The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 03, 1874, Image 2

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£ si^ I inquirer. mu»v*. omwiai BDNOAY. MAY 3. 4374. mr*o lUMcBimoi received usmcm PAID m IS ADVAICR, OK Friday the V. 8. Senate confirmed the nomination of Philip Clayton, of Georgia, aa Gonial to Valpeiraao. It ia mid that India robber treea bare been found on the upper St. John’a river in Florida, bot we apprehend that the re port ia atretohed a little. Chattamoooa ia to have an ice factory in a few week*. W* don't know of any plaee in the whole oountry that more needa one. On Toeaday night laat five inchea of anow fell at Jonesboro', Tenn., and four inobaa at Greenville. The mountain* in North Georgia near Dnhlonega and Dal ton weal anew-capped at the same time. Tn General Synod of the Southern Preabyterian Church ia In Minion at 8a vannab. Bev. T. B. Smaller, of South Carolina, wan elected Preaident; Bev. G. A. Huff, of Virginia, Viee-Preaident; and ltev. T. H. Tamer, Seoretary. Pastibi in New Orleana have prepared a map of the eouotry overflooded in Lou isiana, Miwiiaaippi and Arkansan, and they estimate the area at 14,400 iqnare miles of the beat cotton and sugar lands. The overflowed belt ia 480 miles long, averag ing 80 miles wide. Ex-Pbesident Jobs son is working with what are called the “Independonts”in Ten neaMe. There are traits in the oz-Presi- dent's oharaoter which we admire, but wo are always suspicious of a politician when he finds no existing party good enough and triea to make and lead one of his own. The Nashville Union and American notes the shipment from that port of 800 tons of Bartow (Gs.) pig iron by steamer to Pittsburg. This looks very much like “carrying coals to Newcastle," but only a little money and energy to start the en terprise are needed to make Georgia and Alabama the cheapest and bent iron-pro ducing regions in the country. The lioyal Arch Grand Chapter of Georgia was in session in Macon on Wed nosday and Thursday. It first passed and then reoonaidered resolutions deolin ing to renew allegiance to the General Grand Chapter of the United States. The following offioers were eleoted: M. K L. J. Glenn, G. H. P.; B. E. W. G, Johnson, D. G. H.; B. E. B. M. Smith. H. G. K-i B. E. J. W. Oslin, O. S. ; B, E. A. J. Leet, G. O. ; It. E» W. J. Pol lard, G. T.; U. Emmett Blackshear, G 8.; B. E. 0. U. Freeman, G. Sentinel. A young lady living uonr Hamilton wishes to know wbieh is tho highest com pliment—to ssy that one has no oqusl, or that she has no superior ? We think to say that she has no equal is the highest compliment that can be paid.— Viiitor. We dilfer with Bro. Bonlly. A compli ment, like everything else, may be so far overdone by exaggeration as to make it sheer flattery or irony; nnd the superla tive praise which he prefers amounts to that. No person can be thoughtfully iu earnest who Hys that another “has no equal,” and sensible people will prefer that compliments bestowed npon them shall be at toast plausible, and not ful some hyperbole. Tue Georgia Teaohers' Association, on Thursday, eleoted A. J. Buttle, of Macon, President; Vice Presidents—1st, G. J. Orr, of Atlanta; 2d, D. W. Lewis, Dab- louega; 3rd, John E. Baker, Thooiasville; 4tb, Hum'l Barnett, Washington; fith, John T. McLaughlin, Talbottou; Secretary, W L. 0. Stevens, Savannah; Treasurer, A. A. Murphey, Barn'esville. The officers of tho Association were appointed a .cnmni'. tee to take into consideration such matters as promise to add to the usefulness and influence of tho Association, and ropoit to the noxt meeting. The organization of county associations was reoommended. Griffiu was selected as the place for the next annual meeting. NEW PVIUCATIttM. mr. *.«. We hade call from this gentleman on Friday, on bin return from the Teaohers' Convention in Maooo. It was a pleasant revival of “old memorim > and a quickening of old friendships. Prof. Diekaon and onrself shared the same bat in the wilds of Ken see, daring the sectional oonflict for snptaaaaey far that Territory in 1887. We spilt rails, rived boards, and built rode cabins to gether, and together aeoared the then trackless prairies on bnatnem or after game. Knowing the man thus intimately —knowing hit worth, energy and ability— we rejoice to see that he is appreciated as he ahonld be, and that hie fellow-eitisens are urging hie eeleotion for n more im portant position than that which he now Alls. He ia one of the most thorough cal scholars In the South, and his long devotion to teaching in the higher Mminaries of Alabama and Georgia baa made what la study to other men discipline end system with Urn. We have not a doubt that if the people of Alabama ahonld make him State Superin tendent of Education, they would have in that position n men eves equal to ell lie demands, ardently devoted to tie duties, end m fully comprehending them as any mas in the country could. So well dose be fill bis preMnt responsible position, that a change of parties in Mobile does not displace him, aa it dose other* of hie party, because all know that they have much to risk and nothing to gain by re moving him. We copy from the Macon Telegraph aa editorial notice of Prof. Dickson, and heartily endorse its com mendation : Hon. E. B. Diekaon, forzaarly Profes sor in LaGrange (Ga.) Female College, sod now Superintendent of Pnblio Schools, Mobile, Alabama, is here and will present a paper to-day. Tbia ac complished gentleman ia perhaps on* of the finest linguist* in the United State*. Bom In Florida, he was educated at Yale College, where he graduated with the highest honors in a dam of ninety eta- dents. Immediately afterwards he beeame Profemoa of Ancient and Modem Lan guages in the Totkege* (Ala.) Female College, being associated with Obsnoellor Lipscomb. Theao* be became Instructor iu the same branches at Brownwood In stitute, LaGrange, Ga. During n por tion of the war, and since, b* was an able Professor in tbs University of Alabama at Tuskalooaa, and was called thane* to preside over toe pnblio schools of to* oity of Mobile. HI* asms ia very prominent ly mentioned in connection with tbs posi tion of State Superintendent of Education of Alabtma. He wonld fill the position with distinguished credit, nnd Alabama would honor herself by seleoting him for State School Superintendent. vxeiaiA raws. —The prooeods of the lete Catholic Fair in Atlanta amounted to $7,000. -—John Williams, a colored shoemaker of LaGrange, was killed, a few days aiaee, by a kiok from a hone. -The Uonetitvtion meationa the naa- rdele- Waitmiwn, May Bspssnutative Lotier, cetoeed, deaooaeed n writer in the EeputKoan ee a base slenderer. The Gem ml rise of Ways and Means re- a hill emending the revenue laws, end repealing mototta*. Ordered printed, The President and Viee-Preaident had long interview regarding toe testimony the Freedman's Bureau. The Howard oam has been slosed. The steerage passage between Liver- pool nnd Maw York hen been reduced to #15. Tho Senate Committee on Finance had long session to-day on toe currency question. There ia no difficulty among member*. They are In favor of to* free banking deans, but there ie no agree. it on the other branches of to* bill, the memben differing widely in their opinions. AIKAHIAI. War ■nletiag—Bangerane Mtaatioa la Mttlo Bwk-Tks ProeMeat i Iter Help. sage through Atlanta of some fifty gates lo the Southern Methodist Confer ence at Louisville, on Thursday. —Wednesday next, the <>th of May, ia the day for the meeting at Athena of too Convention of tha Protestant Episcopal Church of th* Diocese of Georgia. —Talk on 'Change at Atlanta, oo Thurs day, was in favor of the porohase, in th* intoreat of that city, of the North and South Bailroad. Two negroes with tbs small pox wen removed from Atlanta teethe hospital on Tbnrsdey. Measures have been taken to arrest the spread of th* The Savannah Adrertieer learns that Mr. John L. Hardee, of its city, has ool leotod from the Government the Hardee olaiin of #102,000, which boa been in liti gation since the war. —The small pox is reported to b* on the inoreaso at ltookmart, Polk oounty. There were over forty cases on Wednes day. Medical men were using tiootur* of cohosh as a preventive, end no person using it baa yet taken the disease. So nays a letter to the Atlanta Herald. —A mooting of tlie oitlzensof La Grange, held last week, nominated Ospt. W. 0. Yancey for Mayor, and to* follow ing gentlemen for Aldermen: T. 8. Brad- field, H. W. Dallia, F. M. Longley, E. Beall, T. C. Crenshaw, B. B. Bidley. —A letter to the Atlanta Herald reports the drowuiug of three negroes at Tuqi tin's Ferry, in the Etowah river, a few days ago. They were in a boat trying to replace the chain across the river, and the boat capsized. —The Athens Watchman say* a man named W. B Black eras triad before a Federal Commissioner in that place, laat Friday, on the charge of pigging spurious niokela, and seut to jail ia default of #1,000 ball. “8even Daughters,” by Amanda M. Douglass, Published by Lee A Shepherd, Boston and New York. Wo bsvo glanced with pleasure through this handsome vo 1 - utuo of 300 pages. No more interesting or engaging work could ho placed ia the bands of parents, ohildron or members of families. While illustrating a moral los- aon, tho story is oharmiDg. “Colonel Daove,” A Novel. Ily the author of “Caste." New York : Harper A Brothers, publishers. This is a charming story of English life—high life at that. A love story with just enough of sorrow to add interest to the work. All ends happily. “No Intentions,” a novel by Florence Msrryatt. New York, D. Appleton A Co. We have read only far ouough to be highly entertaiued. The story ia written with much dramatic effect and absorbing iuterest. With every page the reader be- cornea more absorbed, and he cannot rest until he has finished the publication. W. J. Chaffin has all these publications for sale. w. i. chaffin. has also furnished us with the following periodicals: “Saturday Night,” “The Daily Graphic," “Frank Leslie's Illustra ted Newspaper,” “Harper's Weekly." The pictorial papers are of unusual inter est. Chaffin has also the lete game Badming- t in, which is to auoceed croquet. J. W. PEASE A NORMAN. ALABAMA HEWS. —A County Council of the Granger! has been formed in Dade oounty. —The subscription intended os e bonne fqr the location of toe Southwestern Preabyterian Uuivarsity in Opelika, pro gresses slowly in that oity. It is feared that enough cannot be raised to moke to* subscription an objeot. —Mr. Henry MoCenley, of this oily, has proposed to furnish 700 marble heed- stones for the eoldieta’ graves at Mont gomery, delivered and pnt np, with toe name, oompsny and regiment of to* de ceased engraved, for the sum of #8,500. —The South and North Bailroad of Alabama is assisting with commendable liberality in to* building npof a most im portant and desirable trade. W* learn from the Montgomery journal that it has reduced the rates of freight on ooel to one oent per ton per mile. —The Oaerk Star learn* from the Frobate Judge that the people of Dad* oounty are again going in debt end giv ing mortgages. It traly say* that they wilt be apt to find, at tha end of toe year, that they have been working for aom* one else than thsmselves. The M. E. General Conference. Louisville, May 1.—Tbs General Con ference of the Methodist Episcopal Cburob, South, assembled at Pablie Li brary Hell this morning. Aboat two thousand delegates, representing every Southern State exoapt Virginia, at* in at tendance, including all of tha ait Bish op". Bev. Dr. Paine, at senior Biehop, : presides. WASHINGTON. CGWGE—«SNAf- mmm Machete A number of private bills were referred the Committee of th* Whole. Little Bock, May 8.—Th* Federal troops or* still between toe contestants. General Fagan, formerly a Confederate Major-General, be* assumed oommand of the Brookites throughout the State, end oalle on hie comrade* to rally. Both par tis* ere waiting for some thing from Washington. The cartel for the exchange of prison ere ha* been agreed upon, and all have been released. Maw Yoax, May A special diapatoh from Little Book say*: “Three of Baxter's troops were killed in the battle at Maw Gascony. Oeptain Vandersende, ox* of to* leaden on Brooks' side, was dangerously wounded. Th* Gaeette remarks, editorially, that war ia open, and will extend throughont the State unless to* President takes speedy action in toe matter. Sheriff Vangbn was arrested yesterday by King White and imprisoned. The city is getting rather uneafe, peo ple being shot at every night with either ■hot-gone or pistols. King White’s proclamation of martial law in Jefferson county is published. BEMOCEATIG MEETING AT ODE- LIMA. Special Telctram to Eadulrcr-Sun.] Ofxlixa, Ala., May 2, 1874. Tbs Democratic and Conservative Ex- aoativa Committee of th* 8d Congression al District of Alabama, mat bare to-day purauani to call of Wm. H. Barnes, Chair- In addEion to other busmens transacted, they derided to cell a conven tion of delegatee from different counties in toe dietriot, to meet et Opelika on Wednesday, August 12th, 1874, to nomi nate a oandidate for Congress. ■TATE*NEWE. A Negress Raaged at Elberten Elbxbton, May 2.—Ann Hnrt was banged for poisoning Elisa Broaner. No attempt to resone. Ann made no con- feeaion. TELEGEAPHIV NOTED* —John Hilburt, one of the oldest citi zen* of Carrollton, Illinois, wes found dead in bis bed with hi* bead crushed. The murderer is “unclued.” —The Nashville Bailroad is open to Louisville vis. the Northwestern Bailroad. —Th* Credit Mobilier cases, at New Haven, Conn., have been derided in favor of the demurrer*. An appeal to the Su preme Court has been allowed npon the prayer of tha defendants. -The Western Union Telegraph office in Baltimore, wbieh for sixteen veers has ooenpied the north oorner of Baltimore street, has been moved to toe elegant new bnilding south, and north oorner of Balti more end Culvert streets. The new of lo* has been handsomely fitted np. —Th* French steamer 8t. Laurient,was Mixed at New York yesterday by the Na tional Line, for transporting passengers in the ship Europe. The St. Laurient gave bond in the sum of #120,000, and proeeeded with 170 passengers and the United State* mail. —The murderer of toe Henmet family wm arras ted in Pittsburg on Wednesday, Th* objeot wm money. Livebpool, May 2 — Moon. — Cotton quiet and unchanged; sates 10,000, to. ciading 2,000 for apeetilaUo* and snort; sales of uplands nothing below good or dinary, shipped May and inn* 8J; do., nothing below low middlings deliverable May end Jon* 8 6-16; do., deliverable 'ate end Aagaet 8J. Later—Balee of uplands nothing below pod ordinary, deliverable Jane nnd July >j; deliverable Jaly end August 6 7-16. 2:80 v. m.—Bales 6,500 Auerisen; sales upland* nothing below good ordinary; deliverable in Hey 8 8-16; do., delivera ble May end Jane 8 8-16; setae of Orleans nothing below low middlings, deliverable Jnjy and August 8). Nxw Yoax, May 2.—Futuna opened m follows: May 16 81-8fal7j; Jen* 17 18- 82aj; July 171*15-16; August 164*5-82. Flour steady. Wheat qnlet end firm. Corn a shade batter. Cotton inactive end nominal; uplands 17}; Orleans 184- Nxw Yoke, May 2.—Cotton dull; sates of 081 biles; uplands 17}; Orleans 184. Future* dosed steady; sales of 11,800 as follows: May 174*17 5-82; Jnne 17ja *1717-82; July 1716-16*1781-32; August 183-16*18 7-32. Boston, 'May 2.—Cotton quiet: mid dlings 17|; exports to Great Britain 200; salsa 200; stock 6,000. Mubile, May 2.—Cotton qnlet and un- ohanged; middlings 16jal7; net receipts 286; sales 400. Nxw Oblbams, May 2.—Market dull; middlings 17}; low middlings 16|; good ordinary 16}; ordinary 18|; net reoeipta 167; exports to Great Britain 1828; to Frenoe 2284; sales 1000—last v. M. 1160. Bavannab, May 2.—Qnlet and un changed; middlings 16}; net receipts 414; sales 186. Moonlight Pic-Nic. COLUMBUS GUARDS’ •KCOND ANNUAL FIC-NIC THURSDAY, MAY 7,1874, AT rum PUBLIC €> A BBB V • rjlOUNDS beautifully illaai Rated with China** v Lantern and Flan beaux. Magnificent display of tynrorku. Music by Bre§« nod String Banda. Dancing In the elegant Ball Boob—tha finest In the Stat**. Prise Drill by tha Military Oompaaiea. Drees Parade by the Batuuen. An evening of unalloyed pleasure promised to The Public Gardens will be open for admittance at t r. and all are Invited to eeme. Ticket# for sale by all members of the Company. Admission 60 cants; children IS oents. The celebrated Mwaaeruher Vocal Olab will dis course a number of their moot popular airs. The grounds will be under the exclusive control of the Company, end strict order will be enforced COMMITTEE OF AMAMOIIIUIITa. Lieut. T. W. Grimes. Sergeant W. 8. Holstead, for* K ant 0. K. Uochstraseer. Sergeant J. W. Rar- r. Corporal M. J. Oi awford, Privates Wm. L. Cash aa 1 John L. Hogan. myS td Muscogee Sheriff 8ale. W ILL be eold on the first Tnseday In Jane next. betweoa the legal henre of sale, before the auction house of Kills A Harrison, Broad street, Coluwbuc, Ga., the following described property, The Columbus Steam Planing Mills, situated on lot 240 and that p»rt of lot 2i8, in the city of Co* lumtux, Ga., together with the Machinery belong ing to said mills Levied on as the property of ft. B. Gcotchim and R. H. England, to satisfy a 11. fa. issued from Muscogee Superior Oemrt ia foror of Mary Hodges, Administratrix, vs. said Goetchlus A England. Property pointed out In said A fa. this May d, 1874. U. 0. IVRY, Sheriff. tuy3-w4w UJfCLAlMID LBTT1RI. Columbus, May 2,1874 The following is the list of unclaimed letters re maining in the Poetoffice to this date: Adams J Lone miss M * AvenJ Lion 0 0 BriUgb miss N A Mo 0 Wry miss N Baker M McBride B Bentley mrs A R Mills miss D ... Michel# J Moore Mattie Morrison J 1 Nixon miss A col Boom miss M J Brown miss L M Burgay L Canned! PAW Cain AD Calhonu W Clark 8 Clark B A Collum W Croghau miss A Davis O Davis J M Dicken miss T Jfi Dudley mrs M L Duun 8 col El«s W Kills K col Ficklin mrs M Vrazior D W J D Gray K M Haase A Edwards Hansard miss J Hardaway mrs B Hanks W L Hugh s mrs J C Hunt J J Uudbon mrs M Jackson W B Jon<>s J Kt*tcliuni mrs 8 King J >g A ,der 1 J- Lynch G P Love miss J UNMAILABLB LUTTERS. Barr J, Brundidge, Ala. Bell A A, Lafayette, Ala. Ooode P, Waymansville, Ga. Graut J J, city. Hobart C. Kimbrough Law T, Savannah, Persons miss 8, city Ray miss D, Montgomery, Ala.- ReddC A AC*. Saylor Hon II B, Washington, D C. Thomas II, city. Wamble N, Pleasant Hill. RAILROADS. Raglln mrs M A Re*idy J 0 Beese miss A Richardson mrs J Roberts F Ryan J Shepherd GW Slaughter miss 8 Snipe W Solomon A Co Thomas miss 0 Thompson J R Thornton D Vpshnw A col Vann L A Waters W Walklne mrs B Walker L Walker B Walsoa W L Wentworth O W Winn miss M 2 Williams miss M Wilson mrs A Williams mrs ii col Williams miss F Williams Thad Willingham Maria Western Railroad of Alabama. 541 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME1 Choice of Two Routes. Utw York xnfl Naw Orleuu Mall Lint, WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, Colombo#, Ga., April 24fh, 1874. TRAINS LBAVB COLUMBUS DAILY For Montgomery tad Selma, 1:00 a. i Arrive at Montg’y, * 0:45 a l Arrive at 8elma, • 11:04 A. m. FOR ATLANTA AND NIW YORK 0:40 a. m. Arrive Opelika at 12:27 p. m. At mta 6:42 p. m. By Atlanta and Rlohmond Air-Lino Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., CHARLOTTE 8:35 a. m., Dsurill. 3:27 p. m., Richmond 11:00 p. m. Ar- rlv. at Weahlngton 4:30 ». m., .t Baltimore 0:30 a. m., «t Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., et NXW YORK 3:10 p. m. Blmplni Cats Emm (Nm Atlanta to Charlotte. By Ksnnatxw Rout*. Leave Atlanta 0:00 p. m., Dalton 10:26 p. tn., Bristol 10:45 a. m., Lynchburg 10.46 p. ai. A i rive at Washington 6:45 a. tn., at Baltimore 015 a. in., at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m , at NKW 1UHK5.16 p. m. Sleeping cars run from Atlanta to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUB DAILY From Atlanta and New York, • 6:24 A. m. From Montgomery and Selma • 2:30 r. m. Tickets for sale at Unhm Passenger Depot. CIIA8. P. BALL, General Snp’t. R. A. BACON. Agent. fapr25 ftf ATTENTION! FIREMEN! pi Ornos Board or Control Columuus Fie# Drp't, \ Columbus, Ga., May 3,1874 / The Companies composing this De partment will assemble, with their Ap paratus, on Brood, b tween 8t. Clair and Randolph streets, TO-MORROW (Monday), May 4th, at 3:30 clock p. m., where the line will be formed by the Assistant Engineers for inspection. * Foremen of Companies will have prepared a complete report of the number of men in their commands, together with a statement of property lu their possession, showing condition of same. W. U. WILLIAMS, Chief Kngln’r. A. K. FRANCIS, goc’y. myS It Columbus Fire Company No. I. The members will meet at the Engine House TO-MORROW (Monday) AFTRR- NOON, promptly at 3 o’clock, with uniform cap, shirt, belt, a hito pants and gloves, for parade and inspection. Fivs dollars fine for absence. By order of the Foreman. my8-lt T. O. DOUGLASS, Secretary. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ■PAIN. Tho Bapahltow Victorias, Madxid, May 2.—Dispatches from San- Under announce that the Carlisle this afternoon are retreating in oonfnsion It te reported that the Government forces have already entered Bilbo*. Official diapatoh** wera received this morning announcing that tha .Republican troops hav* entered Bilboa and the Oar- liala retreated from before toe oity in greet disorder. The newt oreatea intense •xoitement in Madrid. MARKETS^ ET TIUGBAPH TO KNGUIEKE. Eon ay and EMah Earheta. Nxw - Yoax, May 2.—Stock* dull and lower. Money 6. Gold 13. Exchange —long 488; short 491. Governments ac tive and steady. State bonds quiet and nominal. Raaoue Hook and Ladder Company, £aM2^ Tho members will meet at the Eogim W*mr-House TO-MORROW (Monday) AFTER* NOON, promptly at 3 o’clock, in block pants and uniform, and with gloves. t By order of the Foroman. my3 It J- D. ESTES, Secretary. .NKW YOBS BANK STATEMENT. Loans decreased #876,000; specie in- craaaed #1,875,000; legal tenders in creased #1,000,000; deposiU decreased a trifle; reserve increased #2,500,000. Provision Earhets. Oihoixszti, May 2.—Flour dull and un changed. Corn qniet at 66*68. Fork firm at #17. Lard strong; steam 10}al0j; Baoon firm; shoulders 6 j; dear rib sides 9}; riser aid** 9}. Whisky steady at 92. LounviLLX, May 2.—Floor and Pro- two children, were crossing the Oconee j copal Church in violation of tha rights of jlriona qniet and unchanged. Baoon rivet in a bntte.u, near Lawrence’s Mill ; the Methodist Church, Booth, and under “5“ u*74. Lard—tieroa, in Greene county, which turning over | what oiroumetenoea the Mathodiat Epia- 10*al04: has llal 14. Whiakev92. precipitated them into the water, and one copal Ohntob obtained poaaeariox of anoh of the wouieu and the two ohildron were property. The point bring mad* that the drowMd, the man saving bimaelf by resolution is very important, ita disona swiEfllkgi the woranu by climbing a tree, aion was poetpoxed until to-mottow. hsHmEc remained all night and was K number mote delegate* are expected acuWneit morning. to-night. . . Dr. T. O. Summers, of Nashville, waa have sent us “Tha Amateur, “Appleton s j re . eIeoted Beorotery, and standing oom- Jcarnal" for May,‘The Uraphic, » n d mitteea woio appointed. “Lippincctt'e Magazine" for May. j In the afternoon, resolutions wore of- ..«•*- ferod providing for the appointment of a —The Greensboro’ Herald learns that committee of acven to ascertain how far un Monday laat a party of five persona, | parsonages and aebool bnilding* are hold, all colored, one man, two women ami ! kept and claimed by the Methodist Epia- 104*10); hag 1 lal 14. Whiskey 92. Sr. Louis, May 2. —Flour quite and nnohangad. Corn alow; No. 2 mixed, 68*70 in elevator. Whiskey steady te 95. Fork higher te #17. Baoonibmar; shoulders 6ta7| elaar rib 94; clear rides 9}, bat ganandly bald higher. Attention, Young Amarlon Fir* Com pony No. S. rJW" Meet promptly at your Engine Room TO-MORROW (Monday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o’clock, for annual parade and inspection. Uni form, with white pante and glovea. DAN. ■. WILLIAMS, Foreman. Gko. R. Flocekot, Sec’/. my 3 It _ • —— I *** -kfrertWgp California Butter In rolls, 55c, iitw and very fine. Fish and Flsli Roe, In kin, kip sad half taml.. ■■’>. flu Apple OkMH, ten Otwaae, DrM Barf Ton(M. Oaaaai Xlackbamias, Whoithbaarlas, Oooalkarrlm, Oharrlaa, Xn Hama, Flaa Applas, Faarn aa* Paaa, Can ~aa( Xomataaa, Aapan«aa, aa* all otkar variatia* of Fla* Orocarita, at H. F. ABELL 4 CO.’S. nprSO If fv7.6 o b.w 4 ioir.ii tssr w - E 3 SCBnOL TEACilSl hjjn.. ^ i ,s * par Matt* * * * EaOOkDFkjfiu&gl^lara --- Prices Reduced! y'lHOICX XIO OOFFXX s^io o ft. b “ Raw Orlwuw Susan 14e f ft. N.w Orlaaaa YtUew Clarita* tofar ft ft. Oraabad, Powdarad, Onaalatad and Block tegara, Xztia Via* Tong IIjho, Gaapevdar, Imparial sad Mask laa*. I pay partfcalar attaatloa lo tkla doputwaat, aad caa sail Ctaa at lew ptlew. I her* et ell tlaoae a full aad ooap'.t. MsortaMn L Deelay’s Tout Powder’s, Oaat'a ha Foaa. Praaton k Merrill's Yaaat Fewdtrs. Soger Oared Phoeldera, Hsma ead White Mra'la. Xatra Oholo. Osaka* Battar, Me ft ft. ROBT 8. CRANE, •pr» [bbldta] Traits., , ** f 1 dor*t , . , Don’t Wtot?*&s- ttM Kov.O. u.Baaaaam, 8,,,, A UOXAck WtTgKiaan. I — |FLOBENnp| Th. loag^oatHted lalt of tb, Flarsno# Sawing Mashia* c* ■wpggasa-i MB SfBW PURlic# I J* *ke ORLY nuwblne that sew# b*rk 1 forward, or to right and left. 1141 e u # Blmpleet—Cheapeet—Boat 1 8old*or«who..,. gp « w t.S , Mo t ,. b(UJ | *2oreate, a,i,. NOTICE. ) N AND AFTRR APRIL 10TH, tlio Paweeger Train on thla Road will run aa followe: Loavo Colnmbin S:00 P. M. Airive at Troy 11:06 P. M. Leave Troy 2:25 a.m. Arrive at Columbus .10:30 a. m. apriG 2w W. L. CLaRK, Snp’t. Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. 0 N and after SUNDAY, March 1st, 1874, trains will rnn os follows PASSENGER ! Lenvo Columbus Arrive at Columbus Leave Mucon Arrive at Macon ND MAIL TRAIN. 2:30 P.M. (Daily) - - 12:46 A.M. 7:17 P.M. - - 7:26 P. M. DAY FRKIGHT TRAIN. Leave Columbue 6 30 A. M. (Sunday excepted) Arrive at Columbus 6:35 p. M. “ Leave Macon 8:20 A. M “ Arrive at Macon 3:00 p. M. “. VIRGIL P0WER8, Eng. end Sup’t. W. L. CLARK, Agent. mal tf REAL E8TATE AGENTS. JOHN BLACKMAR, No 81 Broad Street, placed in my „ Selling of Real Estate, Baying aud Selling Stocks and Bonds, and Negotiating Loans. BEFim, BY PEBM1M10V, To Merchants' and Mechanics’ Bank, this city, aprlO tf TEX WHOLESALE Grocery House -or- J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 18 Broad it., Columbus, Ga., KKKP8 rOMTAHTLY OI 6AID ABOUT 100,000 pound* Baoon. BOO barrel* Flour. From 100. to 200 barrol* Sugar. 100 big* Oolha. From 100 to 200 barrol* Syrup. 200 barrol* Whiskey. 200 boxes Tobaooo. BOO “ Soap. 200 “ Candle*. 100 barrel* Lard. BO “ Mackerel. BOO taokt Salt. 80 tlcroaa Riot. BOO raama Wrapping Paper. 100 oatat Potash. 100 “ Sardine*. 100 “ Oyatara. 100 “ Pioklaa. 100 boxaa Candy. 100 “ Starch. 100 gross I nrlor Mstohss. 1(000 pounds Lorlllnrd's Snuff. 20,000 Cleon. 1*000 pounds Green nnd Blnek Ten. 200 bag! of Shot. 100 boxes Sodn nnd Fnncy Crackers, 100 “ Cheese In eeneon. 00 bnrrele Vlnegor. 20 ensks Scotch Ale. 100 dosen Wooden Bnekets. 100 dosen Broome. And evsrything in the Grocsry line, whit h thsy offer to the trade by the package, ae low ns any other Jobbing Honso In the United 8tstee. sprlO Cm J. A J. KAUFMAN. P. A.. POMEltOY, AT BOOIIEB’O COHNER, CALLS ATTENTION TO Cholca White Shad, “ Fresh Bay Fith, Moblla Cabbage, “ Calary and Lattuoa, Liya and Oraaaad Poultry, “ Froth Oountry Seuaago, SparaRib a and Baekbontt. ▲ Choice Lot of Freak Craokera, Sugar Jumblei, Lemon Snap*, Qingar Snap*, Lemon Craama, Ao. Applet, Onions, Potato** A Turnip*. Also usual Family Supplies sad Faaoy Gro eriss on band. Mr. T. 0. PRIDGEN will be found at the coun ter and will be pleased to wait on his former cus tomers and friends. The patronage of the pnblio ie reepectfolly solicited. feb28 wasted ever,whai*. 8c»d Iter dWoSTUlSE! I t *™‘‘*° To-da, Febllaklaa CoaipS, fwJS? I phl.i Now York, Booton, or ShlCHo T? 1 ' I Coughs, CoMi, Hoari AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS’CARBOLIC TABLETS I PUT Vf ORLY IN HI.HE BOXES A TIUEO and sure remedy. Bold by DragaloU. Millions of Aores RICH FARMING LANDS | IN NEBRASKA, NOW FOR BALE VERY CHEAP!I To* Toxra’ Cradll, tetonat ail) g mr ont. | Dotorlpllro Pampklot, with (ootloul M.p.,« free. The Pioneer, handsome lllaatnitxi I’oper, couUinlnff (It I lomeetend Law, — 1 *— *- • - 1 world. Address mh27 4w The hlfkMt medical mutberlUe# I •f Enrepe say th* strongest Toole, Purlfitr I and Diobitrnent known to the medical work is I JURUBEBA. , It xrreiti deomvof vlt»l force,, axhamtloaoll theaerroaaayatem. reatorm vigor to tk, dibit-1 luted, cleanaea vttteted blood, romora rwltlt I obotruotlona and act, directly on tho Unr ud ■ Spleen. Prlea tl * bottle. JOHN Q. UL-I DUOa,li Platt St^N.Y. ' 1 DOOR*', SASH, ETC. City Tax Return*—Ldit Call. F OR the convenience of those who have not yet made returns, I will mnks my oflice foe She ensuing week at the store of H. Mlddlebro k. The books will be closed on SATURDAY, 9th instant, and delinquents will be liable to be doable taxed. M. M. MOORE, Clerk Council and Receiver Tax Raturna. mySlw ~ E. C. HOOD & BRO. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND FULL STOCKS —or— Drug*, Ohamicil* and Perfumery, my3 AT LOW FIGURES!. LOSTi O N Oglethorpe or Broad atreet#, s It D MOROCCO HAY IUHJK, tied with yel low tupc, marked T. .1. Stevens, containing one noie for sixty-six dollars ar<! odd cents, K yatilo to Jack Fu 'nan, drawn *y W. T. ortUud; one note for thirty-three dollars, drawn y A. S H Nobles, in 1«v«r of s. P, Stevens; oue by W. ll. Holton, in furor of T, J. S evens. All peisons are c .utioned agaL at trading for them notes, as payment has bean stopped The finder is r. quested to leave th* book and contents atthenflu-e of tho Knqnlrer- San. r. J. STEVKNS. iuj3 it. Our 8eventy Page Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, BUSHES, BUNDS, STAIK BAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., Mailed to toy opo Intereated la bolldlag, on receipt of stamp. KEOGH ft THORNE, 254 A 266 CANAL I jyll dftwly NKW YORK CITY. CICAR8. THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good News to Smokers! ACTS Of the Last Legislature, FOR 8ALI BY ... W. J. CHAFFIN. Wood, Wood! J^EST WOOD, ready bAwed,44.00per co$d. Wood ■awed for 50 emta per cord. OrdtsrB filled prompt ly on application to the fobfcl tf MUSCOGEE MANUF’KG CO Notice. U NDER tl.o amPbdweut to the Cunetitutiun of the H« i«i> D'tilding and lo n Ki6«.« iution, hericB A. Hdupitd ai flic nnnnal m e ing or r ’ iu Novt-iub*: Iu*t, it ia Utioessaiy hold* r *vt?ry atuckho der i th#* A*sucIm* Ion oo c by pacing in odvaiic Ctusive, or f >rfe:t th that amendment. my2 Ira raucel h.B n ortgago to - tv.ore tho Slot installment, i to tin: 84lh inslallu.t*ir. iu- privilege of u.tucclitig under jr. & Co. POSTPONED Assignee’s Sale. ns MONDAY, tho 4th of Mu, I will loll w at private agle, to Jobber*, the entire stock of Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac., contained In tho store lately occupied by Daniel A Barbee. Sale to continue from day to day until tha stock is disposed of. No goods will be eold at retail. IVewinan HAVE JUST OPENED A RETAIL CIGAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbu*, and to meet the demand for GOOD Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Ac., they have laid in, at groat axpaaae, a magnificent stock. Give thorn a call, and sgjoy, at I consistent with living, tha bast* had for many a day. Remember the place, J. NRWMAN A 00., mhl 3m 144 Broad Ft. FOR SALE AND RENT. To Bent. ^FTBIl April Ctb, two Furninfied B |D J| I ROOMS, Kitchen and Stable, with u*e of dining | room and parlor. Addroi* apt tf M, Inquirer (Met. House and Lot for Sale | 01 LOVER PAST OF BROAD 8T. q’HB lot is % acre; the house lias three ■ Urge rooms, hell and a» n**cw>» rr jjjj out-bnlldings. Will be eold cheap to s cmu A. W1TTICIL buyer. Apply to For Sale Low. A 80HOLAR?1X1P IN THE MEDICAL COL-1 iSlSlX AT XVANfiVILLE, INDIANA. BOTH If APPLY AT THIS OFFICE^ DRY GOODS. Spring Stock 1 DRY GOODS, Shoes, Hats, Notions, & NOW COMPLETE AT PEACOCK & SWIFTS W K her. th. meet bnnttftil line of Pl'ri"! rr,t " We have ever offered. Printed Jaconet#, Pacific laiww, r'cutch Ch imbray Uniting#. Wh.te Goo'll of every e.yU . Uu.i.rj, IC.n.lkT«- E” 1 Parasols, Fan#, C >rset#, RIMhui#, « c ; 0ico !i««t Pur Men nn-l B y»’ V** rtr ,,i|Ve ** 1’ue uf g od# at iow price#. In Stapl* and 9ub»t»ntlal ve cantor l*e surpMuui-tl in variei) «» r l»*' call attontimi to out h of Shot* and Plantation Goodi of every de«criptlon. . . in . Air Our euthe itock ia offered at sito" 1 '’ * “■yffti ...nncKAiSS THE GRAIN CROP Can he Baeilg and Economically Saved ! Holstead ft Co.* COLUMBUS, OA.. Offer at pr ess lower than ever before—Mowing aa , G eorgia—moscookk <»9» T T il "* ,l 'nS T. U. Tloil.y, on. of 111. ."'“'“"jt,*- will of TUome. RkIwuI, #«'**, plicitlon to rwlgo hi. .iorutor.hl| , , n |,bil( Thee . Umwfore. to Thee e are, taeiwiore, *« "“lection »■ person# concerned to file their obj office, on or befo»e the first Monday M i‘l iFl' l “ ‘ iif xnv they have) __ ..i. ,#ii lr Giv*n under my qfllolal • i gnfi« l,rr ’’ '•"Si'Itm*’ r. M. BROOK-'.