The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 10, 1874, Image 3

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OPELIKA DIRECTORY. t oi.i n bis : APltlL 111, 1874. From tho N. Y. Woi id. Preyed ou by cut-purse, swindle . Cotnos humbly to thin august door, Asks louvo to live." "7 gave you masters, and no more Have 1 to give." •‘The pent Is post; or ill or well, We’ve paid tho price, uor now cun toll If they aro hotter off who fell, Or wo who stay," “lWre gut your own lawt, you must dwell Under their sway," "When plundorers’ grood and ticgroo/ Imto Were stripping ns clean, we bowed to fate; liut thin intolerable weight Wo cannot bear. "7 ’ll never meddle with a State Again ; to, there 1" "We como to you becanse you thrust *“ Ills on us, v s our la thero no hope?" "One of you slandered me. Who was'f f The lying whelp ” lie libelled me worse than the Xew York Sun, That C\iry man did I" "7 never read a speech more vile, or 1 Personal in its infamous style, or One tluit stirred up deeper my bile, or Doctors. 1>K. I. T. WAKNOCK, Surgeon uuil Physician. Otfho at tliuughter’s Drug store, iCuiiroud street. LECAL NOTICES. i»H. J. W. it. WILLIAMS oners hi* pruUiasiou*! services. office over H. M. Ureeu k Co's, Chambers k 11. It. Klreuts. Millinery. MISSUS WHITE St TUCKElt, Fashionable Milliners aud Dreastnttkers. Uetitletuen's slmui cut by chart measure, wild MltS. C. V. HARLOW, Fushlouable Allllluer uml Dressmaker. bole Agent ofllutterick « Co.'s Patients. At the utu miuking liousu ul Bhuppaid A Co., Notaries Public. • U. l). HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary I'ubltc lot ruspeettudy solicits tliu patrouagu i llotas Lou11 1st itud -id butuiduys ot C. lloibueia's law ulhco. Eating Houses. ROGERS' FATING HOUbF, ltight at tho Depot, open at all hours, not auu Heats lor alt Tratuu. May go to hell J" HE WASTED TO MARRY. A Tonsil Story, bat n Good One. A London letter to the Herald says : “Here is a good story whioh has not yet fonud its way into print, but for the troth of whioh 1 can vouch. Lord George Gordon, a young man of four aud twenty, wishing to marry a certain young lady, went quite recently to ask the permission of his father, the Duke of Argyle. The Duke, a pompous little man, replied in effect, ‘My son, since our house has been honored by being united with tho royal family I have thought it right to del egate a decision on all such matters to your elder brother, the Marquis of Lome. Go, therefore, and consult him.’ The Mar quis of Lome, on being applied to, said, *My dear brother, in a case of importance like this I should thiuk it right to ask the decision of the Queen, the head of the r-'Viil family, into which I have married.’ The Queen, on tho matter being laid be fore i or, declared that sinoe her terrible bereavement she bad been in the habit of taking no steps without consulting the Duke of 8axo-Goburg, the brother of her deceased husband. To the Duke, then, the case was referred and from him a lettor was received telling his dear sistor-in-law that recent political events had induced him to do nothing, oven as to the giviDg advice, without tho express concurrence of the Emperor William, before whom ho hiul laid tho matter. The Emperor Wil liam wrote a long letter, declaring thut though he was surrounded by counselors, there was one only who had on all occa sions proved hituHolf correct, loyal and faithful, aud without whoso advice ho (the Emporor) would have no decision. Therefore, he had referred the matter to his faithful Minister, Princo Bismarck. “And it is narrated that whon Princo Bismarck was made acquainted with tho subject he roared out, i Gott in Jlimmel, what a fuss about nothing! Let the boy marry whom he pleases, so long as she is young and pretty.”’ Explorations In tho Terra del Fnego. The Paris Pays publishes the following letter, addressed to M. Paul do Cassagnao, by M. Pertuisset, the explorer of Terra del Fuego: In my last expedition my companions and myself traveled over <100 kilometres (five-eighths of a tuilo each) without tho trace of a What most struck us was to see the inhabitants tly before us ; and next, the beauty of the country, which we had always hoard was so sterile. The southeast aud southwest portionn are formed of lurge valleys, in whioh are found splendid meadows—porhaps the most nuiquo in the world—watered by small rivers with abundauoe of water; that alone is immense wealth for breeding. The district is not rich in minerals, but tho southern portion, which I am now about to visit, is, I understand, dif ferent. The Fuegians aro a fine race, tall aud well made, and the women good look ing. Their skins aro white, but their dir tiness is disgusting. They live on shell fish, game, of which they have a profu sion, and guanacos (the fruit of a species of palm), and they are nomadio in their habits. Their dwellings aro found every where, consisting of a hole in the ground, with dried grass to Bleep on, and some branches of wood to shelter it from the wind. I believe them to bo very inoffen sive, as far as I could judge from the three times we wero able to approach them. Their weapons oonsist of bows, their arrows beiug tipped with a pieoe of flint or bottle-glass, pointed, which tboy probably find on the sea shore, and a sling. Those arms are not much to be feared. I am told that the place which I am going to visit is inhabited by tribes more hostile nud malicious, but I do not believe the statement.” —The latest snako story comes from Connecticut. Some workmen building a mill among the rocks on Westfield killed u rattlesnake, and after severing the head from the truuk and cutting the rattles off the tail for a keepsake, kicked the heud away into tho sand and threw the trunk into tho sun. A booted boy came along and could not resist the temp tation to worry tho daad snnko. llo trod on its tail, and the hoadloss trunk of the reptile turned und struck tho boot as if to bite. Tho frightened youth soon had an audience uround him, nud tho experiment of treading on the snake's tail was repeat edly tried, with the sumo result, liut an other startling thing was observed. Ah often as the carcass coiled and struck the offending bout, so often, and at, the self same instant, the grim, repulsive head, lying dissovered in the duet, opened its j.tWH, the doadly fangR protruding, aud closed them with a snap. There was no scientist to see, but these simple mill builders want to kuow tbo philosophy of this sort of post mortem snake life. Tbo experiment may be tried until tbe snakes ruu out. —Tbe Association of Mexican Veterans held a meeting iu Washington on Satur day night, and agreed to distribute a cir cular throughout tho country for the pur pose of eu/olliug nil survivors of the Mexican war and nil widows of Mexicnn vuteraus, with a view of laying bofore the Pension Committee the exact number of persona olniming pensions on aconuot of that war, aud tho amount of money that will be required to place their names on the pensiou rolls. The number of sur vivors is estimated by the Commissioner of Pensions at JVJ.OOO, but the Association do not think his estimate correct. Heavy Bobbery nt Darien. A rumor was in circulation yesterday to the effect that the store of Itothsohild & Adams, dry goods aud general merchants, at Darien, was robbed on Saturday night, it is supposed by negroes. Tho burglars succeeded in getting snf«*ly off with a tin box continuing 100, but did not disturb any of tbo g »ods. Tho in formation was brought by passengers, who heard of tho robbery but a short time be fore tho steamer left Darieu, but did not learn the particulars.—Sav. New, 7th. Furniture, &c. At Paulo Prices. A. O. UAKWELL, Dealer In all kluda or Furniture. Also, Metallic, Wood Coffius, ami Caskets. Lawyers. A. J. YICKERH, Attorney nud Couunellor at law. Offiso opposite Alabama House. Practices in all the Courts of the Statu. Ja3 Tailors. J. II. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting aud Making iu the Latest Stylos, lie- pairiug neatly douo. South Railroad St., over Furniture Store. Jal Dentists. dccz3] terms. Chsinlur Barber Shops. WESLEY LAURIA'UER, Harbor, Corner South Hallroad aud Chambers streets, dec'll Hotels. opposite Passenger Depot. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. W ’H b bo sold on the tirst Tuesday Ut Miy nett, between tho legal hours of ss’.e, iu front of lim aiutii u house of Kills k Harrison, Biond strict, Columbus, Uu., the following de scribed piopi-rcy, to-wit: All thut tmet or parcel of land lying and being . t o city of ColutnliUN, iu said comity, ami itown in the plan of said city as lot number 280, n aitiing one-half acre, more or lo«*. Hold to .lisfy three mortgage tl fas Issued from Muscogee Superior Court, In favor of W m N Hawks, troas- ror, Ac., vs F C Dickerson. Also, at hatuu time and place, all thnt tract or parcM of laud lying and being In said comity aud Htnto, and known In the plait of said county as tho Coweta Reserve, containing sixty-two (62) at res. ntoro or less, with tho improvements thereon, and hounded ns follows: On tho north l>y land.* of Joseph F Pott, Thomas Throcwits aud K Hints Bunks ; on ti e east hy lauds of A Onmmell; on the south hy hinds ot A (inmmell, I T Brooks and .lames F Winter; and on tho west by a street load ing ftmn tho Mucoti road to tho Ht Slary's road, as tho property of Georgia A Thornton, to satisfy a mortgage ft fa issued from Muscogeo Httperlor Court iu favor of Win N Hawks, treasurer ot tho llotno Building nud Loan Association, vs Georgia o time and place, all thnt certAln lot A Thornton of lutui being number 71, In'tho tfth district of Muscogee, bounded on the n rth by the lands of James C Cook; east by the Hamilton road; south by tho residence of Mrs Klviru A Horsliy, and ou tho west hy the lands of the Into Seaborn Jones, (this lot being the one awarded to Pierce L Lewis in a bill of partititiou os one of the heirs of James C Cook, Hr,) and improvements, containing thirty acres, more or less, ns the properly of William 11 littglioi, trustee for Jane C Hughes and children, to satisfy five mortgage ti fas issued from Musco gee Superior Court, in favor of Wm N Hawks, treasurer of Home Building and Loan Association. Property pointed out In said ti fas. mbit) wilm II. U. IVKY, Sheriff. Sale by Assignee in Bank ruptcy. i following described lands, to-wit: of lot 1110; all the above lands being iu tho 22d district of originally Lee, now Stewart county, Georgia, anil sold as the property of Absolom H. Harris, Bankrupt' Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of A. W. Bedding, deceased, uro requested to make immediate payment to tin* undersigued, at Klla- vfIl<-, Uu., ..lid tlioso having demands against ths estate to present them in terms of the law. mh* WOW K. J. BEDDING, F.x’r. Muscogee Superior Court, November Torm, 1873. His Honor, James Johnson, Judge, presiding. Mary K. Watson, 1 Alexander Watson, j I T appearing by the return of the Sheriff iu tho above case thut the defendant is not to be found in tho county of Muscogee, and it further appearing that tho defendant does not reside in the Htuto of Georgia; It i.-t hereby ordered that ho be served by a publication < f ibis order In the Co lumbus 8uu newspaper once a month for four mouths. ALEX. C. MOBTON, Counsellor. xtract from the minutes of Muscogee J. J. BRADFORD, Libol for Divorco. Superior Court. Ja'J <’uni4m Cleik 8 C. M. C. Information Wanted. , NY person Knowing anything of tho heirs o i -* •’ *' *\LEN H. WRIGHT, wh HAM VAN 111I1I1KK. \ EURO IA—MUSCOG KK COUNTY.—Whereas, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. R OSETTE & LAWH O N, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor Dealeirs, 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., H ave now in store a choice selection of puke and unad- ulterutad Liquors, some of whioh are three and four years old. LOTTERY. Hennessee Brandy, Peach “ Apple “ Cherry “ 1 inmost io “ Jainacin Iium, New England Hum, Holland Gin, Domestic Gin, Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Madeira “ Malaga Wine, Martin Whiskey, Bourbon “ Cabinet “ Irish “ Kye “ White Corn Whiskey, Adam Crow’a “ Weller's Bourbon “ Robertson County Whiakay, Tom Moore Rye “ White Wheat “ Pa. Dew Drow 4 ‘ LOTTERY OF REAL ESTATE! THEj CSKEIOIFLQ-IIj^ Real Estate and Immigration Co. OFFER THE P0BI.I0 TUB FOLLOWING SCHEME: 9X26,000 Real Estate in Georgia. (340 FFIIZES ! WHOLE TICKETS ONLY SOLD. CAPITAL PRIZE $23.0001 TICKETS $10 EACH. Ill aud 4'itpltnl Prise-An Improved Lot iti tho «»ity of Atlanta, situated i MB PRIZR—A City Lot on West side of Pining street, between Atlanta, fronting 10U feet, aud running hack 2uu test to au all < i elegantly built dwelling house, coutuiui The above is offered at wholesale and retail, in quantities to suit purchasers. feblB tf ROSETTE * LAWOOY. dlous ruouis, besides luth rooms, store rooms, water closot, hie o- ns. etc., with water works attached, hot aud cold water pipes, and all necesi ry iit-huihliugs. One of the most desirable city residences Iu tho Houtli, valued 20,000 ( 3RD PRIZE—A Farm In the far famed Cedar Valley, Polk county, Georgia «■ • and a half niilos from Cedartown, containing 320 acres—half cleared, bala »• ell timbered; abiindnnt running water, connortahlo buildings, etc., valued at COTTON WAREHOUSES. A. M. ALLEN. l'KTKR FREER. I^ontaine ~Wai'eliouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants houses: n valued ut. 5TU PR1ZK—A Fat in of 800 acres, situate twenty miles w< Georgia, in tlie fork of Itig and l.tltlo Kchu> g o I si ate of cultivation, hulattce heavily tent go. d dwelliug, out-houses, etc., capital gin anil cotton press, vaiuad a CTU PRIZE—A Tract ot Land of 25 acres, situate in Richmond county, Georgia, oue-balf the corporsto limits of Augusta, Georgia, with all tlie* improvements ' • - • ■ - e ||||, Vt W it|, ull the necessary out- Orders Solioited in person or by lottor. executed for buyer or eeller. CommlsUon promptly CLOTHING. Insurance. f.. irbewKs dtNON, General Insurance Agents. Office. Railroad Htreut, over R. M. Groeuo St Co.'s LOTTERY. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. A Masonic Grand Gift Concert! 10,000 Prizes to be Qivon Away, Amounting to $250,000, all in Currency. T I1I8 enterprifO Is con Dieted hy tho MASONIC RELIEF ASSOCIATION OF NORFOLK, VA., under authority of tho Virginia Legislature, (net passed March 8, 1873,) for the purpose of raising funds to complete the MAHON10 TEMPLE, now In course of erection Iu Norfolk. Thero are no Individual botirflts to be derived from this under taking—it is wholly in (ho cause of Masonry. Tho Couccrt will positively take pluco on Tutmtluy, the 5lh of May, 1S74, aud no furthor postponement is guaranteed. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift $60,000 One Urund Cash Gift 25,00 t One Grand Cash Gift 12,500 One Grand Cash Dill.... lb,Oil) One Grand Cash (lift 6,000 One Grand fash Got 2,5oO 24 Cash (1 Ifts, f600 each 12,000 50 Cash Ul'M, 250 each ..... 12,500 CO Cash Gifu, 200 each 10,000 100 Cash Girts, 160 each 16,000 150 Cash Girts, 100 each 16.000 600 Cash Gifts, 50 each 20 600 9,000 Cash Gifts, 5 each 45,000 Grand Totul, 10,000 Uifts, all cash $250,000 Whole Tickets, $5; llslf Tickets, $2.60. Club Rates—11 Tickets for |&0; 22 Tickots for $100. DIRKOIOI’.S AND ADVISORY BOARD. John L Roper, President; John B Cary row, Treasurer; James Y Leigh, Walter 11 Taylor, Geo 8 Oidtield, John A Kosson, Daniel 11 listed, Wil li mi II Wales, M 11 Stevens, S Weil, John T Red mond. llis Excellency Ex-Governor Gilbert C Walker, Col Kader Diggs, 1* II I’; John R McDuuiel, P G Oomminder; J .1 Burroughs, Capt Samuel L Waits, Virginia Legislature; Rob't E \\ ithers, U M U II P and D 0 0 of G C; Col Thus F Owens, p u M; Joint B Whitehend, Esq, Ex-Mayor; Col W 11 Tay lor, Htate Seu itor; James G ltain, G C G 0 C. Address communications to 1IKNUY V. MOORE, Secretary Matoulc Relief Association, Norfolk, Va. N. B.—For further particulars apply to H. If. HILL, Express Agent, febjUW-odtd^^^^^^^^^^ColunibmqGH. FARM BOOKS. be permitted to rc-dgu his said Given tinder my official s’gnnturo, this — _F. >L RROQK.H, Ordinary. February, 1874. mlnlstrutiou on tliu estate of James W. Massey, lute of said county, d c a mil; Those are, therefore, to ri*o and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office within tho titno proscribed by law and show cause (if any they Itave) why said letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this April 1st, 1874. • »ipr5 oaw It* 1'. M. IIROOKS, Ordinary. G eorgia— county—John n. Mas.-oy, guaidian of tho orphans of Irwiu 5\ ulkins, deceased, makes upplica'ion for letters of dismission from said gu rdiatiship; These lire, therefore, all persons concern- of dismission shun d hi applicant er niv official signature, this April * F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. / « E0RG1 \ 1 Win. Joseph W. Woolfolk, deci led, having applied for why letters of dismission should said applicant. Given under my baud and offic'nl signature, this April 4th, 1871. apr6 ouw3m P. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. BORGIA — MUSCOG EB COU NT Y. — Joseph Kyle, guardian for J. P. Kyle, having peti tioned to be discharged from said guardianship; All persons who are concerned uro required to tile their objections (if uny they have) on or before the Court of Ordinary to bo held for said county on tliu iirst Monday in May next, why the said Joseph Kyle should not be discharged according to tho prayer of his petition. Given under my hand aud seal of office, this TIME BOOKS FOB PLANTATIONS AND FARMS 8® a \ K "*““ The form is one furnishod hy n planter of much experience. It* use will enable a Farmer to save many times its cost during tho year. Printed and for sale by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. The Book will be forwarded by mail, on receipt of price,|q2d d»wtf MONETARY. R. M. Waters &. Co., 56 Broad St,. New York, receive Deposit Accounts on favorable terms from Bajiks, Bankers, and Corporations, subject to check at sight. Loans made only on Cotton and Approved Stock Ex ohange Collaterals. Depositors WITH TIIB Georgia Home Savings Bank triLL please hand in their Pass Books thnt tl: YY Inter. .t to April iNtrnay be entered in same UEG. W. DILLINGHAM. JOHN D. BROWNING, 1 Bill for Injunction, vs. V Ri lief, Ac., in Cliatta- R. C. PATTERSON, et al.J hoocheo Sup. Court. I T appearing that William Browning, one of tho defendants to the above Rill, resides without the jiirimliotiou of this Court, it is ordorod that service of tho same be perfected on said William Browning, by the publication of ibis order, once u month for four mouths, In the Columbus Enquirer ami Hun (a public guzotto published in the city of Columbus) prior to the 11 ■ Ht day of tho next term of this Court. WM. A. LITTLE, Compl’ts Solicit' rue extract from tliu minutes of Chattahoo- choo Superior Court, March 31st, 1874. W. A. SAPP, Cleik Situerlor Court Chattahoochee County, NO Here’s Your Clinuee. EXCUSE FOK A RUSTY SUIT ! CLOTHING AT COST ! pOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS WE WILL SELL OUR SUPERB STOCK OF GENTIjEHEK’g, YOUTHS* AND CniLDREN'H Clothing and Underwear, Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c., &c., at Cost for Cash. Come at ouce, If you wish to buy CHOICE CLOTHES for a little money. , , THOMAS ti PRESCOTT. Columbus, Ga., Dec. 16,1873. deodavr $75,000!! Grrea,t Sacrifice! Positive Cash Sale of Dry Goods, At the Lowest Rates Ever Offered in the South. Having decided to quit tho Dry Goods Business in this city, we offer at Wholesale Prices our Mngnifioont Stock of Dry Goods. Planters, Tradesmen and Country Merchants should avail themselves of this ausurpaHsud opportunity to re new their Stock. nov2 snn&w’ytf JOSEPH & BIIO. Grand Clearing Out Sale ! TO MAKE READY FOR THE SPRING TRADE, WE NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASH ! AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE AN LOW AS TO RE FOUND ELSEWHERE. CHAPMAN & YERSTILLE, Ja4 deod OO RROAI) STREET HIDES! HIDES!! Muscogee Superior Cour November Term, 1873. Ilia Hotter, James Johnson, Judge, presiding. Henry 8. Davis, 1 vs. J nil’, Ac., in Muscogee Dozier Thornton, 1 Superior Court. Rule to II. S. Smith, Trustee, | perfect service, et ul. j I T appearing to the Court liiut ail the defend- Huts to said bill uro ell iiolWMideuta of this State, and tho Sln-iilf l.avitw returned not to ho bill bo made by publication as provided by law. A trite extract from tho minutes of Muscogee Sui erior Court, November term, 1873. j i'.i (liimlm J. J. RRADF0R1), Clerk. G EORGIA, MUSCOG KK COUNTY —Henrietta Gordy, Adm'x, of tlie estate of Lafayette Gor- dy, do cased, applies for leave to sell tho real es tate le longing to said deceased. All persons .uncortied are therefore notified to tile their objections (if any they have) within the time prescribed by law, why leave to sell suid property should not be granted. Given ttuder my official signature this April Oth, 1874 ap7-1aw4t* HOTELS. Chewalla House, Eiifnuln, Alabama. A. J. RIDDLE &TWM. SMITHA, PROPRIETORS. M’HE TRAVELING PUBLIC aro most respect- L fully invited to give us a call. VS e will do tlie Rankin House, ColumbiiH, Ga. J. W. 11YAN, Prop r Fbank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under tub Rankin House. my24 dtwtf J. W. HYAN, Prop’r. WE WILE PAY T1IE Highest Market Price FOR Green i Dry Hides, Furs, Beeswax, &c. BARNETT & CO., mh24 3m Crawford Street. M. M. HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty. Will I’ay tliu Highest Market I*rico for Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Rags. All kinds Wrapping Paper and Pdper Bags on hand. BOILER MAKING. GEO. T. GIFFORD, Boiler Is/EculS-er and Sheet Iron Worker. • with despatch, at B. II. Ry- Save Your Grain Sacks! THE EMPIRE MILLM Y^ILL BUY SECOND-HAND OKAIN SACKS iu quantities Hint may ho offered. DRY COODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT Call attention to the fact thnt they are •••Ring Dry Goods of every description, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, &o, TO CAHM Ill YtBS, At such prices as will be sure to please all who will call To arrive 16th Inst., a uuw case of Spring Prints, &c. JnlS PEACOCK k SWIFT. Is erected a r 260 « ... new and necessary out- aud magltillcentpossessions of t'apt. Ja*. II. Nichols, Crawford county, thoreou, cousinting of a One Prif One Price or One Price of Throe Prices, each.. Two Prices, each... | Six Prices, each Six Prizes, each Six llutidred approximation prison.. MODE OF DRAWING. Tbore will be upon tl.o rtago two glnss wheels, tho contents of which can be st--it by ull the spectators. A ootumlttoo of'two citizens, lunu way connected with tliu mnniigi-Mcnt, ami of undoubted Integrity, having Iirst countod and examined, will place In the 1 .tiger w i.ecl 12,600 tickets exactly alike, nnd having printed nutnlters Irotu ono to 12,6hi, currenpondlim in all tho tickets to 111. A similar committee, having tirst counted and examined, will place In pre cisely alike, the prices,jwhloli uro placod In tlm smaller wheel. Hath wheels will llitti in* turned until their contents arc thoroughly mixed. A hoy under lilloen years ot age, blind lidded, will then draw irotu tho larger wheel one of tho 12.8 •o tickots, and holding It up In full \ lew ol tho spectators aud auditors. Its number will bo culled by tho erter appointed lor this purpose, :.u that all present may ho*r. The number will then be passed to the committee ol elllxeuB, who will say whether the number lias bouu rightly eallod. It will then bo pa-sed to a registrar, who will file It, und rocord It upon a book prepared for that purpose. A boy of slmilnr ago will then draw Irotn the smaller wheel ono ol tho tubes containing n prize, which will bo opened und hold up to the view ol the sj>. utators and uuditors, Tho value id the real estate prize will ihon ho crletl, and passed tu the committee, who, niter Inspection, will glvo It to unother rog- to tile and record. The prize thus drawn will belong to tho ticket hearing tlie r drawn Immediately beforo It. Thus tills process will continue, drawing iirst Irotn tho largo whoel containing tho tickets, and then Irotu tho small or price wheel until all the t alien containing tho prices are drawn. Alt aecurato record ol tho above will be kept on hie, cortlhcd to by the committee ol dlsIt.tcrcHted citizens officiating. The Prizes below fuco in value are approximations, and will ho determined and paid ns follows; Heal Estate. Tho nutniiers ol all the tlokets|sold being oon-ldcru>i In »circle, numoiicully formed, and having tho highest number, 12,0 0, and the lowosl 1, brought together, then whatever number In this olrclo may bo by lot determined to bo untied to tho Capital Prize of f2 *,000 will ho taken us a conter, on each side of which the next 3 ti numbers In numerical order will bo counted lor tho $10 Prizes, thus making on the two sides of tho Capital the 0 >0 nearest nunihera, each id which will becniltlei! to a Heal ltsinto Prize of $10. All tho Tickets drawing larger Prizes will bo oxoludud, and tho circle extended to Include 600 on both sides ol the Capital, hoing 3 mi on each side, it being tho purposo of the management not tu duplloalo prizes. MONEY.—All money received Iron: hi:lour tJokotj will be deposited In Hank Immodhtoly on recoltit of remittances. TRANSFERS OF TITLES.—Within ten days altar tho drawing, nartlo* putting Real Es tate on the markot undor this scheme, aro required to make good valid and uulnriimhorad ti tles thereto to the (lonrgln Kcnl Estato and Immigration Company—paid Company obliging themselves to trauslor such title In feo simple to tho party or partlos who may draw such prize ol application, porsonnlly or by lettor, to authorized agents, tho ninn- JAMES GARDNER, President Georgia Real Estate and Immigration Company. Atlniituor Augusta, Georgia. CORPORATORS. MANAGERS. Hon. WILLIAM SUHLEY, Savannah, Ga. A. M. WALLACE, Atlanta, Ga. ROBERT SOHLEY, Es.t,, Augusta, Ga. ILL. WILSON, “ Col. JAMES GARDNER, “ “ .1. 1). WADDELL, “ “ Parties desiring to dispose of their real estate through tho Georgia Heal Estate and telr noxt Urand Lottery, to bo drawn on July 1st, 1874, cun do so by JAMES GARDNER, Proildont Ga. II. K. A I. Co., Atlanta or AugUHta, tin. •9.AGENTS wanted Inevory county. marl7—d&wdtn ELLIN Jk IIAHRINON, Agents, Uolumhus, Qn. DRY COODS. NEW GOODS ARRIVINC DAILY AT The New York Store. Elegant Silk Poplins at 65 cents. Jl'ttT IIECF.I VEIL S. LANDAUER A BRO. J. KYLE & CO. TT K8PKPTFULI.Y iimiotnue b |f>lr friend- 4 , rilPtotni-rs hiiiI tlie public gc ItYiib WINTER NTOCIi OF l»HY BOOBS is cuuslstiug ot every article usually ‘ ‘ n ~~‘ the money panic In N • ally, that their FALL • tu tight during ECONOMY ! Do you know that you can Savo Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BRO.? Foreign s Domestic Drv Goods BELOW COST! Tlieir Spring Stock IS UNKIVALRD! Call and be convinced. No. 69 Broad Street. ot respond w • t h tin- Ip’ll'e still keep a Inrpu linn of IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION ! ALSO, A 8 PL UNDID LINK OF Ladies 9 , jyiisNes 5 ami Children*** Slious, of the Latest Sty In and Best Make. Also, a Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Prices. All wishing lo ptin-h'isn will do well t-i glvo tin u rail, .ih we laiught low and will sell «In-up '->r rcii MILLINERY. Merchants’ and Mechanics’ Bank. paid to ths Stockholders «n und after April 1st. Latest Styles of New Spring Millinery l MRS. M. R. HOWARD Ml 1.1,1.Milt 1 . Lidios’, Missosand Children’s tri i nn d anduutrimmed Hats and Bounds ; Flowers and Ribbons; Best Real Hair Swi chos, Jewelry, And other desirable Good .MISS VANDKNBF.HG I • SOLD LOW row « 1NII. 1H74. NewS]Nlilliiu'rx AtiKH. IN Now OPKSISa - M/fuN'AJILK STOCK OF Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s HATS, Trimmed aud UatriiiiEil. Ladies’ Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, &c., Real Hair Switches, And other Dosirablo Goods, which sho will sell Cheap for «Jm*h. Columbus, lia., March 31, 1871. It