The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 10, 1874, Image 2

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“tuftrirer. WUWBi:*. UEdROItl SUNDAY MAY 10, 1874. CHATTAROOCHBR ■Ilf. iirMTf- Ikouholl, Babnum and Eaton in Mid to bo tbo moot prominent candidates (or tho Doaoermtic nomination »» United State* Senator (or Connecticut. Tu city of Balsigb, K. C., voted on Konday l**t upon the qneetion of probib- iting the eele of' liquor within her limits, in scoordanoe with (he “local option" law. Prohibition carried the dap bp a small majority, after a lively contest. A dispatch from Memphis, May nth, says that planters from below were in tbo city trying to hire hands, and reported that large numbers ( of negroes were refus ing to work, thinking that the National Oovernment would provide for them. Conn has advanced in Chattanooga. It was quoted at 8fi®87 cents on the wharf, and 90 oenta in depot, on Thursday. The Timet says that these figures are 10 cent* below Nashville prieea—making al lowance for freight we presume. A dispatch from Washington reports that the President and his Cabinet “laughed" over Arkansas affairs, at their meeting on Friday. They ought to have had a “fiddle,"so as to follow more closely the etample of the old Boman Emperor on a similar oooasion. Thu June Term of the Supreme Court of Alabama wilt commence on the first Monday in June. The 4th Division (Har bour, Bullock, do,,) will commence on the 22d of June; and the Sth Division (Lee, Bnssell, Chambers, Maoon, Ac.,) on tbo 29th of June. A MIDNIGHT dispatch of Friday,alluding to the Bepuhlicen Senatorial oaucus of that day on tho Civil Bights bill, says i “It is believed thst the nelt caucus will so amend it a* to elesrly admit of sepa rate eebools, for white and colored ohil. dreo—separate accommodations at hotels and theatres, on condition that equal ad vantages are secured.” A strange political coalition, and one that shows, the strength of new party or ganisations, is reported from Oregon. It is said that tbo Democrats and Republi cans in that State are nnitiog to defeat the “Independents." We are not in formed as to the distinctive principles or objects of the Independents. Ths “aaqutsmoN” which the dispatch es say the Supremo Court of Arkansas has sustained in behalf of Brooks, was made upon the State Treasurer for a part of the contingent fund placed at the call of the Governor. The decision, therefore, goes to the extent of recognising Brooks' au thority to mnko the requisition. Haxtan bad bad lock with his duplicate of the Btato seal of Arkausus, ordered from New York. When it arrived at Lit tle Book, a couple of deputy sheriffs, friendly to Brooks, intercepted it at tbo office of the broker to whom it was as signed, peid $87 express ohargoa “0. O, D. t ” and then seixed the seul, under tbo rriminal law, aa a counterfeiting die. The Montgomery Stale Journal boosts that its party (Republican) have “success- fully captured six of the largest cities'' of the State within the leet few raonthfi, and *<Mb, t4 we shall have an easy task to bury Democracy out of night next November.” We call the attention of the Democrata to the feet that if they go under at nil in tho November fight, they will sink beyond the reech of the hand of resurrection. The grave, we auppose, is dug, aud they must either be buried in It or bury their oppo nents there. Now ie the timo to mnko a * deoiaive fight. Th» New Orleans Times thinks that the loas to the people of Loniaiana by tho flood will exceed ten millions of dollars, and says that the area now under water in variously estimated at from 2,500,000 to 11,000,000 of acres. Good judges estimate that in the three States of Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi the loss to tho cotton oropby the overflow will be L’fiO,- 000 bales, and the iosa ou sugar in Louis iana 510,000 to 40,000 hogsheads. These losaea must involve a vast amount of dis- tress and embarrassment. Advices from Lima to the 1 ith nit. confirm previous reports of the discovery of new end immense deposits of guano in Peru. The examination made by the ofiioera of hor llritannio Majesty's ship Petrel sustains the report# of the Peru vian engineers, both as to the quality and quantity of the guauo. It is calculated that there are at least 7,080,500 cubic me tre* of guano in the different localities in wbioh it Las been traced. Assured of this, Peru considers she has a very large reserve fund to draw against after her debts are paid. A proposition to change the patent system, so as to abolish the monopoly given to the patentee, and to allow any person to manufacture tho invention by paying s royalty of ten per cent. to the inventor, is before Congress, aud is said to be received with favor. It would do good in correcting the abuses of the pres ent patent aysteiu, one of which is sufil- ciently indicated by the reported fact that some of our American sewing machines are sold in England at ono-half the price oharged for them hero, on account of the competition of English machines. The petent laws could also be much amended by refusiog patents to inventions that have no ingenuity in them, or arc too in significant to deserve any exclUBivo rights. Hanky Ward Beiohxb talks in tLis patronising way of tho Pope: 44 1 have a greet many friends in Borne, the Pope among them. He never came to see me, but I would just as lief go to see him as not. He would hardly say I was ortho dox, but I really believe he is orthodox. I would ordain him to preach, and I would let him preaoh here if he asked me. I really believe the old man is a good mta, with Rowe cobwebs in hrn but the; will be brushed away be- Oa the 2»ih of April iho Coni m Mon appointed by the city of Cuinmbna, and conaiatir.g of Judge M. .1. Crawford, Hon. John Mctlhanny, Gol. R. L. Mott, and Major Oalboon, proceeded to Wa»:iogton to auk of Congrexa an appropriation for tba improvement of tbe Chattahoochee. Thie is a work of great neeexaity to tho people of Georgia, Alabama aod Florida in an area of fifty thousand square mil**, and tb*Commission, apart from tha actual and immediate necessity for tbe under taking, was emboldened in its request by tho fact that no appropriation had aver been made bofor* for this purpose by Congress. Next week we will give a number of letters describing minutely the work of tbe Commission, bat here we will lay before our reader* en outline of its work and the raxnlta. Before reaching Washington tbe gen tlemen of the Commission learned, through the press, that tha House Com mittee on Commerce had made its report, aud bad set aside all recommendations for “new work,” under wbioh heed the im provement of the Chattahoochee would come. On Saturday, Mey 1st, they found Congress in session, and at onos want to work to learn what could be done to ac complish their purpose in tbe face of tbe report. They wero kindly reoeived, not only by Mr. Harris and the whole Georgia delegation, but by every man irrespective of section with whom they cento in con tact, and tbe unanimous statement wee, “It is too late to have yonr bill brought before the House, bnt let it originate with tbe Committee on Commerce of the 8en- ato, and meet with favorable considera tion in that body, when we will pledge the earnest support of the House." Enough members were seen to guarantee ita euccoMt, aud then tbe Commission turned its attention to the Senate. Gen. Gordon, fortnnately, wee on tho desired committee, end bis great icfinonce, sec onded by Judge Crawford's acquaintance end tact, gave tbe Commission a favora ble reception and a kindly bearing, boores of Senators were met, sod with few ex ceptions they became at once interested, and promised their support and influence to tbo bill granting sn appropriation of $3(1,000 for tbe improvement of tbs Chat- takoucbce. Tbo whole subject ia now in tbo hands of the Senate committee, with uvery ronsonsblo probability of ita favor- able consideration, and, in this event, the certainty of its passnga in the House. Tbo Commission found that Mr. Wbitaly, from tbo Ilainbridgo District, bad been working for some time (o get an appro- pri ition for the river lower down, and in cluding tbe Flint. He co-operated with the gentlemen from Columbian moat heartily, and be will work bard for tbe now bill till its fate before this Congress is settled. The above gives an outline, of the eondition of tbe Commission's work, bat it gives no idea of tho labor acoom- plishod during tbeir short sojourn in Washington. They worked bard and earnestly, and in this they were encour aged by the oordiul reception met with from men of every section aud party. The bust illustration of the heartinees of this grouting may be gaiued front tbe case of Judge Crawford. This gentleman solved before tho war in Congress with Logan, Conkling, Chandler, Sherman and many other well known Republicans now in tho House or Senate,who are generally known for their atroog Union and pre sumed partisan feelings. Home of tbe Judge's friends thought he would be oold- ly received, and indeed be bad some idea that bis reception would bo calmly digni fied : but his old friendB forgot old polit ical fights, forgot tbe war and politics and met him to use hiB words “with tbo wsrmlb of a brother.” It surprised the Commission to age how torribly confused are the old lines of purty demarcation, aud how inevitable is that breaking up of parties which we have so lon^ asserted was coming soon, and which, for the good of the country, is so much to be desired. The most careless observer could not help noting the growing feeling of affinity between tba Booth and West, which is tha preoursor of a union of seotionB in seventy-six that must swoop to success over old party iinss and worthless party traditions. As this and kindred subjects will be treated of in our correspondence, we will abstain from tho tempting epecula- tion of the future of parties, nnd ssy in conclusion that tbo Commission is mnch indebted to tho newspaper press of Wash ington, which general,.ly opened ita col umns to advooata tbe interests of oar people aud tho improvement of oar noble river. some of them indignantly denounced ! repudiation ia ae; form, bat no vote, of ! wbiuj w« oao find any menu >n, was tuaeu on the question. CROWDED OUT. Our “Answer* to Correspondents,'’ many of which are on hand, and oar no tices of “New Publications” are unavoid ably crowded ont thie week. Hereafter we will resume in fall all the departments that have added so much to tbe valne and interest of our Sunday Edition- Next 8unday we will begin a fascinating story to ran through several weeks, and which will be found of nnoanal interest. Like all oar aerials, it is written expressly for the ExquiBga-SuN, and will compare fa vorably with any similar prodnetiona in the literary papers of the North, which meet with so much favor in oar section. A petition by F. J. Moses, Governor of Booth Caroline, to be pnt into benkrapt- ey, wee granted by the United States Dis trict Gonrt at Charleston on Friday. His liabilities are said to amount to $250,000. UEORGUXEWS. —The report of tbe Ordinary of Rich mond oonnty shows tbe county to be ont of debt, and with $18,803 in tbe treasury. —Cobalts moantains, in Murray coun ty, were covered with enow to the depth of four inches oo the 30th nit. —The reoeiptsof cotton in Savannah on Wednesday were the smallest of any day of tbe season. They amounted to only 9ft bales. —Tbe Adccrtitcr says the widow of Mr, Charles Fox, the Central Railroad watchmen drowned while on duty, con templates bringing snit against tbe com pany for damages. —Tbe Dalton Citizen of the 7th reports tha wheat crop in its immediate vicinity looking well, bnt learns that in some ad jacent localities it hss sustained mnch in- jury from rain. The frnit crop gives promise of en abnndtct yield. —A correspondent of the Marietta Journal writes that be has travelled through Cherokee, Milton, Gwinnett, Hall, Jackson, Walton and Clark coun ties, and never before saw as fine a pros pect at this season of tho year tor a good wheat orop, and that more wheat baa been sown in that section than in any year aiuce the war. —The Heirs looks for a proposition, at tbe next meeting on the Cooimi-sioners' Court of CbatbaHa county, to issue scrip of the denomination* or oue and two dol lar*, to tba amount of ten thousand dol lars, to pay tbe present indebtedness of the oonnty. It appears to us that if oonn- ties can make money in that way, we can be independent of Presidential vetoes in the matter of ourrenoy supply. —The murderers of Mr. H. G. Turner, of Piokens county, have been discovered, end one of them already tried and sen tenced. A youth named John Edwards was suspected, arrested, end confessed that he wa* an accomplice to the murder, which wee committed by bis brother, Ves- tar Edwards. He said that they got Tur ner drank, and while he was in that con dition Vestcr split his bead open with an axe, and they sunk hin body in the creek. John, who is only sixteen years ol age, was, upon this confession, sentenced to the penitentiary for ninety-nine years. Vaster fled, and it Is suppuBed is in Texas, —The Atlanta Ueraid gives this as Tom Howard's idea of direct trade: “ ‘Direct Trade.’ Of oottrse, I do. The sort of direct trade I believe in, though, is this : Let a farmer pnt hie truck ou nis wagon, hitch up his steers, gat bis double-barrel shot gnn, orawl on top of tbs load, and ■trike off direct for the nearest cross roads' store. When ho giti there let him sell hia track, bay what plunder he wants and go home and go to work. Build. up your neighborhood with your trade 1” [Iu saying which, Tom Howard dodges the question.] ALABAMA NEWS. TENNESSEE POLITICS. Tennessee, like Louisiana and the Car- olinis, has under consideration what is called a “funding” measure, bnt tbe real object of which is to scale the' bonded debt of the State by giving new bonds for tho old ones, at a considerable dis count from tbe face of the latter. This proposition has distracted the Democratic party, and may lead to its defeat at the next general election, A meeting of pol iticians was hold in Nashville last week, to consider this question. We believe that it was attended by both Democrats aud Republicans. Andrew Johnson was iu the city, and it was generally thought that bo was in sympathy with the move ment to form an independent party sup porting the funding measure end other “reforms.” But ho declined to address the meeting when eallod upou, promising to give bis views st some fatare time. The prime mover iu the proposition to form a uew party was Col. Colyar, s well known Democratic politician. He re ferred to tho depression of the farming interest aud to tbe difficulty wbioh farm era experienced in borrowing money, aud quoted from Thomas Jefferson that “no debt sbonld be saddled upon a second generation, and that all people ought to bo freed from debt at the end of every nineteen years, on the ground that those who incurred tho debt were dead.” He said : “This question of taking nil the people make, to pay the interest npon a debt, rises utiove all party considerations, fora long; wo all have got them, in some j They can not bo made to pay it, and they way or another, aud whatever there is in will not pay it." bias that is pnre and trne and right makes I The other gentlemen present did not bia my biotber." ' aaam to favor Col. Oolyar’s view*, and —The Board of Assessors report the value of real estate in EufuuU ($1,064,025. —The ladies of Enfaula will bold a flo ral fair, in Masonic Hall, from tbe 20tbto the 22d inBt. —The Montgomery street cars charge ten cents every dBy except Sunday, and five cents on Sunday. ■Tbs sale of tbe A. & C. ltoad which v.s to come off at Mobile last Monday, has beea postponed to June the 15th. —The Entaw Whig reports tbe death of tbe negro child born with its heart outside of ths breaatbone. —The Enfsuln Timet learns front a gen tleman living in Jackson county, Fla,, that the cropa in that ouuuty were never more promising then now. —The Ozark Soul 'iern Star hsB found a nse for snakes. It is to scare lawyers. That paper says Hint all tbe lawyers in ita county, with one exception, would as soon face a howitzer as a water mooaein. —A planter of Barbour oonnty, having caught a negro thief ruuniug off with bis coet, first “whaled bim like h—1," und then “released bim on bis own recogni sance." That's a deoided improvement npon Alabama “law.” —The Alabama Editors' Convention meets in Birmingham on the 19tb of this month. Borne sixty Northern editors are expeoted to visit the Btate, and be pres ent at Birmingham on the l'Jtb, and will visit Montgomery daring their tour. —Borne unfeeling wretch placed a large log on the traok of tbo Savannah A Mem phis Railroad, near Dadeville, with the evident view of throwing off the track the train conveying a large excursion party, on Friday. Fortunately the log was not sound, nnd the wheels crushed it, so as to prevent the consequences contem plated. RELIGIOI’M BODIES. Southern Baptist Convention. Jefferson, Texas, May 9.—Rev. Dr. Jss. P. Boyce, of Louisville, preside a over tbe Southern Baptist Convention.. Dts. Bnriows, of Richmond, Jonea, of Nash ville, Crane, of Texas, aud DeVotie, of Georgia, are Vioe Presidents There are three hundred delegates present. Southern Xeltiodlst Conference. Louisville, May 9.—Tho great sensa tion in the proceedings of tho Genoral Conference to-day w ts in the reoeptionof three commissioners from the Methodist Episcopal Church North—ltov. A. S. Hunt, D. D., Rev. 0. H. Fowler, and Gen. Clinton. A Colored Robber with High Con nections. Wiuusoton, N. C., May 9.—C. A. Haines, a colored mail agent, charged with robbing tbe mails, pleaded gnilty in the U.8. District Coort and was sentenced to four years in tbe peuitentiary. He is e brother of the Secretary of State of Sonth Caroline, who wee present daring the trial. Fits John Porter. Habbisburo, May 9.—Tbe Pennsyl vania Legislators has passed s joint reso lution asking the President to re-open the o*ae of Fits John Porter. EUAIML The Tight Begun—Four Droahlee Negrons Killed—BroohMon Cul ture ■ Msaaor-fftr thptate Killed—Linos Cut. Little Rock, Mey 9.—The Beilroede era intercepted to Mop recruits. Font Brookit* negroes wen killed yes terday. Tba Baxteritee era eonfldent of a quo rum in both booses on Monday. Little Bock, May 9.—The Brookitee captured the steamer Hattie. Frank Simms wa* killed. Tha Captain, jBam Houston, died from wounds. John .My ers, tbe pilot, was mortally wounded. Mihfhis, May 9.—At 9 o’olock thie morning, the Little Book wires went down, and it is now impossible to comma- nice te with tbe city, either direct or by wey of Bt. Louis or New Orleans. At leet accounts, fighting wee going on and tbe supposition is that the lines have all bean cat, or the telegraph offloe seized. Capt. Sam Houston, who was killed yesterday above Little Rook, was former ly Supervising Inspector of Steamboats at tbia port. Reports irons Washington. Washington, Uay» .—Tbs representa tives of the Arkansas factions ara in con ference with tbe Attorney-General. If they fail to come to an agreement tbe Attorney-General is authorised \to isene orders. Negotiations will not close nntil midnight. There are intimations that Williams leans to Baxter. Than ara half a million bonds involved in wbioh it ie eeid the Arkansas officers have a slice. Tha source of trouble teems that Baxter wee refractory about issuing them. RAILROAD HATTNRh. A Big Lease. New Yobs, May 9.—The laaae of the Atlantic end Greet Western Railroad hi practically completed, on the following besie: The Atlantio and Great We*tern Railroad, with all its rolling stock and ap purtenances, is taksn as it stands for a lease of one hundred years, and ia to be ran by tbe Erie Railroad managers, at a total rant of thirty per oent. of the grosa receipts. Should tho new managers, how ever, ever snoeeed in rednoing the run ning expense below seventy per cent, of the gross receipts, so ts to leava a margin of profit between that amount end thirty per oeut. of rent, enoh margin is tu be divided in equal parts between the oon- traoting parties. Some .matters of detail remain unad justed, however, and the Conference Committee may not report until Monday. Ran OIT In Virginia-Several In jured. Gordonville, Va., May 9.—The East ern bound morning train on the Washing ton City end Virginia Railroad ran off the track this morning near Rockfish de pot. The engineer, two conductors and the baggage master were badly injured. Three passengers were hnrt. No one was seriously injured by the scoident except the p dsce oar conductor. The train will be an hour behind time in arriving at Washington. This is the first accident that has ever occurred on tbe road to in jure any one. Washington Nates. The Committee of Inquiry hss acquit ted Gen. Howard. Riohsrdson is st home. River end Harbor Appropriations,*ill be taken np Monday. The statistician of the Department of Agriculture, Mr. Dodge, leave* this oity to-morrow to attend the session of ths National Agricultural Congress, whieh opens on Wednesday, at Atlanta, Ga. The Senate ia not in session, and the House has been engaged in “bloviation.” [That'a the word that oame—means blow ing of wordy gas, ws suppose.—News Ed.] «— —iBeaudfiil Spring Coalmens! A Hanging nnd Stampede. Nashville, May 9.—Ten thoasend per sons—two-thirds oolored—witnessed the hanging of Bill Kelley. A passing train frightened the orowd and stampeded shout two thousand peo ple. Several were hnrt. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. NPAIN. Ministerial Changes Contemplated Madb'D, May 9 —Iu reply to the ad dress, Marshal Serrano says he desires a week's daisy to deliberate on the political oriais before reconstructing tbe osbinet. A dispatch from Bilbos says General Concha's troops are throwing up fortifica tions. Don. Carlos and Geu. Elio ars re ported to he at Durango, thirteen miles southeast of Bilboa. London, May 9.—The Timet' speoial from Midiid.saya Marshal Serrano hss deolared he sill not solve tho politiosl oriais before the expiration of eight days, meanwhile be will study tbe question. GERMANY. Caar or Russia Coming to England- Stuttoakoi, May 9. —Tba Emperor of Russia, who has been in this ciiy since the (ith inst., having oume hither to be proaent at the marriage of the Grand Duohess Ujere, will depart benoe on Mon day next for England. CUBA. New Yobs, May 9.—A letter from Ha vana, dated April 29th, says Fredariok Doekery wa* taken from Nenvitas on tha 24th of April, and transferred to prison in Puerto Principe, ny doubt for security sake, and the Cubans h ive been so near Nenvitas as to render the capture of the plaoe not improbable. Nitbing new has been made known. BUII* NEWS. London, May 9.—The Seward, from Savannah, is st Narva, with part of her cirgj damaged by sea water. New York, May 9.—Arrived—Leo. Savannah, May 9.— Arrived— Hunts ville, K ite Cook. Cloared—Adelia, Norlis. Bailed—Steamship Wyomiog, -Iscinto, David Babcock, brig Don Francis. THE WEATHER. Defabtmeht or Was, > Washington, May 9, 1874.) Probabilities.—For the Sonth Atlsntie States clear or partially olondy weather, southeast winds and oontlnnad high tem perature. Gee. been talking to a newspaper reporter about the military operations of the war, l and on being asked if be thought it wonld have bean possible for the South to suc ceed under any circumstances, replied: Thera were soma laming points ia the wet whieh, I think, had they been prop erly managed, would have made the strag gle a enow-os. The two greatest disasters were the failure of Gen. Beauregard to follow up the victory at Shiloh, aud of Geo. Bragg to follow up tha victory at ChickautHnga. I look upon tbum aa the decisive fate of our country. I think if ere bad followed np those victories tba South would now have boss an indepan- dent mitior. At ChickHmauga, on Snnday, the root of the Federal army was oomplete. Man- day morning I drove tbe Federal pickets into the town of Chattanooga, when tha enemy wee disorganised, with tbe excep tion of e few brigades. If General Bragg had followed np his viotory on Snndsy night, he could have captured the entire army with little or no resistance. With tbe ceptared horses he oould hove mount ed 20,009 men, including his own cavalry, with which we could have captured Naih- ville and ths State of Tennessee, and could have taken the whole of Keutuaky, end perhaps Cincinnati, before the enemy oould have gotten reinforcements to ebeok ns. Had this bsen done, the back bone of Ihtrwer wood have been broken, end the contest settled in onr favor. Reporter—Bnt do yon think it was pos sible for Gen. Bragg to have accomplished this in the face of tbe difficulties by wbioh be was snrronnded, and in tha fees of each a Urge army 1 General—I think it eonid have been done bed tbe pnranit been kept np on Snndsy night. Tbs Federal troops wars completely pania-stricken, aod were hud dled together among their wagons and oattle, end other pleoes, and were in no mood to fight. I think it was one of tbe greatest dUastera in failing to push on at thst fight. MARKETS. BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Honey nnd Stock Hnvketa. Paris, May 9—Rentes 59 and 52. New York, Mey 9.—Stocks qniet and strong. Money at 3. Gold 124. Ex- - bangs—lung 488], short 491]. Govern ments steady. Btate bonds qniet. New Yobk, May 9.—Money easy at Sa 4. Staling steady. Gold depressed at 12}a], State bonds qniet. Governments steady—little doing. Rank Statement. New Yobx, May 9.—The Bank State ment shows that loans have decreased a trifle; specie increase two tnd five-eighths millions; legal tenders decrease a trifle; deposits inorease one and seven-eighths million; reserve increase two nnd one- eighth million. Provision Markets. New You, May 9.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull; slightly bnyers in favor. Corn doll and drooping. Pork nnebanged. Lard heavy; steam 10]a 17-82. Bt. Louts, May 9.'—Flour quiet and nn- chauged. Corn firmer; No..2 mixed 117. Whiskey higher, 98. Pork firm at $16.50. Bacon strong, demand exceeds supply- sbouldera 7s], clear ribs 9}a], clear 10], Lard—none on market. Cincinnati, May 9.—Flout very dull. Corn firm at 72. Lard firm; steam 10]; kettle It. Baonn firm; shoulders 7; clear rib 9jj; clear 10. Whiskey firm at 95., May 9.—Flour unohanged. Corn in fair demand and higher at 84a8C. Provisions udebanged. Laid—tierce 11]; keg 11]. Whiskey at 95. Liverpool, May 9—Noon.—Cotton native and firmer;. uplands 8]a8], Orleans 8]a8] ; sales 18,000 bales, including (1,000 for speculation and export. Cotton to arrive firmer. Boies of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in April, 8]; do., deliverable in May, hf. Sales of Or leans, nothing below low middlings, de liverable in June and July, 8 11-10. 2 p. m. —Sales uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable Jane and July, 8 9-16. Bales of Orleans, nothing below low middlings, shipped in April, 8], 8 p. m.—Of sales to-dsy 9,500 were Amerioan. Sales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable June and July, 8] ; do., nothing below low middlings, deliv erable May, 8 7-16. Bales of Orleans, nothing below low middlings, deliverable iu May, 8 9-16. New Yobk, May 9.—Cotton qniet and strong ; uplands 18c., Orleans 18], Fninres opened'as follows !*May 17 7-16a]; Jane 17 11-ltia]; July 18 5-82 03-16 ; August 18] ; October 17 8-32. New York, May 9. — Cotton fntares closed steady; sales of 18,200 as follow-: May 17 19-32; June 17 25-32; July 18]; August 18 9-16; September 18 5-16; Octo ber 17 15 16. , Cotton firm; sales of 2330 kales at 18]; not receipts 305. Charleston, May 9.—Strong and nomi nal; middlings 17c; low middlings 16]c; good ordinary 16]c; net reoeipts 297 bales; expor‘8 to Grsat Britain 4,873; coastwise 390; Bales 400. Savannah, May 9.—Firm; middlings 17]al7]c; net receipts 392 bales; gross 392; exports coastwise 342; sales 167. Boston, May 9.—Firm; middlings 18]; sales 260. Galveston, May 9.— Btssdy; good or dinary 1ft], middlings 17]; net receipts 441; exports to Great Britain 1999; sales 780; stock 20,904. PEACOCK A SWIFT. warshousis. DISSOLUTION. miTK firm of RKftD, CHAMBERS 4 BANKS i- baa b**a diasolvad by tbo consent of til i ar- ties concerned. A*l tnptid advances sre ia ths hand! of ths undsra’gned for settlement, who will also pay all claims agttinat the old Sra. NOTICE. rpiIK CMDIUIGNBD will still nation* the Warehouse and Commission Business AT THE * LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. Thankful for the patronage bestowed npon us the present season, we respectfully solicit its con tinuance ths coming season; with a promise to use •vary effort to promote the interest of our pat rons 0. A. REDD, GEO. Y. BANKS. April 1,1X74.—itf ICE! ICE! AFTER TlflS DATE ICE. WILL BE SOLD AT COLUMBUS ICE WORKS At the Following Prices : Retail. p4*r lb 2 ct Tickets for 100 lbs $ 1 90 “ 44 200 lbs 3 no " “ 301 lbs 6 00 “ * 4 400 lbe.... 6 -^ft “ “ 500 lbs 7 60 •* 1000 lbs 12 60 Liberal arrangements mads with dealers. m\6tf MILLINERY. SPRINC MILLINERY. (iouu iu the r below the Now Yoik Store. MR*. UI'LVIN and ootl8—ly mart MISS PUNA ELL V. A NEW 8UPPLY Lonsdale Bleached Sheeting. PEACOCK A SWIFT. my If) PACIFIC LAWNS and French Muslins. PEACOCK A SWIFT. my 10 • In the District Court of the United States, For the Southern District of Georgia. # In the matter of ) L. 0. DAY I*. V In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ) I 'HIS is to rive notice once a woek for three weeks that I havo boon appointed Assignee of tho estate'of L. O. Davis, of Marion county. In said Pis .riot, who haa b en adjudged a bankrup* upon his own petition, t y the Dlntrict Court of said ilistiict. CARY J. THORNTON, Assign e. mv'n oavrSt * Coin mbit « G». Sash, Blinds, and fPI) c’o.e out .« lot tha* we hare I_ «oil Hi m for le*s than ovor off rod In’this uiriik-1. To a eu»h pn chaser, wo will hi ke it of intere* t«» buy of u«. W. 11. I’KRKIN B nr .1. J. WOOD, At Columbus dteaia Placing Mills. MONETARY. R. M. Waters A Co., S6 Broad St., New York, receive Deposit Aocounts on favorable terms from Banks, Bankers, and Corporatione, subject to check at sight. Loans made only on Cotton and Approved Stock Ex change Collaterals. CROCERISS. t n «’ GGCUkN hu'TTI B i beer mo on van aajji *• ReuLst Rio Coe—, ,-j c y p, N w Orlcas. Kn„ a ?nj«r 14c y ft New Crleans Yellow Cl.: Idea s,„ r ' Extra 8u;*r-Cnrmi Il.aiB. Choice Fogw cued Mloaldtr,. MU Cared White Meat. Par. Apple and Wine Vi..,,,, 5* . Bt. Load Pearl Orit*. Ireah Turkl.h Prnaee. ISRe y ft New Currant., IJjjo. Border.' Care Milk. Kloiiiford Sllrer Ql, n Beet quality lanndry *xd T .net s Pura White Kerosene Oil, 40c y „ u ^' ROB’T s. CRANE, JMHJ8.01 Truitt H. F. ABELL & C0 Have- ' Mazeppa Flour, Sunbeam Flour, Po»rl Grits, Irish Potatoes, Magnolia Hams, California and Goshen Buttar, Native and Imported Wines, Havana Cigars, Horae Radish (In gists), Dundee Marmalade, Esaenoe of Anchovies, Capers and Sauoaa of all kinds. All purchases delivered. mylo tf DOCTOR#. Dr. J. H. CARRIGER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN r'YFFIOE up stairs S.E. cor of Broad & Han- LS «iolph Streets where he m»y be found day or night wha t not prufe stonally engaged. Ot.lumbus, April *4, 1874. dtf hotels. Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. J. W. RYAN, Prop’r. Frank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under the Rankin House. my-4 dswtf J. W. RYAN, Prop’r. OITY HOTE.L CKXTU1LLV LOCATED. Troy, Alabama. R. H. PARK, Prop'r. deo7 SEly Notice. U NDER tlio amendment to the Constitution ol the Home Building and Loin ArsBocitstion. series A, adopted at the annual m eting of stock holder! iu November last, it is necessaiy ihut every stockholder should cancel his mortgage to the Association on or before the 31st installment, by paying la advance to the 31th installment. i», elusive, or fdrfelt the privilege of c-incelim. under that amendment. J myS lm FOR SALE AND RENT. To Bent. ^^FTER April 6th, two Furnirhed BLDjj ROOMS, Kitchen and 8tab!e. with use of dinin* room and parlor. Addroas apt tf M. Enquirer f'fllco. House and Lot for Sale ON LOWER PART OF BROAD ST. I UR lot is acre; the lionse has three aha iargs ro.niH, hal> aud all necessary Bill out-buildings. Will lie sold cheap to a cash buyer. Apply to tuh22 tf A. WITTICH. THE WHOLESALE Grocery House -OF- J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 10 Broad 8t., Columbus, Ga., KEEPS COXSTAVTLY 03 HASD IBOl’T 100,000 pounds Bacon. 900 barrels Flour. From 100 to 200 barrels Sugar. 100 bags Coffee. From 100 to 200 barrala Syrup. 200 barrels Whiskey. 200 boxes Tobaooo. 500 11 Soap. 200 “ Candles. 100 barrels Lard. B0 “ Mackerel. 500 sack* Suit. 50 ti roes Rive. 500 reams V/ upping Paper. 100 cases Potasii. , 100 “ Sardines. 100 “ Oysters. 100 “ Piokles. 100 boxes Candy. 100 “ Staroh. LOO gross I srlur Matches. 1,000 pounds Lorlllard’. Banff. 20,000 Cigars. 1,000 pound* Green and Black Tea. 200 l>*ga of Shot. 100 boxes Bod* end Fancy Cracker*. 100 a Cheeae In season. SO barrels Vinegar. 20 casks Scot oh Ale. 100 dosen Wooden Buckets. 100 dosen Brooms. \nd everything In the Grocery tine, whichrifey ’her to the tra .e by tliv povk .go, itn low a., joiy other Jobbing Ilonne in (lie Unite, fiintvs. auric Om J. It J KAUFHAX. P. A. Pf >Mi : ItOY, AT HOOKER’S IDUftEII, l ALLS ATTENTION TO Choioo White Shad, “ Fresh Bay Fish, “ Mobile Cabbage, “ Celery and Lettuce, " Live and Dressed Poultry, “ Fresh Country Sausage, Spar eRibs and Backbones. A Choice Lot of iresh Crackers, Sugar Jumblei, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Creams, Ac. Apples, Onions, Potatoes & Turnips. Also uiiuul Futnily Supplies and Ftaucy Uro eriM ou hand. Mr. T. C. PKIDUIiN will! e found at the coun ter und will bo pleas d to wait ou his former cu«- tuniers und trend*. The patronage of ihc public « icspectCully voUcited. HIDES. For Sale Low. SCHOLAR HIP IN TliE MEDICAL COL- AT EVAN8YILLV, INDIANA. novC tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. A 8< L LG K Doors i hand, v To the Creditors of John King. Tho creditors of John Kiug nrj r • quieted to meet in this city, in Library Booms, over ihe drug store of J. I. Griffln, on MONDAY, the 18:h instant, at 11 o’clock a. k , for the purpose of connultiug a* to what ateps are uo ceeaary to protect thnir interest. All creditor*, and especially those who have ro* ceived 20 per cent, dividend, are reqneeted to be present in person or by proxy. JNO- McGOUGII A CO, FREER, ILLQJS3 A CO., j. a. McNeill, * O. W. WOODRUFF, W. L. TILLMAN, BURRU8 4 WILLIAMS, BEDELL 4 00., 0. A. REDD 4 00, ayftd And others. HIDES! HIDES!! TH.JS U&A1N cKOP Can he Entity nnd Economically Snreil ! Unlstead A Oo., COLUMBUS, GA.. Offer at pr cea lower than ever »efore—Vfowing and Real dug Machine«; bteel-tootli H««r e Ilnkea, Grain Oradlea, Graa< Scythe# and Fnitha, Tlmah- Ing Machines, Fan Milla, Straw Culture, Ac. ap>3-tf ACTS Of the Last Legislature, FOR BALI BY # W. $1. CHAFFIN. WE WILE PAY Tlir. Highest Market Price FOR Green 1 Dry Hides, Furs. Beeswax, Ac. BARNETT & CO., mh24 3tn Crawford fcU’eoi- M. M. HSRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty. Will Pay the Highest Market Price for Hides, Furs, Beeswax A Rags. All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Ba'gs on hand. D re8S Making* M BS. FOGARTY ami Mr.. BALLOU resr'^f"'^ notify tho LiiJI. s of CiSlulnba, anJ “fl” 11 -' tint thoy liiiv- taken room, lx Strapper', hn iawe. ov< r Pease’* buuk store, where they arc pr'T- CUT, FIT AS» MAKE LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S n the latest .nd best style*. lng for Embroidery, Braiding, l iu K D ?l # 7f'’ take Oentlemeu’a sewing at raaaonablf rai •. o«cl7 aatf