Newspaper Page Text
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*■ •■*'*■• liusro •
NO. 96.
* g|t «oott*i
taadvaao*. $8 00
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n^nli «llh th. prMtogo oT • <**■!*
,4iy tkrw month*. lor yMrty oard* • Hboral dn-
°^MWMkVnM will tBOMtaklf lio one-third
—Ooro via io demand in Atlanta, on
TMrfty, *1 $1 per boohol.
_41i th* oonvtate in th* Pniton oonntj
jtUlMTB boon engaged to work on tbo
Kir Grounds.
oooaty.’on^tLo lino of th*
hoi roooivod 8,000 baton of ootton tbi*
tillage in Cobb
th* State Rood,
ThB^fBBldpnt* y*o Mm-
PkM«nM, April 22.
th* Senate of th*! 6*11*4 Btotoo:
I herewith return tbo Senate bill (No.
617) entitled "An not to flx tbo amount
‘ United Suto* not** and the circulation
nation*! . b*nke, *n4 for other pur,
puooo,” without my approval. Jo doing
no, 1 moot exproo* my regret at not boing
«bto to giro my«***Ut to* measure which
received tbo ranotlon of a majority of
legitiatan ahoooa by th* people to'
* l»w* fpr their gnidanre. I have
atndionaly apoght to And atuBoient argu
ment to jnatUyanoh aaoont, bntunsuc-
oamfaHy. Pmotieally, it* i* a question
•bather tbo nnaanra under diaoasaion
would giro an additional dollar to the ir
redeemable paper ourreuoy of the ooun-
try or not: and whether, by requiring
three-fourth* of tbo reeorre* to be re-
tainod by th* bank*, and prohibiting in
tern'd to be received an tbw4>alanoe, it
might not prove a pontraotion. But the
foot cannot be odnoealtd that, theoreti.
oally the bill inoreaaee th* paper circula
tion one hundred million of dollar*, law
only the amount of reeerve* restrained
from oiroulation by th* provision of the
•eoond eentenoe. The measure baa been
supported on tbo, theory that it would
' |ive an thbfbsaed oiroulation: It i* a fair
uferauoe, therefore, that if in praotioa
tbe measure should fail to oraata the
abundaooa of oiroulation expected of it,
the friends of tbe measure, particularly
those out of Oongrem, would clamor for
snob an inflation a* would giva the ex-
poled relief. The theory, in my belief,
a a departure from the true principles of
fioanoe, national interest, national obli-
[ations to creditor*, Congressional prom
ise, party pledge* on the part of both
politioal partis* and of peraonal views
and promisee made by me in every an
nual menage sent to Congress end in
eaoh inaugural address. In my annual
s to Congress in Deoember, 1869,
—The Episcopal Convention of Geor
gia will meet in Athena on tfe* fltb of thy.
Uchgate* wiU Watered far ee* fare
going end returning by the railroads.
—The Valdosta Timet says that oom
planted-in naw-Unds in- that- seotion will
have to be entirely replanted, on sooonnt
of th* revage* of the bad worm.
—A flat boat bee just been pnt upon
ik* Oemnlge* to ply between Hawkins-
ville end Abbeville, end oonstruoted main-
ly to oarry provision* from Hawklnsville
to Wilcox oonnty,
—The Athens WaUhman is informed
MTU Totei* Otti*(riot s lot bf ebioh
had been sold a year ago) three thousand
bale* of ootton bav* b**o sold linos
September lwt,
—Hr. Andrew Roger*, of DeKslb
oonnty, died on Saturday night last,
ad kb ulf* on. Bondsy nomine- They
! were both over MVtnty yean of age, and
both died of pnanmonia.
—Anothar Atlanta poiloeman baa been
susp*nd*d—this on* on th* oharge of
playing ehritfoind intoxication. Atlanta
u becoming rigid ainoe the Iiegisiatnre
—Th* negro woman oonvlotad of mnr.
der, who bktaiy eaoaped from th* jail of
Elbert oonnty, has been arreslgd in Had
Joan oonnty, sad carried back to Eiberton,
where ai)*ia tob* hang on the lot of May.
—The grading of th* Northeastern
Bailroad of Qeorgia i* progressing rapid
ly. Th* bed from A the us to Belton is
nearly completed, and it ia thought that
trains will oonneot at Belton with tbe
Alias la Air-line by November next
i , —Akegto man named John Jackson
wu drowned in th* Savannah river on
Thun day of last week, while he wae
rawing another man across. Th* bo*
•a* o*peis*d *by htriklng a stamp, am
th* othar man managed to swim ashore.
wblob l Jwm will reoeive yonr moat ear.
taSat attemm. It ia a duly, and one of
th* higheat duties of the Government, to
■scare to the oitixeni a medium of ex-
ehange, of-fixed and unvarying value.
Thiaimplies a return to * epeoie basis,
and no substitute for it can be d*vi*ed.
It should be cdmmsnoednow, and reached
at the moat praotioable moment, consis
tent with a fair regard to tbo interest of
the debtor class. Immediate resump
tion, if practicable, wonld not b* desira
ble. It wonld compel th* debtor alas* to
pay beyond tbelreoo treats, the premium
on gold, at the data of their purchase, and
wonld bring bankruptcy to thousands.
Fluotuations, however, in the paper value
of the measure of all values, gold, is det-
‘ trade. It
—A man who plead guilty, in th* City
Court of Atlanta, to the ebwg* of ateaf-
ieg two ahirta and $180 in money, wae
fluid $26 and ooata. Unless the "ooet*”
war* very heavy, it seems to tu that the
fellow ean afford to go on stealing. > „
—The Atlanta Herald, noticing the
feet that email pox exists in Floyed end
Polk oonntlae, and that the Governor has
been nailed on for relief, reminds the
peblia that Dr. George D. Case, of Mill-
edgerilie, is th* vaodne agent of the
State, and matter ie distributed by him
alone, through th* Ordinaries of the aev
ami oonntie*.
—Th* authorities of the oity of Augusts
end oonnty of Richmond hare.oome to an
agreement in raferenoe to s new oonrt-
bonee end jail. The oonnty tranafars to
the oity the present so art-bona* and jail
and the lets oa which they stand, and the
oity agrees to build a new oonit-boas* end
jell owlote-yet to-be selected.
—The Hawkins rill* Diepateh says
“W* have one more item to report in
favor of soger cane enltnr* in Southern
Georgia. He. W. W. Harrell, of Pulaski,
<e»de last yea* eight hundred Bailout of
•ytnp from cane grown on a little less
than two acre* of land, end elso raved
fifteen thousand tend eana for this yam's,'".;
Man depot, Mason and Bronawiok
Railroad. Thus Hr. Hsrrell baa realized
four hundred dollars cash on the prodnot
of two acres of laod, a far batter showiog
than ean be made in favor of ootton.”
—A druggist in Enfanla appropriately
beads an advertisement of cheap kero-
•*«» Oil, “Lyt^ey kip.",
—The Hontgouiery Journal Is callln
loudly for a soap factory in ita oity.
wants it as an '‘bambla” start towards
•etabliahmaut of other faelories.
—The grand jury for Montgomery
eoaatyhave found nearly a dozen tree
bill* for mnrder, daring its eenion. A
Material question is, oan they And the
persona lndleted ?
—The Alabama river was again very
high at Montgomery on WedusMay. The
Coosa was laid to be so high at Wetninp-
ka that the water was rnnoing into the
Coosa HeU.
>ile Register is iuformed
^ - ..., mad,tthat plaatet* along the
lean have had a large number of cows
•ad other Uve atoekorownsdbythsbeek-
weter from the nnnanally swollen streams
Their bloated oeroeieas ean be m
■ry Knee flouting down the enmnt.
IflriB Boon, April 2S.—Col. Rose,
abb hie handful ot soldiers is master
the Mtuation, but affaire are daily grow
ing nglier.
taw Boon, April 23.—Th* war
*m.. Bax tor’s ( men af* going bom*.
I am not a belisver in any artifldlal
method of making paper money equal to
train, a ken the ooin ia not owned or held
ready to redaSm the promisee to pay; for
paper money ie,nothing more than cro-
misee to pay, and ie valuable exso* n
proportion to th* amount of coin that It
can be oonverted into. Whit* coin is not
need *e e circulating medium, or th* enr-
reney of the oonntry is not convertible
into it et par, it beoomet an ertiole of
oommero* as mneh as any other product.
Tbeaoxplui will seek n foreign market aa
will any other surplus, lbe balance of
trad* ha* nothing to do with th* question.
Ijaties on import* beieg required in ooin
oreeted a little demand for gold. About
enough to satisfy that demand remain* in
th* oonntry. To in arts** tbs supply I see
no way open bat by the Government hoard
ing through the means above given and
poaaibly by requiring tbe national banka-
to aid. It ie claimed by the advocatea of
the maeaure herewith ntnraed that thane
ia an unequal distribution of the Making
o ipital of the country. I was disposed to
give great weight to this view of the
question et find, but on reflection it wilt
be remembered that there etill remains
four millions dollars of authorized bank
note oiroulation assigned to Btatee having
less than their quota not yet taken. In
addition to thia the Btatee having lees
than their qnota of bank oircnlation, have
the option of $28,000,000 more to ha
taken from those States having more than
their proportion. When thia is all taken
np, or when specie payments are folly te
etered, or ere in rapid prooeas of restora
tion, will be th* time to consider the
question of more currency.
(Signed.) U. S. Gnawt.
Executive Mansion, April 22d, 1874.
rimental to the interest of
the man *f business an involuntary gamb
le*. fortin *11 safes'whefe fbtdre payment
is to be made, both parties speculate ss
to whet will be tbe vune of the onrrenoy
to be paid and received. I earnestly re-
oommend to yon then, suoh legislation aa
wiU insure s graddsl return to epeoie pay
ments, and pnt an immediate stop to
fluctuations in the value of onrrenoy.”
I etill adhere to tbe views then express
ed. As early aa Deoember 4tb, 1868, tbe
Honte of Representatives passed a reso
lution by a vote of one bnndrad and for-
' "-four ayes, to six nays,' oonenrring in
e views of tbe Beoretary of the Treas
ury io relation to a neoessity of a contrac
tion of the enrrenoy, with a view to aa
early e resumption of epeoie payments ss
tbe business interest of the oonntry will
permit, end pledging oo-opentive notion
to Ibis end *• speedily an possible. The
first sot passed by the forlylfltet Congress,
on th* 18th day of Maren, 1869, was as
•Ah loir *t> Btiixnothxn ran vcbuo
obxoxt or the tnuran btatxs,
"Re it enacted, ete.. That in otder to
remove any donbt as to the purpose of
the Government to disoberge all ita obli-
l [ations to the pnblio creditors and to ent
ile conflicting questions, and on represen
tation of the law, by virtue of whioh
■neb obligations bsve been contracted, it is
hereby provided and declared, that tbe faith
of tbe United Btate* is solemnly pleged to
the payment), in ooin or its equivalent, of
all- the obligations of all the United
States, and of all tbe interest-bearing ob
ligations, exoapt in cases where the law
authorizing the issue of any each obliga
tions has expressly provided thaf the same
may be paid in lawful money, or in other
enrrenoy than gold and ailver. But none
of the said interest-bearing obligations
not already doe, shall be redeemed or paid
befo.rq maturity, unless at snob times as
the United Btates notes shall be convert
ible into ooin at the option of the holder;
or, nnless at snob time bonds of the Uni
ted States, bearing a lower rate of inter
est than the bonds to be redeemed, can
be sold at par in ooin; and tbe United
Btates also solemnly pledges its faith to
make provision, at th > earliest practica
ble -period, ‘for the redemption of the
United Btates notes in coin.
This sot still remains as a continuing
pledge of tbe faith of the United States
to make provision at the earliest practica
ble moment for the redemption of tbe
Uoited States notes in coin. A declara
tion contained in the sot of Juue 30th,
1861. created an obligation that the total
amount of United States notes issued, or
to be issued, should never exceed four
hundred millions of dollars. Tbe amonnt
in actual circulation was sottully reduced
forty-four millions, at which point Con
gress passed the set of February 4th,1868,
suspending the farther redactions of the
onrrenoy.-* Tbe forty-fonr millions have
ever been regarded as a reserve, to be
used only in case of emergency, such ss
has occurred on several occasions and
must occur when from any oauae revenues
suddenly fall below expenditnres. And
snoh a reserve is necessary because the
fractional currency amounting to fifty
millions is redeemable in legal tender on
oh a return
It may be said that auol
fractional onrjeney for redemption ie im
possible. But let steps be takenjfor a return
to a specie basis, and it will be found that
silver will take the plsee of fractional
currency as rapidly as it oan be supplied.
Whan tha premium on gold raaohea a aof-
fieleotly low point, with tk*- amoi
baked Btates notes to b* issued perma
nently fixed within proper limits, and the
treasury so strengthened ** to be eble to
redeem them in coin on demand, it will
then be safe to inaugurate a system of
free banks, with tnoh provisions as to
maka compulsory rsdemption of th* olr-
mlstieg note* of the banks in ooin or in
United State* note* tbemaelve* redeem
able and made equivalent to ooin. Ai
measure preparatory of free banking,
for plaotng tbs Government in n condi
tion to redeem ita notea into ooin et th*
earliest practicable moment, the revenue*
of the oonntry should be increased so as
to pay currant axpeoses, provide for the
ringing fond required by law, and also
.aa to ba rataiaad in the Treasury, in
Mi torn, April 23.—The Carlisle Gen
eral, Saballo, commander et Goipnsaooa
has issued a proclamation decreeing tha
punishment of death to ell persons fur-
pishing food to eiUzeos of Btnitbian,
Renteria andjlrqne. A dispatch from Pe
dro Abanin aty* an army of 80,000 Re
publican troops ate marching on Velma-
sada, twenty-two miles from Bilbos.
The America* flag lasalted t
Nnw Yobk, April 23.—8. G. Howe has
written to the President of th* Samoa* Bay
dampen aa ilihinH w^ert. of pec.
readings, under which, oa th* Slat nil,
President Joso G. Garda seized tha com
pany's property, and hauling down tha
Amerioen fl«g hoisted in its stead the flag
of Ban Domingo. The eeienre, which
Mr. Howe attribute* to English political
inflnenee, was made nominally for non
payment of $33,000 do* as rent—rant,
however, that Mr. How* aaya wen not due
uhtfl bdonon the isf of April, whereas
the seizure was made at S on th* morning
of th* Uti of Marah. How* ie formally
protesting agsinat the aot. How* says
th* inhabitants of Hamana are mainly
American*, either by birth, or feeling, and
thai this attempt to arrest th* progress of
Americanizing th* Inland of San Domingo
may lead to another revolution.
Nnw Yoax, April, 23.—Cotton doll;
•rise of 1,187 bole*; uplands 17j; Orlsafl*
Faton* opened ** follows ; April 16 9-
16*16}; May 16 26 32; dnne l7 M6al7};
July 17}; August 16 1-16; October 174;
November 17f; Deoember 17jtl7j.
Nnw Toes, April 28.—Net receipt*
643, gram 1898. Future* eleeed quiet:
eele* 18,800 beta*, as fallows. April
16 1-82, May 16 13-16*27-39. Jane 17 H6.
*U-32, July 17 98-32*}, August 18 1-16;
Seetomher lf}ei8,16.
Cotton dnlt--setae 2127 bales at lUa
nil . '
StvAinun, _April 28.—Cotton easierj,
middlings 10J; net receipt* 387; sales
but easy; middling* 17}; net re
export* to Greet Britain 8,469;
2,699; salm 1,800;-last avaoing
Nxw Oiuuits, April 23, —Cotton dull
k Ouatinent
tael evnoing 600. .,.
Cnsauwow, April 98.—Celt on doll end
ict- i
mtae Mt A
Bitj, April 23.—CoUob Wtek; mtd-
• 76}; low' middling* 16; good' Ordl-’
nary lS; eet reeeipts 888; sale* 9C
Bo«TOi» " ,; ' ’ “ " - " ‘ 1
uu-ivD,' April* 28 —Ootton dnll; midi
dlinge 17ft exports to Great Britain 683;
“'“ISO. “
Baltimore oity paper* approve
the President's veto.
Wasbidotom, April 28.—Devis intro
duced a bill Io rednoe the tax on Btate
Bank oiroulation to tha tame amonot as
imposed on National Bank oircnlation.
Referred to Finance Committee.
Wasbxxoton, April 28.—Davis, of West
Virginia, gave notioe that he wonld oeil
np the bill giving twenty-five millions to
the West end South, withdrawn from the
surplus of the East and North.
The Louisians bill wu resumed.
Hamlin, after Merrimon hu spoken,
will move to lay tbe bill on the table.
Carpenter wants an hour after tbe other
Senators have spoken, and hopes no effort
will be made to ohoko him off.
Several resolutions and bills were in
troduced and referred, as to the redistri.
bation of twenty-five millions of national
bank onrrenoy.
The House is now considering a bill
defining .the rights of Amerioan citizen*
in foreign oonntriea.
Beversl financial bills, looking to re
distribution of oqrrency, introdnoed.
BUI removing politioal disabilities of J.
. Bennett passed.
The Legislative Appropriation bill was
taken np and an angry, personal discus-
on oconrred between Brown, of Ky., and,
Starkweather, of Connecticut.
Brown oomplained that Starkweather
had, in a speech published in the Con
gressional record, inserted an attack on
him wbiah had not bun publicly mode in
tbeHonse; and had also had printed a
letter written by him (Brown) nt the
opening of tbe rebellion,and when be waa
a mere yontb. In retaliation he called at
tention to Starkwuther’a own letter to
Huntington,, late Oubler of th* First
National Bank of Washington, asking
peonnitry aid for bis own eleotion. H*
characterized Starkweather ss one jrbo
oombined the insolenoe of * Dogberry
with tbe morals of a Pecksniff.
Starkweather replied, sod defended
himself both as to his speeoh and as to
the Huntington letter.
The disenssion wss carried on amid
great uproar and confusion.
Washington Notes.
Washdioton, April 23.—The Commit
tee on Ways and Means are considering
bill abolishing moieties and .forbidding
the arbitrary seizure of merchants' pa
The bill relieving the destitute from tbe
overflow hu been signed.
The cautions friends of the Senate FI
nanoe Bill met at noon end remained in
session some time. Present were Sena
tors Morion, Carpenter, Logan, West,
Harvey, IngaUe, Pratt, Post, Perry and
Ogleeby. The temper of tbe meet
ing indioatee a purpose to moke a straight
issue with the President, and debate the
question with eztrame pertinacity when
it is reached next -week.
The dispatoh of -the 17th regarding the
Bniteed impeachment waa authorised- by
parties Jho daabUeu.wlU Hold them
selves responsible. At tbe insteno* of
tbe friends of Mr. Patrick, tbe following
is telegraphed : “The faots ere that than
was no impeachment of Petnok, end
when challenged to the iune Bastoed de
clined it, exoept to file sn affidavit of hie
own, denying a certain statement made
by Patrick.”
—Bam Slaton and Moeu Mann wen
drowned by tbe nputting of i boat in
Mobil* Bey on Bnndsy.
—Tbo British stumor Mississippi,
from Liverpool for Now Orleane, is ashore
off Cep* Florida. Wrecker* bav* gone
to her assistance.
—Charles Howard and Curly shot each
other yesterday ita New Orleane. Howard
it dead, and Curly it not expected to
—Liberal eontribntione are being
reived et New Orleane for th* anllerers
from tbe overflow. The polio* jnriuof
various parish** distribute th* supplies..
—Up to Wednesday evening $2,700
had been enbaoribed at tbe Philadelphia
Cotton Exchange for enfferen by th*
Lonisiua floods.
•A' adit involving $800,000 Ilf* Intnr-
ance, against the New York Mutual, ia
pending in Philadelphia. The question
is, whether the insured wu mordared or
—Ths Ohio tailed from- Philadelphia
for Liverpool with 43 saloon passen
ger*. Her cargo includes 27,000 bushel*
of wheat! 92,000 bble. flour end 460 bale*
—A resolution in th* Harrisburg, Pa.,
Legislators, approving th* veto, failed of
tbe .two-thirds vote required to secure its
present consideration^
—Bailroad employees on tha Louisville
Short Lina etrnek in Oinotnnati yesterday.
The ntriks is said to ba cansod by th*
ooupany being behind inpayment of the
■alariee. Rumors are current that the
■trikera are letting weter ont of the tank*
and tearing np the track.
DgPABfltMT OX Wa>, >
Washington, April 28, 1874.)
PrabaiiUtiet.—During Friday, for th*
Middle Statu, northwest to aonthwest
wind* with clur end clearing weather.
For tha Soqthera States east of Miuisaip.
pi, very generally clear weather. From
:Mia»oeri vartwsrd ovtr ibs Ohio Valley,
winds shifting to westerly and southerly,
rising temperature and clear or partly
okrady weather. The Mlaaiaetppi river
ffbm'Sl. Louis to Vicksburg will ooutiuue
slowly rising, but the Ohio pill fall.
Nzw Yob*, April 23,—Arrived:
■teamship Oriental.
EeJatelBg Im th* Earth aad East.
Washizotox, April 28.—Rochester And
a hundred gnns over the Veto. Rejrio-
ing i* general throughout Yankeedom.
The Philadelphia paper*, eioepf th*
Preee end Enquirer, approve th* veto.
The former uyt: “Th* Preeident.hM
taken iasne with a large zujority of tha
American people, including a large ma
jority of th* Republican party."
The veto wu hailed enthusiastically
by the morning journals.
—A four year old boy. recently par
doned from tha Reform School in Boston
for mutilating ohiidren, hu been arrested
for mnrder and terribly mutilating aa.
' ' HsMajr *U Mach Markets.
Loxdox, April 28.— Console 92}. Erie
Nnw Yoax, April 23.—Btookeeetive, un
settled and feveriah. Money 4. Gold 12}.
Exohahga—long 486, ahort 489. Govern
menta dull andlower. Btatee quiet end
Prevision Markets.
Nzw Took, April 23.—Floor doll and
declining. Wheat dnll. Corn qniet and
unchanged. Pork firm. Lard firm—ateam
10}. Freight* heavy.
Nxw Yobk, April 23.—Float dnll end
drooping; common to fair extra $6 40a
7 30; good to ofaoioe $7 40*11. Wheat
doll and heavy, la2o. lower. Corn lo.
lower cud in moderate demand at 82*86
for new Wutern mixed; 86*87 for old
Wutero mixed; 87} for prime Southern
yellow. Coffee qniet and steady at 12}.
Pork lower, new $17. Lard lower, 10}.
8t. Loch, April 23.—No markets; gen
erally dnll and unchanged.
Cincixxati, April 28.—Flour dnlL Corn
dnll. Provisions opened weak, bat dosed
steadier. Lard (toady. Baoon, nothing
Louismu, April 28.—Flour quiet
and unchanged. Corn aed Provision*, a
fair demend and Arm. Lard nnohangsd.
Whisky 93.
ilamlc Grail Gift Cncert!
K>,Q0Q Pr'u* to be Gives Away,
Ameeatlac to 8*M,**e, *11 la Cerraacy.
Jii 8 ®!!? 1 viiwg&s
>w »*eu;IAT10M 0V MOkrOLK, VA.,
la esen* of mwiIm i* MorMk. T
Udlrldul teatlt* to te tarlrnt time
taklic—It I* wholly la th* MM of Ms
_ thk aaStr-
^ . loomry. tho
OMoirt ww yooUInljr toko ytoo* o*
teMtoi the Mb at Nay, 1M4,
Ml oo farthov y«etyoaoM*at k itaaroaMMU
Thia iniiv»tod Modkln^to »RrrMttW Mot to emt-
Uio • tingle partlcJo of Mfljcoir, or n; iNjnrloufl
mloorml labato&oo, but 1$ ! •
PUBEleY TlfiKTAlUt,: '.
cosUtoiaf tbooe Southern Routa llerb* 'wblcll
«n All wmo FmMfltM hu plictd tn cfiR'iwki
wboro Uvflr DIaoamr aout pfovaII. fi Will
Slmmont’ Liver Ragulitor or MmUcim
latotly a Voally Modioiaoi sad iy,L.
. .. sodjr for laimodlalo raosrt will mvo lo*Oy an
hour Of Hfhrtlif ond many o dollar in «lm* tall
doctOTA* HIIa. •.»! » -
Afltr JYortjr Yaaia’ trkhl iiia aIUI rbooiving
th* mo$t nnqttAlffled toRU«»nl»lR to it* vlrtuea
(tom p >r$oni of th# higheat choracter adi! reopon-
•IblUtjr. Bminent phyHciAtu comMAnd Rn
■Bfimcmti wpwipif rdg _
Amid with tbla AMIIDOTB, All olUuiUNi And
It H-Ah&ffif ^jre*;fwl A t<*t: faaiUy
ttwlotn. hi th*-World! ■
I. He SEIMS * «Q.q I
Price, $1*00. Sold bj nil DriifiiitR.
febfi doodawtj -
sad gala t * lo,» sad ■
“"iy ohooM toitsntly.
irsMeot all e*n
mtrtuaeterayon trWa, .pwohio, .ormon*. Ac.
Thtlore't Viayor » wrlttoo with dflrtrokM of
•he r* D , tod lte word. p«r ailaat.. th. oa.M-
rioyod Mould iMrn this .rt. Vrtto by m*li to
wooiwl. Addra.* T. W. KVANS •
00, IM xottih Tib «li—I, Peiltdolphl*. fo. 4w
, . lit.; rtOeach—!..
MtOMkH 1IU, reomeh
twouhoiru, iao*uoh
.IMOaMain*. 100 each....,
tout*. If yoa west I* wske MSWrr, srtl
Onad Tot*l,10,goa Qllto, *11 o*M tatoooo
what* nokoto, Hi Belt Ttokrt*, M.90. Slab
k*tM-U Tlok*u lor tot K Tick**, tor (ICO.
9 Oldllold, Job* A koMoe, DuaM Nnud, WU-
li*»H W*ke,E R Itevaa*, • Wail, Mia * hod-
ff fctc.ll.acy Ui-Opr.raor Qllbcrt
Kaddr Ma P It T; Johu k Eel
„ IndDODoTU C; Col Tho* f OwmbPSH;
Johd B Whitehead, x*4, Za kMor: OolW H T*y-
Ibr, Btat* Bcnatw; Juiu 8 Bain, • 0 • 6 0.
Addra*, soaaiualcatioaa to _
». E—For Uirtkar ■articwlan apply M
*U» b,**e,t , iu H ,*i. ci.iUl r, Mlliu , Ho,
aaa Itughtor, to) conic oat* Tho umu>I*
n or It. It will Mil Id (Ml Uaimll Show It
to o moo, and h* aarnodw*. It M care *rory
tin*. BAi’t rather with heavy book* that nobody
WUM. Honor It tho Uttar tea* toko* A goat*
wanted ea,,ry«ki,re. lead tor drooler*and extra
torn* to Te-Caj Publlthlag OonpMy,'rbllad.l-
phia, Now York, Boctou, or ChMaga, . 4w
plo/moAt At bourn, or oruaiag: so CtpitAi; in-
■tvocttoAi Aid vaIaadIo pAohAgA of fOedo nit
fTAA by BAll. Addreoi, with Ss o$ii AtAmp, M.
YOOrfed To., 178 QrAtnwioh WfW York, 4w
To Let.
tbit con lto-|f*6r«*u to porooBN Awfcrln< from £y$>
pepfllo, billoifl oomplfllnt. ooii<wcott$iiiDpt}oft;-«tck
pRAdibche, (war And qgihA, nelroui debility, or Of
Any disorder Affecting the fltomneh. tho Ilf a * or
kldnojA, !• to tone. oIpaora, end regniato the** Im*
portent organ■ by the me of DR. IIJTT'8 VwIRT'
> BLR LIVIR PILLS. They met Tory mildly.
thoroughly reatore the flinotlonHl Actiafi oi tbf
dlgottiTo organi end the InCfAtlneff find renofmta
the whole Ayatom. They produce neither nauattn,
griping or weAknota, and may bo takon at any
time without change of diet or occupation,
Priae 25c a box. Hold by all draugiita.,
dr. tuttThair dy*
poesoRAM qnalftfea that no otiier dye doea. Ita
effect ia Inatantaneonfl, nnd mo natural that lt «Ah<
not be detected by the cioaeat observer. . It la
barnilMfl and ewnly aj»ii* *
among the fnahionitble li
city in the United Btatea.
V DELlC^-"
Scrofula, firuptive Dihumum of tliv Skill, W. <n
thouy’a PI re, MryaipelHi, Blrttchoi, Tumnn, Boiti,
Tetter, and Balt Rheum, Scald Mead, Ringworm,
Rheumatism, Pain and Knlargotuent of the Booua,
Female Weakness, Sterility, l.eucorrhcaa. .or
Whitea, Womb DifleaieR, DropNy, White BwntHugv;
Byphllia, Kidney and Liv* r Complaint, Mercurial
Taint, and Pile*, all proceed from Impure blood.
la the moat powerful lilood Purifier kuoifn 16
medical acleuce. It enters into the cirdAlAtlon
and eradicates every morbific agent; reggfqtea
theayatam; produces a beaut’ful rouiplexion ant)
cauiea the botly to gain Heidi and Incr< , ittd''iri
weight. --
Keep tha Blood neolthy
and all wiU be well. To «io no, notliing baa over
been offered that cm couiparo with tbi* viltfaide
vegetable Extract. P ice $1.00 a bottle. Bold by
all Druggists. Offlce 48 Cortlandt street, N. Y,
Liver! Liver! Liver!
Ia a purely VKGKTABLK l’HKi’ARATIONj bar
leaa and effective—a specific for all derangement*
of the ; w .
Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Stem 1
ach or Bowels.
This M' diciue has been tried by thousanAl and
bas never failed to give aatisfael ion.
BE* Try one bottle and l»e convinced. >
E. Is K Ni A SOXIv
Proprietors and Main'acturera, Columbia,B. C,
For sale by A. M. DR ANN )N, Agaut for 6olo!oi>
bus and Opelika. »p2S—taWfia,
LrvasPOOl., April 28—Noah.—Cotton
quiet and nnehuged; ■**!** 12,600; 2,000
foe tonenlation and export. 4
1:80 r. u — Bale* or nplands nothing
below flow middlings, (hipped in Merob
end April 8}.
8 r. M. —Upland* 8}; Orleans 8}.
8:26 r. M.—Bole* to day of 7,000 Ameri
Livxavoor,, April 22—4: r. ..—Bales
of uplands, nothing below good ordinary,
deliverable to May and Jus* 8 3-16.
M Bko.o 8t., CoLonsg Oa.
J. H. BRAMHALL, Agent.
Singer lowing Muohfno* lo»t * lifo tlm*
with bat very Utils expenae, If properly caffd for.
aot bold Itself responsible for the bebAvL.
Machlaeo when worked t y art ov hi raxy in-
aoaa that clair to understand tewing jMMMA
uffWL vaa MioitiH m aoaix adjust id at this
Agrlft aodlm 4. H. BRAMHALL, Agtnt.
Our Seventy Pane Muetra
t*d Catalogue of
looey am iBIwMUd J* balMlaf,
. - rmlfl ofaump.
' IM * IM CANAL Hint,
jyll Mwly . N»W TOU OITT.
New AdvertHementfl.
. »h«lr (.wo oooatiM. .
loCOUUV, i hiUd.lshlo, re.
Coughs, Colds, Hearsiness,
■oHhy Dregetota.
Millions of Adres ’
To* Ymm’ Credit, latenrt edy I **r seat.
D—riFtlT. rampklot, with 8*,tl***i HI***, Met
The Pioneer,
ItlMtnM* P***v, woMolot th*
)*«lMd Low, rnollod Uwo to oil port* of tbo
*M. Addrao* ' O MAVIS,
Load Cowmlmlo* r Vl.f. H B,
A, Web.
Th* high*** MladtsMl mwthavttloo
•« Barwpw my th* MiMigHt ttoio, Purldor
*»d Dootetreoel ham to th* *tedt**l world I.
•t* do*** of vital fcraee, oxBhuittn*
ESS’- !
to the d*MI-
the l.lvor and
$2600 a
l.v n m.UB8 ll.roul'C!!!,
OO. Pul't, Hill*, »*■ ■ ■„«, f 4w
•OhIITU IKU (hot wll par |U.rtf
ANTUXD rou ALL, tllkot MX, y*«*| or old; con
bo do*. d*rl»f Irfrero time *t yowf hHtoo, or P»y«
ily to trovol. Lor*. oalMto to oxperl-
gtaralgia, Hhg, hfif
Lunestta, Bwu, fcwnw,
Toothficht, InIIa
Bobimmo, fflwiYfkk
Sore Thnat, OcUd, SndMA
ahnsutko, EfflierrhAgfi,
moral todfcwtet
Stoves, Stoves
(OpiwalM Boo OEM)'
- v&QM
m -
Columbus, Ga.,
■OOLD rMpMttolly IxVlM th* eMretico of Ilia
„ frl.od. *ad eaMosmn to hit <■.
W*»i, HOUdZ-FilUIUlIlKO Aim
TIN WAKH, ot wholooolo e*d nloU.
M.nufectarrr of TIN, BUNN? .IRON AN
Booing end Oatteriug
*0.0 promptly Md I* the tart MMfor.
B. Mllrim 0 Mil, IboIlH Mt*l»d thotbOM* '
,1.. Mtir. ■ottotollln*.
*W*rrUo itbWMMlMNL Ojmo ood wo
tltoMyr* k|, toBMoodowtr
.' j , f • ,