The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 02, 1874, Image 4

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i l*Usff*4*****< — wuiwii 8ATUBDAY MAT *, IMA CITY AfFAIR*. ' mm »**•*$** lilHObdN. BnrigWJIT—1 *1 *• W. B.B..1 by M. A Oj* Htm, I# fcy «*»«. 0 by M. « •. B. B., Oby W. B. B. BHptomrt* 4 brtrt- • by 8*a»bw«rt*m B. B., 4 to* kama ooneumptioo, 0 by W. B. B. Buu day laei year veto* war* 0 bate; taoripta 471 ahipmauta 202. Th* mb 1 ! opwuUnoa, with 4h* tobutor report* of Liverpool, tba porta and tate- riot towns, May be foundta cue aU) aolama, aod tba prteaa oanaat to ba tamed fcou* this attaa tarty tbia seomteg, and (or which orders ala aoUattad. Daring tba oottob waak andlng Uet night, tba Waatam B. B. ef Alabama brought to Oalambaa an rooia (or Bevsa- uhandN.w **$,.♦*boUaof aorta 14 ftem atodaUrti t (rant Mtatgem oo (ram Betas, V from Opeliks, Waal Point and othar stations, 000 (roar Tioks- borg. Thatotal through moamnMt bythta route, rtnaa Bapteeaber lrt». 4a 41,141 balaa—M.S7S float Mobile, 8,Slt ftem Mootgoanety, 4,481 from Balt, 8,410 from Wt Point, OpaUha, Bo., 1,888 (ram Viohabnrg. ■. Installments Due—Horn end Meehtm- ioa’ Boildiag and Loam Aaaartattaaa. Claneallng Mortgages—Joba King, Baa- ralary and Tit atm. A It too Waraboaaa—Flournoy, HaOahaa *43o. 3 Mara Loot—Beuoy MeUhews.' In tba Bat a( the AtteWta uew blad with tba fttmgia Taaahait’ tion *a 8nd only tha naataa of Dawt and Olann from Oolumbaa. t*r Jh0Mita< Tbiaplaoa mutt hews aa tppaaoitliau of tha boat a*ld la Osiembue. Ta dty, ea otoer was raoalrad from tba pro- priator of tha prtaaipal raataarant In that plaoe that a qtartar of baaf ba lant Mat by arary boat. ^fSS!uS?mS^ii5^S^^S^ u VnmM-aiSt JbmM* IMgoesr. Iburaday aftarnaou, tha body Of an old in (Freuri* MaOarrta) waa fond in BOB tab, about a qtartar of. a mila abaft tba brtdgt on fb* .JgtoortoWB road —tba ana lamllag to tba niMiaaa of Majoa Mooaa art iba WaoKolk ptenta- Bm. Tha body bad rtmiiaid in tha malm, and. Judging from tatoka at tha paint af dtappaarunoa, moat nave Sorted attaaat fcu* quartern iff srtdle. R an found an naand bar, ubata aoaaa loga had aoUaatad, by a party of negroes on au ad- joining plantation. It waa brought to tha ally lata at night. Bat littla offensive it, had baau in tba malm torn* forty-aight houra. Yesterday aMtuing Oocoum DeOzaffes. raid bald an inquest. Mt.J. % Daniil mat of tha Jury. Tha Mloming fart* a vordlat rdtarbad mam aliaitad and gwWa • OsmpHwssssf, Madama Bailinl haa loft for Maeao, to diraat tha muaio oast Sunday, during tha oaramonlak of laying tha oarnar atona of Pio Mono College, tba bam inatitatlou which tha Catholics of Iba Brtta am build ing in that eity. Thla ia a high oompli- mant, aa Maeon herself haa an abandonee of muaiaal talent, and many of tha tnaat muaioiana in tha Stata will ba praamt. CWnwl Hmb. Tha puplla of tha Colored publia aehoola, orar whioh A. J. Katahum pro* aids* at principal, had a pienle, yesterday, in tha grora aaat af tha dapot of Iba Waatam Bailroad of Alabama, gpaanhti ringing and a bountiful dinnar aonatitutad tha faaturaa of tba ooouioa. All to anjay thanmahraa wall. This amt of our public aahooto numbara aoma tbraa hundred pupUa. ^ymmuati ad a thing la tbrir Uraa amy win aahm —Yaatarday waa a bright, warm day. Tba streets are getting daaty. —Anew gaaaa atylad Badmiagtou ia to —On yaatarday It waa aomfartabto to yaad that tba aaow ta ninaty feat deep an tbaBInfMf talna'lnOt^an.-;'-~i'^ —We hoar of aoma Colombo*, who are iatiau 8,600 balaa of ootton. ''tir ii through (award health that we onjoy all outward thing*. —It 1* feared mumation mould land to id Id Tba Mam Jaohaon arrived aatjy yeetar day mofuiag with SS balaa of notion, 18 barrel*, end three aad a half ton* of lamp She leaves at alavan ool^jfH^imm^ rtth ^a* Deoaaaad waa a native of Ireland, but ta* tmldid A vary long lima ia Colombo*. Hia age approaabad aavanty year*. He Mr. John OUhooiey, on Crawford (treat, between Broad aad front, He has thge* ehldr^ Uviag in Columbus, aad tbraa other* and a wife in Providauoa, Kb ode Idkud. for n iiaridmaMi period ha ha* b**a ia a rimpla (hiidiah ataga, aad not unf requaat- ly mandated from borne, aad tafhfdfd not until b* maa found and brought bask. On yesterday, when unobserved, h* atari*d oo of bia aimlam pilgrimage*. Mot returning, hi* eon-in-Uw want in aaareh. Be toueuft hie staff twB<riWtoefe aad found traak* tan tha ’baok af Half amah, but no further. Tha Water* were invaatigetad but no remains mare found. Tha aagroaa happarttag n**a tha creek Tbumdey afternoon. earn iba body and reported ita raoovary. Thar* war* a few brriaea abort ttae lean, *i daringly frees! bruahwood. U i* auppoeed that he walk, ad iMo the water without knowing what ha. m** doing. Than nag* the rtoafag ahaptar of a Uf a. me lUauiitar I* ISran—Xmtu *g lt« trap. Wagiaan (haa* gtaf*an fraa* our re porter'* note*: Baaeu* Hook mid UdderOommayilaf| Ortambus Thursday eftaceooe, with thir» ban, Mayor Clegborn and five Kadd, Flournoy, Brannon, Orimm aad HaheSey—aad a (wall party of ladle* aad gantiaman, who went aa in. vitadguaata. Ompa along tba'rang jtyaUj b*^ looking elaaa and matt. Ploughing briak; Nothing oaeurrad to raliava the monot ony of tha trip until antral at^taierryton, —You %tn never have tha laat mbrd with a ehamiat beaauae h* alwaya ha* a mtort. —Tba ofanm of alluding to a lady'a foot ia unpardonable, unlaw ah* ha* •mail on**. Than ramarba ana in otdar. —Tba world i* a grant myatray, with at the WtrMnw el* HutfTime. Oar atataomut ia regard t* the Bautb waatam Bailroad amployam waa oaamat Bom* of tha day labomra, whoa* wagw are about a dollar par day, mitt be dia- ohargad, and tha olerioal (oroa raduaad by one. The meebinlat focoa will ba ra- tainad, but work only on half (Bba. Tba raaaon ia, tba earning* of tba read do not equal axpanaaa. jjfrlmltiift Holatead A Oo., who bar* aa advartiao- mant iu our paper, hav* rUoaivad u aar load of reaper* and mower*. They hav* already aold and ahippad tour of thorn to Alabama and Florida. - -It aagnaa watt for Improvement in fanning when plantar* buy Ubor-atving machine*. It look* a* if an abundanoe af aaaali grain haa bean aown and la ta b* gatharad. CWmetM Seed* MU <M 1VM, itme nm» Ortamta. W* knew that the prodaatioaa of oar ootton faetoriw warn aold ia all porta af tha Halted Stata*, bnt ware not aware un til yaatarday that our merchants raoaiva occasional orders for dry goods from potato not far from Maw Orleans. On peering Joseph and Bro.'a star* yaater day, w* warn aurpriaad to know that they had just filled ta oidar for. u atm of dry goods for a party ia OmauvUla, Washington county, Miasiasippi. The good* wer* s*ot by axptam O. O. D., *<a New Urlstna. Tha buy art aaeartainad that tha prim Hat for aueh fabrics was lower in Columbus than Now Orleans- aad henoa tha order. The dry gaoda warn not from our factorise either. OwmtaM hf SfereAwtr*. When men ooma here to take mewarua for ototbaa, a*U skirts, Ao., to individuals at retail, our merchant* justly complain that they should be taxed aa wall aa tbam- aalvaa. That* maa taka away hundreds of dollars, whioh our burin*** man, who pay heavy taxes, should roariv*. Five dollars ia required of them whan aueh re tail drummers are fend out, but it Is not enough, timy ought to pay lb* aaaw aa the marohanta. Kamov* the tax fi the latter aad they ean aatt as cheap m aayoa*. Wholesale drummer* taxed atoll, tad naans man** them to ba. i boys partioipatad with great g)«6< On arrival at Union Spring*, m* found •a axoattrat supper prepared for us at the Johnson Houaa, of which all p»rtook and relished heartily. After sapper, while smiting for tba train to move, the lively mambers af.Hooh and Ladder Company aogagvd io.oatog danoa, o%^lh*,B^l(orm ia front of tha betyl, to Jh* music of fibap Bogata' string Mad. Arrived safely at Troy, and found Troy Hook aad Ladder Company No. 1 formed fat line te rentes their gneata An iafor- mal address of walooma waa delivered in hippy stylo by Henry Wiley, Hu}., which waaywpondad to by Foreman G. Gnnby Jordan, whoa* effort Minted loud applauae. Tha oompany waa than escorted to the City Hotel and assigned quarters. W* hav* published tha programme for thanastdey. Odsmtei tfuarsts' rtrslr. Tha Colombo* Guardi, at tbrir masting laat night, determined .to bold tlmir aeo- ond annual piauio'at tbs Public Carden oa next Thuraday. Thia ia a capital idea, audition-wander to a* that othar piasie parti** hav* not availad themselves of tba delightful privilege* this Garden affords. That* am hundred! of W»n^»oman m who will uttrturtttM^iosio, would be unable to go ont of the city for the satire day. The programme ia for tha trio military anaipanlaa te repair to the garden at At four to have the prtae drill for aa hour, tad than davot* until twelve o'olook to u regular moonlight pionio. Tha gaound* trill be baantifally lighted, aad among tha faaturaa of the night will bo a grand display of fira-works; tporio and aiding by tha Msennarohpr Ctob; danaiug, stringing, oroquat undpiyataap ‘ ding will bain order. On the ground* te tha finest and largest danaing hatt in tha South. The brass- band organ waa brought to this country laat year at groat ooet. It te worth tha prise of admteaiou to ait by pud listen the beautiful marie mad* tbte inatru- it Au advertlsemaat will appear to- MIBBJMM. . Him Korleen A. Moore, the yooagiady who aang to beeatif aliy the vflaij^erjp’’ on Memorial Day, te fram Watartowa, M. it Boaheeter, m we stated. Iheisa guest of OapA Jehu Brant Oteflin A Co., lbs grant dry goods awn of New York, sentantioualy ramarks: Whan'wasaa our customara oalliag to thair aid tha local pram to krtp. thorn aett thair goods, w* era never uneasy." —nh aatlulifed that getting bora easts tba paapt* of the United Btetea •MO.OOO, opo aMoriM*- juatliug married •SW.WO, - 060; 'gWMUf'buried 473,839,460; total d&48,984,480. . , — Candidatas for Oougraas iu this Dla- triet ara almady aMrrtag thamaaivaa. . —Tha iBaww Qmmtreiol aiwwia the North A South Bailroad Company of pro- cttrbgg . OH. hands o( Born*, using tha mousy, and than Virtsttug pledges. Tba editor oalls tha aaterpriaa a “danmition sail." —A friend, who has beau “used up" by ladies’ petitions t* alga thapiadga, aaks that this ba published: 0, wumau! In our Immub of Mae, - You know we’ll Au wBfctffet you pfetuse; We’ll promlM to renounce Um sin Of Bourbon, Brandy, Ruin hffl Qld; And e’en so far us to refrain (Except when tempted) from Champagne. But hare some mercy, do my dear, ? And Icntc us ioysrRuer. .-Hit* maniggaa and lwi»ty.ftva pi*, uioa are reported for this month. AU are now bunting aoma amusement. —The bodies of tha: two negro** . drowned on Thursday hav* not been ta- oCvcrcatoImtaCSaunte. —Tbehig ditch of the East Commons te being cleaned ont by the ehain-gang- —Gnaot thettostaee tell* netbe total Moaiptsof tha Fnblio School entertain, mant given laat waak war* $605. AU the pnpila and teaehars, soma savan hundred in nnmbaf, war* admitted fro*. . On Wednesday, in tha United States Dlatriot Ooart fa> Savannah, tba following Colombo) oases war* disposed of: In tba matter of William W. FlawaUan, bankrupt. Order to distribute oertain moneys in tha hand* at the sheriff of Hmcogee county as aaests of the bank- rapt. t u . ^ In the matter of Cray, Bedell A Hughes, bankrupts. Order setting aside the divi dend order peased by Bagtotar Blank in said matter. tease Joseph, mrigne* of Joseph King, of Oolambas, bankrapt, va. Am B. Dan. lei, Bebert J. Barbas, at ah Final ores, by oonaent, tuning over tba goods Mixed by the re«*iv*r to the assignee to be distributed aa tha assets of the bank rupt, defendant releasing aU claim to tha goods or tba prooaada thereof. BUI dis missed at complaloant’a eost, to ba paid from th* prooaada of tha goods. msi^f mmm uws* , , > 1 MagnajicMi. Rglia tki itfRlWB *t Anfwt% six to mtm thoaaukl Aollan dR^ngoA huuli. MomIj, batttr knows -»>sJ»vi*|*8 in tha pool*. Leak* jertrayteh. Host munay Wkh bat after thane* eommanoad. ■ ' rMili i-kf urfix^iax i _ „ High prioaa can do longar exist. Cash basis is th* prinripla now, aad aaldaaim Clothing, Hals, '■ n ^ ri ; ; Btaota 1 arid Sho*^ Hoiiuiy, and MaMwaa (Itiel** Wf Crib Mta*. at las* than aost. OaH and exiimiaa.'aad make sn* d6fe Ur go farthar than two atony othar plaea, I aas tu aaruart. If you doabt it, step in and hava proof of th* frit*. L. Hauis, 114 Broad Si., myi 4m . Oolambas, Go. WU1 open Monday, now lot Black Gran, adinea. Plain and Batin Striped, at apr26 ff J. S. Jodis’. Ohoioh Print* 10 < nta, at J. 8. Jodis’. Vapor's Odd Xissfantap. Alderman L G. Sokaaaalar pnaidad. — waa fined $7 50 j Lou Barren tin* waa diamimad, and LixriaSe garada*d#3 50. The eaa* waa the rasult at u big qnaiial, at Georgia Damattl* about u maa. Th* drat named exhibited u pistol aad wanted to shoot, whan polioe- •n interfered. J. J. Howell, th* mail oarrier alluded to yesterday, for intoxication, was fined St 50. Lou Barr online, familiarly, known a* “Blackberry Lou," had challenged Jennie and Maggie Curry to a fight, naming time and plaea. On repairing to th* scooa, on a abort down town, tha former waa found arauad with a pistol aad tha latter with large atiaks. Soma blow* war* passed, and th* difficulty was men Wring * mlipujf phase, when officer Brady appeared and! onl , 33o lodged th* dualists iu th* guard-bouaa. Lou wan fined $18 50; the Curry’s $! 50 seek. Buck was th* lubatanc* of th* teal Coats' Thread 70 oaats, at J. *. Jodis'. Factory Goods at faotory prioaa, at ,,, J. 8. Jodis'. Hosiery and Gloves, Bibbone and Lawns oheap, at J. S. Jodis'. Full Unas of Dram Good*, at J. 8. Jonas'. Deceived Ta-Brny: Large line beautiful Standard Prints, lOoente; 5,000 yards Bleachad Oottoo oheap; 8,000 yards Sea Island Cottons, 10 to 12J cent* ; 10-4 and 11-4 Shootings; Faotory Cheeks, 14 cants; Choice New Dram Goods at low prteaa; 600 das. hart Spool Cotton, 70 a*rt*q large (took othar goods, oheap la proportion. ap!7 eod H. T. Cbiolxe. FtNANCtAlkCWMEKClAL - OoLaanc*, Ua., May i, Ida. Ib|.lXQpil pllfiilo §0 BhlB.|Mt MMtti HzSP*K Tba proper thing to do te, jo to Acee A Murdoeh'a and took tbtoagh their band, aoma tin* of SUka, (Jtaoadina*, Fopilpy Striped and Oatdad Organdies, and a elect what goods you want.. The proper ptbe* to tad Caasimera* for pants, boys Oaarimaraa, Cottonadaa, Linenslsrt Aaap A Mtmaoou's. Buppoa* yen hava “triad fifty ram*. Jiao'’ and received ao benefit, te there therefore “no balm tn ahead 7* Va’rUy that* is. Vaur IfVar may ba ooogaatad, yonr stomach bait .paralysed, your nerves quivering, yonr mUaolee knotted with tortore, yonr bowels oonelrlcted, yobr tuogs dtaiaaad,-yuwr blood full ofimpnri- ^M-je* ip one WMk after ortumeucing a oourte of Dh. Wmxxa’a ViMbah Hit. idd* you will fael like a now oraature. apr88 4w . ^ Thk proper piaoa to prooure tha latest noveltiaa \a Bilk Soarfa, Buga, Fanir Laather Bette, Aa., to at -J 9fl i Aoaa A Mobdooh's. The proper plaoe to bn* gteekGren*. discs in attrtyto* cheap tort- * ■ • ' Aon A Mvaopox'e. A BABa%tuivJc't Although th* time* do not improve, tha naeaarity tor Dry Goods eontinuaa, and to meat the amergeupy, T. E. Bladchasd te prepared to Mil for the eaah ibis ttook of Dry Goods, Nation* and Hosiery,-Aa., die., at vary low flgnraa tor Wnifi. Particular attention te oalled to his aplandid adaOtion of Dreaa Goods, which are offered at “panio prioea..”.. He con tinues . to offer, foe the emh, Unto’ Thread at 70 cants, Standard Frinta 10 eent*, Faotory Cbaflks 14 cents, Loo de dal) Bleaobed Homaspua at 15 cants, and othar goods in proportion. aprlO tf Subscribers tm Arrears Are notified that I will prartfiT their olaims for the present and until ffirikar nottoe. B. M. Gkar. tf „ 4* feoah supply s *f thn beat Print* at tan ceuta par yard, at Blidcbisd’s, Faotory Cheeks at 14c. per yerd at 'owttwT SBamSWE5 ^aaa-aiamMtepM SJzss F 4oa Mu, L'SS^“ , Wt?t*ii Had* to—*M»bma i Oa<M* W |,, Maat£a«bto*i M I* weak last year. lariat idnpr^^^ iwk Waei , , averawad IP, Maury rata Saturday mocatag, Ikllm*kparid alaifi taaday sod Maude* bright sad baaitirul day*. Hiiyy rains Taat- Today Ja qalta arena. NlshU cool. Sams weak test saw Um tkarmom— egad 67°. Four aabry ralnl aad oa* tremen dous holt and pipri. »)jfl*. gold at Naw York aadXow Middlings ta Oo- umbgiji*« of th« weak: Alta. Ur. Up. Or. Gold, liol Saturday... {to *M U« WM ltek 1*| ' SiursdayV! I Friday On th* waak Lb 'sawtssre Coats' and Clark’s Spool Ootton »t 70o. per dosen, at Budousdu's, . 128 Broad at. mt cm Ana i a,fww i , GENUINE MIBABILIA OIOAHBf. which era for sale at '. WHOLESALE AND BBTAfL, AT BUpWWS 01GAB On Bandolph Street, house with'the Bed Sign, u few doom be low Enquirer offioa. aprO tf Th* 1st juaneeeh latert style of Striped Percales elved at . • mh2G tf BLaDCHUD’s. Liam* Lace Points,'Capda and Scarfs just reoaived by apl7 eod ' H. T. Cbiclib. Two-Button Sid,Gloves $lj 2-Button Kid (Jloves, superior quality, $1.50, apl7 eod H. T.Obiolxd. Fine Clotbs and Gents' Fnrntehlng Goods; superior aukes Shirts, at apl7 eod H. T. Cnioum’e. . -m^ t*- Just reoeivad. Also, Parasols, Fans and Ladies' Umbrellas in new styles. apl7 eod H. T. Criolxu. Beautiful A1 pacta at the Virginia Store, aprl-eoddw 55stass«i i, lV>*Hl OlisItO yfllea'alaiuM" l.fii'bcx lm. ; F W.muT-riiSmmpgaUMto; taM*,, Wait* LaaiMri A ugu)^ oooat»T>*o»oox •gfe-aattfi-.-.r.:::: “ « WOHr “ M . Utiiaaaa MAM m Iriahpetjst^ v . « firnd blab potatoaa.....'.* mbM }J iS j qetuuap|j.M t ynr AOT Ba»D Oooti* lnj**M70of* , ‘ *° * ,J '' ) **“* , bb otelvtlngt BHe-.e^al <*• oiaatuugi r aaa mlili, Ud for 1 Oolambaa market to-day doll aad nominal, at th* folio* lpg ,<pt^ettoa»: Quad Ordtaary 14) IEV Hliiliuiaaaatvaaaaiaviln MtddUnga.T.T? l7'fl*« JtogjgA M^rtlrtnrt Week's s*lu M4 bat**—IN Northern spta- uara, lit hamaeeaaumpUoe, IN for rfow York, 0 to navaauak, a for speculation, 0 for Now Orloaqa, <T (jg^^atlartcn, C tor Tolls!. , for Northorn spin- Work's laealpte *M balsa, against m tba &wsmwag& "MX M by e W HU, 111 for boms consumption, rttby.JPiB.Br 'IN* s M.9M M,Ut «mH bin 7,**7 TM M.1M INS. MH 17,(11 . 1,M* 1.1*4 U.U* Mil * ***• 1 taspysft itripip, fmoi thSssr* -8aitprtotul0e.tollo,; |1 40 Rich Qti\ ‘ Alii bWorT, r.tagl ber bupjat ** —I CICAR8. THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good News to Smokersl 1N4 StOrtfAugrtoto............... 1,177 Kaoelrad peat week Mt Total raoalvtd.. ..te.OM Total raertrad, ta’dtag •toek.M,8U Total home cimeimptteu Am Stock May 1 4,144 Balaa H4 Year’* receipts.... — — MW— a* aacairT*. 1N4 South waatam Bailroad ACM Mobil* and Girard Bailroad..17,TN Wi ' ----- -----‘ J* Newman & HtvajDiToriD Co. ^ Atoiu River 7,NT Wagoai .to 773 North and South Railroad.... MU n is,tot tAut aTATamaT raacauiaa txabo. INS-70 1X70-1 1I71-* 117* IU* MH* N*4 mie 9*74*61 Ras'd to May 1. Stock May 1... rears reeripts. U. S. Crop..... T bouqr Ctmon.—By Mobile amt Girard Railroad M47, against AMI t by Waatam Rrilread 4Mtoi aCPtort M,7*4 last yaar, _ FasteDTOv-Par 100 ba. oottoo. To Savannah tee.; to N*W York, Philadelphia and Baltl- mor*,41 IA Boston *1 ». Toe Xiairau Dtsctss Pawn.—Raoalpto for aarZwuBiffwS waak. last year. Th* total xtovamaat b aa followi: -• 1N4 A RETAIL QICAR ITOW At l«i Bread $t., CrtgoAs, aut to mast tha 4uatat to 800* Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Ac* tb«» have laid ta, at gnat nymn, a bmUM ' *"239® 1 swsswj ARgWDAXtto IHirjA hagfkv riiaysiay. Rmaamtur the plaea, I ■ DRYCOOD8. Spring Stock! DRY GOODS, Shoes, Hats, Notions, fe, . AON COMPLETE AT PEACOCK* swim . .IU .-<■!■! IU' W R bav, tba moat keautlfal Use of fprii, fiiu , ‘ " ' Wm^%,rt.‘eG - B3 ft « m aU': issssr^tKR Year’s Racaipta PMOIMI Pe*».—Tba fMlowing ihowi thair total raartpte tedatai 1NA nkw ttnnma noona marttt WaarttVuw*.*. Go to tha Knby Baataurant for yonr OysUrs, Fish, Game, and ail things good to oat ootlS tf The proper place to boy Caliooea at 10 oent* par yard and Goats' Thread at 74 oeuta par dexea te at . . - Aoaa A Mraneon's, The proper pise* to buy Atuariyua Oambrio 1s at AcxD A Mdudocu's. ->i Tb* proper place to bny 4-4 Bleached Homespun at 10, 12J and 15 eent* a yard Acgx A Mtmnocn'a. Second supply of Chaleirin ChaiDS, Fans and Parasols, just reoeivad at th* Virginia Store. aprSO Pal tod, Goxooa AOo. Second supply of Biaek Gretudioas at 40 oente and upwardsi tt the Virginia Btore. i *P*86 FutTOM, ftogncM A Co, NawOrlasni.... Mobil*........... Savannah,....... Oharlastow Galvaaten Naw York....... Other Parts MAIM U7A 1441,61* «A1W 170,499 (4A7«1 *71,to* •AMAtoJ ISTXBiom Town*.—'Thsy bsvs received this week (,<*f MBu, xt 1,67* lest year, aad Augusta Macon Eutnula Colunibu, Mon somer, Sslus............ Nashville Memphis.., 'IMA .. 184.991 .. 7o,61k ... 24.626 ... 1.8 036 ... SSt'i ... 664*6 ...67,148 . ..373,431 ..431446 1373 16A661 30,612 23,UM 66.366 6uUk9 Fui.S iji'vkRi*. OL. — Tbs 'lolkiwina grsphsd lor lbs week: «:t. Stock...... “ Amsrtesa - Atoat 1873. 741 *6 Will SOS 616,000 '.'40,000 -2M.M3 66,000 6*400 7.000 6.000 Gxdssal BsKsaas —Psmaod for orsdlt Is t gmat.:but I* only greeted tea limited extant. ’ Osc* has advene** baaaam at th* muity of good mala Laat (all was wet aad bat for galkartag. Trad* taaUhmashmM vary dull, but nearly eorraapaads tr prawtoto years. 684,000 .....440,000 .... 616.000 ?. .231.000 Wesk’s rssslpte 66,ooo “ Amsrioan.. 20,000 Sslta ...... 76,000 Exporters.. 7,000 Rpseulatloa 10,000 mwt Jscuilets, Tstiflc lavs', rtistch Chsmbrey CSftlsp, r„»skfvs*'* r : printvd. kb. ... , .’•yassfcsK'ftibm -sttratsp fci c ..4.«M lias of good* bt lew prices. tR $t(Wi* end StihttMll*) Ooofi, vs eato'os W r ssrpasssd in vstlsty or piial *• caUattsatbu toasr stock of Shoe* gnd Plantation Coott of erbr/ deMrlptlou. OnV DHtJie itocli if offurtiil at B8tooi8lu»W n goMIt—MCBOOUHI! C0U.NIV.-VW-; VX T. I*. Tinsley, ou« of thjM«M[«jd* will at Thames Ksslssd, OscssmkI, bu stew plk«£a totelltn h5 sswuwssip. , j Tbssssrs, Uitrcfoss. to c.tsssd persons conesroe<l to 81c tb»lr obMos IsD Ortcs, on or bsfo’s the 6rst Nonfof to tosw mate (tf sny they ben) vbf “‘WJ crtit ahould dgI Ims pornuttwi to r Siren tmdtr utf fdDcUl *^ D » tur *’ * iry* vn< ■ dXu» THE ©RAIN* CROP Cdu is Boailg and EcononiitoUt Holatead & Co.. COLUMBUS. CA.. I ngJMbcfctass, Fee ■s soy toss MSIs.tsrsD Cviw,^