The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 15, 1874, Image 3

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♦ 1 Mine MDHM vkiok BlodlOM the 1 jaBSS®if*~: - grfDAt ■■•••— AFB1L 18 » 1874 . jS^ERdpamfr t PEABOUy. ^- ^ * “""• EnouirerSnn .*—Dear £ib I Stifled to wo *W» Mr. P..body hu * j «p tb« «ubj*rt of th. Cotton 0.t- ’nr .nbjootbat MU* understood, Tln.’tbU mtarwta tbo cotton farmer y ‘L auonnt of hondrede of mil ions. !* * that er.ryon. who know, aoything , lir origin and mode of propagation, ° ' .ill let if be known and poeaibly ^.remedy may be ditoorored for this “"lueTpet theory of my own (pnb- , i,.d in your paper three years ago, hiob I bare dUonmed annn.lly with my liebbotr, and Whether true or false, I 4 somewhat like the man who told ‘lost egregious lie for ■ number of ‘r^Tand finally got to believing it him- *. the same eaoses whioh prodnoed tte worm farther Houlk^pMatW«tMU' produce it in higher MOnAm. ■ I hats notioed in this locality that, me* rioh lands were mom eohjoet to Ibo ravages of the oater- pillar than poorer,vlt^or lands. Why is this, nslMtt l *bw moist rich,lands oaaaa the plant to ovdlve mote worn-a, as well as to prodaoe man fruit, and foliage? Now la there not a remedy for this f I believe there is ; ahd‘ff "1 do not live to diaoover it, some ous wili. fonder on it; experiment, brother farmers, it is worth the trial. self. I’will again repeat mioo-notwithatand- ,, Josh Billings ssys many farmers are '“ »• so afflicted with theory that they will sot »• * 8* te P 0 * 1 h * Tin « Boma rofeaaor of anatomy to anallae the soil, fo see if it oonlaine the right ingredients for post hole*. I contend tbnl the csterpUler, in some state of it* eristenoe (moat probably the ebrjalh), doea hybemate in the warm regions of Booth Florida, LoaiaUna and ToBW, and usually appears there in great. „ or lees qnanUtiee, owing to the ohangea „f weather and quantity of food (cotton) it find*. jlj masons for this opinion are as fob 'Trior to the late war—the culture of n|sr cane being more profitable—there wu hot little cotton planted in that sec. lioc span wMoh la faad and propsgate, Consequently, their forces were too weak to reach oar latitnde exoopt nt long inter red and then only after a mild winter— when they snrvired north of the oanebelt _*bere they fonnd plenty of cotton the following summer upon whioh to propa- gste by the million, until their forces were snfflcient to consume the ootton and m ueh on North until they reaohed our Hdion. But, since tbs wer, the high prioe of ootton caused those people to tbsndcn sugar oane and take np cotton. Consequently, the caterpillar annually ap. pears there, and if the season ia favors his, they multiply by the wholesale and continue nntil they reach ns annually. Csn Ur. P. remember more than three or fcnr visits of thin pent to this section prior to tbs late war ? Have they not visited him nearly every year Bince Doea he not always hear of them some where South before he sees them in his fields ? Did he ever know them to visit North Goorgia, But Tennessee, North Caroline or Virginia? And why not, if they era bat Iho spontaneous prod action of tbs ootton plant. Ur. P. says the ostsrpillsr does not ra mie in the chrysalis state over forty eight boon. My obaarvation is, that under some circumstances, they can and do remain so for months. In 18G8 the caterpillar appeared bore lets in the set- soil, tnd on the 12th of October frost ought millions of them when many ihosatndt of them ware In the ohrysalis state, hanging to the dead leaves and limbs. Being in the field every day, I notioed them ohrysalis manifested life danng tbs 'middle of the day, bat morn ing tnd evening wets apparently lifeless. The weather kept cold, and on the 6th of November I carefully examined aereral of them, and found by gradually warming them np that they would wiggle as I had sees them do when tonohed or handled is tnmmer. 0. J. H. ssys that a few dozen survived the winter of 1872-73, four miles west of Coltftnbua, in a room little need. These being facia, can any one donbt that they do annually hybernate in a region almost perpetually spring? If my theory ia true, then the remedy ie for Congroas to protect the sugar inter est by tariff to tha amount of twenty or twenty-five million, and thereby restore the cultivation of angar-oane to its origi ns! extent, and tbns save to the ootton turner fifty to seventy-five million. I am opposed to protective tariffs (ex- eept when they benefit me), but I am con fident that a Ux'4n foreign engars would pet a atop to the annuel visits of this great curse to ootton. Nature designed that section for the projection of sugar, end to plsot ootton ■here is a violation of her law, and banco this late curse. Respectfully, W. T. H. LKCAL NOTICES. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. Iinu tie acid on the first TllMd.jr to May If nest, between ttao legal hour* of sale, in front of the unction house or Kills A Harrison, Bioad street, Columbus, tiau, the following de scribed pioperty, lo-wit: All that traoi or parcel of land lying and being .u t o city of Columbus, in aald county, and known in the plan or said city as lot number 280, ecu aiuiug ouc-half acre, morj or le$i. Bold to satisfy three inortgago ft Dm issued from Muscogco Superior Court, In fkvor of Wm N Hawks, troaa- rer, Ac , v* F U Lickersoiu A'no, a r mine time ana p’ace, all that tract or parcel of land lying and Mag In said county and State, and known in the plan of said county as the Coweta Reserve, containing sixty-two (02) acres, more or less, with the Improvement* thereon, and bounded as follows: On the north hy lauds of Joseph F Pou, Thomas Tkreewits and K Him* Banks ; on tho cast hy lands of A Qaiumell; ou the south hy lands or A Gammell, I T Brooks and James V Winter; and ou the west by n street lead* ing from the Mucon rood to the St Mary’s road, as the property of Georgia A Thornton, to eutisfy a mortgage ft fa issued from Muscogee Superior Court in favor of Wm N llawks, treasurer ot the Home Building and Loan Association, vs Georgia A Thornton. Also, at sama time and place, all that certain lot of laud being number 71, in the 8th district of Muscogee, bounded on tbe n >rth by the lands of James C Cook; east hy the Hamilton road; sontli by the residence of Mrs Blvira A Borsby, aud on the* west by the lands of the late 8eaborn Jones, (this lot being tho oue awarded to Pierce 1< Lewis In a bill of partititiou as one of the heirs of James C Cook, 8r,)and improvements, containing thirty acres, more or less, as the property of Wi liain U Hughes, trustee for Jane C Hughes aud children, to satisfy flvo mortgage fl fas issued from Musco gee Superior Court, in favor of Wm N llawks, treasurer of nonte Building aud Loan Association. ‘ ‘ * id fl fas. 11. Q. 1VKY, Sheriff. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. \Y7ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in May " next, betwoeu the legal houra of sale, be fore the auction house of Ellis A Harrison, Broad street, Columbus, Ga., the following described property, to-wit; Parts of lots of land numbers 21 and 22, in the 9th District M, containing 200 acres, more or less, as tbe proporty of Mrs Martin, G W Martin, agent, to satisfy a tax tt fa lor Slate and county taxes f r 1872 and 1873. Also, at same time and (lace, otio hundred shares of stock in tbe Muscogee Home Building, and alike interest in tho laud ou which the same stands, as the property of John L Mustain. Also city lot No 227, aud improvements thereon, as tbe property of Seaborn Jones, deceased. Fold fo sat isfy a fl fa issued from Muscogee Superior Court in favor of Samuel M Carter, executor tf Parish Car ter, deceased, rgainst 8eaborn J Penning, admin istrator of Peaborn Jones, doc'd, Jas W Warren and John L Muttaiu. Property pointed out^y de fendants. At samo time and place, north parts of lots of laud 317 aud 318, iu the city of Columbus, fronting on Jackson street, as tho property and residence of John D Carter, for 8.ate and county taxes for G eorgia —MuscooK* county.—John h. Massey having applied for Letters of Ad ministration ou the estate of James W. Massey, late of said county, dec ased ; There are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and . singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo And appoar at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause (if auy they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this April 1st, 1874. apr5 oaw4t* P. M. BROOKS, Ordiuary. IKMABK*. If a* cotton caterpillar hibernates in >»j state, at what period does it emerge from its chrysalis web ? The chrysalis forms you saw on the stalks in November, no doubt were the worms retarded in their growth and obanga by the frost. Did you wstch them and sea tbe moth emerge; rod If the moth come forth aoy time from November until Muy, what becomes of it ? Iu mission is only to lay its eggs and die. All Nature teaches that uo ioHeot deposits to eggs when hatching; the young can oot find its proper food. If the moth «hou!d appear in May aud June, there *juld Hater be another bale of cotton msde in the great cotton belt. I do not remember but few visits of the caterpillar More the war iu this sectiou, and they tots visited me every year, more or less, ■loss, and I always hear of them far South tofore they make their appearance here, *to teaaon, to my mind, is obvious. I tove never known the ootton caterpillar *Ppsar in a ootton field until after the plants were in bloom, and generally not until after tbe first blooms had forme.1 bolls half grown. In Louisiaua aud Florida the crop is from three to six weeks earlier than with 0*1 snd the plant evolving tbe worm in tbseenterbnd of the main s’alk. Ju-t ■frs* blooming had ooiuinenced is the ttM °H ws hear of it first (> v Booth. As jtop|J*to approach the fruiting stage in . Bonth Alabama and Qeorgia, the being favorable, they too evolve tto worm, as we come farther North. I G eorgia—mubcogeb county.—John h. Mundcy, guardian of the orphans of Irwin WatkiiiH, deceased, makes application for letters of dismiBAion from saidgii rdiansbip; These are, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed to Ale their objections in tny office on or before the first Monday in May next (it any they have) why said letters of diemission should not be grautod to said applicant Given uuCor mv oflicial signature, this April 4th,1874. apr5 oaw it* V. M. BROOKS, Ordiuary, Joseph W. Woolfolk, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission from said administration ; These aro, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed to file their ob|* ctions (if any they have) in my office ou or before the first Monday in July next, why letters of dismission should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my band and offlc'al signature, this April 4th, 1874. apr5 oaw3m P. M. RROOKS, Ordinary. Honed to be discharged from said guardianship; All persons who are concerned are requited to file their objections (if any they have) on or before tbe Court of Ordinary to bu held for said county on the first Moudny in May next, why the said Joseph Byle should not be discharged according to the prayer of his petition. Uiveu under my hand and seal of office, this April 1st, 1874. apro oaw4t F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. „ w said decetaed. All persons concerned are therefore notified to file their objections (if any they have) within the time prescribed by law, why leave to aell said property should not be granted. Given under my official signature this April Sale by Assignee in Bank ruptcy. W ILL be sold by order of Court, on tho first Tuesday ip May, 1874, beforo tbe Court House door in Liiuipkiu, Stewart county, Georgia, at public outcry, to tho highest bidder for casts, the following descrU>ed lands, to-wit: All of lot No. 107, all of lot No. 137, all of lot No. 138, except 110 acres off uf the northern part of lot 138; all the abovo lands being in the 22d district of originally Lee, now Stewart county, Georgia, and sold as the property of Absolqjn a. Harris, Bankrupt. wh27 ouwtd Ottioe Huai * dnuie Ruuoad, 1 Columbus, April 14, 1874. / U NTIL further notice Train, will Imt. on th. Mobil* tnd lUUroed ul 5:30 *. a. dully, t'uuday. excepted, freight will be received dully foruliipmeut. _uprU tf W. L.JILu»K, *up'L_ Western Railroad of AlftMiwa. Muscogee Superior Court, November Term, 1873. llis Honor, Juntos Johnson, Judge, preaiding. Mary E. Wati*on, ) vs. > Libel for Divorce. Alex in ’or Watson. ) I T app' by the return of the 8heriff in tbe above case that tbe defendant la not to l»e found in the county of Muscogee, and it further appearing that the defendant does not reside in the State of Ueorgia; It ia hereby ordered that bo be serve 1 by n publication cf this order in the Co lumbus Sun newspaper once a month for four months. ALEX. C. MORTON, Counsellor. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogi Superior Court. J. J. BRADFORD, Ja'J oum4in Clerk 8. C. M. C. Information Wanted. A NY person knowing anything of tbe heirs relatives of Dr. ALLEN R. WRIGHT, who was born iu South Carolina—(he once lived in Greenville, Ga.. aud moved to Shreveport, Louis iana, in 1847, and returned to Georgia in 1851 died)—will learn something to their Intel eat by ad dr* ssina me at Shreveport, La. aprU w2t SAM VAN BIBBEE. G EORGIA—MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—Whereas. T. D. Tinsley, one of the executors of the will of Thonm* Ragland, t’eceased, has made ap plication to revigu his exoiutorship, Tbes e are, therefore, to cite and adinouish all persons concerned to file their objection iu my oflloe, on or befotq the first Mouday in May next, to show cause (If aoy they have) why said appli cant should not be permitted to resigu his said trust. Given under my official signature, this February, 1874. feb25 d2ut F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. 541 HOURS TO NEW YORE NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME I $35 50 Fare to New York! JJaw York and Kit Orlaaai Kail Lina. WK8TKRN RAILROAD Of ALARAMA, CoLunaos, Ga., March 2d, 1874. TRAINS LBAVB 00LUMBU8 DAILY For Atlanta, - 10:40 a. M. Arrive at Atlanta, • 6:42 t. H. For Montgomery and Selma, IKK) a. k. Arrive at Montg’y, • 6:48 A M. Arrive at 8elma, - • 11:04 a. m. FOR NEW YORK. DAILY. (Time 5i^ hours.) LBAVB OOLUMBU0 10:40 a. m. ARRIVB at Opelika 12:97 p. m., at Atlanta 6:42 p. m. LBAVB Atlanta 6:00 p. m., Greenville, S. C., 1:64 a. m., CHARLOTTE 8:35 u. ns., Greensboro 1:15 p. m., Danville 3:27 p. m., Richmond 11:05 p. m. Arrive at Wastiington 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 6:30 a. m., at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., at Now York 6:16 p. m. IlMplHV firs WLmm la OharlaMe. TRAINS ARRIVB At 00LUMBU8 DAILY From Atlanta, • • • 6:24 A. tt. From Montgomery aud Selma « 8:30 r. at. Tickets for sale at Union Passenger Depot. CHA8. P. BALL, Oaaeral Sup’t. R. A. BACON, Agent. (machi tf Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. O N and after SUND kY. Msreh 1st, 1874, tralua will run aa follows: PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN. 2:30 r. tt. (Daily) - 12:46 A. tt. “ a ... 7:n r. m. •«* aeon ... 7.28 r. a. “ DAY FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Columbus 5 30 a. m. (Sunday exeepted) Arrive at Columbus 0:36 p. n. “ Leave Macon 9:20 a. m “ Arrive at Maoou 3.00 p. n. “ To Let. JOB PRINTING. Here’s Your Chance. NO SXCU8E FOB A RUSTY SUIT ! CLOTHING AT COST! p>* ™ BRAT THIRTY DAY! WR WILL (ILL OUR IUMRB (TOOK Of oinuiua, yocym- air snuiu-a Clothing and Underwear. Hats, Umbrellas, Tranks, Valises. Carpet Bags, Aa, Aa, at Coat for Cash, Com. at oam, If yo» »Uh to bay OHOIOR CLOTHR* ht a Uttta mv,. c,.ib M .OMTMOIRAB A PRKSCOTT. COTTON WARKNOUSKt. PBTBR PRBBR. Fontaine Warehouse ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants Ordor* Solloltod In porton or by I attar. Commlatlan promptly •xaeutad for buyar or aollor. WT,f Grand Clearing Ont Sale! TO MARK RRADY fORTHO APRIMO TRADI, WI MOW Of MR Our Entire Stock of Fancy Brea* Goods AT AND BELOW COST, FOR GASH! AUD RYKRY OTMCR ARTICLE AS LOW AO TO It)OR RUIWIMI. CHAPMAN & VER8TILLE, Ja4 dewl 1 OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doetprs. DR. I. T. WARNOCK, Borgson and PhyaloUa. Office at Slaughter'* Drug Store, Railroad street. DR. J. W. K. WILRIAMB Offers hla professional services. Office over R. M. Green A Co.’s, Chambers A R. R. tit reels. Millinery. MISSES WHITE * TUCKER, Ftsahioiusble Mllllnert mod Dreumaksrs. Geutlomen’s hhirte out hy chart measure, and guaranteed to tit. Chambers street, next to Kahn’s dry goods store. tebl MRS. ©a V. BAkLOW, Fashionable Milliner and Drsumaker. Sole Ageut or Butterlck A Co.'s Patterns. At the late banking house ot bhappard A Co., Opelika, Ala. Jafc* To Let. Notaries Public. V. D. HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary Public for Lee couuty, reupectfuiiy suliciis the patronage of hi* iriendu. iioide Court let aud 2d buturduys ot eavh mouth, at K. C. Hollitield’s law office. Ja23 Furniture, 4*o. I At Fwalo Frloea. 1 A. O. HARWELL, Dsaler la ttll kinds of Furnltur*. Also, Metallic, Wood Coffins, and Cnsketa. J*18 Chamber* street. Lawyer*. A.I.Yll'HXRX, Attorney end UniHlI.r a* taw. Office opposite Alabama House. Practioes in all th* Courts of tbe State. Ja3 Tailors. J. H. VAMPB1LL, Tnllnr, Cutting and Making in the Latest Style*. Re pairing ueatiy done. South Railroad 0t., over Fbrnltnr* Store. Jal Dentist*. #. L. H. MHITH, Dektlst, Does Plate Work and Plugging on reaeouahl* deo23J terms. Chambere stmt. Barber Shop*. W EM LEY MABHINGEH, Barker, Corner South Railroad aud Obambera streets. dec23 BIUKOJI R TURNER, Barton, Booth Rallrood etnM, unuar 11 ou... docl-t Hotels. ADAMM HOlTMEw When you go to Opelika, bo sure to atop at Ihe Adame House, opposite Passenger Depot. dec'JH Insurance. E. «. BOWEN « NON. toMnl taiBHMM AfMta. Office, Rdlrmwl Street, orer R. M. Ureeue A Co.'e, nov23 HOTEL*. To the Public. H aving opined the house opposi^b the Rankin House, I am prepared to receive Boarder* at th* following Im priors: BOARD PER MEAL $ .60 “ “ WEb K 610 “ 41 MONTH 18.00 44 AND LODGING, per month 24.10 MRS. UYNEHART. JOHN D. BROWNING, ) Bill for Injunction, vs. > Relief, Ac., iu Chatta- II. C. PATTERSON, etai.) hoocheeBup. Court. I T appeur ng that William Browning, one of the d« fondants to tbe above Bill, resides without the junsd.eiiou of this Court, it is ordered that Ht-rvicc of the same be perfected on said William Browning, by the publication of »bi* order, once a month for four mouth*, in the Columbot Enquirer aud Sun (a putdic xazetto published in the city of Columbus) prior to tho first day cf the next term of this Court. WM. A. LITTLE, Compl’ts Solicitor. A true extr ict from the miuutee of Chattahoo chee Superior Court, March 31st, 1874. W. A. SAPP, Clerk Superior Court Chattahoochee County. apr5 oaw4t Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER, BILL HEAD AND Statement Paper, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of which can he forniahed printed at short notice, .T low Cash Uatxc. ^ Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Tbos. Ollbert, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Tlmat Building. COI.UMBUB, GA. ChewaHa House, Eafaola, Alabama. A. J. RIDDLE STWNI. 8MITHA, PROPRIETORS. T HIS TRAVELING PUBLIC ere most respect- , fully invited to give us a call. We will do the best we can to please. mhl4 lm Rankin House, Columbus, 6a. J. W. KYAN, Prop’r. Frame Qoldxr, Clark. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Umdbb tub Rankin House. my24 dawtf J. W. RVAM, Prop»r. Notice. O N AND Arm APRIL 1ST, a. tbe Boats of the Central > Line will leave Culumbus on 8AT- URDAY8 AND WBDNESDAY8.mMHMEI The Saturday boat ouly will go through ip Apa lachicola. mWA liu FARM BOOK*. TIME BOOK@ FOB PLUTAHOHS AMD FARMS , BuMm cay ou to Imp AccoraU Ac comic with mplaym. frlc. $1W. Th.rww Uom terctaM by cplmtor of Bach •xpertam. lie cm will rncMv • him to mi Bcay IIbm tie own ilcricx th* jw. Printed end tor cat. by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. 4W The Book will be lurw.r<l«l by ntll, o rwclpt of price. jcM dcctf J. ISOBIB IIOWMI. rruidmt. »0. W. BtUttOliX. GEORGIA HOME BANK. Bank of Diseonnt and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, 8tocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made, TAB GBORGIA Ilia”SAVING! BM Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they wunt undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of oui* patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent, compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s cbartei, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of tne Savings Bank. DIRECTORS; J. BHODE8 BROWNE, Prec’t of the Co. N. N. CURTIS, of Wdlc,Outic * Co. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Ucpitcliat, Atlanta. L. T. DOWNING. Attorncy-ct-Lcw. J. R. CLAPP, Mcnnftr, Clcpp'a Factory. D. V. WILLOQX, Bceoctatj of the Co. Hoc. JOHN UoILHENNY, Mayor. J081AH MORIUS, BeaUr, Mtwta'y. JAMES RANKIN. Ocpitalict. CHARLES WISE, cmHccMwU H. H. RPPIXU, PrM't. H. W. KBWXRM, Cartier. R. ■, ROLPMit taa*t Oata’r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLUMBUS, GEO. Thl* Bank tranaaota • General Banking buelnate, pay* Intaraat an Da- poelte under epeoial oontraot, givai prompt attoallaa to oallaoUon* on all aooaaalMa points, and invite* oorrsapoadoneo. Information tranemlttad by mall or wire* whan dealrod. aprl d6m MERCHANTS’ III MECHANICS' COLUMBUS, QBORaiA. W. L. SALISBURY, Presid’t. A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cashier, February 6th, 1874. If SECTOITY--PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY T THE Georgia Home Insnrance Comp’y COMTIHVEH TO omi IU PCBLM INDEMNITY apinst Loss by FIRE f Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the Wv 8800,000.00, Eli* Want* a Chanoe to Cot It Book, i. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH PrMldeiH. Tmmmnv. Columbus, Oct. lat, 1873. (dtf FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE Chicago Losses Paid Promptly In Full, • • 3529,36492 Boston “ - - 160,903.89 Total Anet*—Gold—January lit, IS74,1182,SI2.02. LIABILITIES. Loaies Dae end Unpaid None. Loases in proceae of adjnatment, or ad j acted ana not doe in, *08 00 All other tilcinu j.tuo f,3 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Income, 1878 #019,887 78 Income, t87» 5*6,217 87 Geio S..*8,'l«» 8« Imeeee Promptly Adjusted and hlrijr SeUled hy G. GTJNBY JORDAN, Agent, » OOLUMBUI. u. 1M4U. 1874. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE ACENT, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. tubll tt SAVE YOUR MONEY 1 M08T ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES DAVE IT ! If you will only lave what you Waste, It would be no trouble to beeom* Independent. Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, ever $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for ava^y dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Sevee per pent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres't. G. GUNDY JORDAN, Trea’r. I*b6 tllf 7