The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 02, 1874, Image 2

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)g«usgs*«***f. wwinni HATPRDAT MAT «, 1EM. *rMM"CWT* PAW PM II APfAWL my"— too, n(m and nuCt-oltby Iniarie. ? ‘•No, no, no, not those; t amt think of aoarihisg slot. Ah, I bar* it now. My neper oaste02 a year; tnvtwn Ihot! That will onOf M through the panic (fetet Imni Qip|p, MlttAK MAM. • Mil nyiolM of PrwMiot Swirls, u»n» Tan Macon TtUgrapA* liPwij them was a light roll of mm>w Wednesday •ognteg slang the fine of .the Msam end Wooten Koilrand, extending Mfarflowm min of Ippl to throw off afl aOo- ginnss in Today Mi omit tbuinde- pewdsweo of his country, in agWn inpar- tod. Bat it nay bo, like peariera elute- naffest, A Boeroa judge hen derided that a plaintiff, onotng that dty for daaagas fat injuries rsooirod 1* taUtaf bridge, osnnot reoover, hoonuoo the ptata- tiff was traveling on Bfndty, and an omad of Bsssesit/orchegity, ton is hoary against tipaftwa, whoa hot oaptthlMs Inelndo rilwbofav- or ati in Wo aoo oTcnirowey. Haarr frost on Tfcatoday aornlag at Asgnslt and Parannah h topottod. Il ls foorsd that frail and tow da rigotuHan orn anoh Injured. Opslikt, too, hod a hoary frost Thnim- day atoning, nod roiioblo perries inf ora ths Timm that at larat nino tontko at all the cotton shore ground around Opelika Their infatuation,rotifer aarari* Sana, ns capital a ptorotbially cautious this iosao ropatoowt the oopitalista of the Barth. They oridontly hare axlrnragnnt ideas of (bn powar of, aowey in the con trol of nioolfawa, and it- any bn thatpro- rions expetiaeate on * *<*• Undtod soalo hero satisfied then, that the money powar U eoanipeteat 1 in tote chantry as the olootirs franohlao is now batoned * Bet wh haliers this to be serenty nipped. Wfchnre meotrodthe ftapt naphhet of the Minis Weticly Timm, anda the management of the new proprtsWra, Mes srs. U. D. Bhroplhira andJ. T. Bfown. They are asking it a capital weekly— large, well printePsjnd well fitted. Sluiop. ha erldently loot nothing of his h ness tad point by the t—porsry rat of his pen, bqt kenflesit M forcibly M erer. We wish the Timm mash sat under their msnsgsasut. Pnroasaoa is itore about ths defeat of some of Ms friends in ths Bsdtori Bast ings in Mew Orleans, os well a om annual of the rite* prespedt Of his obtSning n sent in the feast* fe d* JUdleel part* oonrentiea in Mar (Menas, on Tuesday, ho deeUred tbot *Ht would ho better to lank the testa Ikon In pal up aasOsr gong of thieves." The probability o to be that he will be bept out of oMoe, while Kellogg, who ha presisily ths ssaa olsia, will be kept in, and that Pis oh will girs his party trouble in the nett elation. r—I snppoa your relations i sir. Doris warn of a oordlal char- —They eonld not tiara bao I bad great onaffdraa In Woo. General Ime had also, and the warmat feelings existed between them. Mr. Paris is a man. * I^^^^^Holer, and certainly a gen- HgBftl uf ■OltMriVIKlIBftlhnflMMd do you I ctilioiaa on Mr. afUMa.1 Be, arailsble Beporter—What General JebustouV DarMP General—I tare not rend Ms book. It Is Just out.- IsrsIGen. Hood Bio other day, who bad a copy, but I did not look at tti, I think it eery unnecessary to be In- daigiag in criminatton and recrimination now. , Many mhdaka ware doubtless made, a it is human tour, but the South- era people will only diride thsmsslra b; .nugnv . W*. '' TheMaeoa Tabyrsp* gira S ritAtah of the proceedings of this assembly, whioh is pretty largely and rely mspcetabty si.' tended. In ths list of taehers penesst we uutios the following from Colambu and this section of the Btate: O.M. Dews and G. K. Glenn, of Columbus i lh W. Cor belt and t. T. Dow* of Lnniphln« John Hilliard, of Fort Valley ( J. T. McLaugh lin, of Talbottoa ; W, 0. Monk, of Bat ter ; S. B. Stout, of Thomaston; J. T. White, of Batter; Homer Wright, of Tel- botton; also, the followingfrom Alabama: E. K. Dioluon, of Mobile, honorary ber; J, F. Bonnell, of Union Springs; B. B. Ulooker, of Echo, and A. Hogg, of Aa- burn. Bar. A. Mans is in attendance. On Wednesday there was A lirely and interesting debate on the question at ths “oo-eduoatlon of the sexes.” The TtU- graph rnaka a brief sketch of this debate, which was engaged in by snreral able speakers. Of the apoeobef young Mr. Chappell (who, we nnderatand, is a nan of Hon. A. H. Chappell of thteetty), it says: “All exoapt Mr. Chappell advocated the nun of woman; bat that yoaag man, with a daring beyond his star, sands a most brilliant effort in favor of “-g women to be mistresses of our hearts and bosses, without putting their beaaMfM lips awry in endeavoring to pronounce Greek and Latin hard wards." Miss Elisa A. Bowen, of Washington, Ga., road a thoughtful and well-written paper open “Improved Methods ef teach ing English Grammar.” y - Prof. E. B. Dickson, Superintendent of the Mobile Public Behooto, read an eWbo. rate, pungent, and powerful essay upon “The Prenont Popular Methods ef Thanh- ing Language." A discussion no teachinggrammar tali lowed, Prof. On made sa interrrttng sad dkle addtaes in review ef the Mrtery of the Georgia Public Beheol Bystsm, and edfer- ed a resolution, whioh was adopted, de claring that it was the true legislative pol icy to confer the power ef local tesation for sehael purposes upon the eouatiee. Ths Coovention tsmalued in session Thursday. But we loam from Prof. Dickson that ths day wsn.spMt ehiedy in discussion, and no aetion of grant in latest was taken. He ooeaidate the moot tea. portent notion at the OeavsnUon the resolution favoring the sabmlmion to the counties of the question of local taxation for ths support of publio schools. Adjourned tint dit on Thursday. Bror Mr Pans.—The following hie hint is taken from the Map tilt ffisteA. men t “Times are hard, bosinses is ■aoney Is scans, rotrenebmant is a duty— plwe stop mv"—whisk*wt “O. bo: Ubmo mo not hoidoBM^ Iter Hot Bol there is aossethlng alas that costa see a large sum of mousy every year, which I wish to save. Please stop my"—tobaooo, cigars, snuff f “Mo, no, not these, but I mast retrench somewhere; please stop my"—ribbons, jewels, ornaments and trinketsf “Mot el all; pride meat be fostered, if timse are ever so hard; bull believe ! ana see a way to effect quite a The Mew To* Mkraid thinks that par. Use see already aligned upon this issue in Clengross, sad that there is an irreconcila ble diffrreese between that body and the Presides! upon the Unsocial policy. It says that the President will' sign no bill lied dees net provide far the lesnmp- Mon ef specie peymrats, and Ooagteee will pees nobiUthgt does net provide for anew knee ait. inconvertible currency; end iteonelodes by saying: “If we are to have an issue in Cougross and A crisis, let It Mi only drew tkt tins clearer, deeper, broader. It will be a sadden and of politico. Thera eon be only one merit. Ho tern, porsry ed ventage that the infletiontau aMy win In Congrtm will stung* the re Only let the line h* drawn between resumption and inflation, between (riven eptenfl dteoroflit, between nntinnel boner Md nolteosl teams, mid Um people wilt •peek withe vbiee plain enough to bo hoard evsn in thcoe Renee pins forest* and far diatagt, .tonratag Braky Moun tains, framrWhkhi Urn eta teem on of iofls- Uoo knvo drawn their inspiration and lhaiy liiMiIiawMk*i 'BOH Saab sootamptnons deli ones of the ex. pteiriog of the popular voice is not apt to go fariu reeoueilhig ths gsopie who went mors onmnoy toTtho veto. Th# Execu- lira veto of any bill upon ths more quae tten.of srportteany, without Um prstobot thateny uswsUtuttodbl hmbph Wei hr- voived, is of itself a bold step, if not sn innovation. Bnt in n anas of this kind, whom the Mtrttfof some Motions it nr- rayed against the internet of another ted. Mm, tbo hAorpenWoU of the veft^owhr to defeat the will of Me majority must be irMteMpg.; Jt dtara t^tey^ejhe yeriion OB. mi' mHS UltDIliiaxaO will still eeatlam the i era people wui only divide tnemestvoe by indulging in qnrarate in eneh thtege. Ai a people, we should aland together and ooMvetp MmMieg thri e • wsnmmneat. man rm of 1 hoe boos SImi im mmrod. i I sepsM eSveaem mil IU ■ISMS ht MttUnmt, who sim maieb mm. If j<m wool to cbjjW.s so t MSok., go to Ms SBSMKt «sm Maash-tiiry, T; •foil tor- UotwooB uo'.i§u Ilona sod Msocente Boms. WW4pi< m . . , at teg . LOWELL 1 WARE-HOUSt. 1 tteUW te Itewteuw ■ tllwil VIM e» thegm«»stewson.weBf»»*Mly oohcitlnoos- Ussssos ths oonisg moms, with s prowls* to ms •wy .Sort to pronpM tho Islonst of ser pot- rood . lt .. i - 4 0. A. BEDD, • I 'OW.O..U OM.T. tkui'fsvond rad Colsisrad hp to tennt tho dofssted giant, mush lees >!» challenge him to n oAhllilhstlon bf ilih obifteet upon an arena in which popular numbers must triumph at Use. Bo far ns th# votoad Ourrsnoy bill is aesrnsu, wo individually had great, doubts as to itk b4dslleialAff«k)t.' Oon- sidsrsd distinctly, from Swy cShor political P*WHW. we do u<H hraltsts tp ssy > we frar it would have worked mors injury than good, by YniittitbMbg spoeuls- tlon, producing another inflation, to bs followed by s collapse mors prostrating than that of last year. Bnt if a poHtioel onion between the Wts^ and the Sooth in support of wbst thoy boliavo to bo their common interest is to be denoniicel se “esotionsl”—if they ore tabs ntifme- tised no repudistors and robbers beoenee they con salt what sppesrt to them tai'be s need of tbelr eommeroe slid industry, rather then the interest of Eastern bond holders sod ospitslinU—if thtir majority in Congrtm is to bs overslkeghedby ths one- man power pf Um BseeutWe, and they are than to bs dand to make a popular irsuo upon their policy M nntegonietic to that of ths Feat we arc for taking' U|i‘tbe gauntlet and neeertipg tj>e sopremsey of ths dsmooraey of nnmbsrs in, this oonn- try. Even n financial error it not so‘bad M a surrender of ths popular majority to oitbor tho powar or the iqiaresi of atiut more inflnential in wealth then numbers. 1 '—I.' ' ■BMATMt cts tho teeliwr that rank hoe done if I sm oouoeraed, I oentroverey. If Gen. Johnston bus iudulgpd in any unfair re flections upon me, I shall publish n short Reporter—Did yon' approve ths re moval of Johnston from command si At U Gcner»l—I advised President Davis not to remove him at thw than he was re lieved. I have heard Gen. Johnston was under s eoiftrsty Impression, Md if *o> ho le mistaken. Beporter—Do yon think it Wan in any wty pomlbls for-the Confederacy to have gained its independence? General—I do not. Ths odds against M-BWr'UariWR. Fswsrs fighlffg against tbs orasbinsd world. Oar re- sonross woA too limited. It is undoubtedly s foot that ths South nssd every possil * mesas that eon tags, faith sad Skill 0o:_ r afford. We slweye fongbt against tre mendous nnnmrlesi odds, and were in ths end literally overwhelmed by grant num bers. Beporter—I suppose you favored se cession ? General—I did. I thonght, and think now, it pan asoesssry for our honor. Our institutions worn bring encroached npon in A smewier that deminded sotion. I would hnvn favored fighting nnder the old flag; Vnworc meinteialag the trae Con stitution, and not ths other aids—they shoOtd bsvs boon esllsd ths rsbste and not ns, Beportor—What ora yonr foal lags now toward tha Government 1 General—I have no sovernmont; I am disfrsuohleed; that Is, I HUppoes I sm, as I hava not inquired Into the mutter. I toko no interest in it. My property wee confiscated, and I hod nothing left me bnt my debts, end have had to work for my living sinoe the war. Beporter—Would’ yon fight for tho Government celled npon t General—Were it it war exclusively in volving tbs nationality of tho Govsra- meat, I might. I sm strictly with my people ef- - thw South, and the-- dream- stances would bath to be extraordinary to iodaco me to serve nodpr tqoha Govern ment et now predolnlnhtet.' ‘ There would be bnt Httte inspiration to fight for a gov ernment controlled by snob men as Ben Bntlsr-nnd other snob men now in office. HI0U. HIDES! HIDES11 wbwiidh'pjhT'TMB." Highest Market Price FOR Green i Dry Hides, Fan, Bmswbz, Ac. BARNKTT * CO., nh(4 *■ ’ Craw Herd Utweet. WIH FHMttae'ta feAtral flewteei £Si«STiSfcSfSf nteiieri'is'Bhte'eflktsririi dkn.'ik«Mfo : fflnj Aiebana. Home Building and Loan Association. florin A and B. fpHH 80th Installment florin A and 6Sd In- 1 otetlment florin B, will bo due on MONDAY. fty/*' ss-w-s. .- .. W Wo ware informed by telegraph, Thurs day night, that the speech of- Mr. Nor wood, of Georgia, delivered in the Senate of the United Stated on’that day, attract ed nnnsasl attention. It was in opposi tion to the Civil Bights bill. The Renn- tar did noteanelade hja speech on Thurs day, bnt flntehed it yeatprday. The state ments made concerning it, nod one brief extraot sent by telegraph, ere sufficient to axdte n general dasira to see tha apsooh. Ths following is tslsgrapbsd as the open tog parangs s “When tha morning stars first sang to. gather, it would have been worth some dollars if the Bepablienn party bed keen present, It would never have consented to I he orestion af man, nntera all should bo equal end npon tho asms footing. Nina years ago four millions, of slaves were rat fine; the next year they were In vested with Civil Bight*; the third yeerthep wen given the ballot, end tho fourth year mode the rulers of mpn. Within that brief opera of time the negroes were made professor, of Bopnblioen dodtrines end set op ra ruler*. History furnisbra such parallel. Of the six hundred thou sand Israelites who went ont from Egypt, but two were foaad competent to bo ru lers in forty yean, though they wen in- straeted by Mgns from tha Greet Creator of tho nnlvano. Tho Bspnhiiran potty had made six hundred thousand ruler, in forty minute* without say assistance. The man and brother wee taken oat of the eon field end erode a Bepobliesn states man by an sot of Cosgrssa. Sinoe then the Bcpablieee party bs* beooma diseased, and having robbed its Southern neigh bors, is now dividing its time between philanthropy ns s profession and publio —Th* Montgomery Adurtiier thinks that tha front in its ssotion on Thursday night did hot Uttln damage to earn, fruit ra “ Mechanics’ Building and - loan Aaaceiation.*, ^ T UI Mat Installment will be dun MONDAY, Majr 4th. Pnjrm®nU wlU hc mad* to the uuderatned at the offleo of Murchants' and Me- chan tea'* Bank. JOHN KINO, my% t% 9*4m* Notice. NDIR the amendment to* the ConatituUon Of w the Home Kuliainf nnd^lm AefocUthHT, Series A, adopted at the annual m< sting of etock- boldere la Mwnber hit, it ie nttmmry that fterjr stockholder should eanoel hie mortgage to the ABBociatlon on or before tho_tlat Ipatallment, I'T paries 1* wlvsotet. th. e<G nrasltw. is- elusive, or forfeit the privilege of eUnoeling under that amendment. M i '- : - ,»mm. Stolen. Any information in regard to her will be thank< i at Pinevllle, Oa NANCY MATTHIWI. REAL ESTATg AGENTS. JOHN BLAGKMAB, No SI Broad Street, T WILL rir. froeer atteatfoe b all matter. A plued la m, bead, ralailag to Beefing and Bellihg of Baal Batata, Bering aad l»IU*( Stock, aad Bond., end Negotiating Lonna. KtrtB, IT VBU1MI0V, To Merchaatii' and Meehantca' Rank, this city. aprlO tf FOR 8ALR AND RENT. To Bent. ^ COMFOKTABLS Bad Boom and Parlor, veniont to bnsineee and chnrchee. For particular* apply to It Rfl. SARAH TIABDALB, apr20 2t] Or D». J. H. CARRIOKR. M. M. HIR8CH, Oglethorp* and Bridge Street*. . «!! fi.-v ' -t- >■ ■ • > lids* snd Fur* a Specialty. WIU Pay tho ■Ighoot Moahot *rlra fov Hides, Fure, Beeswax A flag*. All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bag* on hand. DOCTORS. .Dr. J. H. OAHBIOBB, auBGEOM awd raTaiciAjr, O FFICE up .telr* 8.E. for of BreedOl ban dolph 8 treat., he may be ftmaO day MILLINERY. SRRINC MILLINER^. fl have last rws'.v«| AID MITMM* eluding all the NOV kiLTt FRttflfllNO AND IL1 Mlflfl DONNHCLT FARM BOOKS. TIME BOOKS FOB. PLiHTATIOHS AID ?lB Saablee any and to keep , aoouiAtaae> counts with their employee*.' Fi4ea $150 .The form la one furnished by a planter of amah experience. Iff nan will enable a Farmer to aav* many time* (ta ooat dnriag th* year. Frinted and for sal* by THOMAS GILBERT, sun JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. 49* Ths Dank wiH he forwafded by> mail, o receipt of prfoa. - fall dawtf 1,1 1 Wanted. jgv Til RUB YOUNa OIRLB, (orph.n.) .U«a tions to take caro of children, or do general house work. For particulars, apply to tha BOILER MAKING. GEO. t. GIFFORD, Eioileir Ts/LBJisj&r -ai.r.r Wirat Iran Worknr, RBMIklNO dee* wtth dmpel*. d.r’. Muhin, (htw, OutehlF’ HOTELS. To Bent. ^FIU April 6th, two Vuraiahad BBDJg ROOMS, Kitchen and Stable, with nae of dining room and parlor. Address *pl tf My Inquirer Offloe. House and Lot for Sale OX LOWEB PAST OF 1MA> IT. baa three noeeeaarr^H sold cheap to a eaan^^^ f J*HKlotUJ^ acre; the honao t large rouaas, hall aad alt out-buiMligs. Will be sold cheat Rankin House. OoluMbUS, data J. W. BTAN, Frap’r. Fun Goldm, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Unnnn ran Bonin Hama. jjTj^tawj^^jjrjEWArtjjgjjgraj, NOTICE. J. H. BRAMHALL, Agent. Singer Sewing Machines last a Ilfs tlsu with but v,ry Util. «;<■*, If ptetwlr <*t»dter- For Sale Low. I te»te«,«y ra;ih*tra : pot hold lm«N rwMwifit tor tkn behavior ef * BCHOLAktltlP IN THE MEblC’AL COL- 1 WKhlnte whan warhrd hp urrOf vnpent nO- .. i »o». thnt omm to nnd.nt.ndtewingItotetete, A. witticii; i AT By ANAVILLE. IN PI AN A. nw« If APPLY AT TUIE OrpiON. I r ' _ . b”*v ™ Macenne ,*n ...» aarane at ran I [ ayrl* HO* i. M. MU MB A LI. Agnat. t AU. J. jiWkraiiE'ntlmw, Lflmtu . H. Bnteute * Ow, NnaAlt. lAHvna unuo. ^tra^yratriw., ’ Otei on Wtetlrti A Elnml'a. ’ j’.it. Memtxx, Ataerney Mte OvumUw at imw. s of Oesfffflaand Alabama. BKItuNW."' 1 (i muUMfpmb * MauB wee rtfete, -era WIMM *Mrt*>ra?rari*tetet .WWM Site- lon iLhAiHtok,', ' ton J. antra, ainiiM..o pwriurffn.'i lAlah<UM.^O*te. Of^fi.a. Msdda On>nw< I rnAwptJwSilW#.'ft'/* AMeraey mmfi EeMelteer. PEAMEI dk BEAIIfiE, A Warm .ye it tew. Omm evm J. Nmiu Hb.'l:lMa iua h oraie - • •Vfmvteea.' ‘ - B. A. NOWA, Attarasyanl O.olrante an ton, ^teHratei.w.rauteUtera.r u.wi^W . tM : cytAky W.:vewums, Atteraw **Uw, geiwrahme. era ; WIU pnaUte iai oap Ooert. OUm anr Acm A Mardooh-. rion, (mvW ' Doctors.; «wr. ■teldsanaad Oflo.onra.r of it. ClatrndfigW- thorpo.t.- OS** hem—T te l. w 1 r.«., TtnVr.n. B. LAV. firae sonar Brood aad X*.dolph ntrteW, N.rroo’ .———,;•! down below At. Cteir. OulMfaand Arohn JbVViag Soatloaa fernitbM . to 0. W. fep ^•Inters. krail- ■OMM Mi tlg« Psi,*.. «< Ogtethorp. 4.,, Qg., »ros»i*. !t«Saatc«2 few atom. Confraotlonwr., i REintp, Oanfip Maanfaetorar *» AM klrit at lUfteUm., ■„ « •tehdudyu^ Nachacm (nr.batM. ' ■ ••■■■? T **EPt«i, Urery. loN nmfi toutamn, Noon **** Mtehae. •“•rasra. A- «AEUl, Uvwry mm* Bra. ntaWra, Oaunean hr., Ontnan, o*. -^forifealar nfUatlra gtr.. Bowi uid MuWf Imirhil u *t.u * mgthnr^^" * toblt. j Restaurants. T 4 * 1 ,IW< c *PPemmWwT .. mm s«m, Wratoeri^tlf, Mfcnra im, u Oran (torn nbrunil promptly nttenm t No. 174. Firnsh Masts. A Wt PAThisK, Malta Mm, a aafilt, MarkM rtnan. as - A. T. (ME, ttoanto nr AU Klntta, Atoll. «, BE. (.AiWUlSABT, ora* at 0-A. Maratf. Drat Eton, raw* tt»«t. BU. J. C. VMK, OMaa oyar Rllia A Uarriaon’s Oemmiaaieu Heus*. ftrat door to left. prukaiets. J. I. QMIFNTM, - ImpmM Brag* uid Ohtorihnte. Prescriptioas carofnlly prepared. jail v , 106 Broad afreet. m* $$• XjdoooMfti IpithtiEry On* door above Virginia Grocery. Two door, bnlow On. W. Brown'., , Arond Inm, Ooteabon, Ow' AW Night n^lrialtt eC tenth Ann. np* Warn loop Rom* Arum, oounwm, •*•> SymM mraj ledtalaeo. A F.wr. “f ? ’ Tnila* ArUnlmn gaAFerthm toftam Cotton; Factories. COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO., MaantootetMi of, nUHtogt, -and rawing aad ‘ araMng Thread. Card. Wool oad Orlnd. had Corn- tmei in no* ef Wiilioh A NIomC, NaaMph it. i JalA ! : .A «. H.0H1LT0W,gtedtant. ! IHEBTINOt, (HUTINOL , YARN, BOPB, An. * I c ; OOLCM1UA OA. o.p. W Dr.p«tera*». „ ■umfll^ONiflieMamfe maim wncnnnwvrve dek •-,?r AH C.IOEOWHIM, Prnntteml Tfntritmahar and Jeweler, Beeptotor in L. Ontowahy, 106 Breed *tn.t, jell Colnmbua, On. C. H. LRQUIN, 2^«te Barber Shops. LOUIE WML LA' SHAVING SALOON, 1 . (Utewtear to B. II.nv.,1 . Undo, Onorgia Bom. leMrtmc* Prompt and polite bnrbwn in ntt.pd.m-. ^ J*« Al.»:x A NAM, M * man., Ay. Cum Steen. Eh. TERRY, Dmrbvtr, Crawford At., under Rtekl. jjuipy Colnmbtm, On. <Utl * Iifi-; Qr—a-M*klng. USE M. A. HLUXBIWABTE, •;//, w.f.yigmrr, sef.d«*,»w toeraun Onliwy, 'S- ■ irwotleL Ora Idtllfl ENthw-V’ more. T. FOOL, oortdl Ml Brad At.. Colnmbni, 0». ■ W. J. FOGLE, I Rmmttet, fij j OVHSteJtoW* raudiog, Ool.mbm, to. Gunsnd Loeksmlths. Osa nod Latenwlte, Orawtora ttrwt, not h WILLIAM SCHWBBK, 8 “ “AratoBP S==SEtojgte oil) r- — , , 'iSmflraul thodnukoM. ■’.itouil, -oa FN. MKYKB, ! ‘ mce L Bent had Shooteaknr. Dtelndln LtefilM- »d Plndlnp. NutloO L EridAOAV ; i Prompt and .trim n tiMtlMjpm Wm—MBNaB!lll I I I Pfffno Tuninff, So. R. VP. BLAU, lUpairirr ; 1 and .Tunar of Pianoea, Orpm i finfMHaaOf; fllgn Paiutlng also dom. ^JJhrethfgboibatoftat J. W.FaamtNwaafb finmn. mover, Qrpow oad DanUt 1* Country Pwteh •|tf.vtoi»‘ r ? ° a **- JSL ytiHotels. tejb NLAKTERS' hotel, Men* he Oolamtbu. Bonk Balldtex rarara rt rii iraraih.^ , MDM>fropr ^ Tailor*. O. A. KfEBNE. Mnrchaat Tailor and Calter. A tell .IMk of French and Bngll.h BnwWtWi CMrimt-rra «d VmiI.h, npflg No. IM Brtqd ' J. O. MONTIE, TnUor. Cntttag aad making In th. tolmt .tylm. lug ana cleaning ‘ “ FeblSJ Over J ing in tne laiaai n> lw '.. i neatly don., at r.MtertHI" - ' j John.ton. hot »t»r*- MRMRY BELLMAN, Doe. I* th. htet .tylm aiSrCrawtordtedltetl* POSTPONED Assignee’s Sale. nvnir thw 4th of May. 1 wil1 f\ N MONO IT, th# 4th of May, * jw* y nf private **!<% hi Jobbers, tie •nwvjjj JuMdatiiL Mho**, 4o>« contaiow» ^aaSSstfs— c)0tv p ttmii XMratort/ompblM