The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 09, 1874, Image 3

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! it O'vfcnklAL. D. F. WILLCOX, QSNSRAL INSURANOE AOENT, ALLEN, FREER A ILLCE8, 1 Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants COZ.VHaVS p CB-JL. Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. N, I. MVIM, Fta*. B. W. EDWiBM, Caahlar. B. I. BOLPflU, AWI Cmh*. The Chattahoochee National Bank of Columbus, glo. Hwlsry MJSnfm! %W jMddM, ntrttkm H n«ta,«l lie. of *«* el lea prim. la Staple art isjrtSRtel Oflfl*, w.MLM k lUklj or,Me! W« nil .tlretlaa I* earrtaok Of Shaw art PUatmUfln tarti of STN| dntftflldfei dVOareotliattaok ladfbnd »t aatoalahlasty Thl» Bank tranaaata a tynwral Banking haataaaa, pay* Intaraat an 0a* poaita artar epeolal oantraat, flva* prompt attantioa fa oallaatlana aa all aaoaaalMo palate, aaS lavltaa oorraapoadaaoa. lafarmatlea traaemlttrt FLOURNOY, McCEHEE & CO., Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Cotnmbua, Ga. BpooUlAttention given to the Btorage and Bale of Cotton and other Merchandise. THE HEW ORLEANS CIGAK 8T0BX. Good Nows to Smokers I OOL.UMBXJS, OE}OI=LOnLA» W. L. SALISBURY, Presld’t. A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cashier. «J. Newman Sc Go. havb pck opimmd A RETAIL CIGAR STORK At Ml BraaO St, Oataanaa, ultomUkiimulkrtiMl Cigars, Tobacco, Pipe*, Ac,, mii,a,mtla,tan,aausalhcoal Olro thorn a nil, aadoalep, M the lewaH prte. ooaaUtmt «ltk ll.le*, Mm M mkiMlim Mkrauftln, Brm.mb.rth.plm, ft. BBWMAM A Ota, ■ki m itt arn< At. My Kingdom for a Caah Buyer! ssnnutr—FBOHPTirESS—UBERAUT7 I at all now m wa an ottaaitre bxt*ao»dim ary imdvobnmmt* to oa»u I lrjrw.1 W. mail 4. bMla»M at *11 bM.rfi, or »«yUI ft. good. mart am. Our Otoek of Spring and Summer Ory Goods It Mm aoaetaatlft npIMUbod. IM mini, l vvxiii xizsra oar vakasoziOi HHlkM M *t Umm vltk Mtlkl klntHHUM>, la »**rd,1,Mr, aad M>| wiNnlrti. Oar alack of | . , „ , „ ... s THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y wmiVH *• ama run hum INDEMNITY apiut Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, •ho Wants a Chanoo to Cot It Rook. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM'L S. MURDOCH laaaMaat, Ha dCair* itloa,art Itaoapital the haa fanr jam*. Spring Goods and Staples l «T. KLTTjB db oo. “™ ** ,ot ” , at *1*3,014 aa in favor of Npartad for th* loot four IMM Ima apt. capital of •adartwattUaUlittm It on*a Afnia lower i cam nicn Their Steak la Caaiplate la Entry Departaieat, aad waa BOUGHT m, at the Lewaat New York Frleaa, aad Will fea aald oar- UrtiUan Adeoeat*. ware than agiaad FOR CAOI ■raapoaalapy Beat Print* 10 cent*. Irish Linens Expressly Imported! Ladle*, Ohildren’a And KNmi 1 Shoes. Alao, goo ply of Plantation Boot* and Shoes. Oarpeta and Bugs at reduced prioes. ay AU aUhlos fprta* flood. aadkuplM •» taah 'mam* da batter. Chicago Loese* Paid Promptly In Full, • - 8890,SMJ2 Boston M . “ • • ISO,008.80 Total Aaeete—Bold—Jaaaary let, W74, tlS2,SM.*a. UAMUTKS. Tjormb Dip sod Unpaid •*******•••*•**•* Nom. Loam# Ik prooaaa oradjaatmant, or adjn.tad tad sot dua Slit,MS 00 AU other Oieima . I,«IB •• COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Inooma, 18TS |(ll,Mf IS [IMtoaary Smcatary ptaaaatad a raped. The total amount ifhan, Anaaftnaa, baqaarta, M, A ^ta_ApdH«,ia7d, i S8V4,tV8. StpSBBM RRRQP aM ta S14.U9, a UlUa law r Mat. at the ooat of tba 5'w ftata J. W. Lambarl, , mtaattad that tba eoafidanoa m* thair falaa pods has , art many ottiaa in the inte- i f*w ,aara ago foralgoera 1 MfiMt mmn. TmaMsnL ! >10. W. SSAQf9EAX, CuUer. GEORGIA HOME BANK Bank ef Discount and. Deposit. Baals in Exchange, Coin, Stocka aad Bends. Drafts Colleoted, and prompt ratnrna mads. Gk'OVNB/ JORDAN, Agent, 111. SAVE YOUR MONEY! than adjourned. Offers the greatest inducements to those Wing idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound* ed*January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s chartei, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders ia pledged for the MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WI8E ONES SAVE IT! If you will only tavo what you Wooto, It would bo no troublo to booomo IndODondont. U H0UR8 TQ NEW YORE NNE HOUR* FASTEST TIME I hole* of Two Routes. Fnr Twk kot Maw Priam MaU Ua*. fUnU AAlLtOAD Of ALABAMA, OMon,K akU talk, i«r« IBAIM LBATB OOLOMBOI DAILT llBBMI III litim, IK» a. M. .makat.;, »M a. m. MiiiIMh, • • 11:0* A. «. ro« ATLANTA AMO MBW TOBE AMMa.*. Anita Opdltk *1 1L27 p. b. At Lees then one yeer old, and has 378 depositors. The Legislator* of Qeorgle binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the eeourity of Depositors—$12 In assets for every dol lar of llabllltlee. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards reoelvSd. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres'L G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas'r. bUiU f obligations of the Savings Bank. dzrsoiors: J. BHODBS BROWNE, Prm't of tlw Oo. H. If. OUBTIS, of W«UA,Cnrtl« ft Co. JAB. F. BOZEUAif, OopttalM, AtUnta. L. T. DOWNING, Attorn*7-At-LA«. J. H. CLAPP, JlAouftT, OIado'a Fkelorj. D. F. WILLCOX, Soorotary of; k Co. Hob. JOHN MoILHXNNT, lUyor. I08IAH IIOSBI8, Boakar, Moovg'y. JJMBB KANKIN. OApltklUt. 7 CHAUUE8 WIBR, ADAJfB UOCII. g« to Uvuilka, be sura to atop at tka is UoaM,opv«Miio tMMigif Depot, By KflBBflMW Saatfl. taw AlttaU AK p. a.. D»lton 1<i : m p.a . hkMIkO A »,. lTy*ofctrtlrf 10.4ft p. m. Atri». a, AtBAUiBun»l*A.a.. mUtatplilA 1190 p. a. M MBIT YORK 6:14 ’■flilAf tan r,D from AU >.Ia to Lj.chbur,. furtii arrive at oolumbds daily WrAIItttAkM >'* Ycrk, 6:M a. a. ta >WI|oa«, mud t tlaA 9:60 r. a. Ikbtofcr MU< at UaIoa Dqwt. DISSOLUTION. OtBoa, Railroad Stroot, ovor R. M. Qi Oov23 B Oo/a. LOW! LOWER!! LOWEST!!! A. O. Haroell having withdraw* from the firm of Harwell, Griflta ft Co., bak removed to Chamber* street. His friend* and patrnna would do well to oall or him in hie new qaarte'e, and axamine atoek before buying elaatrhare. Frioaa ai panie ratea.JaD) anftwadtf Highest Market Price FOE Green i Dry Hides, Furs. Beeswax, Re. BARNKTT * CO., TjiTBRT COPTOMER TRADIRO WITH JOSMPH A OHOTHCR tarn that thair tnaer ** paaMd .lock of Try Oood. ef artry varl.ty tw Imu mIIiue at The Lowest Cash Prices Ever Known in This Section I THIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE HAS LAID IN A Fine Stock of Spring Goods! To am th. V.ou «f tkMr anaj caMoow, aad will maUta* t* Mil their rteak tf ft a Mill and fOMlf* flood, at pri0M tk.l doftr comp.tlt| .D. MB. flmnn art aa* fiaa wrmaaalr 1 ki ^rt. a L. IJ fnpr28tf fJYBB UWDUmiOWD will still continue the Warehouse and Oommisaion Business RTTHB LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. Thaaktal Ikr th* patroaa*. bMlovta apoa aa thapnaaatsMaoa.waiwpMtnillp Mlldtitaoae- tlaaattM the oaMla* aaaaaa, with a proMlM to em mry oflMt to prowoM tho latonot of oar pot- Stoves, Stoves Colnmbua, April 15,1874. J R APRIL MTU, the Pnmmnger i 1mi will ran ns follows; ia 2:00 p. |. 11:08 f I. 2:2ft A. a. Rm .10:8(1 A M.. ff* l»* CLaBK, feui- t. JOSEPH & BRO M. M. HIRSOH, Oglfltkflrpfl and Brldf# Streets Hides and Furs a Specialty. IghaatfgnrktaPrtaater Hides, Furs, Beeswax 4 Rags. ^11 kinds Wrapping Pspsr end Paper Bag* on hand. mfm ♦ U8 (Oppoatto kupOMM) MRl Columbus, Ga., LtrOULD rMpootiaily larll* tka altaatiaa of hi. IT aad autos in to klo oatoeolra «ok ef tTOVBS, HOLLOW AMD (TAMPED rABf, H0D6B>f uRMIEHIMO OOODfl, A*. AIM IM WARS, at whotaMl* aad mail. Maaolketarar of TIM, SHBBT IRON AM ABBSB tRflWW C. A. REDD, GEO. T. BANKS. TO MARB BRADY POS THE 6PIIBO TBADB, WB MOW Off IB Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. TOR CASH! AfB STBBT OTHKS ABTICLB A( LOW AB Tfl Ml fflOBS (I4BWBBBM. CHAPMAN *fc V^CHSTHdT^K, •• SMASimav Important to Farmers. MB’S. T, i. ITBVBMI la w.ll kaowa It JUL FlaataH of OMrala aad Atataau a. < tk. Mart irttakl* aad aSalaat OIN-WEIOH Ik* Mtnlrp.' WktMrrr k* hoa worked k Agents to OOPnBWOBK. Roofing and Guttering doas promptly aad la tka hwt maaaor. M* aeUaita a oall, ImUm* aanwad thrthaoaa *to* «tlr* MUrtMUea. d^ PriM m low m tko lovMt. Omm aad Ma batata pm bap. ortta nlaatf OWKLIKA DiRKCTOKY. Doctors. DM. I. T. WAXMOOK, flntflaan and Fkpaltai OOoo at (laasliltr't Dra* fctera, lailnad rtrart. fbbl* • ■ DR. J. W. B. WILLIAM CHT.r. hla profMaloaat MrrtoM. Otaa* ant B. M. Or.MaOm'a,Okataw «LL rtwrt.. aotad Millinery. M1BBKB warn * IOOUI, mahlonakta MUllmra aad Pro.aa.akar.. ttutlemea'. ahlria eat bp chart .wan, aad (oaraaiaod to it. uhaaitari rtrart, seat to Raaa'a dry good. Mora. takl XBB.O.V. MARLOW, nolo A*oal Of autMrtok A Oo.'. Pattwao. At tko lata Raaklas Uowa otHhappard A O*. OpoUka.AU. Jata Notaries Public. V. D. Hioaixa, Bela* appoiaud Mdtarp PabUo tar Lm Mtatp, rMpoctruilp Mllolu tkapatraaaa. of hla IrbaMa. tiold. Coart Ut aad bd iouirdayt ef MCk awatk, 41 n. O. HolUd.ld.’o Uw otaM. Jam Furniture, 4o. * At Murto Palm*. A. O. HARWELL, Daator la all klada ad fnallna. AUo, Hotalllo, WoodOolku, tad Oaakala. Jam VkaMbara atrart. Lawyers. A. J. TICKERS, Attar mop aad C—wm.ll.r at taw. Otaoo oppoolU Alt homo Homo. PrmetloM ia all Ik* OoacU of the Mata. Jad Tailors. ft. R. VABPULL, IMMt, Co turns aad Makla* la tk. LatMt Itplw. Bo- Irani ns >«sti> dene. South Railroad Bt^ over Farnlmro Biers, jal Dentists. ft. L. K. SMITH, DmIM, Dom Plata * orb aad PIueeU* ea* d.«z3| wrai*. Otiaaib. n »fMt. ■arbor Shops. WEB LET BARRAMHEta, farbor, Conor tomb Railroad and Cbambora Hrab .dM6a BMIMOM dk TURNER, tartan, Sooth Railroad unat, nauor Adana Hoaaa. d.cdt Hotels.