The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 26, 1874, Image 4

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nr. .M, M74. mm If ABMtto, fc» Hm Hnhf nib Bit. ■ tte fWm, Inf skater. so* whoa Bf teort w L«M#te '*■* bthk Mm brawn I" f ytratn* *1* • mnnh ‘mnT'kUM.’win WlMI tor # —Boil rooltnl— Iftst eraaot bore loo mnoh bf the ind £» kite#! m I to an obotropor- , “Wo out nothing ; -|of that" •nan that ra empty > Hke an orpfcraTbe- I dtoftmory dsflras pro- throat, for “ paid, and wall Johnson n»> t a hangar dfini i of HootUnd, “I .C.aJS&TK ‘ I th* impossibility of IomoI tha aditonof haaring *t “My tha minlatar daoghtar la I with a davUr* HHH LADItt* DEPARTMENT. •UNDAT READING. Than appear* to b* ao many leader* in foahlnna that we aoaroely know whieh i» reliable. The dietatlana of each are ao at varianoe, and ao whollj oontradic- all and in fant a atyle of onr own, w* oonld not be far out of the way thla iraaon. The lead ing goddaaa haraelf aaaaaa naabia to pro- doee anything new, and admit* that uni formity ia eompletely out of data. Fssh- ion will ineiod* everything that ever has been worn from the remotaat period to the praaant time. There are aa many dif ferent foahion* aa there an forma to wear We heertilj endorae thi* inde- pandaoae in dreaa; eaeh lady oan make her own ehoioa, and atndy what will beat anit her particular atyle, and not oopy or atapidly follow a loader. Formerly the faahiona were abaointe, and svsiy lady war foread to aooounodat* haraelf to it at her peril. Did it dear** perpendicular atrip** or flat kilt pleating*, ahe waa obliged to wear them, howarer tall or aland.r aha might be -, ao meat theahort- aat and atontaat don tha widaat hoop and the fulleat puffs, until whole town* aaemed to be dreaaad in' uniform, and General Taahlon waa their loader, and atriot com. plianoa waa the battle cry. Wo now en joy the right to oonault our own idea* aa to what manner of toilet we may wear- privilage we may never be permitted to enjoy again. We otip from aome half doaen of the mart reliable ladies* book* aome auggen- tiona Which might be raluabla to our read er* with the good taate to ton* down what appear* ultra, or loud, or out of place in a quiet oommunity: Barely, if ever, are the “atorae" aa charming aa thejr are in spring. Country BOLLY'fl MATta. •God la Imt.d, plrM. U> bmrk.a _ a.... a llf'lMItfl ■of* tbe peach la*, abate yoG Are.* To tour MMl* Dolly’• prayer I While |he preoiier ia.amar (jllNtlg t Spring and Bummer in a t unineae najiag $150 p ■MDti in tbolr own countifM. Addraae Z1KULI VAo 1 andgala u Till thn big ward, all an a And Antfln, and than tha maaic, - ‘■-‘rhaiw. Till tha |Mopla bow Ibair t “If t knew tka way to Jana, thay chooaa Instantly. fhUotapl. menial qulramaet all can poawaa, fra*, by mall, .... i hraeto^'DrV W t ^ , mftrr ^aK_n gold., Egyptian 1 a new book on the "Than I'd ran ao Tory awlftly, And I'd (Ire bln a enrprtee— Ob I I'm certain I should know bin When be met ma with bla ayaa. art oP£rltlac by Boaad; a complete eyetem of Phonetie Short-Hand, the ahortoet, moatilmple, assy and comprehension, enabling any one In n "He would be n glad to eee me That bla arms bs’d opsn wids, And I'd quickly climb within thorn, There forever I would bids. short time to report trials, speeches, sermons, Ac. Tbs Lord’s Prayer u written with 4* strokes of thn pen, and. 140 words per minute. The unem ployed should learn this srt. Price by mall £() cants. Agent, wonted. Address T. W. KVANH A OO., 138 booth 7th etrasl, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w “God In hearm, please to hearken To your little Dolly's prayer, While the preacher ssys thepreaehfn', Please to show me when yon ora.” Tlrad ones, with hearts impatient, flow wa echo Dolly's prayer. “Ood in beaten, please to bewktn. Please to lead ne whan yoa an." —The very worst uae to which you oan put a man ia to hang him.— Wilkie. —Purity ia the feminine, Truth the masculine, of Honor.—Hare. —Take oare to be an economist in pros perity ; there ie no fear of your being on* in adversity.—Zimmerman. —Aa charity covers a multitude of eina before God, eo does politeness before men.—Oreville. —Grant graciously what you cannot re fuse safely, and conciliate thoae you can not conquer.—Colton. —A little management may often evade resistance, which a vast foroe might vainly strive to overcome.—Anon. —O love, when thon goriest dominion over its, we may bid good-bye to prn- taino. dunce.—1m font) meadow*, and all the hoped-for anmmer glorias, ere .suggested by tb« hues and petterna of aaaeonable fabi m Tic*| even tint* of willow green and each little hnokle- berry bloeoom give one pleasure, Indoors, at any rate, spring I* justified of ber * certainly promises, and < r any one who oan reach our oity by tongue, pen, or pnrae, if found defl- ought to expeat no quarter oient in well i selected toilettes. Perbape tbe moat serviceable, and cer tainly the most attractive fabrics among inaxpensiva one*, are thi rammer cash meres, presentedjuawide ran^eof colors, tha standard shadea being well repi ad. Many ladies will make “ekt resent- eleton' —Leave not off praying to God) for if mak “ ‘ “ either praying will mak* thee leave off sinning, or continuing In sin will make thee desist from preying.—Fuller. —Bead not to oontradict and oonfnte, nor to believe rad take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider.—Boom. —Tortullian saith, "If thon endnreat wrong for Christ's sake, He ia a revenger; ” ' mfotter j if sickness, Mew Advertisements. 144 WH9L TEACH Hi'S WANTED diirlns lbs RIIOMANOY, or SOUL Oil ARM- How either sex may ranclnate It s marriage guide, Egyptian Hints toLsdlna, WndJIng- A queer book. Address T. Our ttook of Spring and Summer Dry Goods • Is being constantly replenished. Just received, VUZjZj ZjXSTXI OS* FARAMOXiSi Among them another lot of thoee with basutiftal iilvar-mountod Handles, ia Sword, Spear, and many other chaste designs. Onr stock of ^ consider it no trouble. A*e»ta, If ys* west to make mosey, noli Spring Goods- and. Staples ! The bigroat thing yet. Uumur, wit, pathoe, life ran and laughter, 360 comic niti. The people ysarn for It. It will sell in dull tinea! t Show It to n man, and he anrrenders. It is sure every time. Don’t bother with heavy booka that nobody wants. Humor is the thing that takes. Agents wanted everywhere. Send for circulars and ex»ra terms to To*day Publishing Company, Fhllodel- phla, New York, Boston, or Chicago. 4w apr!4 ■tractions and valuable package of goods sent freebjnmall. v Addr«ns,jwith sir cent stamp, M. krp.4178 Greenwich st., N*w York. 4w Por Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ORLY IR BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY Sold by DragilsU. 4w Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, NOW FOR SALE VERY OHEAP1 T« Tsars’ .Credit, Iatarret n*iy * per cent. if norrow, Ha is a 001 Ha i* a physician; if lo**, He ie a re storer ; if life, He is * revival. —Let amusement* fill np the ohinka of yonr existeno*, noi the great rases* there of. Let yonr pleasures be taken as Dan iel took hi* prayer*—with hia window* open; pleasures which need not oause a single blush on an ingennona cheek. —Good, kind, trne, holy words dropped in conversation may be little thonght of, but they are like seeds of flowers or fruit ful tree falling by the wayside, borne by some bird afar, happily thereafter to frtoj Descriptive Pemphlet, with Sectional Mepe, lent tree's The Pioneer, n handsome Illustrated Paper, containing the Homestead Law, mailed free to all parts of the world. Address O. V. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. U. B., 4w Omaha, Nob. ««•. Homo mm alar, nappiiy thereafter to fringe btgqtiM of th«ne tsheup cMhft»er«s, which | w |th beauty some barren mountain aide, roqmro only a i’Qdioioug ■toying of the : or t 0 make glad some lonely wilderness, ■aama to bo mffioiontly Rtrong, and then «. . ., . being worn over French chemisette waists, | "T W ® “ re “J" A £*5 they will prov« exceedingly oomfortablo, ,rad 0I ! 0 * 1 °” l ‘ r ,7“ te ,.*' 00 , k not to seya great convenience In regions ‘“a stock where gSod Unndry work is not lo be in each man s email and that the indi- found. "Of conrso, overskirts of tbe same ! vi ! lualH *°" ,d . always accempeny basques of aummer i “'.T 6 " of A^ 0 ? ouernl U „ nk “ d “P'bdof nations and of ages.—Burke, —The true art of being agreeable is to The most charming white dreasea aro of Viotorie lawn or of other aheer muslins, trimmsd with open needle-work. The do- and rather to seem well entertain. appear well pleased with all the company, ' ledwitl: Morally, in dls- I tdaaaof persona who , oonclnded with ‘■My fraens, it » to an tar tha I ft* n ooo to climb elan ia usually embroidered bands and tbono, than to bring ^entertainment to rnflli ' ----- • • ■ " * “ es forming* a tablier aorosa the whole them. A man thus disposed, perhaps, .. .... .— . i —-si 1 any wit; l to ait on harry a tha fop mm3' " said n Lei- torn a horsa and the next morn- grown above Ida nothing," cried n say torn a horse 4md not be able ' "“nfir «laFofw 9% uww wv injHu hiMVob had for soma by their Ha bad of- radU^S*fo impram them with a ■a of tbs impropriety of snoh oonduot, I one day, when finis waa sitting in tRfoimito awaken the attention DeettArnt fall asleep, an ao many of yon ] n*ua nuv Ami Not Imw.—Whenever lernity of a bad! is nnoartain, an i ia maaa to father it onaomann- 4e Emerald**. Tat it waa a Soot oh i who said the batcher of bar own mly killed hnlf a beast at a time; I Wta a Dutchmen who said a pig had no rmark*exoeptathorttall; rad it wu i magisMWO, who, bring told by nd test h* Writ not married, r*. • ‘Thartanood thing for your B was tn Ungllali reporter who i s lata meeting the British ittdtad "oasts of _ . j token at differ- i of nlnk lift, to show tha __ BBOGd ii ho Titmthough in Inland; on* of n nation when he waa nboftrad thn other of the same peraon whan be had grown to b* a man. It was • Porfognes* major who enumerated rk* by which the body of a might bn identified when “a liansdlsennl in hia B foniow Oarlino, foe b BovTe Booba, who, on oontentodly I his heal on a Irngk atone jar for a r, replied to on* who inquired if it _ j |nqt t rather hard? ‘ifttat all, for I've I it with hey." HUB a Maine edi- o mid that a pumpkin in that State b^w ao large that sight man could stand ^ t*~* striisasnt which is only if another who saw a r ao tow that h* oonld - «*. It waa a Western » who, wanning with his subject, ifmra i There ia not * auw, woman > has arrived at fahildinNdsl i thair mind* for if »g»Mt fonri near Cape Coot Cas- , the silk cotton, like a king of m over aU^rtheie. It ia truly • mast wonderful tree. It grow, faster than any ether, for the wood ia soft I flMMNit must boon* of tha terg<M tree, toft* world. Thar* ia a moat wonderful fttoWonof nafcu* drawn in this in oam. yramtiag jt for tha raftnam of it. wood, vttftl think, from iU immense rise. MWd not rapport tha weight of the branehea and towering top. Bising for ■tjhsrite giants, therefore deriving . Cram AwLeach one etendsfof («t of'ito hefgbt a separate tree, to the Ml foroe of the oon- whieh sweep over this idnring the rains. Tha I raven it by a anmbar . Hi round tha sterna; ftWR*d by the roots which rise •mrad to n flattened shape ex- ~~ Sidra ot the twee, mid K&aPSSSKJ make use of thsapaoes ^otmra; manly boras is oom- i country never to their horaea, " Us bnttrmn front brsadth, one or two flounces around mny have not mneh learning nor the drirt, and a long barque or dsmi-polo- but if he has common sense and some- ».ia elaborate with ornament. AFrenoh ‘ thing friendly in his behavior, it conoili- fonoy is stitohing of bine on the soallopod obis mon’s minds more than the brightest and pointed flonnoss of white dresses; - parts without this disposition. It is true, moat flounces of imported muslin dresses indeed, that we should not dissemble and have needle-worked edges. i flatter in company; but a man may be The novelty ill linen for morning end very agreeable, Btriotly consistent with house suits is white linen with penoll; truth and sincerity, by a prudent silenee stripes of blech or a order. Those with j whore be cannot concur, and a pleasing alternate black and gfeep lines are qnaint assent where he can. Now and then you and pretty. The skin hss many floqnoes meet with a person so exactly formed to of scalloped points, and a deep basque, please, that he will gain npon every one ‘ '■- -• ' “■-*-- that hears or beholds also flounced. A rnfl trims tbe neck, and { that hears or beholds him; this disposi- rnffles turned up above the armhole have tion is not merely the gift of nature,' but . .. . -.-w **"“*■' 1 * —the effeot of much a stylish effect. Eve ’ much knowle command over < frequently JVen ttripen of white with ■ color are ! ot world, and i chooDH for anmmer alllca. A pretty faah- ! P MB * onB .—Addison. ion of making theaa ia to hAve one deop | —Tho inoat perfect home I ever saw biaa ahirred Aon noe around tbe skirt, or , was in a little house into the sweet in cise two narrower ones. Let the over-' oense of whose fires went no oostly things, skirt have a sharp-poiuted apron of two A thousand dollars served for a year's liv- sloped breadths, with a seam down the ing of father, mother, and three ehildren. middle, on whieh are foar bows of bias But the mother was the creator of ahome; silk; its three draped full beck breadths her relation with her ohildren was the are square on the aid**, and the whole is most beautiful I have ever seen ; even edged by a bias ruffle, headed by a band : dull and commonplace man was lifted np iptaruad folds. The hoaqne and enabled to do good work for souls by ir iu front than behind, is the atmosphere whioh this woman ore- fringe _or a ruffle, and the utod; every ininnle of her houae involun- ‘ tarily looked into her face for the key note of the day; and it always rang elear. From the rose-bud or olover-Ieaf, whiob, in spite of hor hard house work, she al ways fonnd time to pat by oar plates at breakfast, down to the story .she had on hand to be read in the evening, there was fa* hats are im-1 no intermission of hor influence. She has or duster of upturned folds, ia mnoh lon| trimmed wil .. ooet sleeves have raffs with a Mas scarf tied aaonnd them. Medioia collar and raff of tha alia. Lovers at novelty are adopting the twlllad silks with blocks, check, or cross bars of odor on white. These make lovely raring mite, and promise to be so popular that nook-tie* ana soarfs fur ' ' ported to matoh the drosses. Violet and always been, and always will be, my ideal ohastnnt brown aro the stylish colors for of s mother, wife, home-maker. If to snob suits. The skirt of plain violet silk hor quick brain, loving heart and exqni has violet flonnoss, with tablier and over- ] site face had been added the appliances skirt of th* cross-bar silk; tha basque will of wealth and the enlargemonta of wider then be of the plain oolur, with orosj- onlture, hers wonld have been absolutely barred sleeves, collar, rad oravet. This 1 the ideal home. As it was, it was the best violet tint is a dark purple-bine—a oross I I have ever seen. between th* navy bine and plum oolor of | former seasons. with ecru and the mole ydlow Huron shades, and ia trimmed with laoea and rilks of these tinta, also with white. I Calf’s-Foot Jeli.y.—Four calf’s feet, Tho new skirts ahow a simple plan for ' oleaned carefully ; four quarts of water; DOMESTIC RECIPES. massing thair fnllneM behind, which also one pint of wine; three cups of angar, ‘ 'f three eggs, iiodnoM a panler puff, shortens tbe baok or swoeten to taste; whites oi breadths for the street, or gives them a - well beaten; two teaspoonfuls of nutmeg; pretty sweep when worn as dcml-traius. 1 juioo of one lemon, and half tho grated This i* done by patting a drawing string peel. Boil the calf's feot in the water nn- aoroas tha fties baok breadths, ou the til it is reduced one-half; strain thb liquor, wrong rida, about half a yard below tho and lot it stand ten or twelve hours, tikim belt. When this is drawn tightly the three off every purtiele of the fat, and remove front breadtha ding oloady, and the back j the dregs; molt slowly in a porcelain or ■ • - '' ‘ ’ v- i add the seasoning, sn- baa a bouffant puff, whioh ia easily short- hell metal kettle; ened for the street by a eouple of tapes gar, sud tho whipped whites of the eggs, hanging from the belt and buttoned to tho j and boil fast about twelve minutes, skim- shirred tape-cover below. miug well. Strain through a doable flan- The most novd patterns of foulard- fid bag suspended betweeen the four logs finished percale are in.stripea, imit&tiveof of an upturned high stool or baokloss oheviot c'oth; and they are very beauti ful, being in blaok, indefinite green, in- daflnite.b:ue, brown, pink, and drab, with the aoftneae at ondreraed s lk, rad a re freshingly antiquated face. Bonnets are decidedly larger. The coro net brim is rarely eeen, bat th* depressed brims, whioh ere wider than they have bean for several seasons, are in vogue. Buff linens have white stripes in laca- lika designs or oanv*. Mures. "Preytog« ' . „ oostames” are advertised by a fashionable modiste in Paris. Throat kerchiefs of silk are giving way to ties of earn guipure, edged with the ■mne, or a aearf of guipnre lace, edged with gnipnre of the finest quality, and made inconveniently long. Blnaaoma of every conceivable shade of yellow are among tha favorites of bru nettes. Hnlphor, prdtmaixe, lemon blanc, and Isabella bnff are included. Mahogany brown, it ie eeid, will be the leading oolor; dark Napoleon blue iseven more largely imported than, it waa last year. For common wear, prints in tha mad der dyes are to be recommended. Few, however, fade, on lose there Is on them a great intermixture of high orfanoy oolore, and snoh are handsome onto for breakfast cAamort. ■rappera or robot do i Within l n th* last week e taw novelties in drear goods have appeared. Th* most notioeable, and one that we ihonld think migbtbeeomepopnlar,isatwill*d, striped, eora pongee. It has a firm, heavy body, is wiry yet flexible, and la wall suited for overdresses only. ohsir, the howl set beneath. Do not squeeze or shake it nntil the jelly oeases to run freoly; then slip out the bowl, and pat another under, into which yon may itly press what remains. The first will the dearer jelly, although the second dripping will tasto quite as well. Wet yonr moulds, pat in the jelly, and set in a cool place. Whipped Syllabubs One pint of cream, rich and sweet; half cap of sugar, powdered; one gloss of wine; vanilla or other extract, one. large teaspoonfnl. Sweeten the oream, and when the sugar is thoroughly dissolved stir in the wine care fully with the flavoring extraot, and ohnrn to a strong froth. Heap in glasses, and eat with cake. To Wasu Doubtful Calicoes.—Put a teaspoonful of sugar of lead into a pail fnl of water, and took fifteen minutes be fore washing. Chocolate Ice Cbxam.—One quart of cream; one pint of new milk; two on;ui of sugar; two eggs, beaten light;.five ta blespoonfuls of chocolate, rubbed smooth in a little milk. Heat the milk almost to boiling, and pour (by degrees) in with the beaten egg and angar; stir in the chooo- late, beat well three minutes, and re tarn to the inner kettle. Heat nntil it well, stirring constantly; take from the fire and aet aside to oool. Many think a little vanilla an improvement. When the onstard is cold beat in the cream. Freese. Canned Berries.—Heat slowly to boil ing in a large kettle. When they begin to boil add sugar iu the proportion of one tablespoouful to crcIi quart'of fruit. Be- > Joint ■• • • - - To Pebpau Bmnr. —Take the stomach ot a new-killed calf, rad do not wash it» as it weakens the gastric jnloc. Hang it to a oool rad dry place A than tarn tha Iraida out, ana rap oil raids with tha hand. Then fill it with with a Uttte aaltpater mixed to, and • ton- fore doing this, however, if there ia mnoh juice in the kettle dip out the ampins with a dipper or cap. Leave the berries almost dry before patting to tbe sugar. This will make syrup enough. Boil ml together va dan or so fifteen minntes, and ora. Strawberries, a m .. * nporura tvlanlrKorviaa and nil niilsa an* mm graces, blackberries and cherries pat up way are very good, oaten aa yon would preserves, ahd moke pie* whioh an aoaroely inferior to tboraflUsd i jrai. S mbit I The highest medical atuthoritiee •* Europe my th* strosgeit Tonlo, Purifier and Dee betru out known to the medical world li JURUBEBA. It arreits demy of vital foreei, exhaustion ol th* nervoa* system, restores vigor to the debil itated, cleanses vitiated blood, remoras vesicle obstructions and acts dlrcotly on the Liver and .UPlattSt., R. Y. USS& A YEAR 1 Combination Prospectus VepreMut^nS^Dren^miGTTreteiUn^ve^ family. Agent* wanted in evory county n d t«wn In the United 8t*tM t lo make a permanent kuai- nefls on these works Bales Bare NNd ProBts TJomplel^u^RTentportpftfTorroculpSJriOo^ enabling yon to commence at once. Fnr outfit •nd fhll particulars address JOHN E. POTTER A CO, Pub’s, Phlla., Pm AN TEED YOH ALL, either sex, young or old; be done during leisure time at your homes, or pays immensely to travel. Large salaries to expert enced A flYllTfTC! A splendid outfit freo Write AVJjSlJN 1Q for it at once, to LARAN E A HALL, 16J4 North Charles street, Baltlmoro, Md. DR. PIERCE'S PC tores oil Remove from the worst Serof. nit to a coir-non Blotch or Pimple. From tiro to tlx Bottles are warranted to our* Balt Bhenm or Tetter. — Face, tool is, KTyS'^lra P »S Complaint. Blx to Twelve bote cum Scrofnlons iwelllngt[and Bores and all Skin ant Wood (Macraes. By lit wondertu doctoral proraghrato " Yh ‘ HIDES. HIDES! HIDES WE WILL PAY THE Highest Market Price DAY GOODS. My Kingdom 'for a Cash Buyer!” 8B0. W. UlLLIttOEAM, Cubic, GEORGIA HOME BANK. isrgi reflpectfotly ask all to call and examine and get prices. We always show goods cheerfully, and NEW YORK STORE. aprlO tf I. LARDAUEB * BhO. Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle fund for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. J. tSo OO. ed Their Stook I* Complete in Every Depertment, end wee BOUGHT FOR CASH, at the Loweet New York Price*, and Will be sold cor respondingly low. Best Prints 10 oents. Irish Linens Expressly Imported! Ladies’, Children's and Misses’ Shoes. AUo, good sup ply of Plantation Boots and Shoes. Carpets and Rugs at redueed prices. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound- January, April, July and October—four times a vear SECURITY .—By the terms of the Company’s chartei the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORS: i. KYLE A CO. LOW! LOWER!! LOWEST!!! been selling The Lowest Cash Prices Ever K’hown in This Section THIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE HAS LAID IN A Fine Stock of Spring Goods! To meet the wants of their many customers, and will continue to sell their stock of Doirestio and ** *gn Goods at prices that defy competition. r Come and see for yourself. 1 he goods mast be ■< JOSEPH & BRO. qpr12 tf OO Broad flit. Grand. Clearing . Ont Sale ! TO MAKB READY FOR THE SPRING TRADE, ITS NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOR CASH! AND KVEBY OTHER ARTICLE AS LOW AS TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. CHAPMAN & YERSTILLE, 00 BROAD STREET COTTON WAREHOUSES. A. M. ALLEN. PETER PREER. Fontaine YYapelaonse ALLEN, PREER & ILLCES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants Ordsrs Solicited in parson or by letter. Commission promptly exeouted for buyer or seller. wbCT tf OOKiPMBtrS, &BORG1A. JOB PRINTING. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF Green l Dry Hides, Furs, Beeswax, Ac. LETTER, BILL HEAD AND Statement Paper, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of whioh can he fnrnfehed printed at short notice, at low Casu Baths. Railroad Beoeipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Thos. Gilbert, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Tima* Building. COLUMBUS, GA. BARNETT ft CO., ssb*4 3m Crawford Street. Thomas Gilbert M. M. HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Street*. JOB PRINTER Hides and Furs a Specialty. BOOK-BINDER Will Paj the Highest Market Prloe for Hides, Furs, Beeswax ft Rags. Blank Book Manufacturer, All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. Ja28 .lly (Old Bon Office Building,) RANDOLPH 8T., COElJltUBUS, GA. MONETARY. LETTFB HEADS, NOTE HEADS, R. M. Water* A Co., 56 Broad St., New York, receive Deposit Account* on favorable term* from Banka, Sankara, and Corporation*, subject to oheek at sight. Loans made only on Cotton and Approved Stock Ex change Collateral*. BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OF ACT, BUSINESS AND VISITING CABDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND CIBCULABS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS &c. LEGAL BLANKS. Important to Farmers. If®*3 8TKVKN8 Is woll known to the 1X1. Planters of Georgia and Alabama as one of the most reliable and efficient QIN-WRIGHT8 In the country. Wherever he h«s worked be has given satisfaction; and, as he proposes to make a tour in a short time, planters neoding Oin repairs should hand in their names and loention. “Work m ell done is twise done.'* mh¥4 dswtf Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, Ao in book or iooaa, Blank Booka of all # kinds, with or without printad DIAMOND SPECTACLE* S heads, made at short notice. Giving my entire personal attention to Job Printing and Binding,1 am enabled to fill all or ders promptly at LOW CASH PRICES, guaranteeing satisfaction, Those Spectacle# ore manufactured from “Min ute Crystal Pebble#” melted together, and ere called Diamond on oooobnt of their hardness and Iwiftfrsah Havlu ten tMUd with th. potariKop., th. filamoM Inaro hare tew tout to admit fiftoen psv roat. Ins boated raps tbaa aaj otter pabblc. ■ Thop are arooad witb snot atewtific Mcancv, to Ins Itea stosralte stesssttsas, sad pcodoo. Ordan from abroad reeslvs soma attsotion as IT parties wsra present. Stud for PrlM List. *- A full stook of Georgia rad Alabama Legal Blanks always on band. fabfr—It BOILER MAKINC. st sbremsUn sb.rrsUs*!, am i gml etatteotRsos of tptetee i 0*0. T. SlflOU, MILLINERY. \ SPRING MILLINERY. W K hijv-ln.t r.™'ve,l » full Un, „r NPH1M; AND SU1H91EB MILLINERY, eluding all ttio N0VKI.T1KS of the .uaarm PHK8SING AND HI.EAOIllNU done in the latent atylep, at tho shortest notice. Next door below the Now York Store. _ , MRS. COLVIN and octIR—ly mar4 MIS8 DONNEl.LY, FARM BOOK8. TIME BOOKS FOR PLANTATIONS AND FARMS Price Euubles any one to keep accurate counts with their employees. $1 50. The form is one furnisLed by a planter of much experience. Its use will enable a Farmer to ea many times its cost during the year. Printed and for sale by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. The Book will bo forwarded by mail, on receipt of price. j»21 dswtf MI8CELLANE0U8. FRESH GOODS! PROFUMO & HOFFMAN Have Just Received a Fresh Lot of Dates, Prunes, Raisins, Figs. Choice Apples. &c feb22 tf ACTS Of the Last Legislature FOR SALK BY W. J. CHAFFIN. Wood, Wood! |^E8T WOOD, ready sawed, $4.00 per cord. Wood •awed for 50 cents per cord. Orders filled prompt* ly on application to the febai tf MUSCOGEE MANUF'NG 00 CHEMICALS—PURE! HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW PRICKS. E. C. HOOD ft BRO. Ja24 tepis NOTICE. BANKING AND INSURANCE. J. BH0SX3 BSOWn, Pmllsnt. Bank ot Discount end Deposit. Deals in Exehange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Golleotod, and prompt returns made. THE GEORGIA HOME SAVINGS BANK be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our nntrn!? 1 who live at a distance. 3 3. RHODES BROWNE. Pies t of thn Co. N. N. CURTIS, of Wells Cnrti. Jt n JAB. ¥. BOZEMAN, Capitalist, Atlanta. L. T. DOWNING, Attoraev-itJA. J. R. CLAPP, Manuf'tr, Olapp'a Factory. D. F. WILLCOX, Secretarv at- k n Hon. JOHN MoILHENNY, Sfeyor. JOSIAH MORRIS, Bunker Mon J?' JAMES RANKIN, Capitnliet. CHARLES WISE, ' »«» H. H. KPPINtf, Pru'L II. W. EDWARDS, Cashier. B. M. RULFOBD, Am't c.,Vr The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLUMBUS, GEO. This Bank transact* • Gsnsral Banking business, pays Interest on De posits under speolsl contraot, gives prompt attention to collections on sll accessible points, and invites correspondence. Information transmittsd by mail or wires whan desired. aprl dOm MERCHANTS’ AND MECHANICS' OOLXJMBUS, GEORGIA. A. 0, BLACKMAR, Cashier, W. L. SALISBURY, Presid’t. F bi nary 5th, 1874. tf SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY I tiie Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y CONTINUES TO OFFER THE PUBLIC IMMTY against Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, 8he Wants a Chance to Cet it Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAMI S. MURDOCH Treasurer. Secretary. President. Columbus, Oct. 1st, 1873. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE OOMPANV. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, - - $529,36492 Boston “ “ “ - - 180,903.89 Total Assets—Gold—January 1st, 1874, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Losses Dae and Unpaid Losses in process of adjustment, or adjnt-ted and not due None. $2*2,598 00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Inoome, 1873 520,217 87 Gain Losnen Promptly Adjusted uud *' n lrljr Mettled by G. GUNBxT JORDAN, Agent, iy COLUMBUS, GA. 1840. 1874. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE ACENT, B1 Broad Street, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies, SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT! If you will only Sav# what you Waste, It would be no trouble to become Independent. EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. 6UNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. Wanted, Agents to CLOTHING. Noun I hi* good, practicable i aprl9 lm Cl^S. C. SOUDKR, Manager. OPENING DAY I lee Cream andStrawberries, I. G. STRUPPER’S SALOON WUl b# Open om April 20th. NO Here’s Your Chance. RUSTY SUIT! EXCUSE FOR CLOTHING A AT COST ! IB IDE NCXT THIRTY DAYS WI WILL SILL ODD SUPBBg STOCK OF ltetke. Trunks, Valiscft . • (teg* Bags, to, «&, a* Cote fcr Cash. X fora ■* wav * Utetoto »* bv ONOpOfl OLOm tet s iwt* swray. TNOMA8 ft PRE8COTT. ■ fokrateH, fo„ Dm. IS, UIS. info* fisTtAicr Amwa