The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 05, 1874, Image 1

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.Ajsrr) COLUMBUS STJnSTID-A.^. A. R. CALHOUN, Editor and Proprietor. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL r>, 1ST I. VOL. XVI—NO. SO. THE FINE OLD tOimY HOEKE. I know a lioMS, l»* ‘»P«' n door « , Wide *<**• to fwlrh the accntnl bw*", .tax, Vivatorr* l«or»*of «nturner Ih-ht, HiaroiKb tb- do*p»-iiing twilij * * A paler railanoe of the sight. Tlioa eoflly in th'""* nll*nt h»ur* Pair face* grow upon tie* K lu '*>>. An t whiaper4 word# <*r ■«•••■ power* Of'ro.'* *l'n|1i'« » Till through tk« deep-mag twllighi •prlng# Lai.... tl.- nielil ■-inward wltli the gvnleii l»looa» with punctual#Lear«, ...old fitU ' The peace o; uwujr a ii indrvd your*. I n'oIJing alow tbolr ivory fringe, The lilie* lie upon the pond ; The ftr-t ha*e caught the minuet lingo, And murmur, •Ittn-l'k -. beyond | tliiuk whi*e»er sought that pr« ir of love or heuTrn, Igllt, wrapt IU Bi Uie ■ J. rtii l ItuJ hi* year had grown to aevt u ! Ur .at elme, a glorton* altar-veil, Itcr.-en "IT the yellow evening *klo* ; •Mid tlnM* thick branchee. blue and pale. The geui eiaoke doth curling ri»o, An-J, wavering In the wavelte* air, rtain lender touch impart »• were else too calmly fa ; r A certain leuder touch impart To wha* were else too calmly fair— Like meaorjr in eome heaven-taught heart. Across the bread, unbroken glade C WhTch gird* tii’i* house on eith-r hand, I,., bench clump* •prinkls shower* of «had The outposts of the forest stand u>! guard the kiugd«m of the deer. Tin- tiiltuees of their charm'd domain, i'here spring cttlmea m ttine every year. And Auluuin leaves fall down like rain. mite* these beeches rise -tnd fall. Kjnlrn le neet iu every tree ; -pih* of distance malt away » a* ritlaa may <11 f-xglovia and be tangled fur. THORNTON; ho determined to close with them when hi* tnou could uho their weapon* to ad vantage. The charge was aounded, and to the surprise of Iho pirates a hundred men, as if propelled by some mighty power hid den in the dark woods, msbed out aud struck their exhausted and demoralized ! AUTIIOH or “ DUNCAN M INTOHU, “ LOUIS MACON," BTC. Written for the Sun titty Enquirer. coprnionT nbcvbei*. CHArTBK xx. THE BATTLE. Colgate's force, added to tho warriors Kosuo. greatly iuercaaetl tho number Thornton's opponent, and the pirate ac- iaition, with their anperior arms, more «u trebled the efficiency of the Mika- The pirates, after a momentary < (Tort to stem the onset, broke and tied at r ms the little prairie, closely pursued by tho ex ultant followers of Thornton aud Valdez. Had Kosno deliberately planned tho battle, he could not havo hit upon n de vice better calculated to give him victory than tho rftie, unanticipated, that was forced on him by tho alarm of bis follow ers at the fire from the woods. True, many of his warriors had gonodown never to rise again, but this was only a small part of the force. Thornton and his men, in hot pursuit of tho dying pirates, did not stop to ask if the lines of prostrate Iudiaus over which they dashed were liv ing or dead. They were fired but by one object, and that was to annihilate every one of Colgate's men before they could reach tho protection of the woods on the opposite side of the prairie. The pirate force was half destroyed, ami Thornton aud a few of his sailors, by a superhuman effort of speed, succeeded in headiug and turning them back. It seemed the moment fur decisive victory, but that moment passed with ut ter defeat staring him iu the face. Dashing aside the breathless men who opposed him, Thornton waa cutting his way to tho place where Colgate was dos- peratuly trying to rally his men, when again tho yells of Kosno's braves rang out, and a cloud of red warriors closed iu to the relief of their allies. Thornton saw the Imp, and appreciated tho terrible mistake. Valdez saw it too, and turning his mon with fixed bayonets, met and scattered the Indians, but they Thornton, and it seemed to strengthen him, for he tried to sit up. and failing, he fell back, and motioning in the direction of the prisoner, ho said: "Do not kill him ; ho is uiy game." iTiAi-rsu xxi. THE NTKAXMERN. Arlztah was tho I’riest of the 8nn, ami the virtual rnler of the Gland. Having no military, beoauso thcro was no foe, they had no captain; having no crime, because there was no waut, they had uo chief magistrate: and having no ambi tion but to mako each other happy, nil willingly obeyed the mild rulings of Arlz tah, to whom they looked ns priest, prophet, and king. For tho last five years -that is, since tho white stranger so miraculously reached their shores—the old priest had introduced many innova tions that (ended to elevate the people. Human sacrifices were abolished, ami n grout chango made in tho form of Hun worship. The white mnn was nevor seen by tho peopK, for he was left in the temple in tho centre of the lake, and though this fact was known to the islanders, they per- aihteil iu believing that tho white conversation, iliev now reached a white gate, which un old white headed man, soeiug their approach, opened; so that Axcal was prevented from saying souio- thing that rose to bis lips. The priest, in the mean time, bad en tered, and waited inside for tho strangers to come up. ‘‘My daughters, it is not for mo to do- man-1 why you have come to this little world of ours, Imt it is for me to see that, having como, you aro oared for aud pro tect -d, while the safely of my own people and their happiness ia assured. Follow Azcal remained with his head bowed, while the bountiful strangers followed the pi lent through a flower-covered court, iu which the only living things scon, as they advanced, were a few great white birds, standing solemnly around a central basin. At the further side of the court the priest opeued n dour, ami motioning with his hand, ho said, "This, for the present, will ho yonr home. I will send you food, and when you havo restod I will eome and talk w ith yon, and you can then toll me why you hnve come." lleforo either could reply the priest withdrew, and tho moment the girls from the snu, and could return ' tered tho white-floored room tho door, as whenever ho chose. Indeed, tho general . if a living thing, swung silently shut be- beiief—a belief that caused sorrow when him! them. Tho room, or rather hall, was ivoh whispered—whs that the white man d the old piiest would leave together d go to the better 1 »nd, which they sup posed to he an immense valley stretching away from the opposite side of the sun. It was before Arlztah that Julia and Lounh stood when AzmI said, ‘•Those are the strangers we have found." The old man, with a dignified gesture, »*aid, "Azcal, my sou, there uiay be nit *- Bongers bearing us go * 1 nows. Wo must not keep them here before tho gaze of tho peoplo. Conduct them to the temple. I will precede you." The old priest waved his hand in the succeeded in joining tho pirates in do- j direction of tho jewet-liko island, aud i during tho pursuit on the lake, and here tachmenta ; and there, with only threo j t | ien Wft jj je d on . ; wo are in tho whito laud of peace, and lie open to tho sky, but about it rose circle over circle of shaded galleries, filled with niches containing quaintly carved figures of animals and bird*. Hero and the re were divans covered with while, and on tho lower floor a stream of clear water trickled into a white basiii. For souio time Julia aud Loiiuh stood in silence, neither being able to spenk, so great was tho change from their lale home, so startling tho novelty of their situation. Julia was tho first to speak. "We must not bo alarmed, Lotmh. Hero, at least, there is peaoe and safety." "Yes, Zulin, it seetna we must have died , Thornton stood exposed. Colgato, who cared littlo for the others, hastened to the spot where h J s enemy stood fight ing against the desperate odds. "You havo driven the game to bay, hut he in mine! Stand back!" ahoutod the pirate Captain. | Thcro was a look of malignant hate in his cruel eyes us he tightened his grasp J on the silver hilt of his sword, and placed hiiiisolf boforo his pale, slouder antugo- o who lives closo I Jut into an oasis of prairie moved tried white uion aud painted Indians, rward they marched with tho quick, u step of .nen confident of att easy vic- •y and complete success. As they de- iyed into full sight Thornton, who ailed his own handful of daring sailors, ked along tho line, and thongh Valdez od firm an a rock, ho was struck with > great disparity of their force. Four olio, at loast, were their opponents, aud a hand-to-hand fight the Indians would »vo even more formidable than tho pi es. All this Thornton, in less time in l take to tell it, comprehended, aud nigh he was not familiar with land tac- s, b<» saw at a glance it would bo uu- io to meet the toe on the open prairie, en immediately bohind him the junglo d forest afforded a good protection for i men, while thoy increased by their uio the advantage* of his marks men. Keacning thin conclusion oc the rmiah lino wo« coming back, Thornton ickly communicated with Captain Val- i, and tho whole lino at ouce foil bock the shelter of the wood*. Jolgate, whose hoait was rankling with i thom.-ht of his late defeat iu Taiupa y, aaw the line falling buck, and mis- arehcud'iig tho motive, ho shouted to "Tonto, remain behind," said Azcal, j who ji seeing that his brother was about to ac- j tho Great Father." company him. | “No, no, Luiuth, wo are alive, and these Tonto bowed and stepped aside at <»nco, j nre our own bodies," said Julia, trying to but his willingness to obey coni 1 not hide j smile, ox aho clasped her friend's arm. to tho admiration iu his d irk eyes aud hand- ( be assured of its solidity. “We must bp souio faco os ho looked like ouo doing a patient, and all will come out well.” wrong at Jnlia, when, with criuiHonobeek j Neither desired rest. They could not aud downcast lioud, shu followed Azcal. , sleep if they had tried it. So, to occupy Dinah held Lor hand, an l she could not tho time, nnd gratify tho curiosity that suppress expression to the feelingsoxe.led . under all circumstance by her strange and undreamtof surround- i attribute of tho true futnnlo character, iugs. I they ascended the spiral galleries, and a “It soems like the laud of the hnppy last stood on tho top of tho ouriotis at rue i, that seemed to cover tho greatei tho island. Far up the lake bun THE NIAMENE THl.AN- In « plan, and of course they break proci »-li>ll. It would be lli.lluf I to punish ('hang f r mil'. I then, the Good I. mpl.t- . j antiward situation and suffer m -4 . , . 1 au<I sorrow. Thov have officially oT Mark I wain s sketch-books is rslely . xmiim-d iulo the n : Builders ant! Architects. the following minute, eliteriaiuing just now eqmiiiJy valuable account ul the habits «.f the Hi.fmcao twins. It was written several yuan ^-t : t wish to write of the persomd lubits of these strunye creatures solely, but also of certain curious details of va rious kinds concerning thorn, which, be longing to their private life, have never •pt into print. Knowiug the twins iuti duly. I feel that 1 am peculiarly well qualified for tho task I havo taken upon myself. find Chang hi uiiel. -s. They have taken i the two brothers and filled Chan ; full of I warm water and sugar and Eng full of I whiskey, and in twenty-five minutes u j posMihle to tell which t>.\MLi;t. it. II \ drunker. JJ<*fl» nnd on hot whiskey punches, by the smell of their breath Yet si! the while (’hang's moral principles were unsullied, bis con science clear ; ami s-> all just J- m. McNeill, Attorney amt Counsellor m forced to confess that be was not morally, but only physically drunk, lly every right d by every moral evidence the Th. Hi,in— twin, «re uMunlljr tmi.l-r „ llio ,iy m „| therefore it .-iiii-eil hi, dupomtiop. udhm f rie n<ball tin- more -I, to shake hands with the pump nnd wind his watch with his night key and affectionate clung together with singular fidelity throughout a long and eventful life. Even as childn n they were inseparable com panions; audit is noticed that they al ways seemed t«» prefer each other's Society to that of any other persou. They nearly always placed together; and, so accus tomed was their mother to this peculnrity tlmt whenever both of th«-Ul chanced to he lost, she usually hunted for one of them, satisfied that whon she found that one she would find his brother aoiuewheie ill the immediate neighborhood. Aud yet these creatines wore ignorant and un lettered—barbarians theiuselvea and the offspring of bnrliaiintis, who knew not the light of philosophy and science. What a withering rebuke is this to oar boasted civilization, with its quurreliiigs, its wrung!mgs, and its separation of brothers. As men, the twins hnve not always lived iu |H-rf.ct accord; but still there lias always been a bond between them which made them uuwdliug to go away from each other and dwell apart. They have even occupied the same house, as a general thing, sir! it is l>< in vc.| that they have never faded to even hi cptogitlier ou any ii'glit si nee they w. re born. Ilo v surely do the balms of a 1 f>- bee ..ue second nature to us! The twins nlway* go to bed nt the same time, but Gliam; usually gets up uu hour before bin brother, lly au understanding between thems-uves Chang does all the indoor v ,,rk. and Eng runs all the errands This .s houn' likes to go out; Chang’s habits ure *e«l. a- tnry. However, Chang always goesnloiig. Eng is u I’, but Chang is a ltoiu iu Catholic; still, to please his brother, Clmng consented to bo baptized at the same time that Eng was, on condition that it should not “count. ' During tin they were str. tig partisans and four'll struggle- gallantly all through ihe gr< Eng on the Union side, and « nang on the Confederate. 1 hey tisik each other pris oners at Horen Oak*, bat the proofh of apt are were so evenly Iwlanc ’ Tlier in line i th*- warning morals, one or tin* other. is somehow. Let us keep it ; let us piotit i.j it. I could say nmro of an instructive na ture about these interesting beings, but let what I havo written suffice. Having forgotten to mention it sooner, I will remark, in conclusion, that the ages of the Siamese twins are respectively fifty- r i i*n<' sllrUll.Nl v Tost eh I mux Mot tin J. Okas i i IX.K AH A (KAWrORINI, Attorney » *t law, |>r*<-tlew ii. tie. Slat" suit Krat Courts el Focd Storo. Jon- tlr/"lltito.%H, Confectioners. (' Mnnnfli. tnrnr A. A. 1)0/1 EU, Attorney nml 4 ouusellor at law, ractirml in M«l« Sil l t > li-inl Court* In tit-org Livory nnd Sale Stabioa. ROHEKr TII4>nFkOA, Livery, Male i I Earlmnae Ntnbleu, d und fifty-three years. Mibk || in.iNi.ruEi*. Loch K. Uierm UI.AXIII1IHU / t.AHH %HD, Attorney n nml 4'uutiwellor* at lau. «. (is. N4 i i:\nri4 note.* solve r of |H>troleuni adapts it for use in the cleansing of steel | uiticier. It does not become rancid or I gummy, »a is the caae with other oils. [ - The following patent has be i (I'listtahiMtcl..-. A. t, A M1IE| m Livery mo.I Male hushles, ts.UTHOhn st , r'oMusi *, a*. IJ-tlUr sttBUtl‘.ll K n it to Pm-dilig Sit ml Mttlv* htt.iriied iu *tal*ies I" r tlsjr. cetitly granted for burdening steel. The object ih heatctl to a red heat by any of thuordiuary ti.eihislw for nnifoitu heat ing. It ia then chilled by the action of a si long blast of nir or gas. Ry suitable variations in the str-ngth of the bloat, and the tcinperatnre of the nir. any re quired degree ot Ii irdtiesa may be at tained. After lit. . the substance is teui- poud as is desired. -in a ducus-ioii <>n the vulue of meat extracts as fts>d, Max Von l’ettenkofcr bolda that the extracts prepared according to the piurent plan of Raroii Lu-bcg are quite equal to. if tint superior, to meat itself, lie thinks if bears the same rela tion to meat as cheese all.I butter bear to —The so-called vegetable wax of Japan and China is, iu reality, the accretion of au insert alsuit th" av.o of a grain of rice. It receives its nnm. hec.i'isn it is found oil trees. After it is gntlicred it is melted and at rained. Restaurants. t'L Allot) V A UMAAMOM, III.AKKI.I, Hn.p'r. Tin and Coppersmiths. M MT t>Uig. U. J. MODEM, Attorney nml Counsellor nl lain, n.-.r, ii, lu.iintuo- f '.inii*«ii» hnildlOK, •<- MM. FEE, i Worker In Tin, Wircl Iron, 4 <*|iprr. | Onlt r* from nl*>. a-l |*(uiu|.liy sitsu ioi i<- 1 ')J 4 HAN. II. W11,1.1 A MM, Attorney nl law, 4 oliitnlMis, Mill iu sity . .....l 1*111. » ON. i Aim, A Mur-t... I. * .I.M - Fresh Meats. I'ATltH'K, IM, Market ||»us«.. dreds of white canoes were ftllod with fishers. I'Jfjflting islsnJ** rested here nml there, mirrored on tho lake, and away in the distance tho aumiuer haze hung like a golden veil over the blue slopes. Miml had never pictured so perfect a scene of beauty and peace. Rapt in the prospect before them, Julia nnd Loimli had not ml seemed ! noticed the old iiihii who Imre them the fruits, fish, and flowera, nor did they see the priest till ho wtom! by their nido and “My daughters ore pleiuse 1 with this • Iieautiful land?" eplied Julia. "It is very beautiful.” "It is. Hit down and tell uie your story, and bo not alarnnxl when I tell you t has been decided that y.*n dwell with us ii our island homo forever." iee, they fly without striking a blow! s forward, and cot one can escape o did r ot appreciate tho movement lame light. could not, there- eciproes'o Iho enthusiasm of his y do what good warriors will nl- »t is that ?" e every advantage that nature uf- >? their own prelection." A warrior* do not tbiuk of flying lection," said Colgate, half an- * if die feared Kosno might net on suggestion. d warriors," replied the chief, "do not deem it cowardice to pro- mselves, when l*y m» doing they lemsa^tes in a position difficult of hut commanding their foes. Hee, I spoak, the enemy is doing lit in ! who calls himself ‘I hornton' is his men in shelter d imsitions. dvonce with caution." i is no time for caution !" shouted , furiously. Then, rsi-iug tis •at, curved sword, he I.Hiked over crew, and in a voice that could bo long the line he cried, “Men of pn'.on, forward!" rue cheer wav the response, and at run the sailors dashed ahead » saw and understood the move- nd resolving that, no matter wust rifice might be, the white men tot surpass his warriors in daring, d the shrill battle cry ..f hi* tribe. t the ground the scarlet blanket rered his magnificent form, and, his spear, he charged for the line la. Where the muskets of the op- orce glistenml Tui<l the foliage, r seconds of hurrying feet, »nd choirs anl y*lU. an l then at ank distance sailors and 8poniards a terrific fire on the advancing I “Look buck; your ollids aro beaten! loHik to tho siiu; it will soon shine ou your corpse ! The time I hnvo prayed , hunting grounds. See, Iho dwellings aro j for has come; uow I will 8**ud you to of atone, and fiowets clamber up tho sides I join your father!" i and half cover them, whilo streams of “Neither the a word nor tho words of a J dear water murmur past tho abodes, and murderer, liar and robber bring fenr to; beauty ia in the facca of all Iho people, uio! Now, if your vaunted vulor bo true : Here all is peace! Here, Zulia, wo might as yonr boast*, man to man and hilt to live forever, nor feel the chango nioro hilt wo close this fight. Do yon ask ni.l than sleep when death closed oar eyes to from your fellows?" : open tliuiu in a land that must resemble “Aid ! No, my arm ami tuy sword are this." ufficient here | Lonah spoke in a low tone, Whispering to his men behind him to surprised that Julia did not share her escape, which they rofuse l to do, Thom- fooling*, and ut tho sad expression that ton parriod the h'ow Colgate aimed nt ; had settled uu her face, him, and immediately about the leaders “1)i>oh this resemble tho land which yon the fighting censed, and the panting sail- loft, Zulia, away hoyoud tho mighty wn- ors rested in their cntlaaHe.H, us if willing tors?" u-kod Dumb. to submit the contest to tho valor of their | "No; it to strange to mo n< tho laud j Captains. | beyond the grave," whispered Julia. Colgate was a man of iminenso phy-| “Is your land moto beautiful ?” ! sique, nnd n swordsman of no ordinary "No, not more beautiful, but to rue j skill. It seemed, os they stood with their more lovely." 1 blades crossed, their roilHclos braced, nml "More lovely! How can that be, if their arms extended, that Thornton could this is morn beautiful?" not atuu-1 tho strain lung. Rut tho ono . "Recauso iho land I loft beyond the ' uinu was cast iron, the other finely waters is my home. There live uiy loved wrought steel; the one mau had great ones who aro not dead, and there, except- - momentary power, the other a hundred ing ui> father, slc. pall my ancestors for a 'time* the coolness and eadmnuce; the thousand years. Yon can see why it j one man wa« influenced by hate, the great should he more lovely to me than this motive power of the other was justicoaud island, though it ia not so beautiful." love. I "Yes, I understand you uow," said Lo- ! Releasing his sword with astonishing I n „h j n * | UWAr tone, rapidity, Colgate brought it down with a Ry this time they had roachcdthe shores sweep that resembled a lightning tl.isli in of t be lake, where aooresof wldto canoes i;\ <" " y. ItMMd that iiMiiinH jilted, arinurad la the vatm. Iatoooe . — .. — — # i prevent its falling with murderous effect R te n i,j pri®.,* stepped, and at a motion of *'i<** tLl * l *“ 41 actually took it to bed with „n 1Ui-l*r. bna.l of hit youthful tntti?-. h:. lund . yonng mm, who U.J U« 1»- k. up, nisi; lmt quick as was the blow, tho guard ing on the shore, sprang erect, ami loop. I dn-HHi-d himself, t.s.k Lis litilo liat.-h.-i. i was quicker, mi l it fell an l gUucud from j U g into a canoe he urged its head to tho and w. nt out into the garden. There, hh the KWird of Thornton, which, with the | beach, and the priest stepped on board, i luck would luvo it.| lLi^ Aral t thing that same movement, leaped forward like a By a similar rignal Axcal called tip another ! tri ! t*>nguo of fire ami buried itself in the I man. who entered a larger canoe, and get- j little bov to l.iiase i, "what right breast of the pirate Captain. Wood ting it in proper position, Julia and Lo- i father wuuid nisk followed the thrust, but Colgate did not nab, with the young man, entered, aud hoed the wound. His blows rained with i the nun* a sjied in the direction of the A NAB MTOUV 4»E 1 NEAMOX. A little boy having heard a beautiful story about another little Imy nnd a hatchet, and bow, becnilsn the little 1* »y wouldn't tell ii lie, lie, in time, got to ho President of th- United tita'es, was very impreised by it. Now, it ho hap- the last day of March tie was juat tun year* old, ami ins father asked him what bo would like to have for a birthday present. Very nat.irallv the boy's answer was, “A littlehutcLoi, if yon Ihe father Isniglit him a little hatchet day, slid tho boy Mined that i father's fuv * r*piffity that it Kuetned iiup-imiblo guard, and foot by foot Thornton was forced back over the bloody ground. Once he slipped, ami the pirate: island, which yards distant. The island, v looked like th- ith i wli ni'thses of about of triumph, for it looked as if he shells on the *h< ha l gone down boforo the weapon that • flowers that fia hud through the dark leaped towards hi* heart; but here his ! green foliage were snowy white, and the skill ami activity cauiu into play. Round-j little wavelets km-clmg <-n the beach ing to his feet, ho caught his antagonist's I changed sword with an upward sweep that sent it purity. whirling through the air, and before it' The rowers skillfully urged their canoes' touched the ground the pirate Captain wns so f»r on t!ie beach that tho iH‘<‘U|>ants down, with tho blood flowing from a { stepped out on tho hard, dry land from frightful gosh across his brow. the sides. Julia uml Dumb, though fis l- At this moment Colgate's men rushed 1 ing there was no danger to their lives, in, and, with Belcher at their head, they | could not banish from their faces tho ex- would have diHpatchod Thornton in a mo- j pression of wonder and anxiety which . you. ment : but Kosno leajxHl among them, they fell. Azcal saw this, ami though he This an 1 standing over tho prostrate form of had not apokou since they started f«.r the the young Captain, he shouted, “This Uland temple, and had tried to avoid f Kami" eked thought, for it h-d him into temptation. Then waa the tree—tall, straight, and fair - staiul- cw hmidrcd ! ing invitingly before him—just the thing j for a sharp iitllu hatchet, ami there Wuh I j.tho hatchet—at rung, sharp sud iliining— ' ''' juat the thing for a favorite cherry tree, icuce. ItK in unotbnr iuataut the swift stroke* of an axe were heard in the still morning air. ■'id laifoie long a small boy was mc«-u run ning toward the bouse. Hat faluwr met him at the dm»r. “My boy. what noise was that I heard uhleiuntic of just now ? Surely you have not Imui at - uiy favorite cherry tree!" 1 he hoy si*m*d proudly Ireforo him. but h dowueiiat eyes and flushing cheek*. "Father," he said, "I cannot tell a lie. That cherry true is " “Say lio more,” said-the father, extend, ing his atm*. "You have done wrong, my son ; and that was my favorite tr<" ; but you have spoken the truth. I forgive i' ll. T hu boy rtislied id his three follower* i P*oUeUdaod m iqe, unaccustomed to inch a lioobarge, fell on their faces as at, after a moment's beaita- atea rallied aud kept on. eaw this, and felt that in the hich they were now within a re pirates would be aa well -ffectiveaekU own atm. that the thinned line whole fore* oppoeinf. *> “Your prisoner*!" exclaimed tho as tonished Ifidcher. "Yes, my prisoner*! Should your leader recover I will givo them over to him. Rut it mattem not who hold* them, they die." "Very well. I think if the Captain re covers, which he don’t look much like do ing, be would rather have another chance at this fellow." Captain Thornton and his three mt-n were hound, and all withdrew to the pro- tec ton of the wooda to avoid the fire which Valdez, who had taken another po sition, kept up. Captain Colgate, thongh terribly wound ed, and weakened from loe* of blood, on being carried back, aud the blood washed • hint the April fool! true; but I ippla stump L* meeting the eyes of his charge, yi t hi* most chopped tho old noble heart urged him t > ssy, "You most piece* ... . . , ’ , , “»ou young rascal, you! cried t! notftar; my father, tho prust, means fl| , her . ».,| 0 yiM1 mean L» say you A<irr* only what will |>«> for your ronifort. Iu r b.,pp. | , u y cherry tn e ? April fool yo- this little world of ours dread is unkuown, old fntber, will you? Takuotf your coe and death only comes to the aged h that a general army court liad to I'lublcd to determine which one wi properly the captor nml which the* apt iv t he jury was unable to agree for a lor time, but the vexed qucstio.'i was filially decided by agreeing to con-idm both pris mere, nr.d then cxchstigi obc In-riceof nr.v«n, d s. :iv, days in the gutrd ti -u*o. but Eng. ot all argument*, fe t,g.«l i . elf «l». the blatuele s b thoy bud to ui-rli.irgo both fr< Iho just reward of fsithfulm s* t p. n cm. oecvm 11 the br-tuere fell out aliotit wmiettnng,.ml t'hung knoeke I Eng down, slid then Inppeil an-i fell on him. whereupon both couched and beg. I gcugc each other without The loH'Miiders iiiterferwl nml tried separate them, but they could not do ;t, allowed tlldu to tight it tie end both wore disulbed, uml were rai ned to tlm hospital on oii>< ami the same their ancient habit nt going always to. gether had Its drawback* a him they reached iiisii’sestatH, au 1 • tered upon the luxury of courting Roth b II in love with the some girl. Ee li tn- d to stenl elun- dentitle interview* with In-r, lmt at the critical moment the other would alwn* turn up. Ry- end bye E ; ,»;iw wi li <b tract ion that thing had won the girl* af fect ions, and from that day forth In had to bear with the iii" nv ot being a wit- '•I to |,i - f.iL-, and i state of thin.;* hei.t morning listening to tl of the tu.i lovers and ti hundred« of squall 1-1 privilege of sL tring • f wtrehtie slid have gi%. n hi* itglit l*i«in|. Rut he p.iti' iitly and wnitid, an I gaped, and yawm-d. mid stritche.i and long'd for id dri tche-t o come. And he ralk* with ttier iov r* on in-su Hollll.tillie* liaviu'*ll|o til l n i painfully Sensitive to the ™. Ki'K cirdi Jl) w .lit. • and done with It; hut i often ask< d Ihe ui '.neuto young lady • to answer »* »« on, sft. r hs irly dayliglit. En ; <1 • r extiatistion, ml nl and aniviTol. stance* applaud the m t.n- bndlu r-in-Uw III* uuwum img fuithfolio *<• was tie- theme of every tollglle. He had stayed by them thr-aign their long an laidii <n*courtship at la*t th'-y lifted his In tills rle-ve said with uuprcKMv my children, 1 will la u. he kept his word. married, he r heads and n, “Rless ve. i all i i this <- I t world. Ry-alid byo Eng fell i r iu-law and married i dsy they have all lived t oiling h 'cial il.'y ' expo L-il froi pounds d blood injectol into (hit of a living niiiuml is not mortal < several drop* are used ; lull tho bl> an aiiiiuitl tlitl* poisoned c.iukum death leas than two day.* in such minute quanti ties a* a irilliouth of a drop. Y. /fa int. 4 Ol.Zt.'t , I of —The diff. reuco hermaphrodites of so great, that win*- former, even the . longed to the cl-> I first diMccted the pit ion that they be- of cirripudt * did not large ns the head hermaphrodites art inch and a quarter amt of little more tl the rej rodnetive place thereof tbe DM. J. 4'. 4DOM, oruaaists. opi tuug of the Hitek, w hich I prev i'. s Unit the deficient in ■dy is, there into*. ~('horlt» Alexander 8. \Vi|*on ash of (Itso ised potatoes time oompoiind*. T lie ion fore, self-evident. —M. Mouton o the aduiiuihtraliou of I grainine* of nitrate of p Mr. H,,. . I , dnniion I, about tlie hzi- oi interior of u mas* of which WIIN mixed with soda si'll hvdlsle T hum. This wuh then k"pt at a cherry- Cun and Locksmiths. I*HILII* MH.t.H, south Africa • \ II. I*A I.M EM, Llmiard A|*oiliei ai > I'frsclo l beat f< i*e of this time the diaiiioud 1 ared. whereujHm he con- hi 1- • n in tin* form is comhii-oit b lower tempcroturiH t.iau i - gi-nc posad. —lly placing fre*-h or.ui- - I ICe III t'ouirg Witter, and e--tl< - slnUto iinoi'"liati«:y, the prisb ; a. the sap- • l b. tomperature. —.1/, VnUnfinit. Mr. John I.-. eil ill IhiiIisI linseed oil, ami the t js rat ii re raised to l • •» dr 1’., will t ' general •- I " it, all 1 ill course of an hour wdl neqitire * teni|i< l # s!-«itly after that t A. M. tiUA.VM)*, % liolrsnle noil Itrlwll lleitler ( Di ets and Meitlrlnes, Toilet Articles mill I'ei liinter.N. file. Ill'll Cotton Uuctotiot*. kaltilHK 'thread. ■! The solution 11*ti tied tiy cv*|K>rali n aud ith ammoidu, re removed I v r neidulateil v phnrin neat, (bcdly l»\ distil t- MI MI tMAEE NAM t AITI I •- b 1-MI No i etof. i i level, iimtca 1 of i Wutchrmikors. black i, boil. I in fi r, eoiitamibg bonnt-- of ,'m1u, an I • lly with iniiriat - Highly wa,l.i*l and eight • d beautiful lo b- i.n’J. and I two brothers is so cl***: n that the f.-.-ling*, the impilU'-H, the tioi.s of the one are instantly • xperi< l-y the ot tier. When one is >. klhe. Ureas grammes of * < IIOMEIt, il- .Ur in oiiniiiiiK m. Dross-Making. MIMM n. i. ltOI.MMl.NHu> Boot und Shoomukors. H U- MIA Ell, Hoot Mild -li.H-ioaker. i I. -.iii i . i tin u»r. Nen i.< c. .v Piano Tuning, (<c. W liolesale i Il'IILTON, i I Itclnll l.ractr, IS II \ tl 4 001*1.1 LAWYERS. W. A. Farley, A.t tot* lxo y Xju w HINKS DUZIER, A f iornt'.v nt I <uw 9 W" Tobacco, Cluars, *c. I with w at happy love With the *. It. lutlerly opp *cd 1 We< sir. adv *••« i i ll.-It) ti- N |. d|, f..|| i| •• ;iri. Now, t.'hong I - |>u<-ti"Uiiri tlonk < tin dies aliould l>e circular it The speclntuiof ehloi With “We do not f-.-i n.led c «k bei i<l Julia, the fpow p,, f . suppressed Hie! . sfiuftl i hand de-c- ml U|stb ii phy 11* char* hand, which i thoiigh the * wtdili <1 4 . 1.4)1*1/, • anil NniuiIiu-Iiu er • fsru thd d.-l “Mi s'>n.'' said the father, a he stroked the little shoulder First of April. (»•> thy way. 'inly, • I deem it jnst to you aud your father, the priest, to explain why we camo to your beautiful island." “It is not for Dio to inquire why God —fir-re in a curious old Gaelic adage Bend* u* blessing*, hut rather so to live concerning longevity : that I may U worthy of them." . ' lbr >SS the age of a dog is that of a “But I must tell you or yonr father, tbe priest; for we deairo to h-ave th* island and seek our friends. Mine are f*r away I Thrice the age of a mau is that of beyond the mighty world of water*." * ; The young man glanced at Julia with a Thrice the age of a deer is that of on from hi* face, waa able to look about hiui puzzled expression ; but as they hod been Thnen the age of an eagle is that of an and speak. His bloodshot eyes rested on | walking towards the temple during Ore , oak tree. .the * apt.* t thus de niable gU" *od '' mplare, and is a iiard working 1 enthusiastic supjtorter of all temp»*r- ee reform*. But, to his bitter di*tre**. Uendu**, and then Eng gets drunk, and hry : In * that makes t.'hsng drunk t<*>. vuv-l i* placed *1 . .t a | .-m I uf ■ This unfortunate thing I ** Iteen a great of b-.vl. into wlm-h .* hi i il- lap!. sorrow to L'hslig. for it alttioNl deatroyeti I-ad with a varnished b-ad wio- ,»*t« hi* usefulm ** in hi* favorite field of ml- In the other jurt of llm re I is in: fort. A* sure as he is to head a great an amalgamated zim- plate about t*in|ierance proc* •»*ion. Et- ; ranges np millimeter* thick, covered with i alongside "f him, nrouipt to the ininutu parchment paper. Every two e ami drunk a* a lord; lmt no more d is- mouths water is added. tho current is' lastly and hop. le**ly drunk than his said to la) strong and constant, brother, who has not tasted a »ln>p. And — so the two begiu to hoot and yell and It i« laid manner* to walk between the 1 , throw mud a ul brick* at the Good Tern- company in a room and the fire. Barber Shops. MIAtlMJ SALEM * hag of ■ ALEX A NAM, laum, at run erktit. DOCTORS. Dr. W R. Skinner an - -ext UilU* iu. Dr. Joha H. Carrlger, - atw*' I'Ui.-.ur a Wood, Wood! |J)>T WooD, ready •aval, $«.'*> pwrurJ. W l *e *«d for SO 4HH eeri OoUr* ail»l pronpt. ly aa *pvlicati«A L> the foMi tl M - viil MAN I Nd CO