The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 25, 1874, Image 3

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*.mtgm** “»■ FlBMBE^BEPAKTMKSI ft *• huwdt. A law am* aammllrta Wl bin icealvad from Hr*. Wm. K. of Bailee* toMtj, Alabama, * ZHThmotif*! baao, wbioh U daaeritod u r2uf^ bniufi fouud •«» «"» «>• P 1 ***- ,r win tfcado»o» Inform un whether 'It’.nmn.rorbueohbeeof The pod is fight inebe* to length, with nine . - l. eculet been* In it. We here ggj the beene, end shell wetoh their !u„lopgent with noma interest. nmi* ■ewspepene. We tore reeeired the flrat notsber of a. Oraago Outftok pnbllehed in Kaox- ft,. It in entirely denoted to the isMTMt of thn Bateau* of Husbandry, udof eoarae is e sottnd sgrioaltursl ps- As s snmpeprr, it will prone inter- vl. to members of the Order, no met- Jf^flgere loosted. Prioe two dollars per sassm. m thsOrsegeOelleek.J the objeoto of eepeeiel iotereet -kieh mould engage the attention of that of health shoold be promt- MflB$e '* is writings ohioh we see of late upon ths soWeoT of pobUo health, notice ie nriseiDSilr paid to the oondition of rills- Lf sad ittesT Oomperstirely little is Sdrsspesting the hygiene of our farmer famllim. The general idee seems to pre- nil that in crowded communities only, jussea is found to exist, which is pre- notibls. It will be found, howerer, that st cartels liases epidemiea will prersil to • fssrfol extent in the eouotry, where the pgMUstiou is scattered—families lining ooly on their respeetire farms, and nerer tomisg In contact with eeoh other exeept st rsligiotts or other public assemblies. It is Iras that diseases of erery descrip tion will be found to prerail in rural dis tricts, U the same are found in rillagaa or .mail hamlets at the orose roads. We read of fearful epidemics in onr era oouetry, ae well as in Europe, among the i.ns era, and, on iareetigetlou, some local mam was found to giro rim to the risitation. One common oausa of sick- new in the farm-bourn is found to pro- osed from aocumulatieas of decaying nestable or animal matter, either arotu-d or infer the house. It is too often the earn that families are in the habit if throwing waste water and all other re ran npon the ground near the kitchen. Ibis will souk into the ground or lie upon tha surface to be exposed to the snmiier ■is. These aoeumoletione are often fosnd mingled with ehips from tha wood- yard, which, lying year after year, be comes e decaying mass. Erery heary nil will wash mace or lam of this de- osysd suiter into hollow pi sows hoar tha boon, and, what is worm, as wall as common, find its way into the springs from which water ie obtained for family on. Oftantimes, loo, we find places, rhsa tha wash from barn-yaida and oth er ost-baildingi will be oonreyed to e ■prise. This, it will be plenty assn, is certain to bo a cause of sickness. In si moat erery neighborhood wo tnd old log booaaa, the lower timbers of whieh bin sunken into tha ground and beooma rotten. Alan, underneath snob buildings rill often be found a dampness of tbe soil, wbioh ie e source of disease, especisl- lym decayingregetable matter is general ly fonnd under ovary house. Cellars us not ooly apt to be damp, but people often allow decayed vegetables to remain during isataer, when everything shoold be elfen- ri out rrenr spring, at least. - In Keel Tawaoima, where the ground ism high arid soUiag, thorn should be no •reuse for neglect. Drainage is easy in wary pises,'end nil kinds of decaying natter shoold at onoe be remaned Sc a compost heap, or spread npon tbe laind. The shore hints are hastily thrown ont, in order to sail the attention to obriooa fusts end to enforce the truth of s common •eying that an ''ounoe of prevention la worth n pound of care.* It Is said that at least one-half tbe disease in our world proceeds from ceases wbioh may bo pro- naiad. “A word to the wise ia sufficient.” KnextUle, March, 1871. _ Maniocs. Mow to ■also Cotton Cheaply. lest year I triad one acre of light rad. lead, originally riob, wbioh had been in otto tbe previous year. A beery coat of gnu wm turned under in February, with • two-hona plow. It lay thus until tbe lit of Hey, when it wee bedded and phated in tbs usual way, mlsoted said tong mad. It never lacked working rkm needed, but suffered from dronght In August At the last working, in Juno, two shallow furrow* wars ran, six inehaa Iran tbs ootton, and one bag of Btono Phosphate to tha sore put ia them. I sum up si follows: H. [tod and planting Ploughing three times, at fifty cents Hosing three limes, at aaventy.five oenta Ootbag of Btono P«Wag in fertiliser font rt land . ... Peking 560 pounds, at 7ft cents.... 4 20 f21 45 on. - 110 pounds lint, at 15 oenta *27 00 ihdaot coat of making 21 45 Balauoa *5 55 As acre of ootton oannot be cultivated [" lam than tore estimated, and tbe plan- tor oust superintend the work, or work himaslf, for kin food and clothing I The °°t of ootton, then, is just in proportion t° what onn be raised per acre; and ■ram 000 to 1,000 pounds will not bo far “*■ to average of seed ootton. To raise *°tto* cheaply, we moat make an sore Nuei great deal more. 1 SO 1 00 2 25 C 00 He lew ever named by Congress in directly of benefit to tbe egrionltu- torai eommonity than that allowing Pteta, made, and books to be aaut by “*H at reduced rates of postage. This whieh plaoet settlers in new ooun- “tm sad all who lire at a distance from JJtomnwiai eanters upon an equality with “tot.who lire naar them, has been a Ptet help |o tha farming oomiounity. A proposition has reoently bean made in JJtofma to axoludo from the mails erery. J~*R hut letters and papers; and while r“*f oonutrias are enlarging their mail U*j}jlte, it in proposed that America sbs'l Pattern backward in this matter, and JJJJtot tto farmer from repairing bia JJSJ2* and books at a low rata of postage. Proposition osme np about the Uma , attempt was made to rorira the frank* {** Privilege. We adriae firman tnd all "wanted la this aubjaot to wateh Con- f* | Wi and thin in * earn ie whieh it ba- JJJtotta Patrons of Husbandry to bs rig- !rV- .Dat yoqr rapresautatirm know y. »haarar rotes to exeluda plants, *2°“i tod needs from tke mails ia there- *»te politiaally deed. Ooagremmea do dm. j. w. ». wiuuaa Ofsrs Ms profoaafoaal ssSTISW (Mies over I. M. Qv-ss AOo.ts,Ohastkssi tLL eirastt. eosja^^^^ Mi III nary. missis wun a idoub. VasMoueMe MUMnem end Dressmakers. tisetlease's aMrss est Iqr chert annum, sad oarantood to nt. Chaaicsrs strsst, u.xt ts . . '■ ■ mbl S nsrsnlesd to nt. ua .sea’s dry good. store. MUS. C. V. BARLOW, Paaklaaabla Mllllaer and Dressmaker, Su.s Agent of Battsrlch a Co.’s Faturiu. At As lets Ranking Uomss el a Co- Opelika, Ale. Jala wdciimt. TMWHOL1IAL1 ram moo. Notaries Public. u. Da bumum, Being ap|N»iat*d Notary Public for Lea county, raaptacifuily solicits tbs patfuasago ol hi* trieuaa. Hotels Court lit and 8d Saturday* of oaten mouth, at K. 0. Uollifisld’i taw oKo*. >u3 Furniture, Ao. At Pumta Frlcaa. A. O. HARWELL, Danlar lu all kluda of Farnltura. Alao, M.talUe, Wood OoEao, .ad Oaak.1.. jilt CknmlKi. tlrool. Lawyers. A.J.VIVKKB8, Attarasy and Couaisllor al Law. Offlo* opposite Alabama Housa. Practices In all the Courts of tho State. JaS Tailors. J. B. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Catting and Making In tbs Latest 8tyl*o. Bo- pairing neatly done. South Railroad 8t„ over Furaiiuro Start. Jal Dentists. t. L K. URITH, Damttat, Dom PUU Work Md Plngging oa naooaaklo docXSJ term,. Okomufo uroot. Darher Shopa. WESLEY BABBIBUBB, lorbsr, Corner South Bollrood aud Chambers streets, dec 23 MGM9I A TUBIIB, Barken, South Bollrood street, unosr Adams Haas*. doc23 Hotels. ▲DAMS HOUSE. Whoa you to to Opollka, bo sura ta stop at the Adams House, opposite Fasseuger Depot. dec2H Insurance. e. c. uawix * aoa, Saaaral Imawrwmea Accmte. Offlo., Brninwd Stmt, onr E M. Qrooao A Co,’., UOV23 A. O. Harwell haring withdrawn from the firm of Harwell, Griffin A Co., ton removed to Cham ben street. His friends and patrons wonld do well to call on him in hi* now quarters, and examine stock before baying elsewhere. Prioee at panio rates. Jal8 .uAwedtf To Let. FOR SALE AND RENT. *«• urteUD uj ids |NK«P, as low other Jobbing House in tha United States, oprie 6m J. A J. KAUFMAN. To Bant. ^FTEB April 6th, tvs Furnished IlDj ROOMS, Kitchen and Stsbls, with nse of dining room snd parlor. Addrsos spl tf M, Enquirer Ofloe, House and Lot for Solo OX LOWER FAIT OF BROiU (T. '1 UK lot lo % ncro; the houao hAO three I Urge rojniri, hell And All neceesArjr out-buildingo. Will bo sold cheep to a oaou * buyer. Apply to mh8S tf A. WITTIOH. For Aalfi Low. 4 MnohAMBIF » TH1 mxdioal col- ■ AT IVAMVILU, IMDIAHA. aovs If AFFIX AT THU OVTIOI. Grocery House -OF- J. A J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and IA Broad At., Colombo*, Ga„ KIKPft COXSTARTLT OR SARD ABOUT 100,000 pound* Baoon. BOO barrel* Flour. From 100 to 200 b*rr*l* Sugar. 100 bag* Coff»t. From 100 to 200 barral* Syrup. 200 l»rr*l* Whl»k*y. 200 box** Tobtooo. BOO “ Soap. 200 11 Oondlo*. 100 barrtl* Lord. BO “ Maokorol. BOO •■ok* Bolt. 80 ticroo* Riot. BOO roam* Wrapping Papor. 100 oaaa* Potaah. 100 “ Bardina*. 100 “ Oyatera. 100 “ Pioklaa. 100 box** Candy. 100 “ Staroh. 100 gross Parlor Xatetoa. 1,000 pound* Lorlllnrd’s Snuff. 00,000 Clgarn. 1,000 pounds Gnon mud Blnok Tan. 900 bagi of Shot# 100 boxaa Sod* nnd Fancy CrackAi*. 100 “ ChooAe In*aaaAon. . 00 bArrelA Vlnepr. # 90 OAAkA Scotch Ale. 100 doien Wooden Bnckete. - 100 doien Broome. 1 POUND CAN CHICKENS, 26 cento; I “ “ TURK AY, 86 »» 1 “ “ BEKF, 86 “ Fresh Peers,\8 ft cons, 26 cento; Quinces, 2 ft cam, 30 cento; Egg Plnmo, 8 ft cam, 26 cento; AapnvngM, l ft cam, 60 cento; Shelter Presort** end Jollies, ell kinds, U.26 J*r Choice Beef Tongues, 65 to 76c cech; Extra Choice 8ngnr*Cnr(d Hnms: " " “ Shoulder*; Mild Cured White Meet; Sepolio for Oleenlng Olees, Ac., 16c per enke; Morgen’s lf*nd Sepolio, 10 end 16c M All giedee of Flour, Meet end Qrlte, et mill prioee. Blackwell’* Oenuine Durham Smoking Tobecoo. 80c fl ft. * W I bate determined to soil my goods At a ▼ory dot# margin; conoequently, from end After this date, I will deliter no goods until paid for. ROB’T 8. CRANE, mch 29[fobl d6m] Tree tee. Fulton Market Baaf Tonguoa, Fulton Market Oorood Baaf, Oannad Blaokbtrrl**, Cannad Whortlabarrloa, Cannad Qraan Corn, and oonnod good* of all kind*. Importad Clarat Win*, Goahon Butter BB oenta, Edam Ohaaat, Magnolia Hama, Braakfaat Baoon, Mazoppa Flour, Dundtu Marmalada, Shakar Praaarvaa, at . H. F. ABELL & CO.’S. sprl* If F. A. POMEROY, AT BOOMER’* CORNER, CALLS ATTSHTION TO Ohoio* Whit* Shad, “ Fresh Bey Flab, “ Mobil* Cubbagu, “ Oulury and Luttuou, “ Llv* and Dreaatd Poultry, “ Freah Country Bauaagu, Opart Rib* and Bapkbonaa. A Choice Lot of Fresh Craokara, Sugar JumMua, Lamon Snap*, Gingar Snap*, Lamon Croama, Lo. Applaa, Onion*, Potato** A Turnip*. Also usual Family Supplies end Fancy Groceries on hand. Mr. T. C. PRIDGEN will bo found at the conn tor end will be pleeord to welt on liio former cus tomers end friends. The patronage of the public ie respectfully solicited.f*b28 T. J. Pearcedt Co., (Successors to Williams, Pearce A llodo,) Wholesale end Retail Grooers, Ho. 20 Broad Street, R ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends the public that they will continue buslnees at the old stand, where they will keep a good stock of Groceries, Plantation Supplies, die., Which will be sold low end strictly for cash. JoSl 3m T. J. PEARCE A 00. WAREHOUAEA. DISSOLUTION. milK Firm of REDD, CHAMBERS A BANK8 I hoe been dissolved by the consent of ell ter- ties concerned. All unpaid advance* ere In the hands of the undersigned for settlement, who will also pay all claims against the old Arm. NOTICE. fJVHB UHDBMIONKD will still coltlnus Iks Warehouse and Commission Business AT THB LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. Thonkfal for the patronage bestowed npon ni the present season, w* respectfully solicit Its con tlnnanoo tlio coming season, with a promise to nee •▼ery effort to promote the Interest of oar pat- April 1,1874.—fflf 0. A. REDD, GEO. T. BANKS. a. matt*. Fontaine Warehouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLCES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants Orttar* Solioltad In paraon of by latter. Oommlaalon promptly oxooutod for buyer or aoller. - h27 tf ooisUBKBue, anoxiaxA. CLOTHING. Here’s Your Chance. NO EXCUSE FOB A BUSTY SUIT! CLOTHING AT GOST! pOR TIIK NRXT THIRTY DAY8 WR WILL *RLL OUR IUFRRR 1(001 OF ORITURIR 1 *, TOUTRO’ AMD CRIXARIRT Clothing and Underwear. Hats, Umbrellas, Tranks, Valises, Carpet Bogs, Ac., Ac., at Cost for Cssh. a Cams st o’nes, if yon wish to tay OHOIOR OLOTHM *ir •llttls nossy. •V, , o TMORUn A RRBSOOTT. ^olumbnMlajJDsCjJJJIJSj^^^dsodsw^^^^^^^ RAILROADS. Western Railroad of Alabama. 54i HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME I * Choice of Two Routes. V«w Tort a&A New Orleani Mill Lina. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, Oolchim, Ga,, April 24th, 1874. TRAINS LRAVI COLUMBUS DAILY For Montgomery and 8*lma, 1<0*. n. Arrive nt Mqntc’y. 6:46 a m. Arrive at Selma, 11:04 a. n. FOR ATLANTA AND NIW YORK At By AtlMtt End Wohmond Alr-Unt. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., CHARLOTTE 8:36 a. m., Danville 3:27 p. ta., Richmond 11K)6 p. m. Ar rive at Washington 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 6:80 •. m., at Philadelphia 1:80 p. m., at NIW YORK 6:16 p. m. Ileeplng Can Ran firman Atlnate Ie Oluirlmtte. By Konotaow Rout*. Leave Atlanta 6.00 p. m., Dalton 10:28 p. ristol 10:46 a. m., Lynchburg 10.46 p. m. Avrtvo t Washington 4:48 a. m., at Baltimore 8:16 a. m., t Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., at NIW YORK 3:16 p. m. Sleeping cars ran from Atlanta to L) nckburg. TRAINS ARRIVI AT OOLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta and New York, 6:6* a. n. From Montgomery and Selma 3:30't. M. Tickets for sal* at Union Passenger Depot. OIIAS. P. BALL, General Snp*t. R. A. BAOON. Agent. fnpr86 tf NOTICE?. I LB A Gioaid Railsoad, V Columbus, April 16,1874. / he Pnaiengoi 'ollows: Leave .Oolumbue 3:00 ».*. Arrive nt Troy. ...11:06*. M. Leave Tray 2:26 a.m. Arrive et OolumbM .10:30 a. M. aprl6 8w W. L. CLaBK, Snp’t. Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. 0* PAB8ENQ1R AND MAIL TRAIN. Leave Columbus Arrive at Columbus Leave Macou Arrive at Maoon 2:30 v. M. (Dally) 12:46 a. M. “ 7:17 *. M. “ 7:25 *. M. “ DAY FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Columbus 6 30 a. m. (Sunday sxoeptsd) Arrive atColambus 6:361. >. “ Leave Macon 9:20 a. ■ “ Arrive at Maoon 3:00 r. M. “ VIRGIL POWERS, Eng. and Sup’t. W. L. CLARK, Agent. mal tf CIGARS. THE NEW OBLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good News to Smokers I J. Newman Sc Co. IIAVR JUST OPINIO A RETAIL CICAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbua, and to meet the demand for GOOD Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c„ they have laid In, at great expense, a magnificent stock. Give them a cell, and enjoy, at the lowest price consistent with living, the beet smoke | on have kod for many a dsy. Remember the piece, J. NEWMAN A CO., mhl 8m 144 Broad St. BOOTS AND SHOES. Spring is Coming! “The bads ere beginning to ewell." Likewise our stock is beginning to swell WITH LARGE ADDITIONS OF SEASONABLE COODSI L WuSii..’ Toi,.i and Drsas Slippers one Ties, Congress, Lacs and Button Boots, in Kbl!*' * in ® * nd CHILDREN'S ANKLItV m _ TIBS, black and in colors neat and salMtantlal work lor school wear. We have nil the favorite styles for Men's Wear In best hand-eswed. snd In cheaper grades of work, all guaranteed r liable. OUR STOCK OF Brogans, Plow Shoes, and all other Staple Goods for the wants of the people, ta unexcelled. W* are well supplied with Leather and Findin«a, and can offer inducements to all classes of buyers N. B.—We pay the highest market price for Dry "WELLS & CURTIS, . 73 Broad Street. TO LET. •!*■*** arnracuai «ra flw tnm teiMMU* tewniioM, nd yrodcra WITTIOH ainoa,, J&2 ^ J=r ^jr4jaw‘.r* DRY COODS. 'My Kingdom for a Cash TO CASH Buyers I We must do buelur as at nil beaarde, psefit or no profit^tbe |i«nd8 l Our Stock of Spring end Summer Dry Is being constantly replenished. Just melved, i’itxjXj iizsra or VAXAeohsi Among them another lot of those with benntifol SUvsr-monntsd llendles, In Swevd, Spsur.asAlnsny other chests desigM. Our stock of FAooiuarr thxmmzbfam *S large, and ta offered cheaper than ever befo** lu Ikle market. * e respectfully ask all to call and exnmlM and get priest. We eltrnys show goeds sketEfhlly, and consider It no trouble. NEW YORK STORE. ■nio If o. i.A*w*jV«to* ) ape. Spring Goods and Staples 1 j. «* c>o. BAVK Jtrar LAID IN A IPFHH1QB OTOCK or IFRIHO COO DO. WmtRTBXT OFRKB AT XHB LOWUI CASH FHHJM. Tholr Stock l* Oomplot* lo Every ttepoFtmoat, oofi wo* ROD ONT FOR CASH, at th* Lowoat Now York Frlcaa, and Will bo *0M cor- roaRondlugly low. Best Prints 10 oenta. Irish Linens Expressly Imported! Ladies*, Children’s and Kisses’ Shoes. Also, good sup ply of Plantation Boots snd Shoes. Carpets and Bugs at reduced prises. S - All diking Spring Qoodi tnd itapltn for nwk rannot do brlUr. LOW! LOWER 1! LOWEST!!! E V pn.nte Sock ***17*00*1 of *rj*Tnrf^^2o?£LMllra?H T ^ *— - ’ The Lowest Cash Prices Ever Known in This Section! THIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE HA* LAID IN A Fine Stock of Spring Goods! To moot Iko rutl of tkolr Buy on.toam, tad mill oonUnoo lo ooll tkolr Mock of Omoollo tad Torolgn Good, it yrloon Iknt dof» oinfolMkx 4V OoaoMuinooforyounolf. Iko goodn fowl ko told. JOSEPH & BRO. Grand Clearing Out Sale! TO MARI HAST TOO THI iPIlRO TRAM, Wl ROW OFMk Onr Entire Stock of Fancy Frees Goods AT AND B1L0W COST. FOB CASH i AR* ITRRY OTHER ARTICLE AS L0W AO TO M F0V» IIWRTMM. CHAPMAN & VERSTIX.UE, To Let. JOB PRINTING. Letter Press and Card Printing JUST REOEIVED A FINE STOCK OF X.BT9SXL, bill acajLS awb Statement Paper, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CAROS All of which ota to fknlatod rirteted at 1I1 or* Botiso, at low Cam Ram*. Boflitad Bsosipt Books, BUI, T.rite.y, Georgia and Atabama Legal TUoa. OMlbovt, PRINTER ood SINOER, •ox oad Ttaioa S*Udl*«. COLUMBUS, OA. *— * —VS 1 Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER BOOK-BINDER AND Blank Book Manufacturer, L-\ (Old Hon Offioo Building,) ■AXOOI.PH IT., COMJRIOM, DA. DRUGS AND MEDICINES Jo I. UHIFFIN, IMPORTED VperfumeryW FANCY GOODE, at uracRo raicaa. All good, gnnrontMd. 4V Pruorlptloa, oora- folly proporod nl nil hoar,. J. I. OIIFFIN, inlldndnvly 10* Brawl II. i tnd ory dwortpOon, rU: ,, i.ft,. LETTFB HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OF ACT, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND ODtOULABS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS te. LEGAL BLANKS. Ballraad Bewlpte, Bill* Lading, Ac in book or loom, Blank Buoka of ail - kind*, with or without printed <» hendn, mada at ahort notice. airing my ontiro poraonnl nltonUon to Job Printing nd Binding, Inmnathtod to nil n|lor- dorn promptly nt LOW CASK PRICES. gnu.nto.lng mtlifoetkm. Order, ftcm nbrond roraira «mm attention a. If partial war* praant. Band far met Lfot. AW A fall ataak af Oaorgla Ito At. bam. togal Bjaakt alwayn oa kaaA lato-l* ■OILER MAKING. OEO. T. GirrOBD. Boiler 3SdCeJfe_er and Shout Ifm Workof. RUPAIRIHO daa. wtlh dNpatah, at Ml. *y. ir’. MmUh Mfu, OMMkla,’ Flaalkg Mill.. mhl Urn