The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 01, 1874, Image 4

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Mi FRIDAY.. cucimT H4I I, 1W*. ®!T Y *****?*•— ooirnn vinr kammmt. muiul.-BtMtkUtoMltewYertMSM »a-i ■ | K!iaff i ££ vaaaakKtoK p» wu*!*"" 4 *5* HaXpW*nl.RltklrtHIIBf YorkatK#.yee»ie»- 0*»wmvI**m I*JK nMni.f> MU. (MtH Mia *•«♦- III, Oorroa^-KHkMMU >|*»»>HW gradao. TkeMlewtagaratbeqaeteltoM: Ordinary X& rteia'iit.;.....".«.!!.. *• (Hoi Ordinary .~<....UMfUN Low MUdBmt r .«.4r»- MMdltago....... ■Mot Mdritagt 1 MmN hiMi - ■mlpH ■ Moo - 10 Of Et#. Ill uoy woponi itr«.ti.*.*• > W. m.B.1 Ikp rtteri # ky to W.B.R. BkifttMto MOalOO-4 * R.I M tor keme ttataapum | M Ip W. R. R. MH.TWIMM, Hat m kaad AaguM an, llU. Itedey..;.. IPW'" , "*uin I.. - • <Mn " k * w ** jSjgmj Mom he IrfooM ll#» (if Alton!* loo boon agitating for ooaoo time tk* project of boildinf a Borrow gaago railroad to Uraeavlllo, to Mari- wotbor county. A writer ia th* Atlanta If ■lloo fraaa Qraeuvtlto. and train* ■Oto at th* fonaor pi***, that it would bo well for too bueiane aoa ot Atlanta to murider too fHHWIIty at P«a| |M Mad too north aal South Itoa, tad In* U Ortetrille to Attoate, aad thoa aoaara to tho lattar plaM tho trad! off tha rioh oouatrUe through whiah it would Tka writoa think* Ctooacaor Smith will ertl the rood. Ho aiao aajn tha peo ple oc lb* line of the roadwUl givetaiga ..Mn ■an Par Lai* Tap a lagaot not, irrt, IMraertredtenedeyri; llHWHWf ■kipped mo lay to i total naal to otaoh MM; attain. milhaaoWH*. U.B.Ponrt.—Retrtpli MtalayoM.Miaa- yorto to Oraat Britata SMtoi to OoaUaoat to*Mi otaihMMto. - .-sasnus: Tha ragalar Monthly aooattof at tha Grange wUl ba hald oa fitdy *1 U o'olook. A fall attendance ia partteatariy derirad, aa tha annuel prtvfiigs will ha conferred, aad bootoan of man impot taaoa will ba bpoagM baton too body. By ordoo of Worthy Mester. opBO St I. A. Yling*, Baa'y. ohrr.i^rr^-. Goode, Clothing, Hate, Boota, Letter* of Application—Mr*. H. Wil lett. : . ’ letter* at dUatatoUuUjpHjQM*#* W. Rrlggo. ' Letter* at Adaiaiot ration—Ibbo CL Rradlay. Aooigaoa to Banbnptay—Ploataat O, Meeting Tri Might' ftatiey Chapter. Thlo propoted liaa bid eroraegewd wary amly to that of tha Atlanta and Oolum- baa road, whiah waa formerly oontooopla- tadaalof whtah Hi KjathaM waa Fieri- dMtaBB whtohwmtupwKhMtooUept*, whoa tha htato rafaaad him non bond*. W* do not think Colombo* ehould ore* bara abandanad tha main daoign of thlo oatorpeioa i that ia, of anittog ala', U- Oao Waa hald pool today to tha Pair Grooade, aad eontlnaad by lata to tha night. UmI walk /hr aw Ortepeu trteu i Undo Baao Kooekogaa, who haa pi toad bio fonr-toora yaara, oror half at thoto to Colombia, walked into town yoatorday, a dlalaaoa of threa mil**, “juat for a little enrobe." Uaola 8am fooght ia tha war of IMS, aad to otill a hardy, rohaat man. Mantra (a too Baal. Tha Soalharn Memorial Dtp waa man generally obeerrtd than on previoM on- eitiono. Tha apaakna to Montgomery and Atlanta paid haalaoaoolrtbateo to the memory of Mro. Chat. 1. Williams. • Oth er repot to that wwhara mantiona worthy of her who iningaratad tha beaatifal oat- tom of ot rawing Sowar* orar tha yttn of tha Confederate plain. Preparation* arahatagatafi* for a gnnd ilon oalabratton of all tha Banday aaii Bohooia in thia aaetion, oa bath aidta of tha river, to taka plane to Bt. Lakt't Obarok oa the afternoon of May 17th, tha third Banday to thia month. Tha effort ia to anile all in an endeavor to and atiltoa tha general Baad^ Sahool ala- mat Bongo, add alatamema will eonatitata tha ganatal fan- taiM of tha oooaaion. , Tha OammilSa Appolnita. Pint Uantanant 0. H. Williama, eet- geant W. S. Hotateed, aorpoaal M. J. Crawford, and privataa W. L. Oath aad John Hogan, oonatitnta tha onmmtttan to appoint tha lima aad plan for tha faati- ral to ba given by thaOetamboa Oaaadn. A ganaral feeling of having U at the Pah- lie Qardaa, on aaeoont of laving tha ex- panpa of tranaportation, and bamaaa of having one of tha gaaat danajng Hallo to the State, ahpaam to grow in flvor. A atrong goarf and agtto foMimnah wBI ebook all diaotdtra on the iahtaht. Tha Barmama tka towp. Thirty-thiaa mam ban at Btaaaa Hook and Ladder Company, to thair aztlngoiahar, abont a' doaan gaaata and a airing band of atx oolorod people, left on tha Mobile aad Girard Baiboad train teat afternoon for Troy, Alabaom. Tha company givae a very Mr npieorn tali on of tha bntlnttt hoaaea of Oolambaa. Nearly all ato>toa or lam ripraettoad. Mayor Olaghorn aad throe AMartMa want on tha trip, They will .remain to Troy today and retom Saturday morning All aspaet a gay and happy time. Tha alderman who want ware MahaBay, Redd, Brannon aad Flooraoy. CipmjMMwNap Binoa Janaary lat, Oolambaa haa beaa v toiled by fortydit rainy daye, aad the thermometer bM araragad piety dagwae. Binoa Mateh lit wa have ’had twenty-aav- an ratoe aad two froata. Lmt year after January let to the prao- eat time, we had eonatad thirty yatay daya, and two anawa; aad after Ifaroh lat fourteen mine aad Ira froata. So thia apring wehnre had n to mg am tore of four dagtiii higher, aad thirteen more nine than the one of toot year, and far tha ■vamaithn aiiteea mere rainy Orange and Borne to Chattanooga with the great tmnk line to Chattanooga. Tha totendanl (W. D. Ckiplay), that tha grant mtotoka of tha atttoa.tawaa and paople along the Uae waa to frittering away their raooarem in local work, and not oon- eeatratiag aU tha maaM at the initial point aad poohing tha Una ae far go poari- hie. The farther it extended, tha grantor tag the road to Chattanooga. Maeon IW tndtevoriag to reaeh by a di root line to the oameobieottvo point—tha Chattanooga and Oinomnatl read.. Honoa ita Maeon and Kaeiville road. Oaiamboa oheold horatlf net bb |d|a. BaUroad Imilding to now at n low ebb, aad to! aMtoa are eo erampad that nothing will hardly bo efbetod. Ctonmhgahhotod. have fm aya to the tala of tha road whan it takao piaoa, and prepare before hand to: take anting Site Mirrg Month of Maa-OrtfUiTJt»- Tha word la from tha Jfalar, en*to»atod from Magiut, from a root may, or oaaaerit mad, to grow { eo that May to Joet the neat on of growth, it ia tha flfth month of the year. In oar prooont (Gregarian) oalendar, and oonototo of thirty-one doyo. The notion that it waa named Meioo by the Bnmana to honor of Moia, the mother of Memory, to erroneono, for the boom waa to ora among them, and pra- oeding ntoloro, long before they heard of Mttoety bt Ms mother. Tha outbreak into noW Ufa and beauty whiah marka natoro at tbie time inatinotively aaeitoa feetingtef gladneM and delight; hanoa, it to not wonderful that at all timM it ■toold bt otlihntxl the Bom ant the feeling found vent ■ to their FtoraMa ot Flo- ml gamea, whiah begro oh AprftMth and looted a few daye. The teat of May, Mayday, wit the ehlof feetival among the anoenta, and Mill to. In England it wao onotomary among the middle agee, for all, both high and low—even tha court itoelf—to go out on tha flrot May morning, at aa. early hoar, to “feteh tha dowara froth." Thom ware brought book with aeeotopaaiamonta of horn and tabor and ail aigno of Joy and arrimant, aad tha people prooaadad to dioouti thair boom. The fainot maid to the vWigo om« orownad the “Qnaan of May," and “all went a—Maying.” Thia lent memo to ba derived from tha wonbip, by the Bomaaa, at Fiore, the goddam of dowam. In the reign of Hanry XIII, the headi at the oorporatioa of London want oat to gather tha May, tba King and Qnaan moating them on Bhooter’o Hill, to Kant Tha oroet oontpionont faatnno woo tha arentlnn to every town aad village of the May-pole-no high to the mrot of a voaoel of a hundred Iona, on wbioh were out- peadtd wroatba of dowera, and all daaood aronnd to riage tha Uva day long. The Pnritaaa a proof ad thoro polte. They were revived after the Beotoration, bat hBM hftV9 llMlI diMppMlida f (j In Germany and Franoa Moy-poloo wero oommon, and to noma pi toot are arill obaerved, and are otill to ba toon, and yet feetive oporto are otill hald to all Ihooa and thin eonntry. Poe to almqet nnmbariam have written abont the dayi- Obanoor, Horriak, down to‘the tender linra of Tanayaon, the poet-lanriale of Bog land. It to tha gladdoot, morriaat time of all tha glad Haw Tear. JVwaV rartoreay. A good while float Waa aten in the eonntry yaotardoy morning, home ropre- oant a good deal ot injury waa etfeetad ta young ootton, while othem think bat lit tle harm haa bean aooompiiebed. Soma plan to are blighted without a doubt. Veg etable gordent have eaoapad material dam age. Potato plaata aoyarad with pine etraw wore nipped. All the other! are doing pall. Tha daw waa very heavy, but tha ground woo not oufloiently oold to harden it into froat. The temperature at nattae woa SS degrote. Thom who have ootton teed to Mil ten diopooo of all they have by advertiatog them. We knew of freqnont toqnirite, and one Alabama order for two thonoand Bead are bagtoalng tobe very —The Morktotata' Union totted, we boar, to haveaptonta. —Yeddg ladtoo, if yen wwt to hf^tle ta tha wnril, tahe dve tod a pieoe of tape, —April tiontd with a height aad thane- togder? —There la nothing that win change a man an moth a> gliri grill, toHm It to ■having ori bin minetarhm —We have enme land aa both ridee of i*r to to. **,-*J< WK A MUM —It to not atari a load matter, yet ear people may be tataroatod to hnewtog that Jtotat Batter aalta Dnwan “An oid hrindpb IM," -The Bnvnaah Ntm apankn of tha dmt;ptoan to 4n Mem arid Oanoert of thdptaee Men “Ovrrtnro toMie. ML” Thai it towiIngAid toirWIBam awfhily. Well bet the eity maa will ewaar ha wrote Wm." and too prialarptoit “Mat. —Bvan tha deaHmattoamp nf will meaka whan ha ta wimriad. —An htohriy' aampt—d total UHleaitpeet today, UUtoartomefaHret Dmttbey make ebtoy redMawtU atoet —Brief yet iadignant aommant on the dot “Who'd a thank it f" —The Mayor bad only am mm hofero him yoetardmr, dona Ptohdt, who wan Idtd' —Tho yiita man andladtaa had nia- rightful Oilmen on; WMnrodap to#* id thariehroome. It wm kept np anttt ana ^doekta tka mernlng. The foObwtog to rvprmrive: (hmwaieUttle girl dht wet mry, very (eot, aal vkrn the na tel the *m hon ■^oaamij&SteStS. 1 on Memorial Dey, to from tdirom, S, Y-, nea. E*rh ie|ire anjm ritorit gueetof dept. Joha thMr A tiliym atatoa that la tha tatimea at Angnata, aUto eavto thanatod dorian ahaagad tomda. Manlyv hmtaa Marik hen am “Indy rimen," waa the favorite to tot pade. Ladm Joehaytoh. Mbi I bfll lAH MpMMMMStft TMT*MBi-4mg/narny; High prien aaaaelengee arid. Cariti to atom bariaen, an aAtrtag my atoek af Umwmi ee ateiie, aad her eereet, euvene, War leoklae om ortho *Mvr; MoaaipU Th mi Bar. Cotombnt hn Motived thia weak Sll bain of eottoa, egeiaat 246 tha proviona •ae end S7I the oorretponding week at tod year. IMpmenta for the aamM^h*! ; ) ; ■re raepecUvoly e7i, »2t end S71. The Oolambaa mdpto era nuw 8,691 ■hand of tart year to thia data, aad tot Blfl t|n t|| nrfroli If Iff tltrio. H#r mother hmH b m4ml bH tbotoffbt tW I An4 wight hsr imwiin, AM f Oiifcr mmt *m\ Biaakberrin are bogtoaing to make ’ apptamoM and tha indieariant are wop will beMbeadaat Thieiajoy. one newt to thepoer, —UaghOtUh On blooming to rioh pro- fueicn. Bay klontm*, too, era ptootitol, and have bean for tome ti Sr* A' Lnt afternoon John Bpatka end Prank Bemkueb, two colored maa, started up tha river to raft drift wood to a point above tba City Mill*. A negro hoy, aged 15, Pat Martin, naked and Notlvad pea, rotation to aooaatptoy them aad ataar. Tha boat had 150 fod of Una an board. They rowed to now Book Ialaad, to tha vtoialty of Lovor'a Leap. Whan they got into too turbid water, Spark* oeltod to Martin thd he bad bjttar door. Ie chang ing portlione, too boat dipped a little wa ter. Thia frightened Bamhuth, and be Jompad ont, oatrytog ton Uae with him, aad canting the frail oraft to 111 aad risk. Bperke ewem with the oanont end reached the bank ia aefety. , Tubing around, ba eey nothing of Bamhneh. The boy, Mar tin, wm obaerved risking tho tort tiara The two bodtae have ad yd boon noov- erod, though fitting for thorn tea been in active program Tha drowned man Bmabaeh, When a hoy, with tto brother, wm brought from Atrioe on tba elate yuaht Wanderer, anil bonght to riavmaah by Ootonel B. L. Mott, ia whoM employ ha haa wmainal eiooethowar aaUiafawmcntlMego. He hod acquired a good deal of intelligence rince ha came to thto oonntry, bat wm m Ignorant and barbaiuto M any other Afri- aea when ha Bret arrived. Hie brother died Mme.yeare ago. Wo wmu told led night, too late to verify tha eteteerant to exeetniM, toot order* had bean merited to rodoM tha mtahenieel anddarioalforoaof tha South. weetam Befiwed oaetoird, and to re. duM the M. AG. foroe to the otoeert number poeeible. Thto did not eteet the feV higher oAom or ticket to* 0 *)- We uadentood afterward! that all th* men—at leaet tba meoheninel portion —wan retained oa uoaditioa that they work au half time. Thto to glveu ue by thaw who raorived their luformariou from employer*. The Central Hellrae! Company at 'roduotog thel* Toro* in eri qnertere—even to Bnveaamh. Wky Me Zmmphtn AMI ia MM ParMto. The mail earrier to Immytta, aaeU nun, took hie mail ymterday to eerry to Mb dmtinellnii la n Utilo wbUr ho name book galloping hta home, ettaehod to a Wglgy, up Broad rtraet. He wee evident, iy under the loflueoo* of the eadmk An offloiei (oak the amii* from him, and oA. tmkta poreoa to the guard-boat*. Thto may aocount for tho fad that the Lump kin mail to ad eerried, end aaewer the jut oomplaint* of the IhiaparuUat. Thto mail earner to not the contractor. CaunOft Alton. Tha ototmeto for repairing KendoU'a creek btMge, m well m th* oa* ever Kendall creek at Odamb, have bam awarded to P. B Ademe, Ha to to bt paid #900 and have he work datohad by .Jana let. Oapt. W. A. Cobb hM a eoulrod to ro- pair tha Talbotton end Heard 1 ! bridge*. Be to abo to have them flniehtd by Jaaa let, aad receive therefor #1,100. AU th* other bridge* to the county era to good condition, aad doily itoJMrthM,Wl*M Wreojwwtt'fifty f a»i j*5jt^'getai#i a£i«ManeotlfcaLanMdiaeiiitoC»to L 77 .-.:, ,.r, T." uo ,to* Lawvmb. .at, - i An ej I Lam, VMiMitdlnimtaM. Oily »«* (tart#* W-y-Jderil ■ l , *7 r- A<be,an*am. J&, ■Attuat k MavOub. Attoirai>yaa«riwr. Ortmevm WtotoA Klmeib. 4. jg. Mnmx, ' B»t*|H eat totojta ’ Aumf.funwx Oatoe Md tt knot rlrart. am WlHM • kta- mI'e JeweItj Mote. Wtil wmotim U A# MM iM OmuH. tm eJ.^ tew The penpyr gtoro to buy BUck Greu- dinM in all etyFm obeltp ia at ham A Mumoto'a. aSSSS^SUmi' ■ 1 • Althongh tow rimrodn aot toprara,, tha nacaarity for Dry Goode continue*, and to maat tha emergency, T V B. fitoAtow to prepared to tell for the oaah hie tfoek of Dry Qaeda, Npriramond Hkdmyi Aa; i Ae., at very low Agorae tor oath. PaMouitr attetotau to ogriefi to hie eplcudid eelcdioo of Dram 6oode, wbioh era offend at “pantopriaaa.” Ha am- tinuee to offer, for tba oeah, Coal*’ Thread at 70 oauta, Standard Printa 10 otota, Factory Ohaoka 14 oauta, Londa. dal* Btoaohed Homeapun it 15 oanta, and other good* to proportion, eprlO tf ■ubooriboro In iitrtii Are notided that I will praeaot thair alaiaea forth# prevent arid until further aottoe. B. M. Gbat. tf A (rath enpply off tl tan omta peryetd,’ # tho hurt Printa et Factory Check* at 14 c. per yard at BunouyaD'a. ■. - *1 tuw -Canto'and Oierk'e Spool Oottoa at 70a. perdoaeu, at 1SI Broad At. AWA CI0AMMI Thm* faamla fighter* at a dawn town bagnio won arretted yeatetdey. They wiU bt raqaired to meka a ehowtug thia ■orniag before the May orb Court a,*** "qbmpme MIBABITJA CIGAB8I which an for aala if. WHOI3MALB ABB EBIBMv' 8 AT BCHUUM BMPOBIUMj houM with tha Bad Sign, ufyw Acpra ba- law Enqaber eHca. aprt tf ' fj- - ■ • Th* latent Tl striped Percelee Jnet reaeived at , . mhSfitf Buxoaixn'e. i ti js- Go |n th# Baby Bertaurant for yonr Oyatera, Ftoh, Oaaia, and all tkiage gaad »oa(A ■ , toMfilfff —- IAT2NWNI Tha proper piece to bay Oritaom at 10 oanta (tor yard and Ooato' Thread at 70 oanta per doaen to at Aem A MnaDoon'e. Th* proper plaM ito bay Cambric to at ham A MtnmocwV < Tba proper pteM ta boy 4-4 Btaaohid Homeapun af 10,- tij end 15 otBtaei yard to Aoaa A Moaaooiff*. Second enpply of 0brine, Pen* and Peratolt, jut received at tho ▼irgiaio Store. aprSO tam, GonoouA Co, Baaond enpply ot Btaek Granadian et 40 atote »ad upward!, at th* Virginia aprSQ AOp. Call and Mamina, epd make to***- larga farther thm aw* aatav other ptaa*. mi toeamwehKlffyuB AauM Mt«ap totodhavwpMtf affthafuti ,1-igA'O L. Hew, lUBiwilihtpmbjifWW myl 4yt Oetetahae, Qa. Thapropmptantogo whto you want cheap Dry Goode,!*. - AM A UMmi Tba proper thing to ^e to, go to Acm A Uurdoek'e tad look tkrougb thair bamd- *o*m line of SBka, Gfentdiaee, PopUha, BMpaf anfiOartMriOipMBut, aa what good* you want. Tba: proper piece to fia#pOamlraeroe for peats, boys flnrirterae, Oottonadoe, Lioene to at Aon A Muuoan'a. Bnppero yon have “triad fifty leto thMtto. Xonr riwer roty **• ooogeeted, your etomaeh half partly aad, your norm quivering, youf pugilae huottefi «#U| torture, your bowel* ooMtrioted, your teag* dtotaaad, your blood furi of impart-’ Mm yet to one week after oemmtoriug u coons of Du. Weaim's Toma Bit- wfias you hill foal like a uaw oraator*. aprt* 4w Tha proper plaMtopeofun tkelateaf noveltiM to Bilk Boerie, Ba#, Fan#, Laathar Belt*, Ac., to ftr- "i f ig 'j; j'• Aon A MuaDooa'a. i < if BAM Ar hkawiasaa, ; .^'jpfiitoteffatoijltowr,'' iWM A*rttfiJa teejtrtee*4 feaerel Oeerti rt r, liigmaoe,-* Kara, eritert n itorta a— to* LASWIW, r It tteteeat1 frtwel Qrarte to Oratgle atari IM Bvee! ct^ OetfM*. 0*. f “ ^2t. Lem f. fleam ■ ■ABBAUt Jeff H. fleneii ■ Ceu J.BVM. ■tfiiku. re bwipt, Attereuenat Ocemttlen at Lew. Will emctloe ie the Unite at (Huyle Itorinail Uie*lt> ■el Atehaae. (toeeenrO. A.aeMaOe.'(aten, tata^rtrert.OriqutoLOa.. .... >l. rf f ( T . L. T. MMU«, 0. A Oew-2 art fltocwr ta toakraptB- «* c eertuj peer tanto 1 ■rag ateee,Uetartimifl»i. K 9*amy, , ~.bbh . AttoteW* •• Lew. 0*f»c» eri! J.’ieeu. *' Co.’e hoi, Aleee* .a*. Mlll| al fMt BW. r I a-lelMli, Aarortror eaaotewHim m amir. Atteimyeelaw, ('elUtotoue, fto. ' irul prartiee ta eey Ueert. oaw ever lewt MarteeB** etare. [earll LB. (JrtLUT. _ Xtriteece e*4 Ortri mM of Bt. Olelr eel OfU- Mihatm. IMM hwV-7 »•»*.«., If tea JV, »».*• Myrrett - -AA4-A LAW. tom owner tort art amtogk Mmto, I MM. J. A. tmqCBAIT, mp* rieetate.,Oetankea,t<e. BLAAMag,, . Mcemerfliuea Uerrieee’e pennbilee Mp* am Uocr to tell. PrustsjlBf. j. Losarn, tfl-taewga'attach Pnecrlytleu ceMfrily prepared. JeU he. IN teweWMhWf.yiratato Ureeeey. Two leeee kotow dee. W. Brewe'e, Brawl ateert, Oriankee, ICItkt BeU riiki of ipetTooer, i A. L MAISW, WeAe Ina, Beeee Bnaat, Oieeneee, It, Start »rart law, text tea. W. lyn,. — 1 II l| ai “ k -- Pml w». mow, «., * oo, ■tome an* «•* I htokerye eereer, Seel eertk at. Oo!*eikm,0eerto. 9—* Btorw. wnhnuitom ■e ekeaae M keeee LhtoiyBntftBlE ttebtoT onto raueeutire, Oelewkee. •AWflUi, **vaujr ■■* ante stent**, °“"*eiM a*. Oeueec, o». ^^ta.tortMrito.riH.tatarti^mtM. MtaMriy. teertrt ta etekbe kj u, ■**“ CWCIITT URAtUlt, •to. In Brato Btnwt. TlnWMl Cop|)«ranilthB. -' -id WA|. PCK, ~ Wwrkar to Wei, mart Iran, t^,,, 2j*e" how'eh'ort prtieiptij eiuetal w. -jg n—llll N 1-■’<‘■r— JhUire^S^ >». * SSoS^LS* ■ a. r. ca*K, Pronto Btene* at au Waue, *rieMwmwtiiS^L Oppeetle atrapyer'e kriMtee, ludeluk n. *. w, mo, Peer JooopB h tawUr.r . etera. W. T. N*L, -M. aeon] lot'.nreai Bt.', Ootewbm. Oe w. 4. rtou, eerti Ueeenle Heme jenaitg, Oe.utae. Be Cun tonal LooksmlthB. Bn Md Leckewlth, Crawford itrwt, ant to Jekeeee-e eeroer, Oeiwekee. Oe. jel WtLUAgr BOamfeB, ’ Ota Md twdjeaun eed Bettor laOueief n. - t teetato. OppMtte BapUm oa«. rferVemtoi ■—i ItoOttoHH BhOtomBkarB. wfiLauns, Bggl gto4 HttcMkati _BrahrtaMd riedlep. Mmi toC.A hrtdaoe.-*. Unapt endetrtetetteaitmpna toffjaHo • • ; j«U B»*ae **d Behataee, Tellei Artlele* a Cotton Faotoritos. OOLCtOrtTB KAircrACTVtoIXO CO., Meaefkctttreee of toeailkae, Bhlrttaga, aad flawing Bart t Kalttlag Thnaal. Tam Wool aad Orlide Wkeet end Cera- OCeeft ratr of Wltttoh A Kleeere, Baadelek M. ieia n.H.qBIW, rraeuRt. BCMOOII MANOTAOBtoMRai M. Meeefwiteraee ot IHMTXVOI, - BBintlBBI, OOM7MBD1, tl*. Secretary h Traaeerer. octal ty. Watohmaktors. . c. BCBOKBOXO, toWMekeuker aad Jeweler. c. u. iagviy, Watchmaker, . WeteJOTX^pSSi-riffk. err red war reeled. Barbtor tohepto. Luma WCLlP IBAVING IALOOV, (Sueoeee-r to U. Uen-.,) I^oairi art polite barken Id etieedenc* . ... r 'j*» ■B. IISIT, Barber, onwkwd St, endec Bertie feeee, Cetawbee, tie. i OttoM^toklng. MIBB HI. A. BMUIMWatoB, row.Moldew. cu* Wee ert Wntag. fteweebrai nwidlete tedrtep ta nreweerilto. Plano Tunina, Ac. K. W. SLAV, Bepelrer aad Tenor of Ptaeow, id * ‘wee.' tide Paiulcx alee dee. to %e Ml et J. W. Peaw t Hermit to-;? MS’L L tolBBi . mBryee ttneLto- Jeduce ilreeti. (rum. trt J. B. BtBILTek, Wtoaieaate art toetall«rarer, JMeUwirrrjraBita, Weme h OfUtborpe,*«• n° «#•>*» let tray«*■■ro» Vaaillj Qroaar and Daaler la Coantry Pw*W> mi Mat to M Ba«to«Er H (Mm. Hotels. pumnuts 1 hotel. Xert te Belamtaee leak Bundle*. . Porlere et eU Ike mine. . Jolt mt W r. 8MDXR, Fropr’w. Tailors. «. A. KXBHMB. Hereto eat Tatter aad Cutter. A Ml etock of Preadk red Ha«lbk Brcedetato, Caeelwir-e aid VealieM. ■pel* Mo. IM Broad (twit. 4. 0. MOMTU, Tailor. Cattle* end wok I eg ta tketotaet elytee. BdriJ tag ta* eleeelae aeetly doer, et naaoBtMepnw. ftt.111 Orer J. B. Jokeetoe’e kel etore. WMiinuuM. CwtUag, Cleaalag aad Bepalriea Dbm la tha tost etyls. ^ Writ Ooreer OewCwd ted rteette POSTPONED Assifnee's Sale. r\W MOMDAT, the tth of Mojr, I »l« "L U at prirau ul., to Jobkere, tko oetlro de* oftlneorloa Unto, Mroos, Ac- cootolntd ie tka etare truly eeccpled ky Deriol A Brrbte. •etotoooetleu. from fay to day uuill the «• "taMpmlwHI keerid et ratril. op«aa td iwigeiftfSOT*.