The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 17, 1874, Image 3

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XT AtAMMRT. piNANeiAL.—Sight Mill 01 Nsw York put m Bottom H r* nnt - dlMOUBt; gu N*. r ,...h U p«f Mat; dwin bltls on Boston UHTMtl. BaaksarstalUag checks on New T*fHRJi»iNfcM«4' Oatimmi ten 1«1M fit Mai. P*r month. Oold and silver noml- »ki feUawAV'M |’ d y jU lB.ttt»,P<»BrtU<>a W . We ,....,.10 ew M @- •MK®- .17 a»^ .— a— Mod OrdtaMT Duw Middlings- XkMUagt dtittt nMdii.0. B*lM # X*l*S. . ,. , ■ : . Bscstpts W telte -H by M. k O. R. R.( tAPP“ jgffVlM ■< A *. 0. *.; T by telv* teonjBTBlI Star; o by s. W. R. R. "'*• w - *• *•« {TSi>oliaYJ'*|lipUob| o by W. R. R. DAILY STATBUBT. OB boad August Mat, UTS 1,177 I. .„ <* YBAte- Stock oa band «, 004 Sabs Day Last YlAA-AcfUt DM, ISIS, 1U; rooolrod ism odnxvtSuntelpu M,7W| ■hipped 0*1*0 day Mi( total shipment* to,Ml ■took 0,114 | laloa It. Middlings 170. 17.B, Pouts.—Bacsqit* the t bj'IRli *1. port. W Groat Britain 4,004; to Oontiaoat SOI; .Wok 101,140. ' ifktttfr-ti: . . Important to Honthorn Claimants— Gilbert.Mayor. Creditor* ot John King—Moot Monday. Oity Bealdanoaohaap—Mrs. S. A. Blaok- M— tba artiot** whioh lad to tha on* oom- plainad of, waa prodoaod; and tba prose- dalien wdUjp admit ^®a aabatane* of tba editorial prepared-Splh* dafenoo if tba dofoaea wonid admit lb* sabatuneo of th* QhetroerA offerad by tba ptoae. ulion. (fcaoral Banning anawarad that ba 00aid not wall giro th* anbatanoe. Tba Qtaarter flla nunld ba had hare in two day*. »*WD*bon it waa de cided lo poatpone the hearing to Wedbaa- will pobliah the avidrao* in fall. The Court, required OaL Btrsng* to gidajt bond of SUdW (ok bM appetranoe. It waa signed by F. Strange, J. T. Hoi- land, O/NV. ‘ ~ Hooper, J. J. Slade, T. K. Wynne and T. T. Edmond*. There waa a good deal ot excitement on the atreet at one time. atntoaom hub. Jaat after the acane in the otto*, a gen tleman brought in a ooffln adyertiaement, and in a little while the Stably coroner Wanted—An Aasiatant Housekeeper. Label**—Johp L. Hogan. , . Eleetion for Captain—Oily Light Guard. Merchants' Loan Anooiation—Install- meat money. t ■ Stein’s Burial Gaskets—T. T. Edmonds. appeared, and direotly after our friend Martin, of the ice works, sent a blook of io* for lire office to oool off oa. amothsb rasa. Or. detWatenrted, the ooroner, asate in the office and was going into the eom- posi ng room. «g mas snpposed to be a friend of Bai. Btvaaga, as he was relatsd to him by marriage, and Major G. de manded what he wanted, plaeing hia stick serosa the passage. Dr. deG. passed ont angrily, saying be wosld hold Major C. responsible for tba insult on th* street, and to beware. He was told he was too old to fight. The Doctor continuing to talk, his arrest, was directed. He was held in custody for a moment or two. Mo charge was preferred against him in court. resales. We,return them to the Sans Bouoi for superb turtle soup and excellent claret for lunch yesterday. It was gov#, *9# hugely enjoyed. ’ tre received a blcek of ice from the feet >ry, for Which wo return thanks. Ctbn* Pbalc. The Sunday Sohool-of Liberty Hill had a pionio in SammerriUe, Ala., on Friday. It was a snooeaa. E. tt. Aahnrat delivered an address. E. E. Lewis waa Marshal; and M. W. Aahnrat, Superintendent. Btoaliag Corn from Mm I to. Policeman Cash arrested n negro, Wash Harris, who bad been found stealing corn from tbe moles belonging to the Colum bus Iron Works. This has been going on for some time. [Commanleatad.] To Me CrotUon of Johie Bay. Onto* or B. J. Moan,) Attobmy add Ooumullob at Law, Colombo*, Oa., May 16, 1874.) T'o ifeitrs. John ilcGmtgh tt Co., Freer, IBgee tt Co., J, A. JfeJtetU, Geo. W. Woodruff, and othere : GxxTLXwas—I notion that you have called a meeting of John King's creditors. A card has been pnblishsd by the aaaign- eel and replied to by me. The whole coarse pursued by the assignees in this John King cats is onlonlttod to leave an imprsaaion that I have some malioions objeot to aceompliah. by Mr. Morphy, or Urn eonpomrof Hob art*, oolleffad, as bandar laud it, in set. Ilameuta with the Mnrchant*’- and Me- chanion'-Bank on the dap previous to hie failnre. If tha oreditora elect an na eignee not in any way oomplioated wiih Mr. King's affaire, the estate will be rap idly and economically settled. To effect this end I shall Me my bed efforts. B. J. Monas. JMdA A Beeper’s IWal-WnlM JIM . tlntltv anoiucnoH or iota. JVmb Me Xariilnr of Jkaaarr, Ms- The Enquuum wants Gen. Dnnonn L. UlinSfi’for GtaMMter. • Capt. Staples of the stenassr Floranoe, gives the (pHowlog diatanoea s Oolombna to Apadaebieola by river 878 miles; by lend travel 230; by straight lint 187. Cotton opened tbte year at 2) to 4|e., oorn 40o., whpnt The., sugar TJo. N. O. to 26e. loaf, ooffee 16a to 14a, hnmn 7 to 8c., tides 5 to 60., shoulders 4 to So. On December ltd; Mr. Anders Ander son and Mist Potrea Larson wore married. On January 2d, a Whig GoUeotor and Damoomtio Baosivsr ware elsotsd, but the paper does not give their names. The shook of an earthquake was felt in Col umbos oa Wednesday night Janaary 4th, abont nine o'olook. The vibration* anooooding the first sensitive shook con tinued perhaps half a minute. People badly frightened. The asms phenome non wu experienced at Angusta, Madison and Washington, Ga., and Colombia and Hamburg, 8. C. Extended from Arkan On Thursday January 8, at 9 a. m., Col. Barton Hepbarn waa shot through the heart with a pistol ball by Gen. D. MoDongald—took place in tbe Directors' room of the Insurance Bank, now Mer chant*’ and Mechanic*'. Parties were alone. Gan. M. was expeoting a similar attack from Hepburn whan ho find. Off Saturday, 7th, Jaoob I. Moses was elected Mayor of Ootnmbus, and W. S. Holetead, J. J. McKendrea, J. B. Beall, B. F. Malone, N. Howard, Wiley Williams, F. Wilhelm, John Quin, Win. B. Jones, J. L. Morton, J. A. L. Lee, "and a tie" were elected Aldermen. Ex-Gov. George Crawford beat MoDon gald for Congress to fill the vaoanoy occasioned by the death of Mr. Haber sham. The hospitalities of the city were ten dared Mr. Clay, and a committee of fifty The jury in the case of J. D. D. Hooper, charged with the mnrdsr of T. H. Philips, Id Opelika, fist May, after remaining ont several hours Friday night, nt Seale, Alu., returned n verdict of not guilty. The charge wan murder. The yerdiot was announced in the Coart Sat urday morning, and tbe prisoner was dis charged. j. Among the naw interrogatories adduced for the defense, waa one ot n witness who testified the* he mw Philip* pn«h or knoek Hooper down; that Philips Mtmsd to be drawing n pistol, and that he beard the report of two pistole, or one fired twioe io quickly that It seamed to him that both parties bed fired. Other inter rogatories were introduced, to whioh oocnsel'lor the prosecution objected on various grounds, among thorn n oonntor affidavit - that * party whose name was attaohed to' the prlnoipaljtatcrrbgatory had not aigned it. these objections were overruled. The depositions Objected to were those of tondy K. Phillips, Beheeea Cunningham, Charles McCulloch and Carolina Andrawa. lhe prosecution also objsotad on tha grouod that' tha eoiumiasionera prepared tba answers themselves, and not in the language of th# witness#*. After these motions of tha proaeoution were overruled, the State moved for a continuance on th* gronnd that time waa necessary to cross tbs nswly-introdaaod interrogatories. This wot overruled. Tbe State moved a not. proe., and that waa overrated, when tha eats went to trial, and “not guilty” was the nsnlt. We have' received copies of affidavits impeaching the testimony of interrogato ries, and showing bow soma war* obtain ed ; bnt a* we hsve not th* date for the dpfenoe and th* reasons for the ruling*, we simply give tbe above statement. Mr, J. D. B. Hooper la a young lawyer about 22 years of ego. j Card of Than**, I join in tbe eard of the gentleman published this morning, and return my tbenka to the Fire Department and tha Military, for their exertions in taviog my property from fir* and protecting it. J. A. Walks*. I desire to a»y to this orsditors’ meet- *PP oiQ,ed - Mr - C1 »y answered from Mo- Factory Tmkimyt. The Columbus mills have taken thus far this season 6850 bale* of cotton against 5246 last year,showing an increase of 1004. The Columbns cotton receipts nr* now 59,485 bales—3730 more than last 7«b _ TMo Broad Sersef*Church Me-Xle, Abont two hundred end fifty persons, including th* Snndsy Sohool of the ebnteh, embanked on th* train yesterday morning at t^o ObnUsbooohea depot, end got off at, Smith's Station, within three- quarters of a mile of whioh th* pic-nio grouuds are loosteJ, where there is e beautiful gprtoK pare, refresh- iog water. Measn. Beasly and Lbw- ther kindly lent much kind sestet*non |n clearing the grounds and attentions to the 'Company. Swings; songs, hunting fiow- ors, and riding on n “revolving j«nny,’’ -ware among tbe smusements. A beauti ful repsst was furnished. Bev. Mr. Dixon, Abe puator, delivered * hsppy 1M1* ad dress. All returned at five u’cloek to th* City. The affair, though vary enjoyable, was not such a peoanlary success as was hoped. Dime VI. Ilka IN NBWarAMR- j>oir. Attraction is Dtmandtd, Mow It wat not Vlns. Yesterday merotog, while Major A. B. Calhoun, the editor and proprietor of tl is paper, was at the desk in tbe front editr- hriel room writing, Col. Freoo Strange, former *dito( of th* Opelika Oherter, w»s snnonaccd and directed in. He had bis hand on a pistol in bis pooket. Major Galhonn had no weapon, nor was there one in tbe offico. Col. S. demanded for to* first time a retraction of an editorial in the Exqcibkh of Aognst 3d, nine months ago. Scm ? words ensued, daring whioh Major G. told bis opponent that be waa unarmed, bat if ho would put down his pistol, he .would give him any satis faction be desired. He also offered to l*sve tbe subject to tear men, to bo named by Strange—two from Oolnoibu* end two from Opelika—and abide by tbeir decision, bnt to retraot on .demand, he would not. Colonel S., still with his band on his pistol, used some hnrsh epithets, and attempted to ■pit in the face of Major C. and pull his naea Tbs spitting was a failure, and as hie hind touched the Major’s cheek, the latter gave him a blow whioh staggered him backward. While drawing his pistol, several printers and th* business mana ger tnahed in, grabbed Strange and took his pistol away. After the weApm w .s token sway from him Major 0. again of fered to fight, now they were on equal terms. At that m'-meut two policemea ■togged, to and arrested Strange. Col. S. larger man than Major C. ,Ldie article which Col. S. demanded re tracted Major C. olairas was provoked by Strange’s newspaper attacks on him. ' ' PULIMIHASt nXAWMATIOK. A warrant, charging Strange with an assault with attempt to murder, wee ob tained, It came before Justices Chappell and Shivers, in the former’s offloe, io tbe afternoon. Pan & Utile and Chailcs H. Williams represented the prmecn'i >u ; General Banning, end J. M. lUMeU the defence. Ganertl Banning atated Th«t his side wonid not be ready until a AM of lhe Ex- QtJiaxa could be prodnoed e mtaining the artiole for whioh retraction wm ' de manded. Proaeoution answered that tba files ♦••id bs prodnoed from the newspaper ing, by letter as I am obliged to attend the Superior Court at Macon, on Monday, and cannot be present st the meeting in person— That I have no personal objections to either of the assignoM, and only desire that some one totally unembarrassed by the voluntary assignment shall have ebsrge of the assets. I repreMnt a very largo amount of o'aims, more who hare reoeieed dividend! than who'have not, andlamastisBed that to moke the assets available to their fall extent sails mast be instituted against several persons (I do not allude to those who hsve received 20 per cent.) Whom tbe assignee* will not be willing to sno. I name one, the Merehentff and Mechanics Bank, In which one or more of yon ere interested ns directors. Of coarse it would be very awkward for Hr. Salisbury as assignee, tome himself os President! If he waa elected, I, representing credi tors, have a right to require him to bring this and other suits. If he refuses I have the right to havo him removed is Msignes, by petition to the Distriot Court. All this will protract the litigation. Now to avoid this my desire is to oleot a party totally disinterested. I will agree upon any man of character who can give sufficient bond, and who is entirely unoonneoted with the peneentions to Whioh I hsve boon sub jected, simply for attempting to defeat this assignment. , I am not endeavoring to charge any thing to Mr. King, except that I Abiak the oheaks drawn on th* last day ought to have been refunded and Murphy’s gold and Boberta’ ooopons ought to have been re-paid by tbe assignees without a mo ment's hesitation. I have dona Mr. King no injury in patting him iato bankruptcy, for I have enabled him to bo freed from a debt of $200,(100, whioh would have hung over him for life if ha had not been adjudioated a bankrupt,, sad while I wm forced by the course panned by the as signees to go before a jury tbe allegation of a frandnleat stoppage of payment, whan I had amended my declaration ao m to take “the adjudicate” on “suspension and nun-resumption for fonttaon dsys"—n misfortune that might happen to the most bouest ni in Upon the withdrawal by counsel of n writ of error, which had been filed, sod which oould only hsve resulted in further delay nud expense to the oreditora, as hat done all the useless litigation foroed on me for tbo lust twelve months, I volant*, rilv withdrew tbo'allegation of fraud, be- aaiuo I thought that it placed an unjust imputation on Mr. King, and bad the ad jndioation entered simply on th* gronnd of suspension. What I did after verdiot I offerad to do before ; for while it has keen my desire, in the interest of my clients, to pot Mr. King's estate in bankruptcy, neither they or I have had any desire to do him in- justice—I, at least, having always been Mtisfiod that when Mr. King failed he give up every dollar to his oreditora, ex cept the few trifles reserved in his assign ment, whioh were mnch less in value than the homestead allowed to him, both by the State end bankrupt law. I dislike commanienting through the papers about lew ossea, bnt so muoh per sonal nud bittar denunciation of me hM arisen in this ease, merely because I dif fered with the assignee* m to how best to meintein the rights of my olients, and as to what was evidently most to Mr. King’s intere-t, I take this method of Mying that in this whole proceeding it hM never been my desire to eharga Mr. King with any iutentionsl wrong to any one. While I hsve always openly expretMd my oonvio- tion that he bsd seved nothing from his failore, I havo always oootanded that no property passed to King, or wm over by him transferred to, the assignees, on the money reoeived for oheoks on the day of bin failure, nor in the gold dopoaitod bile, Ale., that ho oonld not oume, In 1842, thirty-threo adults nud thirty ohildren—total 68—died in Oolambas. Carter A Stockton advertise a new drug Store, higu of tho red mortar. By aot of tho Legislature the name of Irwinton, Ala., woe ohanged to Eufaula. The Augusta, Siren, Lowell, Florence, Oriole, Woodraff, Coiambus, Gan, Sum ter, Gen. Harrison, Oconee, TallnhsHee, Bobert Fulton, were the name* of steam ers plying aor river. W. D. Matthews was the Presiding El der of the Columbus Distriot of the M. E. Ohnroh, and ltev. J. B. Payne was stationed at Golnmbns,-and Y. F. Tignor in Muscogee. The stables of Dr. Billing and T. A. Brannon were inoendianzed. An attempt waa made on W. C.'s tin store. Among the recorded incendiary fires is on* of n largo brick building nt Penfield, belonging to Moreer University. On February 1st, H. P. Spencer' and Miss Lanra J., eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. P. Yonge, were married. WMhington's birthday wm oelobrntod by tho volunteer oompauies end various aooieties. la tbe Baptist ohnroh, Mr. John A. Jones read Washington's “Fare well Address,” and Mr. James Kellogg de livered an address. By tbe Legislature, tbe name of Crock- etteville, Ala., bus been ohanged to Craw ford. Some small-pox existed in the city in Marob. On Maroh 23.1, Howard Chandler, only obild of Jnlius B. nod Eleanor Clapp, died, aged 19 months. On January 4lh, Bichard T. Marks, Thomas Bagland and Wiley B. Ector pub lish ao srtiale handed “Our Own Affairs.” They stats tbe Ekquukb wm established early in tho spring of 1828, before the ground of the city was laid off in lots, under the editorial management of Gan. Mirabean B. Lamer, who afterwards be came President of Toxm. The paper of Maroh 29th My* that on Monday of last week Mr. Thomas Flem ing wm stabbed by Patrick MoCerty. He died tbe next Wednesday. He wm fol lowed to th* grave by the Hibernian So ciety and Hook and Ladder Company. Girard had a post-office. On March 29th, by Bev. Mr. Williams, Mr. F. C. Johnson and Miss Itebeeca B. Foote were merried. In March the Bank of St. Mary's was removed to Columbns. Terris Iwf for Jteetftes—JtemtHes Bap- pitot. Gas Klink, *t the Sens Bond, hM in vested largely in the very flnMt of tnr. tlM, rad consequently to famish elegant turtle soap rad tnrtl* steaks every dey for lnnoh from 11 a. s. to 1 p. u. Ho he* tbe ohoicest of cooks, end the soup is delicious. He is also prepared to furnish families with soap in ray quantity. Tbe many who have tried it grow enthusiastic over th* preparation and oookery. Come or lend in yonr orders for delioiona soup for lunch or dinner. Yon cannot get anything like it at home. It will make yon oontent and happy the rest of th* day. Gas will give satisfaction to *11. Any one desiring to Mil a oity resident * sheep for erah, will apply to Mbs. B. A. Blaokhab, myl7 2t on Forsyth St. VK4U.AIMHB UfiTTBfM. enemas, Mi; is, 1S74. Tits following J« f lie 11,1 of aaclslned lotion ro utining In the Postofflce to this date: llttuki I. 0. Curing O W Bowman mr« 0 Hoyt U Brawn J, 0 Meigs- Miller O II Morris 1) M Newman U BruceJ Brown mr, A Depp* u J L "urougli J 0 Douglee, W (foreign) Ueorue H, < Ooelin mrs 8 Hem Bond miss t Harder mine M, c Uilion J T Hue bend J B lverioo 0 Jicksno (ten 1| B Jackson H, o Jordan L Jane, J Kendrick 0 B L<mon this* A Martin J. c M -lie; u a Motion el B McKi Dale D M McNecly mil, F OTlrer mr, A Oliver mlie O Palmer B K Puitevxnt mis, M Bedford lure 0, c HolHton 8 B Band re J H Bpollea mill A Stouter . Stewart J Tooke ntri Van L B Walker A, G W Ward mn 0 T Weld O 1) Welch D W Wentworth 8 tl Welboru miie U Whit*heid 0 A V While U Wliinli-ad Rev J William* mice 8 Weihnn D Williams rare J Young Jouo UNMAILABLK LBTIKRS. Glass mxi W It, City. Grover Bev R S, “ Uouituu mi.e M, no ; ostmtrk. Llndiay t H, Welntcr, G >. Watson mro 8, Montgomery, Ala. Whitaker nt at u L, City. Ooe. no so-iroi-. Reduction of Freights, Co!embus, May 16th, 1874, II Black Grenadine*. Blaok and Gray Grenadines. Black sad White - “ Gray and Whit* " Plain Whit* “ AU oolom in “ Ladies Plain Linen Suiting*. “ Striped .“ “ Plain and Striped Lcnos. Striped and Figured Muslins. Victoria Lawns. Linen “ whit* rad figured. Immense Uom of Embroidery, nt great bargains. Bm( Print* et 10 owta. Most elegant Silks in the oity. Ooate' Thread 70 cents. Factory Goode nt factory prtcea. J. 8. Joxxs, mylS sod ' Columbus, Georgia. MIDICINKS. Th* proper pleas to bay American Cambria in nt A ora A Munnoon'*. Suppose yon hev* “tried fifty rente* dim" and received no bonofit, In then therefor* “no balm in Gilead f” Verily there is. Your liver may be congested, yonr stomach half parolyied, yonr nerve* quivering, your muscles knottod with torture, your bowels oouetrleted, your lung* diseased, yonr blood fall of impuri ties—yet in ona week after commencing a ooun* of Da. Walub's Vimboab Bit- tus you will feel lik* n now erenture, aprUO 4w Thli unrivaled Medicine le - arrented not to cun. tain a Slagle particle ef M saucer, or eay lujurlom miaoral eut-etauc}, Imt Is rOBBLY VEGETABLE, ooutalalng tbuee Bouts aud Herb, which aa all wise Pruvldenca hat |il >c*-d Itr c -uniri. „ where liver i,eeee.i m<el pivvail It Will pare all Diaoaaea rauud by Derange- raont of the J.lver and dowels. Liver Regulator or Medicine la tnuluautly** Familjr M«dlciitt»; nod hy tolu# k«|>t ready tor iataieilliti® r«m>rt will »hv« umnjr »n hoar of suffering end many a dollar in ilm® and ‘ wtara' bllla. Alter oral Forty Years* trial It la atill racelrlng tha Biaat ua<ta*lifl»<l t.'silaioniala to It* rirtuea ttom poraoaa of the hightat durnoit r aid re*|ou- albllliy. Kmluant phyitcUis rominead It at lhe I0*T KFFKCTU41* NFKriMf FOB •Yircnu OB IIDIOKSTIOR. Arned with ihla ANTIDuTK, «ll i ImuhIob aud ehangta of water aad food mat ba raood without fear. Aa a tUmaJy la ftlALAHlOlit) FfcVtHB, BOW PL C0MPLAINT8, KIM TLItnHN ABB, JAUM DICK, NAt>KA. IT HAS IO KOVAL! It la tha Ch«ap®at, t*n«at .i.u Boat fontly Modiciar In the World I ■AHUf ACTllKKD OMIT IT A. H. KBILIX A CO., MACON, OA., and PitlLAUKLPUlA. VETOED t—NO INFLATE OK / High priced oaa no longer axiat. OMb bids 1* lb* prlnoipl* now, and MI desire to eloas baaineee, am offering my stock of Dry Goode, Clothing, Hnta, Boole and Shoes, Honiery, and numerous nrtioles in this line, at lees than oust. Call end examine, end make on* dol lar go farther than two at ray other plnoa. I am in earnest. If yon doubt it, stop in nud have ptoof of tbo fnct. L. Habuis, 114 Broad St., my 1 4m Columbus, G Moottmo! Yon eon find at T. E. Bluuobard'a. Broad atreet, the very latest styles of Brass Goods, nt such pilose as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Call and thorn. Domestic Goods at gveatly radioed rates; Factory Goods st factory prices; Costa’ Spool Cotton st 70 oeuts per don.'; tbe beet Priuts nt lOo per yard, rnj 10 If A few piece* of Frenoh rad English Caaaitueres, very low, to otoa* out, M T. E. Blancoaud's. A largo lot of ohoap Cnsalmeres end Linens, very ohMp, nt Blamchabd’i. Tbe best plaee to boy Table Linens, Napkins end Sheetings, is nt BLAMOnAUD'l, 123 Broad et. IHroet from Muropol A fine assortment of Ueul Mearaobnnm Pipes, Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases of raal Unssian Leather, MatcLssfea, Ao., et Bualib's Cigar Emporium, on Baniolpb street, houae with the Bed Sign, near Euqnirer uffloe mylo 4 MU8COOSE aUPEBIOR VOVBT, The Western R. R„ of Ala., lias tMii dny aiHfl® a reduction of FIVK(fi) onnts pi r 100 pounds from prom-nt tat* on com aud other grain from points boyoof! 3Jont«oxncfy—to stand until furtlior notloe. To aecuro this reduction froight must coma BY OPELIKA BRANCH of Weatern Ra I Road. This Rodaotion app’Ie® to all f r*l» rec®l?«d over WMtarn Rail Road at Columbufl to-day (Thursday) It will ooaaoqaautlY make tbe rates on grain 5 cents per 100 pounds less than any Rill of Lsding dated prior to to-day. (and for which tbe grain has not boon yet recelvod) guarantees on graln.1 B. A. BACON, Agent Western R. R. of Alabatnn. May 10—d«t. To the Creditors of John King. Jutpo Jamtt Johnttn rrtoiding—May Term. SIXTH DAT. The following divoro* oases were taken np : George T. Newsome vs. Cynthia New some—second verdiot and decree; Wm. H. Lake vs. Fannie Luke—same entry ; Margaret Thome* vs. Wm. Thornes—die. missed by plaintiff; Mery Thomas vs. Jss. Thomas—second verdiot rad decree; Ha rsh J. Brokaw vs. Isaac H.Brokaw—same entry; Mary K. Watson vs. Alexander Watson—service perfected; Amanda Wal ton vs. Bring Walton—dismissed by plaintiff; John Kroll vs. Dora Kroll—eon- tinned; Snssn W. vs. Gao. L Lloyd— second verdiot end decree. Nothing olso of any importance done. Conrt et ID o'olook adjourned to Mon day 8j a. m., when the common law dock et will be resumed. Tbe Grand Jnry again o<>nvoces on Monday. ▲ Deplorable Tracedjr. Athens, Ala., May 6.—John D. Steven son, nephew of Gov. Brown, was shot end killed by * man named John W. Carter, about eleven miles of this place, yester day. Tbe deceased is said ho hkve been deranged- His remains are hare, and will b* forwarded to Pulaski to-m-eirow morn ing, where his parent* reside. The creditor* of John King arj re queued to meet in this city, In Library Room*, over the drug store of J. I. Orifflu, on MONRAY, tbe 18th instant, at 11 o'clock a. m ,for th® purpo«e of oonaaltiug u to what steps ars ne- canrary to protect tbeir lo tenet. All creditors, and especially those who have re paired to per cent, dirldeud, are requested to be present in person or by proxy. JNO. MoGOUQI! A CO, PURER, 1LLOK8 A CO., J. A. McNEILL, O. W. WOODRUFF, W. L. TILLMAN, BURRUB A WILLIAMS, BKDKLL A CO., 0. A. REDD A 00, tnjO td And others. NOTICE. Wanted, Agents to THE HOWK MACHINE 00., 78 Brood Ht., Columbus, Oa. aprll 1m CHAR. C. ROUDKR, Manager. Important to Farmers. R. T, J. DTEVKNS is well known to tbe M th« n the country glren «oti»factlon ; and. as he propones to make a lour in a short time, planters ueetling Oln renalfg should Innd In tbeir names aud location. ' Work Beautiful Spring Cassimeres ! EwnUsevn iVa.) Make. PEACOCK 4 SWIFT. If yon desire * real good smoke, go to Buhl**'*, on Bradolpb street, suit ask for bis new brands of Key West and Im ported Havana Cigars. mylO Ooot Thlnyt. Qo to tbe ltaby ltosteurant for yonr Oysters, Fish, Game, rad all things good to eat. outlfi if Tbs proper place to find Cassimeres for psnts, buys OssHimeres, Cottonades, Linaus is at Aoxa A Mdbdooh’s. Tba proper plsoe to proeure tbs isteet novelties in Bilk Scarfs, Bogs, Fane, Leather Belts, So., is et Aon k MuBDoon'e. Tba proper plsoe to boy Blank Greea dine* in *11 styles oheep is at Aon k MusDooa's. Tbe proper place to boy Csliooo* et 10 cents per yard and Costs' Thread at 70 cents per dozen is st Aon k Murdoch's. The proper place to boy 4-4 Bleached Homespun nt 10, 12) tod 15 eenta n yard is Acre k Murdoch's. Best Caliooes at 10 oonts; Whit* rad Colored Matting, cheap; Bleached Shirt ings, Sheetings rad other Domestic Goods, cheap, nt H. T. Cbiolu's. Ponft Rmtrmet affords immediate relief in nit one scat* pain. Thin is strong language, bnt the expelrienoo of twenty-five years at tests its troth. Try it. [myl4 eod&w Th* proper plsoe to go whan yon want oheap Dry Goods is Ac** k Mubdooh's. bovp, aovr, bovp, Jtery Day, From Item Mil Ono O’olook, at CM AM. BRIM AN A CO.’B, V net or iko Natural Wlno Arkor. reculaTqr AV . THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Bosstsd R|g Cuffm, 40e $ k. 8.w Orlssu tsln A tofur It* ffO. New Orisons Tallow CIs, 11*4 rater U)$i. Zstr* Buf.r-Curart [Iu. Choice 8ng.r ciirwl tkswt4crs. Mild Cunt) Whir. Mm;. Pure Apple and Wlas Vlsaftr, (*• 9teL 8t.LouisPwrlGrits. ■ . Fresh TurkUk Preass, g k, New Currs*u,U)4s. Border.' Eacle Milk. Kiomford Bllvsr Otass ttmrck. Beet ,ssllty Losndrr * tad T tin * apt. Part White Keros*** Oil, «ta $ (allow. ROBT 8. CRANE, flkkl dew) \ cuodawly H. F. ABELL A CO; hath Mazeppa Fleur, Sunbeam Flour, Peerl Grits, Irish Potatoes, Magnolia Heme, California and Goshen tatter, Native end Imported Win**, Havana Cigar*, More* Radleh (in gloat), Dundee Marmalade, Eateno* of Aneheviet, Cap art and Raueot of oil kind*. **• All pnrebasM delivered. ■ taytotr THE WHOLESALE popclo, blllli hfiadaeb®, R THE tom* i ADVICE aa b® given to |>®rauna oufforliw Cron dvi- Dus oempiaini, colic, conaumptlon Rick ling mo iiuiaotiii nrv ut !n®y>, Ib to tone, eleanfi*, and ngaiate thoae im portant organs by tha no# of DR. i UTT’8 VKQRT- BLR LIVER PILLS. They act very mildly, yet thoroughly res tor® th® fanotional action of the digestive organs and tha Intistinrs aud renovuto the whole system. They produce neither nausea, griping or weakness, and may he taken at any time wlf* ‘ ‘ * *■ ‘ DR. TUTT’3 HAIR DYE , qualities tbnt no other dye dues. Its effect Is lastantaneons, and so natural that It can- be detected by the eldest oltscrver. It Is amnrnf the fashionable hair dressers In every large city In the United dtaim. IMoo $1 a box. Sold everywhere. / QBV TUTTs \ SARSAPARIL LA ^£Ns‘dELV0V\_1- ^ Grocery House. -or- J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 end IE Breed tt., Columbus, Oa., Knrs conrimi w mafd aooct Scrofula, ErupUvH utseiuics of ilia Skill, St. An- Tatter, and Salt . Rheumatism, Pain and Knlargcmeut of the Bonus, Female Weakness, Sterility, l.euonrrhaea Whites, Womb INffoases, Dropsy, White Swellings. Syphilis, Kidney and Llv< r Complaint, Mercurial font, and Piles, all proceed droat impure blood. DR.TUITI SARSAPARILLA Is the moot powerful Blued i*uiitter kuown to medical scienco. It enters Into the clrcnlatlon and era 1 Montes every morbittr ag' nt; renovate* the system; produces nbeaut'fnl ruinnlexlon and censes the body to gain flush and Increase In weight. ■Mfths Blasd Healthy and all will well, lo do so, uotmug has ever bean offered that oau comparo with this valuable vegetable extract. P ice $1.011 a bottle. Sold by all Drugglets. Office 48 Oortlindt street. N. Y. fehlft oMidawly • mswrn Kouralg'.', Files, narrhea. Soils, CldSorM, Lameness, Horns, Coronets, Toothache, Coaids, Gpralna Hoarsen*: i. Ulcers. Wounds, Sore Throat, Colic, Braises, Eheumatism, Esmorrhagea 100,000 poonfia Saooo. 800 barrala Flour. From 100 to 200 barrels Sugar. 100 bags Ootb*. From 100 to 200 barrels Syrup. 200 barruls Wklakoy. 200 box** Tobaooo. S00 •• Soap. 200 “ Oaudot. 100 barrolt Lard. 80 •• Maaktrol. 800 aaokuOalt. BOIL roes Riot. BOO rasmi Wrapping Paper. 100 oaia* Peteah. 100 “ Sard I so*. 100 " Oysters. 100 •• Plekloa. 100 boxa* Candy. 100 “ Btaroh. nsrSl .odnwtm WAREHOUSES. DIShOLUTIOK. ! K Firm of REDD, CIIAMBKU8 A BANKS ins lieoi diMolvud by the C’liisuut ofsll t ur- onc-ruud. A'l unpaid advauceR nru in tho baado ot the nuders'gned for seitlement, who will also pay all claims aguiUMt tho old flrui. NOTICE. rpnx UKDSMIONKD will Itm cautlsu. Iks Warehouse and Commission Business AT THH LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. Tbsnk r ul for the patronage boa to wed upon tho prugent season, wo reupeotfully noil it Its c tinuance tha coming seimon, with a promise to use every effort to promote the interest of our pat ron* 0. A. REDD, GEO. Y. BANKS. April 1, Notice. ^ tbe Home Building and Loin Asaac-intion. heriea A. adopted at tbe autiual in etlng of stuck- holders In November last, It Ih iifc<««aiy that every stockholder ehouM cancel hill fi'ortgago to tbe Association on or before the Slut inetal nient, by paying In advanca t•> the 81th umiallibent, In clusive, or forfeit the privilege of cauceliug undi - that amendment. my2 lm fee' J0I|N KINO, Treasurer. ICE! ICE! 100 (rwss i aitw Xtetll. 1.000 poaaU* Lwrillaml’s Oak®, Clgava. 4.000 i»a*ds Ona* aad a la ah Taa. *00 b*(s sf that, 100 tana *oda aai Taaay Craakata. 100 CIumw* la Mans. 00 barrets Vlasgar. ao < 100 dnssa Woods* U 100 (loss* (ran*. .a uw as any on.r 1 w . _ w _, _ _ k.r Jublilu, lijui. i* is. (Jolt* ruts*, ajirlfi Sin . J. * J XvcnUN. F. A. POMEROY, AT BtOHKk’l CtUU, CAoLS ATTBNTIOU TO Choio* Whit* Shad. Fresh Bay Flah, Mobil* Oal Calory aad Lattua*. Liv* and Dratted Pa oaltry, Fresh Country Saataga, Spar* Ribs and SsakDontt. A Choice Lot of f retk Craokert, Sugar Jamblav, Lamon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lamon Ornama, A*. Apple*, Onion*, Potato** 4, Turnip*. Also usual Family SappUes aad Fancy Uro tries on baud. Mr. T. C. PR1DOBN will he foaad at tba coed- ter an l will be pleaa< d to wall oa his former cus tomer* and friend*. Tbe patromgs ot the public Is respectfully solicited.hM* FOR SALE AND RtNT. To Bent. ^FTEll April <tk, two Famished IKP| KUOM8, Kltcli.s sad Subla. with asa of dlslsg room aad parlor. Addrsaa apt tf M, naqolrar 0*k«. House and Lot for Bale OX LOWM PART OP 1R0AS XT. 'pon lot I. W oars; tba hoasa ha. tkna^ra I lar(» rooms, tell sad *11 bmom-iv UK oal-kuildlao. Will b* s*M ckaap to a cask For Sale Lew. A 8CUOLAB11IIF U. TBI MXD10AL 00L- lZgB AT XVANSVIUn, INDIANA. novfl tf APPLY ATTIH8 0PP10I. HOTELS. Rankin House, Liquor and Wine Hoaie, and tha flnaat Baataurut to Colauboa, on Droad atreet, below Georgia Home Bank. mjt tf The proper thing to do is, go to Aeea k Murdoch's and look Ibrongb their hand- tome line of BUka, Granadinea, Poplins, Btripad and Corded Organdie*, and salaot what good* yon want. AFTCB THIS DAT* ICK WILL BK SOLD AT —vat— COLUMBUS ICK WORKS At th# Following Prlotff : Retail, per lb S ete. Ticket* fur 1(0 lb* $ 1 90 “ •• JfOO Ilia 3 6" •• “ 30 • I he r, oo •* “ 400 lhe <i if* •* “ 000 lit* 7 tO •• “ 1000 lb* 12 £0 Liberal arrangements made waa dealer*. m>4tf Columbus, Oa. J. W. UTAH, Prop'r. Fbinx Goldin, Clark. Buby Bestaoruit, Bar and Billiard-Saloon, Dzus thb Kanid gran met* dswil V. W. nVAI, Prupyj OITY HOTB.L CIXTBAUiT MCATROa Troy, AlalNuna. R. H. DARK, RfOp'r, dso7 BEly A 1