The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 18, 1874, Image 3

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i ~Z. APBIL 18, 1874. " ... — CITU mm mu. ^ ^.dbrtM JMtctory Cow mi t- »“M«W: I** “ >~t As., That all panona * ‘aTmSiMIob of th* United »*** ill bT *nlHI*d »o 0» foil fMM *M* tofaw to( th* aoeommoda- ****?'If uobH*x***^ 1 ** °“ '“ d ® r of and otha* plaoaa of pub- i***’ and >l*o of common W ‘“^t public inriitntiona of learning «*o***|?L” gapportad, in whole or in ot W* 1 laaaral taxation, and of cemate- pa**» b »^ortad. anbjaot only to the oon- ri«**°‘“vu—Tultionu aatabnahed by law dd**j!lua alika to dtixau of etrery **^deolor, ragardlaa* of any preriou. ***“? ^Hl'aay’^enon who ahall vio- ^fkafareaoing aaetioo by denying to ■ffSTto oitUan* of every race and fS*e fell enioywiaot of any of the W JT| r .i^a advantagaa, fasilitiaa, or ""TzL in aald motioa enomerated, or or inciting anoh denial, ahall, * nd w th. - Of Smo to th* peraon aggrieved °*‘TiaStbatoednotlemthan *S00 *1,000, or ahall b* impria- i 11 . ..i_tii.ii thirty daya nor more SfimySf: ftorktod, That the party l^jlmd ahall not reoover more than on* *257“ d wb “ “»• ^otoMoJ* » JJj birial, th* penalty m-be reoor- SKSSStixafisj-ss Ssssri.'W^sssu under their righu at oomman {?ad by State etatnte*; and having ao to pro oeed In th* on* mod* or STmor. Ibair right to proeeed in the Tjjorladistion ahall he barred. Bnt ngproviao »h*U not apply to orimlnal ZLLMnmL «ith«r nndtr tail act or tha ellisa hakrison, Real Estate Igeiits AND AM9TI0NHRS. tk. *n*artx ia arid. Portal*. VACANT ItOT or LAND, twin, th. w»rt por tion of th. “Nano. lot," oa toyaa i wl, ^Joining th. ro.ld.ao4 of Hou. N. i. Crawford. Ohall won If VOV VUt A hargnlh. febli tf CITY LOT No. *01, oo McloUah itMot, with Urn* dw.lllngi oa th. *a*w. Will ho aold togeth.r or Mfarato, at a low H(at*, for e»h. VALUABLI OUT PhOTMYT, dteatod In 111. buloM ontro at th* dtr. Will toll at a gnat bargain, or to an aoooptablo party an uudlvldod intarata Th* protwrig at bo aado to par * *•'£• tnternt oa th* lavntwnl. A DMIRABLR HOUta AND LOT, with ton Bern, gronnd, la Ltnwood, on* mllo from 8. W. K. h. d.pot i a vary ooadbrtablo and homo. good room., within 200 yard, illroad dt**L on.-half act. groana. for Rant. A 8T0NB HOUSB In tho wall** of Talbot county, at a erota-road, thna mlU. of th* Clmljrlwoto Spring.. A vary dntrnhl. loonllon lor a Dry Ooodo nnd Orooery baaUaa. ■ pH NOTICE. CSdliwof any State. "i, > That the diatriot and circuit Jrhofthe United State* ahall have, Thmrely o* tha ooqrta of the aavaral Mitoa Mgniaanoe of all orimea and of- (ncMigainat, and violationa of, tha pro- iisjoni ol tW» *ot; and actions for tha uultr given by th* preoeding eectiou Jmv be proeeonted in tne territorial dia- UM or diatriot oourta of th* United States Oerertr the defendant may be found, abut regard to the other party. And itaditUiot attorney*, marmhal* and deputy qXbof th* United States, and oom- niaosers appointed by th* oirooit and ItrritorUl courts of tna United States, with power* of amoting and lmpriaoniug u bailing of eadart against the laws of the United State*, are hereby specially an- tiohisl and required to institute pro- Htdiugi against every peraon who anall violate the provisions of thie act, and cause bn lob* arrested and imprisoned or bailed, ■ lbs o**e may be, for trial before such tout of the United State* or territorial mortal by law has cognisance of the of- (uaa, except in reepeot of th* right of lohM aeoraUg to th* peraon aggrieved; ■1 molt diatriot attorneys ahall oauae nek proceedings to be prosecuted to their termination aa in other oaaaa: Provided, Tbit nothing eon tain ed in this aeotion ■hall ba eonstrued to deny or defeat any “y p«- i aot or Attorney •ho ahall wilfnlly fail to Institnta and potseata the prooaadlnga herein required *•11, for every inch offenoB, forfeit and pylibe earn of llv* hundred dollars to th person aggrieved thereby, to be re coined by an action on tha oaae, with liUooeta, and ahall, oo oonviotion tbare- of, ba deem ad guilty of a misdemeanor, tribe fined not leas than one thousand tot more than five thoniapd dollars. 8*0.4. That-no eitisen poaaaasiag all lull oe oonstruea w aeuy or uois right of civil action aooruing to ai me, whether by reason of thin othnwiee. And nny diatriot at Nbit qualiAoatioiia which are or may ba pworibad by lnw rimll ba dieqaalif ed fbr arrio* as grand or petit jttror in any oourt of the UnKad States, or of any Stats, on moult of raCe, ooior, or provion* oondi- ttooof servitude; and any ofBsar or other pmon charged with any daty in the sa- lietion or anaunoning of jnrors who shall eioinde or fiH to summon nny oitinan for th* cause aforeeaid shall, oa oonviotion Hereof, bo dsstned guilty of n misde- sue or, and'be fined not more than five Ikoomnd dollara. 800. S. That ail oases arising under the norisioea of this aot in tho oourta of the Unitsd States shall be nviewable by tha fbprsms Oourt of the United States, with, ml regard to tha aura in oontrovsrsy, an. te the asm* provisions and regulations u ■» now provided bylaw for tha review d etli*r oause* in said oonrt. D*M Ualag la Oeorgtn. Tbs gold fialda of Georgia are now da. nkpiag in a more systematic and.ener- |Nic nannsr than barotofora. Tha prin- eipal op*rations era an the Ohestetee ■bw, which rites in the Appalachian aos stain a, in Lnmpkin county, and bn mnthwArd to Hall ooonty, where it mpfise into the Chattahoochee. Both tbs** riven traverse th* gold belt, mostly bright angles to tha atrala of tba gold friui, and nek depoeitu era found in tb Wo. Tho Obeetatee from its month to ili junction with the Tuenutee has not bwu worked, excepting at the shoals, rilioU yielded largely. Two companies no now engaged in preparations to work the bed of this river—one from Ohio, •Ucb is catling a canal and tunnelling iwough a ridge so aa to make available un* mils* of good deposits; the other, mtrciled by I. B. Bartlett, of Boeton, •oohaeeogromed nearly ten mile* of the rirtr. Other companies are proper' operatm in the tame region, and Dr. «*pbanaoD, formerly aasayer at the Veiled States bran ah mint, says that when mm axtsasiva gold fields are put under “• bydranlio process the yield will be ““ ~ ' i in , The conditions in wbioh gold ■ found in Georgia demolish the theory by Mversl oelebrated geologists, that "•natal was brought to the surface only •••«<( period before tb* appearance of *** on earth. On* vein, whioh yields p™ of extraordinary fineness, is in b6m- °wri«e gneiss, tha oldest formation of JJnW roaka; while in another mine '•• fold i* diffused through granite in P*Ji#g quantities for miles, and in still It is found in feldspar over one •••died mile* from any overlying rock ^Mining organio remains. —Savannah —The Louisville Library Lottery, lately ™*wp, Shows the fondness for gambling whim still exists in the American breast. * Louis purchased $170,000 worth of ana drew nothing. Chicago in. •"ted freely in ticket*, but failed to sa- mr* a single prize. All over the country "MU tome were spent in the desperate J2J reding large retnrne, and in rMUy all the oases disappointment foi- "wed the venture. ■OILER MAKINC. GEO. T. GIFFOBD, Roller M$ Sheet Iren Worker. a^ffriniRO Seas with <1mpatch, at B. *y 1m *bop, Ocloblw' Plaulog Mills. TO LET. OrnoE Mobile * Gibabd Railroad. \ Oolambus, April IB, 1874. f O N AND AFTKR APRIL 1GTII, the PoMeoger Traio oa this Road will ran m follows: Leave Columbia... 8:00 p. m. Arrive at Troy ll:or» r. m. Leave Troy 8:^6 a. M. Arrive at Columbus 10:80 a. m. aprlC 2w W. L. CLaRK, 8up’t. Western Railroad of Alabama. 544 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST'TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York! ftw York a&d Nsw OrlM&i Kail Zdat. WESTERN RAILROAD OP ALABAMA, OoLoaaui, Ga„ March 2d, 1874. TRAINS LRAVI COLUMBUg DAILY for Atlanta, • > 10:40 a. a. Arrive at Atlanta, 6:42 r. m. for Montgomery and Selma, 1:00 a. m. Arrive at Montg’y, • • 6:4.i a. m. Arrive at Selma, • • 11:04 a. m. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY. (Time BiJ^ hours.) LEAVE COLUMBUS 10:40 a. m. ARRIVE at Opelika 12:27 p. m„ at AtlanU 6:42 p. m. LEAVE Atlanta 0:00 p. tn., Greenville, 8. C., 1:64 a. m., CHARLOTTE 8:35 n. m., Greensboro 1:16 p. m., Danville 3:27 p. m., Richmond 11:06 p. m. Arrive at Washington 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 0:30 a. m., at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., at New York 6:16 p. m. SlMplng Cara Mum la Char latte. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY m Atlanta, • • • 6:24 A* a. From Montgomery and Selma • 2:30 r. M. Tickets for sals at Union Passenger Depot. C11A8. P. BALL, General Snp’t. (machltf Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. Leave Columbus Arrive at Columbus Leave Macon Arrive at Macon Leave Columbus Arrive at Columbus 6:35 r. m. Leave Macou 0:20 A. M Arrive at Macon 3:00 p. m. HIDES. HIDES I HIDES 11 WE WILL PAT THE Highest Market Price FOR Green l Dry Hides, Furs, Beeswax, Ac. DARNETT A CO., sih24 3m Crawford Btreet. M. Ml. HIR8CH, Oglethorpe end Bridge Streets Hides and Furs a Specialty Will Pay the HI*hoot Harks* Prios for Hides, Furs, Beeswax A Rig* All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. R. ▲. BACON, Agent. 1 will run as follows : PASSENGER AND MAILTRAYN. 2:30 p. M. (Daily) 12:45 A. M. “ 7:17 p. M. “ 7:25 p. M. « DAY FREIGHT TRAIN. 5 30 a. m. (Sunday excepted) To Let. DIAMOND MPECTACI.EM I FRESH GOODS! PROFUMO A HOFFMAN Hav* Jaat Bocolvsd * Yissk hot of Dates, Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Choice Apples. Ac. Fontaine Warehouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLCES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants Orders Solloited In peraon or by leUer. Commission promptly exeouted for buyer or seller. *n^ B<iiBMiiB ooijUMgj™^egcggewA iw Grand Clearing Out Sale! TO MAKE RBADY FOB TI1B 8FH1NU TRAD*, WR NOW OffER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW GOST. FOR CA8H! AND EVERY OTHER ABTIOLR AN LOW AN TO BR ROUND ELNEWHRRE. CHAPMAN & VER8TILLE, K/d IMMMADinRBT DR. I. T. WARNOCK, Surgeon and rhyeiclau. Office at Slaughter's Drug Store, Railroad street. febl4 Here’s Four Chance. EXCUSE FOR A RUSTY SUIT! CLOTHING AT COST! P°R THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS WE WILL BELL OUR SUPERS STOCE OP OENTLEEENO, TOUTHO* AMD CHILDBJtR’B Clothing and Underwear. Hats, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Ac., Ac., at Cost for Cash, Come at once, If yon wish to buy CUOIOl CLOTIIR8 tor a little money. Colombo.,a*.,dm.i.,in*. THOMAS A PRESCOTT. J. MOMS BROWS*, rraxMott. 3X0. W. Mmwaw^r GEORGIA HOME BANK. COTTON WAREHOUSES. A. M. ALI.KN. PETER FREER. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. To Let. DR. J. W. R. WILLIAMS Offers hie profesaioual eervicce. Office over R. M. Green k Co.’s, Chambers k U. R. titfeuts. nov2fi . Millinery. MIS8E8 WHITJfi A TUCKKB, Fashionable Milliners and Dressmakers* Gentlemen’s bliirte cut by chart measure, ami guaranteed to tit. Chambers street, next to Kahn’s dry goods store. tebl MRS. C. V. BARLOW* Fashionable Milliner and Dressmaker. Hole Agent of Bdtterick k Co.’s Patterns. At the late banking House oi bhappard k Co., Opelika, Ala. Notaries Public. U. D. HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary Public for Lee county, respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends. Holds Court 1st and 2d Saturdays of each mouth, at K. C. Hollitield’s law office. ( ja23 Furniture, So. At Panic Price*. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer In all kind* of Furniture. Al.u, Metallic, Wood Cuffiu,, anil Cuak.U. J„L8 CteatulMr. .treat. Lawyers. A. J. VICKERS, Attorney and Counsellor mt Law* Office opposite Alabama Uouse. Practices in all the Courts of tho State. Ja3 Tailors. 1. B. UABPBELL, Tailor, Cutting aud Makiug lu tlio Latest Stylos. Ko- putrlug lio.tly dune. Sonth Rallrond St., ever furniture Btore. J.l Dentists. J. L. K. SMITH, Dentist, Does Plato Work aud Plugging on reasonable decttJJ terms. Chambers street. Barber 8 hops. WESLEY UARRIIGER, Barber, Comer South Railroad aud Chambers streets. dec23 BIG NON * TURNER, Barbers, South Railroad street, unuer Adams House. dec23 Hotels. ADAMS HOUSE. When you go to Opelika, bu sure to stop at tlio Adams House, opposite Posseuger Depot. dec23 Insurance. E. €. HO WEN A SON, General Insurnuce Atfents. Office, Railroad Btreot, over R. M. Greene k Co.’s uov£l HOTEL8. To the Public. These Spectacles i AMW , manufactured from “Min ute Crystal Pebbled’’ melted together, and are called Diamond ou accobut of their hardness and brilliancy. Having been tested with the polarlscope, the diamond lennea have been found to admit fifteen per cent, less heated rays tbau any other pebble. They are ground with great seiontifle accuracy, are free from chromatic aberrations, and produce a brightness and distinctness of viaiou not before attained in spectacles. Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co., New York. For enle by responsible agents in every city in the Union. , _ W1TT10H A KIN8KL, Jewelers and Opticians, Do not buy a "irifl/Yate octS dsodsVrly receive Boarders at the following low prices BOARD PER MEAL $ .«> “ « WKf K 6H) •* “ MONTH 18.00 “ AND LODGING, per mouth 24.(0 MU8. HYNEUAltT. Rankin House, Colmnbvis, Oa. J. W. ltYAN, Prop’r. Frank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under the Rankin House. my24 dawtf .7. W. RYAN, Pro|>»r. CHEMICALS—PURE! HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW PRIORS. , E. C. HOOD * BRO. Jail lapU FARM BOOKS. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bondg. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. THE GEORGIA HOIbIw SINK Offers tlio greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when requited. DEPOSITS of and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent, compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s chartei, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders, is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORS: i. BHODES BKOWNE, Fron t of th* Oo. JA& F. BOZEMAN, 0*pitoliat, Atlanta. J. U. CLAPP, Mannftr, Clapp'a Faotory. Hon. JOHN MoILHENNY, Mayor. JAMES BAN KIN, Capitalist. N. H. CUKTIS, of Walls,Gnats ft Oo. , Attotney-at-Lavr. r of th* Co. ^ , Xaatg'y. CHABLK8 WXBB, , ■mt* M**vtt an v ui lira w. a* fl* UiUAilQ, Ul list, Atlanta. L. T. DOWNING, Attom*y-i pp'a Faotory. D. V. WILLOOX, Secretary < Mayor. JOSIAH MOBBIS, Banker, i H. II. KrriNII, Prr.'L B. W. KDWABM, Cwkler. R. B. BULVBBB, trit Cerih’r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OP COLUMBUS, GEO. Thl* Bank traniiota • General Sinking hmlnete, gayt Inter**! on De- poilta under epeoiel oontreot, give* prompt attention to oollootlooo oa all eooettlbl* point*, and Invitee oorreepondeooe. Information fyanemitted by mail or wlroe when deelred. nprl (16m MERCHANTS’ AND MECHANICS' OOLTTIMIIBTJS, aBORO-IA. W. L. SALISBURY, Presid’t, A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cashier. February 5th, 1874. tf SECURIT7—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY f THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y CONTINUES TO OFTEN THE FUBSJO ' IHMM aiaiBSt Loss by FIRE! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War 8800,000,00, •he Want* a Chanoo to Cat It Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM'L S. MURDOCH President. Columbus, Out. 1st, 1873. |dif FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE Chicago Losses Paid Promptly In Full, • • 8020,31402 Boston “ “ «... 180,60380 Total Ateete—Qold—January let, IS74, tlta.SM.M. LIABILITIES. Loasea Dn* and Unpaid Beg*. Losses in procesa of adjustment, or adjusted nod not dn* #18,MS 00 All other Claims 1,010 SI COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Income, 1878 $818,887 78 Inoome, 1872 816^7 87 Grin ! ,..,.$«■,<(*» 88 Ibhm Promptly Adjaeted aad fairly Nettled fey G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, oot22 ly COLUMBUS. GA. 1840. TIME BOOKS FOB PLATONS AND PARKS Suable■ any oua to kaap accurate ***** counts with tbeir em|»luyecs. Price 8l fio. The form fe one famished by a planter of much etperienee. Its use will enable a Farmer to save many times its cost during the ytmr. Printed and for sale by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. 99* The Book will be forwarded by mail, oi receipt of pries. JaXl dawtf D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE AQSIIT^ 81 Brond Straot, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Campasies. nihil tf v *‘ v ^ * •• SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WI8E ONES 8AVE IT I If you will only 8ave what you Wests, It would be no trouble to become Indeaendent. EAGLE A HI MtS PHfIK'T, Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors, The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, ove# $3000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 In assets for ovary dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards reosived. Seven par cent compounded four times s year. Deposit# payable dn dembnd. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres't. G. GUNBY JORDAN, TrMstr. feb6 dtf : * a.