Newspaper Page Text
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Ednaab, from thn Committee on the
Judiciary, reported adversely oo the bill
for the relief of purohssars of lands .old
for direct turn in the in.nrreotion.ry
tn. The bill, oa motion of Ur. Clay
ton, waa, with the advene report, plaoed
on the oalendar.
Bontwell will enlogiae Sumner on Mon
The Committee on Privilege, and Elec
tion. reported unfavorably oa the memo
rial of Sykea claiming a Mat in the Sen
ate. Sanlabnry and Hamilton reported
againat Spencer. Ordered printed. This
in the old earn.
Bogy took the floor on the Louisiana
faun 1 J*r -
wlikVrottt will larsetably be one-third
*n> !■ cba|td more than
J£te “m uonthi tb. edurtlur will l» ch.r,-
jdth the «»t * f semposHIo*. for.l*n adeor-
un int »*r M do tbou athom*.
" HBonciA nwi.
-The Ktoon Telegraph suggest. Col.
4. K. Umar for Oongriaa from the 8a-
nnoah Distriot.
—Tbs ooraer atone of the Confederate
monument to be erected in Savannah will
M laid with appropriate oeremontee
daring May.
—Hr. B. E. Wells, of Dalton, ha. been
ohoeen Chief Engineer of the Marietta
md North Georgia Railroad. He will
mmmenoe work next week.
—Him Sown Callaway, of Tatnail
county, oanght a large eagle in a box irap
one day last week. The noble bird bad
itolen one of her geese.
—Daniel MoQinnis, an old citizen of
Yiloox eonaty, waa killed near Bowen’s
Hills, last Friday, by being thrown from
boggy with which his mole waa tanning
—The wheat grower* of upper Georgia
fur a considerable lorn in tbe yield of
their crops, which was lately very promis
ing, on aooonnt of the long-oontinned
—A dispatch from Marrietta to the
Atlanta Herald state, that on Saturday a
colored boy named Andy JonM .hot and
killed hit father, on the farm of Col. G.
Lector. The parricide was arrested.
—Palmetto, in Coweta oonnty, had a
warmly contested election on Saturday
last, on tbs question of prohibition or no
prohibition of tbe liquor traffle. Prohibi
tion carried the day, by a vole of 100 to
115. *
—Judge Klddoo Mntenaed a white va
grant to aix month* on tb* chain-gang, at
tha late term of Early Superior Court. A
rigid execution of the vagrant laws would
do more than anything else to suppress
crime—especially thieving in the South.
—Major George Stapleton, nn old and
prominent eitlzen of Jefferson oonnty,
died a few days ago. He represented that
oonnty in the Legislature for a long time,
ud hla son. Jamas Stapleton, now repre-
centa it in the Hoom.
—The Fort Gaines Iteuenger reports
the arieet At its oily, on Thursday, of two
aegro men, who reprasented themselvts
lobe from Oolambna (namea not given),
(nr robbing the money drawer of Mr. D.
C. Adams’ atom. They ware lodged in
—The “Muokalee Manufacturing Com-
K iy,” organised at Amariona on tha 15th
tant, elected F. E. Barks President, A.
0. Bell Searetary and Treasurer, and a
Board of Direotors. It is tbe design of
this company to establish s cotton factory
on Mnckale* orsek, and the prospect of
meoaas ia flattering.
—A Washington writer says: Whitely
has practically controlled the Federal pat
ronage in Georgia so long that persona
who hare received favors from him, or
who sxpeet thorn, fear to oppose him in
my way. He holds the rod over the Re
publican* of Georgia, and they dare not
oppose hia wishes.
—A oonteat for Justice of tbe Peace in
Atlanta, whiob was made lively and ex
iting by the oandldaey of a negro, nom
inated by the voters of hia own oolor, waa
terminated on Saturday by tbe election of
the white candidate, Mr. J. F. Walker.
The elsotlon was for tha 1,884th Dintriot,
ud tbe vote stood—Walker, white, Dem.,
939; Curry, negro, Rep., 588.
—The Griffin Neat reports on the
wheat prospect: “Farmers with whom
we htra talked about the wheat orop are
unauimona in prononnoing the proapeot
(he beat for a good harvest that baa been
known in thia oonnty for twenty yean.
Many of them think their flelda will i
>ge as high aa twenty bushels per acre.
A good wheat orop would ba a blessing
upon us these hard times, and we trust no
disaster will befall it."
—Ool. J. B. Sneed, who for several
months past, baa filled the position of
•hiaf editor of tbe Atlanta Herald with
*° much ability, has retired from tbe pa-
P*r. Meaars. Alston A Grady, propriion
of the Hearld, express sincere regret at
•he severance of hia connection with it,
*nd state that the ehief cense is that, not
■>«ng able to employ editors, they have
determined to do their own writing. The
withdrawal of anoh editon an Col. Sneed,
for inch a cause, makes a bad showing
of support for nawapnpen in Gsorgia.
. —The river was rising fast nt Mnnt-
gotuery on Saturday. Another overflow
of the lowlands was apprehended.
~The Henry oonnty aal* of land for
taut earns off in Abbeville last Monday.
Non# of tha land sold brought more than
iat and easts,
'—The Selma Echo learns from a moat
roUebla source that Judge Turner baa or-
aered tha batting of oertifleatea to tha
nmonnt at twenty thousand dollar* for
' Jb* pnrnoM of putting tb* Selma A Golf
ntromn in tanning order again.
—Briefer Williams, charged with mur-
o»r in Shelby oonnty, wee found gnilty of
murder in tbe aeoond degree, sod a n-
taneed to life imprisonment. Two of the
J* r J*jn were in favor of tha death penal
ty- They were out twenty bonra.
—Tha Star, referring to tb* WilUams
<mue, aays: “Old Mrs. WilUams, whose
jnm* has been upon tbe criminal dooket
for tha past eight years, charged with
murder, has finally been *■ quitted—much
to the satisfaction of herself and to tho
t*k paymeof Better oonnty—her ease
•mmng Butter and Conecuh counties not
lea* than 112,000.”
Poland introdnoed a joint resolution
for tho recognition of Cabs.
The Judiciary Committee was directed
to enquire about Utah.
Georg* H. Patrick, of Alabama, a wit
ness in the Bueteed impeachment oase,
waa discharged from melody of the Ser-
geant-at-Arma, ha having given a satis
factory exoue for hie noa-attendanoe.
Tha Hoom spent two hoars on the
Legislative Appropriation bUl.
He'Hepe for Matt Carolina-
The opposition to the tax-payers' move
ment b strong, and oonnter-memorialiata
her* well organiaed. Information and
impressions are not of a nature to inapire
hope of the offiobl recognition of the ex
isting trouble in South Carolina.
Cheap Transportation.
The following resolution wee offered
by General Young, of Georgia, in the
Hoom of Representatives to-day:
“Whereas the great need of thia coun
try ia soma well-devised and anre system
of oheep transportation by water, which
wUl give not only oheap outlet* from the
interior to the sea, bat the means of a
freer interchange of prodnots between the
States—a system whioh b needed by the
whole country end demanded by tha peo
ple of ell aeotioni; therefore, be it
“Resolved, That the Committee on
Railroads and Canals be instructed to
prepare and report a bUl for the improve
ment of the great national water high
ways of tha oountry and their oonneo-
tiona, by such artificial ohannela aa will
give to onr people the cheap transporta
tion which they demand, and that the
14th day of May be act apart for the con
sideration of this snbjeot, to the exclu
sion of all other basinets and orders, and
each day thereafter until it is disposed
On the motion to suspend the rales to
vote on the adoption of the resolution,
tha ayea ware 180; noes 74. One Bouth-
srn Demoorat, Mr. Whithorn, of Ten-
voted no. On* Western Demo
crat, Mr. Holman, also no; andS. S. Cox,
of New York.
Aetlen at tbe Maaln Committee am
Washington, April 10.—The Senate
Seleot Committee on Transportation, at
their meeting last night, agreed to the re
port prepared by tbe chairman (Senator
Windom of Minnesota). The report b
elaborate, embracing a large mass of at*,
tiatical matter not before eollated, and
contains a discussion of the alleged de.
fleits and abuses of the existing system of
transportation, and also the proposed
remedies in detail Tbe remedies dis
cussed are included under four geooral
anb-divisiona, namely: First, nnregnbted
competition between railroads; aeoond,
direet Congressional regulation of
rates and fares; third, tha owner
ship and control of one
more freight railroads by tha
General Government; and fourth, the
improvement and oreation of water routes
Each of these subjeots ia fully discussed,
and the conclusion generally is in favor
of improved water routes. Several spe
cific recommendations are made, bat
these are withheld by the committee until
the report shall be ma le on Wednesday or
Thursday next. The committee are not
unanimous on the measure of legislation
they propose with referenoe to railroads,
but are on their recommendation as to
water courses. The constitutional ques
tions aro fully discussed. Senator Win
dom will, after making the report, fully
epitomize and explain its contents.
The President will not tell what he is
going to do about tbe Currency bill.
Belief Her Louisiana-
Meetings have been held in several
cities for the relief of flooded Louisiana.
Five hundred dollars were oolieoted lost
night at the Brooklyn Street Church for
Louisiana relief.
Wuahlnffteu Metes.
Nomination: John S. Andrews, Post-
master at Jacksonville, Florida.
Confirmations: Thos. Russell, Minuter
to Venezuela; Benton, Postmaster at
Bainbridge, Ga.; Droney, Postmaster at
Brownsville, Texas; Jones, Postmaster at
Dallas, Texas.
Bamnel Mulligan, Associate Justice of
tbe United States Coart of Claims, died
■upvalue Court.
Washisoton, April 80.—Tb* esse of
tbe State of Texas, against the First Ns
tionsl Bank of Washington, and others
from the Supreme Court of the Dbtriet
of Colombia, brought to reeover certain
bonds of tha State, whiob had oom* into
tho possession of tb* Bank, waa to-day
deeidod iq tha Supreme Court, in sub-
etanoe as follows; A not* payable to bear
er, though overdo* and dishonored pass**
by delivery of tha legal till* to th* holder,
snbjeot to anoh equities M may be as
serted by reason of Its dishonor. Any
one disputing th* title of tha holder
of soeh paper takes the harden of estab
lishing by snffletent evidence th* facts
necessary to defeat it. There la no oom-
patent evidenoe in this ohaneery suit that
the bonds in controversy, which were is
sued by the United States to the State of
Texas, though overdue when they passed
from the Treasurer of that Stats, were
issued by tho State and reoeived by tha
person to whom they wore delivered for
any traasonable or other unlawful pur
pose. The absence of the en-
dorsement of the Governor of
the State on the bonds does
not rates a presumption of euoh un
lawful pnrpoM. under th* olrenmstanoM
of this oase. The ease of Texas vs.
White A Chiles, 1 Well, TIB, and aaoM m
Hardenburgh, 10 Wall, 68, and same vs.
Huntington, 1C Wall, 402, are con
sidered, and their trn* result ascertained
and applied to the case. Th* deer** waa
reversed with directions to dtemlia the
bill. Mr. Jnstioo Miller delivered the
The Paoifio Railroad Company vs. Ma
guire ; error to the Supreme Coart of
Missouri. This was an aotlon to raosver
a tax oolieoted of the toad and paid nndor
protest. The company plaaded exemption
from taxation by th* State under th* or
dinance of 1852, alleging that th* ordi
nance of 1885, whioh imposed a tax of
ten per oentum on tho grow reoelpts of
the road impaired the obligation of th*
contract established by the acceptance of
the term* of tho former sot. Th* State
Conrt affirmed the constitutionality of th*
tax, and the judgment waa for th* State.
This Court reversed tho judgment, hold
ing that the tax of 1865 waa
violation of tha faith of th* State
pledged by the eat of 1852, and void.
Mr. Jnstioo Hnnt delivered the opinion.
The Chief Jnstioe tbonght tb* exaction
of tbe ordinance of 1865 was not a tax,
bat a mere enforoement of th* payment
of a debt due th* State on bonds issued
by the road, aa the ordinanoe required the
tax to be applied to the payment of that
debt; bat even in that view of tha ossc,
it was inconsistent with en sot of 1864,
whioh, upon Its aooeptanoe by the compa
ny, beoame a oontraet binding upon aaoh.
Jnstioea Clifford and Miller dtewnted,
holding that the aot of 1852 did not ex
empt the eompany from th* tax imposed
by the ordinanoe of 1865.
Mr. Justice strong did not sit on the
The Court made the usual order in
referenoe to a general volume of the
reports of the term.
IiiTTL* Book, April 20.—The Federal
flag floats over the Anthony Hoom, its
prewnt object simply being to preMrve
good behavior.
Baxter holds tbe telegraph offloc, bat
Brooks has tapped the wires, and requires
a countersign or pass to go home. '
Brooks hat been mode acquainted and
acqnieaoed in th* order of Col
directing all armed men off of the streets
and from tbe State Hoom grounds.
Little Book, Abk., April 20, 1874.
To the Secretary of War, Washington:
Received the President's instruction*.
They arc carried ont. There ta some ex-
oitement, but it will soon subside. The
force is small on eaoh aide.
[Signed] T. E. Rosa,
Captain 16th Infantry, Gom'd'g Foal.
Boston, April 20.—The Exeoutivc Com
mittee appointed at the reeent meeting in
Fanenil Hall to take aotion in upholding
public fatb, have issued an addn
commending tha formation of leagues
throughout tho oountry, to units the peo
ple in favor of demanding that the Gov-
erameat shall red asm its financial pledget
and to oraats stronger publio sentiment in
favor of specie payment.
Nxw Yoax, April 20.—The polios hav*
been informed by telegraph from Nannett,
near this city, that Mrs. Parry was fatally
shot there last night by a masked burglar,
who bad effected an entrance into her
house. The murderor, in his haste to
eaespe, left behind his hat and mask.
Boston, April 20.—There waa a consid
erable gathering of citizens at th* Mayor's
office to-day, anticipating a reply from
tha Mayor bf New Orleans, oo* of th*
inquiry committee concerning tha details
of tbe distress in New Orleans, oaoaod by
tbe flood, and M to tbe beat plan for ren
dering assistance; bat as no reply bad
been reoeived np to one o'olook r. it., tbe
meeting adjourned, subject to oall.
LraSra Herald Bapart.
Washinoton, April.l'J.—A London Her
ald correspondent at Bristol, Muds th*
official report of Cspt. Rousseau. It sub
stantially confirms the telegram from Pa
rte. Th* eompany gave passengers money
for their immediate necessities, end threw
all blame upon the British shipbuilders,
who lengthened and transformed the old
ships bearing the Imperial names, whioh
was the naoessity for the alteration, bnt
weakened tbs ship* end impaired their
seaworthiness. All speak in tb* highest
tonne of the oonduot of th* captain and
Havana, April 80.—Th* Diaro Yaeom-
msola th* farming out of th* Onetom
House* on this island to a oompeny. It
believes that Cocoha will aoosd* to this
with th* greatest pleasure. The Diaro
regrets th* renting of the Custom Houses,
Is n moral view, but believes it neeessaiy
in the interest* of eoonomy.
Madrid, April 80.—Th* army north of
Bilbo* has boon reinforced, and now
numbers 40,000 men, and has seventy
pieces of artillery.
Batonns, April 80.—The Oarlist Gen
eral Babalta and all his staff were reoently
oeptnred by th* Repnblioan troops, near
Viob, but Sabslls, with some of hte of
ficers, subsequently escaped end crossed
the frontier into France.
The War lc Spain.
Madbid, April 80.—The plan of cam
paign proposed by Marshal Zerrano and
Admiral Topete has bean adopted.
Gen. C-taobl has disembarked 10,000
troops at San tons.
Tha Oarlteta will be attacked aimulta-
neoualy at different points.
Last af Arthar Ortas.
London, April 20.—The application of
Dr. Kenaaley for a new trial for Arthur
Orton, on the grounds of want of juris
diction by the oourt, and that the verdiot
was not in aocordanoe with tha ovidanoe,
has been refused, thus finally disposing of
the application.
—At New York, April 20th, gold opened
at 14c.
-Forty-three bnildings were burned at
New Glaacow yesterday. Lorn fflfiOjDOO.
—At New York, yesterday, a street ear,
with ranaway horses, oapslssd, injuring
ton persons. None, however, fatally.
—The Plymouth steamer, AmerionB, is
now free of water. When she was first
boarded by th* spray her eargo had shift
ed, and aha careened badly, bnt she waa
afterwards righted.
Various bills of no general impor
tance were introdnoed in tbe House of
Representatives yesterday. In the Benate
the Hons* bill for the relief of Louisiana
sufferers from the flood was introduced.
—A tetter from the United States steam
er Saratoga states that the Inter-Ooeanio
Canal Commissioners have made the trip
up the San Joan river and orosied Lake
Nicaragua to the Paoifio. The Commis
sioners are yet to examine the Arto route,
under Oapt. Selfridge, who has arrived at
—Irving and Gourtland Longwortb,
sons of Henry D. Longwortb, were at'
tacked at their residence, at Stonington,
Conn,, Sunday night, while their paints
were attending oburoh. Irving was killed,
and Court land's wounds are supposed to
be mortal. Strong snspicions attach to a
hired man, who is now under arrest. The
murder M presumed to have been done
with an axe, as an axe with human hair
and skin on it has been found on the
NO . 08.
Niw Yoax, April 20. —Arrived—Hunts
ville and Georgia.
Arrived ont—Emma, Baltic, Mary Ann,
Ocean Child, Mary Jana and Martha
Baltimou, April 20. —Cleared—Sea
Gnll Clyde and America.
Naw Yoax, April 20.— Arrived—Hous-
ton and South America.
Arrived ont—Pennsylvania and Nevada.
London, April 80.—The bark Entails
from New Orleans, before reported
wrecked at San Sebastian, has discharged
her cargo.
"markets. ”
Tke IiMsUasi in Thai
Special ts the Atlanta Herald.]
Tbohasvillx, Ga., April 17.
Th* three negroes—Nimrod Bnrkc,
Emannsl MsCormick and Charles Walker
—oonvioted at tbe March apeoial term of
th* Superior Coart of Thomas oonnty of
the murder of Juniper Hall, and Ntebater
Lyon—a negro oouviotod of the murder
of his wife by poison at the same term—
were hang this morning at half-past nine.
The Sheriff and bta assistant shrouded
the prisoners in their cells and bronght
them down to the gallows, whioh was
erected in the jail yard and surrounded
by a palisade twenty feet high.
Ail four were hang oa the same ga’-
lows, and they aseended tba steps and
took their places on tho trap calmly.
Tbe ropes were then placed aronnd
their necks and the Sheriff asked their
ministerial friends that were present to
oondnot tbe religions services. Revs.
Dawdell, McDonald and Delamotts, all
colored, did so, delivering a short exhor
tation, warning all to profit by the sol
emn soene.
The hymn, “Am I Born to Die,” was
sang, Charles and Webster joining in the
singing with [error.
A fervent and eloquent prayer was then
offered, tbe prisoners kneeling and re
sponding at intervals.
After the prayer tbe prisoners were
given an opportunity of speaking. Charles
told all good bye, begging bis friends to
live right and meet him ia Heaven ; that
he was ready to die, sod glad that he was,
because it had brought him to repent
ance and salvation. He declared ihst
he was innocent, and that the lest
time be saw Mr. Halt he was alive.
Emanuel and . Nimrod also made
similar declaration. Nimrod seemed very
muoh depressed, and could stand with
great difficulty. They were muoh less
talkatire than Charles Webster. Lyon
was very composed, and said merely that
he was going to Heaven, and that be
wanted everybody to meet him there.
After the eeps were drawn the Sheriff
asked them if they were ready. Charles
asked him to wait a moment, and his asp
being raised again, he asserted hte inno.
oence, and told bis friends to pray for ihe
counsel that defended him, tbe jury that
convicted him, and the judge that sen
tensed him. He asked for bis brother
and stater, bnt they were not present,
Nimrod also asked Bill Wright and
Arnold to preach hte funeral, and
told bis brother to raise hte children
for him in the fear of God. They reoog
nized Colonel Goode, one of their law
yen, and thanked him for hte services in
their behalf.
The caps were then adjusted, and at
twenty minutes before eleven o’olock tbe
trap was sprang end the (onr men were
launohed into eternity. Emanuel died
first (in six minutes), struggling slightly.
Webster was pronoonoed dead in six and
a half minutos. They were all oboked to
death, thodjjh tbe gallows was fonr feet,
Tbe bodies were out down at twenty min,
ntes past eleven o'clock, and placed in
wooden ooffins and delivered to their
Although the antborities had antici
pated some trouble from an attempt at
reaoue, and had tbe military ordered ont,
there waa no difficulty, and only a small
crowd oolieoted, who by 12 o'clock had
Dxpabtmint or Was, )
Washinoton, April 20, 1874.)
Proiaiititiee.—For th* Sooth Atlantio
States east of th* Htaasaippi, southwest
to northwest winds, with very generally
clear and pleasant weather.
—Shad are reported to be so plentiful
in th* St. John'e river, Fla., that the far
mers are using th* fish aa fertilizer*.
Mewej ssd Itsek Markets.
London, April 80.—Console 92}el8-16.
Erie 88 j.
Nxw Yonx, April 20.—Stooka active aad
feverish, lower. Gold 14. Eiohsuge—
long 485) ; short 488). Governments
strong and active. Stats bonds doll and
Nxw Yoax, April 20 —OottonUrm; 416
balsa sold; nplands 17), Orleans 18o.
Futures opened aa follows i April 10
27-82*81-82, May 16 29-88*81.88, Jon* 16
7-16, Jnly 17}, August 18}, September 17
13-16, Ootober 17 19-88.
Prevlslew Markets.
Nxw Yoax, April 20.—Floor quiet and
unchanged. Wheat qniet and ateady. Cora
dull and nnebanged. Pork firm at $17.
Lard stesdye-stesm 10). Freights firm.
Cincinnati, April 20.—Flour quiet and
steady. Corn steady at 68a70o. Pork
nominal and nnohsnged. Lard quiet and
firm at 9}e for steam; lOo for kittle. Be-
oon strong; shonlders 9}o; clear rib (idea
9}o; dear all peaked; sales of clear rib
sides at 9}e, loose. Whiskey firm at 92}o.
St. Louis, April 20.—Flonr quiet and
nnohangad. Corn satire and higher, No.
2 mixed 68*69), track. Whisky Steady at
94. Pork quiet and firm at $16.75. Ba-
oon strong—some sate* higher—shoulder*
7), clear rib 9§a}, clear 9}al0. Lard firm,
little on market—ohoioe kettle 10.
LomaviLLK, April 20.—Flonr qniet and
nnohangad. Corn quiet and unchanged
at 72*78. Fork qniet and nnohangad at
$17. Baoon active and higher; shonlders
7); otear rib sides .9}; dear aldas 10};
sugar cared hams 12}al8). Lard—tierce
lOalO); keg 10}all; steam nominal.
Whiskey 92.
fatten Markets.
Liverpool, April 20—Noox.—Cotton
eotive and firmer; upland* 8}*8)d; Or
leans 8}s8)d; sales 18,000 bale*, iuolnd-
ing 4,000 for apeouiation siM export.
Sales of uplands, nothing below good
ordinary, shipped in March, 8); do,,
shipped in April, 81-16; do., deliverable
April and Msy, 8); do., dalivanblt Jnns
and Jnly, 8}.
Sales of nplands, nothing below mid
dlings, shipped in April and Msy, 8 1-16;
do., deliverable June end Jnly, 8 9-16.
1:30 F. H.—Cotton—Seles of uplands,
nothing below good ordinary, deliverable
in April, 8}; do., deliverable May and
Jane, 8 5-16.
Seles of uplands, nothing below low
middling", deliverable April apd May,
8 5-16; do,, deliverable May aad Jane,
8}; do., deliverable Jane and Jnly, 8 7-16.
Sales of Orleans, nothing below good
ordinary, shipped in Mtrab, 8).
3 p. H. —Of sales to-day, 10,000 bales
were American.
Salas of Orleans, nothing below good
ordinary, deliverable May and June,
8 1-16.
Nxw Yoxx, April 20.—Nat reoeipte 794
Future* closed steady; salsa 23,760
bales, aa follows: April 16 25-82; Mey
16 29-82; Jane 17}*18-82; Jnly 17 25-82;
Angnat 18*18 1.82.
Boston, April 20.—Cotton qniet end
firm; middlings 17}; sales 200.
Wilhinonon, April 20.—Cotton firm;
middlings nominal at 16}; reoeipts 58.
Memphis, April 20.— Irregular; offer
ings light and nominal; low middlings
10}a); receipts 1,284; shipments 2,2:5
Nxw Oblxavs, April 20.—Very strong:
middling" 17); low middlings 16}; good
ordinary 15); ordinary 18) ; net receipts
1,983; exports to Continent 2,7181; sales
8,000, last aftsrnooou 1,000,
Chablzbton, April 20.— Cotton qniet
and firm; middlings 16}; low mid'
dlings 111 jail!}; good ordinary 15); net rr
oeipts 568; exports to Fram e 1,858; sales
This nartvsled Medicine la • arrested not ts ess.
tats s stall* partial* of Mtmcoai, er ssy lajsriosa
mlasrsl •uhsisaes, bet la
ensttltMkthiftfiesttani >o6tea*ntrtbs which
an ell ww Provldsao* bos plaosd ts oonatrles
where Liver Dieeaaea aaoat prsrsll. It will
Simmons' Liver Rtgulttor or Medicine
[« onlnottly » Frail; Modlelno; md by boiuii
i«pt rawly tor inmodUto raoort will mt« nuy an
hour of raflbrtog aid many a dollar la tin# aad
doctor*' bills.
Altar oral Forty Yaara' trial It la atlll raeol...»
tbo soot. taaquallflod tratlaonlali to Ita vlrtaoa
from perwMi of tba hlf boat character aad roopoa-
■Ibillty. Bmtamt phyitolaiM oommoad It aa tba
BT.SS5M7 BOT tt 0 A t8 fKKra,.;.
Araesd with thia ANTIDOTE, ail dims tea ssS
abasias of water sal (sod mar b* faced without
f<atr. As s Rsmsdr ta MALAXIOtll TXVXXX,
. , IT HA* I* EttCAL I
It Is the Cheapest, rarest, aad East family
Medicine Is the World I
xerarioroasB sen er
Savannah, April 20.—Cotton vary firm;
middlings 16}; net reoeipts 896; exports
to Great Britain 4,863; sales 548.
Mobile, April 20.—Cotton very firm
and advanced; middlings 17; low mid
dling 16); good ordinary 15); net receipt*
224; sales 700.
Galveston, April 20.—Firm and in
good demsLd; good ordinary 15); mid
dlings 17; net receipt" U2H; exports to
Great Britain 800; sales 2700.
R. M. Water* A. Co.. 66 Broad St.,
New York, reoeiv* Deposit Aooounta
on favorable term* from Bank*,
Banker*, and Corporatism, aubjaot
to oheok at tight. Loana made Only
on Cotton and Approved Stoek Ex
ohanga Collateral*.
To Let.
flprtiir RUd Am miner lo a » rmIbrm MflRfr $100 per
conntluo. AAtiUM ftlflULJlK
Quiromtni ai
86c., ttifaUwr i
"*®PJOOHAPMYt M A MW' toofc nn tho
DteV^-et S 1‘fo‘AUtt; A oomylMM system of
*hort-H tnd, tho fhort-nt, most simple,
•My End OOnSDIt hellklVE. anmhlinw •lira. Isa a
wo onon-nmo, t»o short**!, most simple,
sad oompithcn.Iv., en.hltak .at On. la s
1 "JS? tfiropvrt trials, .perah,., --rn oin, Ac.
£"*■ “ wrlWss with IWttrokMOf
P«r minute.' TL* unem-
plsysd Shosll lasts this .rt. Price hy m.H !0
Addisrs T. W. bVAN.t *
OO., 1M essth lih Mrwl, PnlUddptil., Pa. rw
Tb. blEECil 1.10|| jcr. Uumut, wit, lAtlin-, Ills,
tan .nd isu|lit.r, 330 comic eats Th* pcopls
yrarn orlt. It »:lt»il in dull Urns* IT thowlt
esss at w.ll ■«•!! IQ Q41II IIBGEII CHOW If
•y » MAG, And he BarroAder*. It Id Mir* every
tlM«. Don't both nr with hravy hooks thot nobody
wont* »lamor is the thi* th*t token. Afenu
wonted ovorywhRre. B nd tor eirciilora nod Ritro
* prtt • -Hte-i-
_Hew Advertisements.
«mE» If y*« want ts »,>, sail
ptaymastst bum., *qM r arculn,; so capital; In;
•trustlsas sad
fro* by mall. Addrm., wit? ala ossnruuip. M.
TOOlfOA Os., 1T8 erwuwlsh It, N.w Vo. k. Vw
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
■old by Drugultta.4w
Millions of Acres
Ts* Tsars’ CrsAlt, lateral only • par ***».
Dsscrlptivs Psmpblst, with Isrtiossl Mate, sset
Tho Flonoor,
s hsudsom. lllsitrsted Pspar, custelaisz tbs
Hommtasd Law, mailed Ite* ts all parts of t‘
world. Addras 0. P. DAVtl,
Usd Cowmkslsner O. P. K. k,
mb27 4w Osteha,Nsb.
Ths klfbtet mswOletel mmtkwrlues
wt Bmrap* say ths rtrswasst tsale, Furilsr
sad Bsobstrasat haswa te th* msdtesl world 1.
It artsrti dseayef vital fbross, sxkautlnnoi
$2600 A YEAR -S52T'
Combination ~
00, Fob’s, Philo., Fa. , , 4w
•OMITII!NO thotwUl
TO DO.S5?^lS , t«5 ,
ANTXKD yon ALL, sllhtr ros, yoaa* uy old; can
ba dsn* dariui Mssrs Urns at your hams*, ur pays
Immsasaly te trsvtl. Lsrp* sstarlts te sspsrP
•note t AmffflC A splendid ontal frsul
Writ. AteJSlXt Iff tor H*tn*«*,»* LABAN*
A HALL, ll)| North Char tea stmt, fcultlnmm.
eoante with thoir employees. Price
$1 60.
The form le one famished by a planter of M«uh
experience. Ite nee will enable a Former to Rare
many tlmee Ita cost during the year.
Printed and for sale by
Columbue, Ca.
The Book will ho forwarded by mall, on
receipt of priee. JoSI dswtf
Our Seventy Page Illustra
ted Catalogue of
Itallad te ssy sss IsterMted ta balldtaf, aa
rssslpt uf stamp.
364 5 165 CANAL XTEER,
Ui it esu it. to panuni .*nrt*< taom dy,*
Mpsls, Mltaws sumpMsI, ssHa, sserEmkiun. «U k
bwtaschs, tarn ssd ocas, aMVasadabilliy, or of
any disorar sXbotls, lbs sSimsril, tku (its-or
kids.yi, U to loss. cha***.*aA»»x*!sts th«o Im,
portsnt orsss, ter ths sou of 5*. Txitr» VBOffl-
c XLB LIVER PILLS. Thsy sot Tory S'Hdly, y«»
thorosgbly nstoro th. Insstkmol soil'll of Ih*
dixsstlT. or|.ss ssd Iks tatMtlsM .ud rnio.sls
POOHW.. sssliun ihst no othsr fiys Usm. Its
■ffcct I, iMtestascon., sad so sslnrsi that it atn-
sot b. detected by tbs otawst liens. It le
bsrmlew sad ouily »i ull.d. sud te In aoo< rsl n»i
among the r*.hlon.iM*li*lrafW>**rt« Ml o«ry lure*
city in tbe United Staten. Prise It a box. A id
gcrotate. Erupt!.. Weswet orthAWr, St. (n-
thosy's fir., kryeipjdst, llltltthh Iwwt" , noiie.
Tatter, and gait Ulieum, gst)d Uend, Rlogworm,
Rbssmsttem, Psin sad tetter***.*"' or lHe iinn»,.
romsls WesknMi, gterillty, I iwuml »i or
Whites, Womb DteeeKi, Dropty, White g.olllng..
Syphilis, Kidsey and Un»Jomptetoi,4Iorcuri*l
flint, and Pilw, .11 proewd from Impure |ilond.
te tho moot power'ui Aloud Pnrtasr known to
modic.1 aei.oe.. It ootoes late tbs eilcolsllon
and .radio.tM .eery mseblfie sgeat; frouTsies
vegetable dx tract.
allDrmtHi Off