle any of tho above ease* before day of sale by paying the amount of tax rpoe- lverUfllng. mli8 oawdt Muscogee Sheriff Sale. Hotels. ALAUA3IA UOUME, Cotiveuiont to busiuess portion of ilio city. (I. W. AI.LKN, Prop ADA3IH HOUSE. When you go to Opoilka, ho Hitro to Btoji at tlio Adam* Houue, oppOflitO Fa**enger Depot. Insurance. E. C. 1IOWEX A SOX, General IiiNurnnce AkchIn. Office. Railroad dtfcct, over R. 51. Grot-no A Co.'i GROCERIES. II UKMUVAI.. AMYET & YOUNG AYK removed from their old Btutid ti ' sioru formerly known as tho “Hi on Oglethorpe street, opposite i Rag Office, where they have a I nihl'J 2w Ifl NOW OPKN1NG A LARUK AND FASIIIONABLK STOCK OF Ladies’ Misses’ and Children's HATS, Trimmed and Uatriniiiied. Ladies’ Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, Ac., Real Hair Switches, And other Desirable Goods, which sho will soli Choap for Cash. r parcel of land lying and being to-writ All that tract in the county of Muscogee, and in tho Northe... Liberties and adjoining the North Common* or tho ity of Columbus, and known in the plan of the Northern Liberties a* lot number forty five, (•!•'«) (routing ou Jackson stro, t 117 feet lo inches, and muiiing back east 1-17 fe, t lo incite*, more or less, the property of Hampton Kenton, tniitee, dec’U, Agnes Renton. Sold by virtue of a mortgage ti fa issued by tho Superior Court of the county of Muscogee. . I-o, at the same time and place, all that tract parcel of land lyi g and being in the city of Columbus, ili • aid ..unity, und llliou n in the plan 1 i ity as I. t nunit» i - tie huudn-d and thirty five, (Id'., i otitaining ,-n<- quarter ot an acre, uioru Levi'd on a- the property of A. R. I.uinur. trustee, by .d a mortgage li la issued by Superior Cor r *'• •el»3 oaw2 BANKINC AUD INSURANCE. II. II. KI'PINII, Prttl’I. II. W. KIIW OUIS, l .i.lilcr. ll. ,l ,,, i.kih,,, , n>)i . r The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLUiMUl S, <J !•:<». This Bank transacts a General Banking business, pays Interest on De posits untlor spocial contract, gives prompt attention to collections on all accessiblo points, anil invites correspondence. Information transmitted by mail or wires when desired. apil dtim DRY COODS. KTBW GOODS ! ARRIVINC DAILY AT Tlie New York Store. Elegant Silk Poplins at 65 cents. HINT llEC'EIVEIL S. LANDAUER & BRO. J. BH0DE3 BROWNE, rrosident. UEO. W. DILI <;eoi{(;sa 110331: Bauk of Discount aud Deposit. Deals in Exchnnge, Uoin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, aud prompt returns made. Till! lillilil 1 IliE S iUMo IliMt Offers the greatest iiulneements to those ltaving i.lh- I'untls, for winch they want undoubted security, ;i liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $L amt upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by cheek by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Por Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.— P>v the terms of tho Company’s charlei, the entire capital and property of the Company and (lie privato property of tho Shareholders is pledged for (lie obligations of the Savings Rank. DIRECTORS; j. nnonEH nnowNi-:, iwtof theOo. JAS. l'\ BOZEMAN, OapituliHt, Atlanta. J. li. OLA1T, Manuf'tr, Clapp’s Factory. Hon. JOHN MclLllENNY, Mayor. JOSIAll MOltHIH, R ESPECTFULLY nmiouneo to tln-ir frloml*. riiffomer* and tho puhliu g«>no*ally, that their I’AI.l. AX II WIXTEK NTOdi OF HHV LOOKS is u»w oouipleto iu every d-oai tmeiu, consisting of every article usually louiid In a first clu*s Dry Goods House. They wete bought during the money jianio in New Yoik lor money, aud will be sold at price* to correspond with the times, loi cash. «*' \\ a still keep a largo lino of Muscogee Sheriff Sale. \\’1LI. bo sold on tho first Tuesday in April ’’ next, lx tween tlm legal hours of sale, be fore tho unction Imuho of Ellis k Harrison, Broad street, Columbus, Ou., the following desciibed property, to-wit: Two and a half middlings I noon, 20 pair* of of* half I l’reel - ti lllgc*. I’r iperty pointed t Also, at sumo time and place, hIiures of stock iu the Mn*ci g e 1 aud alike interest in the laud on v stand*, as tho property ot ,n h i I. ! city lot No 227, and iniprnv. >. .-nt-. property of Soahorn Jon * .1 . ti la issued troiu A.iiM-og.- 1 L fkinn.-r l-y (il tint .11 favor of Samuel M ( T ' >• supei lor Court ill ■it-" . I Furiidi Car- J K. lining, a.liiiiu- il. Ju* W Warren ' ["Milled out by lie- iolltll pi POUND CAN CHICKENS, 25 cents; 1 “ “ TURKEY, 25 “ 1 “ “ KKEF, 25 •• Fresh Pears, 2 Ih ciu*, 25 cent*; Quinces, 2 lb cans, 3U cent*; Kgg Plum*, 2 Ih cuiih, 25 cent*; Asparagu*, J lb enns, 60 ceutfl; Shaker Preserve* aud Jollien, all kind*, $1.25 Jar Choice Keef Tongues, 05 to 75c each; Extra Choice Sugar-Cur. d Hum*; “ ** Shoulder*; Mild Cured White Meat; Sapolio for Chaniug Glass, Ac., 15c per cake; Morgan's Hand Sapolio, IU and 15c “ All guide* of Flour, Meal and Gilts, at mill pric s, UlackweU's Genulno Durham Smoking Tobacco, 8Uc lb. I have determined to noli my good* at i very clo-o margin; confloi|ueutly, from und aftei till* date, 1 will d. liver no good* until paid for. ROB’T S. CRANE, noh 80 [fob! dOml Triftoe. H. F. ABELL & GO. 1IAVK JU.1T IIKOKIVKU A NRW INVOIOK OF Queen Olives, quarts and pints, German Chocolate, Vanilla Chocolate, Condensed Milk, Parraflnc and Wax Candles, Rio and Java Coffco, roasted. Young Hyson and English Breakfast Teas, Citron and Spices, all kinds, Astral Oil, 80c per gallon, McEwan's Sparkling Ale, Dundee Marmalade, Barclay & Perkins' Porter. lull-’J tf F. A. POMEUOA AT IIOOIIKIt’N ( OIIIVLR, CALLS ATTENTION TO Choice White Shad, •• Kresh Bay Fish, “ MobiJe Cabbage, “ Celery and Lettuce, “ Live and Dressed Poultry, “ Fresh Country Sausage, Spare Ribs and Backbones. A Oholcu Lot of Fraah Crackers, Sugar Jumbles, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Creams, Ac. Apples, Onions, Potatoes 4 Turnips. AUo usual Family Sunilii's and Fumy Uro trias ° ll >lr! T. C. PRIDGEN will lo found at tlm conn- t.-r an 1 will 1m* a*'d to wait on hi* fornu r 111-- totnor* mid fr.i-nd*. '1 ho putrouagoof the public m mi., .fully -ai.-i.-l. »•)*? T. J. Pearce&Co., (Succeflflors to William", Pearce k Ilodo,) Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, R ESPECTFULLY atinouuce to their friend* and the public that they will continue bufliiiei* at the old stand, where they will keep u good stock of Groceries, Plantation Supplies, dec., Will, ll will bo .old loir uud strictly fur J.,ai :,.n T j. i-kARCr. -t co. . . of lot of land No 473. ou Mrflito.-h streit, Intwien Ruldwili and Thoum* street*, in the citv of Columbus, lev ied mi as the property of Mulrtley Holmes, to sat isfy ti fu in favor of Dr G Terry vs Muh-il.-y Holme*. Property poiutod out by ( luiiititr's ut- tornoy. nth 10 wtd 1^. O. I YKY. Slier n. Sheriff Sales for Taxes. ILL be sold oil th- funt^Tu-sd.y m April Iroiit of Ellis A Hurrmoii'* an ii .n house, Itroad fltleot, Columbil*, Gil., the dtnmbed property, number 1 less, with iin|>r. property of R for Mi constable, mini on ug half an ncr< leu-on, levied Ni i t i'll o 11, 11 ii* tee lor Ann Cioaly, II. G. IVEY, Sheri Muscogee Sheriff Tax Sales. W ILL ho sold on th" first Tuesday in April ILL bo sold botw flout of the aurti- Itroad street, Colin .1 Ii. ol hlli* A Harrison the following ilesvrib •or* •• l atid 22, iu tin g 2'M) acres, more <n d u tin. ll W Marlin or Mute and count) \ ni ido und ret unit d t No 2i Love made and r lawful constable protein* v proport) •ort) p •nut) tax |..i •turned to by W. t*. McMicl and place, lot of land, with IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION ! ALSO, A SPLENDID LINK OK Ladies 9 , MiiimeH 9 n.ncl Children's Mlioos, of thu Latest Style and Kent Make. Also, a Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Prices. All wishing to pun lius« will do well to give u* a call, a* we bought low aud will sell cheap for cu*h COTTON WAREHOUSES. PETER I’It EER. Font! line ai'elioi ise. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants Orders Solicited in person or by lettor. Commission promptly executed for buyer or seller. mi127 tr coijinvinus, Georgia. JAMES RANKIN, Cnpitnlint. N. N. (’LUTIS, nf NYolls.CnrliH A L. T. DOWNING. Allurtioy-nl l,n\ V . 1>. I'\ WILIJ’OX, Nnurotnry nf llm Co HittiUcr, Monti*’y. CHARLES Wisi:, MERCHANTS’ AND AAEGDANICS' 9 OOLTJMBTJS, GEORGIA.. W. L SALISBURY, Presid’t. A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cashier, February 5th, 1 »71. tf SECURITY—PEOMPTNESS- T111-2 -LIBERALITY ! Georgia Home Insurance Coni|)’y C'OXTIXUKN TO Oi rilH Till; ITHI.H’ INDEMNITY against Loss by FIRE! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,009,00, Sho Wants a Chanco to Cot It Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH Trcusiim'. '-y w d'J.t uud : c.illci tnr. Lev) mud-and McMiiluiel, lawful ioii*tuble • and plat with impr city of Coluinbii*, Hu, a VV right, lor Stut- m l ■ • erty poiiU-d out by tux « part* of lots Ni tlm-Oil, in tl pert) of Mi* I. |.-r 1 I'm Levy CLOTHINC. THORNTON & ACEE, No. 70 Broad Street. (Next door to .1. W. I’otisu ti Norman’s Hjokntoro,) Have Just Recoivod a Now Lot of Men’s and Boy’s OLOTHIKTG, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on former whole sale cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less than Cost prices for the same class of goods purchased earlier in the season. As we were able to get a still further re duction of from 5 to 6 por cent, for the cash, wo will soil at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy good Clothing at lower prices than ovor sold in this section. $^fi.~Call and soo for yourselves. . I, lawful coiitl ihb*. At sumo t:in" and plac-, north half ol lot* ■-! land ;17 and :tl8, in th- city t'idutniiu*. fiMiting mi Jackson stn < t, as th- property of John I) far ter, for Mat- ami county taxes for lt>72 uud 1*7.1. Levy mu h- uud returned to by W. ti. Mc.Miclitiel, lawful constable. mb lo w It II. 0. IVEY, Sheriff. Muscogeo Sheriff Sale. W 'll.L ho sold on the lirst Tuesday in May m xt, between the legal hours of sale, in from of th- auction house , ( f Ellis k Harrison, Hioud street, Columbus, Gn., tho following de scribed pioperty, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of hind lying and being ity of Columbu*, in *ai>l county i in i i ot said city ■ -hall • II. n rve. containing li m, • Ilk lit proves north I) land* Tillettwiis and E Fir (slid* of A Gamiuell; i BOILER MAKINC. geo. T. GIFFORD, Boiler JS/nn^Lor and Sheet Iron Worker. REPAIRING done with despatch, at II. II. Ry der* Machine Shop, Goetchiu*’ Planing Mill*, inh t 2ui A Thornton, of lain! being Hue and | luce, all t I. Ilamilto. ' th • 1st- ti (thin lot being th. on in a toll "I j--. : tit11 ">o C Cook, tir,) and iui| i liiuh—. tru-t• b r’ .1 fuvo "t U | 11 am II and cliildn n. I from Muse o- lluwk*, and Loan A*i:ociati I li fas. Bih lo Vi2m a. 'i. IVEY, Sheriff. 'll ATTA I hi '• i I It- t'tlRT Or DRItl N A KY, -■ I m of pru)- R. C. Putt. r-. -n I ing pormaiii 'it b ti• King*, laic ol -aid > Hi »o arc, tlo-r- gular, dill) 111- d III oil). • . • i it ion > i ' 1 Mtnte of 1, of A v b tt- r* of a.lminis- to said applicant at d Court of Ordinary. WILLIAM A. FARLEY, / • EORGIA—ML'ti' l I Ulan hard, udm • •-' Duncan M H. S. II the real ent.1 EE COUNT Y —Th ,ny th v have) iu my cdllco ■.... -I by law, w by luave t>> ild not In. granted, jal Mgnulurv, tin* Mar. h . M. KROOhS, Ordinary. Here’s Your Clinnce. NO EXCUSE FOR A RUSTY SUIT ! CLOTHING AT COST ! TOOK THE NEXT THIRTY DAYti WE WILLtiF.I.I. Gi lt til I’hUK FTOCR OF * Gr.XTI.E.nKX'N, YOI TIIS* AXIF 4 1!I I.UKF.VH Clothing and Underwear. Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c, &c., at Cost for Cash. Cuino atonic, If you wish to buy CHOICE CLOTH P.8 fora little money. THOMAS & PRESCOTT Columbus, Oft., D-c. 1C, 1873. d. o !iw FERTILIZERS. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE CSOMPAKTY. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, - - $529,3fi4.92 Boston “ “ “ - - 180,903.89 Total Assnta Gold January 1st, 1874, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Lohhch Duo nml ITnpniil.. Ijohhph iu pruvoMH All olltor CliiiuiH.. iiijUKlnicnl, or luljtiHtml uml not dim.... COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, ..$• UI'.I.L H7 CJtiin.. liOANCk - I'rninpl ly id jiislnl itml I'iilily Si'ltli-il l»y G. G1TNBY JORDAN, Agent, 00123 ly COLUMBUS, G A. 1 **7 I D. F. GENERAL WILLCOX, AGENT SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUAM JOHN S. REESE & CO,, Baltimore, General Agents Cash Price, $56.00 per Ion. Also, On Time, for Cotton or Currency. INSURANCE OH. UroAcl Street, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. mb 11 tf SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MGNEY, BUT ONLY THE. WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would bi no trouble to bocomo Indoncndorit. EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS DEPARTM’T, Less than ono year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by lav/, over $3,000 000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every do! lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards ,-eccived. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Priss't. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. II K use of thirt Guano for tho past . ighl >< reliability. I pi-' isidy th- sum Tho large lix of continued - li quid ity than Any iiuiuIm r «.f i I and iiifonii.itioii lurniMiiixJ, is Uml heretofore sold. -liipmiy ill thi* hiuiiM H* fin nislo-s ti e b'-st guuraiitee a gri-Hter interest in uiainiHiiiing its standard of i*ii application to my Agent* at union* local market* Compound Acid Phosphate of Lime, KOlt COMI'O.STI \<1 WITH COTTON HKKI>. Peruvian Guano, Dissolved Ammoniated Bones, Land Plaster, &c., &c. W. H. YOUNG, 12 Broad St. Grand Clearing Out Sale ! TO MARK READY FUK *111 L H'RINU TI’AI V, \W NOW oj-H I Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASH AMI MKIIY OTIIHt AKTIf M A s I-"" Cl I I A I *.M AN Goo<C i Mi I I 11 III.III. KKSTI 1.1 OO ItltO A l» Slltl I