The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 22, 1874, Image 2

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anJimmux i katby eitiMr party, and (BUttaNttltMt mar nflata no hour upMI rtlhdf »ha ad- mlaatraUoo at WoetingtoD or Um State jwHicfary. .APRIL 22, 1874. WEDNESDAY.- arHo hidscxiptiob bkckivh usmks Fin FOB IX 1WMW. Taa Taonaaaaa liter at Chattanooga oommanoad falling on fiatardty alter, soon. It had riaes aa high aa in Marob, 1878—not high enoegh to inandate any portion of the city or obatrnot the ran- oing of railroad taaioa. • ~to<MM #»a AsnoM from flbrsveport, Li., to the 18th inat., report the river quite foil, but the overflow in that region waa not great. The raft, whiah traa. nearly ont through laet year, had gorged above D-’rrloane I waa foot filling op. Gov. Waaaaoaa, of llaieaohuaetta, jaat elected United Staton Senator, ia not aprofaaaional men, bat ia engaged in man. ufactnrea. Ha ia aaid to be a man of fine appearaaee, having “the braid, open brow, and the wide, firm month, whioh ia eharaotarMto of aU the Waahbnma. Som aleetiona for dalegtaea to a lie- i oonvention, in New Orleana, on y, reaaltod in the defeat of the Ptaahbaok patty. Koetly nagroae voted, and the reenlt In Ngarded aa a aittler of Pinch athoma, and by hla own raoa. Be pebUoana, if not repabBoe, an ungrate- fnL : L . Ha. Mnaanton, of North Carolina, hM bean the leader of the ‘‘inflation’' foreea in the United Stater Senate. The New York Herald oalla him “a tarry atatea- man." If hie poiioy of lnbrioation maker the oreaky old machine run.easier, the people will probably feel grateful for the virtneaof tar and aeeept it ae a remedy for panioe and anapenaion. Tna New York Herald saya that the union of the Dawes and Hoar men upon Gov. Washburn for Senator his no pol itiorl significance, exoept that the par ties had beoome oonvioced of the neoeau ty of making an election at once, and that neither of their favorites could be It says that Waebbnrn is 1 tan," whioh la very gratifying far as It goer. Tsui papers earraot, to some extent the statement lately published, that all lands in that Stpte not surveyed and pa tented by the let of January, 187r>, revert to the State. The provision of the Con atltntlon is, Ibet all certificates for land not surveyed and returned to the General Land Office, at Austin, by the date above mentioned, shall be forever barred. Tna Huntsville Democrat and Mont, gomery Stale Journal, alluding to the nomination of Hon. G. 0. Olay as a candi date for Governor, pay that he iH not only ineligible for the .oflioe, bet eannot vole until his disabilities are removed. Wo would Uks to have further information about this alleged disqualification lo vote. Is it true that any man is deprlvod of the right to vote beoaose of his holding office under the Federal Government first and afterwards aiding the Oonfederaoy ? If so, bow many, and by what bps 1 Thibb was but little obange in the lower Mississippi river situation on Hun day. A fall of one ..foot was reported below New Orleans. The Bonnet Garre orevaaae had been abandoned as beyond remedy for the present. Several other crevasses were repotted. There waa some apprehension at New Orleans of a flood in the rear of the oity oaused by the baoklng of water that bad some down from the orevssses above. Beports from up the oountry represent ed that the Bcsnf river country, two hundred and fifty miles above its mouth, the whole Ouachita district, Black river, and the lower Bed, are over their banks, with not a vestige of bank visible ; and It is calculated that at least ten thousand families have been driven, from their homes, desolate and in a famished con. ditioa. y. f of film AM WWWVMEJII. IBs forbearance of-President Grant 1 Gubernatorial oontest in Ar. ae ia a retrogade movement worthy , if not of oommendatioa. It was r that tha. Federal Administration availed itself of - an opportunity so nearly similar to impose e Goveruor on the peo ple of Lo«iisiaae,~lhAl iU abandonment the power then essoined seems a very andden ‘‘rlgbt about” movement. In Lou. iliana, Kellogg bed obtained e decree of State oourt reoogoizlng the legality of the prooeedinga by which be bad been declar ed to be eleoted, though everybody knew that the declaration was S falsehood, and that the eleotion board had no returns upon*whioh to make it; end President tyrant ordered the Federal military to sus. tain Kellogg. In Arkansas* Brooks oh tain* a similar recognition from a State oourt, ond it is Wall known that iu this tha judgment of the oonrt is in I with the veto of ths people. Yet President Grant now takes the ground that the Federal Government has no right to interfere, and that the contest must ho Bottled by the Arkansas tribunals. Wa may Indulge the hope that the strong expression of opposition to the eonne punned in Lonieisne has had aomstbing to do with tho refusal to pnr- aas a similar oonras in Arkansas. But wo osnnot Ignore the apparent faet that if Baxter had retained the standing in the Bepubiioaa party whioh he had in 1872, Brooks could have obtained no aid from the oourta in resurrecting his contest; and equally hopeless would herd been Brooks' eonteattf he bed not fallen back into the regular Bapublloan ranks. The same 8u- i Court, to whioh ha now hopefully sustain his claim, decid ed ip 1872 that it had no ju- iadiotion in tha matter. The pad oral District Court, too, refused to aid Mm, on tha ground of lack Of jurisdiction. It ia thenfoM obvious that hie change of party relations has aomehow given turn a This mode of disposing of *» bodiee [ the lead M Just nowmooh 'dbcoaseg by the press of tbeeouahrf. - To the New York World, w# beliefs, bek distinction of ita chief edvoi agitation. Wa learn from ths Chronicle d> Sentinel that a movement for the formetioo of e Cremation Club hen been commenced in that city. A masting was held on Saturday night last, in a room the Plan tars' Hotel, which wee attended , e number of cUiaena end by 0. F. Williams, Esq., a prominent New York supporter of the plan. Tbs meeting, aftar listening to remark* from Mr. W1 and to tho reading of letters from gniehed gentlemen, adjourned until FcL day evening next, when the organisation of tho Olnb will bo ooaaplated.’ Tha lattars read wars meetly from Geor gians, and worn in iwapOM* to letters re- ing their views. We eannot la foil, but quote onoagh to mtimenta of seek. The first letter reed waa from President Grant, by Me private secretary. He bad read but little on tbo subject, but “knew of no why cremation should not bo praetioad by those who prefer it to burial." Gen. W. T. Sherman was not bo eeeommodating. He wrote : “I have no sympathy with 'exemetioD,' or with any other lams with which the oountry ia so plentifully otueed. One of the worst rtgae ef the times, to my mind, is the eagerness with whieh embraoe every new doctrine proposed, no matter how wild or visionary its objects or bow domorellxlng its teadauoy." Gov. James M. Smith did not know enough on the enbjeot lo express any d< aided opinion, bat “oould not snort that be hid found anything objaettonabls jo tha theory of onmatton.” Hon. A. H. Stephens oould “see no reason why cremation should not before many years haanme generally praetioad in this oountry aa well aa*in Europe.” He thought that in the disposition of tho dead wa must follow the dictates of custom sud had “no doubt but that in time cus tom will jooonolle up to the funeral pile and the memorial nrn.” But ha protested against the name “National Cremation Booiety”—regarding “ nationalism' “centralisation" aa tha “baneof our try." Judge O. A. Lochnne quotes poetry and branobes ont pathstioaily. From tho day when, a truant sohooiboy, ha frit- nessed tbs first burial, he bad had “a hor ror inexpressible, a loathing uDUttarabla, a dingbat, for the praolioe whioh oooalgns all that is graceful and baaotifnl, all that is lovely and beloved, to the fearful char nel house of the oemetery of so-called civilization.” (Of ooursa ha hopes that “custom" will soon sanotion cremation.) He favored oremation as a moral agenoy asked “what Judge oould play tha ty-, rant or the profligate when he gazed upon the vase whioh oontsined all that was mortal of Marshall, of Htory, of Taney, and of Chase?" [A good idee, to have the remains of all of them in one vase, end send it round to all places in whioh Judges undertake to ggake Governors for the paopla!] Cre mation, oontinued the Judge, “will plaoe in overy public edifice and every private residenoa of the land misslonarias of good, guardian angels of our dally lives, from the rose-oolored receptacle whioh contains tbs ashes of the loved end lost, to the oltssio marble end hiatorio bronze.’’ lion. Thoa. Hardeman was disposed to be witty as well as sentimental. He thought it “a grave topio, but e dead is sue"—a “very unimportant matter invest ed with too much dignity.” He thought it immaterial wbat deoent disposition wee made of the bodies of the dead, and that the amelioration of the sufferings of the living was a subject muoh more worthy of attention. lion. B. H. Hill oomea last. He thought cremation had many advantages over the present custom, of inhumation; that the sanitary aspect of the question was ono worthy of most seriooa considers, tion; that the poiaonoue water of grave yards may have mneb to do with the or- igiuation of the pestilenoe and fever. He meutioos the faot that “that eminent statesman end pure patriot, Henry Leu- reus, left directions iu his will that hie body should ba burned, whioh was done by bis son iu aocordanoe with his wishes.’ 1 —The New tori Cross's Washington Oorwepondeut writes that the sucoaetef' the tafirtiuuiita makes the rsorgsnftition ‘ within the next three years Ml With *11 the far-sighted pol- It is evident that Morgan have nuderteken to out loose Bepnblioan brethren in the organise a strong perta in I South. They believe that' y the next Presidential else- tion on this issue. The Eastern end Pn- ooeet BenaMiceai accept the issue, self at ths Mad of Dm inflationists. Lo- (M, wk bail da hla hopes foriba Proai- i snap on tha failure of Morton's health, ia also extinguished as a candidate in their —The Brownsville (Tennessee) Statee tells this story : A rtngnlar termination ton oourtahip oocurred at Stanton, in this Bounty. A gentleman from North Caro- ssttSKarRAeikS after an absence of fifteen years, asking hw to merry torn, find to keep it a pro found secret. She complied with bis ra ting then JOHN No 81 Broad Street, >> Eitite Apt ui Briter. to Benttomaad Helllef Stock. quest, end waa making the^Xth carry ont his port arriving at Mona when he tome from State, tha other day! to oi of the transection, end i Stanton ha mat e gentleman who congrat ulated Urn upon fie approaching happi- Tha aged North Carolinian became ’, anal to tho hotel and wrote his ifltanaed a note, withdrawing from his engagement. The trouble with the old genuemto-wea that she bad not kept it n aeorst aa be requested. hslal err HANKING ifttutAyee. i stomn, PruUrat. a®3. v. T WILL gire promt attention 1 placed In my hnndo reUftteg to Soiling of Ron! Sotelo, Snji nnd Bonds, end Megottmting um, »t moiMti, To Her fit nnto' nnd Mechanic* B*lk, this city. aprlG if ELLIS ft HABUSON, Beal Estate Agents AND AUCTIONURO, . E8TA- ertiae ■ CHAMB, Iiatam EXHIBITION men *r rur. rveua or th* COLUIBUS PUBLIC SCHOOLS —AT— Springer’s Opera House! THURSDAY EVENING, APBIli MB, 1*74. tho property Is sold. For Salo. vac AX* LOT or LAND, Mag theweetpor- tioe of the “Xeace let,” oa Bryan •'reot.edjemlag the reotdenoe of Bon. M. J. Crawford. Cell .oon If yon want a bargain. Mil tf CUT LOT Xo. 601, oa Holntoah street, with throe dwelllngt on the .awe. .Wilt bo told Tf" or separate, nt a low figure, for cnoh. Y4LUABLI CITY btulDMi centre of the bnrgAin, or to ao acceptable party latereet. The f rope.ty can ho atada to gay a largo latoreat on tho investment. A DXBIKABLX HOUgh AXD LOT, with tea :r«o ground, ia Unwood, ei . — - R.depot; aveiy ooalhrtahl. t rxorxxTr, .ituud ia tho the city. Will toll at a great acceptable party aa nadlvldod gronnd. Stroud depot, ouo-half acre For Rent. A STORK I10U8B In thn At A croas-roA'l, t Springs. A very Oooda and Orocery ImalnoM. • NOW eeXPLXR AT PEACOCK ft SWIFT S. W*Af WO hATO AA OZOOllont Stock! BRY GOOBS.- GEORGIA I^OMEluxi Show. S r Hats, Motions, Ac, ** 1 luk of Dlaoount and Deposit. Deal* in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bondi Draft* CoUeotod, and prompt returns made TUB GRORGlf HOI! SWIMS Bill Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle t for which they want undoubted security, & interest, and prompt payment when required ** DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposit be withdrawn in person or by check by those of ourr!«? who live at a distance. 1 ai INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent, comm, ed January, April, July and October—four times a v»' SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s ch the entire capital and property of the Company and private property of the Shareholders is pledged obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECIOB8; J. BH0DE8 BBOWNE, Praa't of tha Go. N. N. OUBTIS, of WalLn—. . . ^ AtUnU _ L T DOWNINfi "!r’ Cnrti *i >*■ Factory. ayor. JAMES RANKIN, OapiUlist. Hoalory, Handk'fa, Hue of gooM at tow pritou. to tttfito Xftfl Onhatontlal Good*, we oaaaot hu nrpasMd la variuty or price I We callattentian to oar (lock of Shots axd Plantation of .aary Aoeerlpthm. AW* Oor eaUre .took ir og^ed at aatoalahlngl* low price,. _ , . - tprlX In XXACOCK A 8WIPT. To I^et. fort AW AdmlMtoa 60o. Bewrred Beat. 76 cent*. Mata cen be aeeured from W. J Chain a, looktoUar sad Stationer, No. ox Broad etroel. . aprtl at' RXCURAION8. City Light Guards’ man annual Basket Pi% ^Nic l Flirt ilttell, ml &S.R.B, , Wednesday, April 22d, IS74. A A DAY OV PBRPBCT ENJOYMENT IS f if gturaotoed to All who Attend. The St Httrictoot order will be mulnt Aincd in going Cl ■to And Coming from the Picnic, nnd on the ■ ground* during the d»y. IN llf A eplendidprogrnmme Iim been adopted.\n \ If which will heap every one interested llf 4athroughout the day. 4k The WALL SILVER CORNET RAND baa kindly Oobteated to Acoompany tha excnrslon, and Will diacooraa sweet muiic daring the day. AJho a Sue String Band of aix inatrumente for dancing hM- boon employed for the occaeion. Dancing platforms, capable of accommodating all whu a isli to dauce, wiU he erected. Also Swing*, Beats, Ac. The Company will have a Drill in the morning and Target Practice for a priae in the afternoon. Although each person will be expected to carry a basket, yet all who attend will be provided for, mmi the Company will furnish Lemonade and other ^TdniToitofathart thl, will bo THE PICNIC of th, .“toon, aa6 all ahoutil ottuA TICKXTfl 0X1 DOLLAX BAOH—for «»lo by aaoh mtaihtrof tkaOoapaay. ai>3 td IX la tho valley of Talbot county, thru# mllM Jr tha Chalybaato t UaalraMw lloatlaa fer a Dry PRUien AND MKpictWKr i I. GHIFFIN, IMPORTED Dniis&Ii ei PERFUMERY' FANCY GOODS, AT REDtCKR P1ICEI. AU goods gaarsntoed. ft hilly prepared at all boon. jal8 deodawly I. Ha RFFIRtt, Prna’t. H. W. EDWARDS, Cashier. R. ■. HCLPORD, km'i ^ The Chattahoochee National Bar OF COLUMBUS, GEO. ThU Baxk tramaot* • Ganaral Banking butinm, pay* IntarMt otl potlto xndar apaolal eontraot, givat prompt attention to oollactlom ( aoooMjbto point*, and invito* oorraopondonee. Information trimnltl By mail or wiroo whan doalrod. aprl d«m MERC HANTS’ AND MECHANIC * Prescriptions care J.'I. QRIPFIN, lOS Broad St. MILM^KRY. •PRINC MILLINERY. have Inst received a fnll line of SPlHffl clir AMD hum; 2BS5. BILLimr, Id- NOTICE. Wanted, Agents to _ None bat good, practicable i Call nw address TUX IIOWR MACHINE CO., 76 Brood 8t., Columbu., Qa. *prt* Id OUAg. C. gOPDBB. Manogor. houlharu Xeuaysprrt. The Golumbu* Emquibu has introduoad a uovel feature into journalism. In ita lust issue we Hnd the words: “To Let,” followed by a blank spaoe, in several parts of tbe paper. In other words, the pro prietor of the Enquires advertises about four columns of bis paper to let to mar- cliunts of Columbus. This ludioatea on the part of tbe business men of that ally either a want of appreciation of printer r ink or a H*nerai stagnation of business. We judge, however, that it ia more of the former than the latter. It is a well-konwu fact that Boiithern papers are not appricit ted sb the; should be, though it some times happens that the fault i* more at- tributed to tbe papers than the people. Tbe Chronicle ami Sentinel has no reason to oomplsiu of the business man of Aug- nats, as tbo pstronga extended tc it has been liberal. Tha Enquizer is a good paper and deserves well well of tbe citixens of Golnmbna. It ia evident 1; too big for tbe pretensions of that city. As sn increase of reading mat ter would not pay, a reduetion of tbs sur plus space “to tel" sud an inoreaae in the rates of advertising would prove munerstive to tbe proprietor. The advertising rates of all Southern papers are entirely too low. Paopla nav- or appreciate anything that ia sold o! If yon want a man or a woman to ihiwh wall of your goods, yon must never sell them at brioes that will load paopla to say: “Wall, they are too cheap to ba goodor “Ibst eon earn mast ba weak or it oould not afford to sail ita goods at iuoh s saorifioa.” Ia either ease disadvantage is worked to legitimate businea goods and panio prices are not ted in mercantile life. Paopla era' cioua of “Gheap Johns.” The ai applicable to journalism. Whan editors and proprietors lean to properly t| crate the value and uasfalaarr of advertising apace, tha dear pablio will NOTICE. J. H. RRAMHALL, Agent. Singer Sawing Maohlnet last a life time with bat very little expense, if proporly cured for. P. 8.—I would further say this: The office does >t hold itself responsible for the behavior of Machines when worked by any or tub many per* sons that claim to understand Sewing Machines, until the Machines ark again adjusted at tuis OFFICE. aprlu eodlm J. II BRAMUALL, Agent. BING AND BL1A0HING done in the latest styles, at the shortest notice. Next door below the New York Store. MRS. COLVIN and oct!8—ly mar4 MIBB DONNELLY. JOB PRINTINC. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER, BILL HEAD AND Statement Paper, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of whioh ctn bt foyaiahed printed i short notice, at low Cash Rates. Railroad Receipt Books, . Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Tbo*. Gilbert, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Tim** Building, COLUMBUS, GA. Thomas Gilbert OOLTJIMIIQTJS, W, L. SALISBURY, Presid’t. February 5th, 1874. tf OE30FLO-IA.I A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cash! SECURITY—PEOMPTHESS—LIBERALITY THE HIDE*. HIDES! HIDES 11 WE WILE PAY THE Highest Market Price FOR Green i Dry Hides, Fura, Beeswax, &c. BARNETT A CO., mh24 3m Crawford Street. M. M. HIR8CH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Speoialty. WIU Pay the Highest Market Price for Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Rags? All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. MONETARY. hotter elandtug Jatba oourta; andtbia ia a ' hois'a liittar Mtaion'af tha ^ntota of droamotanoe deserving at, the consider- 1 adevrtitlng. —Augusta Chron. A Sent. AMto» A# fhto no an try. • We la not see tint i —" ei ♦ ■ S India.taa npy grata improvement ia th* ! l“ r J UtotokUtataio. of taw or jnrtloa. Thi. I rum tart may ba settled without Federal ths sees of Dorgan va. Weat am Telegraph Intervention, and without resort ths to mar j Company, in favor of ths defendants R. M. Waters A Co., 86 Broad St, Nuw York, rooolvo Deposit Aooount* on favoroblo term* from Banka, Sankara, and Oorporationa, subject to okeok at sight. Loans mada only on Oottox and Approved Stook Ex ohtxgo Coilatorola. Georgia Home Insurance Comp] CONTINUES TO OFFER TUB PUBLIC INDEMNITY apist Loss by FIRE! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.| She Wants a Chance to Cot It Baek. J. RHODES BROWNE,. GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURD Prsfldeat. Trctinrcr. BterR Columbus, Oct. 1st, 1873. fdtf FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCl COMPANY. JOB PRINTER BOOK-BINDER HOTEL*. Rankin House. Blank Book Manufacturer, Columbuo, Oa. (Old Hon Office Building,) RANDOLPH XT., COLUMBUS, OA, I AX now prepared to .xsant. with neatiMss and dltpatsb orders for PRINTING or ev ery description, vis: LETTFB HEADS, MOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OP-ACT, BUSINESS AND VISITING CABD8, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND UIUGULABS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS Ac. LEGAL BLANKS. Bailrond liceeipts, Bills Lading, Ao in book or loose, Blank Books of all kinds, with or without printed heads, made at short notioe. Giving my to tire personal attention to Job Printing and Binding,1 am enabled to fill all or der. promptly at LOW CASK PBIOES. guaranteeing satisfaction, Orders from abroad receive same attention as if partis, were present. Send for Price List. m A full .took of Georgia and Alabama Imgel Blanks always on hand. fab* fa BOILER MAKING. 010. T. GIFFORD, Boiler iMals-er and Shaat trxa Wwrfcar. Chicago Lossea Paid Promptly In Full, • • $529,3 Boston “ “ “ - - I80,903.| Tutal Assets—Gold—January 1st, 1874, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Losses Due and Unpaid Ke»S' Lossea in process of adjustment, or adjusted and not due *22,598 All other Claims .V li cl5 | COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Inoome, 1878 Income, 1872.... A2«,21/| Gain • ' Losses Promptly Adjusted nnd Fairly Nettled by G. GUM BY JORDAN, Agent, 00t22 ly COLUMBU8. Oi 1840. 1874.| D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE ACENT,| ax Broad Street, City Tax Returns. Representing Oldest knd Strongest American and English Compel A LL person* subject or li*bl« to City Tax are requested to call and make return* a* required, to-wlt: ▲II real eatate in th* city. (Assessor* have val ued it, bat it i* necsssary for owners to Indicate their property.) . Value of all household and kitchen furniture I ioe*a of $300. Value of all Jewelry, silver plate, musical instru- Mantel horses, mules, and other miimals. Number of one or two«horse vehicle*. ▲It male citixens between the ages of 21 and 60, except firemen. . failure to make return will render the defaulter liable to a double tax, and as the time allowed for receiving returns is limited, It la requested that parties will Attend to it at their earliest OIBce at Court House. M. M. MOORB. aprU 2w Clerk Couueil. J. W. RYAN, Prop’r. Fuxi Golosh, Olaik. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Undxb th* Band Hoes*. ■jrM Sawtf J. W. AT AX, Prop’r. SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would be I trouble to become Indeoendent. HOLSTEAD SPECIAL NOTICE. The varlou. Implement, of Agrl- culture, Chemical, for making XMUH, Farm and Garden I Flowar grad, dm., a*., to which ttie attea- tioa of th. reader, of the Kaasuaa ii celled from tlpe to time ia the "yumen' Department" ef thl. u.wipaper, cen lie found end examined (without tho riok nnd tronlilo of eendLn* to KILIASLK PAXTXM XOXTIZ) nt . XIOLXTJCAB « Ot.'l Agtlcultunt Depot, 13S Broed Street, eprl Colomboe, da Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. Tho Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,0! for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1-00 and upwards received. Seven per ^ compounded four times s year. Deposits payebleon dent* N. J. BUSSEY, Pres't. G.GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r