The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 05, 1874, Image 2

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Santa (Pnquirtr. COLr.MHI'S, (JEORUlAi SUNDAY APRIL ft, 1871 4arX0 »i:nstn»M'i«N uutiyld unless TAID FOB IN ADVANCE. TasConnecticut oloction taken place to morrow. The Democrats aro confident that they will elect thoir State tickot, but do not feel bo Ban gum g about tbo Loginla- tare, which is the roprosentativo of towns rather than population. Tub British Consul at Now Orloaus said to bo indignant on account of an act of the Legislature of Louisiana which pro hibits nhip captains from employing thoir crews on tie leveo in loading their ships. The Consul thinks this is au infringement upon the rights of commorco. Gen. N. B. Forbeht has resigned tho Presidency of tho Helmu, Marion A Morn- phis Railroad Company, on tho ground that the County Court of Sholby oonnty, Tennessee, nro withholding tho third in stallment of thoir subscriptions, upon grounds personal to himself. Tho Board of Directors bavo accepted tbo rcsigba- lion. Mail advices concerning the Massachu sotts Senatorial contest say that both Dawes and Hoar nro bolieved to hnvo polled their full Rtrongth, and that noithor of them stands any cbnnco. Some lot- tors say that Banks is most probably tho “coming man," and that ho will bo moro acceptable to tho Democrats than any other man who i not a pronoun cod Dem ocrat. James Ueupath, noted as an old ugi- tator for abolition, lias written a lottor, which tho Boston Globe publishes, in which ho says tbot Judgo Hoar, to whom Buniuor gave tho charge, “Take enro of my Civil Rights bill," is not in favor of that bill.' Bodputh says tlml Hu inner, loss than ten days heforo ho died, ro- pouted reasons which Hour bud given to him for pronouncing the bill unconstitu tional. This is very curious. An organisation of tho Direct Trado Union of tho Patrons of Husbandry, which wus incorporated by tho last Login- lain re, was offooted in Atlanta on Thurs day, at tho mei ting of the stockholders, by the election of a President and twelve Directors. General A. II. Colquitt w»h olootod President, and tho following gon- tlemon Directors: J. il. Echols, it. 0. Iluuiter, -J. H. Lavender, It. A. Alston, T. G. Holt, 1). K. Butler, E. 'J’. Paine, T. J. Hniith, U. A. Nunnnlly, L. I\ Living- Bton, J. Jl. .loans and G. M. T. Pnagin. An analysis of the vote of tho llouso of Iteprcsontatives on expansion shows’that Now York was not, by any means, solid against it. Nino of hor thirty-throe motnbors,toted for the bill. Thoso must have bcon members from tho “rural dis tricts,” beyond tho direct inlluoncu of Wall street. Only New England, ns n nodi'",, voted unanimously upon tho bill. Ben Jin* l--r alone of tho Now England Itopro' t dives, voted for it, and ho vcprcBu only Ben Butler. Only 23 member-i m the Mouth and West votod against tho bill. Tho voto for it was composed of .VJ Democrats and 114 Re publicans ; th« voto against it, 22 Demo crats and 64 Republicans. AJMWF.RN TO CORREMPOXDENTS. \rtUl,—In drawing, ns in every other art, no amount of ability will compeufiate for hard and unremitting study. Gustavo Doroisa Parisian, and about forty-one years of ago. Ho is a stout, handsome man, with a full, broad forehead, and bright intellectual eyes, lie is an able painter, and uses tho brush as well as tho pencil. Wo think his most powerful con ceptions nro to ho found in his illustra tions of Dante's Inferno. You should draw from nature as mnch as possible. Portrait painting is not considered tho highest art. Jllue Light.—Tho word, Presbyterian, oolites from tho Greek substantive, Pros- buoroB, an oldor. It) is frequently used by Paul. As to tho tirno it would take you to road tbo Now Testament in its original, wo cannot say. By closo appli cation yon should bo able to road, with ■omo case, in eighteen months Tho mod- orn Crooks speak the Romaic language. It hoars tho same rotation to Grook that Italian dooa to Latin. Vesuvine.—'The mountain is on the south sido of the Bay of Naples. The eruption that destroyed Pompeii und Her culaneum occurred A. D. 72, during the reign of Vospasian. Capri is a small is land, f am oil for its blae grotto. It can bo reached from Nuples iu an open boat. Leap Tear.—Iu answer to your ques tion, wo will sinto you aro mistaken as to tho origin of Loap year. It is oldor than Christianity, und had its origin iu an old Roman myth. Jnpiler, it is said, guvo to Venus tho authority to roigu over tho oth er sox oiico in four years, and nho availed horsolf of hor prerogative at tho timo of hor festival in February. When Christi anity obtained tho supremacy each Pagan foHtival was transformed into a saint's day, and so tho foto day of Venus foil to Ht. Valentino, who was principally diatin- gnishod by his austerity and inability to Hot.—Tho author of that ovor charm ing story, “Handford and Morton," was Thomas Bay. Though a beautiful writer, ho was a most occontrio man. Ho was rich, and spent twenty-five yours trying to got a wife to his choosing ; and, nftor all, he marriod a lady who mado him too tho mark. Ho died in 1760. Caudle.—Tho famous curtain lectures llrst appeared in tho London Punch, and woro written by Bougies Jet.old. Tho author clnimod that when Daudlo diod ho loft a package of papers inscribed “Cur tain Lectures, delivered in tho course of thirty years, by Mrs. Margaret Caudle, and suffered by Job, hor husband !" Tho old man had u rough timo of it, hut for tunately all married ludios aro not ho gifted ns Caudle's wifo. Poeti— Tho hues you rofor to wore written by Tennyson, and they nro ho sweet we will reproduoo them: A* through tho land at ovo wo wont, An>l eliaikul tho rlponod ears, 'Vo felluut-~my wife anil I, O! wo lull out—1 know not why, And klftiod again with tours. WASHINGTON. w— JWitANn:. Owing to a jrfosH of other mutter, wo woro forced r.omo timo niucu to suspend ho ^iublioation of Mr. Kendrick's olo- juout and instructivo discourses on turn- porancu. Wo resume tho publication to day, and bopo his words will bo road with tho iutoroHt thoy dosorvo, and suhsorvo tho interest of tho cause whioh ho has at heart. UOHIURVINU. At tho roqnost <»f a number of gentle- men, whoso papers are carried off by bor rowers, wo raise our voices against tho unjust practice. You hnvo no moro right to borrow a man's paper than yon hnvo bis broad and moat nay, loss, for tho broad and meat con bo returned, but it nowHpaper couses to bo interesting after being kept for a few days. For tho ac commodation of thoso who desire to road, uud to save our subscribers from being annoyed by borrowers, wo will keep ten copies of our paper for tho uso of thoso desiring to read, and who think they ought not to pay for tho product of our labor. In addition, we will place a room r.t thoir service, and thus save tho stores anil offices of our friends. I'l lll.U ATIO.Vl. From W. J. Chaffin and Denso A Nor man wo hnvo received “Jlurpor," “Frank Leslie,’' and all tho Wcokly publications. ‘‘Tho Ohristiau Union,” “Guidon Ago," “Turf. Field undFarm," “Scientific Amer ican," nud “.Mooroa Rural Now Yorker," have been sent us by tho publishers. “The Southern Cultivator," published iu Ath. vs, (hi., in n monthly magazine well worth its low price of two dollurs n year, and should ho generously patron- izod. “Tho Rural Carolinian” is ovor wol- come, uud always instructive. Wo con- aider it the equal of any agricultural magazine published. Published iu Charles ton : two dollars por ominni. I 11 the imi!'!;. here Guilford, Wood A Company, Maoou— for u charming hour and music, “The Golden 1 I by Mr. A. B. Watson, of the Macon Telegraph, one of our most graceful poets. Music by Charles G. Guil ford. A Old'll AM> SOUTH RAILROAD CASE. Tho following is among tho decisions of the Miptemo Court of Georgia, rou- derod on Tuesday last: North and South Railroad Company vs. R. 11. Winfree. Assumpsit, from Jlor- Mi t An within t dollars, < conditio; ment tu value of Judpn Chur :• for plait No oi. tfumout iti tbo following form, ny >, 187!—I hereby subscribe : < of the capital stock of the • • nth Railroad Company of • 1 doherel-yowu and sekuow- • 11'.dibted to said company hundred dollars, puvn- r of said company on lie- » ,r '' 1, tho same is not to bo > 1 thereof, until said road 'umbns, Ga., within «uo house in Hamilton, Ga , i date, i agree- c mpatiy ono hundred 1, after tho prescribed and not au agree- the luarkot Mosos, v 'J the stock, by R ‘ earance for defendant. Ud< I him tSt gle ball, at . ■ [••. ,s Bienveuno won kill ed at the hr t tire, being shot through th., brain. Phillips wa, not hurt * lb ° There, above tlin little grave, ()! there shove tho little grave, We klsnol again vrltli tours. Dignity,—Wo hardly know what you moan by tho word; indeed in the connec tion in which yon use it, and wo boliovo it i« flio popnlar otto ; dignity is tho ni'fll owlish mid nlthtml assumption a reasoning being can prolond to. II is nn nffocled deportment iu speech or carrisgo foreign to llio person and as such por- ooivahlo at a glance, Pontons who npo wisdom, nr lnivo suddenly become rich affect “dignity," but bh a philosopher onoo Hilid, “It is like a long dross, and is often word to hide u defect of the understand ing." Kiln.—This yoitug lady asks us, “What we think of n young gentleman in whoso pockol sho saw a pistol as ho was opening a pew door ut church preparatory to os- corting hor homo?' Wo hnvo expressed our opinion loo often about tho cowardly desperadoes who go armed to repeat it hero. Wo only regret that custom tuits such ruffians to bo the escorts of roHpaotnhlo Iftiiios. 'Flint man, depend it, did not go to church from n lovo of God. Tell him whnt you saw, and if ho comes to your house again, lot your fathor or brother kick him into tho Htront. Henson.—Von have a right to your opinion, but you hnvo no right to insult the many, to whom religion j'n a liviug reality, by intruding your opinion on thorn. Solomon said something, wo bo- lievc, shout “a man wise iu his own con- coil," whioh you might bo bouefitod by examining. “Su6#cri7)fr" writes us : “Will tho uu- ior of 'Thornton, or tho Fishers of tho Okuutbopofl,' relievo tho mind of nn auxions reader thereof on tho workings of tho decree forbidding tho marriage of tho groat high priest of tho Mucrod Isle, uud yet kindly granting him an 'oldest sou' ns Successor ? Somehow tho old thing docs Beoui to work clearly—particularly when it ia taken into consideration that ‘all thought of sexual lovo nui-t ho kept from hia liourt.' Thorn must bo Homo sort of a sub rosa atueudiueuc to that law. rioaio explain." In auswar to “Subsoribor, " wo will Mato that iho objections ho raises shows ho is a c.iti ful reader, and his demand for tho informs!i.m is most reasonable. Tho Prioats of the Sun adoptod boys whom they trained for tho aacrod profession, and whom thoy called “sons," and thi-so aons a blrcHM.d the priests as “father,” just as do tho Catholics and Greeks of to-day. Nor did they confine the endearing term of sou to thoso designed for tho priest hood. The human victims intended for sacrifice woro adopted aud called by tho siuno mono till tho thus catuo when they were slain ou tho buu.iii t <>f the Temple of tho Hun. “Subscribe will'her of ore ftoe how A zeal and Tonto c* Mu broth ers, aud why thoy should cull tho l’rioat of tho Sun “father," wbou their religiou and the proteotiou of long years entitled him to the t ame. Azeal being tho oldest of tho youths (ruining for tho priesthood, was of conrsa tho “oldest son.'' Sub scriber must notico the name “father" is never used in this connection oxoept whou qualified ho “priest." TELEUBAPHIC NOTES. —In tho Ma.uiRchusettH Legislature yes terday tho tenth ballot for U. 8. Senator was as follows: Dawes, 88; Hoar, 76; Curtis, (>t; Adams, 15 ; Banks, ft. —Tho Now York Commissioners of Ac counts report to the Mayor that the total debt of the city and county of New York, December HIM, 1873, was $11X5,431,'.>24. - llio New York game of billiards, six hundred points, three-ball carom, for tho diatupionahip trap and $, W as played yesterday, between Gamier and Duly. About three thousand persons wore pres ent. Garuier won the game on tho forty- eighth inmug, Rcoring COO to Daly's 38*0. Highest run : Garuier 7ft, Duly 62. Tho Now York mooting in tho intor- ' M of cremation was held Friday eveniug. honors wore road fu favor of tho science from J. NY. 8liU«ou, Chas. A. Dana, Rev. (>. B. l'rothiughatn, Heury Boight, D. J. Croley, and others. Resolutions were adopted advising tho formation of nn as- BJciatiou for cremation, and scouring its practical application: and that the soci-ty aliull bo founded on n broad baftiH, with out discrimination as to creed, profession or nationality. COALRESSIOVAE. Senate. Wahuinoton, April 4.—Negley, from the Committee on Commerce, reported a bill to amend tho act for enrolling and registering whips employed in the coasting fishery, ro as to provido that the provi- Hionn of the act shall not extend to canal boats, or boats employed on inland wators or canals, <fca. Passod. But.or, from the Committee on the Ju diciary, reported a bill to prevent mal- ndminihtratiou in the civil service of tho United States. It provides that whoever being a civil officer of the United States, oxcopt tho President and Vice-President, who Hhull be impeached by tbe llouso of Representatives, shall be deprived of his office while his trial is progress, and that the duties, functions and power of his of fice shall devolve upon some other ofHcor. Hoar inquired whether this would in- oludo Judges of tho U. S. Supreme Court. Jiutlor roplied that it would. Tho bill was offorod in view of tho charges against certain U. 8. Judges, who will probably bo impoachod if they should bo undor tho law aH it now stands. They still may go on and carry on all llio functions of their office. Ho had ono Judgo now in his mind of whom it was alleged that ho had Hftid ho would rosign after Rcrving bin friends. There was also tho case of a Kaunas Judge, against whom articles of impoachrnont woro presented lost ses sion. There was an adjournment, however, before the Senate could proceed to trial. This judgo held his oflico ail last Kttmmor, and he resignod just as Congress again mot for tho pur- poKO of defeating any now impeachment. This was a groat scandal. Ho believed tho impeachment of an ofticor should ro. suit in his immediate removal from office. Mr. II. F. 11 oar suggested that it wat an important hill, and a day should bo fixed for its consideration. Morey, of Louisiana, objocted to the bill. Mr. Jiutlor—That won’t savo Judgo Durell. Morey—If you want to itupoueb him, do it directly, and not indirectly. Tho bili was then withdrawn. Ilona*. Tho Honso ordered a warrant to bo is- Huod for the arrest of Geo. II. Patrick, of Montgomery, Ala., who had boon sum moned to testify as a witness in tho Bus- tood impeachment, case, but had refused to obey tho summons. Tho Houso passod forty privato Lills, and thou wont into tho discusHion of tho Currency bill. Konato not in sossion. Tho Comptroller of tho Currency has declared a dividend of 25 per cent, in fa vor of tho creditors of tho Merchants’ National Hank of Petersburg, Va. A dividend of 2ft per cent, will also bo paid tho creditors of tho First National Hank of Now Orleans soon. Schedules have been prepared making a dividend of (50 per cent, in all to tho creditors of that bank. Andrew Johnson is hero. On the evening of the l'Jth of March, Captaiu-Geuorsl Juuveliar took precau tionary measures for protecting Exchange offices, aft rumors of manifestation?! to bo made against tkene institutions were afloat. Word was Bent to the Spanish ud- mtru.1 to have tho marines iu roadiueHH tor landing at a momont's notioe, and howit zers wore mouutod in tho bows of tho lauohos of tho Spanish men-of-war ready to be landod. Heveral groups of men were quietly diupcrfiod. MELMA RAULS., Alabama, April 4.—Exposition Races ; last day. First race—Lurdlo of ono mile ; four hurdles. Noshvillo Hairy winner ; Fire ball Rocond. Timo 2:11$. Second race—half mile dash. Quitts winner; Bolloof Australia second. Time ft4^ seconds. Third raeo—mile dash. Tabitba winner; Revenge second. Timo l:ft0‘, BANK STATEMENT. Washington, April 4.—Loain, increase $5,000,000 ; spocie, decrcaso $1,875,000; logal tenders, decrease $0,025,000; de posits, docroaso $2,260,000; docreuso in revenue $4,600,000. LOLTNVILLE JLIBHAUY Dll A HIM;, OBITUARY. Coiumik Of... MatcIi 2Mh, 1874. u rcg'ilir mot-ting of tin; MacliitiUtB’ und Hliirksiuittiti' Union 4, of Oeur^ln, lietd ut their nil, tli i following i.rotituble and rcnolutionH were \VIn-r(•««. I* line pleiun-d Aliniglity Ooo to take "tn • nr midnt unexpectedly our dear friend and r., IlK.UiO YOMIE; therefore, he it K-moIvm-I, That an IlrothetH of this Society wo d< oply feel the lo-s that we MiRtaln in the death Jr who, though removed from tho scenes of thi** life, still lives iu tho hearts und memories of who Iov.n1 him. tolved, That we h'>w In humble submission to the Divine Authority, v ho bus seen fit to call sud denly from this world of can s our beloved Urother. Unsolved, The: we tender tho widow, children and relatives of ••nr deceased Urotiier our heart'elt sympathy In this their hour of sorrow space of thirty days. Hesolred, That n sent to his Lereavi they he published In tho Columbus Enquirer and JOHN LAMON, Home Building and Loan Association Bcrlcs A and D. [1HK Tilth Installment Series A and 0id In- t will he made to the unde Merchants' and Mechanics' JOHN KINO, 1*111.I.AIkLI.1*111 A. (ioriiiusi* ois lls« Nundny Law-Ac tion of 4'tar|»vi Weavers. FiniiAuei.PUZA, April 4.—Last uight u largo mooting of the Germans who aro oppoHtul to tho Sunday liquor law wiih held. Wm. llulouos wan 1’roHiduut. It wtiH for tho purpose of otTocting an organ ization which will support for oflico no caudiduto who wi^i not plodgo himself to ropoul tho prenent laws in rotation to li quor. A number of uddresHOH w*?ro mado by npcakors who said tho present law in fringed upon tho libortios of tho people. KeHolutiotiH woro adopted whioh author ized tho formation of an organization to ho eallod tho “True Watch,” to extend all over tho State. Auy citizen can becomo a member who will pledgo kimsolf to sup port only suoh candidates for oflico, with out any distinction of party, who will openly endorse tho principles at variauco with the proHout Sunday liquor law. Another mooliug of corpot weavers wqh held to-day. It was reported that but oue shop which hud boon ou a striko was pay ing standard prices. Tho Constitution of a now association formed ou tho co-oper ation plan was read, aud already 1,700 shares liavo boon subscribed, and a char iot lias bcon applied for. FOR EIG iPlNTiiLUGENCE. laid. Aatiauteo Advices. London, April 4.—The latest advices from Capo Ooaat (.'untieuro to March 12th. Tho Embassy, numbering, with its escort, 250 persons, had arrived there from Asbautec. Tho King, it was reported, has refnsod to discontinue human sacri tloes, und disputed tho amouut of Iodeui- uity. FRANCE. Fakis, April 4.—Tho Government still without official advices of the escape of Roohofort and his companions. CUBA. Terrible I'lKlatli»w—fi|>aiilisrdn Have the Advautngo. A lottor from Havana Rays tho iuforaia tiou obtained about tho receut battle of Giiuzia stutes that it was ono of tho hard ost contested tights that h »s takou place between tho insurgents and Spaniards. Of the wouuded brought to Havana, most nil have roceivod their injuries by tho luaobot. Thoy report that there over two hours of lighting at close quar- Tho Spanish General, Anuuardiz, with about thirty thousand men—cavalry, fnntry aud artillery—becoming aware of a diversion of tho insurgents under Max- iiuo Gomez, moved forward, and on the 15th ult. oucouutorod them iu largo force. An action was immediately begun by tho Cubans ; so that tho Spuniards had barely time to form a square, placing the artille ry iu the centre, tho cavalry being order ed to cut their way through the enemy’s lines and prccaro reinforcements at Puerto Principe. Tho cavalry were fearfully cut up, very few of them heiug left to bring news of the critical condition of the Spanish column. These succeeded in reachiug Puerto Prin cipe with their pursuers at their heels. Brigadier Basconcs, with a column of two thousand, started out, but bad hardly gone beyond tbo suburbs of Puerto Prin cipe bofore ho was attacked by Gubans. Bascoues succeeded in pressing on, and had another severe encounter with the insurgents, finally uniting his colnrnn with that of Arroinon. Tho loss of the Span iards was very sevore, and it is reported that over forty officers are killed and wounded. Both sides fought with great bravery. Llat of Prlscn Over Five Hundred Dollars- The drawing commenced at 7 1-2 o’clock of Tuesday morning. A very lurgo crowd was in attendance, and gro,*t interest uud excitement wan manifested. Only 46,000 of the tickets, oot of tho (50,000, having boon sold, tbo draw ing “scalod” down 25 per cent., so that tho following constituted tho prizes tq bo drawn: Ono grand gift $187,600 Ono grand gift 75,000 Ono grand gift 37,500 Ono grand gift 18,760 Ono grand gift 13,125 10 gifts $7,500 ouch. 30 gifts 3,760 each. 50 gifts • 760 oaob. 80 gifts 376 oacli. 100 gifts 300 onch. 160 gifts 225 each.' 260 gifts 160 oaob. 825 gifts 75 each. It,0(H) gifts 37 60 each. Number 55,104 drow tho capital prize of $187,600. Tho olovon thousand ap proximate numbers (five thousand five hundred on each side uf this number) are entitled to $37 60. Memphis, March 31.—Two young men of this city hold n tontb, and a club of forty hold o fifth of tho tickot which drew pital prize iu tho Louisville Librury Lottery to-day. Number 21,101 drew tho second prize of $75,000. A party of gentlemen in Now Haven, Kentucky, probably hold this tickot. It was sold to them at the Public Library Olfico. Number 82,832 drow $37,500 ; number 864 drow $18,760; number 68,171 drow $13,125. Two gentlemen in Greousburg, Ohio, bold two-fifths of tbo bitter ticket. Tbo following numbers drow $7,600 each : 1,050, 8,671,12,211,27,85(5, 31,540, 41,- <503, 47,595, 49,681, 40,851, 55,05(5. An old grny-buired gentleman from Litch field, Kentucky, held one of theso tickets. Ho was present at tho drawing. Tho following numbers drew $3,760: 6,261, (5,423, 8,504, 0,607, 9,077, 0,(571, 12,888, 14,846, 115,341, 1(5,007, 20,834, 23,- 043, 27,4(54, 28,674, 31,404, 83,198, 84,- 678, 3(5,577, 37,803, 37,630, 43,435, 40,- 48,333, 40,150, 40,533,61,308, 5(5.- 817, 5(5,762, 11,401, 21,818. Tho following numbers drew $750: 14,650, 22,140, 48,880, 38,223, 60,780, 10,985, 30,4(50, 1.831, 44,001, 49,930. 20,001, 4,351, 4,700, 52,012, 11,011,221, 50,0(50, 20,000, 34,707, 1,70(5,5,601, 10,139, npr5 it Treasurerp Mechanics’ Building and Loan Association T Do due MONDAY . Ill lw) mado to tli* t tho oflico of MercliantH' and Me JOHN KINO, Treaa’r pro tern. FOR SALE AND RENT. To '.out. *0 Furnulivd BhDg^ ^FTKIl Aj.rll t KOOM3, Kitchen and Stable, with ubc of diuing loin und purlor. Address apl ii M,BnqalrtrOffice. For Rent. ) LA ROD ROOMS, with aide entrance, with uae of parlor and kitchou. Parties can board with family ou very reasonable terms, If preferred Houjo is well located. Addr-sa jagg tf L, Box 184. House and Lot for Sale ON LOWER PART OF BROAD ST. m For Sale Low. SCHOLARSHIP IN TIIK MEDICAL COL LEGE AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. novC tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. Painters. WM. KNOW, Jit., & CO., House nn(l Sign Painters, Old Oglothorjio cornor, (Just north of postodlce) •Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for llo iso and Sign Painting at reiisounbls |ni et, and inmrantue satisfaction. Refer to Wm. Snow, Sr. [aprfi Fox Crackers, Fulton Market Dried Beef, Dried Beef Tongues, Breakfast Bacon, Mazeppa Flour, Goshen Butter, Young America Cheese, Corn Starch, English Soda, Imported Wines and Cigars, Sugar, Coffee and Teas, New Zanta Currants, at H. F. ABELL & CO.’S. HOTELS. Chewalla House, Eufnuln, Alabama. A. J. RIDDLE &TWNI. SMITHA, PROPRIETORS. rPIIE TRAVELING PUBLIC are most resjwct- Rankin House, ColumbiiH, Ga* J. W. RYAN, I’rop’r. Fuank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under the Rankin Houhe. n»y24 dswtf .T. W. KVAX, Prop’r. RAILROADS. NOTICE ! « * ■'■'i s «l QN and after Tuesday, 24th instant, the Passen ger Train will run as follows dally (Sundays ex cepted): Leave Columbus 0:00 A. If. Arrive at Troy 6:05 p. M. Leave Troy 5:00 a. m. Arrive ut Columbus 3:26 P. M. Freights will bo shipped by by tli s Trait! und j'nckages weighing not over one hundred und fifty (150) pounds will be received dally for transporta tion. W\ L. CLaRK, mch22d2w Sup't M. k G. R. R. Western Railroad of Alabama. fflgrtBWimo OPtLiKA DIRECTORY, Boctc rs. Dll, I Burgeoi 8'aughU-i T. XVAItNOC’K, »n<l Phyatcinn. i u K tstore, Kail road street, UK - w. u. >vh.;.,Xms H his pro) n il etrv.cts. unite n\.. r n i. r-ou Jt Co. r, Chambers L ii. R. Millinery. AILSNCN WUITE & TUCKER^— Faahlonablo Itllllluera and Dre»su»ike r > ,!2.^ Gelltiemi-n'.l dp y NIKS. C. V. BAltLOXV, ' Faahlomiblti Milliner and Dreaenmker So o At, at Of Uuturlck A Co.’s Patterns optnik-A 1 ."? Uoo “ “• i &,,, ^ j KOItOIA - ininlstiatiou of J uni" i W. Muertoy, und admonish all tiins jirescribid by law and hIiow have) why said lotti-rs should not bo grunted*. Given under my baud aud utllcinl signature, this April lit. l«7l. ujir5 ouw4t* F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. G 4 K0KG1A—MUSC00EE COUNTY —John II. IT Mi Mnlkih- lt-l gnnt id to said ajiplici of dlniiilssloii fchou'd be lebl signature, this April ipro oaw li* F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary • K011GI K — ML'-COOKL 1 Wm. i. Wool'..IV, nd;. Wool folk, r dim •, thei • ll.e.r olij . 'OUNTY —W herons, .n strator of i-stutc < I d, having iipplied for >-i' ii from sa d administration ; i nr a all | 36,421, 3,985, 84,882, 67,941, .*2,391 8,027, 30,545, 29,762, 43,098, 63,030, 38,124, 8,230, 4 7,(582, 23,903 46,6(50, 10,065, 1ft, 164, 19,293, 55,l:il 18,489, 20,878, 30,216, 55,165, 3,46ft 40,863, 2,942. J. M. Oopoliiml, of Frauklio, Ky., hold a fifth of the ticket which drew $37,600, and $7,500 waa hie ehuro. Dr. J. J. Mitchell, of Bonvordnm, Ohio county, Kentucky, drow $7,600 on ti tenth tickot iu the mime prize. Mr. ThornoH StophoiiH, of the same place, rep- rouonting a club of uevoral gcutleuiuti, tdl of whom were interested in another tenth of tho Hftmo ticket, draw $7,600. Memphis, March 31.—Tho Appeal to morrow morniug will contain tho follow ing particulars in regard to lucky tickets held in this city: Tho oxcitomcut ovor tho Library Lot tery drawiug was very great yosterday, but did not roach its zenith till night, whon it was whispered that tho lucky number (55,104) was hold iu this city. Tho cxcitomout equalled tho Fourth of July enthusiasm. THE LUCKY CLUB. A number of gentlomcu bad taken forty chances in the following unmoored tickets, representing two-tenths of tho entire value of oach, paying tkorefor $5 per capita, tho sumo heiug the lust of tho four clubs formed by thorn : 20,303, 21,- 093, 21,7615, 25,051, 2(5,068, 2(5,035, 30,- 570, 31,442,32,551,33,011, 31,081, 3(5,171, 3,836, 4*2,477; 44,051, 45,939, 47,46(5, 49,- 132, 62,31ft, 66,101. NAMES OP THE WINNERS. The names of tbo gontloinon of this club, bolding ono tilth of ticket No. 55,- 104, nro : John Wtllitigs, J. M. Bowon, W. A. Eskerly (2 chances)' P. A. Yiglini, J. R. Wright, John T. Wilson, J. 1). Smith, J. Bolder (4 chances),J. G. Qniun, W. Luiin, H. Farnsworth (2 chances), J. V. Patrick (2 chances), J. S. Wilkins, (2 chancos), J. B. Micon (2 chances), B. M. Strasou (2 ohnuoos), Oscar Woolridgo, Henry Good, William Halstead, Walton Wriglit, J. Smith, 1). Philos, L. Hatch, J. Allison, Harry tiussoll, E. G Burnaby, S. S. Wior, W. W. Tist, J. B. Sommos, .J. Smith, Dr. J. ltoss and John Wilson. It is believed that tbo whole tickit, No. 55,- 104, ia owned in this city. Joe Wetter and Charles Poland hnvo onch one-fitth of tho wholo ticket, ntid therefore onch draws $37,600. Chris Steinkuhl and J II. liarbur oaeh have oue-tonth of tho tickot. MARKETS. BY Tt'.l.t'.GK.t 1*11 TO EKUllKER. Noucy mul Stock Markets. London, April 4.—Consols 92 to Erie 36^. Pxuie, April 4.—Routes 69 aud 55. New York, April 4.—Money 4; gold 13j; exchatigo—long 485j; short 488j Governments steady; State bouds quiet and nominal. New York. April 4.—Money in hotter demand at 4aft per cont. Sterling change dull at 105). Gold moderately tive at Il3)all8§. Governments strong and steady. States quiet nud nominal. I*rovl»loil Markets. New York, April 4.—Flour steady. Wheat quiet and unchanged. Corn firm' Pork firm at$:6.7ft. Lard firm; steam 10. Cincinnati, April 4.—Flour steady at $6 65a$6.90 for family. Wheat dull at $l.3Sa$ 1.40. Corn steady at 64a(!7.— Pork quiet at $l0a$l6.25.* Lard firm; steam 9), kettle 9$. Bulk meats steady; shoulders 6, clear ribs 8), clear 8)h8*;. lUcon firm; shoulders 6J, dear rib*9uL clear 9). Whiskey firm at 92. tolton Markets New York April 4.—No cotton mar kets to-day. Mobile, April 4.—In high demand: middlings 16; low middlings lft^; good ordiuary 14 j; net receipts 593; sales 100: stock 46,910. Savannah, April 4.— Quiot; middlings 16; net receipts 1.035; exports to Conti nent 2,46o; sales 250; stock 63,876. New Orleans, April 4.—Cotton fair and in good demand ; middlings It'd ; net re ceipts 1247 ; Bales 2000 ; stock 235,958 bales. Boston, April 4.—Cotton quiet; mid dlidgs 17j; net roooipta 13; sales 200; stock 6,000. MirtniHsiou should cut bu grant.U n • ti>y hau l au.1 olDc nl Higiiaturc, thii 1. F. M. BROOKS, Onllnarv. r-t r. IHGIA Ut - 1 lift 001 VTY. — Joi«|ih -T Kyi.-, jour II in lm J. P. Kyle, having puti- ni'd i" In- dni'liar^i-d from Bald guurvliuindilji; >' tluir olijpcthiu* (if auy thoy have) on or boforo for said county Jo*i jdi Ryb •ho' to lIn- | r i> «-r «f tils pi-tltion April tV? ■irgod according hand nud Meat of office, thin F. M. BROOKS, OrdEntry. JOHN D. DROWNING, ) Bill for Injunction, vs. >R«llef, ko., In Chatta- It. C. PATTERSON, ot al.J hoochoo Sup. Court. I T aj'i'Ouriug that William Rrowuiiig, one of tho dt-f'-ndii'iH to the itbovft Bill, roe id os without th' JuriM'.H-tio-i of tin** Court, it in ordered that h rvi.e "t th - wnm !"• j erlicte I ou tmid illiam BrowiiiiiI.y th*- j'ublii atioii of thin order, mice a mill toi f ir niontlo*. In th" Columhui Kii'jiiirer d Sun (a public unset tu publish jd in tho city of Columbiii) prior totin' lint day of tho uext term if tli .a Court. WM. A. LITTLE, Oouqd'b Solicitor. A truo oxtrict from the iiiinutoH of Chattuhoo- •hoc- Superior Court, March Slat, 187' CITY YiOTE3,3L CESTIUI.I.V LOCATKII. Troy, Alabama. R. H. PARK, Prop’r. dco" SKly Times are Hard aufl Money Scarce, BUT THE PK0PR1BT0R OF THE Broad Street House THAT THIS SHALL hunary und weary t following reduced SUPPER, LODGIN'* *AND BREAkVaST.. . ! 1 li. u. It AI roil D, 54 i HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME I $35 50 Fare to Naw York! Now York and New Orleans Mail Line. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, CoumuUS, Ga,, March 2d, 1874 TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, - - • 10:40 a. u. Arrive at Atlanta, • • 6:12 P. M. lor Moutgeiuep and Selma, J:iki a. »j. Arrive at Montg’y, - - 0:4i a ». Arrive at Selma, - - 11:U4 t. M. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Time 6>J.^' hours.) LEAVE COLUMBUS 10:40 a. in. ARRIVE at jieliku 1 -:5i7 p. in., at Atlanta 6:12 p. in. LEAVE Atlanta 0:10 p. tn., Greenville, S. C., 1:64 n. in., a. in., GrcuuBburo 1:16 p. m., ltichmoiid 11:06 p. m. Arrive a. in., at Baltimore 0:30 a. in. PhiludeTplua 1:30 p. in., ut Now York 6:15 p. m. Sleeping Cars Kun (u llmrlottc. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Attuuta, - - • 6:24 a. m. From Montgomery and Selma • 2:30 P. w. Tickets for sale ut Union l’a-songer Depot. CHAS. P. BALL, Gonoral Snp’t. R. A. BACON, Agent. (niaclil tf Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. STOVES AND TIN WARE. SHA FEE & WOOD, DEALERS IN i Washington 4:3 Af-‘ am ag^li nr. j 4 AIJ 9 f t K n 0 . -« V r SUN:»' Y, March 1st, lti74, trains l'AtMUN.lKl’. AND MAIL TRAIN. DAY FREIGHT TRAIN, ro Coiumbtis 6 3d a. m. (Suuday excepted) va at Columbus U:'t6 P. M. “ ro Macou 9:20 a. m '* VIRGIL POWERS, Eng. and Sup’t. . L. CLARK, Ageut. ii nl tf Notaries Public. U. I>. HIGGINS, ~~~ u 'lt*K appointed Notary Public for Lee county patronage of his friends! Eating Houses. ROGERS' HATING HOUSE, Furniture, &c. At Panic Prices. A. O. HARWELL, l>eu!ur in all kinds uf Furniture. Alro, Metallic, Wood Collins, aud Caskets. J * 18 Ohambt rs street, Lawyers. A. J. VK KEltS, Attorney nud Uouuacllor at 1a\w. Office opposite Alabama Houso. Practices in all the Courts of tho Stnto. j n 3 Tailors. J. il. CAMPBELL, Tailor. Cutting ui.d Making iu the Latest Styles. K*>' imiiiug neatly doue. Sonlii Itiiilronil M.. it I'nriiinire Store. Jal Dentists. J. 1.. 14. .SMITH, Dentist, lMlitu VN oik uud Plugging on reasonable l'23] t'-rins. (.IihuiIi. rs street. barber Shops. CICARS. ISUIIIjlill’S CIGAR EMPORIUM! REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, \ \ T ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE SALK, > ♦ KEN T AN u PUIll'll ASK of KR VI. ESTATE iu tbo City and country, and will advertise the Mi'ii - at private * ilej 1 KEF OF CHARGE, uuless For Sale. VACANT LOT OF I AND, being lb* west por- ' tdjoining House - Furnishing Goods, Coutrurtors for Itoofling nud .lob Work. Chambcro St., Opelika, Ala. J»-t J. M. OOGGIN, LaFayette, Ala., Claarter Oak AND ALL IMPROVED Cooking Slovo9, Hardware, Cutlery, A c., ned Contractor for Roofing und Job Woik, Ac Prices fnrnlilie l on application. [inhft srtf ON UANDOI.PEK E21EET, few doors bo'o' add! VI l Y LOT No. Odl, !..• dwellings ."i t .■ i her or neparatc, a I. J. Crawford. Call on McIntosh street, with ie same. Will be sold a low figure, for cash. interest. The property iptaldo party i »t ment. I desirable home. For Rent. '1 HOUSE in the valley of Talbot county, -ruv\ three miles of the Chalybeate A very desirable location for a Dry PHOTOCRAPHS. SPECIAL NOTICE. Wo Inform our patrons and the public that wo have a rt I ■ and safer Colorist now, and cau 'urnisk our OOLOK'N 1 WITHOUT si much DELAY AS HERETOFORE. Persons having Photographs of any kiud ant wanting them COLORED, can have it done at tho shortest notice und at tho lowest price*. Our prices for COLORING WILL BE REDUCED TO ONE-11 APL THE PRICKS charged heretofore nt WILLIAMS’ ART GALLERY, 81 Bi o id St., over Cartor'* Drug Store. N. D.—AH per* 'in owiug us for Coloring will take notl e, and settle ouly with one of us. 0. T. WILLIAMS k BRO. 0)1:31 tf NOTICE. r» V.lK Arm of LOCDV.N UKR k DRO. It dUso'ved | l-y mututt con*eiit. The debts of the concern will be S' lll'd b) F. W. Loudenber, who Mill con tinue the l usincss. F'. W. LOUDENBER, J. A. LOUDENBER. Columbus, Ga., April 1st, 1874. F. W. LOUDENBER, (Successor to Loudenber & Bro.—Estab lished April, 1871,) Cigar Manufacturer, 11 AN DOIT* 11 STREET, On*> Door West of old Sun Olfico Building, COLUMBUS, GA. Orders by mail promptly attended to. I will sell at retail some --- Old at a* LOW PRICKS a* . Cigars i bo found auy where CHEWING aud SMOKING TOBACCO. Ac. I solicit a call from niy friends and the public. ap2—44t. V. W. LOUDENBER. MILLINERY. SPRING MILLINERY. T UST RECEIVED a h»imll lot of NEW STYLED t) HATS ai.d OTHER NOVELTIES from the FIRST OPENINGS ALSO, n lire-and w-Il noariid sto k of MIL LINERY. besid ivi.l'iv-- i'» rs*-is. and everything usually ke| t in n : i-t Midiinry Kstuldish- incut. Next door beiow tl •• New Y<"k Stoie. MRS. L'OI.V IN MISS DONNELLY. DRESS 1>i •e>S!!4 M RS. FOGARTY n notify the Ladi that they Lav e I .1;. n MAKING. IVIalcing'. ■spcctfully id Mrs. 11 ALLOC a of Columbus and vicinity r. mis in Siruppcr's building, over I'uiiiio n ihiok sion 1 , w here they lire prepared to CUT, FIT AND MAKE CADIES' AND CHILDREN’S DRESSES n th" *iit o m t and I" si sly Ii M ill also do Stamp ing for Kaihroid ry, Braiding, Pinking, Ac., and take Gentl' iiicii's .ewiiig ill teasoiiublo ruteu. BOILER MAKINC. GEO. T. GIFFORD, TBoilor and Sheet Iron Worker. WAREHOUSES. DISSOLUTION mils Firm of REDD, CHAMBERS k DANF F Invs been dinsolv d by the consent of all , n ties concerned. AM unpaid advances are iu ti band* of tbo u i era'g u a Bar Bottlomi nt, who w also pay all iluima against the old firm. TITHE UNDERSIGNED will still continue the Warehouse and Commission Business LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. Thank r ul for the patronage l"',t iwed upon us the present season, u o r«- j j cctTully soli It Its cou- tiauauco the comiug se.i*ou, with a promise to u*e every effort to promote the interest of our pat- C. A. REDD, GEO. Y. BANKS. April 1, ls7t.—dtf FRESH GOODS! PR0FUM0 & HOFFMAN Have Just Received n F’resh Let of Dates, Prunes, Raisins, Figs. Choice Apples. &c. feb22 tf well assorted stock of Imported and Domestic I i a v sv n n. Cift 1 av s I Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, I'bnvu received a fuv new brands, expressly man- clteapuess of price, surpass anything of tho sort ever brought litre. Delpit New Orleans Snuff. Garrett’s Scotch Snuff. Loriliard’s Maccaboy Snuff, Tut up iu b ttles aud jars. Another lot of these “Rustic” Pipes. Cull nn 1 examine. LOUIS BUIILER. THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good News to Smokers I • T. Newman iV Co. HAVE JUST OPENED A RETAIL CIGAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbus, and to meet the demand for GOOD Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c„ they have laid in, at great expend", a magnificent G. W. ALLEN, Prop’r. ADAMS HOUSE. :«* tii Opeliks, ho suro to atop at tho iloiiuc, uppoaUe i’tuseuger Depot. Insurance. E. <•. ROWEN A SON, Uencrnl Instiranco AgcntN. office. Railroad Street, over 1.. li Grocuo k Co.’s, A. (J. Hurwoll haviut, a i udrawa from tho firm of Ilurwell, U l i i &. Co., has romoved (o Chambers sir • Ilis friends uud patrons would do well to call ou him in bis new quarters, nud examine stock before bit} iiq» elsovi bore. Prices at panic jnl8 su&wedtf A Good Thing rates. I i; Mir. I HG.i l.Rg; EATING SALOON, hard so coiivoiiient he known so well how to «>y"tern, or a SQUARE repeat, a good GROCERIES. ICEVIOTAIi. AMYET & YOUNG H AVE nmoved from their old stand t- !!■ w Store formerly known as the ‘•|li EXCURSIONS. City Light Guards’ O; FIRST ANNUAL isket Pic Nic I Fort Mitchell, 011. & G. R. R„ Wednesday, April 22d, 1874. •I '• ii Id progiunriu • AI L ML\ I Il'cOI NET BA' I) 1114 kln-ilv • 1 t> a; <■''tiipviiV tho excursion, and ‘• • '■r-e-.w . t music during the day. Alao triiiii I: .nd * f bix lustrum'nt* f r dancing all who witdi i 1 in th in .ruing expectrd tu carry this will be THE PICNICe AImi -V* CHEMICALS—PURE ! FOR HOrdE-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW PRICES. f ( E. C. HOOD & BRO. HOLSTEAD & CO. 53? SPECIAL NOTICE. The various Implements of 7\g;rl- culture, Chemicals for making Manures, Farm and Garden Seeds, Flower Seed, &c., Ac., to which tho atten tion ot the reader* uf the Exquiber Ik called from lime to time iu the "Farmers’ Department" of thin newspaper, can be found aud examined (without the rUk and trouble of Heudiug to RELIABLE PARTIES NORTH) at IIOI.STEAD A C’O.’N Agricultural Depot, 130 Broad Street, spri Colnmbns, Ga. Melutll' y'a Rag t t POUND CAN CHICKENS,25 crib; 1 1 “ " TURK LI, 26 " Fresh Pears, 2 lb cans, 26 cents; “ Quiucee, 2 Iti cans, 30 cents; “ F'gg Plnins, 2 lb cans, 23 cc ns; " Asparagus, 3 fi» cans, 31 cent#; Shaker P.e.nrvcs and Jellies, all kinds, $1.23 Jar Choice Beef Tongues G* to 73c rn h; Extra Choice Siigar-Cnr d llan-s; " “ *' Stiouldors; Mild Cured White Meat; Sapolio for dinning Ohns. Ac., 16c per cake; Morgan'ri Hand Sapolio, lu uud 13c “ All guided of F’.o’ir, Meal and Gi its, at mill pr c «. Uluckwell'n (iouutnu Durham Smokiug Tobacco, ■■ n lb. -Ti#' I dotornlted t» sell my goods nt a rgiu ; consequently, from 111 il after this date, I will deliver 110 goodx ultil ]mid for. ROB’T S. CRANE, mch ' ffebl dOnl Truste F*. A. I** >MLEU< > V, AT «OOUi:it’S tOR.M'H, CALLS ATTENTION TO Choice White Shad, Fresh Bay Fi»h, Mobile Cabbage, Celery and Lettuce, Live and Dressed Poultry, Fresh Country Sausage, Sparc Ribs and Backbones. A Choice Lot of Pre.*li Crackers, Sugar Jumblei, Lemon naps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Creams, &c. Apples, Onions, Potatoes & Turnip9. Alio usual Family Supplies and Fancy Gro irias Mr. T. t*. PRIDGEN will I 0 found at the coun ter nn 1 w.'l be pleas' d to wait on his former •■in i' liters and frU-uda. T lie patrouagouf the public is r« - -1 .•.••fully • I cH d fet'28 T. J, PearceCo., (Succcuors to Williams, Pearce & Uodo,) Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Mo. 20 Broad Street, R K r at tl stock of Groceries, Plantation Supplies, &c,, Whkli will Le ,old low aud atriitly for cash. Ju313m T. J. I'E VRCK & 00- S. R. BALDWIN & CO.. NERAL DEALERS IN Choice Family Groceries. Domestic Dry Roods, Notion*, TOBACCO, Arc., Ac. JLl) AM) PURE LIQUORS 13 Broad St., Coliinilui*, <*«*. DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy llluotra" ted Catalogue of DOORS, SAStlES, BLINDS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., MnihA to any one IntereateJ iu building, receipt of stamp. KEOGH & THCRNE, 254 * 266 CANAL 8TRKE Jyll dAwly NEW YORK =1