The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 07, 1874, Image 1
r Columbus * j^nsriD Ar IDJ^TTilT Enquirer. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 187T. NO. 81. DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY JilWQUmilH.. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. Twe\vo wouthft, iu advance.... $8 00 Six mouths, Throe niunttw, “ Oue month, “ (V'kbki.t Enquiukr, one year Sunday Enquires, one year Sunday and "Weekly Enquirer to gether, one year Advertising Rates. lViek, Dally 4 00 2 00 The uLovo l« with tlio privilege of a change . very throe m.mtlu. For yoarljr cunls a liberal dlo- ronut wlO •'« toodo. Tli« Weekly rates will Invariably bo ouo-third of tho Dully. When an advertisement is changed more than once iu three months the advertiser will be charg ed with tho cost of composition. Foreign udver- UEORUIA NEWS. —Savannah Hhippod about six thousand bales of cotton to Europe direct on Wed nesday. —CHpt. U. R. Mitchell, Ordinary of Ogletborpo county, died on Tuesday. He was a gallaut soldier anil a good officer. It is rumored that A. St. Glair Abrams is }><>ing to return to Atlanta and start an other daily paper. —Littlefiold & Go., of Brunswick, esti mate Georgia's product of rosin uud tur pentine for 1874, at 4r>,640 barrels. —John W. Powell, Esq., has been ap pointed Judge, and E. A. Galhoun Solicit or, of tho now County Court of Coweta. —Tho Savannah Netvs says Smith, of the iirunswick Appeal, drew $7,1500in the Louisville lottery. —Capt. J. S. Wiggins, a prominent lawyer of South Georgia, died at Wayuos- ville, on Thursday. —The Augusta Fuctory has declared a quarterly dividoud of three per cent.; and the Augusta National Bank the same. —The Atlantic and Gulf Railroad has issned notes of the denomination of ono dollar, and upwards, which are used in paying its employees. —The number of iuterments in the principal cemetery of Savannah for the month of March was 74—of which 23 were whites and f>l colored. —Postmaster Bard, of Atlanta, has ap pointed Charloa W. liubuer Assistant, uud Frank Mills Distributing Clerk. All of Bard's appointments arc commended by tli* Atlauta press. —It is oxpei-ted that Chisolm's trial will tako place at the term of tho Superior Court of Fulton to be held this mouth. Tho Grand Jury have found a true bill for rnurdor against him. —Tho “Georgia Sportsman Club” was organized in Savannah on Thursday, with J. D. Weed President. A committee was appointed to report at the next meeting suitable rules and regulations for the government of the Club. —The Dalton Citizen says that the Cobntta Cotton Factory, in Murray coun ty, will soon be increased to 2,000 spin dles. It will thon givo employment to sixty hands, and consume seven hundred bales of cotton annually. —Prof. Orr, State School Commission er of Georgia, expresses some regret at l!io passage of the bill to pay school claims tor 1870. Ho believes it is a law calculat ed to benefit speculators in these claims rather than tho teachers. —The Medical Association of Georgia couvened in TUomaHvillo on the 1st inst. The attendance was not very large. Dr. Westmoreland took tho ohair as President . elect. Thirty new members wore added to the Association on the first day. —A man advertises iu a Savannah pa per that he has for years labored under the impression that his uamo was Young, and has so signo.l liis name and boon gen erally known; but that ho has found his proper name is Hyslop, and he wishes to be so called horoaftor. —A loose and prowling wolf is creating as much consternation among the colored people of Spalding county as “ that hog ” did in Columbus soveral years ago. They Buy that the wolf has eaten up oue negro child, and, iu utter disregard of the Civil lights law, he goes for tho colored popu lation exclusively. —The Senoia Journal represents the citizens of Meriwether and Fayette coun ties as very much interested in tho pro posed narrow gauge railroad from Atlanta to Greenville. It estimates tho cost of the road ut $480,000. An extension to Columbus would givo us as near an “uir- liue” to Atlanta ns is practicable. —The* meeting of tho Southwestern Council, hold in Americus, last Wednes day, was largely attended by tho Patrons of Husbandry of Sumtor and adjoining counties. The most important business was the'adopt ion of a rosolutiud to com mence forthwith tho building «■»( u ware house in Americus to bo styled the Farm ers' Warehouse, and which is to bo used exclusively in the interest of the Grang ers throughout Southwest Georgia. —Ou the night of the 27tli a youug man named James Holton was killed by a negro named Isaac Horan near Hutchin son's Ferry, in Carroll county. Helton put a sheet over him to fright *n tho ne gro on his Way home, when the latter came up to him and stabbed him with a Urge'knife. As soon as Helton made himself kuowu, tho negro expressed great sorrow for what had boon done, ami help ed him homo. On Sunday Helton died. Tho negro haH boon committed to jail. —The dead and mutilated body of a young man—supposed from the address of letters on bis person to bo named Ed. Clark—was fotiud near Hampton, Hoary county, ou the 1st inst. An open knife was lying bo-ddo bis body, and it is though: that ho was killod with this instru ment, either by hi: of some oue who «y. Ho was a si ranger in Hen Oue of his letter-* was from C. 11. Turner, near Eufaula, Ala. —We learn from the Ilerald that tho only ticket held in Atlantu that drew a prize in the Louisville lottery was owned by a club that had invested six hundred uud seventy-five dollars in the enterprise, having bought thice whole tickets ami twonty-ono half tickets. They drew one- half of $7.10, losing three hundred dol lars by the transaction. A preacher who chauoed $300 ou the turning of tho wheel, failed to gut any compensation, oxcept u moral lesson. —Tho Mi Hedge villa Recorder, rof erring to tho Medical Board in session iu that city, says: “By an uct of the last Legisla ture, physicians educated at regular medi cal colleges ore authorized to practice upon their diploma without obtaining license from this Board. Non-graduates, druggists, etc., must, however, appear before the Board end be eiamined and licensed aa heretofore. The llourd will continue its session in this oily until 1st of July next, when the law will be en forced ngaiust all who fail to comply with its provisions.” ALABAMA NEWS. —The Head Light says that tho Talla poosa farmers are using fertilizers to a considerable extent this year. —A man named Owens shot and killed another named Harrison, in Escambia county, last week. —A negro named Ed. Crow, on trial in the Circuit Court of Colbert county, last week, confessed that ho killed Jack O'Neal, nnd burned tho jail of Laudordalo county. —A negro in Elmore aouaty, who tried to stupefy a youug lady with chloroform, with a view to outrage, has been convict ed and sentonoed to tho penitentiary. —Sixty-five car loads of corn went through from New Orleans to Atlanta, Georgia, last week, and we proHUmo freight truins go over the same route, al most daily, carrying the products of tho West through Mobile to the Atlantic coast. —Mobile Graphic. •The Gadsden} Times reports the Coosa river as still out of its banks, and fears “the continued ovorflow will entirely destroy the lowland wheat and leave the land to be cultivated in cotton nnd corn snch condition that the yield from it will not repay the labor of cultivation.” —The Opelika Observer says that tho Agricultural and Mechanical College is occasionally receiving additions to its numbers of cadets and promisoH when our financial pressure is relieved to be one of tho most nourishing and useful institu tions in the State. —Tho Montgomery Advertiser learns conversations with Hon. 8. S. Scott and Major W. S. Gordon, of Russell, and Geu. Geo. D. Johuston, of Ferry, officers of tho State Grango, that tho area of Ala- hama lauds devoted to corn, wheat, oats, greuter by far than was ever bo- fore known. Mr. Aug. Ohlander complains, in the oolumns of the Montgomery Metes, of the nnmber of cattle that he and his neigh bors have loHt latoly by the depredations of thieves, and recommends the use of hemp as a remedy. As long as the laws of Alabama releaso the thieves of the State “upon their own recognizance” when arroHted, such deprodatious may be expoctod to continue. As they can’t bo imprisoned, perhaps there is no othor remedy than hemp. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. —Six inches of snow fell in Chicago yesterday. —Judge Edmonds, tho well known law yer and spiritualist of New York, is dead. —Tho Judge decides tho Now York now police act constitutional. —A colored man named Charlos Smith was shot dead in Elmyra, Now York, yes terday afternoon, by another colored —In tho United States Circuit Court st Philadelphia, Judge Wickars decided a long ponding suit of tho Babcock Fire Extinguishor Company against the Gard ner Fire Extinguishor Company, in favor of the defendant. —A tragedy occurred at tho Now York Picture Gallery, in Sun Francisco, Sun day. A man named Condor, prompted by jealousy, entered tho room and shot Chns. Kingsley tlftough tho head, killing hiui instantly, nnd then blow bis own brains out. Kiugsley was usher in tho theatre. . —Iu consequence of disclosure** that Tweed, insteud of occupying a convict's cell in Blackwoll's Island Peuitontiary, iu possession of a oomfortablo room tho centro of the building of tho institu tion, well filled up for his comfort, his private socrotnry says ho is givou rooms and a little more liberty than other pris oners, for the reason that it became a ques tion with tho authorities as to whether or mine relaxation of prison discipline is case was not nrcosRary, as an abso- neccssity for health. Tweed was extra ordinarily corpulent. His condition at proseut was really pitiable. No prisoner iu tlio Penitontinry felt his punishment bo keenly. If it wna insisted upon that he should be confined in a coll, oue would have to bo specially constructed for him, oh his size would preclude tho possibility of his living iu an ordinary one. THE CONNECTICUT ELECTION In forma- Speculation* nnd Meug (ion, HuvrroRn, April (»—2:30 r. m.—It is impossible to givo anything defiuite about tho result of tho election. The weather is fine, nd travelling good; but the vote will not be a heavy one. In the city it is probublo tho Democratic majority wMl bo from 400 to 500 for Governor, but there is a chanco of tho election of tho Republi can Mayor. Tho prohibition vote in the State will be much larger than laBt year. Advices to-day show that tho Probibition- itH are working bard in several localities. It is generally thought there will be no election of Governor by the people. New Haven Return*. New Haven, April 0—2:30 p. m.—Not withstanding theTmo weather the vote in thin city is light. Harrison (Republican) for Governor runs well, and will neurly equal Ingersoll’s vote. L B. Morris (Democrat) for Senator will probably be elected. The struggle over Representatives is very close, and probably one from each ticket will bo elected. Tho prohibition polling is heavy. Tho hand, or by that j vo * e will probably bo three times that of lered him for iu m- ’ last year iu this city. If tho voting is of • | tlio same character throughout tho State, it is likely tho Stnto ticket will bo thrown into the Legislature. MANMACTIt'NETTN SENATORIAL ELECTION. Boston, April 6.—Eleventh ballot: Dawes 07, Iloar 57, Curtis 53, Adams 7, Washburn, White, Phillips and Pioroe caoh, 1. Adjourned. WASHINGTON. CONUREMNIONAL. House. Washington, April G.—Under a call of tho Stales a large nuiubor of bills wero introduced nnd referred. Tho Election Committee made a roport iu the Kentucky case that Young, tho sit ting member, is entitled to his sent. It was ordered to bo printed. Tho bill to suspond impeached officers pending trial was made the special ordor for Tuesday of next week. Senate. Johnson, of Virginia, introduced a bill giving jurisdiction to tho Court of Claims to hear the claim of G. W. Cnstia Lee to the Arlington estate. Referred to Judi ciary Committee. Senator Johnsan, presented a memorial from the eldost son of the late Mrs. R. E. Lee, G. W. Custis Lee, setting forth the defects iu the titles of the United States to tho Arlington estate, which was devised to him by his graudfathor. Mr. Johnson said that Mr. Lee reoogized the use to which tho Arlington property had been put, and had no wish to destroy it. All that he wished was that the matter be reforred to the Court of Claims for sudfi reasonable compensa tion as was due him. Mr. J. introduced a bill referring the matter to the Court of Claims, which, with the memorial, i ferred to the Jtidioiary Committee. Tho Louisville and Portlan .1 Canal bill was roferred to the Fiuance Committeo. The Senato by a voto of 29 to 24 pass ed the Financial Bill, the provisions of which arc to fix tho maximum of legal tenders iu circulation at four hundrod million, and provides for an increase in tho National Bank circulation of forty-six million, making the amount of that cur rency also four hundred million. Au amendment looking to froe banking specie resumption was voted down ; it a feature was incorporated in the bill requiring tlie National Bauks to keep as part of their roserve one quarter part of tho coin recoived by them as interest ou bonds of the United States deposited as security for circulation notes or Government deposits ; nnd that hereafter only oue-fourtb of the roserve now prescribed by law for the Na tional banking associations shall consist of balances due to the associations, available for the redemption of its circulation in notes of associations iu cities of redemp tion, nnd upon which buluuccs no interest shall bo pnid. WuNbfii|;toii Notes. With reference to tho reports in circu lation that Secretary Richardsou intends to resign, that gentlemaa says, that what ever may bo his intentions iu this regard, he has communicated with no one ; and that when he does make up his mind to rotire from tho Treasury Department, he will tako care that it shall bo immediately made public, lie states that the present rumors grow out of the woll known faot that he bus been pressed for two or three years to go into private businoss. Tho House Committeo on Agriculture has unanimously instructed their Chair man to report a bill passing free through the mails, seeds, cuttings and plants from tho Agricultural Department. Senator Sprague's business house in Washington hns boon seized in bankruptcy proceedings. The Agricultural Committee has agreed to report a bill that cattle shall not be kept on cars more than twenty-four hours without food and water. Secretary Richardson will stick if he ,n. Tho South Carolina delegation had a hearing this morning before the House Sub-Judiciary Committee. The other del egation was alto present, including Col. Labors uud Kershaw, who addressed the committee ou the grievances roported by the delegation MOUTH CAROLINA. The Stale Government’* Delegation. Washington, April 5.—Tho following delegation of prominunt citizens of South CuroliuA has roached this placo to present to the Prosideut nnd Congress a stutemeut in “answer to ono recently presented by tho so-callod TaX-Puyers” : Liout. Gov. Gleavis, Speaker Lee, F. L. Cardoza, D. Chamberlain, L. C. Curpen tor, S. A. Swalz, II. Worthington, B. F, Whitner, J. L. Newgle, Y. J. P. Owens, and T. B. Johnston. Theso gentlemen claim to be able to successfully refute tho statement made by the memorialists, and to show conclusive ly that South Carolina bus not only a re publican form of government, but that a large majority of citizeus, both white and black, neither seek nor desire interfer ence from the United Stutes Government. They claim the memorialists represent no considerable body of citizens of either party, and that it is tho sumo struggle that has been going ou over since reconstruc tion—simply a fight between the “outs” and tho “ins." An interview with the President will tako placo Tuesday, when a formal pre sentation of the answer to the memorial ists will bo made. Sevoral interviews have already been had with prominent members of both bronchos of Congress. trict of New York, and late against the New Y’ork Life Insurance Coinpauy, from tho Tennosseo Circuit, the decisions were to-day affirmed by a divided oonrt. These wore the test casea which had been put forth to determine tho liability insurance eompaaies on policies held at the South on which premiums were not paid during tho war, but upon whioh the parties, or their represents' tivos, tendered payment after the closo of As the result, the docrees be low stand affirmed, and tho partios are as much in tho dark as to their rightH ns be fore tho appeals to this Court. It is thought, however, that the Court will grant a hearing, in viow of the great amounts involved in liko cases. If this should oocur, the presence of tho Chief Justice on the argument would prevent another division. Holliday vs. Daily—orror to tho Su preme Court of Colorado Territory. In this case Holliday and wife joined in tho execution of a power of attorney to sell thoir real estate in a section of the Terri tory. The attorney sold it, making the deed in tho name of Holliday alone. Thereby the latter repudiated tho transac tion, and sought to hold tho proporty. The court below sustained the sale, and that judgment is reaffirmed throughout* In the caso of tho eity of Memphis against Brown aud others, from the Ten nessee Circuit —appeal by the city to re verse a deoreo against it by the appeal upon contracts for paving its streets—the Court affirms the deoroe, except as to the item for damages for not having created a sinking fund for the payment of the bonds issued iu pursuance of tbe con tracts, tho item for the serv.ces of Attor neys, and that for services iu eollooting tbe bills. As to these, the decree is re versed, and the court below is directed to enter a decree in accordance with this Mr. Justice Hunt delivered the opin ion. The Chief Justice announoed that the Court will not hear arguments aftor the 24th inst. 1'REEDMEN’M SAVINGS RANK. Tbe 1’rosltlent’* Statement. Washington, April G.—A Card to the Public.—A statement from a source not to be meutioued, having boon circulated that the Freedmou's Savings and Trust Company has made a new departure, nnd is horoaftor to be officiated exclusively by colored men, and to bo conducted exclu sively in the interest of the colored people, leaving the inference that only colored pontons are to bo depositors that institution, makes it my daty to say to tho public that there is no renl founda tion for such statement. The FreodmauV Savings and Trust Company’s Secretary uuites with tho President, aud has neither adopted nor contemplated any such policy. (Signed) Fred. Douglass, President Savings aud Trust Co, MARKETS. BY TELEGRAI*!! TO ENQUIRER. Roney nnd Mock Markets. New Y’ork. April G.—Stocks # doll. Money 4 per cent. Gold 113$. Ex change—long 485j; short 488.}. Govern ments strong. State bonds quiet ami dull. New Y’ork, April G.—Money firm at 4a 5. Sterling steady. Gold 13$. Govern ments strong. Stutu bonds dull and uom- nal. Provision Market*. New Y’ork, April G.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat quiet and firm. Corn steady. Pork quiet; moss $10 75. Lard quiet; steam lUo. Cincinnati, April G.—Flour steady at $H GO. Corn dull at G3aG7c. Pork strong; Humll sales; fancy round lots held higher. Lard—demand light and holders firm: steam 8}o; kettle hold at ffjfc. Bacon stroug; shoulders 6$c; clear rib sides 9$c. Louisville, April G.—Flour and Corn quiot and unchanged. Pork firm at $ 1G.50. Baoon quiot aud unchanged. Lard—tierce 9}; keg 10.}. Whiskey 92. St. Louis, April G. —Flour quiet and un changed. Corn a fraotiou higher at G3a 03} for No. 2 mixed on oast truck. Whis-* key steady at 92. Pork higher. Bacon strong at 7a7} for shoulders; 9ja} for clear rib; 9}a9j| for clear sides. Lard firm at 9. Cotton Market* New Y’ork, April G.—Cotton quiet; sales 1,043 halos; uplands 17c; Orlouus 17$o. Futures opened as follows : April lG}a 16$c; May 1G U-lGalGjfo; Juno 17 3-lGi 17-jo; July 17$e. New York, April G.—Futures closed firm; sales of 24,000 halos as follows: April 10}alG 17-32;' May 10 27-32; June 17 -32; July 17 23-32. Cotton closed firm; sales of 4,015 bales at 17$al7}; net receipts 134. New Orleans, April G.— Cotton in steady demand; middlings 10$; not re- oipts 4,801; exports to Great Britain 1,- 78; to France 3,918; sides 3,000—last evening 3,200; stock 237,315. veston, April G.—Cotton nominal; buvers and selleru apart; good ordinary 14}, middliug 10} ; not receipts 1,049; ports to Groat Britain 2,811; stock 55, 691. Boston, April G.—Cotton quiet and firm ; middlings 17}; net recoipts 310; sales 200; stock 6,000. Mobile, April 0 —Quiet and nnchang ed; middlings 10; net receipts 1,189; HaleB 500; stock 48,004. Savannah, April G. — Market quiet; middlings 16; roceipts 868; exports to Continent 593; sales 1124; stock 53,752. Charleston, April 6.—Cotton firm; iddlmgi 1G; receipts 1151; Hides 40<> ; stock 34,039. MEDICINES. RAILROADS. IVOTICE. ■nitty, 2-1 til instant, tin as follow* daily (Sin a by by lit H Train nnd •r ono ii ii nd rod and flfly •otl daily for traimporta- \Y. I.. CLaRK, Sup’t M. A 0. It. It. Western Railroad oi Alabama. QUICK TROTTING. Twenty Mile* Iu Lesa Than an Hour. San Fiianoisoo, April G.—Tho great twenty-mile trotting match this afternoon, at Oakland Park, betweeu Howard and John Stewart was won by the latter minutes and 3 seconds. Howard wa moat neck and neck with Stewart at the close. During mejt of the raoe Howard ahead from six to ton lengths, but finally beateu. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ENGLAND. Godwin Smith on Home Rule. London, April G.—Prof. Godwin Smith has a long letter iu tbe Nexen on Home Role. He advocates a general improve ment of local iustitutious, and the grant ing of legislative powers for tbe adminis tration of local affairs, similar to tli of the Legislatures of the American States. BAN DOMINGO AND HAYTI Prospect* of Pence. New Youk, April 7.—Tho steamship Tybeo, from Sou Domingo, 30th ultimo, brings the following : Tho British Consul-General at Port Priuce had been ou a tour of observat to Satnana bay, and had afterwards visi San Domingo with propositions tot treaty between tbo two Republics. Dr. Howe remains at Suuiana as acting Governor, while Samuels and Fubuns, the other momburs of tho Commission, re turn to New Y’ork. § Arrived at Havana. Havana, April G.—The now Captain General, Jose do la Concha, arrived hero to-day. THE WEATHER. Department or War, ^ Washington, April G, 1874.) Probabilities.—For tho Southern and Atlantic States, cloudy uud warm, and probably ruin. Iblfef Jhm 54 J HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York I New York and New Orleans Mail Line. WESTERN RAILROAD OK ALABAMA, CoLumnis, 0a„ Murcli 2d, 1874. TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, - - - 10:40 a. m. Arrivuat Atlanta, • • 6:42 t*. M. For Montgomery and Selnm, 1 :<Mi a. *. Arrive at Montg’y, - • 0:4 > A. M. Arrivu at Selma, • 11.04a.m. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY. CHARLOTTE 8:3. r » a. m., 1:15 |i. in. Danville 3:27 p. in- Richmond M:(»5 p. in. Arrivi at Wimhmgton 4:30 u. m., at Haltlmore U:3u a. in. at Philadelphia 1:30 p. ui., at New York 6:16 p. m Nlccplnir far* Run to Charlotte. TRAINS ARRIVE ATCOLU.MRUS DAILY From Atlanta, • • • 5:24 a. m From Montgomery and Selma - 2:30 r. u Tickets for dale at Union P.wHonger Depot. Cll AS. P. It ALL, Ueueral Hup’t. U. A. BACON, Agent. (iliacIII If Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R New Advertisements. WORKING CLASSSvI, $2500 A YEAR Combination Prospectus. r-...*. bd Bale* Bure and Pro lit FREE. TO DO. sir LAHUE CASH WAUK ANTKKI) FOR ALL, ellhe be dono during leisure t im “vHi!. AGENTS *rV 1 ":r,m™,ri ,, "iRAN : v' A IIALL, ItiWj North Charles street, llallin. *ld. | u Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP ! Ten Yean.’ Credit, Interest only 0 per cent. Tho Pioneer, A WEEK TO AGENTS--.;; t I>r If:........ J. nitlliK, 'll,,.11.1.. ST THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Till. M.-ilii-liif I. .. nrm I I...I I... .. sin a Mingle particle of Maiicuhy, or any Injurlo all wise Phm :ed In rou til. It cure all Dlncnac* rauned by Derange- incut of the Liter and (towel*. Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicine 1« eminently a Family Medicine; aud hy being kept ready fur iminediiitu i.wort will Have many an h. nr ,.l_Mi.rt.Ming and ninny u dollar in lime aud After ovei Forty Yearn’ trial it In mill i.mhilrt •Utility MOST HI M Ti ll. SPECIFIC FOR DYSPEPSIA OK RKSTLH.'f'N KHS I'SKA. IT HAM NO EQUAL I 0 N .M AND MAIL TRAIN. DAY FREIGHT TRAIN. RUPTURE f" trusses highly polished. Ft. Mity, N. V. li-M,treof japanned Imitation*. Iw For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASFS, U«o WELLS'CARROLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN BtUfl UOX’.s. A TRIED AND SUHE REMEDY. Bold by l»rugi:lHt5. iw The liiglieM uietl leu I authoritic* of I'.itrope *ay tho HtronKcst Tonic, Purltlcr and Ucohntruont known to tho modhml world I JURUBEBA It nrroHlfl ilocajr of vital force*, cxhniiHtloii oi tho norvotiM HyHloin. roBtoren vigor to the duhll Hated, cltviitHeH vitiated lilood, remove- vo.-lelo ohtdruction* nnd act* directly on the l.lvn uud Spleen. Price *1 u Imttlo. JOHN y. Klil, LOGU, 18 Platt.St., N. Y. 4w DRUCS AND MEDICINES. IPs, I. GKIFI IMPORTED ►Dmas&Mefliciiies, PERFUMERY FANCY (iOODS, AT KF.Dl't'UD PRIt’F.N. AII goods guar I. Proscription* rare- SIPKF.H I, COURT DUCIMIOlfM. r t'ompaulc* Forfeit •n Rack I'rcuiluui* Tendered ? STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves NATHAN CRuWN, Colmnbuy, Qa., ■yy oUU * respectfully invite the attention o ' of BT0VK8. HOLLOW A mi)?, Ac. 8'1‘OV K? WARF., IIOl.'tllM- TIN WARK, at u I IIKKT IRON AN Washington, April G.—Iu the casos of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York against Humiltou ut al., from the Circuit Court for the Southern Dis- I uforu you buy. PPKR WORK. Roofing and Guttering e promptly and In the best inaliuor. THE BESToADVICE can he given to | - r-.n« Htilfurin* ft in i.t. bilious Complaint colic, ooiiBiimpth-ii DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE !!Pp| fM? mm fj mfjij iStss mmm PII WE WANT POKTRAT Neuralgia, Pilos, headache. Diarrhoea, Boilc, OlcLSoroc, Lameness, Darns, Soronoss, Toothache, Ecalds, Sprains, Hoarsoneis, Ulcers. Wounds, Soro Throat, Colie, Bruisos, Bhoumatism, Ilomorrhagos, UratC' BOOK AGENTS nl onco, to sell two of the most popular wrka ever published: II. S. BONDS JoSTtf.?.W -b 1 ; v W. K. Handy. ami. MARSHALL’S L1PK OF Gen. Robert E. Lee. TURNBULL IIR0TI11 II-, 4w Baltimore), IVld, JOB PRINTINC. L itter Press and Card Printing. JUH.T RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF T^TTier-t, 13 I Tj Tj HEAD AND S ta to ii i <s ii I I * apo v, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All >.r wl.i.:l. .an I... furiil.lii.,1 (.lltilodul ii.itlcp, AT 1.1,w c'l-ii llira-. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. TIioh. Gtiltoort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, UA. glands of Uio noso nnd ltd chat: Catarrh Rrmodvshould benpplu ii l»r. I»lcrcc>» Nntml Dour hr which medicine can he carried In; ami /jo/cc//)/applied to ail parts«. E.'tpca ami cliamncrH In wldt h pore ulcers exist,nnd from which disc proceeds. 8o Btirccshful linsthis < of treatment prove!), Uni the pmpr offers $500 Rruuril Du U'otd i lldKl" DI AHOM) KI»t:t’TA(T.::s ’ Choice Simpson Cotton Seed FOR SALE. ItalMil from tteloetml Mirikn, hy E. T. SHEPHERD.