The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 04, 1874, Image 1
Columbus ^nsriD iDJ^TXjizr Enq uirer VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, APRIL I, 1871. AO. 7P ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. '1'wfllve months, in advance $H 00 }iis months, “ 4 00 Three months, 44 2 00 Ouo mouth, 44 75o. * Ci’KBKUt Enquired, one year 2 no Sunday Enquirer, one year 2 50 Sunday and Weekly Enquirer to gether, one year 3 00 Ailvei'tlftiug lint on. Square. 1 Week, Daily, $ 00 1 Square 1 year 4*2 UU The aliovu id with tho privilege of a change every three month*. For yearly cards a liberal dis count will lie made. Tho Weekly rates will invariably bo one-third of tho Daily. When an advertisement id changed more than oiioo in three mouths thu advertiser will be ciiarg- ril with tho cost of composition. Foreign adver tisers must pavas do thoso at home. TERMS moil will amuse themselves to the work, { OK T,,B and bring her up to the enviable position j daily, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY to which her natural advantages entitle j miwc^TTTWBm - I her. The Agriculture Association of Bibb ‘ County aro making preparation for hold ing their Annual June Pair, and will also hold another in the fall, and it seems strange that Muscogoo county cuu’t mau- uge to hold one during tho year. Owing to the financial crash of last fall, the effects of which have oxteuded through the uutiro season's business, our merchants have had a pretty hur l time of it, and there have been one or two heavy failures, and in tho aggregate a good deal of money has been lost ; but, apprecia ting tho old adage that “thoro is no uso to cry over spilt milk,” they take a choor- ful view of the matter, and do not stop to bowail their loBses, or to make out black lialn, but are pushing ahead with their proverbial enterprise, evidently intending to profit by their bought experience, and hoping for bettor suooess iu tho future. Our community wns gladened, a fow days ago, by the intelligence that Con gress had nt last removed tho politico disabilities of our fellow-citizen, tho lion* Thomas Hardeman, Jr., who, I imagine, was among the last, if not tho vory last, unpardoned rebel in Georgia. [Not tho last, as some remain.] The Colonel must havo sinuod groivously,as it has required long a time for him to obtain pardon, utid I understand that oven at this late day tho bill for romoving his disabilities met with strong opposition, and finally passed tho Senate iu tho face of an adverse report from the Judiciary Committee of that body. It is true, he was ouo of the so- ceding members of Congress, and made a gallant Confederate soldier, but I think tho hoad and front of his offending, in tho eye of tho party iu power, did not consist so much iu that as iu his firm and persistent opposition to thoir efforts to place Georgia permanently iu tho hands of tho negroes and carpet-baggers, for no man in the Stuto labored harder or did moro to wrest her from theso minions, a id save horjfrom the fate of her sisters* South Carolina and Alabama, than did Col. Hardeman, and I think it would bo a deserved tribute to his great services this respect for tho people to make him the next Governor of Georgia—a position for which ho is so well fitted by his high moral character, excellent businoss captio ity, largo experience iu public affairs and undoubted integrity. As I promised at tho outset to write only a short lettor, tho great length to which it has already attained warns mo to desist. Ocmuluee. WASHINGTON. t’OMUIlENNIOXAE. FROM MACON, GA. planting In Middle Georgia—Fewer Men* and Euericctlc Work—Ful ton Crops or 1873-'71—Hit- eon and Columbus— lion. Thomna Har deman, Ac. [srr.CtAL CORRESrONDtNCE ENQUIRER AND SUN.] Macon, Ga’., March 31, 1874. Some months have elapsed since I have trespassed upon your columns, hut think ing au excess of advertisements would not now crowd out a short communica tion, and that the great rush (?) of busi ness for tho wiutor’s season had sufficient ly subsided for your entorprising (?) mer chants and business men to find timo to road it, and that it might also be of some intorost to your country readers, I will give you such items of Middle Georgia nows as I can gather. Times are beginning to look somewhat dull ovor here, but not much moro so than is usually the case at this season of the year, us tho cotton crop is by this time pretty generally marketed and the plantors are ut home making preparations for the coming crops. There are, how- over, two branches of business iu which I am glad to note a very great fulling off, and those are iu tho sales of fertilizers and provisions on time, or factors' accept ance of lion draft. I don’t think tho ad vances so fur made by our warehouses will exceed twenty-five per cent, of what they were up to tho sumo ddto last year, and are perhaps even less than that. It is predicted by some that in oonsequonce of this the receipts of cotton for tho next year will bo much less than they have for merly been, as many planters will bo una ble to make a orop without assistance from their factors or merchants, and that while the urea is thus reduced the average yield per aero will also bo lessened by the reduction in the uso of fertilizers. I don’t thiuk, however, that they need give them selves much unoasiuess on tho subject; for, although the planters are juat now in quite u strait, they have got to live, and consequently can't quit work; and as cotton is thoir favorito product, I don't look for much (if any) falling off iu its production. I have rocontly conversed with reliable plantors from various sections of the sur rounding country, from whom I learn that field labor has been readily obtained atul is working very well, and that at no time since the surrender have they seen so much new feucing and plantations in bet ter repair. They also report tho quantity of small gruiu sowed as greatly iu excess of what it has been at any time sinco that period. It U probably a “gopher case” with them, and they find that if they don’t dig they will have nothing at home to cat. 1 iriint their luhors may be crowned with success, and that at the cud of this year they will find themselves iu a more itidcpeudi-ut condition than for a number ol years pussod, for upon their success depends the measure of prosperity of ev ery other branch of business. Iu one of my letters to you, in Septem ber last, I estimated tho receipts of cot ton at this point ut 80,000 to 84,000 bales, and the total crop ut 4,250,000 bales, uud I still thiuk tho latter estimate will prove very nearly torrent. So far, the receipts hero foot up 00,700 bulos, and wo will probably receivo 5,000 moro, which will bring tho receipts up iu tho neighborhood ol tuy estimate. Tho largest receipts by any one house here is 28,740 bales, uud the total stock now on hunJ is about 8,- 0(H) bales, most of which is of the lower grades. I notice that tho receipts nt Co lumbus aro but a fow thousand bales be hind those of Macon, and us hix or seven thousand bales aro annually luauufuotur- Oil by her mills, which greatly increases its value, aud thereby making the roceipts uf Columbus realize about us much as those of Macon. With those facts and figures before me, 1 can’t understand why it is that the former is so fur behind her sister city in prosperity aud enterprise, except aloue iu the item of cotton manu factures. J regret to see that tho propositi ju to vote tho small sum of £1,000 to tho In dustrial Association, to*enable them to hold a Fair this fall, received but two votes iu your City Council. It seems to ho the general impression abroad that Columbus has seen her best days. I, bow- over, can t endorse this, aud I hope, after * few tecjiid cUiaa funerala, tho young CONVENTION OF RAIEUOAll El NEK. Bate* Adopted. Indianapolis, April 3.—Tho convention of general freight ogouts, at Indianapolis, had representatives from tho following roads aud freight lines : Cleveland, Co lumbus, Cincinuatti and Indianapolis : Panhandle, Pennsylvania Co., Iudianap olis and St. Louis ; Vandulin, Evansville aud Crawfordsvillo; Atlantic and Great Western; Michigan Ceutrul, Mariet ta and Cincinnati; Cincinnati, Sanding and Cleveland; South Shore Line, White Line, Continental Fast Freight Line; Indianapolis, Bloomington aud Western Railway; Louisville aud Indianapolis; Cincinnati, Hamilton aud ludianapolis; Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Lafayette; Indianapolis, Peru and Chicago Union Lino. The following schedule of rates wus adopted : Fourth class freight from Chicago to Boston, 15 cents, New York 40, Philadel phia uud Baltimore 30; St. Louis to Bos ton 55, Now York 50, Philadelphia and Bultimore 45 ; Keokuk to Boston 55, Now York 50, Philadelphia and Baltimore 45; Iudinuopolis to Boston 40, New York 35, Philadelphia and Baltimore 38; Louis ville to Boston 47, Now York 42, Phila delphia and Baltimore 37 ; Cincinnati to Boston 40, New York 35, Philadelphia and Bultimore 30. Third class freight 5 conts; second class 10 cents, and first class 15 conts more than fourth class. AIi A HAMA. Tho <5 ranger* I n I to With Ueorffla. Montgomery, April 3.—There was a light frost this morning. No damage. Tho officers of the Stato Grange, in session hero for two days, adoptod u res olution looking to a co-operation with tho Georgia Graugo in the matter of direct trade with Europe. The plan proposed for immigration, it is believed, will result iu success. KEIiMA, ala., racks. Selma, April 3.— Selina Exposition Jockey Club. Second day’s races. Largo attendance, pretty weather, and lino racing. First raco—ono and a half miles, ovor six hurdles. Limerton won ; Joo John- WAsniNOTON, April 3.—Tho House 1ms passed a bill to send a special agent and a naval officer to Alaska, to report on tho fur liade; also, a hill authorizing the building of a pontoon bridge across tho Mississippi nt Prairie DuCliiou. Eighty private bills wore passed. An adverse voport was made from tho Committee oa War Claims in the case of & T. Green, claiming about a million dollars for the property destroyed by or der of Gee Grant, during tho rellion, was laid on the table. Senate. Tho bill paying school teachers, which hud passed tho House, was placed on tho calendar. A motion to adjourn to Monday failed, by 28 to 30. Tho Georgia Plantors’ petition for an increase of United States notes, wus pre sented. Mr. Sherman said ho desired to offer ono or two amendments, being modifica tions of the second uud fourth sections of tho bill strickeu out ; and ho would be glad if tho Sonuto would allow tho Fi nance bill to go ovor till Monday, aud go i with other busmens to-day. Ponding discussion, at tho request of Sherman, tho Suunto took up tho biil pro viding for payment of Bonds of tho Louisville and Portland Canal Company, tho quostiou In iug on motion of Thur man to disagreo to the House amendmeut- and asks for a committee of con ference. Chandler moved to refer tho bill to the Committee on commerce. Shurmau. Thurman nni Morland udvocatod the ref erence of tho bill io a Conference Committee, on the ground» that it should be disposed of immediately, that tho Government might tuko posses sion of the canal iu pursuance of the original contract, and reduce the tolls thoreon, to rolievo oppression and excess ive tolls now charged upon tho commerce of tho West. Coukling and Hamlin doubted tho y prioty of tho Government paying any money upon the b* tpln until tho Slate of Kentucky shall cede to the United States tho jurisdiction over said canal, uud nd vised the roforouco of tho bill to tho Com mittoo on Commerce. Adjourned without action. WitsliliiKton Nolen. Tho President is gone for throi The House Committee on War Claims hold u mooting to-day, aud allowed claims embraced iu tho report of tho Southern Claims Commissions. Nominations—lloury C. Johuson to bo Commissioner of Customs; Cyrus II Baldwin, Assistant U. S. Treasurer Charleston, S. C. Tlio House Judiciary Committee th morning postponed the further considorn tion of various propositions for tho dis tribution of the Geneva award until Mou- (Jay, tho 15th, when it is thoir intention to tuko final action on tho matter. Tho House Komo timo ngo adopted a resolution directing tho special commit- toe on tho Washington National Monu ment to enquire into tho expediency of erecting a monument ovor tho grave (if tho mother of Washington, at Freder icksburg. Yu. A sub-committee, accom panied by an engineer of the U. S. army, will go to Fredericksburg to-morrow with rofereuco to this subject, with a view of reporting to tho House on the subject. TE LEUK A I* II IF NOTEK. —Three men wore arrested in New York for advertising tickets for an alleged lot tery for the benefit of the Virginia Ma sonic Relief Association, to be drawn nt Norfolk. A panic occurred in n school-bon so at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from a lamp ox- osion. Three hundred present; forty injured iu the rush, throe seriously. —At Boston, on Thursday, aboft twenty- sailors of the crow of tho steamer Roman lecnme ill, exhibiting symptoms of poi soning. A physician was called promptly, and with the aid of a stomach pump soon ■lieved the liit-n and placed them out of danger. An analysis of tho food of which tho crow lmd partaken for dinner revealed tho presence of arsenic in the dish-pan. is believed the poisoning was ncci- utul, us tlio cook wus among the vic tims. —On Monday night, at midnight, says the Hartford Time*, tlio signal station on the top of Mount Washington reported a northwest gale blowing at the fearful rate of 140 miles an hour—as shown by tho Riiomotnctor—and a temperature of 18 degroos below zero. This is the highest force ever attained by tho wind in New Englaud, so far as wo know. A gale of sixty or seventy miles an hour will often blow down trees. Iu tho hurricanes of the tropics a force of 100, oven 110 miles hour, is not uncommon. No liutmiu being could stand before such a gale. Tho pcople # iu the chained down liut contrive xumiuo tho auomoniotei* without emerging, else they would be swept off bodily anil hurled down Tuckernnin s Ka ne. The roar of such a mountain gale terrible beyond words. MEDICINES. sun* news. Sanannaii, April 3.—Arrived—Pen elope, Erua, Khoda B. Taylor. Cleared—Garnett and Robonu. Sui'ed—Maria. MARKETS. DY TELEUHAFII TO ENULTUEU. Provision Market*. St. Louis, April 3.—Flour quiot, weak aud easier; business small. Corn firm and iu fair demand; mixed (52hA on cast track. Whiskey steady at 512. Fork activo, firm and advancing; £1(5.25 for up country and to arrive; round lots <f» 3 held at £1(5.50. Bacon scurco and firm; shoulders 7j, clear rib Jljag, dear {)$«$. Lard firm; kettle 1).|, tip country aud boro. Cincinnati, April 3.—Flour dull aud unchanged. Corn steady at (51a(I8. Fork —demand light; holders are firm at £ 1 ( 1(5 25. Lard quiet and steady; steam ll kottlo t»V. Bacon firm blit scarce; shoul ders (»:{a7; clear rib Hides 0,V« clear DA, all packed. Whiskey firm at 02. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Tliis unrivaled Medicine Is vnrrunted nut to con tain a Mingle particle of Mkiicuby, or any injurious mineral Hiil-Htunce, but is I'l HI I.Y VEGETABLE, containing tli->*e Soul horn Hoots ami Herbs which an all wise Providcmi* bus placed in countries wliern Liver Diseases most prevail. II will cure nil IMm'iincn cniiwctl by Bcrnuico* incut ol like Liver un<l Bowel*. Simmons' Liver Regulator or Medicine Is eminently a Futility Medicine; and by belli*; kept ready tor iuiuiodluto iiV.n will save many an hour of Hiitl'cring and many u dollar in huh* uud doctors' bills. After nvoi Forty Years’trial it is still receiving tlio most uu<|inililh'd testimonials to its virtues isons of the highest character ami roapon- aihilily. Kiiiiueiit phydetails commend it as llie SIOST FFKKHTAL NPKCIFIP YOU DYSPEPSIA Oil INOIOKKTION. Armed with tills ANTIDOTK, all climates and chalices of water and food may In* fared w ithout fear. As a Uoinedv in MALA It 101*8 KUAFUS, MOW KL COM PLAINTS, KKSTLK8FN fc'SS, J A UN DICK, NAt'SKA. IT IIAM NO KQI Ml.! It is tile Cheapest, I'll rest, mid llest Family Medicine ill the \\ ol id I MANUFACTURED ONLY IIY J. II. KE1LIN & CO., MACON, GA., and I'll I I.A !> lil.l'll 1 A. Price, $1.00. Sold hy all UiuggislN. 1 deodtwly Western Railroad of Alabama. S Ste'rftv IK * '!*'•"•••«• n * 7 tf tf iy ~ u m -mv 54J HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York! New York and Now Orleans Mail Lino. WKHTKKN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, CoLiiMiius, Ua„ March 2d, Ih74 TRAINS LKAVK COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, ... in pi a. Arrive at Atlanta, • • h; P2 I’. For Montgomery and Selma, lam a. Moilin'), Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS f N KBRA8RA, SALE VERY CHEAP ! NOW FOR Ten Year*’ Credit, luten-Ht only Descriptive Pi 1 8.1 1 II • FOR NEW YORK, DAILY. LKAY!’. COLL> EE :the best advice that can he |*iv.-ii t-> per-n-n* BtilforliiK from dvs- pep-11. hill, us c imphiint, cnlir, roiistiiupt! 11, sick headache, fever and ago-. lo-i v.. is dehili y, or of any disorder n flee ting tin* sl.-ma- h, the live • or kidneys, is to tone, 1 I- an»e, and regulate these im- portuut organs hv tin- iih-- -f DR. '1 UTT'S V FG liT- Alll.K I.IVKR PILLS. They art very mildly, yet thoroughly restore tin* liiuctioiiul actimi of the digestive organs and the iutt-sHues ami renovate the whole system. They produce neither nausea, griping or weakness, and may ho takon at any time without chunge of dint or occupation, l’rieo'ioca box. Sold hv all druggists. DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE losses <| mi 11 ties til .1 1.0 oilier dye doe... rt is iiistulitaii •••us, .Ilid so natural it 1 Ini detected by tin* rh**ca| observer. I LOTTERY. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. A Masonic Grand Gill Concert! 10,000 Pr zes to be Given Away, rniii.s eni KKLII $‘2o0,<HML all in Currency, o is conducted by the M A SON IU fund-. ctlol M V Or NOKFOLI ' 1 - -.1 mo oMO TLMI’I.K, 1 Then* nn NO ITU FAHOLINA. Tlte Natter Before n Pong regional Com ml Hue. Washington, April 3.—The caho of South Carolina wan considered to-day by Judiciary Committee of the IIoiiho, which appointed a sub committee, consisting of Freeman, of New York, Lldridgo, of Wis consin, and White, of Alabama, to hear both sides. Next Monday morning Ijuh boeu appointed for the houring. Tho tax payers’ delegation has appoint ed Fort or, Kershaw, Butler, Ellis II. La thers and T. Y. Simons, a sub committeo to conduct the case. The rest of tho del egation return homeward to-morrow. Tho point now aimed at is to induce the Judi ciary Committeo to recommend an inves tigating committee, so that Congress may bocomo officially cognizant of tho condi tion of South Carolina. This is consider ed an indispensable preliminary to Con- grdhMon d action. FOREIGN’ INTELLIGENCE. ENGLAND. London, Apiil 3. —It is tho Marquis, not tho Duko of Devonshire, that is dead. AISTKALIA. About lloc he fort. London, April 3.—A dispatch from Melbourno says Henri Rochefort and his ston second, Chief Engineer third. Nash- j companions refuse to disclose how they villo Harry fourth. Timo 3:07$. | succeeded in getting aboard the vessel Socoud raco—ouo quarter of a mile | which brought them from New Caledonia, dush. John winner ; Fanny Johuson second. Time 27 Hocouds. Third race—Ortolan winuor of both heats; Kevengo second, l-iruball third. Time 1:54, 1:55. Racing continues to morrow, and lino Bport is anticipated, ihe meeting is a success. for fear of implicating friends. THE WEATHER. Depahtmknt op War, > Washington, April 3, 1874.) Probabilities.—For tho South Atlantic tnkiug -i! in w bully in lb*' *miiho 11 Miunuiry Concert will puhitivuly Ink.- pliiCo .u> TufMlnj, Hie nth of .11 ny, Is;I, mill no further poritpon.uiii-ut ix giiiir<inti*<-<l. LIST OF GIFTS. One (Irninl ChhIi Gifi f Oiid Gr.iii'l CuhIi Gift : One Untii-l ( iixii Gilt Vi Cu-ll GiftH, zoo ••ik’Ii .. I'hi l'null Gilt*, lnU I’mTi... I .Ml Pur 11 Gift*, 100 imeli.. Grtnul Total, 10,000 Gift*, nil ciimIi $J.Ml,ooo Whulo Till;, t*. |- r .; I III f TirketH, $2.50. CluL KutCH—II Tick, in f»>r |.’> i; 22 Thkotx b>r $|oo. DIRl<!0TORS AND ADVISORY BOARD. J Tin L Hupor, I'loxiiboit; Juliii It (Tupivu Troii*.iirer; .liiim-i Y Leigh, Wult-r II Tayh r,lin 8 Obiriebl, John A Rdhhuii, DuiiiiT llint-T, Mil II WiiIhh, .11 II SteveiiH, 8 Well, Julm T Ri-T 111 h'im Jix Oill.ei t (! M’.ilker, .loliii It M hit- h-n.l. y.n |, t \ Miiyur; ( l«»r. .''-.lit Ii il-u , J.HI.I - G Itiiln, G ( IIKNI.Y \ MOOIlK, i 8. II. HILL, Kxpirx BOOTS AND SHOES. Spring is Coming! WITH I.A RGB ADDITIONS OF SEASONABLE COODS! Brogans, Plow Shoos, nl nil oth«r Stnph* Good* for tho wuutn -*f t We are well nuppliod with Leather and Findings, ml call ofler in lureiiH-nlR to all i Imuu a -if Imye N. It.— Wo pay the liighuit market | nr- fur 1* lidm. WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. auiniig the fa.tliiouiihh* luiirdie city in Hu- UliItml SUilei. I'll $1 ^ T UTTs > SARSAPARILLA v ^ns a deuov^ y n- Skill, St. All- , Tiiiiumh, lluiln, oiid. Rlnpwurni, III—ll-’al eci-n. and eni-ii-Ml-H tho Hyntem; |i li«M*p tIk* Blood llciklllky mid all will ho well Imioii ofli-red Hint e.i Vi-gntiible Oxtliu t. -ill Druggists. Ofll fell If* (hmiUwly , untiling Iiiih vitli tlii* vulik.tldu i a but flit. Sold by cUREs Neuralgia, Pilos, hoadaoho, UiarrV.cca. Boils, Old Soron, Lameness, Burns, Coroncss, Toothasho, Ccalds, Sprains, Hoarsonoss, Ulcers. Wounds, Soro Throat, Colic, Eruicos, Ehoumatism, Ilomorrhagos, POKlrf DRIJCS AND NIEDICiNES. J. I. GHIKF1.N, IMPORTED Dmp& Medicines, PERFUMERY FANCY GOODS, AT <-■:■» i-iii( i:s. All g-.-.-l-* guai nt--I «I'r- *- iipti- fully prepur- d at all lionra. J. |. GHIFI jhI •* de-.-Uw ly liifj |t r , STOVES AND TIN WARE Stoves, Stoves • .. RicIiiiikuiI II'- p. in. Arnvi ;to a. in., ut Bull nn i. :in a iu. Nleepikitf Cars Itun lo flinrlotte TRAINS AllRIVK AT OOLUMIIU8 DAILY roni Atlanta, - • • 5:21 A. m rum Miuilg-unery aud Fellini • VStUO l*. M Ticketa for (tain ut Union I'l—in-nger I>--j*ot. AS. I*. BALL, General Fnp’t. R. A. BACON, Agent. Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. a lib Set-1 iuuiil Map*, The Picnoor, liaudiinmi* 111 nst rut .-■) |\,|,o|-, r--nl,i-uiiii’ lutne*t—ul Law, inuibd li.-«» l’u ull imii-nl -rid. Ail-lrmm o | |»\\ ( iub '7 In Ul " 1 ' b- ( '' l ( i; - J>78 * AOENTS-.r uliiple* I.-I leu i i-niH. .1. It It 11»11. ... |! llM .;t RUPTURE ft TRUSSES M ; Id bii | ollihod I i lei’s Hard lit i ulu -i Kiiptm • •leilllly, ll|lll, liiillnng A In I- i ii. In* In-In-. I lil-*iu NIglit Utlalillal 0 N ■ Mi I j -El£ -Ii I *1, 1-■'71, trill iih l'ASSKNGKIt AND MAI I, TRAIN. DAY FRKIGIIT TRAIN. M. (Hull-lay e nil-* ul Mur-11 VIRGIL W. L. CLARK, A„. i 1'iiW KRS, F.ilg. HOTELS. Chewalla House, l.lklltkklo, ,1 lobiimo. A. J. RIDDLE &. wrvi. SMITH A, I'ROI'RIKTOIIS. UBl.K; i re m .-I ii.Mpei I Rankin House, CJolimilmH, (<n. J. W. ltYAN, Frop’r. Ruby Rcstaunuit, Bar aud Billiard Saloon, Unduk the Rankin JIoiihi*:. m>24 lUulf J. IV. Id Prop'r. Por Coughs, Colds, Hoarsonoss, AND ALL TItH0AT DISEASES, TT pmo WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS l*UT Ml* ONLY IN III.I i: IIOXKS. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. S-hl l.y llrilKtflrtta. liv Tike liiglicsl kiit’dlcti I kkiit lioriltc* of l.uropc *ay thu HtriingeHt T-ule, Pnrlllur ainl l)ooh*iruonl known to tlio niudleui world i- JURUBEB/V ' g.? fv •_ » , CICARS. hiji i Li :irs CIGAR EMPORIUM! »\ lUMioi.i'G M(i:i:r, | N ii-ld It mu I-, my Hell i—ul I h|... k ol Imported and Domestic II a v n. ii ii. Ui ii.r s Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, I ">thi Dclpit New Orleans Snuff. Garrett's Scotch Snuff. Lorillard’s Maccaboy Snuff, Another lot of i '‘Rustic" Pipes. ( ; F.OKCIA Ml .-(■< Tho.ii|'»--n havit inirtia'i m on th- • dec '1 hoinpMoi T h i - .H .IKS A ill 1'SETTS S F.\ ATOKIAI. ELECTION. Boston, April 3.—The .niuth ballot probubly shows little chatigo. j evening. ind creditor* of n*id decea appear at my ollica within tin- iinio | null Gulf States eaat of tho Mississippi | river, fresh and l.risk sontbonst to aontb- 1 by sn-l *h'<-«r rau... (if any west wtudn, increasing clomlinesH, ami during the afternoon and 2 , , fc7 . nguhi All* rih-1 )wby Miioubl not I. granted iu *h'-I uppli- -flicial hign itur--, liii* Mar- It F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. • etfnlly invite the *tt. of ST'JVL- ll'ill.-iV\ and Maonf.if tur-r -.f TIN, HIIKKT IRON AN COl'J'KR WORK. Roofing and Guttering done promptly and in tint te at manner. II- Roll'll* h tall, hiding naan red that he run THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAIt STORE. Good News to Smokers! • Nowmnn C V Co HAVK JUST OJ'KNF.D A RETAIL CICAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbus, and to in-*- t th- i|« invii-l f-i (jouii Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c„ they have laid in, ut great - xpena-, u mn. >. : till ppj SsulssS WE WANT I’ I It Hid I. \ NS BOOK AGENTS atone*, it* Hell two of th» muni popiil-.r w-iiii over piihlii.lie-1: II. S. BONDS - : tV. K. Handy. am* MAIMIIALL’S I.IKI. O*’ Geu. Robert E. Lee. Hi)- S'-lid f-.r <’ii- tilni -il -me-. Tl'RNHULI. liHOTII i IIS, 4w Baltimoro, IVt/l, ' Tlcdlrul Disc | hv! Icm, : v in *■ itrf! nlw: ally, hi- Ll> Ii .1 ul I ; t I l II fit.!', ii ••} I Hr, ", I.- ' ' - ' 1 ' • !•' . i»l( rn N'aat?I iJoin Ii.*,• r ,'.l Which r nt.'l I>njirr<j. , - I I - • 1 I- rl ml I I • i Ii :iim-( .i n-11'.f i t In v ! -ti*-.r« ri I ill ■xiMl.nii'lIn.m wl.u h «!. eh ' »o^hful haulhU r - G i,ii, i' tho propr t loflcrH 9500’lie ward f »r pr-i- <•€■•!a of Ircalmentproven, that t!,e propri- ollcn y.>GO Howard f'»r a r ■ : A I M ('old in JJcn'l "or ( ntitrrh wliid* I '1 I cannot cure. Tlie two medicine •- .■ »' |lmtruincnt,for $2 a by nil 'It uggi «t . Ol 1 MONO SI'liMK I.i: