The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 14, 1874, Image 3

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mm m 9»Us$t*n*i***< COLUMBUS I APRIL 14, 1874. TUESDAY. «*• tin*. •tM&swSS'siia: So?Attorney, which concluded ee fol- ^Ieni not swim of enj other nthoriM- Ton then those oonteined in nty " .S,elections of the lCih end J7tb of Febrnsry lest, which releted to illicit die- UI Af™ referring to the enrd pnbUshed by Fsnrow. the Commissioner proceeds to '“^Mr Intention wee to entboriie yon to Md in ebeyenoe the llnee end imprison- mrtt denonnoed egeinst illicit dutillers, .“' not to set free eny spirits that had not -id tsi nor to relief* dealers in spirits Ce il or any of the liabilities imposed noon them by law. offers go so far as to relie»e OT- regular anthoriaed dlstiUer from any fmoii they may hate committed in the prediction, femoral, or mle of dietilled unirits. end to eloois all dealers in spirts from »bo payment of taxes withheld, ape- .jil or ..Y oa w ill, 1 trust, see to it that such erroneous impressions may be at onoe publicly contradicted, and this offloe ad- rired thereof.” ir juilboid Omom nr Ootracn..—A mMting of railroad officers was held at The Georgia Railroad Bank yesterday, at 12 o’clock. The following were present: John P. King, President of Georgia Rail- Qeorge T. Jackson, President of the Port Royal Railroad; Wm. M. "Wad- president, Wm. M. Rogers, Genera) gopsrintendant, of the Central Railroad; nj. Foreaore, Superintendent Uaoon red Western Railroad; Virgil Powers, Bonerintendent of the Southwestern Rail- reed- W. J. McGrath, President of the Booth Carolina Railroad; R. R. Bridget*, president of the Wilmington, Columbia sod Augusta, and Manager of the Char lotte, Columbia and Augnsta Railroads; ] M. Selkirk, Superintendent Great Southern Freight line; F. W. Clark, As- siitant General Freight Agent, Wilming ton, Columbia and Augusta Railroad. The object of the meeting was to pnt the tariff of the freights between North- r m and Southern points at the old rates. It » also understood that it was deoided to nboliab the free pace system altogether. [AvgutUi Chronicle, 9th. —A Washington oity correspondent of the Atlanta Herald writes that a bill regu lating the salaries of postmasters has been perfected and will soon be presented to the House. The Georgia offices will be rated as follows: Savannah and Atlanta, $4,000 each; Htoon, Augnsta and Oolnmbus, $3,000; eaib; Rome,Brunswick and Athen*,$2,000 each; Americus, LaGrange, Newnau, Griffin, and snoh towns, $1,600, and so on down to the end of the list. In short, it is proposed to eqnalize them according to the business done in them, or in pro portion to.the number of Btampe cancelled. All salaries in oountry towns that amount to more than $1,000 will be out dowgp —A Providenoe, R. I., paper says : So far as the Rhode Island statutes are con cerned, there is absolutely no limit of age at whioh parties may contract marriage. It is not unfrequent that children of 14 or 15 years of age are married in this State, and for ah the laws to the contrary even more tender babies than that may be united in marriage without the know ledge or consent of their parents. In a Isle report or registration we find the marriages mentioned, in a single year, of couples of the following ages: 18 and 14, 17 and 15, Cl and 15, 76 and 13. And yet such outrages upon common deoency and public weal are strictly in aocordanoe with the lawacf this State. This defect in our ■arriage laws has had tha effect to make Providenoe a Gretna Green for runaway matches of minors from all the surround- ing States. Scarcely a week elapses thst applications are not made for an exami nation of the reoords by diatraotad pa rents from this and from other States, to ■(certain if tbeir minor sons or daughters have been married hers. Mnch too often they find tbeir worst fears realised. Vespers. To the traveler in Spanish America the striking of the vesper bells exeroises a potent charm. As tha usage requires every one to halt, no matter where he may be, at the first stroke of the bell, to interrupt his conversation, however im portant, and listen without stirriog until the conclusion of the ohime, the singular ity of a whole population surprised in a moment as it oomes and goes, held in a state of petrifieation, and paralyzed as if by an enoounter, may he imagined. On every side you see gestures interrupted, months half opened for the arrested re mark, smiles lingering or passing into an eipression of prayer. You would fancy them a nation of Htatnea. A town in South America, at the tinkle of the Angelas, resembles the city in the “Arabian Nights,” whose in habitants were turned into stones. 1 he magician here is the bell-ringer. But hardly has the vibration ceased when a universal murmur arises from these thou sands of oppressed lungs. Hand meets band, question seeks answer, conversa tions resume tbeir course; horses feel the loosened bridle and paw the ground; 'logs bark, babies cry, the lathers sing, the mothers chatter. The aooidenlal tome thus given to conversation are many. CITY PIHICTOKV. . OHtHKMUS. RAILROADS. CLOTHING. SEAL ESTATE AGENTS. ELUS & HARRISON, Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ith ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE SALE, BENT *ND PURCHASE of REAL ESTATE in me City anil country, mod will advertise the J*® e (at private .ate) EKES Ot OH A ROE, unless property 1. sold. For Sale. I- ... KI LOT or LAND, beiuf; the wn.t por- 0 ,*h® “Nance lot,” on Brysu s root, adjoining ms residence of Hon. M. J. Craw fold. Lull soon " »•» want a bargain. fcbl-2 tf CITY LOT No. OtH, on Mclntoe i street, with I"'*, hwelllnge on the same. Will lie eold ja*7 °r separate, at a low figure, for eunh. .UbUABL* OITY PROPERTY, situated in the LnVii?"* c ® ntre of the city. Will sell at a groat °J. *° *** acceptable party »u undivided iht!^*!' Property can be wade to pay a large utoreit on the investment. A DESIRABLE house AND LOT. with ten * s! * ronnd . *h Llnwood, one nillo from 8. W. R. ■ uepot; a very comfortable and desirable home. om25!? w4th Rood room*, within 400 yard* Croull ® ,tern K « ilro * d ‘‘•Pot. o#«-half acre For Rent. UOUBRin the Talley of Talbot comity, three “*•*** of the Chalybeate oHudn * er F desirable locatiou for a Dry jj^^i*grocery biteiaeM. sepl7 Depositors wiTn the Georgia Home Savings Bank IL’UI. please band la ts-lr Pare Books that tbeir a«. ^Mt to April lat may bo entered In tbo J5 OHO. W. DILI.INOUAM •pt eod3t Treaaur Corner of Oulathazp* and 84. Clair ■teeete—Rev. J. H. Nall paMor. Bervioee at 10$ a. x. and 4 r.x. eaoh Sunday. Babbeth aehool 9 A., M.,.. , EPI800PAL (trinity). Oglethorpe itrect, between Randolph and Bt. Chur—Rev. W. 0. Hunter rector. Service! at 11 a. u. .end 4 r. x. each Sunday. St. Philips and St. Jamea (Catholic)—on Jackson, between Baldwin and Few streets—Father Patriok pastor. Maaaat 6$ and 9$ a. X , and vespars at 5 p. it. Catechism at 4 r. x. nasi baptist. Randolph street, between Jackson and Franklin—Rev. 0. A. Kendrick pastor. Services every Sunday at 10$ a. x. and 8 p. x. Sabbath lohool at 3 p. M. METHODIST. St. Luke—On Jackson street, between Randolph and St. Glair streets—Rev. Dr. J. 8. Key pastor. Services eaoh Sunday at 10$ a. M. and 8 P. M. Sabbath aohool at 9 a. it. St. Paul—Sontheaat corner of Frank lin and Troup streets—Rev. Arminine Wright, pastor. Services every Sunday at 10$ a. M. anal 8 r. x. Sabbath sohool at 4 p. if. Broad Street Methodist—On upper Rroad street. Rev. R. W. Dixon pastor. Servioeeavery Sunday at 10$ At x. and 7$ p. x. Sabbath school at 3$ p. x. Class meeting at 9 a. it. JEWISH 8TNAOOOUN. Comer Crawford and Forayth streets. Herman Birkintbal rabbi. Services every Friday evening at 8 and Saturday morning at 10 o’olook. OIBABD. Methodist.—J, W. Simmons pastor. Services let Sunday at 10$ a. k., and 8rd Sunday at 5 p. x. Sabbath aohool 8 p. x. Baptist.—Rev. Jasper Hicks pastor. Servioes on the 4th Sunday in eaoh month Sabbath school at 8$ a. x. BROWNSVILLE. Brownsville Baptist.—ltev Jasper Hicks pastor. Servioes 1st and 3d Sundays. Sabbath School at 8:30 A. x. Trinity (Methodist)—Rev. J. W. Sim mons pastor. Services 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday at 8 p. x. and 8rd Sunday at 10$ a. x. Alternate Sundays supplied both morning and evening. Sabbath school every Sunday at 4 p. x. W COLORED. Asbury Chapel (Methodist)—East com mon, W. J. Gaines pastor. Servioes eve ry Sunday at 10$ a. x. and S p. x. and 7$ af night. Sabbath aohool at 9 A. x. First Baptist—Corner Front and St. Glair (near river)—Green McArthur pas tor. Services every Sunday at 10$ A. x. and 8 p. x. Sabbath aohool at 9 A. X. St. John (Methodist) N. E. common, —G. B. Taylor, pastor. Servioes every Sunday at 10$ a, x. and 8 p. x. Sabbath aohool at 9 a. x. Second Baptist (Northern Liberties)— Rev. Primus Stafford pastor. Servioes every Sunday at 10$ a. x. and 8 p. x. Sabbath sohool at 9 a. X. I. O. O. F. Lodge on Oglethorpe, between St. Clair and Crawford ats. Regular meetings held every Monday evening, at 7$ o'clock. Encampment meets 1st and 3d Fridays in eaoh month. MASONIC. Lodge in Burma' building, oornei Broad and Randolph streets. Columbian Lodge, No. 7—Meets 3d Tuesday night in eaoh month. Barley Chapter, No. 7—Meets on 1st Friday nigbt in eaob month. Hope Council, No. 4—Meets 3d Saturday night in each mouth. St. Aldemar Commandery—Meets 2d Tuesday nigbt in eaoh month. B'NAI BERITH. Lodge in Borrue’ building—Meetings held on the 1st and 3d Sundays in each month. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Court House (in Court Square, centre of oity) between Oglethorpe and Jackson and Crawford and Thomas streets. Jail on East oommons, foot of Craw ford street. Opera House n. e. eorner Crawford and Oglethorpe etreets. Female Orphan Asylum, East common, near oemetery. Post Office, eorner of Oglethorpe and Bandolph. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Booms over Griffis's drag store. Broad street. Open from 8 a. X. to 6 p. x. Books loaned to members returnable every two weeks, or borrower pays 25o. per week thereafter. Mrs. J. R. Ivey, Librarian. HOTELS. Rankin House, oorner Broad and Craw ford streets. Planters' House, Broad street, (east side), between St. Clair and Crawford. Central Hotel, Broad street, (east aide), between St. Clair and Crawford streets. Home House, Broad street, (west side), between St. Clair and Crawford streets. Broad Street House, (east side), between Crawford and Thomas streets. PUBLIC SCHOOL8. No. 1 (white male) n. e. oorner Jackson and Crawford streets. No. 2 (white fe male) s. w. oorner St. Clair and Forayth streets. Temperance Hall (mixed oolored) Ogle thorpe street, between Bandolph and Bryan. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor—S. B. Clegborn. City Treasurer—John N. Barnett. Clerk of Gouuoil—M. M. Moore. City Attorney—Obas. H. Williams. City Phyaioian—D. W. Johnson. City Sexton—James M. Lynab. City Marshal—Mat. W. Murphy. Deputy Marshal—Wm. L. Robinson. Wharfinger—Jake Bnrrus. POLICE. Chief—Mat. W. Murphy. FIRST SQUAD. SECOND SQUAD. Oapt. W. L. Cash, Oapt. John Foran, ltobt. G. Mitchell, John St. Clair, Wm. II. H. Wood, Josh Roper, Charles Brady, John Feagan, Whit Smith, John O'Brien, James Roberts. Dan't Dunoan, Tom McEachern, John Brady, BTANDINO COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL—1874. Acoounts—Grimes, Andrews, Dnrkin. Bridges and Wharf—Chalmers, Redd, Grimes. Cemetery — Durkin, Blanchard, Mc- Gehee. Cisterns and Fire Department—Kent, Flourney, Grimes. City Improvements and PoblloSohools— Redd, Brannon, Mebaffey. Commons—Flournoy, Mehaffey,Blanch ard. Contracts — Brannon, McGehee, An drews. Finance—MoGehee, Redd, Schenssler. Hospital—Blanchard, Kent, Brannon. Market and Magazine — Schenssler, Flournoy, Chalmers. Police and Gas—Mebaffey, Durkin, Chalmers. Streets and Sewers—Andrews, Sche uss ier, Kent. ROLL OF C0LUMBU8 FIRE DE PARTMENT. BOABD or OONTBOL. W. H. Williams, Chief Engineer. G. W. UoBette, First Ass't Engineer. C. A. Ethridge, Second Ass't Engineer. A. K. Frenois, Secretary. e TIRE COMPANIES. No. 1—B. F. Coleman, K. Ledainger, W. H. Brannon, T. O. Douglass. No. 5—E. L. Wells, Robert Ennis, D. E. Williams, G. B. Flonrnoy. Central Mechanics No. 6—0. D. Wall, P. J. Cochran, A. K. Franois, A. J. Nix. Book and Ladder—M. M. Moore, F. J. Mott, 0. B. Grimes, George Moore. Western Railroad of Alabama. 54 i HOURS TO NEW TORS NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME 1 $35 50 Fare to New York! New York tad New Orient Kell Use. WESTERN RAILROAD Of ALABAMA, Oolumboi, Qa,, March 2d, 1274. TRAINS LBAVRCOLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, • 10:40 a. ac. Arrive at Atlanta, - 6:42 F. «. For Montgomery and Dolma, 1:00 a. m. Arrive at Montg’y, - 1:46 A. «. Arrive at Selma, - 11:04 A. n. FOB NSW YORK. DAILY, (Tims hours.) LKAVK OOLUMUU0 10:40 a. m. ARRIVR at Opelika 12:27 p. m., at Atlanta 6:42 p. m. LSAYR Atlanta 6:00 p. m., Greenville, 0. 0., 1:64 a. m., CHARLOTTE 8:35 a. m., Greensboro 1:16 p. Danville 3:27 p. at., Richmond 11.*06 p. m. Arrive at Washington 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 6:00 a. so., at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., at New York 6:15 p. m. Ileepiai Can Bu to Oharlette. TRAINS ARRIVR AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, 5:24 A. a. From Montgomery and Selma 2:30 p. u. Tickets for eale at Union Paeeenger Depot. — - OHA8. P. BALL, General Snp’t. R. A. BACON, Agent. (machl tf Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. Fontaine arehouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGE3, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants Order* Sollolted In person or by Utter. Oommlulon promptly executed for buyer or eelter. ^ — £SSSS^mSSSUs£m3SSS^SmmSmmsm 0 iN and after SUN DAY, March let, 1874, trains 1 will ran as follows : PASSBNGIR AND MAIL TRAIN. Leave Colnmtms . Arrive at Columbua Leave Macon Arrive at Macon 2:30 r.u. (Dally) 12:46 a. ■. « 7:17 r.M. ** 7:26 r. M. “ DAY FR1IOHT TRAIN. Leave Cotnmbus 6:30 a. m. (luaday excepted) Arrive at Oolnmbus 6:36 r.M. “ Leave Macon 1:20 a. m “ Arrive at Macon 3:00 r. m.' “ VIRGIL POWERS, lug. and Sup't. W. L. CLARK, Agent. mat tf JOB PRINTINC. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER, BILL HEAD AND Statement Paper, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of which can be furnished printed at short notice, at low Cahu IUtk*. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Thoa. Q-llbert, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Time* Building, COLUMBUS, GA. Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER BOOK-BINDER AND Blank Book Manufacturer, (Old 8un Offloe Building,) RANDOLPH ST., COLUMBUS, UA. LETTFB HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OF AC’T, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND CIRCULARS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS Ac. LEGAL BLANKS. Railroad Roeeipta, Bills Lading, Ao in book or loose, Blank Books of all kinds, with or withont printed heads, made st short notioe. Glvlag my entire psraosal attention to Job Printing and Binding, 1 am enabled to fill all or der, promptly st LOW CASH PRICES, guaranteeing sstUftctlon, Orders from abroad reotlva ism* attention as If parties wore present. Send tor Prioe List. era- A full stock of Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks always on hand. fobs—It MONETARY. R. M. Water* & Co., 56 Broad St., New York, reoolvo Deposit Acoounts on tevorable term* from Banka, Bankart, and Corporation*, aubjaot to oheck at tight. Loan* mad* only on Cotton and Approved Stook Ex change Collateral*. Here’s Your Chance. NO EXCISE FOB A BUSTY SUIT ! CLOTHING, AT COST! po* Tin RUT THIRTY DAY* W1 WILL a ILL OUl IUFBKB STOOK OP aUTLKRUO, YOUTHS' AMD CHIUIHW Clothing and Underwear, Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c., &c„ at Cost for Cash, Oome st OBN, If yon wish to boy GHOIOB OLOTHRS Ibr a little money. o^am.Rre.ta.tDL drede. THOMAS A RRI.COTT. BANKING AND INtUltANOK. i COTTON WAREHOUSE*. ▲. M. ALLEN. PETER PRIIR. Grand Clearing Out Sale! TO HARR KIASY POE TH* tpano TRADE, WR MOW OPPIR Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASK t AMD ETERI OTHER ARTICLE AS LOW At TO EE FOUND ELtEWHEBB. CHAPMAN & VEE8TILLE, Jed deed 00 MOAPHEEEI OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DR. I. T. WARN OCX, Surgeon tad Phyiidan. Office at Slaughter's Drag Store, Railroad street. febl4 DR. I. W. a. WILUARI Offers his professional ssrvlccs. Ottos over R. M. Green A Co.’s, Chambers A R. K. Streets. Millinery. MISSUS WHITE * TUOKKB. Fashionable Milliners mud Dressmakers. Gsntlomea’e Shirts out by chart measure, aiui guaranteed to Ot. Chambers street, next to Ixahu’s dry goods store, tebl MBS. C. V. BARLOW, " FashloMbla Milliner mad Dr—maker. Sole Agent of Rutterick A Co.’s Patterns. At tbe late Ranking House ot &hepi>ard A Co. LOTTERY. Opelika, Ala. Ja2J Notaries Public. V. D. HIGGINS, Being appointed hotary Public for Lee county, respectfully solicit* the patrouag* ul his friends. Holds Court lat and 2d featutdaya ot ouch mourn, at K. 0. Hollitield's law office. Ja23 Furniture, Ao. At Rule Friort. A. O. UARWXLL, Dealar in all kind* at Furniture. ▲Iso, Metallic, Wood Cottas, and Caekate. iald Chambers street. < Lawyers. AAvicitiaa, 1 Attoruey aad Ceuussller to Law. Offioe opposite Alabama Uouae. Practices In all the Courts of the Htate. Ja3 Tailor*. S. B. CAMPBCLL, Tailor, Cutting and Making la the Latest Styles. Re pairing neatly done. loutb Railroad fit., over Furniture 8tor*. Jal Dentists. J. 1*. K. ttJKITtf, Dentist, Dose Plate Work and Plugging on reasonable dec23J term*. Cham bt re street. Barber Shops. WKILEY BARR1HUIB, Marker, , Corner Month Railroad aud Chambers street*. dec23 big iv on dfc mm, iwiwn, South Railroad atreet, nnuer Adame House. decOT Hotels. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. Alaanit Grail Gift Cwt! 10,000 Priiaa ta ba Given Away, Ameeitlsp to $tH,oaa, ell ta Gerreaty- rpilIS enterpriee ia conducted by the MASONIC 1 RELIEF ASSOCIATION OF NORFOLK, VA., under authority of tbe Virginia Legislature, (act passed March 8, 1873,) for the purpose of raiRiog funds to complete the MASONIC TAMPLR, now In course of errctlou in Norfolk. There ere no IndlTidual benefits to be derived from this under taking—it is wholly in the causa of Masonry. Ike Concert will positively take plaoe on Tuesday, tha 6th of Hoy, 1874, and no farther postponement Is guaranteed. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift... 6 860,000 Ona Grand Cash Gift 25,000 One Grand Cush Gift 12,600 One Grand Cash Gilt 10,000 One Grand Cash Gift 5,000 One Uraad Cash Gift 2.6U0 24 Cash Gifts, $600 each 12,000 60 Cash Gifts, 250 each 12,600 60 Cash Gifts, 200 each 10,000 100 Cash Gifts, 150 each 15,000 160 Cash Gifts, 100 each la.uoo 690 Cash Gifts, 60 each 29,600 Grand Total, 10,000 Gifts, all oaeb 0250,000 Whole Tickets, 86; Half Tickets, 02.60. Club *“‘ •—11 Tickets for 060; 22 Tickets for 0100. DIRECTORS AND ADVISORY BOARD. John L Roper, President; John B Oorprew, His Excellency Ex-Governor Gilbert 0 Walker, MSI. vu V vi " V.I IRM P UWPBI, r w ■ Dhn B Whitehead, Esq, Kx-Mayor; Col W U lay- >r, State Senator; James U Bain, OCOQO. Address communications to HENRY V. MOORE. Secretary Me'otile Relief Association, Norfolk, va. .ra.pplyto , Kiprare Ag.nt, ■Jt ARDuv, Calambus^Gm DOORS, SASH, KTC. Our Seventy Page Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, BASHES, BUNDS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ao., Mailed to any on. InterMtod III bnlldlng, ua recolpt of atanip. KEOGH A THORNE, IM«!M CANAL STREET, jyll dAwlj NEW YORK CITY. ADAMR HOURS. K to Opelika, be sure tc >use, opposite Passenger Depot. FARM ROOKS. Insurance. I. U. BOWEN * ROM, General lusursnee Agsnta. Office, Railroad 8treet, over R. M. Greens A Oo.’i HOTELS. To the Public. TIME BOOKS FOR PLANTATIONS AND PAMS , Enables aoy one to keep accurate ac counts with their employees. Prioe BOARD PER MEAL 0 .50 « “ WK^K 5 00 “ “ MONTH 18,00 “ AND LODGING, per month 24X0 The public is respectfully invited to give me a call. MllS. KYNEHART. Chewalla House, Enfamlm, Alabama. A. J. RIDDLE FWM. SMITHA, PROPRIETORS. T UI TRAVELING PUBLIC ere most respect fully invited to give us a call. We will do tbs best we can to please. mhl4 lm 0160. The form is one furnished by n planter of much experience. Its US4> will enable a Farmer to save many times its cost during the year. Printed and for sale by THOMAS GILBERT, $UN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. 9W The Book will be forwarded by mall, on receipt of price. dawtf Choice Simpson Cotton Seed FOR SALE. R*lwd here »elasted Btalks, ky bMu E. T. SHEPHERD. FRESH GOODS! PBOFUMO A HOFFMAN Hava Just Received a Fresh Lot of Dates, Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Choioe Apples. Ao. f«b22 tf Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. J. W. RYAN, Prop'r. Fbarx Qoldbm, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under thb Rankin House. my24 dawtf J. W. RYAN, Prop'r. Notice. O N AND AFTER APRIL 1ST. tbe Boats of tbs Central # Lius will leave Columbus on SAT URDAYS AMD WRDNRSDAYfi.1 Th* Saturday boat only will go through to Apa lachicola. mh26 lm J. mm B&OTXTI, Pmldtat. 310. W, iim.7wi»w*M W.AIM. GEORGIA HOME BANK. » i *D> Bank of Disoount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal ’ interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of 61 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent, compound ed Januanr, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s chartei, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRBOTOR8: J. RHODES BROWNE, Prea't of the Oo. N. N. OUBTIB, of Welle, Onrti. $ Co. JAB. F. BOZEMAN, Oapitellet, Atlanta. L. T. DOWNING, Attorney-at-Lav. J. U. CLAPP, Mwnftr, Olapp'a Faotoiy. D. V. WILLOOX, Secretary of the Oo. — ——’, Mayor. *— — — - — - - Hob. JOHN MoILHENNY, JAMES RANKIN, Oapitaliat. J08IAH MORRIS, Banker, lloatg’*. CHARLES WISE, ■art eodAwH R. H. IPPIRH, iwt. R. «r. KRVARPfl, Cartier. a R. RCLrORB, Are’t Cart’r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLUMBUS, GEO. Thl* Rank traniaet* a General Banking bualnaaa, pay* Interaat on Da- poalt* under apaolal oontraot, glvaa prompt attontlon to oollaotion* on all aooaaaiblo point*, and invite* oorraapondtaee. Information tranimlttad by mall or wira* whan daalrad. •prl d6m MEHCHUTS' 110 MECHMICS’ OOLUMBUS, OEOR W. L. SALISBURY, Presid’t. A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cashier, February 6th, 1874. tf SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY T THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y canntin to orna thb ruauu INBEMKITY against Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War 1800,000.00, •ha Wants a Chanoe to Cot It Saok. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH idtf Columbua, Oct. lot, 1873. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY. Wood, Wood! jgKST WOOD, roady sawed, *4.00 per cord. Wood •awed for 50 cent* per cord. Order* filled prompt ly on application to tb« Jbbll tf MU PC >GKK MAN’F'WG CO DIAHOXD SPEfTACUl 1 called Diamond on accobut of their bardnoce and brilliancy. Having been tested with the polariccope. the diamond leasee have been found to admit fifteen per cent, lece heated raya than any other pebble. They are ground with great eelentlfic accuracy, •re free from chromatic aberrations, aad produce a brightness and distinctness of viaion not before attained in spectacle*. Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co., Maw York. For aale by responsible spate In every city in the Chicago Losses Psld Promptly in Full, - - $520,364.92 Boston “ “ “ - • 180,003.89 Total A*aat»—Gol d—January 1st, IS74, $SS2,SS2.02. LIABILITIES. Do* and Unpaid None. Loeae* in proceea of adjiutmeot, or edjn.ted and not due $32,598 00 All other Oltima 1,015 52 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Iaoome, 1878 $619,887 78 WXMie* 1872 520,217 87 Gala $ 98,089 80 Ireneea friiptly Aqjoeled aad ralrly MUM kjr G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, 00,22 »r OOLUMBUS. GA. 1840. 1874. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, OX Broad Rtroot, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. mhll tf SAVE YOUR MONEY! M08T ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT! If you will only Save what you Waste, it would be no trouble to become Indeoendent. EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS OEPARIMX Lees than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the eeourity of Depositors—$12 In asset* for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, TreasY.