The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 21, 1874, Image 1

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uirer. VOL. XVI. f COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1874. NO. 119. why, ^LJS!L mm AL rHKD It. CALHOUN, Tnlr, moolha,tx ta«ira $8 00 al« mMlthlt ••■»•••••, 4 00 00 t 00 780. Itrw On. month, — (Turn E*<Jt7J*X», OB, JMT 2 00 gffmlT SjKJTJtMB, OB. J**- 2 80 gnta, •»* WBBU.T Enqtnaxa to- gather, mo year S 00 Isoo I oo * *4 * (to I “ * * 1H00 J m •• IT 00 * M m 9000 * m •• 98 50 J ee « ... 25 00 *8 00 TbffftbOTffU Willi tb* Of » #|l» i£rj I T* ■•Mitla. Ki jrftftrij oard. a liberal d.t- •"SIffikirnSi 9m****V one-third ^WM^a'sdv.rtlsswsetls mow th»» Ji!1. dins mo.lITtk • advartlasr «tn ba char*- IjTwtth O’. cm M oompOHltloa Foreign edrer- tieere nut po T w do * tt0 — at >>o»o. A TERRIBLE DISASTER! Hundreds of Lives and Millions of Property Lost. Town* oiuimm ak» fab. 4HHIA im —There are oaraeof ia*U pox ii ingnu.r _lh. crop report, from aU parte of the 8t.u nre promising. —Th. Georgia Prere Convention trmna- aotad mash business in Maoon yuterdn. _TB» Grangers oontempUt* • fifty tboniMud dollar warehouse in Ametiaoa. —Tue Ailant. Herald reoord. tbreo oueK of “piatol praotio." in IU Tuesday ton*. —Judge Hophia. took ooohIob to coniuieud th. Oniaolm Jury “for their kapotial dee nion." —The F»rt Valley Mirror reoord. lb, retora of a hand of thoroughly disgusted negrues from tue Mississippi valley. —It would be a good id*, for Stephen, and Hill to cremate all the pnbllabed and written muff about the Hampton Hoad. Commission. —Lumpkin boast, of the moat enter, prising lawyer in Georgia. couvsyanues, bo think, nothing of walk ing fifty milre to or from oonrt. —The Savannah Menu oella Watarson of tu. Ooarier-Jenrhal a “ blatberakite ” and iutim.iM that Ira. InnobM and their eoooumitaai* are affeotiog hia politic.. —Some time abont the begioniog, or jut a few yean before, tha war, one of the eealtbiest men in Middle Georgia died, leavtog all hi. property to a grand, aon. the buy waa of a wild and eocen- trio diipo-itiou, and oared more for per sonal t readout than ha did for hi. grand father's eetat., with the tronble of Ukiog care of it. So aoon a. he was large enough he joined the Confederate army in Virginia, mid after a large battle had M. name printed in one of tbe tticbmond paper, ea among tbe killed. He waa mourned a. loot, and tha ouly iaiormation which hi. immediate oomradaa oould ever give of him wa. that he went in tbe battle with them, and during a manconvre on the field he die- appeared and had not been aaen ainee. Knowing him to have been a brave and faithful aoldier, they oonld not help think ing him alam. The other day a returned Texau, who knew him well when a boy, reported that be vo alive and in that State. He had both aeon and convened with him, bnt he expressed no daeira to come liaek to Georgia, where he moat kuuo that a fortune of all of $100,000 i. hare indisputably hia own, and which would be caddy handed over upon hi. arrival. But he no doubt prefer, roam ing .free over the prairie, of Texan than living a rich mao in the old ataid State of Georgia. He refused to tell hia old ac- quaintanoe bla exact place of abode or what huaine-a he waa following.—Maoon corruporuUnot Avgutta Chronicle <4 Ben- tintL ALABAMA MB WA. —Flak' la aelliog in MobUe at abont a cent a pound. —Alabama ha. gold and ailver—nndng from her mioae. —The eo. i field, of Alabama oover an area of 8,800 square milea. —Greenvijla i» preparing for her annu al fire by org mixing a department. —Business, according to the -Veter, to looking np in Montgomery. —Obi. Tail *aya the marble of Alabama 1. anperior to that of Carrara or tha far famed Fariao. —The people of North Alabama breatha eaaier uow, tnat blackberries are getting ripe and the fish begin to bite. —Montgomery will entertain the New York editor.. The Arlington and Stand ard Cihbe will give them a reception. —An enthuniaatio writer my a that the women of Alabama are like figure, chis eled out of marole, with the soft dash of Guido's brash or of Petraroh’s song in their faoea, and tbe ripe Southern blood fioahiog np to their Wmplea under the pure surface of their veins. —The Tuscaloosa Blade my.: “ There are some t oiitioal issues that it would be batter for Democratic paper, to leave un earthed till tbe proper time oome. for action. Repudiation it one of these. We have refreiued from raying anything on the eubjeot, or fruiu republishing articles nf others, for the reason that we believe suoh discussion, wonld involve tbe crutio party in confusion, aud endanger )t| Mlimaaa " ABKABBAS. > Evncnntee the Ceert Hewee. Lima fioex. May 20.—Brooks baa evacuated tbe State House. Baxter took pcaaemion with martial array. They tod one hundred and one gun. in honor •f tbe treat. 1 Washington BepnbUeaa.), Mom., May 18.—Tbe Gosbeu reservoir oovered 180 aorei of 8 round at-an average depth of thirty feet. 1 was drawn upon in dry times to supply the mills at Williamsburg, Haydenvilie and Florence. Tha reservoir was con structed about twelve yean ago in order to afford a reliable supply of water for the various faotoriee on Mill river, which is one of the most flokla and nnoertatn of streams, liable alike to flood, and almost utterly drought. It waa built by a corn- >any of ospltaliata who were interested u tue various manufeetoring enterprises on tbe etream, and baa oatuied them ap prehensions of disaster several time.. Last year, however, it waa repaired at a heavy expense, and siooa then ha. been supposed to be nutil now tolerably well moure, although known to be leaky. The manufacturing eapital invested along Hill river and affected by this dis aster (placing it at a low estimate) must be $8,0(10,0(10, and the immediate population affeoied thereby is abont five thousand. The population is almost wholly manu facturing, all of which has grown np arouod the dams, and increased in pro portion to the demand, of induatry in that locality. The heaviest lorn by the disaster will fall upon the estate of tha late ex-Gov. Hayden, a ho died a few month, ago. Ons of tbe mills waa recently sold by the estate. obiminol oaaxLxasttxm. It appears that serious donbta a. to tha safety of tbs reservoir have been enter tained ever ainee it was built, nine years ago, though le,s ihe lost year or two than in it. earlier history. The gate-keeper has several times expremed lean to hi. employers, calling special attention to tbe p dot where the break oconrred; bnt the examiner, always reported everything safe. a TXBBIBIiX BISPONSIBUilTT. All oocounta attribute the disaster to weakness aud insecurity of the rerarvoir works. Toe walla were not thiok enough to resist the pleasure of one hundred and twenty-five aores of water, avenging thirty feat in depth; and, moreover, a portion of ihe wails at tbe time of build ing, in 18bli, were hurriedly finished by the contractor owing to the approach of odd weather, and the work did not re- oeive the careful supervision it required. Famous interested in tbe structure— tbe mill-owners, who depended on it for a long time—felt that it wa. isMcure, and in nob had been done to strengthen it. At no lime have the walls Iwen free from leaks, and sometime, tbe volume of water es caping wo. so large as to oatue alarm; but repairs were made, and the board of examiners of Hampshire ooonty have re peatedly declared ihe reservoir safe. Lat terly more confidence had been felt. THX OalX-XIXFXa's TUTnt XX. George Gbeoey, gate-keeper, who first discovered Ibe trouble, makes the fol lowing statement: He went out, as usual, Saturday mornfto,g about aix o’oloek. Everything looked all right. The reservoir vtt full, a. it ha. been for Mveral days. Water was flowing out of the waste. It was on tbe west side pest hi. house, the gateway having been closed for a fortnight. There was no sign of an impending catastrophe, and Oheney returned to his honse. His family, in- olnding his wife, several ohildren, and his father, sat down to breakfast. They were just finishing the mcel, when a great noise was heard, and tbe old man, who waa standing at ons of tbe eMtero windows, exclaimed, “For God's rake, “OXOBOX, LOOK THXBXl” About forty feet in length of tbe bot tom of tbe reservoir on the east side, just beyond tbe gate, a a. shooting down the stream. Cheney Mem. to have realised tbe aituaiion and emergency at ouoe. With a single eye to tbe discharge of hi. duly, and almost without stopping to oon. ■ider tbe danger, he rushed to. tbe gate and let on the water full head, in hope that this might possibly afford relief and avert dinger. This dune, be paused a moment to investigate Ibe condition of the walla wbere Ihe break had taken place. A gl.uce allowed him that it could hardly fail iu a few minute, to give way entirely. Hi ream, of water a. large a. a man’, arm were forcing their way through, new ouch appearing every mo- meat. The wall wo. constantly crum bling away. Its utter downfall was evi dently only a question of minutes, a Bios fob Lin. Cheney rnabed to bis house, and told hie father he was going to tha village to warn the people Together they harried to the barn, a few rode below, and, while Cheney wee throwing the bridle npon bis hoise, hi. father ont him a stick. Leap ing on hi. horse's back and plying vigor ously hia la.-li, he rode *t topmost .peed down the road that skirted tbe streams to Williamsburg, covering tbe three mile*, he thinks, in fifteen minutes. It waa thou about half-past nine o'eloek. Driving to the honae of Mr. Spellmsn, who bed general charge of the rerarvoir, be summoned that gentleman from his breakfast-table to startle him with “TUB BISKBVOia'a OOIHo!” It waa bat tha night before that Oheney had been talking with him about tha reser voir and botn had agreed that everything looked all right for the snmmer. Spell- in bo coold not et first credit tha statement. Ho thought the min a little soared, and to | his startling annoanoement replied: “No, | it can't be possible." But Chaney quiokly told him about tbe giving away of tbs earth end si reams of water rushing through, aud food convinced that tbs danger w»e most imminent tba first duty was to warn tbe peopls further down the stream. Chaney's horse was exhausted, and bn direoted him to go to tha livery- atabls, where, again, preoioua momenta ware lost iu convincing incredulous peo- Finally a home was arada ready aud a fresh man got off to notify dwell tea fur ther down the stream. cuautrea tub saws. Collins Groves, a milkman, who was at tha Uvary stable, iu Williamsburg, where gate-keeper Cheney wax trying to gut soma ons to spread the news, exclaimed, “If tbs dam la breaking tha people aui know it 1” and, lushing his Cocao into • run, hn daubed away towards HaydeoviUe, shouting, “Tba rerarvoir is right hum i Baa i It's til you oan do I" It waa sow s quarter to sight, and ueaawhita Cheesy hod mug the ball of tha Congregational Uhurob to farther warn tha village folk. On wont tbs hone nod driver, epreediog the alarm, Graves shooting nil the way. Hs mads direetly for the maawfaataitog antnbiiuhmnntni “for,” said hn, “the peo ple is the streets and honara oonld hear, bnt th - ‘ ■■ Miff ffterffiff BUM Muuiffffff wwtewe mwmep ,< the roar of tha feotoriea would dream 1 any warning for tho operatives.'' At SkUtnersviUe tho - mraaingar wan flvs miantra lint or thb oomxo ToaaxxT, but at HaydenviUa had hot two minutes in which to aprrod tha alarm. Tbit fa mous ride of Collins Graves, which saved many handled liven, ended et the hotel in Haydenvilie. The home and rider were both exhausted, and here another herald took np tbt tidings. Graves oonld hear the thunder of the oorning flood, bnt not folly appreciating ite extent, he turned to go beak to Willi, mabnrg. At tho dag way tba disaster whiob he had predicted buret upon hie eight, end he bad just time to torn off into a bank when it crashed put him. Indeed, he waa not twenty raooada too soon, and as it was, ho bad aim oat de spaired of reaching a plaea of aafaty, and had aoon thought of abandoning his tired steed to its fate. More Bodies Baaovered-Bollof umd Bopolre—IndlgwMIoa Agolwet Contractors-Weed bo Hwwff IF they Coaid bo dtewght. SrauanxLD, May 20.—Twenty of tha missing bodies have been dag from the raise of baildinge and the rand. Twenty- five of those known to be lost pro still in the debris. The oommitleo of the Legislature find tbs specifications were not fulfilled by the oontraotore in tbe constrnotion of the reservoir. Fifty thousand dollars have been tribnted for tbe relief of the viotiuu of the flood. L4TUB. SrnnoriXLD, May 20.—It appears the walla of the reservoir were required to bo built three feet below tbe ground. The oontraotore based them on thsanrfeee, making tbs calamity a mere question of time. The oon tractors will be hanged if oanght. The empty rerarvoir exposes tbe oil- lainy preotioed by contractors. The bodies fonud yesterday were node and mnoh disfigured. It will require n week to find all of tha bodies. Thn poor people are earning money by rasrohlng for models end brave. A derriok has been srsoted to lift tha wax simply defying the lawn be bad sworn to execute, in order to protest hia “II to about lima these Southern Gov ern ore sensed to dtogreoe their offioe." ArrenleU wad Tries to A rewoe OuauxTox, B. 0,. May *0.—The state- meat that Governor Mom Inst night sub mitted to tu arrest, bra tamed out inoof- reot. He bud ooaoJuded to yield, nod had seat hie aarrtoga for an oMoer am* powered to make tbe errant; bul allha laat momeat ehaugad hia mind, and again re fused to be arrested. Me morning ho ohtoiaod .0 dm rent forth# erreetof the Orangeburg Sheriff on the charge of attempting illegally to arrest the Governor, but thn Sheriff had toft Colombia. 4 In Orangeburg thin Booming tha 8tato SoUaitor reported tba Goveraor'a reato- Uora to arraat, and inquired what atom tha Court would toko to aufotea tta au thority. Tba Court repliad that for tho praraut it did nut sec its way olrar to a auooaaaful fight with tha State and tha militia, aud further notion would bo bald under ad visement. washSgton. MFUatMItFAL Foam,' May 20.—Prince Matte raid'a ■crouds refuse to allow thn dan! with tha 'Count Montebello to taka plrae. Assembly Meeolwttom Beuanaffed— ■wollatle Meteors. Pxan, May 20.—It to reported that tho Left and Extrema Bight danuad a disao- latioa of tba Aaaambly, Faxm, May 20 —Tha Daka da Obartaria haa not ahaliaogad Pool da Oaaragoae. MPAia. Mima, Map 20 -A ravera aklrahh occurred near Bilbos. Tha Carlisle warn repulsed. One hundred BepuMlaeut wet e killed and wounded, and thirty Oaritota •tptured. Wasuxbotox, May 20.—Tho Honan panned a resolution to adjourn oo 22d of funs. Tha renolnttou to adjoorn on Jobs 22d waa adopted by 148 to 60. The Poetofltoe Appropriation bill waa oooaMored all day aud adopted, with an amendment making the Agricultural Re port free of postage hommto. Tho Senate haa op the Civil Bights bill. The Senate Committee on Claims re ported adversely on Honan joint raaoln- tion directing tha Commtoaionare of Claim* to lead to Oongraa* without daisy tha slelms derided prior to April 1st, 1874. The mm# oomwlttra alee reported ad vereeiy to the bill tutrodaaad by West—to provide for tho settlement of eiaima of loyal persona against tba United Staton aoaruing daring thn tote war, and for w4Mrpurpm*r~* ' Both of thara Mils wore indefinitely Civil Bights waa argnad to adjourn ment. Mapavte or Cwgrraaiamul Commit* tarn latge Bareli to bo Im* iiaittl BlvMo on Bos- too* -Boouto fflanaee Bill, Bo. The Jndiciery Cum untie*, 6 to 4, have agreed to report to tbn Hone* articles of impraobmeot against Judge Dnrell, Dis trict Jndgs of LoniriMt. Tbt poreonai of the vote in oommittea safes from the streams, tho moat of whiah **■ M follows : For lb* artiolea—Butler, are intaot. A great many were looked at i Boland, Witoon, White, Eldridge, Pottsr. an early stag* of the flood. The streams are being diverted from their natural channels to save tha spoils of the flood. XOIJTXX CABOUNA. Governor Moore lakmlla umd til von Bond-Colored Troops Trusted on Champagne. Ohailurox, May 29.—In Colombia, Sonih Carolina, Tuesday evening, Gover nor Moses anrrandared to tba warrant, in compliance with the telegraph advio* of hit oonnsel, Messrs. Chamberlain A Elli ott, who bad gone to Onngebnrg to oon- salt Judge Graham, who bed ordered the arrant. The Governor gave bail inn large amount, for bis appsarnnoa. He will probably make tha whole affair known by pnbiiaation, explaining hia view of tho oau. Tha three blaok oompentes who have bean guarding tba Governor’s par son daring tho day, rendeivooed at 7 o'olook to-night at tha Statahonra, whore refreshments, including champagne and oigars were provided for thorn in the ex- sootive office, after partaking of anppor they were dismissed. Mew York Times ou Moses—A M pwbltcou Journo! Thinks M Time Uentkern Mrpnhllean Governors Ceased to Bley rue* Their Washzvotox, Mey 20.—The New York Timet, in an editorial, my*: “It to only beoauM th* eonreg* of Gov. Moses ooxed ont of him with msrvslloaa rapidity that tbe recent affairs in Arkan. sue are not to be repeated io Booth Caro, lioa. Having been indioted for grand larceny, Moras called ont hia militia to protect him from arrest; but no sooner had hia soldiers bean posted abont tbs State Honse than hs thought bettor of the matter and surrendered himself to tho eheriff. “It will bo icon that this waa a very dif ferent affair from that in Arkanaaa, and it was in nil respects more disgreoefnl. Mosea oonld not pretend that ha waa in any way serving any pnblio interest. Mo Against item—Word, Freeman, Frye, Cessna. Tha vote in the Buateed impeeebmrat oara showed tha Oommittea was equally divided. Jewett was absent when th* vote waa takao. Tba Oommittea on Pstents will report adversely to th* extension of th* Tanner oar brake patent. Tbs House Braking end Currency Com. mitten, in considering th* Senate Fineno* bill, erase* th* alanara requiring banks to retain ooe-fourth their coin rooeipte, and makes the amount of greenbraks re- tirnblo 40 instead of 28 per rant Washington Mete*. Reception dresses are to be worn at the wedding to-morrow. Tbs marriage It. oenra reads: Obsrlea Fredariok Bartorina, England, and Elton W. Grant, of Wash ington. Confirmation—Rockrem, Collector tor First Distriot of Loniaiaoa. COMMECTICVT. Eaton, tho Utmlght-Mwt, nested FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Gurova, May 20.—Three Ameriosn stu dents were drowued in the Lake of Ge nova. CAMABA. Occawa, May 29.—Tue Canadian Pool- fin Railroad bill paassd thn House of Commons. ttowfgtu Press Convention. Maoon, May 20.—The Pram Associa tion, after n two days' profitable neaaiun, adjourned. J. H. Retell, of thn Savannah Morning Memo, was reelected President. MBBTMBBM TKXAX. Whoue—Cotton - Immlgwmto. • Dnxxnox, May 20.—i'he wue.t crop is ont of danger, and «iil bu thn largest ever raised in Northern Texas. It wilt he ready for market by tbe 1st of Judo. Cotton looks finely. Trains are crowded with immigrants. TaUCSBATMlC MOTH. —The ground it alive with grasshop pers in Houtharn Minnesota. —Morphy, who baa bran exciting negroes at Pioe B.uff, Arkansas, was j iilail yes terday. Further trouble w.s appre hended. —Tbe jury to oompletod in the V 9. Court for the trial of tbe Grant pariah, La., prisoners. The trial will oooiipy h week or more. —The verdiot woe reached yesterday in the Presbyterian Uonuoit at Uateago, eng-gad in hearing tbe H«re*y trial, aud raauucd iu tbe acquittal of tua aoouaed —A three stagy tom on Ihe corner of Central rad Petty aveunaa, Ci mua.ti, fait. Three persons were rescued -lea. geronaly hart. A child and srrvaul wore —At a meeting of the Centennial Com mission it wee uoortaiued i hrtffl .-ilKi,. 900 bud I teen eubaoriited, and $8.7oti,iiOO was required tu complete the plaits ol tbe oommiaaion. . —Tbe Conference Committee of the Boston Board of Trada aud Commaruial Bxobange have adopted a resolution re questing tbe railro.da to retluce tho rites to preveut tho withdrawal of tbs Uuusrd •teauere from Liverpool. ■HIT %iiwe. Savaaxax, May 20.—Arrivadi America and Wyoming. Cleared: H. H. Flab, - Euohaulron, Lixxie, Oartnalio. “mISEEkT” Livkitool, May 20—8 F H — Sa'ra of uplands nothing below goud ordinary, deliverable Juue end July 8 7-18; daliv- eraiiie July etid Angnst 8 tl-lU.$; ealt-a of Orleaun iiotblog tielow low middliusa, ehipped io April 8 II 18 Nxw Yonx, May 20.— Cotton dull; mice 88 | npls da ll«$; urlsnne 12$. Faiuree op. ned ea f Ilioaa • May 17 18-16; Jnoa 17fe)7 1A-IG; July left 18 7-161 August I8|ai8 II Hi; Heplemher IC$il88-lU| 17 U 16. Naw Yo x, May 20.—Cotton dol'; sales 821 haleant 16}ilW$| net receipts 2iS. Fo nrea cl'sod barely ateoriv; -aim 88,.' 8<ai| M y 17 28 82; Jut e 17 28-82) Ju y 18 5-Hi; ^Angnst 16$ 21 82; ttoptvmtnr i«$. QoAiMoa, May *9.-Cotton dull; good mdraory Wo . middlings l?f a. ; ue- re- celpta iftKf bales; sales 100; a ook 16,898. MoXilx, May 20.— Dali; tendanny dowu; m d l ings 17$; low middling 16$; goo I ordinary i6j; uet receipts 82, wira 1U0, stock 21,01.8 SavaNNAi, Mey 20. —Very dull; mid dling* 18$; low mitldliag 18; salsa 269; spinuera 40; aiooa 9,809. I'nenLiiToM, May 2(1 — Q iict; mid Hinge 17$; net reoaipU 214; selea 280; it oak 18 8 8. Dawn it. May 20.—Doll; middling 19); sales 900) Block 9,800. New Oeutoxt. May 20 —Demand bet ter lor low ui'dd mg; mi.ldlmg 18; low iiiid'tlitig 17; g etd ordinary 18$; o iliuary 18$) net rvee.p a I 670; -alee 2,t 00—lest evening 1.000; etook 79,549. Aaoosia, Mry 20 —c .iton doll; aid 'll n .a i 7$; net receipts 884; sales 84. Mew Advercuteiueuih. Any on eon Tn* pkofitm p r w,*k. Ov/tUv Min ir»v« i ur 11>4it>i 1 3 SCHillL TKACH IW\MLD U '“ „ ,r«p ft, him Mn<l#ftni t er $IM prr Semi for druultr, whIi Ii gi •* lu l , «rutu.toia. KlCil.ftH ft mqWKIM, rinltidflpum, im.dw DON’T t DON’T M DON’T \ M Don’t What? litfULT ITiUiit i .fti liHVellUii Aiift I Hut ito’-e y«mr l-A » d »i w Inc I fWV a ITS aA ah i,e • o...». ftftd. p. TH6 victor • Im. biyii ftpwlft* flftfthlftft In Ue nui eti, .. »t.w.o* •rile pilwft, bi •« uUlUft lu kev.O 4e. BiJUrntiM, • *1 Agt nt, • (HI ofti.N. 0. Pend Ptairp for elnu ftr m d , r.oe Hat. 175 m»cliine far $ju, Mo. 5>U ftMkliittt ifti $45 Me. SONGS of GRACE and GLORY, TUriffe jr e« rftiidfty ftuUijQl Pong • Nik My ri. V -Hllr.ikH iM ftud ft. .1. V A 11< r«l pueriff .pl li- uld 11'ftiftn, •m«1 e Nile, i ftlriU |Mpe^,ffi.fttr<or itliKilnd. I*<U$ Iu b «r i« 8d.'.;|l i «r 0 . A •i «4:tn d o«i|»y la i «p«r p..t r iiud ed (w* •uun oo !-• d$ 4*tt re#- ipi o' twfttiiyAift •hid.* o.d«ri il. d .ii lum M ndv *« l«t. UoMA M A TIHP ASiN, 4w 4411 Nruridwtiy, ei York. QFLOBE N 0 Thw '* ag-wftiiwtft i • ill or th* Florence tewing Machine Oo. ageutv i'g"r, «It el. re W l.s , au Uravtr ft B k«r h Mt'iiub*, nvulvl |ov«r t»»ff.onff, 1, Ce II.V d c 4ni I.jr tit >a|tr> M Onarl nt th, tnllal ti In fs* ir ot III.. FL l ihN , Wni-k ..ici-a no- bti.a.'ii t ie inmioihil or liish |>rt<M,. TUB KBffTtoUxn f, ti t OauV a . I e t at aaaa Ososwanl sad Oiraard, ur tn r gill a<-4 left. • Flint* —Cinis,i. ai—naat gnld or cs-li on y. r,"-' lj| luruia-tu rial* aid dual — Jprtl, llfd FVerenre, dross. A seats. If l”« •• at-ks ataasy. sell ilHilW JSm Now Havxn, May 20.—W. W. Eaton, Hie straigbt-oat Democrat, haa bran elect ed U. 8. Senator. rtbia does not indioeto (hat thn party to deed or dying.] MEW* YOBK. XwriaUosa of the fritolh AM- ■ewe* heeteSy- Naw Yoax, May 20.—A Urge pnblio meeting of the societies of the Metropol itan Catholic Total Abctinonoe Union wee held this afternoon in Cooper Institute. Rev. J. H. MaGenn presided. Resolutions were, adopted that the ora- ■eding exoitemnnt, legislative experi ments nod political agitation offered poor hopo for the completeness or permanency of reform, tho only thorough prohibition being self prohibition among the eon- samara, enforoed by individual oonooienoe ai schooled by God’* ehurob. BASHYlixE^BACU. NoanvtLLX, May 20.— Orphan Girl won the first race in 1:48$—1:49$. Somerset won tit* eeoond in 2t41$. Jean Volgenr era third in the reoe. ET TE8.ESEAPK TO EM<|VIMEE. Money nnd nteek Markets. Loxnoa, Mey 20 —St'cet rate $ below bank ret*. New 8'*, 48$. Foan, May 20.—Renta* 6.if. B7$«. Nxw Yonx, Mey 20.—Money 8 per oaot. Gold 112$. Kxohang*-loig488j, ihort 491$. Guveromoat* steady. bUtu bunds quiet end nominal. Nxw Yoax, Mey 20.—Money easy, 2**8. Biarliug doll, 81$. Odd dull aud firm, 12$*12$ Goverumeota doll end steady. State* quiet xud nominal. Prevtalem Markets. Nxw You, May 19.— Flour dull. Wheat quiet end eteerty. Corn quiet. Fork heavy at $17.90nffl8. Lerd firm; steam ll$a OntoixxaTi, May 20.—Flonr dull and nnabsnged. Corn steady et 70.74. Purk firm at $17 to $18. L rd s'rong; steam 11, kettle 11$. Bulk meat* firm; sbuiild- ers6$, spot 7$; buyer* fur July of eltar rib 9)*t9$. Booun steady; shoulder* 7$s$, dear rib 10, clear 10$. Whiskey firm at 94. LouiaviLLS,Hsy 20.—Floor nnnhsnged. Com qniot and nnobenged st 94 88. Pro vision* quiet. Pork $18. hhou tiers lt$; dear rib 10$; dear 10$. Sugar cured hams 18$; plain 12$. St. Loom, May 20.—Flour firm and in good demand fur low* end medium grades; some ode* biger; anpeifiue einter $4 80s8 80; double extra $5 75. Corn steady; for No. 2 mixed higher; lor white mixed 68$s71| el ating at inside price* Pork firm bnt advancing. Bacon higher et 7|s$ for ebonldera; lll$s) for . 1-ar rtli; 10|a} for dear. Lerd ii' tuiuslly higher. Oetten Merhete Livixtool, May 20 — Cotton a shade eati r; aplnnde 8$d; Orleans 8$l; rales 10,000 bales, ioolndutg 2,000 for specula tion end export. 2 F. M.—Balm of opltnd*. nothing he low good ordinary, deliverable iu Ms.t and Jane, 8 7-18; do., nothing bdow iou middling, deliverable Jone end Jolt 8$. Seles of Orleans, nothing bulnw Io- middlings, deliverable Juue aud July 8 9-16. Bales at shipments of new or *p, ou ' basis of middling uplands, nothing beta* good ordinary, 9). Ian imi riUbh'itr, a *o n Uiio r««4 Viiri li'Ojtifi )«**rn or It it w tl *•!! m (lull ninrriU ►« w It to • mi , ft 'd hi* Mirr« 5*. tr <• aniitit *rjr Uni* Don't 1 othf*r * Ilk hwtvjr l»o* k« h it u«bo j •Hfttt I UlftoP 1$ Ibri III Btf (krill kt'ff 4 4KriUb{ wieuiedl r vh ro. 8 m lor>'ir« Imi mo 1 extr» m-t to lodrii I'alil all DM O iinp.tiijr, 1 lilire pk , New Turks Do tuft or Cbli»co. 4w op 14 Million* of Acrffff RICH FARISING LARDS IN .NEBRASKA, NOW FOR RALE VIRY CHEAP I To front’ Credit, lulrrMl Mljf $ for cent# Dosorlptlfo Pol Th* Flonffffr, ft h%ftd»omft t»pr, •unlfttftlftff tkft loiiifffftri* <1 l.ftw. nulled fro* rn nil p«r>$ofib« roiId. Addr.s* 0 ¥ DATIB, Lriod Covniaaloft r U P R K , mli27 4w Omah*. Nth. Tko biffhekt mciHeal Amhariilrg •ff Eairtpr i$y tkft $troD$(4 $( Tonic, Purlflor ftDd Deobatruent knowo to th« nodical world U JURUBEBA. Itarrtrts tlmsyol vital U roes, exkeuatlenot tha uervuui •> ,t-m, tsitorn vigor tu ths ilebll- tta tail, .ieaisss vltlaien bliss), rsntuver vs-lels ub-truotiuup anil seta ulr* ctl> no the Ivsr end Price 4t eb-it le. JOHN «. KKL