The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 13, 1874, Image 4

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rnmtrnmm tvmiott CptrKT. W»PSMDAf ;..>-«...:v«<*** W. lWL city affaiiir. PiffAffCiAt—Sisht MU* *• Hew tirt psr; 0* BMtM H P*» **ufc' UUMUl M S*> vauabKper mat; demaad bllleoa Boetaa fcpvMM. MWitiMUmlMi «*n Yerk *t %e. praatui. Carrwnoy loear IfilW par mk par «oath. 0*14 aad allrar aoml- aaL Oorroww-KlrkM pM M aUririMK*- higher. Th* Mlowlap aaa tbe qaetetlom: laftrter ’.i.i A ..\ i. '’A** Ordlaarp aad stefeed U •» OwKMIiht A ....MfiltM Low MlddUac* 1*!4«1*X Wddllan , i#X« Strict MHdltagi.........J..\ O- Salao (M balm. Beeetpu tl balm -« by M. * a. S. B -, * br wagon i * bp K. a 8. U. K.; c bp V. 1l K. I 0* hr river | * bp 8. W. B. B. BblpaiaaM M baloa-1 bp S. W. B. B.; 0 for boat* ooaaoaiptloBt UbyW. B.B. (taab w bead Aagmt MM, UK... MTT irtiriMiii iufa \ jmmm AImimii WbnStSSny^ —Cotton to Colombo* has nfivaMod i«- aluw BoddiBap. ■Tba (tone blow** toattraMtag attaB- ■aeons Dir. a UMaaar A Bra.,plaintiff* in attaab* '««**— <. .v— — , w . ■MB*. ra. W. %. Holtaod, fefendnot. Ed- » "* wteltoto* fi O*. ehd—t Ur, found proport/ lariad on was not anbjoot—or in in favor of claimant, of Georgia tb. I. T. Brook*, J. ft Brook*, claimant. Vardiot for * JtMiM«M*« «*V wa I meted*; 11; total rae*lpUM,*TS; piarlaaalp M,0**-4«,in Staak oa baud.................... 4BW ■tn 0*r IN: raaalrad ‘ msaay aai ataab T.aia t *aiaa am. mddiiapa it*. V.S.Pobt*.—Boealpt*for adopt U.1M; *1- parta to Oraot .BrUata U,tat; to UenUnaat aim, atoak mr.tta t -} WVNMHAL If OTICM. Tba frianda and aoqaoiaUnoaa of lira. Hum A. Huunm, widow of Ger- ratt Hallanbeck, and of tba family, are invited to attand th* fnnatal of tba tor- mar, at bar raaidanoa on llelntoab a treat, at 10 o’otook thia (Wadaaadagr) morning Allan, Fraar A llifo* **. W. ft AD. danar, Jordan A Howard, elaimant. Verdict far plaintiff. la wetbar aaaa of aame to. bake claim waa withdrawn. Th* following were oontinnad : Oarhart A Bro. a*. J. O. Jordan, Julia Jordan, alaimaat; lEUaabakh and Alice E. Terrp ▼a. W. H. Adorno, T. Adam*, claimant. [Claimant attpnlatlng not to withdraw claim without aonaant of plain till j • Lory waa diamiaaed in following.: Clog- bom, Hatting A Co. to. Cody A Odom, O. W. Baraona, claimant; J. D. W. Biden- hoar n. D. Kilpatriok, Charles T. Brown, olalmant; H. B. A J. U. Bates tb. J. J. Bradford and j F. Cleghom, L. T. Down ing, cllfintant r aanw to. aama (plaintiffs tailing to proacente). InloUoWtBg claims ware withdrawn: It. ft Bigger*, tranaferee, va. W. T. Wynne, W. H, Amos, claimant; Jnliet McDaniel va. Jco. Vf. and Sarah Edwards and Dario Cox, M. 0. Edwards, claimant. A number of cases ware pot to the beal on acoonnt of the absence of Major Mo te* and aiokneaf of General Banning. Tba Grand Jury came in and reported that to-day they would adjourn to Moo, day, May 18th, ait on tba 18tb, tilth and 1 Mth, and than adjourn to the first Mon-l d ., y nig i, t Council adopted a raaolntion d\ tfana laat yaar. —Yesterday waa wtefiy. alaudy, and with doat Hying In eloxda. —If bymaaaal ba a good word far wad- ding*, why aot ary manaal for birtba 7 —A little boj Moctaf 3$ “tot ting off alaap," -Peach leaf tan, to to mid, wiBertra kidney dimes**. —The laat oath to, "May I b* cremated it i dor —Bishop Grot* toft Colombo* Monday. H* expects to (atom soon and remain n aek. —Col. B. L. Mott aad ax-Mayor Mcll- benny returned from Washington yaatar- day. —Th* City light Guard*, it to uadar- stood.will bare a ptento at Ketch'a Garden oa th* laat Thursday in May. —More peopl* an willing to aarre aa jnrora than erer bafora. Th* Grand Ju ry can make the pay two dollar* per day. —One* open a tima a juryman wanted to pnt in a aubatitnt*. Judge Jobnaon replied, “The anbatitnta law waa repealed when the Confadaraay want up.” -The Colombna Gain's made two hnn- dred dollsra by their pleoie after paying all expeoaaa. Counting all tba tickets at fifty eanta each, aad giaing n email esti mate of the invited guests, at least eight hundred and fifty paopla wera present. Mlw JfaWara. On motion of Aid. MaGahea on Mon- Ph* friends and .nrqoainteneea of Ja- i Bourns mad Mr. and Mpa. J. W. By upb inwiluil tab ulfutwl 'than fnnuanl ml rVNXMAJ. NOTICE- Th* friend* oon an, art inxitad to at tend" tba funeral of tb* former from th* Bukin Bona* at 5 o'clock thia aftarnou. Glaaa Blowing—Visit of Pnblio Schools. Atlanta and Chicago Oopyiog Co.—T. H. Candle, manager. Chugs of County OtaMt-OSttal Ho- “•* J f\ Mule Doat-Mra, ft , J. Olambltaa. Ponies Wanted—See notice. Sawing Mseblaa* Wheator A Wilson. Dry Good* of UU Tsricttaa, akmimeraa, shirts, Ac., at Origlar'a. Tan Dollar* Baward—B. F. Coleman. Hid**, Bag* and Beaswu Waatad—M. M. Hiraoh. Irani**, A pair of FoaiaB. Apply at *Se* of th* Eagl* ud Phanix Factory. myl3 St* W* are glad to lacrn that ear public school childru will -xMt tha WoodcMUl glam-blower to-day. It to aa axoaUent idea for tb* little folka will laarn aoaaa- thing that they will always remember. U * m Gaasmtastouar* »f Gatsmeu. Th* following an then appointed to taka obarg* of and oontrol th* common*, Aa. Wa gif* atoawhar* th* xatoa. aad ragulstion* adopted; Th* My or, ex offi cio, B. F. Ooiamaa, Jahn Paabady, J. Abodes Browne, 0. C. Cody, W. L. Bali*, buy, H. H. Eppiog, H. 8. Eat**, B. H. Crawford, J. K. Bedd^and 0. A. Badd. Aa sriU haTe been notiaSd in thair re port to Oonnoil, pubUabad yesterday, the Commimionar* do not propose to sail any paction of th* onwmoua until mousy ba- eomaa aaaiar, but are having tbemanr- xayad into streets ud lots ud mapped. GwMs'i «** n. Muy paopla couldn't paraair* yaatar- day that th* adjourned COnncil.OTar which Aldarmu Grim** wa* osllad to praaida, waa a mock affair. They thought th* Mayor had terrible ohargea to prefer against two Aldermen. W* think hahaa, ud they will have to pony up th* Wine to answer Omit dereliction. It'* all in fun, gutlemen, earing the win*. Jrapar'a Ceurt Vaafardap. A. Badkina waa Hoad §7 40 fee rio- toting mukat ordinance*. 0. B. Unaaell, Xaq., mad* a lengthy apaaeh, woutanding tb* mukat ordinance* war* onoonatitu- Uonnl, and ^totad tongtbUy from Judge Lnmpkia'a daokdon. Sins* that daotaioB, howarar, tha City haabau granted an- tborily to eatabliah a lurbct and make rale* therefor. Beau Crawford ud J. M. McNeil, who represented th* City So licitor, 0. ft William*, who waa boy in tb* So parlor Chart room, mad*, no npaaohaa. Thar* to torn* talk of the eaae being appaalad, bat whether it will be due to doabtfol. . Th* e*a* of J. D. Arnold wu post poned to this morning. Alderman Bokaeaator presided with tb* ajwtlswM »r Jim Are andKaaiay, Those who bar* defaced, faded or mu tilated piotnres, or those that are desirous of having small photographs enlarged, should rail at W, J. Chaffin’s book store and examine the specimen* of the work wrooght by sore copying prooeas, for which Mr. T. H. Candle is manager for this ud adjoining oonnties. We have examined specimens of the work, ud it to beautiful ud finished in the most, ar- ttotio manner. Likenesses, no matter bp* dun, are reproduced parfeotly to fall Ufa all*, if it be desired. The finish of the work to most excellent. Call at Oimf- fin’s ud examine them. The manager gamut*** aattofeetioa ia every ease, or no monay will ba taken. The piotura* aw reproduced in India ink, water color*, l or oil. day in June. Court then adjourned to 8j a. it. to- Ccfantw Oases <n United Statu fount. In th* Ciroait Coart, Hone. W. B. Woods ud John Erakia* presiding, the following to reported among th* proceed ing* of Saturday ■ J. E. Murray, trustee of Woolfolk Walker va. Thoa J. Woolfolk at al. Con tinued. In the matter of Gray .Bedell A Hughes, bankrupt*. Two petitions for review from th* District Court. Opinion deliv ered by Jndge Woods affirming the deoi- •iont of the District Court. In the District Court, Hon. Judge Ers- kine presiding,we find these proceedings: In the matter of Joseph King, bank- rapt, of Oolombns. Order granting oounael costs to Blsnford A Garrard. \—Biehsrd U. Goetchiuu, bankrupt, of Coiambus, Ge. Order dixsolving in junction egsinst the sheriff oh Muscogee county, Death ef a Deng Time InMml. Mrs. Garrett Hallanbeck died at her reaMena* yaaterday morning. She waa th* widow of a gentleman who died a few yean ago, who was one of the earliest net- tiers in Columbus. Friends of the family report she waa married when thirteen years of age, bnt the wee well grown. Her bus baud wee a school teaober, lawyer aod preacher, end was possessed of consider able aoientiflo observation end attain- ment*. An aid rattier told ue yesterday the Presbyterian Church in which be oo- easionally preached wee loo*ted in the middle of Broad street, about opposite the looetion of tb* Chattahoochee Na tional Bank building. It waa built before th* streets were laid out. The botanical and geological speolniens, or a consider able portion of them, he had gathered in U longlife-time, can now be seeu in the eoHeotione exhibited at the Public Schools. Mrs. Hellenbeok wu a lady much liked by frienda. Her life bu been one mostly oonfioed within the limits of home. Quit* n large family of sons ud daugh ter* remain to mourn her loss. Her maidan name wu Mias Martha A. Trotter. She wu born on September 28th, 1824, ud wu married in Bussell county. Ale,, on November 22d, 1838, when thirteen jure of age. 8he was the eecoud wife of Mr. Helleubeek. He died in October, 1868. Betides being a eohool-teaoher, preacher ud lawyer, he wu a lecturer and merchant. The deoeesed lad; joined th* Methodist Churoh at tbe age of elevt n years, end remained a oonntHteut member to the last. A true Christian, she has received th* reward. Celered Odd fellewt’ Die-Kir. The Colored Odd Fellows had a pio-nio at Fort Mitchell on the M. A G. ltailroad yesterday. Two train loads went down at SOo. per brad. W. H. Noble, tbe for mer colored putor. of Asbury Chapel (Methodist), ud now a Presiding Elder in tha Georgia African Conference, de livered an address. The affair is repre sented u heviog pused very pleasantly, with the exception of several fights. It teems Mit Welker had bought the right to sell refreshments, Ac., on the ground. Another negro, Jack Wright, our. ried down a table end commencing sell, ing, ud refused to stop or pay anything for the privilege. The result wu his ta ble vru kicked over, and he beaten pretty badly by a number of Mil's friends. While dancing, a difficulty arose between Ike Washington ud Ben. Biloy, about turn, ing partners. Th* consoquenoe was a fight, daring whioh Ike stabbed Ben in the head. Tbe managers quelled these dis orders very, quiekly. Cremation bitters was the cause of the last difficulty. The trouble wu greatly regretted by all good people. ^ This order is aot tbe nine u that of th* whitu in this country. Their const i- tntion forbid* tbe sdmiuinn of colored members. Tbe latter derived their char ter from Canada, which Moored hers from England. Tha pie-nioert had a good time, ud th* excursion wu a pecuniary success. that the Polio* ud Gu Committee, in connection with tha Mayor, should exam ine the police ordinance* and report what revision* an neoeaury. It wu eleo decided that three blouaes, sixteen hats aod aixtaen pair* of put*, in addition to whet wu on hud, would com plete the ont&t for summer uniforms. The paragraph in Oonnoil prooaadinga in regard to thin matter wu printed wrong. Change in Clerk. Major J. J. Bradford, Clerk of tbe Su perior, has in addition been appointed Clerk of the Gouty Court, vies Mr. W. S. Lloyd who bu given it np. TUX ATLANTA AND CHICAGO COST ING COMPANY, T. ft Caudli, Manager, for tbe counties of Muscogee, Harris, Talbot and Lee county, Ala. Office at W. J. Chefflu’e Book Btore, 92 Broad Street. Tbe people, and especielly the ladies of Oolnmbnaand surrounding country, are earnestly invited to call and examine apeoimen*. Persons having defaoed, faded or mu tilated piotnres of uy kind, of deoeesed or absent frienda, can have them repro duced in any aixa (from that of the orig inal np to foil life,) upon the oelebreted Berlin Silver Plate, which prodaces a picture not only of the most beautiful finish, but whioh is imperishable, or io India Ink, Water Colon, Pastel or Oil. Tbe highest erttotie excellence is mani fested in all thsu different styles of pic- turns. It would seem nnneeeaury that any thing more should be said than the sim ple statement of th* above feots to in- daoe uy person to avail themselves of such an opportunity of having tha fea tures of loved deed or absent onu repro duced in each beauty of finish, such life- like expression, and suoh truthfulness to nature u are exhibited in all the work sent out from thia Company. Persona ordering Pioture* in uy style era assured ( that if, upon delivery, there is any imperfection, they ere not required to take them. Oar prices ere mnoh lower then those of inferior pietures by the old process. Remember the offloe is at W. J. Chaf fin's book store, 92 Broad st. Columbus, Msy 12, '74. 2t Brilliant Suture, It to permitted to few men or compa nies to achieve acknowledged superiority in any important poeition or business. Tbe present generation baa witnemed stupendous rivalry in several branches of Industry, and notably tbe Sewing Ma chine business. Amid n multitude of competitors, steadily ud snrely the Wheeler A Wilson Company held their way from tbe beginning, upon fixed end honorable principle*. Long ainee (heir leading position io America was establish ed. Abroad, at London, in 1862, they won the highest premiums; at Paris, in 1867, they distanced eighty-two compet itors, and were awarded the highest pre mium, the only Gold Medal for Sewing Machines exhibited; ud lastly, amid unparalleled competition, followed the splendid triamph* at Vienna, noted in our advertising columns. myl3 dAwlt The proper plsoe to buy Atueriou Cambric is at Aau A Mtmnocm's. Will open Monday, new lot Black Gren adines, Plain ud Satin Striped, et apr2(> tf J. S. Joins'. Choloe Prints 10 cents, at J. St Jowxs'. Costs' Thread 70 cute, st * J. 8. Jowxs'. Factory Goods at faotory pricea, at J. 8. Jowwt’. Beantifnl Alpacas at the Virginia Btore, only 35c per yard. apr2-*odA<v Full lines of Dress Good*, at J. A Jowxs’. -M* Oaliooa* fit i« out*. White fklsstdl IMtttBgg WtMktABkbW Blaeh Iron Orinafilnee find UaaaLae* Shawls, at Oaetfek Cheap Wkita Goada of *U Made at „ • ^ Caionaa'a. Jewelry ud Ohatalala Chain*, at Cmoun'a. donate at Hoopakiru, at low prioaa, at ^ Camma'a. Drake Goods marked down at ; ^ CaioLwa’a. Fin* Olotha aad CaaBitnars at reduoed prices, ai ^ Caionwi'e. Superior Shirts and other Furnishing Goods, at - - Gnoua'a. Two-Button Kid Glove* §1, at mylS eod ^ Oaioua'a. Hosiery ud Giavea, Ribbons and Lawns aheap, at J. 8. Jowxa’. To arrive, a large lot of White Striped Lawns at 25 out*, tha eheapeat good* ever offered in this market. sprSO Patron, Gobdow A Co. Fresh supply of Black ud Colored Alpacas at- 35 eanta aad upwards, at tha Virginia Store. *pr30 . Paxton, Goanow A Co. Amt's Hairnet U rcoomuended for muy oomplaintg, bnt experience and aonatant use for 25 year* serve to show its ruge ud power. Try it once. [my7 eodAw Head Thie l Yon con find at T. E. Blanchard's, 123 Broad afreet, the very latest styles of Drees Goods, at suoh prioes aa oannot rail to give satisfaction. . Call aad see them.. Domestic Goods at greatly raduoed rates; Faotory Goods at factory prioes; Coats’ Spool Cotton at 70 eanta per doz.; the best Prints at lOo per yard. mylO tf A few pieces of Frenoh and English Cassimeree, very low, to oloaa out, at T. E. Blawohabd's. A large lot of aheap Caasimerei and Linens, very oheep, at Blancsabd's. The beat piaoe to boy Tabls Linens. Napkins and Sheetings, ia at BnASOHAUD'a, 123 Broad st. Direel from Hnrope ■' A fine assortment of Reel Meerschaum Pipes, Clger Holders, Cigar Cases of reel Russian Leather, MatcLaafea, Ac., at Braun's Cigar Emporium, on Banlolpb street, honse with tbs Bed Sign, near Enquirer offloe my 10 If you desire a real good smoke, go to Braun's, on Randolph street, and ask for bis new brands of Key West end Im ported Havana Cigars. mylO VETOED 1-NO INFLATION ! High prices can no longet exist. Cash basis is the principle now, ud as I desire to olose business, am offering my stock of Dry Ooods, Clothing, Hats, Boots ud Shoes, Hosiery, and numerous srtiole* in thia line, fit less than cost. Call ud examine, and make one dol- tor go farther tbu two st any other place. I am in earnest. If you donbt it, stop in and have proof of the fact. L. Haunts, 114 Broad St., uy 1 4m Cohunbns, Oh. Tbe proper piaoe to go when yon want oheap Dry Goods is Aou A Murdoch's. 3SEE THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Thl* unrivaled Medicine ia » arranted not to con. tain a alnnle particle of MnooiY, or any injorione mineral ■<il>n«nce, bnt || PC BELT VEGETABLE* containing tboee Muntbern tfooteaud Herb* which an all wIm Providence ha* pUced in c antrl * wti»*rw l.tver i ieeAseH tn<*t prevail. It will emremll IHrmmr canned by Derail*** ncnttftlit Jdver and Bowel*. Simmons' Liver Regulator or Medicine U eminently a Family Medicine; and by talisK kept ready tor immediate retort will save many an hoar ol suffering aod many a dollar ia time aud doctors’ bill*. After ovei Forty Year*’ trial HI* atlll receiving tba moat nnqutlitted testimonials to Ho virtues from p -reons uf the highest character aud ruei-on* •ibility. Kmiucut pity «ician* commend it a* the MOST FFPECTUAL fiPEriFIC FOR BTBPEPSIA OB lEDIGEBTIOS. Armed with this ANTIDOtK, all climate* aud change* of water and food may bo faced without fear. A* a in MALARIOUS FhVMtfl, BOWKL COMPLAINTS, RK3 rLKjtSNtSS, JAUN* DICK, NA' HKA- IT UAI MO EQUAL t It ia the ih> apum, I'uieas, «i.u best family Medicine In the World 1 ■AMliFACTUKLl) ONLY RY 3a He SEIL1M A CO., MACON, OA., and PHiLADKLl'iilA. Prim, $1.00. Sold by all Dragflsta. feb5 (icode a 1 y THE ■statei mw/VICE that can l»* given to persona sufferin r from dys* tmrfiia, bilious complaint, colic, consumption sick headache, fever and ague, nervous dt bUi'y, or oi any disorder affecting the stomach, the live • or kidneys, Is to tone, cleanse, and regulate these im portant <»rgans b.v the use of DR. i LTT’d VKQRr. . BLK IdVRR FILLS. They net very mildly, yet thoroughly restore tbe functional scion of tbe digest organs and tbe inLetim-s «nd renovate the whole system. They produce neither nausea, griping or weakness, aud may be taken at any time without change of diet or occupation. Pi ice 25c a box. Fold • v nil druggUta. DR. TUTTTHAIR DYE possesses qualities tint no other dye does. Its effect is in stan tan eon :4, and so natural that it can not be detected bj the closest observer. It is harmless and easily applied, and is in general us amoui' tli«* fa-Vionable liairare-sers in every largo city in the United States, l'rlcj $1 a box. Sold overy\vh*re. • ^ ^BiTUTTs ^ SARSAPARIL LA Scrofula, Eruptivu Diseases of ihe 8kih, Ft. An thony's Fire, Krysipelas, Blotches, Tumors, Uoiis, Tetter, and Salt ltheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Pain and Enlargement of the Rones. Female Weakness, Sterility, I.encnrrhoea or Whites, Womb Diseases, Dropsy, White Swellings. Syphilis, Kidney and Llv^r Complaint, Mercurial Taint, and Piles, all proceed from impure Mt>od. DR. TITT'S MABMAPAHILLA ia tha most powerful Blood Purifier kuowp to the system; produces a beaut'-ful complexion and causes the body to gain flush and increase in nreight. Keep (lie Bloed Healthy and all will b* wml. To do so, - uotniug has ever been offered that can compare with this valuable vegetable- extract. P-lce $1.00 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Office 48 Conlandt street, N. Y. feU16 deodawly 30 VP, SOUP, SOUP, Day, Prom El*von fill On* O* Clock, at a CHAB, BHYMAN * CO.’S, a 8 Voder the Natural Mine Arher. to L<qnor end Wine House, and the finest Bestanrant in Uolnmbns, on Broad street, below Georgia Home Bank. my3 tf are* Thing!. Go to tb* Baby Bestsarant for yonr Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to eat. ootlfi tf The proper place to buy Calicoes at 10 cents per yard end Costs' Thread et 70 cents per doien to *t Acza A Hcbdoch'b. The proper thing to do to, go to Acee A Mnrdooh'a and look through their hand some line of Silk*, Grenadines, Poplins, Striped and Corded Organdies, end eeleot what good* yon want. The proper piaoe to find Caasimeres for pente, boys Oaesimeraa, Oottonsdee, Linen* to at Aoan A Mranooa's. The proper piece to proonre the latest novelties in Silk Sosrfs, Bags, Fsns, Leather Belts, &o., to st Aon A MtnmocH’s. The proper place to bay Black Grena dines in all styles obeep to st Aon A Mobdoob’s. Tbe proper plsoe to boy 4-4 Bleached Homespun et 10, 12} end 15 cents s yard to Aon A Mobdoob h. Second supply of Chatslaio Chains, Fsns and Parasols, just received at tha Virginia Store. apr*0 Pbxtoh, Gobbom A Co. 'curbs Neuralgia, Piles, headache, Diarrhea. Boils, Old Soros, Lameness, Bums, Coreness, Toothache, Scalds, Sprains, Hoarseness, Uleers. Wounds, Sore Throat, Coho, Bruises, Bheumatism, Hemorrhages, mar3I todfcwsm OIAMOMD SPECTACLES I ■eaeraanio * x. Haw Orliaas fiztt* A ia^xltoxta *** ortossaAnewxiaiirae i )|U filtn laesrteane lax,. . * Oholca Inxwsarae f hasUen Nil* OnrtaWhlta MMt. Pam *>*■• ssfi Wla. v ltHW ^ 8t. Louis Panrl Qrlti. Fivah Turkish Prunes, t(q/ c ^ g Hew Oarmsta, J2jj.. Borders- U(| ( Milk. KleastarJIiiwoi^... »«‘S»amiUa 11 4 r ,^' Pare White Xwoe.n.0*^ 1 '^^- ROBT 8. CRAM "■X 10 - . , H.F.ABELL&cn iuvx vu * Maxappa Flour, fiunbeam Flour, Faarl firlte, Irlah Fotatoei, »<*8«oll» Me*,, CellfoPnla and Qoihen Sutler Natlv# and Imported Winn, ’ Havana Cigars, Horaa Radish (In glau), Dundee Marmalade, Eaience of Anohovle,, Caper* and Sauoee of an kind,,* All puroUMa* dolWcrud. The** flpActficle* are mauufactuu ut*< Crystul Pebble*" melted tog* call'tri Dinmond on ficcobat of thull brilliancy. Having been te*tod with the . _ diamond lenses have beeu found toadnut Ilf.e*n per cent, li-u heated ray* than any other pebble They are grouud with »• rent selentiflc accuracy, re’ free from chromatic aberrations, find produce a briftbtne*-* and difitiuctne** of vision not belori attained in spectacles. Manufactured by the (tpencor Optical Manufacturing Co., New York. For sale by responsible agent* io every city in the Union WlTTIOn i KINSKL, Jeweler* and Opticians, r» sole agents for Columbus, Oa., from whom they in only be attained. No pedd.or* employed Do not buy a pair unloMt you see the trade mark ortH denilhwV DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. I. GHIFFIN, IMPORTED PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS, at rel* m:n prices. All goods guaranteed. 93“ Pr''scrUdW>n 8 c-i fully prepared at all hour*. J- l OKIlFIN, jal8 d odfiwly U*fl broatl Ft. ^ A O TIT Of the Last Legislature, FOR SALK BY • W. J. CHAFFIN lax WHOLE8An Crocery Hou -or- J. & J. KAUFMA No. 14 and 16 Broad it, Oolumbas, 0«„ KkSPS nilTUTU OX HiXn 100,000 pounds Bacon. 500 barrel* Flour. From 100 to 200 barrel* Sugar. 100 bag* Coffee. From 100 to 200 barrets Syrup. 200 barrel* Whiskey. 200 boxes Tobaoco. 500 “ Soap. 200 “ Candles. 100 barrel* Lard, 50 “ Mackerel. SOO ticks Sail. 50 tl roes Rice. 500 ream* Wrapping Paper. 100 oatee Potash. 100 “ Sardines. 100 “ Oysters. 100 “ Pieklot. 100 box** Candy. 100 “ Stareh. loo eras* radar Ketckea. 1,000 panada Lorillard’a finer. 20,000 Cin». 1,000 pounds Green and Block Tn. 200 ba S a of Shot. 100 boxes Soda and Faney lOO ** Cheese la aeaaon. 00 barrel* Vinegar. 20 oaaka Ale. 100 doeon Wooden buckets. •100 down Brooms. Aad evsryllilog in the Qrscary lino, elil.-h il offer to tbs tra n by tbu pack hb low ,,» other Jobbin* Uolso in tho Uuito i elates. npr!6 Orn J.gJ KAUFMAN. b 1 . A. Pi 'MEKOY at HuuHbim consult, < AbbSomSKTIUN TO Choico White Shed, “ Fresh Bsy Fish, “ Mobil* Cabbage, “ Celery and Letiuot, “ Live and Dressed Poultry, “ Fronh Oouniry Sausage, Spurs Rib* and Backbone*. A Choice Lot of t resh Cracker*. Sugar Jumbles, Lem* Snaps, Ginger Snap*, Lemon Creams, Ac. Applet, Onions, Potatoes A Turnip Also usual Family ffuvplics and Fancy Qro eri Mr. T O. PRIWJF.N will Ie rousd si llieMn ter an I will be picas d to wall on hU tonuer c _ tumor* uud friend*. Tho pat rotate of Ikopowic reapcctfiilly eolicitcd. ,et "’ 8 FOR SALE AND RENT. To Bent. j^FTKB April 6th. »«o FurnllUid BSP KJUV8, Kitchen and fUble, with w » f Jlti room, and parlor. Addrcs spl If M^Fn.|nir«™»» House and Lot for Sal OS LOWES PAST OK B1U>»» 6t. •1 OS lot is <4 acre; the houM bsi tbm » large tojfti*, bal 1 and a l out-builuing*. Vt ill be *old rhv*P M c ** u h KSsy >l,t *ajh*™! For tale Low. A 80IIOLABAUIP IS TIIK MEDICAL WL i^UK AT EVASaVILLK, INDIANA. BOV, If aptlvattiii^JI^: MILLINERY- SPRING MILLINER*. I\'K h.w- *II-1 rors'r.d . full ]io*ef SP : c W AN® SINSEB ■ILUNM*’ 1 * elndlop all tin to»V*i.l lr.S ol tho Sfitfon- , t Plt'SaiNU AND BLKACUIMI ilou. tat art stylo, at tba shone t notice. Next door below tho New Yolk Slora. oottS-l, iS*r* MB,. tiOLVIN aad MISS DONNELLY.