The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 12, 1874, Image 2

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hmfans inquirer. (OMMltlS, SUNDAY ui:on<aA t ...APRIL 12, 1874. 49^X0 81'BM RIPTIOS RECEIVED LNI.KSfc TA1D FOB I> ADYASCK. Th* Prohibitionists made conaidarable gains in the Connecticut election, but not enough to produce any marked result up- on either of the two leading political par ties. ltzDiurn has not backed down from bis assertion that Sumner told him that floar was opposed to the Civil Rights bill. On the contrary he refers to a witness, who, bo says, will substantiate his assertion. A question of veracity is involved. The controversy does not appear to havo made many changes of votes. Tin Mississippi Legislature has at last adjourned. The prioipal acts passed by it were the following : Ttao establishment of a central board to equalize taxation the repoal of tbo Supply Lien law, and of the next November Funding aot; and a bill providing that no more liquoi censos shall bo granted nnloss upon the recommendation of a majority of residents over eighteen yoars of ago. Tot New York Tribune publishes a npooch which Senator Sumner preparod in March, 1871, whon bin disaffection with tho Administration began to be manifest, but which speech he was then dissuaded from delivering. Wo lmvo not road tho speech. Tho propriety of its publication at this time Is very questionable. Tho JJerald says of it, that “it discloses tho hurt pride, tho wounded vanity, tho shocked egotism of . tho Massachusetts Honator rather than his riper sonso A Republican writes from Knloigh to the Now York Time*, that his party in North Carolina will not hold a Stato Con vention for the nomination of candidates, booanso “tho question of civil rights wonld no doubt bo introduced, and any notion tho convention might take upon it would be hurtful at this time." lie adds that the local candidates of tho party will be allowed to make their fights upon iHtns that may ho peculiar to tho different conn ties. Tho Wilmington Journal says that the moaning of this is that in wliito ties tho Radical party will fake tho white line, and in colored counties they will take tho black linn. Tho hesitation of tho North Carolinn Republicans in taking a position upon this civil rights issue goes to confirm (ho opinion exprossod that it must injnrn the party, however decided. Mam. ADVictcs from Sari Domingo to tho 110th tilt, report that the Rritish Consul at Port-au-J’rince lmd visited Hsu Domingo with propositions for a treaty with tho Haytion Government. Among tho condi tions of tho treaty are said to bo the ces sion to Hayti of disputed frontier terri tory, and the iinnuliuout of (lie Samaria J3ay Convention with citi/.ons of tho Uni ted States. On tho acceptance of thoso conditions by tho Dominican Oovnrnniont, Hayti or Kuglnml was to lend it a consid erable sum, payable at eonvenicnco mid without iutoreat. This measure caused great anxiety throughout tho island, and tho Provisional Government had declared tho Baniann Bay Convention null and void. Tho special commission of the Samaiin Company protested agaiust this action as illegal and demanded arbitration. Mean time, tho company will ask protection of tho United States against any violonoo on the part of the Dominican authorities. rwK to roll it r.H i'ohukmti. will make a thick paste, and will unite, glass and metal as firmly as the otfginii) materials. You wiil find the latter a good recipe for cementing metal or glass-ware that may be broken. Worried.—because you and your wife have a little misunderstanding now and then, if must not make you wretched. Look upon it rather as the spice of mat- rimoney. The bishop of Durham, la menting the death of his wife, said to tho great Dr. Paley, “We have lived nine teen yoars together, Doctor, and never had two opinions about anything, what think you of that?" “I think, my lord," repliod Paley, “it must have been very WASHINGTON. flat.' Country Girl.— The beautiful women have not tho monopoly in Hymen a marts. The plainest girls aro often sought for or the best wives, remember »'TI« beauty, that doth ofl make women proud ; Tie virtue, that doth mako thorn most ad mired ; 'Tla modesty, thatmakoa them eoera dlvino.” Henry writes to ask “which we thiuk the best of Dickons' novels ?" Ourohoioe is not tho popular one ; but we have, after roading ull his wonderful productions, oomo to tho conclusion that, for power, artistic arrangement, and dramatic situa tion, nothing that Dickens lias written will compare with “Tho Tale of Two Cities." Header.—Tho Cascade Mountains in Oregon and Washington Territory aro the same range as tho Sierra Nevada in Cali fornia. Tho word “Nevada" menus snow in Spanish. Schoolboy.- Nearly all our words be ginning iu al are Arabic—as alcohol, at- chemist, algebra, alooran. Al ih an arti cle. Time spent in a study you have not the means to mastor is wasted. I)o not be a sinalteror. Uehee.—It is pronounced Yo-Semitrc. Sacramento is a better point to start from than Han Francisco. Tho nnrao of tho latter place was Yerba buena. The city took its nntno from an old Hpnnish mission locatod on the bay. M U I'VIIMCATIO.YN. From W. J. (TihJIIu wo have received "The Daily Graphic," “Chimney Corner," “Harper’s Weekly," “Frank Leslie." “Tho Now York Lodger," “The Weekly, “Sat urday Night" and other publications. “Homo A School" for April oomos to hand as brimful of interest nnd informa tion an ever. “Georgia Musical Eclectic" for April contains a number of able editorial and selected art ides, iu addition to several line musical compositions. Published by Guilford, Wood A Co., Macon and At lanta. t'OYUUENKIOYAi. Washivotoj*, April 11.—The House adopted n resolution declaring John D. Young, of Kentucky, ILc silting member, entitled to his scat. Mr. Herndon, of Texas, from tho Com mittee on Public Lands, reportod a sub stitute for tho bill to incorporate tho In ternational Land and Immigrant Compa ny. Ordered printed, and recommitted. The House spout tho whole day in vot in'; on tho various amendments and sub stitutes for tho currency bill, but no ono proposition submitted could command a majority. At adjournment the previous question was pending on the bill arid the various amendments, including the Son- ate bill which was offered by Duller, of Massachusetts, us a substitute for tho House bill. The question comes up again on Tuesday. tlANNACIUNF.TTK MFWATOIll AI. ELECTION. Boston, April 11.— 1 Twenty-first ballott -—Dawes (18, Hoar 54, Curtis (53, Adams It, Sanford 7, Banks (5, Wnshburno 4, A. If. Dullock 15, 8, Judge Pittman and Whittier 1 each. Tho convention ad journed until Monday. FOR KIG N~~i NTELLIG KN C E. iJanrrr.- If you have any doubt as to the uiorulity of daucing, do not do it. Bettor practice self-denial than do that about the right or wrong of which you have tbo slightest doubt. A good rule is, novor to do anything that you aro not ab- Holntely certain is right. Then, if yon mako u mistake, the honesty of your pur pose Mill pollute it. abort Hand.—'Tho word phonography couioh from two Greek words--phonos, Bound, and grapho, 1 writo. Pitman's system is the one iu gouorul use. Dy close application, you could roud short hand ehameters wjth some ease iu six months. but to noquiro tho facility no- OuKsary for accurate reporting roquiros years of constant practice. In this, as iu ovorytbing else, muoh depends on tho miiu. German.—“ Hans Droiiman " is the nom-de-plumo of Mr. Charles G. Lolatid, u citizen of Philadelphia. Hu is about fifty yoars of ago; tall, full-bearded, mul a most gonial aud cultivated gentleman, lie graduated at Princeton College, and afterwards studied at Heidelberg, Munich nud Paris. He is said to be ouo of tho most aocouiplishod of American linguists, as he is certainly the most quaint of our humorous pools. A friend writes, “1 mu delightod with your Suuday paper, mid would ho quite lost without it. I hope you may build it up till it liuds a place iu every Southern hmut To do this in our iutontion. Should wo meet with encouragement in tho couin.g fall, we will make “the Sun day" an e.ght-pago paper and introduce illustrations and new departments, aud this without adding ouo cent to tho sub scription price first established, viz : $2.GO per annum. Aftui'.—Von aro right as to tho ability of women to construct music. Some of the most brilliant pianists lmvo boon la dies. and as MUgors they excel; but wo are unacquainted with any production of ability by a lady. Tho grand works iu oratorio, opera, mass and songs, havo invariably b.uu tho efforts of men. We have great fuith in tho ability of the sex, and can therefore assign uo reason for this. Inquirer.—Woolwich is pronounced Woolidge. It is nine milos below Lon don on the Thames. It is uoted for its ship building, particularly war steamers, and has tbo largoat arsenal iu Great Bri tain. It is tho soat of the Royal Military Academy of Engineering aud Artilery,and is celebrated for tho number and supe riority of its cannon. Pete. —Certainly. If you are twenty- one and hbe is a good sensiblo girl, marry by all means and at once. Eight hundred dollars a u-ir is not a largo sum, but it is enough to live comfortably on, and your wife will bo able to make it go farther for two than vnn d~ for one. “JffvMuimV aeka: “Can you give “Mot i It mala Yorku wolc f Hie lx visitor and one c pers of its class p iblishod. The “Christian Union" and “Golde Ago"-for the past week aro, as neun good. HAKIM'. fMNAMTKK! Nkw York, April 11.—A dispatch from St. John's, Newfoundland, in relation to tho accident on the sealing steamer Ti- gross, give tho following report from the captain of (lie steamer Panther, the ves sel which brought tho intelligence to St. John's : On the ltd Inst, tho Panther was in long. 51 dog., 15 min.; west hit. 50 deg., 22 min. North, on her return to St. John's. Tho Lookout reported a steamer apparently moving only under sail. As we approached her, it was discovered that shn had her 11 tgs at half masts. Suhao- quoutly ami after signaling her, 1 oidercd n boat to be luworcd, and wont ou board mysolf, when 1 discovered her to bo the steamor Tigress of l'olatis fame. Her captain nnd chief ofllcors were on deck whou I got on hoard. 1 was then in formed that ou April 2d, ut two o'clock in tho afternoon, tho vessel was shuken all over by the tnrrifio explosion of tho boil er, which created groat terror and cuufu- sion, as tho oaeapeit steam completely ou- velopoil ovory compartment below. In oousoqiionce, all steam facilities h.ul boon destroyed, nnd they had then boon under sail against a hoad-witnl for twenty-four hours. When 1 reached the duck of the TigrosH, I observed that a number of m m wore engaged on carpenters work, mak ing up aud nailing together a number of rough pitiewuod boxes. 1 asked the com- and ho said .eiving tho ninuder what they they were designed for bodies uf the unfortunate men who had boon lulled by tho accident on tho day of tho explosion. Said tlm captain of tho Ti- gross to tuo: “1'ho wontlior was dreadful ly cold, and a rough breeze hlowiug, and a heavy swoll on. A number of tho men bud gone below after watch, aud had turned in on top of the boiler for the sako of warmth. Nineteen of the epo.Miig this way, when tho crash occurred, and Homo of thorn wero literally scalded beyoud j recognition. Tho consternation was fear ' ful. Tho two engineers wero on duty at tho time, and both wero killed." We lef' them on tlio aftoruoou of the j .'Id, uiakinfor laud under sail, and prom- j isod to report the dis inter immediately on j our arrival. I did not ascertain tho { names of tho men, as all the otlicers of ! tho Tigross appeared to bo in great grief, aud could give but fow particulars. Tbo dispatch farther says siuco tho captain's statement was made yesterday, it was learned that the Tigross had ar rived off tlio coast, aud had put into Day Roberts, where, iu ull probability, she will land her dead, and wait for assist- ENGLAND. Iturlnl of l.lvliifftttono. London, April 11.—Tho funeral of Dr. Livingstono takes place on tho 18th. Tho Govornrncnt will pay $1,200 toward the expenses. An appeal signed by tho Daronoss Bur den Coutts. Messrs. Kirnmird and Horxo- wnller, Sir Barilo Froone and othors, asks for u subscription for tho support of tho childron and two agod sistors of tbo de ceased, who aro in straitonod circum stances. Cotton Hill Strikers. Tho operatives in the cotton mill at Bolton having struck work, tho Associa tion of Master Colton Spinuors has ro solved that, unless they yiold before Thursday, notice will ho given that in a fortnight from Hint date, all mills in that city will lie closed, aud thus 15,000 opera tives will tie locked out. Death. The Marquis of Otnnoroarde died yes. terdny, aged 72. Till! fr'ntnlne In India More Aid t’ necoaenry. London, April 11. -A special tolegrr from Calcutta to tho Utandard reports the famine is everywhere under control. Tho accumulation of provisions mado by the government aro more than sufficient to moot the domniul, nrnl furthor aid is superfluous. THE AM IIA NT EE KING SIGNS A TREAT V. London, April 11.— Iotolligenoo has been received from tho Gold Coast. Tlio King of Ashantoo has signed tho Iroaty with England sent him by Sir Garnet Woolsloy, but has given no guaraut that ho will exocuto its provisions. G EK.HAN Y. About ItlNiimrrh. Dublin, April 11.—A dispatch to Dally JVr.wa says Bismarck lias distinctly warned sovoral Liberal Deputies, called upon him yesterday, that ho would resign in favor of MantonulTol union military question was sottlod. The Liberals aftorwnrd ngrood to promise, as previously reported. Bismarck's condition is improving IT! II A. I'Mrllculnrn of* fr'lglitintf. New Yoiik, April 11.—A letter from Huviiun says : From an nlficiul statement of the lato groat battle nt Guasimas, it appears tbnt tho first and third brigades, under commaud of Gon. Arminian, countered tbo enemy nt OuasimiH severe action took plaoe, which lasted until tho 18th. Tho Cubntis wero chnrgod with groat bravery by tho Spanish airy on the first day. Tho Cubans sufi'orod great loss and wero obliged to retire, thus permitting tbo Spanish col uiiiu to encamp on the battle field. Tho renewed attacks of tho formor lOtli, 17th and 18th conned entirely upon tho arrival uf Brigadier Basiones with two battalions and one piece of nrtillory Basiones took command of all tho troops, and directed tho march towards tho capi tal of tho department with tho ohjout procuring rations for the troops, and in terring the dead. Iu Gimagunyne tho Cubans wero boat- ou, while attempting to stop the way. This was accomplished in a short space of time. Tho loss of the Spanish in this engagement being one olficurnnd six oth ors killed. Three officers and twenty eight soldiers wero wouudud. Tho bauds of insurgents in this encounter suffered greatly, leoviug on tho field tboir dead nnd horses, besides arms nnd ammuni tion. Iu tho notion of Guasimas there were plenty of b dies left on tho field, but the insurgents carried away verymany. Tho Spanish loss was six otfieors and eighty-eight soldiers killed. Ono chief, nineteen officers niul eighty-uiuo soldiers wounded, aud ono chief, thirteen otfieors aud ono hundred aud eight men slightly A New Gold Fl»?<1. Little Rock, April 7. — A speci'* uis- ’ patch, dated Fulton, to the Republic t n t sayB: “Captain Hallrwny arrived hers to day from the newly discovered gold mines { on the north fork of luc Ouachita, at ; route to St. Louis, to purchase apparatus j wherewith to corutuenca active operations. Tuo mines are situated in the mountains near the Choctaw line, aud are richer than at first supposed Captain Hsllo- way passed through the silver district, ou his way hero, and reports the ex citement over tho recent discoveries. Af ter an examination of tho ore aud mines, he pronounces the former very rich and the latter inexhaustible. Minors nnd ad venturers aro flocking to tho scene of tho late dir.covories. —A New York politician, in writing a letter of coudolence to the widow of a deceased member of tho Legislature, says : “I cannot toll you how pained I was to bear that your husband had gone to Heaven. Wo were bosom friends, but now we shall never meet again." —An editor iu a small town iu Illinois, who attended an apple-paring, became imbued with the whirl of society, and this is bow it nffoctod him : “Wo are in tho midst of the season for parties, danc ing, mirth, and fostivity. The rosined hair of tho horse travels merrily over the intestines of tho ngilo cat, evoking music to which tho impatient feet trip gayly up on tho floor.” —An excursion on a large scale from Atlanta to Toocoa City, is attracting much intorost in upper Georgia. It is to move on the 13th of May. There will bo a fine dinner and supper, a groat ball, speeches by Hons. B. H. Hill and Thos. Harde man, etc. Tickets from Atlanta, to go and return, including dinner aud evening lunch, $4.50. DRY GOODS. RAILROADS. Spring Goods and Staples ! J. lESLYHeE3 *8e OO. DANE .JUST LAID IN A SUPERIOR STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, WHICH THEY OFFER AT THE LOWES I CASH PRICKS. Their Stock is Complete in Every Department, and was BOUCHT FOR CASH, at the Lowest New York Priors, and Will be sold cor respondingly low. Best Prints 10 cents. Irish Linens Expressly Imported! Ladies’, Children’s and Misses’ Shoes. Also, good sup ply of Plantation Boots and Shoes. Carpets and Rugs at reduced prices. *9- All wishing Spring Hoods aid Staples f.<r cask cannot do hatter. apl2 tf J. KYLH k CO. LOW! LOWER!! LOWEST!!! T? VERY CUSTOMER TRADINQ WITH JOSEPH &. BROTHER knows that their unsur- Jh iMisned stock of Dry Goods of every varioty lins been selling at The Lowest Cash Prices Ever Known in This Section 1 THIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE HAS LAID IN A Fine Stock of Spring Goods! To meet the w*nts of their many customer 1 *, aud will continue to sHI their stock of Domestic and ■os'for yoiireelL C °fh?gUdsmii8t ho sold. JOSEPH & BRO. M*rl2 tf OO Broad St. SHIP NEWS. New York, April 11.—Arrived: Leo, Ethiopia. Savannah, April 11.—Arrived: Her bert, Hooch, Crown Prince, Caravan, Kate, Charles E. Hellier. Cleared : Guttenbnrg, Jamas Fisk, Bath, Effio J. Simmons. Bailed: San Jacinto, Seminole, Wyo ming, Raguar. MARKETS. DY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Money and Stock Markets. London, April 11.—Consols 92$. Erie 82$. Paris, April 11.—Rentes 9l)o. G5f. New Yoiik, April LI.--Stocks dull. Money 4. (told 113$. Exchange—loug 485$ ; short 488$. Governments dull. Stato bonds quiet end nominal. N«>w York Knnk Mtateniint. New Yoiik, April 11.—Loans increased $2,500,000; specie decreased $375,000; legal tenders decreased $1,000,000; de posit u iucroasud $1,250,000. Provision Markets. New Yolk, April 11.—Flour firm. Wheat a shado bettor. Corn steady. Pork heavy; mess $17. Lard steady; steam 10 1*10. Louisville, April 11. —Flour unchang ed. Corn quiet and unchanged. Provis ions quiet and unchnngod. Sugar-cured hams 12}al3. Lard—tierce 10, keg 10}. Whiskoy 04. Cincinnati, April 11.—Flour dull und unchanged. Corn firm, fair demand i.t <i4a07. Pork quiet; $17 asked. Laid quiet; 9}u9$ asked for steam; OjilO for kettlo. Bacon steady,only limited jobbing demand at 7 for shoulders; clear rib !).}; dear 0}. Whiskey aotivo nt 94. t'otton Market*. Liverpool, April 11—Noon.—Cotton quiet nud steady; sales 12,000 hales, in cluding 2,000 for speculation and export. Halos of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in April and May, 8$; do , do., deliverable in Juno aud July 8$. 2 P. m.-7,900 bales of American to nr- rivo 1-10 dearer; sales of uplands, uotli- ing below good ordinary, deliverable in May nud June, 8 1-1(1; do., nothing below low middlings, deliverable iu May and Jnno, 8$. Liverpool, April It.—Snles uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped iu March and April, 8 1-lG ; do., nothing below middlii g, shipped April and Mav, 8 3-1(5. New York, April 11.—Cotton quiet and steady; uplauds 17$; Orleans 17$. Futures oponed as follows: April 1G 3-lGalGjj; May 1G23 32; June 17 7 32nl7j; July 17jJ; August 17 13-1G; October 17. New York, April 11.—Futures closed barely stonily ; sales 12,100 bales, as follows : April 1G 3-1G ; May 1G 19-32ajj; Juno 17 3-32n$ ; July 17 15-32. Cotton quiet and alonily ; sales 1252 bales al 17$al7$c. ; net receipts 2098. Mobile, April 11.—Firm; light offer ings; middlings 1G; not receipts 1G5; sales 500; stock 31,704. Boston, April 11. —Quiet; middlings 17.$; net receipts 4; sales 200; stock 0,- 000. Auouuta, April II.—Steady; middlings 15}; receipts 175; sales 5G5. Nkw Orleans, April 11.—Firm and in good doninnd; middlings 10$; net receipts 337; exports to Continent 445, to France 1(115; sales 3,000, Irot aftcruoooii i,000; stock 201,915. Galveston, April 11.—Steady; fair de mand ; goo.l ordinary 14;*; net receipts 582 bales ; exports to Grout Britain 25G5, coastwise 89; sales 100; stock 54,385. Savannah, April 11.—Cotton quiet; middlings 1(5$; net receipts G99; sales 291; stock 51, l()G. Charleston, April 11.—Cotton firm; middlings 10$; low middlings 15$Hjj; good ordinary 14$il5; not receipts GOI; sales 500; stock 33,255. Memphis, April It.—Cotton quiet and in fuir demand; offerings light; low mid dlings 14 root ipts 393; shipments 225; stock 42,3150. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AN J AUCTIONEERS, W'Iikn tOMl’TLY TO Til KM U Pli ItCit ASK .if It UAL K9TATK country, ami will advertise tlie k.i'c, FKKF OK CIIAKQK, unit an For Sale. r OF LAND, In-lug t I’KOPKIITV .. city. W tuldo |.ii DHS1KAULK UOU9H AND LOT, with FOR SALE AND RENT. To Rent. ^FTKR April Gtb, two Furnished HKDggj ROOMS, Kitclic ud Still with apt tf M, Bnqnlrt For Rent. I.AllQE ROOMS, with side entrance jt parlor and kitchen. Parties cun I .il> . Uuilfe 1mW<- Hodfrfc II In. mldo t Addr. and Lot for Sale ON LOWER I’ART OF BROAD ST. \ IIK lot N y. acre; tho house • largo rtiJmB, hull and a'l [ t'M Apply I After Polaris matters had boon disposed of, the Tigress was fitted out for a seal fishing trip, aud was returning South at tho time, with her “catch," when the ter rible disaster occurred. wounded. TEl.F.GltA 1*1114‘ NOTF.H. Tho supplemental electious of Rhode Island aro unfavorable to Burnside for U. S. Senator. — Marlin Sperlin, aged 14, while gnu * ith liis father, near Baltiufo dentally shot himself, tho ciitire load of bird shot entering his head, face and brt'ast. Uo will piobnbly dio. —A few miles bolow Louisville, Friday night, tho steamer Tarascon ran into a skill containing two persous. Tho skiff capsized, nud one of the occupants, Hon- ry Hudson, of Now York, was drowned. Uis companion had a narrow escape. The St. Louis Democrat has informa tion that Arthur McCoy, who has been Selma, April II.—Tho State Medical ' oot,nei to ^ notorious James and > . . . ... .. , , , | younger brothers, was shot aud killed iu Association meets iu this city on the 18th. Arkansas, six weeks ago. and Frank The prospects are that it will bo the James was wounded in a fight with a par- largout mooting ever ho’d. Physicians i ty w ho wore in pursuit of them, from .11 p«ru of lb. 8t.t« .ro ..pooled, 1 —Tbe p.rticul«ra of Iho ahootiog of voung Breckinridge, at Lebanon, Tenn., TROTTING RAt'fr: IT Al'Gl'MTA. I are as follows : He and some companions , had been driuking during the day, and seemingly were playful. A dispute arose lln.ll link. IW-M* lll.kor, iMk. | t,el*eru llrookiuridgo .nd John U An. derson, son of the Mayor of Lebanon, . i . t about tho possession ot an umbrella be- AmtHYA, April 11.—A race between . ljUgiu to u rockiur id K , e . This was finally Hickory Jack and Basil Duke, milo heats, - quieted, ai d Breckinridge asked tho party o ______ boat throo in flvo to harua*K, for a purse J to driuk. While they wero leauiug over recipe l for fastening rubber to metal, of $1,000, took place nt laifavette Raco bar. Anderson suddenly drew a l)or- (. for Ilistening gl. M ,o moU) |- A Oonmo tiki. .flornooD, llipkorj- Jack wa» I rfjJ.'j’h.Sa,*5m§!*U«>® boU'"plnetraU^g knowledge of both is very necessary in entered by Jack Chambers, and Basil \ tjj 0 brain, the arts. 1 or the first, soak in ten porta Duke by Jack W. Crawford. j of ammonia one part of shellac ; it will Basil Duke won the race in three i THE WEATHER* take it ubout twenty-five days to become straight heats. Time: 2:41$, 2:35$, 2:39$. ; a liquid ; this applied, and tho materials A large crowd was iu attendance, aud Department of Wab, \ banded together till dry, will unite them about $G,000 changed hands. I Washington, April 11, 1874.) thoroughly. For the seound, make a oe- .. *' ^ '•"IT. j Probabilities.—For the South Atlantio “• nt 0 ] f U f“ 8 Vr.. P “ ta ' dr> ’ 1 a* i » nd Bta ‘“ of ““ “‘-‘“ippi white lead one part, boiled liusoed oil that city and try to remove some cf the i river > cloRr Rna tempera- throe parts, oopal varniah one part ; it [bani from the mouth of the Mississippi. | ture. Give In Your State County Ta<es! T and IK TAX HOIKS or Mum Ollioo Ht J. K l KoVl,l a Co.’s . H A To tlio Public. OPENED TilK HOUSE OPrOSPK BOARD l‘i:It MKA HK - MONTH Nl) LOIHIIMI, jut uionl public It rpspertfully MRS. llYNEHAUT. •prl2 lw Spring Stock! DRY' GOODS. Shoes. Hats, Notions, &c., now coMPLcri: at PEACOCK & SWIFT’S. tbf u Printed J»c< t beauttftil line of Spring Prints t*. Pacific Lawns, mbray Suitings, White (iiH>ds of everv style. Hosiery, lUndk’ft, Kid Gloves. Parasols, Pars, C..r»et», Ribbons, Ac. For Mer» »ad Boys’ vwar we have an excollent Hue of goods at low prices. In Staple and Substantial Goods, weeautot be surpassed in variety or price ’ We call atteutian to our stock of Shoos and Plantation Goods of every description. 09* Our eutlre stock Is offered at astonlshiugiy ' aprliTm MACOCK A SWIFT. EXCURSIONS. City Light Guards’ FIRST ANNUAL Basket Pic Nic I NOTICE. Tijf "Wv'ey OrncE Mohilk A Girard Raiuioad, ) Columbus, March il, 1874. / QN and after Tuesday, 24th Instant, the Passen ger Train will ruu as follows dally (Eundays ex cepted): Leave Columbus 6:00 A. M. Arrive at Troy 6:06 p.m. Leave Troy f, ; oo A . u . Arrive at Columbus 3:25 p. m. Freights will be shipped by by th s Train aud packages weighing not over ono hundred uud fifty (160) pounds will bs received daily fur transporta tion. W. L. CLaRK, mch22d2w t M. A 0. R. R. rt Milclell, on M. & G. R. R, Wednesday, April 22d, 1874. 0 A DAY OF PERFECT KNJOY.MKNT 18 |! r\ gupruntee.1 to all who attend. Tbo W strict.•■* uid-rwill uiaintuiued iu going Western Railroad of Alabama. 54 i HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New Yorkl New York and New Orleans Mail Line. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, Columdus, Qa„ March 2d, 1874 TRAIN8 LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY Fur Atlauta, • • • lu:4<> A. M. Arrive at Atlanta, • • 6:42 P.M. For Montgomery nud Solmn. 1:00 A. M. Arrive at Montg’y, • • 0:45 A M. Arrive ut Selina, - - 1104 a.m. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Time 6,hours.) LEAVE COLUMBUS 10:40 a. m. ARRIVE at Opelika 12:27 p. rn., at Atlantu 6:42 p. m. LEAVE Atlanta »i:00 p. m., Groinvllle, K C., 1:64 a. in.. CHARLOTTE 3:36 a. m., Oreonsboro 1:15 p. in., Danville 3:27 p. m., Richiuoud 11:06 p. tn. Arrive ut Washington 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 0.30 a. m., at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., at New York 6:15 p. ui. Sleeping Cara Run to Charlotte. TRAIN8 ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY platforms, cii|!..bfe , f umumdatliigall wJioTwish to dance, will beer. ctfd. Also -iviug«, Seats. Ac. md tli- Company will furnish Lemonade and other lefreshmont-*, fr. e. Taken nlt< .g, thor. this will he THE PICNIC of he s.nson.ntid all should attend. TICKETS ON K DOLLAR EACH—for sale by AMUSENIENTS. SPEIEER’S OJ'ERA HOUSE! GRANr CONCERT T. begiv.n by MADAW3 V. BAILINI, MILLINERY. SPRING MILLINERY. T t’ST RECEIVED a small lot »r NEW STYLED p) HATS and OTHER NOVELTIES from the tlRST OPENINGS * ALSO, a lutfenml well assorted stork of MIL LINERY. Iwsides Gl.,v . Corsets, and everything' Millti -ly t .v the New Yoik Sto M It*. COLV IN und DRESS MAKING. Drews Making. I Its. FOGARTY and Mrs. BALLOU respectfully l\L notify the Ladiis of Oolunihiis and vicinity tint they have taken rooms III Struppor’s building, uvt r Pease’s book store, where they areprepare.l to (TT, FITA.M) MAKE LAIHES’AXB CIIII.DIIEX'N DREXNEN n the latest and best styles. Will also do Stamp ing for Embroidery. Braiding, Pinking, A.-., aud GROCERIES. Fox Crackers, Fullon Market Dried Beef, Dried Beef Tongues, Broakfast Bacon, Mazeppa Flour, Goshen Butter, Young America Cheese, Corn Starch, English Soda, Imported Wines and Cigars, Sugar, Coffee and Teas, New Zanta Currants, at H. F. ABELL & 00,’S. M> CAN CHICK E> Choice Beef T Mild Cured White Mei », nil kinds, $1 26 Jar Uii ruu la, Alabama A. J. RIDDLE^WM. SNIITHA, T 'Iik ranuic «r. m,.., Hilly in,ii,a io yiv, „ c .||. PHt w.a.1. *n yljAte. Rankin House, Columbus, CJa. J. W. It VAN, Prop,. Frank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, UsilEB THE llANKIH HOUSE. _myM J.»lf .1. W. UV .N, Times are Harfl ana Money Scarce, BUT THE PROPRIETOR OF THE Broad Street House TS DETERMINE*. THAT THIS SHALL UR vn L cxcu-to for the hungry ami weary tmiu.iV. cllar^o ^ ,l ‘° fo,,ow,n 8 reduced rates uf INGLE MEAL » . BED * SUPPED, LODGING AND BREAKFAST"" I'i'?! BOARD PER WEEK } AST* Faro as good as any .n the city. E. G. llAIFOItl). mli'.'J sr It twit*! Proprietor CITY HOTEL CKXTIIALI.V t.dCATKIP, Troy, Alabama. R. H. PARK, Prop’r. From All. 6:24 l i Montgomery nnd Scduui • 2:30 I Tickets for sale at Union Passenger Depot. CIIAS. P. BALL, General Sup’t. R. A. BACON, Agent. Inmchl tf Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. O N and after SUM) \Y, March 1 will run ns follows : PA8SEN0KR AND MAIL TRAIN. DAY FREIGHT TRAIN, imbits 6 30 A. m. (Sunday e W. L. CLARK, Ag< VIRGIL POWERS, Eng. and Eiip’l MISCELLANEOUS. ^ H0LSTEAD* & CO. SPECIAL NOTICE. T' Tl,p varlnm Implmnenta «f Agrl- culture, C'liciniculH for nuikiui; Manure*, Farm anil Garden Seed*, Flower Seed, Ac., Ac., to which the atten tion or the readers of the Kmquirkr In called from lime to time In tho ‘ Farmers’ Department" of this newspaper, can bo found and examined (without die risk and trouble of Bending to RELIABLE PARTIES NORTH) at IIOIM K II) A CO.’S Agricultural Depot, 139 Broad Street, Dr Clianlng Glass. Ac., 16c pc i* Hand Bapolio, 1(> aud 16c ROB’T S. CRANE, [f.-i.i t Nouralgia, Piles, hea&aohe, Diarrhoea, Boils, Old Sores, Lamoness, Burns, Soreness, Toothache, Scalds, Sprains, Hoarseness, Ulcers. \7ounds, Soro Throat, Colie, Eruisos, Rheumatism, Hemorrhages, totSKMlT K- Al'PUMEBOY, AT ilOOSB lllt’S COIC.\i:iC CALLS ATTENTION TO Choice White Shad, “ Fresh Bay Fiah, “ Mobile Cabbage, “ Celery and Lettuce, “ Live and Dressed Poultry, “ Fresh Country Sausage, Spare Ribs and Backbones. A Choice Lot of Fresh Crackers, Sugar Jumbles, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snap9, Lemon Creams, Ac. Apples, Onions, Potatoes A Turnips. Also usual Family Sappliee and Fancy Gro trios PRIDGEN wdlle - Il-.i4 d to wait u Pearce & Co., I (Successors to William-, rcarce A II«»do,) i Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, R ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and tho public that they will contiuuo business I stock*of 0 tl wlu rM ,he >’ " HI keep a good 1 Groceries, Plantation Supplies, Ac,, j Which will bo sold Lw nnd strictly for cash. I j »31 3m T J. PKVRCE A CO. mar3l eo(l&w3m Notice. O N AND AFTER APRIL 1ST, the Boats of the Cei WAREHOUSES. dissolution; ■piIK Firm of BF.HP, riliMBERS 4k BANKS NOTICE. Sheriff's Sale FINE CIGARS ! on V>dM.ii«j, Hi,: ml, d., of April, 1874. highest bidder, for cash. 6.1VU M1RA1ULIA CIGARS, in small lots on as the property of R. W. Offutt, IJ1HB rNDERSMNF.D will still continue the ,*_••• j Warehouse and Commission Business R. W. Offutt. usual hours of room, Cotumbu of Boehm, Benheim A Co., vs ill take place la-tween tlx Ellis A llarrisou's aactiot U. O. IV1Y, Sheriff. LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. the pa Thankftil the present season, w tinuance the corniug every effort to proa ronage bestowed upon i -espectfully solicit its co won, with a promise to u mote the luterest of our pi C. A. REDD, GEO. Y. BANKS. April 1, 1K74— dtf JOB PRINTING. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE ST00K OF LETTER, BILL HEAD AND Statement Paper, "ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of which enn ho furnlalicd printed at short notice, at low Cash Katk*. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama .Legal Blanks, on hand. Tlioe. O-iltoort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, GA. Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER BOOK-BINDER AND Blank Book Manufacturer, (Old Sun Office Building,) UANOOlil'lI ST,, COI.I'.VIIII'.N, GA. I AM now preparod to oxecuto with neatness and dispatch orders for PRINTING oPev- cry description, vtx: LETTER HEAD-NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OE ACT, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND CIRCULARS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS &c. LEGAL BLANKS. Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, Ac in kook or loose, Blank Books of all kinds, with or without printed heads, mado at short notice. Giving my eutlre po-son H attention to Job Printing and lJitaling, 1 am enabled to fill all or ders promptly at LJW CASH PRICES, guaranteeing satl«factlon, Ordors from abroad receive same attention us ir parties wo o present. Send lor rtico List. *3* A Cull stock of Georgia and Alabama Legal Planks always on hand. febtj—it HIDES. HIDES! HIDES WE WILE PAY THE Highest Market Price FOR Green = Dry Hides, Furs, Beeswax, &c. BARNETT & CO., mh24 3m (.'rawford Street. M. mT~ HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty Will Pay tho Highest Market Price for Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Rags All kinds Wrapp’.ig Paper and Paper Bags on hand. . CIJCARS. THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good News to Smokers It J. Newman & Co. HAVE JUST OPENED A RETAIL CICAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbia, and to meet the demand for GOOD Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c„ they have laid in, at grea expense, a nit^ulflccnt stock. Give thorn a call, and enjoy, at the lowest price — —... ... . t j 1# boat smoke jou hav# J. NXWMA1S k CO., 144 broad St. boiLer makinc. GEO. T. GIFFORD, 33oiloi‘ and Sheet Iron Worker. lilt despatch, at B. II. Ry Save Your Grain Sacks THE EMPIRE MILLS YyiLL BUY SECOND-HAND GRAIN SACK iu iiuautitios that may be offerod. mh’2!) 2tuwit For Sale Low. SCH0LAR3IIIP IN THE MEDICAL ( LLGE AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, novfl if APPLY AT TH IS OFFU V C.HEMICALS—PURE ! * FOR HOME MA# FERTILIZERS •*A'i I.0W FIIICKR. E. C. HOOD & BRO. FARM BOOKS. TIME BOOKS • FOR PLANTATIONS. AND FARMS “> “'"•P counts with their employees. Pri $1 60. The form is ou»< furnished by u planter of mu experience. Its use will enable a Farmer lo su many times its cost dm itig the y nr. Printed and for sulo by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, .. Columbus, Ca. »J-T!ie Book will bo forw.r.l.,1 bj null, DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Pa^e lllustra" ted Catalogue of door's, SASHES, BLINDS, S rAIK KAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., Mulled to »nj one int.rct ,1 In bull,Unit, " rrcl|.t or.tnn [i. KFOGH & THORNE, 2M * C',0 CAN U. BTBKKT, Jyll dAwly MfW YQItK CITY. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. a. X. GBIFFIN) IMPORTED mp&Ieflicines^ PERFUMERY FANCY GOODS, AT REDCCEIt PRICES. All gnoj. Bu.r.nt 1. ««- rr.trrllitlonl c. fully iwnpHr, d at all Lour.. J. I GItIFFIN, JtKnl.wly 1",'. Bro.4^ 3. R. BALDWIN & CO. GENERAL DEALERS IN Choice Family Groceries Doincfttlc Wry Good*, BfolloMR. TOHAt’CO, Ac., Ac- OLD AND PURE LIQUORS