The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 12, 1874, Image 3

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■to-!- r- UAY U, >W4, tunUMClH. «*!■***» .•!*»»« *r f*e'*»J* r * Ltorofo. K~ _M AJM M"* lAonot wield I km (Mm Ghatt*. t.Hy, I 4*am II not ubIm to lat |ir iwi — ate aMIl among tha Ikil oertainly haa been avoiebl* «p«tag for faming opera- H t namtroBi hasty ntoikm fU light load* b«dly, sad to eom. anmM Nt bottom and flUad A| iiMbM VsttOHN in trying to -^■wnaatn. andl think, if oar K^ttt loot aot frown npon thorn ,, tberk will b* plenty of oorn Mon onto art sown than ^ for many patio la thin oouaty. wheel Corn it moll, bnt Cotton looks awful bad—an having diad oat. Replanting ^wtoiag °*> bat aonao ara planting tkaia tho ootton ban diad. Ikthwllb of oar smutty—for which I 0—la flaa. Froadman ora bnt eaffihn* to work at tha tfa all Uka tha Eaqoma—lorn to ibwa la alwaya aomathlng Oar. aphonia art aaorlng on l», tkoagh aot an fall aatn daya paat. “y, if pan Uka. W. N. A. [ CaaNta, Map 6, 1H^ injafttimk nbnci. ft tad U tha published prooaadinga (tke Methodist Coafaraaoa at Looie- i tha fourth dap of its aaaaiuii, wlag report at ramark* bp thii i and balovad “earrant of God riirBaloTed Broth ran—I stood before |IJ ^7nian,aml in Iba hUtory of pranofaeia. It would be vary ■g in me to congratulate you on f my ptaaaaoa with poo, bat it iht I mould oongratalato myaalf ■Wing permitted to aaa this aery ear- Skatoat General Conference I shall Mdiaad. F I bars been greatly honored than I hare er JOHN at-CiU,*,^^, RmI Estate Agent and Broker. To lferchaala^MMl'Mechanic.’ Beak, thla city. » m. Tt deterred. I bars noser bean left U-thae ef nrp eilglbUlty as a rimca >sa nasar dona mam. dways felt inclined to retire rather . expectation whan _._1 to me that I was elected to this anal OoOfereooe that I oonld bo pres- (with you. It map be ooosidersd as trst (instance in history, at leaat of our own ministry, that a man ninetieth pear haa travelled six 1 miles and occupied his seat dsily Cibody Uka this; bat God haeoon- ' npon me this scry reaaarkable bles- |Oo the same dap Dr. Pieros presented melotk>u|aboat sitslising itinerancy, object is to drop from the itinerant dl preachers not possessed of admin, effldeutf. | Dr. Pierce was insiied to preach bps of tha Conferee ce FARM BOOKS. RIAL KSTATR AORNTS. ellis ft habrison, Beal Estate Agents AND AUCTIONKKRS, Xfflhl ATTKNI) PROMPTLY TOTBRIALB, ,YV EMIT AMD PVRUHAtBot UALRaTATB is the City ud country, ait will edvertlae the ■aae (at private wle) rftbp Of OBAnfSTatem the property ia aeld. For Solo. VAC ART LOT Of LAMP, belag IhewMtper* Hod 01 tho "Nonce lot,” ee Sryea e rent, adjoialag the reeldeaco of Hoa. M. 4. CrawfcaAT Udltem' if yoa want a bargala. fcbll tf CITY LOT No. C01, oa McIntosh attest, with three dwelling! oa the aaa..* Will be told together or .operate, at a low agate, (or Aaoan them aaethae lot of thoeo with htaoUfol lllnr-woeated Raadlw, la Sword, dpear, sad away ether cheat, dwlgae. Owr .took of rAooann a kept) «ad la stored changes than erne helm tetUsmtebet. we nepectfollT Hk oil to call ood eaawlae aad set prlcee. We always .how good, cheerfully, a •smIBk ll no trouble. NKW YORK tTORI. easts tf a. upuvn * mm. V4LDABI.B CITY PROPBBTV, .Itoeted la Ik. bwdneee centra of the elty. Will sell at a greet bargain, or to oa aonpuW party «o aadivtded Tbo proporty eon ho wado to pay o largo Intonot oa tho la.wlatont. A DB8IRABLR HUDSR AMD LOT, With ton nwo ground, la Uawood, nan wilt (raw I. w. B. R. depot; O wry comfortable ood 4wlroblo bow.. B0D8M with See good roow., wttkia «00 yard. tKMd lb ’“ 1,ra *»"■* ttpol, no-holf ooae For Rent. A BTORR HOBS* ia th. wakloy od Talbot (Maty, at a croc-road, thro, wilw or tho Obolybeoto Spring.. A wy dwlroblo locatiea Ibr o Dry Pood, .ad Brocory baainaw. wplT CICARt. ■ATM mm LAID nr A aDPKBIOM BTOOK OP IPBINO (1. >ods, wbicr they OYIIR AT THE LOW1I t CAMS rlUOXn. Their Stack la OsRiplata In Evarp Dapartmant, Md was ROUCHT FOR OAON, at tha Lawaat Naw Yark Most, and Will ha said cor- raapaadiRfiy law. Beat Print* 10 cent*. Irish Linen* Expressly Imported! Ladies’, Children’* sad Hlisee’ Shoe*. Also, good eup- ply of Plantation Boot* and Shoe*. Carpets and Huge st reduoed price*. a»* All wiabln* kpriag Good, aad Staple, tor cash caaaet do better. »fiitr }. kyls a co. THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAB STORE. Good News to Smokers I J. Newman Sc Co. IIAVI JUST OriNRD A RETAIL CICAR STORg At 141 Broad Bt., Columbus, and to meet the detund for GOOD Cigars, Tobacco r Pipes, 4c., they hate laid in, at great expense, a magnificent stock. Give them a call, end enjoy, at the lowest price consistent with tiring, the beet smoke foa hare had for many a day. Hemember the place, J. NEWMAN 4 00., mhl 8m 144 Broad It. 1ME BOOKS FOB m AND FABHS , Xaoblei say one to heap accnrot. »c- eaaato with their ewpleyece. Price m la on. hralshed by a plaster of wneb m. in no will enable a fanner to h* in wet dnriog the year, dead far Ml. by THOMAS GILBERT, IJOI BOOMS, Colh»mbue,Ca. rTke Book wlU to forwarded by mall, on A.nC price. jail dowtf rove AND TIN WARg. toves, Stoves KATIASM.fe, (Opposite lea OMee) Columbus, 6a., WLB napecttelly Invite the etteaUoa of hi. bland, and ciutonon to hie itr novis, hollow and btampm IA ROUBAPuRNISHIRO GOODS, Ac. AIm wiRR, Ot wboleosl. nod rwteil. totem of m, SHIRT IRON AN tWOXI. [Roofing and Guttering Imaptlyaad la the beet meaner. fteWt. o coU, toeing amrad that h. can k a tiro sattefsetion. flrlw w low oa tho lowaat. Com. oad ms ' ebay. w NOTICE. IfnCEgtNOKR SRTtNO MACHINE CO., 1 to Saou It., Oonoaoci, Oo. [ BRAMHALL, Aaent. »tawing Maohlnee Inst a llfa tlmo >t Tory little expense, if properly cared for. } weald further eay thla: The office docs I Itself reeponstbla for the beharior of i when worked t*y ary or tmx nary pxa- 1 claim to understand dewing Machines, ^ Xachirm ark aoair awuitxd at this Hla J. n BRAMUALL. Agant. Notice. I the amendment to the Constitution of i Buildiug and Loan Association, . id at the annual nr etlng of stock- MoYsmber last, It Is neooesary that L lder ehonld cancel his mortgage to b on or twfore the filet installmeut, deanoa to the 84th installment, In- I the privilege of canceling under ‘.dotted s I« a ore in OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DB. 1. T. WARHOCK, Surgeon Rad FhyulcUui. Office nt Slaughter’s Drag Store, Bnilroftd etreet. febl4 dm. J. w. Me WIldldlAMH Offers his professions! eervloee. Office over ft. M. Green 4 Co.’s, Cham bare 4 ft. ft. ■treote. novSfi Millinery. HIBSEI WHITE ft IVCKKft, Fnehionnble Milliners and Drwukin. Gentlemen’s Bhirte oat by chart menenre, nnd gttArnnteed to fit. Chum be re street, nest to tv Aim's dry goods store. febi MBS. C. V. BA&IeOWp Fashionable Milliner and Preeemnhor. Bole Agent of Butierlck 4 Co.'s PAtterne. At the Ute Dauking Douse of Bhappord A Co., Opolikn, Ain. jnfid Notaries Public. V. D. HIQOINS, Being ^pointed Motary Public for Deo county, respectfully solicits the pstrouAge of hte friends, aouis Court lit nnd 2d Bnturdnye of onoh month, nt K. C. Uollitteld’s law office. JnNS Furniture, Ao. At Panic Priced. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer in nil kiudi oi Tiralteis. Alep, Metallic, Wood Coffins, nnd Caskets. Jal8 Chambers street. Lawyers. A. J. V1CKERI, Attorney and CouemIIov mt Lew. Office opposite Alabama House. Practices in all the Courts of the State. JaS Tailors. J. B. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting and Alakiug in the Latest Btylee. E psiriug neatly done. 8outh,Kailroa.l 8t., uvuf Furniture Store. Jal Dentists. J. L. K. SMITH, DentUt, Dooi Plate Viork aud Plugging on reasonable dfc28] terms. Chtmbt re street. Barber Shops. WESLEY BABKIN UEB, EtrtW, Corner South Railroad aui Chambers streets, doc23 bignon A T17BNKL Barton, South Railroad street, unoer Adasu House. Hotels. I'hcn yo Altai decitt ADAMS HOUSE. go to Opelika, be sure to atop at the s House, opposite Pa**e»ger Depot. Insurance. E. C. DOWER * MIR, Oeaerol Iwnrawee AtcnU. Ofllce. Rnllroud Struct, over K. M. tirerne A Co.’, nov2;l ^ A. O. Harwell having withdrawn from the firm of Harwell, Grlffln A Co., baa removed to Chambers street. His friends and patrons would do wall to call on him in bin new quarters, and examine stock before buying else where. Frioea at panic rates. Jat8 auAwadtf . JBRTCQ0DS. i * ■ My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!’ ■r ALL *M0W IT) WB AB1 Of fill MO BXTRAOBDt NARY INDDOBMRNTS TO CAM i Dayaial Wa watt 4o beria-ee at all hoaatoe, preSt er so prolt—the (oefe wart Wave. Our itook of Spring and Summer Dry Goods la betaf eoaetaatly repleelehed. Jaet teeeltni, Spring J*. Goods and Staples ! oo. Representing OWeet and Strongest American end EnglMi Cempeniee. ■hit tf .‘ • iTir. irruo, sewams, % a. at The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLtTMBU», GEO. This Bnnk triRisots a BsRSfil SnnklD, buslRSM, pays Internet M Do- posit* under spsolrt ooRtrsot, elvw prempt (MmMm te ndteiMpn* *n all aooosslbte points, and Invites osrrsspnndonos. by nail or wlroo whon foslrod. sprt Slw „ ; . LOW! LOWER!! LOWEST!!! OVBBY 008T0MSR TRADING WITH JOSBFH A BROTHKR knew, that their « passed stock cf Dry Goods of every Yane^ has been selling at t The Lowest Cash Prices Ever Known in This Section I THIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE HAS LAID IN A Fine Stock of Spring Goods! To meet th. w«au of many ou.tuB.ri, aud will eoetlii. to nil their iloek of Doweetle tad w—1-, Good, at pricaa that date competition. Oowa aud sea for younalf. Tha (ooda wut b. eold. JOSEPH & BRO. Q Broswt mt. Grand Clearing Out Sale! Our TO MAKB RDADY fORTHR SPRING TRADR, WR NOW OffEH Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW GOBT, 70S CASH! AID ETERI OTHER ARTICLE A8 LOW AS TO BE fOCED ELSEWHERE. CHAPMAN & VER8TILLE, J. UOSU UORYI, PmMsnt. aSQ. % SOUXUAX. Otehlsr. GEORGIA HOME RANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts OoUeoted, and prompt returns made. TBE CIRGIAIomTSAVINGS BMK Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s chaTtei, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRBOIORS: J. BH0DE8 BBOWNE, Pree t of the Oo. N. N. CCBTJB, of Wells,Cnrtie A Oo. JAB. F. BOZEMAN, Capitalist, Atlanta. L. T. DOWNING, Attornsy-st-Uw. J. B. CLAPP, Msnuftr, Clepp e Faotory. D. F. WILLOOX, Secretary of; h Oo. Hou. JOHN MpILHENNY, Mayor. JOSIAH MOBBI8, Banker, Momg’y. JAMES BANKIN. Capitalist. OHABLES WISE, uiarv oSAwlt WAREHOUSED. HIDES. DISSOLUTION. mHI firm of HBDD, CHAMBIM 4 BANKS I hss boon dissolved by tho oenoont of nil r»r- tie* ooneornod. All unpold sdvnncoD or# In tho tomdt of the andcrslgaed for sottltmoDt, who will also pay all claims against tho old firm. NOTICE. fJYHE ONDERSIONED will aUll eostisee the Warehouse and Commission Business AT THI LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. Thankful for th* patronage bestowed npon ns tbs present season, wo roapoctftally solicit Its con tinuance tha eomlng season, with a promts* to net ovary affort to promote tho Interest of oar pat- 0. A. BEDD, GEO. T. BANKS. April 1,1174.—(if MONETARY. > Sheriff tele. before the Co art House door In ihoochee oouaty, Oa, on the _ „ » next, within th«* legal boat* * following described property, to-wlt: l^ dtol or land Mo. 91, iu tha 7th dis- 7 “Mdeoanty, containing 101 % acre#, more “ ‘to property of Henry Btringfellow. et 1 a Owl ft m leaned from Chattahoochee Henry gtrlngfellow, mrt, In thecaaeof ---to—ww, «• m, »s. Robert B. Green. I Printed eat by attorney of Henry String- JOHN M. 1AFP, Sheriff. Important to Farmers. M R. T, J. BTKVENS U well known to tho Planters of Georgia and Alabama as one of the most reliable and efficient GIN-WRIGHTS In the oonntry. Wherever he has worked he has given PRttifaetion; and, as he tour in n nhort time, | * should h md in their «edl done Is tw*oe done.** ; and, as he proposes to make a ie, planters needing Gin repairs leir namee and location. “Work E. C. HOOD & BRO. KBIT CONSTANTLY ON HAND TULL STOCKS —or— Drag*, Chemioele end Perfumery, •my* AT MW rravui. B. M. Water* A Co.. 88 Broad St, New York, reoeivo Deposit Aeeount* on favorablo term* from Bank*. Banker*, and Corporations, subject to ohook at eight. Loan* mad* only on Cotton nnd Approved Btook Ex change Collateral*. HIDES! HIDES 11 WB WILL FAT THE Highest Market Price FOR Green \ Dry Hides, Furs, Beeswax, Ac. BARNETT A CO., abM 3m Crawteto Strew*. "iszz p&gr D. F. WILLCOX, OKMCRAL INBURAffOC AQtNT, MERCHANTS’ ARh MEMIItS’ OOX^T72uCBXJ3w W. L. SALISBURY, Presidt. A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cishkr, Vtebranry 5th, 1874, tf ’* SECTOIT7—PROEPmSS—tnSBALHT f THE Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y eeimavas t* emu m roaue DnmnntpiiitLoMbyFiBEt Having Paid her Friend* and Patnms Sinn the War 1800)000.00, •hro Wants a Chanoa to Oat it Baok. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAMI 8. MURDOCH Ooinmbue, Pol. 1st, UTA ORB FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE Chicago Loteea Paid Proaiptly In Full, Boston “ u m Total $8fiV l Sf4J2 Loaaea Dot and Unpaid ofad] lot, 1*74, UABtUTIKB. LoasM in pwoeto of ad AU other OUlmi edjnetetont, of edjetoed and not An*.. "^OOWPW^^ *YY,*08 00 MMN Gain f «(,•<• H Itoaeaa mranepeiy A*|nt(* as* *alrty SOteted By O. OUNBjT JORDAN, Agent, ootaa iy SAVE YOUR MONEY! M08T ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY TNC WISE ONES SAVE IT I If you will only Davro what you Waoto, It wouM b# no trouble to booomk independent. EIU t nERMB KMin, Lest than one year old, and haa 878 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by lew, oyer13.000,000 for the teourtty of Depositors—|I2 in asset* for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. DapoeM* payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, TrtftV, COTTON WAMHOIIMIv" < A. N. ALLBN. reran rusA ’ Fontaiiie "W^arelioxi®©. M. M. HIR8CH, Oglethorpe end Bridge Street*. Hides and Furs a Specialty. WlU Pay tha HI*haat Market PriM for Hides, Furs, Beeswax 4 Rags. All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. JeSS dly ALLEN, PREER & ILLCE8, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants DOCTORS. Dr. J. H. CARBIGEB, SURGEON AMD PHYSICIAN, O FFICE upitalr. s.E. oor of Broad ItftoB- dolph Stroate, where he mey ba found day or nlcht whan aot profeidoBBlIy engaged. Oeraabae, April at, 1IT4. dtt COIi'BlOSTJS. JMO. V. VLOURMOT. isaae? 1 A. Is ton areh-C>ti^e. FLOURNOY, McGEHEE ft CO„ Warehouse ft Commission Merchants, Colnmbns, Ga. 8peoiaI Attention £iven to the Storage end Halo of Cotton end other Herohnndixo. 1 order* PreopUy leeeetedi ■ < faykdewltt