The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 24, 1874, Image 3

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•bcoluktion. Aw* t*4 JEmgultOT *f AprU, *•* ami wunnii aiMwut gONDlX..• -- HAY 2*, 1874. ' coiiKMita DAILTMARtCXT. IMAZCt At.—Sight bill* *n Now York p«r; ol Beaton K per cent, dtaeonnt; os t?o- rUI Ah^P*r eenli demeed btlli on Boetoi uperoent. Bonk* on calling checks on New York »t Ke-premium. Uumnc; tones 101H jit oenL per month. Gold and direr noml- *ourtoar 'Market dnlL Nothing doing. Yko following at* the quotation! i to 010 Ordlnarp and trained IS @16 dcod Ordinary u @16* bow Middling* Middling* M 0- gtrlot Middling* 17'4@- flkto* » bale*. BMdpt* U Halo* - T by M. fc O. B. II.; I by wagon* | * by N. fc 8. R. R.; 0 by gr. B. B* I • bp rlrori « bp 8. W. B. B. ghlpmont* M bnl*.- # bp 8. W. B. B.i • Mr home ooaaemptlon { M bp W. B. B. DAILY ITATBMHgT. gtook on hand August Hit, 1(7* 1,177 Becelvml Kwlny prerloaalp. ,.**,730—M, 741 00,01* pnrimitip I.'."!:!!.'!.'.*::;: **,***-**,*00 gtook on hand t.oo* gAwn Day Last Y*ak.—Auguit slit, 1670, Ml; rooolrod earn* dap *|* total receipts *6,801; •hipped *am* dap *i total shlpmont* 60,034) •took 6,41* i tale* 06. Middling* 170. U.S.PohT*.—ReoelpUfurl dap *,0M; *i- port* to Groat Britain 6,007; to Uontlnout •; (took 0*0,100. Adn fe New AdiorHrewwafr. Dry good* tor the million — Peyton, Gordon k Oo. Application for Homestead — Slaton Hanly. Brick tor sale—Thomas G Coleman. Wanted—The address of Henry Hall. DIM* *KMp. The annual meeting of the Muscogee Bible Bociety lake* place in the Baptist Ohmch to-night. Her. E. P. Burch ia among those who will deliver addresses. He is aaid to be a very eloquent divine. This morning he preaches in 8t. Lake’s Ohnreb. iloiems Cmgroaiimnat Candidates M jor James F. Waddell, at Seale, on Monday last, announced himself as an in dependent candidate for Congress front the third Congressional district of Ala. bams, now represented by Charles Pel ham, Republican. CoL Joseph B. McDonald is a candi date for the nomination by the Conserva tive or Democratic party. Col. W. H. Chambers is spoken of as a candidate, and should he determine to be- oome one, like Col. MoDonald, will sub mit his claims to the Nominating Conven tion of the Democratic and Conservative party. _ Married in Brasil. There are few of our readers who do not remember Mr. John Kllnk, a brother of Measrs. Henry and Gus Klink. He was pleasant and capable young man who spent almost all his early years in Colum bus. When the war commenced he was elected Second Lieutenant of the Third Georgia Cavalry, escaped the capture of his regiment in Kentuoky by being on picket duty, end proved one of the most gallant and meritorious officers in the Confederate servioe—a true and tried sol dier, applying for few furloughs aud fighting bravely to the end of the revo lution. A year or two afterwards he removed to Brazil, 8. A., and is now looated at Pacha, Muggy Merim, seventy-five miles from Bio Janeiro, em ployed aca railroad engineer and interpre ter,add is doing well. He wag married to a Brasilian lady of wealth on March 1st. The oards were received here yester day enclosed in a paper-lace envelope. The seal cousists of golden hands clasped. On a heavily enameled light green oard with blue border appears these names: Jesuina Ermefenda, Periva Klink, Joao J. Klink. We don't know whether it is a wedding or vis.tingeard. Any way his many friends of the olden time in Columbus wish him avsry happiness that life can give. mumcogjsb bvTerior court. <r**0* Jmmee M*im entitling-May form. TWSLTTH DAY. Appeal dooket was resumed. O. W. Thomas k Co. vs. M. T. Bergan —verdict for plaintiff for $195 and $14.- 40 Interest. Defendant had paid the so- oount over and forwarded a check of John King's. Mrs. E. Booher vs. Mrs. Lillian Brain—motion to set aside judgment— appeal from Court of Ordinary. Csbb re versed and remanded. Eagle k Phenix Mfg. Co. vs. Margaret Reagan—certiorari—reversed and re manded. Jeff Stevens v*. State of Georgia—ap peal from County Court. . Same entry. Isaao Baldwin vs. same—dismissed by plaintiff. J. H. Walker, nse, etc., vs. W. E. Par- ramore. Verdict for plaintiff for $75. .L. S. Ginn was discharged as juryman. Court adjourned to 8} A. M. Monday. First case Monday ia that of H. F. Everett vs. Luoy M. Aldsworth. Jury has been strloken. There are fifteen more cases > n (be Appeal Dooket. The Criminal Docket will doubtless be taken up the latter pait of the week. Goerf Thing*. ■ Go to the ltuby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to eat. octlotf The proper place to fiud Caasimeres for pants, boys Caasimeres, Cottonades, Linens is at Ages k Moudooh's. The proper plaoe to procure the latest novelties in Silk Scarfs, Rngs, Fans, Leather Belts, Ac., is at Aoxn k UcnoocH s. On Friday, Marsh 14th, the city was startled by the announcement that the Western Xaiursaee and Trust Company had been robbed of from $50,000 to $100,000. The offioe was located in the two-ator; brick bcilding nett our office, corner Oglethorpe and Randolph streets. It wsa afterwards ooenpied aa a post-offioe, and burned many yean ago. The fami lies above beard anolse earty iu the morning. They found the teller, Allen G, Bass, and oaahier, B. B. Murdoeh, locked in then. According to Ihsir state ment, sa they were putting op money after supper, three armed and masked men rushed forward, blew out the candle and threatened to blow out their brains if they muttered. After the vault had been robbed, they wars looked in. The citi zen* were greatly incensed, and the mili tary companies, polios and olUasoa, were so posted as to prevent all egress from the town. No cine being obtained, on Sat urday the Mayor searched the town. Mr. Thomas MoKeen had a room in the row of low wooden buildings on Randolph street, between Oglethorpe and Jaekson streets. In his room, nndsr the earth in japonic* Jar which was fresh ly watered, a sook waa found con taining $4,800 of the stolen bill*. MoKeen was arrested. In the afternoon he waa taken by Messrs. A. K. Ayer and N. Mo. Robinson, who had him ia oharge, in a carriage outside the city. A report beoame general that McKean had been allowed to eseape by tha officers in order to get their money baok. Pursuit was made and Ayer brought back. He made a apeeoh from the bank porch, and, in conclusion, desired to know what the people wanted. They wanted MoKeen baok. At 11 at night MoKeen waa brought back, carried before Jndga Sturgis, and, in default of $6,000 ball, sent to jail Sunday morning. Daring this investiga tion, it was ascertained that Colonel John L. Lewis, Solicitor General, had received from McKean Information where the bulk of the money Was. Judge Sturgis re quired him to give $1,000 bail aa a re ceiver of stolen money. Lewi* claimed that in his (Lewis') exertions to secure the money, MeKeen, In order to procure hia esoape, had told him where the bag containing $54,000 was. All the money save $6,000 was recovered. Mr. Allen G. Bass,the teller pro tm.,andMr. Wm. N. Jackson, were also arrsated as implicated. The invesiigators named were Colonel J. H. Howard, B. B. Alexander, Hon. J. B. Calhoun, General James N. Bethune, Judge W. H. Mitchell, General 8. A. Bai ley, Dr. W. S. Ohipley, Wm. F. Lookie, Wm. 8. Morton, J. B. Jonas. Wm. N. Jackson afterwards mads confession which waa published in pham- phlet form, but not in tha paper*. Lew. is' trial oooupisd * week. Seven panels of 48 each were exhausted before a jury of 12 oould be obtained. Judge Cone pre sided. John Watson, Alex. MeDougald, M. J. Wellborn, Seaborn Jones and W, T. Colquitt defended, and Solicitor Gard ner, James Johnson, Hines Holt, J. C. Allford and B. Toombs prueeonted. The trial resulted in an acquittal. During the trial one Dr. Smith committed suioide in the court-room by awallwing poison— prussic acid. He had been arretted that morning for stealing oorn. About the same time Simples was drowned while trying to swim the river. Offioers were trying to arrest him for telling liquor in Alabama without license. Lewis did not resign his Solicitorship. He and tha Democrats charged on the the Whigs it was a party fight and prose cution. The trial of the other parties were con tinued. Mr. George Hargraves, jrt, and Mil Virginia, daughter of the 1st* Hon. John Forsyth, sr., were married on March lfllb, by ltev. W. D. Cairns, in Wynnton. D. F. Willoox then advertised oorn shelters, hominy mills, and fanning mills for sale. Friday, May 5th, waa a day of fasting and prayer throughout the State. It was adopted by the Legislature, Hon. Joseph Sturgis was Judge of the Superior Court. Fisk k J^lnaon were amusing the town with mesmerism. The paper thought rno.-merism a humbug. At a meeting iu Hamilton, Harris oouuty, the Whigs instructed their dele gates to the State Convention to vote for no man who didn't favor a Coiled States Bank. Among those who participated the name of M. J. Crawford, Esq., appears. In Robeson, North Carolina, on April lltb, by Rev. J. R. McIntosh, Mr. Gso. F. Swift, of Upaon county, Ga., and Miss Adelaide Jewett were married. The City Counoil in .1841 surveyed and laid out thirty-six water lots oo Bay aireet, under Legislative authority, each 72 feet wide, and so located aa to inolude the water power of the river, sod entered into a contract with Howard k Eoholls that year by which the City Council con veyed to them every alternate lot on con dition they should eommeno* the dam and canal in twelve months,snd construct them so that flve feet of water might be available on lot No. 1 within twenty-seven months, and complete the canal through all the lots in five years—the city to tax improvements as other property. The contractor* commenced complying with tbrir contracts, and in 1843, for $5,000, Council sold the other lota to Maj. How ard, subjeot to the same conditions. This is the statement made in May. Further on we learn that Major Moses re signed rather than consummate the oon tract. —Oolumbns cisterns hold from 18,000 to 24,000 gallons each. That was a whop- ping error ia yesterday's paper which mads them teptain fatty gallons. —Considerable cotton yet remains in the country. We hear of one crop of 251 bale* which a (ippt baa, besides several other large eMm _ —All oases on the Mayor's dooket post poned to Monday. —IL* polioemca took np seven hogn that were loafing on the streets early yes terday morning. —As an encouragement to the “boys,” we may mention that the Osar of Russia used to run to fires ia hia yonth. —Onr faotoriea paid out yesterday $12,- 000 for two weeks work to the operatives. —It may be interesting to know that Mr. Sartoriua, who married Mias Nellie Grant, openly avows that he was aa ar dent sympathiser of the Southern Confed eracy daring tha war. —Yesterday foretold the heat of the earning oemaser. —The Israelites, on Friday, celebrated the Fenlioost, the fiftieth day after the Fasaover, in oornDtsmoratioti of the law given on Mt. Sinai. —Cola. A. H. Ohapp*l,M.H. Blandford, and Jndga J. F. Poo are among the talked of candidates for Congressional honor* in this District, in addition to our present member, Hon. Henry R. Harris. —Onr Oolaqtbua fso tori as have thus far this aoaaoa taken <1,966 bales of ootton— 1,684 more than last season. Mr. V. Stols and Dr. Tuggle left for Europe yesterday. the Virginia Stan. Great reduction in tb* price of Dress Goods. Beautiful Black Grenadines only 50o per yard. White Goods cheaper than before the war. White striped Lawns at one-half tbe former prioo. Gents’ Furnishing Goods of every kind, cheap. Full lines of Gents' and Ladies’ Kids, from 75c to $2.50. Factory Checks only 14 oenta. 1,000 doi. Coals' Spool Cotton only 70o per dozen. 4-4 Bleaobed and Brown Ootton, 10*. Beautiful Prints, 10c. Ladies' and Gents’ Shoes, cheap and warranted good. Fresh supply of Fans and Parasols. my24 Peytoh, Goaoon k Co. rBTOMBl-yo INFLATION! High prloes can no longer exist Cash basis la the principle now, and aa I desire to otoao hntingon, em offering my stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoos, Hosiery, and numerous articles in this lina, at lass than ooat Call and examine, and make one dol lar go farther than two at any other place. I am in earnest. U yon doubt it, step in and have proof of the fact. L. Rabbis, 114 Broad 8L, myl 4m Columbus, Ga. If you desire a real good smoke, go to Braun's, on Randolph street, and ask for his new brands of Key West and Im ported Havana Cigars. mylO The proper place to buy 4-4 Bleached Homespun at 10, 12j and 15 oents a yard ia Aonz k Mcnnoon's. The proper plaoe to go when you want cheap Dry Goods ia Aon k Murdoch's. Blaok Iron Utsuadinse and Llama Lao* Shawls, at Ottxoua’s. To AU, particularly’, InValHh, spring la a trylnc Ison, Indications of tlcknoss should at one* bv attended to. Petal dlleaeeo tnay be. euerd by el- lowla* the bowel* to beeotne constipated^ sad the ■ytum tevueudn la e disordered condition, uatll the dleorder he* tine to develop Iteelf. An ouaee of prereetloe I* worth a pouad of car*, it ea old aud trnthlhts^lng. Therefore, w* advise all who ere troubled with th* coiuplelat* sow very preva lent—headache, Indigestion, dleordered liver, want of appetite, naueea, or Ibvsrleh *ala—to take, without delay, loheack'a Mandrake pule. Wo know of no remedy to hartuleeo and deelilve In It* actios. It at oeoe strike* at the root of the dis ease aud procures a healtky tone to tbe system- People never need snflCr from any disease arising from a disordered ooadtlfon of the liver If they would take this ezoellont medlclno when they feel the first Indications of the malady. Pamtllee leaving home for the summer months should take throe or fbur bones of theee pills with them. They have aa almost Initantanoees effect. They will relieve the patient of headache In one or two hours, and will rapidly clean,. the liver of ear rounding bile, and, will effeetnally prevent n bil ious attack. They are sold by ell druggists. my'0 eodly DR. I. T. WABNOCK, Surgeon end Physician. OMo* *t Slaughter'. Drug Store, Railroad .treat, febld MIS8E8 WHIT* * TUCKER, raehlonable Milliners end Dressmakers. Gentlemen'* Shirts out by chart measure, and uaranteed to fit. Chamber* street, next to .aim's dry goods store. Iebl_ MBS. O. V. BABLOW, Fashionable Milliner and Dressmaker. Sole Agent of Butterick A Co.’s Patterns. V. D. HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary Fubllo for Lee ooaaty, GBAUD MIUTABT Moonlight Pic Nic ! BY IBS CITY LIGHT GUARDS, At th0 Public Canton, ▲t tlio low$r and of Broad street, THURSDAY, MAY 2STH, |$74. A N aftornoon And evening of unalloyed plena- nre ami enjoyment ia guaranteed to all who may atteud, m we will, at that time, have beauti ful moonlight nights, and no expense will be ■pared to get np every variety of amusement that can bo thought of. The 8TR1CTK8T ORDER will be maintained, and guarde will be on duty during the entire time te place m the afternoon. D has been engaged, and DANCING, in one of the Itueat Dancing Halls In the Stato, will l>e one of the principal feature* of the occasion. for TU08K WHO DO NOT DA NCR, other amwomente will be provided, which, from their >veliy and variety, will be sure to pleaae. The grounds will be beautifully Illuminated, end spleudid Fire Work# will bo eet off at stated ‘ efttrdark. will be fhrntehed by a eplendld BRASS BAND, and the MjR.SNKROlIOR VOCAL CLUB have been Invited to favor us with their presence. A -PRIZE hae bean offered for the Beet Bran Band, (open to Georgia and Alabama), and partloe may expect some fine Brass Band Music. gy TICK RTF for sale by each membei Company. Admittance 60 cents. Children 25 cents. COMMITTEE OV AAXAXOEMBfff Lieut. W. A. Little, Lieut. F. L. Brooks, gor'gt J. n. Cheney. Ber'gt J. T. Gammon, boc'y W. B. Jones, Q M. Chas. Ileymau, Corp. K. 8. Urier, Prlv. J. K. Ifarrls, Prlv. 11. F. Kverett. 4W Oates open at 1 o’clock. mj'M td Attention, City Light Guards! OKDKRMD, Tkat an election be held at Oolum bus, In Musoogos county, on Tuesday, 20th day of May, 1814, for the election of a Captain, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Captain W, II. Williams, of the City Light Guards. e e e e e JAMBS M. SMITH, Governor. By the Governor i P. W. ALXXAXMn, Sec’y lx. Dep't. In obedience to the above order, you will meet at your Armory on Tuesday, 2fith May, 8 r. m., for election of a Captain. By oomm&nd Lieut. Little, comd’g Co. mylT fx2t J. 0. CUJSNBY, O. f. At Panic Prior*. A. O. HARWBLL, Dealer la all kinds of Faraltmva* Alto, Motulllc, Wood Coffins, and Caskets. Jat8 Chambers street. A. J. VIC l£ EBB, Attorney mad Coamaollor mi l*aw. Offioe opposite Alabama House. Fractious in all the Courts of the State. JaS sour, soup, soup, JSvry Day, Prom i?(eve* fill One O’clock, at CMtAB. U MY MAN A CO.'B, Under the Natural Wine Arbor, Tha proper plaoe to buy Black Grena- diaaa iu all styles cheap is at Acrac A Murdoch’s. Tbe proper place to buy Calicoes at 10 ***** per yard end Goals' Thread at 70 ***** p*r dosen ia at Acm A Murdoch's. Suppose you have “tried fifty reme dies” end received no benefit, is there therefore “no balm in Gilead?” Verily there it. Your liver msy be congested, your stomach half paralysed, yonr nerves quivering, your mueelee knotted with torture, your bowels constricted, yonr lung* diseased, your blood full of impuri ties—yet in one week after commencing e course of Dm. Walds'* Vdizoab Bit TE&s you will feel like e new creature. *pr30 4w ^ Jewelry end Ohetelaln Oheine, at Omioun's, s Liquor end Wine House, end tbe finest Restaurant in Columbus, on Broad street, below Georgia Home Bank. mjS tf Fond’t extract. It is as bard to induoo people to try tbe best remedy in tbs world as tbs poorest. Ask some friend about tbs Extract. Unanimous verdict. [mjr21 eod£w Corsets at Hoopskirts, at low prioes, at Obioleb's. Dress Goods marked down st Obioleb's. Fine Cloths and Osssimers st reduced prioes, at Obioleb's. Superior Shirts and other Furnishing Goods, st Obioleb's. Had Thic t You Oik find at T. E. Blanchard's, 128 Broad street, tbs very latest styles of Dress Goods, at such prioes ss cannot foil to give satisfaction. Oall end aee them. Domaatio Good* st grastly reduced rates; Fsotory Goods st factory prioes Costs' Spool Cotton st 70 oenta per do*, tbe beet Prints at lOo par yard. mylO tf A few pieces of French and English Caasimeres, very low, to close ont, st . T. E. Blanobabd's. Tbe proper thing to do ia, go to Aoes k Mnrdoob'a and look through their band- some line of Silks, Grenadines, Poplins, Striped and Corded Organdies, and select what goods yon want. A Urge lot of cheap Caasimeres and Linens, vary cheap, at Blanobabd's. Tbe best plaoe to bay Table Linen*, Napkins end Sheeting*, ia at Blanobabd’s, 123 Broad st. Direct/Yen* Europe A fin* aeeortment of Real Meersobsnm Pipes, Cigar Holders, Cigar Casa* of real Russian Leather, MatcLsafes, Ac., st Bublbb’s Cigar Emporium, on Randolph street, boose will! tbe Red Sign, neer Enquirer offioe. “J 10 l. 16. CAMPBELL, Teller, Cutting sntl Making In tho Lstsst Stylos. Rs» pairing Mostly dons* Bonth Rsllrosri 8t., ovi»r FnrnPnrs Now, ill CIRCULAR. THI ACT of CongrsEi of Msrch 3d, 1871, msk log provisions Ibr tbs payment of claims for stores and supplies tsksn by tbs United Stats* Army, from thoss citiasna who rsmainsd loyal during thn lat* war, oxplrsd by limitation tbe 8d of March, 1873. A large number of persons filed claims iu accordanco therewith, while many through indif ference and other oausos, allowed the time to go by without taking advantage of the opportunity afforded them by the Government dt securing compensation for their looses. The large amounts paid through tbia office to claimants in all parta of the fiouth, who filed claims under this act bap dearly demonstrated that the Government is ready to pay ell claims of this nature where they can be thoroughly eeteblisbed. The time eapired by limitation, bnt bee been extended for another year by tbe present Congress, thus affording an other opportunity to all persons who have hereto fore neglected to file their claims. The bill parsed by Congress, not only extends the time for filing claims for twelve months, but authorises the pay- c of renta for tbe occupation of buildings and grounds by the U. 8. Army. All parties interested in tho payment of such claims should apply at once. All necessary Information aud blanks will be furnished on application lo tbe undersigned. GILBERT MOYERS, Attorney nt Law, and U. M. Claim Agent* bonk box 160, Washington, D. C. 42 North Court Stmt, Memphis. Tenn. Oortf-r of Grove aud Washington stmt*, Vicks burg, Miss. tmyl7 «18uWe<w2te Notice. the 18th in.taut, would urgo upon all tlm credltoi to I e present et the next mooting, to be held at the Library Rooms ou June 2>1, aud be prepared prove their claims, as it m* necessary for G. W. WOODRUFF, 0. A. KKDD, 1. JOBKl’H, Notice. _ the Home Building and Loan Association, Series A, adopted at the annuel in> eting of stock holders In November lust, it Is necessary that every stockholder should cancel his mortgngo to the Association on or before tbe 91«t installment, by paying in advance to the 84th installment, In elusive, or forfeit the privilege of canoeling under that amendment. my2 1m XETWMRN o Lost, store and the Mobile and Girard Merchants' B aud Meehan lea' ■«*■*», «* >**■* m, nw. •* 479, payable to Mohiie and Girard Railroad, bearer, one for $88.16, and the other for $84 71 with 130 in currency. Ail persons are war checks, as payment hue boon stopped, and will be paid for tbe return of the mouey. PURKK, 1LLGK8 A CO Columbus, Ga., May 22,1874. my24 31 Pleasant Summer Resort CATOOHA ffiPBIMttffi, CIA., children and servants half price. W. 0. HR WITT. DRE88 MAKING. that tl Dress Making. R8. FOGARTY and Mrs. BALLOU respectfully notify the Ludl m of Columbus and vicinity they have tnk^n rooms in Strapper's building, over Pease’s book store, where they are prepared * CUH FIT AMD MAKE LA DIEM* AMD CHILDREN’* DREAMED n the latest and best styles. Will also do Bump ing for Embroidery, Braiding, Pinking, Ac., and take Oentlemen's sewing at reasonable rates. octl7 SBtf DM. J. W. L WILLIAMS ns Ms prefoeeloeel eervtoee. Office ever B. M. ( 4 Oo. s, Oheielien BLR. Street.. Millinery. Notaries Publjp. Furniture, fee. Lawyers. Tailors. Dentists. t. L. M. SMITH, Dentist, Doe# Flats Work and Plugging or dec23) terms. Chemtwrs e«re»t. BRIT RIO COFFKK 33}£o $ 1b. Roasted Rio Ooffoe, 40c fl b New Orleans Kxtrm A Sugar 14c ^lb. New Orleans Yellow Clanfied Fngar I2^<\ Bxtra Sugar-Cured Hems. Choice Pagar-enred Shoulders. Mild Oared White Meat. Pure Apple a ad Wine Vinegar, 60c f! gal. It. Louis Psarl Grits. Fresh Turkish Prunes, f|.lb. Few Currants, 12^c. Borders' Fagle Milk. Ktngsford Silver Glues Starch. * Best quality Laundry and Toilet 8oapa. P«re White Kerosene Oil, 40c W gallon. ROB’T 8. CRANE, - ■r | ° [fobl fitel Tm.tee H. Fi ABELL & CO. UAVM Maiep,* Flour, Sunbeam Flour, Foorl Orltn, Irlth Potatoes, Magnolia Him*, California and Oothen Butter, Nnttv# and Imported Wlnoi, Havana Cigar*, Mono Radifih (In glaia), Dundee Marmalade, Ettenc* of Aiiohovloi, Oipert and liuoat of ail kind*. GF* All pnrebasee delivered. 3 SCHOOLTEACHiW WAMD.'lu.’Tt DON'T! DON'T?, DON’T il! Don’t What? "feStaf* From that Traveling Ageat,- ihebrst Srnlag Nsehln* In Ike nerifi, ei wl ■elo ; lii:e, ly ...Ddiog to Her. 0. a. Uuxisin, Oen’l Agent, ... ; . Co*for*,N. 0. Pond atsoip for circular ted pries list. 175Jischln* for 650, Ac. 670 metis* for 649, Oil SONGS The very l.eet Bond.y fichodl Bong Book. Of Wl F. 81IKKW1N end 8. J. VAIL. 100 page. ,el<a- dld llymne, choice Music, dated peper, eeperlot blndin*. Price in bnerde S5c.; th) per lOo. A specimen copy in paper cover melled (sa sees 0* l«.iifd) on receipt or twenty-five centa. Orcen filled in turn. Bendy Huy let.. UOBACfe W A TINS «l BON, **461 Broadway, hew York. Barber 8hops. WBOLIY BMMTOIB, Dnrber, Corner Sonth Ballroud aud Chum bore streets, dec 23 BIOBfOlf dfc TUBIIB, Burben, South Railroad street, unoer Adams House. Hotel*. ADAMO UOIIL go to Opelika, be sure to stop at the 111 oust*, opposite Passenger Depot. Insurance. E. C. BOWEN A BOR, General Inenrnnee Agents. Offioe, Bell road Street, over K. M. Greene A Oo.'e noyau ® A. O. Harwell having vrlHifirawn from the firm of Harwell, Grifflu A Go., has removed to Chambers street. His friend* and patrons would do well to oall on bun in his new quarters, end examine gtook before baying elsewhere. Frio** et penis rates. j.18 an&wedtf RAILROADS. Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. Columbus, Ga., Msy 9,1874. IN DA 1 will rua os follows s PA89KNUIK AND JfXlL TRAIN. Lenva Columbus Arrivs at Columbus Lours Macon Arrivs at Macon 2:301. m. (Dally) 12:46 a. M. “ 7:17 Ft M. “ 7:86 p. n. “ IKKIOHT TRAIN. Lsavs Coulmhns Arrive at Columbus Leavs Macoo Arrivo at Macon 5 80 a. H. 6:36 ». M. *30 A. Me 3:00 9. M. TRI WBKKLY oaly, Freight train will Isavlng Columbus ou outlays, Wednesdays Fridays, arriving at ColnmI>un on Tueodays,Thurs days aid Saturdays. This train carries Passengsr Oars tor the accommodation of looal travel. VIRGIL i’OWKKb, king, aud 8up’t. W. L. CLARK, Agnnt. nty$ tf Western Railroad of Alabama. 544 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME 1 Choice of Two Routes. New Tori tad Now Orleans UfiifLla#. WK8TKR.N IILILKOAD OF A'.AUAMA, OoLuuuUti, Qa„ April 24th, 1874 TRAINS LBAVM COLUMKU8 DAILY For Montgomery and Salma, 1:00* a. M. Arrive at Montg’y, 0:45*. Arrive at Selma, 11:04 A. u. FOR ATLANTA AND NRW YORK At 10:40 a. m. Arrive Opolika at 12:27 n. m. At Atlanta 6:42 p. m. By AtlBiitB« and Riohmond Alr-Unt. Leave Atlanta 0:00 p. in., C1IAKLOTTK 8:36 a. m., Danville 3:27 p. ui-, Richmond 11:06 p. m. Ar rivo at Washington 4:30 a. m., at Baltimore 0:90 a. m., at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., at NBW YORK 6:16 p. m Mlesplng Car* Bum fYtii Atlmntm $• Cherletto. By Kennetaw Routt. utu 0:00 .. m., l.yr > 0:46 a. iladalph p. m. Sleeping cars ruo from Atlanta to Lynchburg TRAINS ARRIVE AT COUtJMBUB DAILY From Atlanta end New York, 6:24 a. From Montgomery and Pelma 2:80 r. M. Tickets for sals at Union Paosongsr Depot. 01IAS. P. BALL, Ususrsl Sup’t. (apr26 tf TEE WHOLESALE Crocery House -OF- J. A J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and ie Broad it., Columbus, Ga., IUn CONSTANTLY ON HAND ABOUT 100,000 pound* Baoon. 800 barrel* Flour. From 100 to 200 birreli Sugar. 100 bagi Coffee. From 100 to 200 barrels Syrup. 200 barrel * Whiskey. 200 boxw Tobaooo. $00 “ Soap. 200 “ Ofindles. MM barrel• Lard. 80 “ Meokerel. 800 fiookfi Salt. SO tltroo* Rio*. BOO rpami Wrapping Fapor. 100 oaie* Potash. 100 " Sordino*. 100 " Oysteri. 100 “ Ploklo*. 100 boxo* Oondy. 100 “ Staroh. 100 grow Farior Motckoa. 1*000 psBnifo LsrlUard'i Banff* 90.000 Olvam IgOOO pouurl • fitotm and Black Tea. BOO bt|f |>i dilute 100 boxes hod a and Vane? Crackers, 100 " Cheeee In season. OO barrels Vinegar. BO casks Scotch Ale* 100 dosen Wooden Backets. 100 dose a Broome* And everything ia the Grocery lino, which tlmy offer to the trad* by the package, ns low as any other Jobbing House in tbe Units i Platen. aprl8 0m J. A J KAUFMAN. |FLORENCEfi| The loeg-conteeted *ult of th* Florenoe Sewing Maehlno Co. against the 8 s ngor, Wheeler A Wilson,aadffi A Baker Companies, Involving ever 02506000, Is finally decided by the Supreme Court of the United Mates. In favor of th* FLOKBNOK, which aloas has broken the monopoly of ktgk priess. THE EEWBXOHBMCB Is the ONLY machine that sews backward nod forward, or to right and left. Simplest- ■** Bold for cash only. deel»rs. April, 1874, »pr«0 B. A. BACON, Agent. NOTICE. CofuiijI'Oit, April 16,1874. _ _ ... APJ 11. MTU, the Pssst'i Train on this Road will run as follows: .. 3:00 r-1 ..11:05 9 i .. 2:26 A.': ..10:30 a Leave Col uu Arrive at Troy Iw avo Troy Arrivs at Columbus aprlO 2w W. L. CLaRK, Bup't. ACTS Of the Last Legislature, FOB fiALI BY W. J. CHAFFIN. PACIFIC LAWNS and French Muslins. PEA000K A SWIFT. •rt» E. C. HOOD A BRO. III? CONSTANTLY ON HAND TULL fiTOCEfi F. A. POMEROY AT BOOHEIl’5 OOUNGU, CALL.ATTENTION TO Oboloo Whit* Shad, ~ > Freeh Bay Flab, • Mobil* Cabbage, ‘ Oelery and Lettuoe, • Live and Creased Poultry, • Fresh Country Seusage, Spar* Rib* and Backbone*. A Choice Lot of i rtili Craokere, Sugar Jumble*, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Cream*, do. Applet, Onion*, Potatoes A Turnip*. Also usual Family fiupplics and Fancy Uro.triod i band. Mr. T. C. PRIDGKN will 1 s found at tbs ter and will l»s pleas* <1 to wait on lii<t former tomsrs and friends. The patronage uf tho public is rsspeotfully soUclIfd. fo*" - ’ HIDES. Wanted lor Cash! 100.000 lb*. Dry and Green Hide*, 200.000 “ Riga, 50,000 ** Baetwax, M. M. HIRSCH, . Vslam^ns, Os. .^bIm Potter, ranrr < lowest b myl 3 HIDES 1 HIDES II WE WILL PAY THE Highest Market Price FOR Green \ Dry Hides, Furs, Beeswax, Ac. BARNETT A CO., mhti 8m Crawford Ktrcst. Ptoroneo, Matt, AgentH, If yon want to make munoy, mil . nd tauglitur, 350 comic cuU. ¥lto people yearn'or It. It will sail in dull tlmaa II Show It to a man, and ho surrenders. It Is sura avary time. Don’t bother with heavy books that nobody wants, linmor Is the thing that bikes. Agents wanted everywhere. 8vnd for circulars and extm terms to To-day Publishing Company, Philadel phia, Now York, Boston, or Chicago. 4w aprl4 l*or Coughs, Colds, Hosrsenass, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN BLUB BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Ungulate. «w Millions of Aeres RICH FARMING LANDS IN N1BEASKA, NOW FOR • SALE VERY 0HEAP1 Tea Year.’ Credit, latanil **ly * mi. Deeerlptlvo Pamphlet, -Ilk leetloaol Napa, eeat ft**. Th* Pioneer, a handsofhe Illustrated Popsr, containing tk* Homestead Law, mailed fra* to all parts of tbs world. Address 0. F. DAVIS. Land Coirmlssloter U. P. R. R. f mh27 4w Omaha, Neb. The Highest smetfloml Mlhortlles •f Gnrspe any the stronffeit Tonic, Purifier and Deobstruent known to the medienl world Is jurubeba; It krraiti decay of vital foreti, ozbaaitlo* of th* uervaaa lyitem. restorei vigor to tho debil itated, .leant** vitiated blood, remove! reticle obetructlom end nett dlnetly on tht I Ivtr tad Kpletn. Prta* »t abot'le. JOHN Cl. EEL- UK»U, 16 Platt St, W. Y. 4w DR. PIERCES THE GRAIN UROP Can be Easily and EemumieaUy Sored ! Ilolstead & Co., -COLUMBUS, OA.. OfTorat pr c»*a lower thnu ever before—'Mowing and Kf'jt| lug Machinor, Hteebtooth llor-o Rakes, Grain Cradlus, Groa-* Scythes and Snaths, Thrash ing Miichinifl, Pun Mill4, Straw Cutters, Ac. ep23—tf Stein’s Patent Burltl Caskets. I 1IAVK boen appointed agrut for tliesa, the latest, most successful, aud by far the moat beautiful Casket yet deulgned. Built of Walnut, covered with tbe finest Blmonle Broadcloth, or Lyons Velvet, eucased In a beautifully designed and richly wrought Silver Matallc frame, they present a brilliant, and yet warm and rlsasant appearance, very different from tbe coM hard, repulsive appearance of the old style Motuiic Cases. Also, Ko-ewood, Walnut and other Collins and Co> on, which (ha publlo are wssured will bo sold at reasonable prices. my!7 tf T.T. KDMUNDff FOR SALE AND RENT. Sa M. COGGIN, LaFayette, Ala., Driiffi, »»• Okmliili and f«rfum«ry, A* MW VieVMBffi. Oliarter Oetls:. AND ALL IMPROVBD Cooking Stov«i, Hardware, Cutlery, fie., sod Oontrsstor Ibr Roofing and Job Work, A<; Prises famished em application. [mbs sstf To Rent. ^VTER April Oth, two Famished BHDg^ ROOMS, Kitchon and Stsble. with nse of dining room and purlor. Addroes apt tf M. EnqntTarOjjHoe. House and Lot for Sale ON LOWER PAST OP BROAD ST. iIHK lot I. % acre; (he fcouae bee three M I litr.a ruume, ball an* ell erceee.ry Kill out-buildinge. Will be told cheep toe eteb " ■ buyer. A | ply to mb22 tf A. WITTIOn. For Sato Low. A U0U0LAX5MP IN TUB MBBIOAb COL- ifbUK AT HYANBYILLB, INDIANA. oc.6 tf ‘ -PLT AT THI* OPPiaa. CITY HOTEL, . CIITSAUT LOCATE*. Troy, Alabama. R. H. PARK, Frop'r. d*o7 tely