The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 25, 1874, Image 1

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■ ■AJS7D 3DJLXXj"ST uirer. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1874. NO. 97. of m Mtt .<,WEKlY, AN0_ SUNDAY «. CALHOUN, noatta, to » dT “ 0 * •* 00 »« BOBtto, IW * “a 1 On# month, fiwn»«,«to* I" gras* gather, oney*M-..» MYirthM toto. 2 00 760. 2 00 2 60 S 00 It-, «*»/,. . » 3 00 ,. 6 00 6 tO . <00 . U 00 ,. IT 00 10 00 83 50 . 35 00 fLiUnk*ltk tot prtrtl*«« ° f » chM*. , *J*gniiaSS lot ytorly oord. • dta- 2:a.taWiifcf»«Ss 2 »ukUocort of Mtapoiltlon. Panic. odtor- ^WOOrt-tMdO tkOH M k0B0. Waibinotom, April 24.—Flanigan in- troduooU • bill obooRtog tha prawnt boundrie* ot tbo Karim and Waatatn Judicial Dlatriota of Ton*. Baforrad to Judiciary OoauniUaa. Tha Sonata paaaad tba bUlamandriory an aot to prorida totatnal retanae to aappott tha goTotnmaot, to psy intareat tha pnbUo dabt and for other porpo- i, approved dona 80, 1864. Tbia bill provide* that no lagal docomant or paper raqoirad by law to ba ataupad, whioh waa made, aigned or laoaad in tha South ern Btataa, prior to tba firat of July, 1806, ahall ba deemed or held aa invalid, and of effect, by reaaon of the failure to im. poaa thereon tba repaired ataaap. OonoTar.of Florida,introdooed a bill for the relief of domaa Atkina, lata Collector Internal Revenue for tha 4th Diatriot Georgia. Referred to Finanoe Com- mittaa. eiaaoiA am. -The ThaaaavUle Snterpriee haara N poria of raat to onto from every quar- tar, _Xha Adeertieer- S*pu biican aaya it ia naoied in Savannah that Gan. Henry 0, Wayne ie to anaaaad Atkina, aa Col. lector of Ouetome at that port: -Tha ooat to tha eouaty of Thomaa of (be keeping, trial, gaardtog and excoqtion rf tba aagro murder ala of Mr. Juniper gill, oaa #1,862. —Tha Atlanta Herald mantlooa three pliatara of Oharokao Georgia, who, it Miareeaeh atriviag to raiaa Sva balea of sottoo to the aora! —Mr. Stephana reached Augusta on Vadaaaday, oo bis way to hia boms in Tiliafarro oounty. Tha Chronicle <8 Sen tinel aaya that ha had to ba lifted from tha Mtoe carriage. —Oaa of our Georgia exchangee has aoorraspondant who writes learnedly of “Rax," “Phoebus" and “Pandora;” but heuusthe word “memoriable” day, and ■polls tto ham with a final “a.” —Tha City Conceit of Bainbridge, at its naating on Monday night, paaaad an oriioanea raising tha tax on all retailers of liquors to #800, tha ordlnanoe to taka effect tha lot of May. —Maser*, J. T. A W. D. Grant have cenaianaad grading tha broad gauge railroad from Sooisi Circle to Monroe. They have also taken tha oontraot for niUng a turnpike road from Forsyth to Indian Springs. —In tha Superior Court of Sumter county, Primus Edwarda baa bean found gailly of tha murder of Barry Adams— both solaced; and Mollis Leals, colored, •o*rioted of araon, has been aantanoed to tha penitentiary for Ufa. -Tha Odd Fellows of Macon are mak leg attentive preparations for tha fifty- Mb aaaivsnary oaiabratioo of tba intro- deation of their Order into Amarioa. Tha wUbratln* will taka, place oo Tuesday drill sines the war of —Tha first priae the First Regfmenl took niaoa to Savannah ter a protraotad and exhausting 'drill of 65 sontaatanta for a handsome prise medal, Private A J. Franklin, of the Oglethorpe Light Infantry, waa declared the viator. —A correspondent of tha Albany If ewe give* tba particulars of an attampt by Mr. G. W. Stone, living near Arlington, to kill hlmoalf. Ha shot himself twice in tha head with a pistol, but hopes are ■Uertaioed of hia raoovary. In a note written jaat before tha attempt at ani lide, ha ascribed the rash aot to a loan of health and friends. —Tha Albany New*aaya: “Tha plants of tha Baealyptua, recently reoeived by the Secretary of tha Board of Trade and set oat by tho members of tbs Board, are glowing finely. One pound of seed have also been reosivsd, and planted by mem bers of the Board. Wa may safely esti mate that Dougherty will have 60,000 trees in three years.” ALABAMA *HMWe. lent of Georgia Vountaers, h on Tuesday. Af- —Tha Grand Jury of Chambers oounty returned about eeveoty-Ave true bills. —Hon, Levi W. Lawler—an old politi eiao of the Stole—ia proposed for Gover nor of Alabama. —Tha Jacksonville Republican hae for ty-on* candidates announced for office ' Calhoun oounty. —Tha Alabama river waa over all the big bend opposite Montgomery, on Thurs day, sod was than nearly aa high aa ou tha rise two or three weeks ago and still tiling, —Tha South Alabamian says: “Tha timber man, wa understand, are now get Sag out Umber by large quantities about firs miles below this eity. Parties own ing piuay woods laid* sre making it pay. Thsy gat oaa dollar par stiok for it stand, tag. —Half a do sen young men of Mont, ns near drowning in tha river, on Thursday, by tbs upsetting of tbair cost. They had to cling to willows whose braaohes reached partly above tha swell, log waters, aabl othar boats eould br •eat ta tlttlr rescue. At one time it was feared that they would drown. —Tha aaaa of the State vs. William Chaney was tried in the City Court Montgomery on Thursday, and the jury in firs minutes returned n verdict of not Chaney and several others wars B&. dy t— for the killing of Green Oliver, _ J, at aa aleotion not in Montgomery met year. After the verdict of the jury to the Chaney oasa, tha Solicitor moved met a aai. ptoo. In the easse against other partial for tha asms offense. One of the pari lea protested, and demanded a trial •y Jury. But the Court ordered a net jwo*. ^ ^ AUlia'i ffMOM. firset hwueie l* riant*ra. Sauce, April 24.—Inmans* rains b - fallen tha pari two daya. Stream* in i ty dtraotion era greatly swollen. Tha — •baas* river is within two fact of the high rater mark of 1852. Tba ooantry balow ia ovarfiowad. v——— -p-i.«*n dan* to crops. Thara ia n gloomy WASHINGTON. caxaaiuiaffeL A Ci.obc Calculation.—A correspond ent of tha Maw York Sun makes this cal culation : “Supposing thara are 2,000,. 000 peliosns in Florida—and there are certainly mors than that—they would eat 600,000 buahslg of fish aaoh day, or 182,. 600,CO0. bushels par year. Tha million! upon millions of white and bine oranes, barons, curlews, gulls, fiahhawks, king fishers, and othar watar fowl, devour thousands of bushels of fish every twenty- tour hours. An exparianoad Oraokar esti- matas that 700,000 bushels of flab a day ara required to feed tha birds of Florida alone. This would make 266,600,000 bushels each year. Add to tbia tba bil lions of. flab swallowed by sharks, bam, and others, and the anm total will reach nearly 2,000,000,000 bnshals destroyed by feathered and finny fisherman on tha paninauto in twelva months.” The Praddant baa aant to tba House, ooptea of all orders and oorraapondanoa to oonaaetion with tha Arkansas insur rection. Referred to JndieUry Com mittal. Among tha Exacutiva oommunioations waa ona regarding Mra. Mira Clark Galnea’ olaims fo publlo lands. Legislative appropriation occupied tha balanoa of the day. Tba Hobs* anb-Jndiotory Committaa bald a brief eonaoltation to-day on South Carolina matters, and postponed final action till nextjMonday. Tha subject of tba tax-payers' memo rial excites tha grave oonaldaration of tba sab-committee, who will report in eon- formity with the magnitude of tha inter- aria deemed to ba involved. Tha infln- •noe wrought by tba arguments of tax payers is felt in Government oirolaa out side tha Judiotory Committaa, and ia daily growing more potential, aa ia evidenced by tha gravity with whieh tha aubjaot ia being oonsidarad. It is notioaabla that the disposition to rift the oomplalnts of tha memorialists and tha answers of State offioiala vary oloaely aooumulatea force every tima tha aabjaot oomaa up for. ooaaideration, though tha aolation ramstos involved in impenetrable obscurity. Honest sympa thy—and, ao far aa possible, oo-oparationa of all right-thinking people in authority hare—seams to ba going out toward tha oppressed viotima of misrule; not only in Sooth Carolina, bot in other Motions of the South. Waahlagtoa Matas. Tha Cabinet oonsidarad tha Arkansas difflonity. Mo action. Tha Attorney General baa decided that whara a contractor to oarry mails hsa abandoned his contract, tba Poatmaster General could not ralet the roots without advertising. PMATER FOR RELIEF. The Mississippi Overflows—Relief from Mew York—Families Picked dp. Maw Youx, April 24.—Appeals from the overflow in' Louisiana say: For pity'i sake send ns relief. Those that are not drowned are starving. Details of tha catastrophe are too widespread for the telegraph. Mo mail trains reached Jack. sod or Mobile yesterday. Mails eome vis Vioksbarg by host. Subscriptions st the Mew York Cotton Exohsnge resoh #40,000. Tbs Minerva, from Memphis to Hitser, pioked up seven families from n raft and dugoats, fleeing from flooded borne# end the overflow. MARKETS. BT TEI.r.UBAPH TO ENQUIBEB. Resay Bad Stack Markets. London, April 25.—Eria 84. Nxw Yobk, April 24.—Stoeks active end very unsettled. Money 4. Gold 112j. Exohsnge—long 486), short 489j. Gov- eminent* doll and lower. Btata bonds quiet. Maw Yobk, April 24.—Monay easy at 8a 4. Exchange quiet, bnt firm. Gold 12)• 12). Governments dull and lower. State# quiet and nominal. Pravlalaa Markets. MawYout, April 24.—Floor doll and declining. Wheat doll and lower. Cora doll and declining. Fork heavy at #17. Lard firm—steam 10). Freights qoiat. Cincinnati, April 24.—Floor dull. Cora dull at br»a68. Fork quiet; bald at #16. 75al7. Lard steady—9}el0 steam, 10a la. Uaooo dull—7 aboulda itj'olaar rib, 9j«U) clear. Whisky at 93. Louiavillk, April 24.—Flour quiat and unebanged. flora quiet and un changed, 74*75. Provisions dull and lower. Fork qniat and unchanged, #17. Bacon shoulders 7 j, clear ribs 9 j, olear 10#; sugar onred buna 12]il8), plain 114 al2. Lard—tierca lOjaj, keg lOjall. Whiskey 93a94. Cotten Markets Livxbpool, April 24—Noon—Cotton quiet and nnehsngad; sales 12,000 bales, including 2,000 speculation and export; aotnal exports 7,000; aalaa of uplands nothing below low middlings, deliverable May and June 8 6-10; aalea of Orleans nothing below low middlings, deliverable June and Joly 8); calm r f uplands noth ing balow good ordinary, shipped in March 8 8-16; June and July 8 5-10; sales 7,600, Amarioan; su es of uplands nothini below good ordinuy, shipped Jnne an July 8j. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE FRAML'E. Pasts, April 24.—The Moniteur porta that the Count do Ohsmbord U at Veraaillea. MsoMabon opened tha exhibition for benefit of the expatriated Alsaoe. ENGLAND. London, April 24.—Professor John Fhi'lps, the geologist, is desd. TELEGRAPHIC motes. —The veto pleases Bismarek. —The Mew York Assembly passed a bill prevanting the dUsaminslion of false commercial news. —In consequence of the floods and in terrupted railroads, the Chiokamw rases at Memphis have been postponed to May 4th. —Arkansas, ta in statu quo. Brooks, addressing tba troops, said hs had deter mined to bold the State Honsa. —George Mnrkland, printer in Boston, auioidad last night by taking laudanum. His wife recently drowned hermit to a well —Lowina McKay, the daughter of very waeltby parents, rssiding in Mew York, was drowned at tba Mew Jersey Railroad piar yesterday, while attempttog to leap on tha tarry boat that had just started. —A three-story frame honsa in Brook lyn fall, while bring railed, burying eight workman. Four wars takan out, who we believed to be dying, and two others ware takan out dead. theTweather. DnpasTMSNT or Wan, 1 WasniRotow, April 24, 1874.) Probabilities.—During Saturday, for tha South Atlantia Btataa, cloudy and rainy waether, with frmh and brisk winds, mostly from tba southeast to tha north* Litikpool, April 24—4:30 p. M.—Yuns and fabric at Manchester quiet and firm New Yobk, April 24.—Cotton wash; sales 291; uplands 17#; O.leans 17#. Futures opened se follow#: April 16 11-16*28-82; May 16 2j.82al8.16; June 17 9-130O-16; July 17 28 32; August 17 31-32. Nkw Yobk, April 24.—Cotton quiat and ataady; 916 bales at 17J*17J; net receipts 446. Futures closed steady; sales 24,600; April 16 18 16; Msy lCj»29-32; Jnne 17 18-82; July 17 27-82. Mxw Om-KANs, April 24.—Cotton dull middlings 17#, low middlings 16j, gooc oidinary 15), ordinary 18) ; net receipts “ isles ; exports to oontinent 2692, t< France 587; soles 1,000—tost P. M. 2,000 stook 153,735. Wtekly net reoeipta 6,123 boles ; ex ports to Great Britain 13,624, to oontinent 8,467, to France 4,087 ; sales 16,000. Boston, April 24.—Quiet; sales (200; stook 6000. Mobile, April 24.—Nominal and heavy; rains interrnpta business; stock 82,159. Weekly net reoeipta 1,713; export# to Continent 2,000; sales 1,500. Sblka, April 24.—Weekly receipts 860; shipmsnts 495; stook 3,785. Sbbevepobt, April 24.—Doll. Weekly receipts 812; shipments 1,290; soles 777; stock 2,840. Savannah, April 24.—Cotton nominal sales 231; stook 87,801. Weekly net reoeipta 8,862; exports to Great Britain 4,368; to Continent 1,481 to Frsnoe 1,605; aalaa 3,542. Augusta, April 24.—Cotton qniat and weak; middlings 18c; raaaipta 227 brim sales 159; stock 14,699. Weekly reoeipta 1,350; shipments 1,207; arias 1.430—spinners 882. NamRtllk, April 24 —Weekly reoeipta 896; shipments 925; stook 5,335. Macon, April 24.— Qaiet; shipments 1,010; stook 4,807. Montoohebt, April 24.—Qaiet; ship ments 276; stook 1,850. Galvsstox, April 24.—Cotton nominal no trsnssationB; stook 46,232; exports to Great Britain 8,086; to Continent 2,200 sales 5,900. Ohablbbton, April 24.—Cotton dull and nominal; exports to Continent 1,700; sales 100; stook 21,288. Weakly net raoaipta 4,028; exports to Great Britain 4,468; Continent 1,700; France 1,868; sales 2,400. Mitems, April 24.—Cotton quiet and easier; more disposition to sell; reoeipta 266; shipment* 1,012; etoek 86,619. Weekly receipts 8,211; shipment# 6,698. TO LET. THKFAV0MTE NOW REMEDY, ^^atattarnntetaVSsscnSf^e^Shy^^foK' Blaarri ..briMoo, lot is PURELY VEGETABLE, stas thos. Southern Boots sad Herb# which who Proridaio* has placed Is eountrlee where Uver Dteeoeee Boat prevail. It will *w*bI1BI**b*** eosioS by Denoie- bsbI af IBs Uvorsad Bwwalo. Simmoni’ Urn Regulator or Nodietno In oBlsootly s family Modlaino; and hy hoiks kept ready for tauaodlsto noon will osvo nosy on hoor ofoufforlai oad nsny s dollorta time end doctor#’ MU#. AfUr oni Forty Ywn* trial Ilia itlll rooetving thaaoat usqaallftod tMtlmoaUto to It* virtaw from prnoni of tho hlgbMt charmottr mail recpoM- ■ibllitjr. lalaont phyilcUtui cotuwend It m lh# btbvbmia w m l mVSJSko«. Araod with thtfl ANTIDOT 1, all climate* and ebangM of wator and food nay bo faood without faar. Aa a Rowody in MALARIOUS FIVERS, BOWRL COMPLAINTS, RlStLRBSNlSS, JAUN DICE, NAUSIA, IT IAI MO ERUALl It to tho ChtaoMt, Fareot, and Beat Family Madloin# in tha World t ■AKOVAOTUMD OMIT BT J. H. SEIUNACOa, I MA00N, Q A., and PIIILADILPUIA i .oo* r ■ “ liWlp SPECIAL NOTICE TO Physicians and Apothecaries, InaRtsuch rr there ara numbers of PhyaiciBii# ind Druggiita throughout the Stato acting (ignorantly no doubt) In flota tion of the law regulating tho praetteo of Modl< cine and iaU of Druga, thereby aubjoctlng thorn- r#1trr to prooeoatloB, tho Board of Phyalciaao doom It thair daty to tell apocial attoatloa to th# By rooant enactment of tha Legialatar#, any p#noa who has a Diploma from an incorporated Medical Oolleg* ia authoriaod to practice Mediciu# ithln this SUte. All oth«r practitioners are required to obtain a lloeose from the Board of Phyticiant, whioh will be granted only after pawing a aatiafaotory exam ination before said Board. All Apothecaries and Druggists ere also required to appear before the tame Board for examination touching tholr know!* odgt of Drags and Pharmacy. If found oompetent, license will be issued authorising tho holder thereof to compound and sell Mediclnee. “No person ■hall rend or expose for sale any Drugs or Medicines without obtaining a license therefor.” See Code. Any one violating the foregoing provision# sub jects himself to flue or Imprisonment, or both, together with the forfeiting of their legal rights as against the debtor for any claim that may accrue for medical services rendered, or sale of Drug# and Medicine#. The Board of Physicians of the Stats of Georgia will continue their session at Milledgeville until July 1st, 1874, for the purpose of examining can didates for lloenae. SAMUEL O. WIIITN, M. D., President Btard of Phyeiclaus. Gso. D. Cass, M. £., Secretary. aprtA oaw2t KTotioe. U. S. Internal Revenue SPECIAL TAXES May 1,1174, to April 30, IS7B. Liver? Liver! Liver! SIMMONS’ HEPATIC, OR UVER CURE, Is a purely VEGETABLE PREPARATION, harm less and effective—a specific for all derangements of the Liver, Kidney#, Skin, Btom- aoh or Bowels. Thi# Medicine hsa been triad by thousands and has nevsr failed to give satisfaction. g^Try one bottle and be convinced. I, Xu KING * SOUS, Proprietor, oad Moonhetororo, Columbia*.a Vor oolo by A. M. BRANNON, Afoot for Cotas- bui and Opelika. «pB—UwOB. Sale by Assignee in Bank* ruptey. TO ILL ho oold by order ofOoort, onthoCrot Torodoy Id Hoy, ------ All of lot bo. 107, oil ot lot No. 1CT, oil of lot No. 1*0. 110 ocre. o* of the put ot loriJC; mil the oboro load, bolsf ta the 23d dlotrict or orlftully Lh, now Btowort coooty, Oeorgia, and sold as the prqperty of Absoloui B. Karris, Banf MEOICIMKS. LOTTERY. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. I Runic Grail Gift tart! 10,000 PrtiM to ba Given Away, Aaaaatlac to >«»■***, all 1. Carroaey. fTVIia.alorprUo Uconloctwl by th. MAC0N10 J. it atilt aimjiation op Norfolk, va., kBdor oathorlty of tho Vlnl*lo Lef iototaro. (act nouwl March S, 1»73.) forlliopurpoMof rai.lnf kudo ta ooBpIMo tho MAHOino TKMPLB, now In ooano of onotloa ta Norfolk. Than on no lodlvtdoal bantu to lo ba darlvad fros thlt nndar- takla*—It U wkaUy In lha oonoa of Mnoonry. Tha Ooacart will poaiUvaly taka pinna on . Tnandny, Ua AU nf Mny, I8J4, oc< no fhrthtr pontpnnnaont lo fnoroatoad. lut op aim. Ona Omad Onah Oift *00.000 One Ornnd Cuh Sift 3*,uoii OnnUnwdOnok lift 13*00 One Grand Gash Gi«t 2,fiuo 84 Ossh Gifts, 9S0U each 18,000 fiOOMh Gilts, 2V) each 18,SOU 50 Oash Gifts, 800 aaoh. 100 Cash Gifts, 100 each 15,000 150OsshGifta, lOOsach 15.<>00 Grand Total, 10,000 Gifts, nil c Whole Tickets, |6; Half Ttekats, 18.50. Club Rates—II Tickets for $50; 88 Tlcknte for $100. DIRD0T0R8 AND ADVISORY BOARD. John L Roper, President: John B Oorprow, reoeurer, James Y Uigh, Waller H Taylor, Goo B Oldfield, John A Roaoon, Daniel IIlisted, Wil liam if Wales, M H Stevens, 8 Wsil, John T Rod- Him Ixoellency Nx-Govarnor Gilbert 0 Walker. Ool Rader Blgge, PUP; John R MeDeafoL DO Oosamandsr; J J Rsrroughs, Oapt Samuel L watts, Virginia Legislature; Rob’t ■ Withsra, ONQ >; F id DO Oof G Ox Ool Thos F Owens, P G 1 John B Whitehead, Msq, Ex-Mayor: Ool W Q Tay lor, Stato Senator; Jr New Advertiaementg. 144 SCIIWlL TiAClUH and Bninmer in n i usinoMjmflngJjlfiO per month in their t>wn count 1m, A A McQURpy, PbilAdrilphia!lb. - ,w iYOHOMAVOY, or SOtJL’ CHARM- ^WQ.'', H»w olthoc Jtoi nroy foaolnoto “-r>8 L ln». ,» aunor oo* mnyioaoio* and (*in tl.c Inve and nffnotlontof nny wnrx thny ehooM tniUntl,. Thin oIMpt* kohl n - ta* all Mn .jtan^a Imu! L. mh.i* I *•»/ waowww iu*muti;. tHlS Blnipiw IHSniSI SO* Itorakwnt all ran immm, taaa. hy jul' for *£•» with n marriage guide, Ogrpllnn t0 Wotlciinjj- OR TUTTs \/E a 1 A 14L t PI L R THE Ek»T ADVICE inn be given to person# suffering fru m dys- pepsin, Milena oomplaJnt, Relic, conaumptlon sick headache, fever and ague, nnrfons deblliiV, or of any disorder aflhetlng the slomack. tho live • or kidneys, Is to tone, cleanse, and regulate these im portant organs by tho naeor DR. TUYT'S VEGET ABLE LIVIR PILLS. They aot very mildly, yet thoroughly restore the ftiaotional action of the digestive organs and the Intestines and renovfito the whole system. They produoe neither i griping or weakneea, and may bo taken time without change of diet or oocnpstlon. Pries ffio n box. Sold by all druggists. DR. TUTtThAIR DYK leeeesss quail ties that no other dye does. Its foot Is Instantaneous, and so uatara* tint U can- _at he detooted by the closest observer. It Is harmless and efislly applied, and Is In general us * among the fashionable hair dresser* in every large city In the United States. Prici* $1 a box. Bold everywhere. Be rotate, Eruptive Diseases ef the Bklh, Bt. An tony's Fire, Erysipelas, Blotches, Tumors, Boils, Tetter, and Balt Rheum, Bonld Head, Ringworm, Rhea mat is m, Pain and Bulargowaat of the Rones, Female Weakness, Sterility, f.eucorrbosa oi Whites, Womb Diseases, Dropsy, White Bwelilngs, Byphllis, Kidney and Llv**r Ouuplaiut, Mercurial Taint, and Piles, all proceed from impure Mood. DR.TIim IARIAPARIIU is th* most powerful Blood Purifier known to medioal science. It enters Into the circulation and eradicates every morblfir agent; renovates tbs system; produces a beautiful complexion causes the body to gain flesh and lncrean weight. K«e» the Rlsad Healthy and all will be well. To do so, nothing has been offered that can compare with tbia valuable vegetable extract. Price $l.W a bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Office 48 Corthndt Street, N. Y. foblfi deodswly TO LET. T ill L VW of December 24.1878, requires every person engaged in anj business, avocatlou, or employment vralch renders him liable to i SPffOIAL TAX, TO PROCURE AND PLACE CONSPICUOUHLY IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OP BUSINESS, A STAMP, denoting th* payment of said BPBCIAL TAX for tk clal Tax year, beginning May 1, 1874, before corn- after April 30, THE TAXIS >■ BRACED WITHIN THE PRO VISIONS OF III LAW ABOVE QUOTED, ABE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ.t Rectifiers $800 00 Dealer*, retail liquor 85 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor 100 00 Dealers la malt liquors, wholesale 50 00 Dealers in malt liquors, retail..*. 20 oo Dealers in leaf tobacco 26 00 Retail dealers in leaf tobacco 600 00 And on sales of over $1,000, fifty cents fur every dollar in excess of $1,000. Dealers in manufactured tobacco ft 00 Manufacturers of stills 60 oo And for each still manufactured.•....... 20 oo And for each worm asannfsctnrod 20 00 Manufacturers af tobacco 10 00 Mann acturers of cigars 10 00 Peddlars of tobacco, first class (more tlaa two horses) GO 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class (two horfiss) 25 00 Peddler* of tobacco, third elms (oae hone) 15 00 Peddlers of tobaoco, fourth slase (on foot or public conveyaaoe) 10 00 Brewers of lese thau 600 barrels 60 00 Brewer* of 500 barrels or more loo oo • foregoing »penalties. requirements, will ho suhj nkrupt. mb27 oawtd JOHN 8. MATTHEWS, Assignee. ■ to pay asy of the Special net apply to ALVIN B. ternai Revenue at Maeoa, with th* to severe, Persons or I ram Taxes named above —__ CLARK, 0<dl*ctor of lateral or to the Depu y Collector of the Dlvlsioa In which they do business, aad pay for and procure th* Special Tax Stamp or Stamp* they need, prior to May 1,1874, aad without rearns nones. J. W. DQUGLASS* Commissioner of Internal Bevsnn*. Orncs or IsrsassL Rivases, \ Wssuisorov, D. 0., February 1$, 1174. / aprl7 dStawSw Ool Thos F Owens, POM; I, Msq, Ex-Mayor; Ool W H Thy ; James G Min, 0 00 0 0. ia HENR TV. MOORBafiecretary Jo Rdief Association, Norfolk, Va. N. B.—For further particulars apply to 8. flTHILL, Rxpreos Agoat, fsb25 oodtd Columbus, Ou. Masoulo 1 To Let. ■ DKOORAPHY. » now Look ou i irl uf frill., bt *ou.a; * ronplolt Opotaa JJokoMo ahoM-H.nd, tho .hortrot, moo, oltni » now liuvk ou tha — manor * <■«, .ua anortaai. Of at aim pic, 52,“! ao»piehrn«i,o, an.bliOR any ona In > 'rioli, tpoMhaa, latMH, Ac. Tho Lord'* Prayar 10 wmuo with 4» alrokao of I.* . "“''i* P>i mloata. Tho iiiiem- pioya* ohould loan thla rrt. Prioo by noli lo cgtoi^Aonta-katm. Addro-.T, w. ktansa Q0-. M« heath 7th oiroH, Pkiindqinhl*. p... 4w i iii# >01. uttutvir, wit, paiuo-, ilia, laughter, 350 cbnrtc cuts The people C sira or It It will sell in dull times 11 Show It • mao, and he surrenders. It Is itro every ume. Don't bother with heavy .books that nobody wants, iinmor is the thing that takes. Agents wanted everywhere. Bund for circulars and extra tmms to To-day Publishing Company, Phlladel- phla, Now York, Boston, or Chicago. 4w nprlfi WORKING CLASS Vor Goughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS POT VF ONLY IN BLVB Boxes. A TRIED AND SUM REMEDY. Arid by Dragging 4w Millions of Acres RICH muss USDS INN1BNACNA, NOW FOR 3ALE VERY OHEAPI tea Yea**' Credit, lafowri ally • yet Mat. Dta.IiptlY. Paapklat, with iMlin^l Map., rant The Pioneer, • jarikl lll.atmtad Pear, naat.lnl.g th. Haaelai Law, him Cm ta all part, of th. world. ACdraa. 0. PTbIyIN, lead CMafoiafoatrV.P. M.X., Hll27 4w Oulu, Nob. . naUfktM mad tec* I aalh.rilina •t Mny. ray tha riramact Tonic, PnriB.r aad DacHUMt ham ta tha aadtaal wcrW M JURUBEBA. Oxhanitlon of to tho debit- veetolo or and IwS^SlOH HRnERRTSE^SfitSfflTbvery . IffWat ShniA fo .itoif 1U every family. Ageata wantod la every oounty uud town in th* United Blaise, to make apermmient \ nsz&xtzmm enabling yon to eomi aad tall particulars a* 00,'Pub’s, Phlla., Pa-1 MflHpt cwoa. PnraatCI 03N N. POTTKK A ANT8ND PON ALL, oilbm mi, y.Isa or old; cm ha da*, d.rln* laUara ttfl* at year NMm, or pay* itaflaeMly to mad. Lara* triariu tb waparl- AGENTS LttiS, SSSImSmm * HALL, 1CJ< North Chari* rimt, Noitlmor., *W DOORS, DASH, KTC. Our Seventy Rage lllustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, SABHB8, BUKD8, STAIR BAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Aa., Mrilod lo ray ou I. bwildi.*, oa row ipl of .taap. KEOGH A THORNE, iran HHS oURei gtnralgi*, Pita#, hsadsshs, SUrrhesa. SoUfi, OlAtcrofi, Laminin, Bozos, Iwnwa, Toothaoht, Sealda Bauman, TOom. Wounds, Boro Throat, Odio, Brntos. BhooaskiBB, Bssurrlugw, tome' 3*4 h VA CANAL I Jjrll dAwly MBW YOU OITP. STOVIS AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves ri^NiTMCBulN.i qR ( Cm 0*m) Columbus, G«., W OULD uaptalfolly tool la lb. allaalioa of hia MMdhotanr of TIM, MINT INON AN OOPPNKWONK. Roofing and Guttering del. prowplly 0*4 ta lh* hooi HIM. Ha aoilctta A nil,** Mtarod Mu h. roll fir* aatir* ■atlrihottaa. 49* Prfo. M law a. tha UwmI. Cota* «od *m talon yo« bay. M*3» MdtwK