The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 08, 1874, Image 2

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i Miram, m.i FRIDAY ....MAI 8, 1874. A BMM, U tIU AM A 8180. Tin strlf# of tb* factious in Arkanuui presauts its ludicrous *i wall M aerion* 4 - s aqwcts. J«t wow tho mils Mini and famiita* to **foy tb •cbiuvad. Mayya* all Iba daagara yow itobaafwM batwaan thaSupremo; tail*. 4WN WMClMM paw m n Afflict Taw 80th of Jana la Cm day] propoood by mombon for thoodjonra- aaawl of Oongrom. Bat Iba two branch*! will haro to work mon, and talk taaa, to diapaaaof half tha burin#** beforo thaaa by that Baa. thofrnttacf yoar „ _ VRQ^Rg IBB othaia la awMaUm and la tho rank, I [JOHN BLACKMAB, ‘Iba bed. an nfibatac to ew.IL" . - v Ukawtto aar stack to toflulac to Hoar York ally oa Wadaaaday by tha ay- pnliMuioD u^| Hm ObmoUIkUoi n| pamod by tbo LogWUlat* thiowa Comp, trollar Oraaa oat of oMaa aad laavaa tha oilywilhoataOoaaptrollar. Itiaalagal question for tha ooarta to daatda. Taa reporta of tha Bow York Stock Excbanga ahow that tha priaaa of etooka are aa anaattlad and flnotmUag aaarar, aad are froaa day to to day ooatrollod by tha operatioaa of gaaaMaaa who aia oaa day “bull*” aad tha ant day “bran.” Aad ao it iiiuariaia to go la apUoot any laglalatioa which Ooograaa nay aaaot. Obarlaa Bodga, of IWaaataa Oollaga, in a book jaat published, aa titled “What la Darwialaaa 7" thaa aaawa Ma oara quory: tlXvqfadetain* mj&fr' - bad by Baton! of- ‘ aeli Tha bat aataa* Maaalitoiaa'tho awat la ta. oeaung «w "***«'• •*—* at hud. Bat if Brook, baa Batthar the dial no Taa proapaeta of a oompromto* la Oan. graaa on tbo aamaay gaaatloa aaa taid to bo growing fainter. The Waahlagton reporter of tho Bow York Herald tola- graphe on Banday that ha aakaa tha atateaMnt aatborltattraly that the “i»fla- tionlate" aapaot to gat a bin bafara tha debata ia orer securing a larger iocraaae than that fat tha blU which tha Fraaidant reload. Taa Memphis Appeal aaya that Gener al Forrent, the brilliant Ctmfadarate Ur al ry leader, ia now engaged ia hauling wood to that oity,-driving tha team him- aalf.' That*, tha plaok that not only make* anceiaafnl leaden of man ia gnat aatarpriaaa, bat gallantly andanecaeafnlly tea by whiah proaaentea the prirato iadnatriaa by man work oat their own proaparity in thla liana laaaa noblaaian aoantry. in hie new.oeonpation than ha waa whan gallutly ahargiag at the head of hie troop, in battle. Tan Baw York Herald aaya traly, in xefereno# to tha oondiUoo of thooo Statea of the Sontb under negro rula : “Until tha honaat repraaontatiro nan of tho South aaouro entire ooutrol in their ra- apaotire Btataa, foralgn.aa wall aa North ern capital will bo (kina away, and emi gration, wbioh ban dona ao muoh for Toiaa aod Virginia, will continue to look other Statea, whan tha harden^ of taxa- tion fall more lightly and than ia ao danger of their land. being eenliooktod owing to tbeir inability to pay the abor- nouatoaao imposed by adraotaren who haro no poouniary intaraat in tha noil. “ other in faror of Baxter. Aa Baxter, M exiling the Legielatnn to- grthir. haiT iff~gitr tint in «»»«— —* * raaaota nanban to nfoira tha aommoaa and reach the mgitS, Crrjbin ,oould n«T doubt haro baataa him by getting the Judge* of tha Soprana Court to Little Bonk tret; bht BaSttf understood tho aitaaiioa in Utia raapaat, and ha or ooma of Kla friend. blocked it ky arraaflng two of tbo Jodgaa while ihay won on their way to . the sopite!. It ,ia now reported that Way hare ta*ped,‘‘fcat their way to Little Book aaopaa atfal blooked, for wo do not hear of their, program in that direction, but on the contrary, they are aaid to bo in Cincinnati (a atatament which wc doubt.) Meantime the day ap pointed for the mooting of the Legisla ture ia any etungtb at all in oountiee dietant from Little Book, htofHonda can play tho ■am* gam. in preranting member) of tha Leglelalum from getting to Little Book, 8k|| tk| Rutor xMirtr tlagof Wo Jtdgaa of tha Supreme Court, and they oan plead tba example of tho Baxter!tee to jnatify them in. it- If con otlf'dmht half a dMel Baxter Sen- tore or o doxon Baxter Bepreeantatlna on thoir way to tba oapital, tho Bakior' party will not bo able to mnatar a major ity of tbo Logialatnro (tbo Brooke man will abaent theanetree,) end that Baxter'a acberae for obtaining Lagtriatira aupport will be defeated. So it appaara that there ia no aaauranoa that either tba Lagtela- iora or tho Saptoute Opart will aeon de cide thia oontaat, uolam the Federal ; ear tbority intarpoaaa to gira tha mambam of both tribnnala safe paaaporta to Little Bock and protection while tberc. find crco if they arc oonrenod at tha aama Unto, and the Legislator! decides in faror of Baxter and tha Coort io faror of Brooks, h to not by any meaift apparent that this will entile tba mattsr, it ia more likely to oomplioato and embitter the non text. of our country. I a vomami Anmon iuiduBu eoouJ ^1 km sssatrs4 r aad Dm a Ippsn^sss .n a-iSrSm?!! dm onittihitrii ’mn^V *!»« in frM’^hjisAelyl T WILL airs~rnaie'attoaiisa - ! - J 0O*T.l Lovy MS-SSS!®'®*® Dm’tWint 1 s price. Dr hull, S&31 latV sa. Mataaalc.' Baak, thla city, he -V.tWJHCU-iw- la beet haaA-eewaA, saA la meaner trader i work, all (ssrsa|eeA reliable. [- vox. miwfoi ffiddft * HAB&I80N, Ha. ’ T t^bONT . I ”* Aseot. Read 11 BstixtS • 1 Agents "i.-*" tkebret tlewiag f' 1 *MC V •ale price, Bj enndlS|T 0 * Cob-« fenclg|«»j “’•‘■inafor* Brosaittf, thocB, aaA aViMher'dtapto Deeto toe tba wkau M •4’ AMn^ucamMiuaa. • \ITILL AtlBHD PXOHWLT TO TUI BALI, W un AirnpVBoaAUef naAb xbtat! asr-^ fWfiSia binding. apncimi iMUfd) flUedi drift if A—.;j nUat.tutowaf- ImbB the two ooaebtoed. A ^ ^ may be au arolwtiantM witbawt being Darwinian. lot ia tha the ary of natural detection tba Vital principle at Mr. Par- bare played Jn out- wiwhiheeay, Waiecc thA k&d watorai be • * — * - i mut to upoHMta* tai. ilhe cacancc of hie doctrine ia the rajaction of final oausM. It ia thM fat tom of Me Ayatem VHofeAHnge Mint - - ~tn «Ma>ef de- ' denial of _ tw-ia rit- tually athetolta, M be deadm el).design in uteppi mfk MlUINMVr oS. ta 52Ti£j •fiiBGr m HUB. OOLTlIf aaA Upat-bLjaacA^ umnon»ya.T. | KimMmmi«( 1 “ffirTSf! <V' Plane f«bli tf ^ •««*. hat, liiriS " — Fii&trihu.Aieth. ■*.»*«* *** nnwiMiip ■ tSl >«*TY. altaateA It tha k.'-'eWli eal| aaAetkat * IT sa awfarMeA > w par *•»'!• |P L O H E N C Vha loae^oatMteii ,c|. , Florence Sewing Maehu' **WSamr,WbJ!,7j?' W in * orir j Ltw; 4iVk BUfNMftbW. ft. ^PAoiet, i n , ia'faTOT «f l MifTKoP,&»n ae baa broU tu. moaopol,^ JfSS'ft U the KwmtTWv ground. farlant I. »r ton,htand left « r *#rss3'*. <i April, 1ST4, - sprat) rierenn, M forward. But wa notice that acme ef the reriew- eti take exception to Dr. Hodge's cm- dueiooe. atMAge." A oAr-W-itSSr.SSSTSfa RtoA.aaA Bn/mt beflpeto , . wpw Agaeta,.lf tea.waat. to ok,. Mnsonio Notios. jVMtlng^OMntNMrtoM Hi landing •jr ordnr H. B. IT. 9/ rARM ROOKS. TIME BOOKS fuo yenrn 6r ■r»i» .cun. nonutne, t* witeok *t eight. : Lnene tneBe egl) FOB on Cotton end Approved change Oollnternle. ' , “ 11 time.!! * Rinn, nnd he Bnrretiiifrt it i. . w.m. Don»th«tiMi r with SSJJ J A* linnet: !. ,ihe tiling th*t tnk« niinn in rm ^ laihrhmtMi'er'chUe^f' 11 ^ TJ AVOW k-rctettoa heM etook to the Sr arete XX Bene taaaraoee tJwapacy, el Oelawbae, qSwgia, 1 eoihMiilK fSfJTSrZrrWnTm lmlr: exnapt from aa/ llaUIMea of aaM Company. •MUM: A. P BOOB. The chengea whioh.bpthtbe LogiUature iOwirtere reported to aad the Saprem^ here nndergone within the last twelre months, make e disgusting exhibit of tbo Instability of poUtidoas end the pliancy of Jodictol trtbwaia under our •traded" oyetems of gorer&dicnt at the Sontb. It ie charged by the Brooks foe. SURGEON AMS PHYSICIAN, -vrriqB up atalra 8.E. nor orBPoad fcBaa- J itofth streets, where he may ba found Any “-*©reSfi¥7!i?sr w '"'“•“■dbr lien. Abet Baxter, when ho conocired the parpocc rtir vt of allying ltimeelf with the Dam- ocraU. appointed qolta n number of Re publican Iegtalaton to petty offloee, thna We here had report* repreeenting Wat inducing them to reeign their acetc in the -M ■" ■ - A in come aectione of Georgia t in coitoa.l hutlit- et 'year, tha ereae planted tie, if any, leaa then those of last notwithstanding the away aaaerUona that more corn end leaa cotton would be pleat ed. Wo fear that thia ie the eeee gener ally. Deports from moot of the cotton- growing oountiee of Texas bare been re- oeivod by the Galrestoa Cotton Exchange, and they show, in the aggregate, an in- matt in tha area planted in oottoo, aa follow*: 19 counties report an increased acreage of lfi per eeut.; 81 counties re port n deoreaee of 10 per cent, i and IA oountiee report the earns m lad year. This make* an average ineretae of A per TRB ALABAMA COTTON MIMA. It is gratifying to find reports that Mod of tho cotton manufacturing establish ment* of Alabama, like thoge of Georgia, are now doing a good boaineas. The Tal- 1 eases factory, einoo its rc-orgeninetidn, to said to be operating auecemfully end in o meaner that promises to realise all the benefits promised to the etoekhbldera when the extotiug arrangement Was enter ed upon. The Bradford Mill, in Goose oounty, to reported to ba working prpflto. bly end increasing its machinery. The Book Mills Manufacturing Company, in Bandolph oounty, now ha* A8 looms end 8,000 spindles at work, and a bright pros pect before It. The faotorita in Antenge oounty arc generally enceeeefnily opera ted, and ere no donbt doing wall at pres ent. The splendid attoceas of othor Huuihern cotton faotorica show* beyond dispute that there to muoh profit in the *-Tiiniee when prudently and jntttotowoly men aged. Their suoeeas retoe* the presumption that other establishments of o similar kind, when operates unauooeetfolly, owe tbeir failure to bed memigement rather than to any unprofitableness of tha t i We i i. —It would appear thU Aaetaaito rivato Calif onto ia other pradt)Ma than gold, tho gum-tree* of that Continent growing to an ooormoue stoe. One cd theie lately felled in the Dandenong iwfr ne£ Melbourne, to even above the average height of then# cxoepttooe! monatere. The tree wan 880feet high. Atone foot from tho ground the circamfarenco waa 68 foot; at twelve foot Ugh tho diameter wee li feet A inohsa ; at aoventy-eight, w-o AA AWWI I aaewonmm . row WWVOUbTflMUI. » feet i at 1AA foot, 8 foot; end at 810 foot Ugh, Meet! Baum ran Feature.— Every (armor who bee to foaoo hie farm knows too well how qelokiy pcsU ptontod in tha earth become rotten, eepeetoily in e damp spot. AU of thorn wolaomo tho following prooeas to prseeul rottoanaaa, o prooeas as wonderful in it* affaota aa it to limply almost costless. It to taken from La Ken Public, of Dijon, Fraaoe: “Take linseed oil, boil it, end mix it with charcoal dost util the mixture ha* the oonatotenoy of ordinary paint. Give to the poets a single ooet of the mixture or paint before planting them, and no mar, even living tbs eg* of patriarchs old, wUl live long enough to ae* the II pull VOtttOe" Legislature, end that he seleoted for thee* appointments member* whose seats he knew weald fan tiled by Democrats when the ■ pedal elections were held; end the result waftltot the Democrat* elected quit* ail tbc member* to fill the vacancies, and thna obtained majorities io both branches of the Legislature. On tbs other hand, tho ‘ Supreme Court—a majority of whoa* Judge* ere now said praamsed to be in favor of ataUing Brooks — last year, wL Brooks wee a Conservative Baxter s Badicel, dtotiootiy announced that it had Do jtortodiotioa in' tb* case, end then turned Brooks cut of court with very little ceremony. The following ext treot from iix opinion, prononneed at that time, to right to the point, knd dUoleime joriediotion in the. most positive manner: “Under this oonetitution, the determi- nation of the- question es to whether a K reon exercising the ofilae.of Governor d been duly elected or not] ie vested exclueitelp in MM General Assembly of the State, and neither this nor any other State oourt bee jurisdiction AW try a suit in relation to eueh a contest, be the mode form whatit maji, whether *t the suit of the Attorney Gqnfiei or m the rela tion of a olaimaut through him, . or by sn individual slue claiming a right to the offlo*. Buoh issue should be made before the General Assembly. It to their doty to deetde, end ao othor tribunal cun de termine the quoetion.” , , F. A—A later dispatch shows that tbo Judge* ore at Little Batik.. At* Old Amy Order. A friend h'AfaCM tie the' farewell addrqte of Lieut. Qefa. Al P. Stewart, taking leay* of bto Divtoion, on the oooaaion of hla ltd promotion ten higher' commend. It. breathes tb* feeling o) the true soldier end patriot. The Stanford referred to la the ad these was Capt. Stanford of e Mto- ■ the the •ttaippt battery, who foU at Beeaoa on ISth of May; end SeoM wan Major W. B Soott, of tho 18tb Loafadane Begiment, who wee mortally wounded at Mew Hope on the 86th of May. Gen. Stowar|'i headquarter* at tho tfma wore near Chattahoochee, above Atlanta: Hham'is SnwAM'e Divimoh, > July, 7, 1864. j SoLDmet It bee besoms neeesaety for me to take leave of yon aa your Divi- •on commander. I part from you with unfeigned regret. Our oouoection hie boon hi of nnintorrupted harmony end good faith. Mo oomntandcr over sane* to find fault, or was over so well aeoondad ia hia efforts by both men end offloere. You have dene your doty nobly end wtU. w Whether in oomp or on tbo morob, in bivouao or confronting tbo en emy, yow hove displayed tb* virtues of tho trn* Son thorn aoldtor, and ontitlad Iba gretNnd* of your conn. youreolvee to tba ^rhoovor maykhv* tb* honor to oom- mend yam, eoatina* in tha same oonree. Have regard, above ell alee, to the repu tation of tbs'Division and suoeem of the oonee. Ere long, by the blessings of a peso* end es tablish the independeuoe of our country, Be tbs new and higher sphere of duty to which I have been unexpectedly called I shell not forget my obligations to yon, nor fail to watch will deep aoitoitud* your folate eondnet. May yse add still brighter Arris THIA DAT! 108 WILL ■■ SOLD AT coLUMRUt iei Works At the Following Frtene: .8 el*. A 1 *0 “ wo Mem S DO iS “iooo {£::x ;;; u £j RAILROADS. 54* HOURS TO NSW YORK NINE HOURS TIME I Choice of two Route#. - Vtw York aad Vff Mfaat Vpfl UaA. WXIT1XX KAItAOAl) Of AUIIaBA, sU Mb, lift. at Omnee*. Oa., Aqrtt etta, TAAIDIS L8AV8 OOLOMAfaS UAILT ." For Moatcnwery aad Mata, . Mo t. a, ABW* at H.nte’r, ■<. U Mitx Arrlv* at Mata, ■ > list a. ■. fOR ATLANTA AID MXW FORK At 10:40 a. m. Arrlv* Op.Uk* at }*W p. m. At Atlaata 1:42 p. i By AVtMa end MnhMnnfi Alr-LIn*. Uava Attaetantn p. aa, CUARLOTTK 8:36 Baavtll. taff pi <u.v ftelitoacAJjita p. n. Ar- rlvaat Wa.kiag»oaMO:a. Mtiawr. O X) a. St Phllaestphla'l^ej). m., at XgW TOUK 6:16 Blwplaf Can Baa Mas Atlanta ta OBININC DAY I Ice Cream And ll I. G. STBTTPFER’S Will k« Opu sa , Vrcali Str»wt»rrie« •▼•nr .1 , 4r?> ii faU •y Kenneenw ltttrtl. LfMtve AilMto 8:00 p. k, HaIIom 1 BrkM 10:4&.a. LyncUtari p.] eiwniUe|imMi«. ■., •» RtHlfiMn Rt PhlUdJphU 1:90 p. >t NIW, ft *taMpiae me. van tafl*’ AthAla to j TRAISI AAUy ■ AT OOLUIMVli i Montfonmrj a CfrangpoT Southwestern 0" PASHHlimUK eiH> MAIL TRAIN. 9:.*M> r. M. (iMltjr) Lmw CoInbM ■ Arrive it Colmtubiu lew* 9moi Arrive »t Mum 1^49 a. m. 7:17 r. m. 7.891. a. RAY lUUttT TRAIN. -jj list::: < ^ l ^> .*« Mmo* mo ». ■ IT*at Maewt lour.n. VIMIL POWIU, ■.(. W. L. CLAUK, Ipit Uav* Anivt NOTICE. mBmSOrli-MLli BW... »» Rauacub, 1 , April W, 1*74. / O N AND AFTRR AtR1L UTU, the Piluq TnUm oa thia Rood will ran m f#Uowf: Leovo Columba* . Arriveol Troy.... Lnove Troy. Arrive ot Cotumboa.. •prl# tvr W. L. CLahC, ^.p *. POCTOWi. Wk.,iieetot«rta> WOt -witurm*. fh» •».«»- - - Thatoftotoana faipbb* by iMaw of nrnh axparlaae*. Ita has will aaabta a Firtm r to! ht< 'totoy «Mta* tto Aaal Aerial th* y**r. Dr. J. H. OAimiaKR, PrtAMeeA far Md. by: MOTH*. THOMAS GILBERT, •UN JQS ROOMS, OoMimbuop Do. tg-til Beak wttt M farwattM by wail, oa raeMpt rf*|ta' , le»1 A>wtf F°r Cougha, Colds, Hoarsen Mb ALL THROAT DISEASE! WBLL8’CARBOLIC TABL A TWEO AND SURE REMI Sold by Drag.liti. Rankin House, •lOD drintincL Millions of Aores RICH FARMING LA! ■ Columban^ On. ^ J. W. BYAM, Frop'r. FmxuxGolds*, Cierk.' 14 Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER IN NEBItASK A, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHE tee leer*’ Credit, letenet self e p,, Dmwlptive Famphht, with 8«tbn»l M, r l froa. Ruby BAstAoranty The Pioneer, a haadwa* Illutmt. .1 p,p,r, Mnuinin,: iroBMleta Uw, n.«:l d Dm to .11 purt wwM, Addrau 0 r.SAVI! Bor and Billiard Saloon, Umma TWnBAma Bowen, ■yrtdawtr^J^jKjSTANjINjtoJ^i BOOK-BINDER AND ■akrt Aq, Tbe highest inedlcnl amh.rle •I Enrtpt lay til. .‘rongtit Tonic, Pur| iburuant kn >wn to tb. madia! woi NOTICE, M Bsoas Sv n Ootoxaui, at. J. H. DRAMHALL, A went. Blank Book Manuflotiirar, (Old Hun OAo* Building,) JURUBEBA, It ormta decoy of vita I forces, exhanitli tho norvoua ayatem. reatorea vigor to Uiad ltotod, eleoDaos vitiated blood, removal re, obatraotiona and oeta alreetly on tba I irerl Spleen Price $| a but la. JOHN Q. r LOGO, U PlottSt., N. Y. Singer Sewing Mcohlnceleet • llfn limn with lint very lltil. .'xpeaw.lfptCpbrly carnl-*w-. : ■AMB01.P1I nr., COL.DMBO*, OA. ,) It J.S LOr : DR. PIERCE S A Llil -' VT :k/rn!fil P. 8.—I would further aoj Ihiai T1 fat bold itvalf raapaaoiblo for tba i J*'U limtAlt, Agiwtj •ry daHrtptlen, vie: Dim TBI Hioana* aseasau Ainwt* At ana ornoa. 1 d|»tt m/km Notice. .very itockbulder ’■boali^caucSl tha ARMclarion oa or before tba *1*, or forfeit thaprivtlau ef Irr tMaavadaxiit. ^ ^ :> FOR 9ALR AND RCN LGTTFB HEAD8, NOTE BEADS,, j BILL BEADS, STATBMNffTS OF ACT, BUSINBSB AND VISITING GAUDS, LABELS AND SHIPPING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND OIUGULABS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS Ac. LEGAL BLAKKB. ’ Bhewwl or Tetter, Pina! K Holla, Eryaipelu i omplmlitL Six to tweln t le, are vrannb cur# Scrolulo snd Sores and all Akin at By 111 wonder: late, loosening cough, t rcllovirjr •orenesi ft b.v. i£Eitcc,K.r Bueurv. JJuAAn. a- L To Bent. AprU Sth, two VvaUbdA MMh MOMS, Kltobe. set Mth. Mfb ’ntol Llalni room and parlor. AiMmm .m rt-V : U ." • • :, ":' , V,>i, l Woinea' Bnilmsd Boooipts, Bills Lading, Ao In .book or loose, Blank Book* of *11 kindii, wit h or without printed “ btad*, mud* at short notlee. Giving my eoUr* poreoskl atUstlon to Job Printing ood Blndtag,! sea enabled to All all ur- DOOR8, 8ASH, ETC. House and Lot far Sale dare prompUy *t LOW CASH rnlOBS. fuirMtcalRc aDtlateatlon, Ordan horn a tries raietvweom* eUietlowm- If ^ ***• ddr A fulletetk ef Qeergta aod Alabama Lag*! Stank* *lw*yeo*k*ad. 08 LOWER PAST OP ghOAD gT. 'I' HI lot 1, X sera; tba kens* baa three , -■•'SFFaissjssusS* Letter Press and Card Printing. DUr 8ov©nty Pat?e lllustra ted Catalogue of dog r s, SASHES, BLINDS, STAIR KAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, At.. stalled to say one latcrent.J In Luildiag, KEOGH & THOBNE, 261 A 266 CANAL 8TREE1 Jyll dAwly NEW VOltK OBI. DRUCS AND MEDICINE NJHOlAieHiPi if.#8 ] judical col- JUST 8E0EIVE0 A FINE ST00K OF J. FRESH GOODS! R HOFFMAN Ban Jut BeeelvM a Freeh Lot of Dates, Prunes, Raisins, Hg*.. Choice. Apples. Ao. I. GKIFF 11 IMPORTED El 3 apo City Tsx B*lurnt—Lggi 0*11. • F^«5s!!r5ac gg * - A „f... . ,**A ueUaeiwbw willb. liable LHTTER, IILL aa:sad ... e-.or-ANP 1 ’Stateinen Visiting aM bu§iness cards fancy goods All of whinfa ceu h*,,/*r^.M jjfrimed ahor.t^iico. «t,|a)W Caah R,tks. Railroad Receipt Books, ' Dem. : B<|1> " fitoergiaaad Alabama Legal ; , Bbtaks, onbaRd. TIaom. aiXtoert, •* ■ C. • . PRINTER and BINDER, «bf«Tt. lUehei omio.n^ 8C , a , r . g3 ,,_Ei: ■COLUltt AT DEDUCED PRICES All *wl..*ui.r ,nte d. *5T J ,r '""' p j“ Ig (tally prepared at at! hour,. J. L R iai6dwd»a!y For Rent. 3 Itan STALLS to the Vegetable Mdrlut L reulwl to the bi.licit bidder on SAM *y flth, at 10 oVlurk ». u. Not'" i and Tim*. Building, my* At '*L™0. SCHOESSLBU, J, 0. CHALMERS, 0. K. FLOBRNOV^