The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 27, 1874, Image 4

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JSs m ‘tjassfci 'cot«aM*< WEDNESDAY ...MAY 17, 1«*. Shipped to-day... w pravloiely CITY jfffIM- COLVMBV! BAIL* MAM KMT. p,«»<n*t^9t«btl.UU onJUwVofkpJjr; ** *ahU»« ornt't"demand hU 1 *°®Borto® « M v |( t/0. premium. 0»mnf !<»••• 10 A £?^*pJr 0<>W“ 4 * om ^ "oOTTO*—•*“*** Ths following «' «“ , “ U “5 , *^}! 5< Inferior..,.* Ofdtiir/ ild iUlMd.«j^fe**»* , MJ(#MW Good OrMHHtj—j^"' ” ®“ ***- ficlm —13 by M. A a. R. R.| Bby K. k I. R.B.I • by . B. ; 0 by rfeori 0 by B. W. B. B. Bfe M buloo—3 by B. W. B. B.| S3 for bom* oonfomptlonf 4* by W. B. B. daily ■tatxwbxt. Stook o® bond Auguet Hit, UTS 1, ITT ^arSUmu so,ess si .M,MS-4MSS Blank 0® bnad S.SM Bab® Day Last Yuan.—Augvt gut, lirs, ltCimoalvad •nmndsy St totAlrnoolpU 46,037; ■hipped subs day 1ST; total sMpmli 61,11*1 •look 6,017 ( snloi SOS. Middling! 17a. U. B. Posts.—BoootpU for 4 days 11,S7S; it. porta to Groat Britain I,SOT; to Continent 0; stook SSI,740. fedss So Ktw idilrllmasaH. Tbs SoroTsn Hons®, Satnnnah—B. Bradley A Son. Oil-Colornd Photographs, to., at Wil liams' Gallery. Gbickens for Bale—B. W. Milford. Situation as Teaober Wanted—See no lle®. Agent American Cotton Tie Company— N. J. Btusey. Fasbtonabls Tailor—}. G. Mbnte. For Hal*, Three Hundred Gbiokens. my27-3t* B. W. Miltobd, Ag’t. FopstoMo Markot stall*. Twenty-seven have been rented. Ten are still unooenpied, JMalA 4m Troy, Ala. Mr. B. H., Park, proprietor of the Oily Hotel at Troy, Ala., died Monday night •t half-pest twelve of paralysis. He was otioe Foremen of Troy Hook and Ladder Oompeny and Aldermen of Troy, end was ebont 86 years of age. ATTMMttMO CKABM* 0'UM& About Boon yesterday BmjBrand J. ate brought into the Court at that time happened to J lawyers and speetators v *rf'“e geodes of Judge Johnson bringing jar yard. James W. DoaaJs was swown la as tnvasnajnror. DUigont Enquiry. “Civil Bights,” judging from their con versation, most have oooupied the entire attention of the eolored people last Sun day. Home of the old women didn’t catch the word right, and they have been Bak ing about the “Silver Bights bill.” They think the Government intends throwing out silver to them. This beats the “mule and forty acres." Mayor's Court Y**t*rday. The court-room was filled. The follow ing very soiled doves, lor parading the lower streets with a bottle, being noisy, and bantering another party for a fight, were each fined five dollars t Lou Barren- tine, Liazie Begara, Ann Baugh, Jose phine Baugh and Emma Teal. Ida Terry, oolored, was fined $u. James McGovern was dismissed. The Alston Warehouse. Oitiaena inform us that the Alston warehouse received its name from Ospt. Phil' Alston, book-keeper of Epping t Hansard, and not from his father as we supposed. It was so named by Mr. Greenwood in honor of Capt. A., who was most faithful in the discharge of duty to his employer. Groato Contort*. The “Oldo Folkes Conceits" at the Op en House neat Tuesday night promisee to be one of the most obarming musical festivals. The entertainment will oonsist of muaie by the richest voioes in the oity, and a number of tableaux. The pro gramme 1b a model "in its waj. “All ye monies wh shall be paid in for this enter- taynemente is to go for ye benefit of ye Methodists Meeting House placed at ye S. E. oorner of Franklyn and Tronpe Hoads." “Ye Towns Commissioners have provided a man to keep ye oows from ye doors.” Armband and Wife Buried Its One Grass. On Sunday night Mrs. Elisabeth Alston died, aged sixty-six yearn. Twelve hours after Mr. William*Alston, her husband, breathed his last, and their souls were re united in the spirit world. Even death could not separate those who had lived together so long on earth. Mr. Alston was aged seventy-eight years. He came to Columbus from Elbert county, within whose boundaries he mar ried Miss Buoker, in 1838. His brother (Mr. Phil Alston) was one of the Com missioners who laid out the town of Co lumbus. So the pair who now so sweetly net have resided in Columbus forty-six years. Mr. Alston had resided here longer than any one in Columbus. For many yean he filled the post of Wharfinger, and for one or more terms was Marshal of the - place. He was an upright, unobtrusive man, who quietly pursued the even tenor of his way, respeoted and esteemed for his many sterling qualities. Children and grand-children have grown around the aged pair. The double fune ral servioe took plaee last afternoon from the late residenoe of the deceased, Bev. Dr. A. Wright, of 8t. Paul's Church, offi ciating. Husband and wife were laid aide by side, one aroh covering both. Grand Jury by elhcr person, itor in secret session; and officer had the power to ^ # ta in open court, and aek the ifudge io charge the body on the law bearing upon the oase. The boiicitor-General asked of the Judge the privilege of bringing in the Grand Jury and presenting a bill of in dictment In open Mint. The Judge al lowed Mm to die so. The bill, based on the editorial of Major A. B. Calhoun, published by him in the Esqmaxn of August Bd, 1878, was reed. [It charges Strange with being a ooward, bully, blackguard, and having negro blood In his veins. It was produced by Strange in hie paper, having previously charged that Major Calhoun was a Yan kee, who desired to intrade in Boo thorn affairs, a coward, and one who had’ lost his leg by a steel-trap in an attempted es cape ftcsn the penitentiary Instead of honorable battle.] The Bolieitor read sections of the Code , lo sustain the indictment, and stated he had witnesses and other testimony to sub mit to them. He then requested the Judge to oharge the jury on the law of libel, whioh the Oonrt.proceeded todo. obabob or judox johxooh. The Judge stated certain positions, in substance as follows; As a general rule courts are judges of the law in oriminal cases, but in prosesutions at indictment for libel, the case stands on its own bests. By the organic law of the Btate on the trial for libel the juries are judges of both the law and the faots, and while this prin* oiple strictly applies to juries trying the ease, it extends its application to your body. In conducting your investigation you must keep in view the publio 'good—nei ther influenced by favor nor hatred to the parties, and adduce from the testimo ny sash a conclusion as you may deem correct. If after the investigation is concluded, if the offense was committed as charged, the Grand Jury would return a true bill. The Grand Jury was pot organised to try the case, end the bill they would re turn could not be used as evidence either for or egainst the defendant. The effect of it would simply be to put him upon trial. The first aeotion (regarding oivil action) read by the BotioHor-Geoemi did not ap ply in the trial, but the seoond one did (one relating to' criminal action), end the Grand Jury must be governs^ by it. Persons occupy different relations to sooiety—some public and some private; and the matter written of and concerning one in a particular position might be libelous, whioh when written and published of another would not be. The law allows the acts of publio men in relation to pub lio matters to be freely criticised. Editors assume generally to lead and control pub lio opinion, and assumes public positions, and the law allows their eon- duot to be freely and liberally oritiolsed. The Grand Jury will return to its room and hear the testimony submitted by the Solicitor-General for the State, and no witnesses should be beard except those introduced by him. The Grand Jury might put to such witnesses as he might offer any question relative to the oharges made, and, after they had concluded the' examluatioh, if they thonght it probable that the offenoe bad been committed, they should find the bill true, otherwise not, The Judge egaiu enforced on the jury the necessity of keeping their delibera tions seoret. LAW QOVEBNIKO. The following is the section of the code read to govern the case A libel is a malioions defamation ex-' pressed either by printing, or writing, or Bigns, or piotures or the like, tending to blaoken the memory of one who is dead, or the honesty, virtue, integrity or reputation of one who is alive, and there by exposing to public hatred contempt of ridieule. [Section 4,810 of the Code provides punishment—heavy fine and imprison ment.—City Edrob.] vrasTTna. This is said to be the first time in this oounty the presentment Against a person was made in open fiourt, and this was done that the jnry might hear the oharge of the Judge on an important question. The Court tod adjourned before the Grand Jury oatue down and hence we have not been enabled to ascertain the result. Often np. In turn oeeee levies were dismissed. Illegality Docket.—One case stayed by bankruptcy, tito continued, and one affi Elisabeth Hatcher vs. A. Gemssell. Issue in favor of plaintiff. Sqnity Docket.—One eontinaanee. Seven bank cases, in which OoL M. H. Blandford was named to preside by the Clark, were dismissed for want of prose cution. Moultrie Moses vs. L L Moses, sxera- tor; report of defendant on final decree of Court In this cess the defendant was ordered to pay three of the legatees •1,4*9 38 each. Common Lais.—One continuance. Thomas Hugravas, use, etc., vs. Henry McCauley. Verdict and judgment for defendant. Appeal Docket.—U. K. Pendleton, President, vs. Montgomery sod Vast Point Bail road Company. Appeal from Oounty Court Mine cases. Appeal dis missed for want of sufficient security. Mary N. Smith et a), vs. Empire Cotton Seed Holler and Oil Oompeny. Charles Coleman appointed receiver. T. S. Fontaine vs. M. T. Bergen. Case reinstated. Court adjourned to 8} a. x. this mom- tog. This morning tbs criminal dockst will be taken up, and the following prisoners in jail have been ordered brought into court: Harrison Thomas, murder; Aleak Pryor, murder; and Tom Bird, Warren; Adams, ‘Andtsw Thomas, Jsm Brooks, Henry Bey. Ills probable the Grand Jury will ad. journ to-day ,in> die, after making their general presentments. local mbimph. Insolence of Horn* Colored 1'eopts. Beports oosue from several souroesthat on yesterday morning several colored peo ple went to Prof. Dews, the Superintend ent of our Public Schools, and demanded to be admitted into the female depart ment. They were sent away in a hurry. The Civil Bights bill has not passed yet. These negroes were ahead of the music. We do not believe this action was counte nanced by any of our respectable oolored people. The sehool-honses in Columbus are still held as private property, and no colored people will ever be admitted there, 'nie oity supports a school for them. ^ The proper place to buy 4-4 Bleached Homespun at 10,13] end 18 cents a yard is ' Aoas t Musdooh’s. —Traveling is cheap now—that is on foot. Dewberries and pluses sre plenti ful, and blaekberrlas soon will be. —A toast—Woman, the last and the beet of the series—if we have her for a toast we won’t ask for any but-her. —Yesterday was hot as spring hot can be. —It has been legally deoided that woman is not an “old maid” until ahe is thirty-five yean old. —Something about the speed of rail road engines—18,000 miles is a big year’s work for an English looomotive. The Bel times* and Ohio railroad looomotivee travel 93,37* miles per annum; the Illi nois Central, 38,890 miles a year. —Pot not your faith in him who pre dicts a hot season—be keeps ice; nor in him who predicts a cold one—hs owns a cheap elothlng store: nor yet in him who predicts a wet one—he has umbrellas; nor a dry one—he sella sherry cobblers. —A Columbus man has a pointer dog. The dog ran up the steps of a house in a neighboring oily,' and refused to come down. Hie master followed, and found “A. Partridge” on the door-plate. This illustrates the force of instinct. —A lawyer in a sky-blue ooat was the subject of poetie rhymes in the Court House yesterday. A large party of Columbus fishermen are going, or have gone, to Juniper for a week’s sport. City Light Guards' Election. Lest night First Lieutenant W. A. Little was eleoted Captain. ot Ibe City Light Guards, vice Capt. W. H. Williams, re signed. Capt. Little is the popular and able Solicitor General of this Circuit, and a thorough soldier, having been a gallant officer in the Confederate Army. Under his command this gallant oompeny will win new laurels. Seoond Lieutenant F.. L. Brooke was elected First Lieutenant, and Third Lieu tenant A. W. Brantley eleoted Seoond Lieutenant. The election of a Third Lieutenant was indefinitely postponed. The Company is splendidly officered and is a splendid body of men. The newly eleoted Captain “gave thanks and a treat,” and the evening was passed very pleasantly. The Jtacu Friday Aft*rn**n. The promise is they will be largely at tended. Three fast trotters are entered. At the gate fifty cents will be obarged for admission. Half this amount will go to the Publio Library and half to the im provement of the track. Rhiuhatum Bbwxdy.— One Samuel Deaton, of Ohristisnsburg, Ohio, who had rheumatism nineteen years, says the fol lowing is what cured him : One quart rye whisky, one ounee wild cherry bark (root), one ounee prickly ash root, one ounce yellow dock root, one ounce spike nard root, one ounoe gentian root, one ounce gum myrrh. If one bottle doesn’t oure you, try another. Take three drinks a day. Two bottles oured me. White striped Lawns at one-tolf the former pries. Gante’ Furnishing Goads of every kind, cheap. Full lines ot Gents' and Ladies'Kids, from 78c to #3.80. Factory Cheeks only 14 cants. 1,000 doe. Coals' flpool Cotton only 70o per doses. 4-4 Bleached and Brown .Cotton, 10c. Beautiful Prints, lOo. Ladles’ and Gante’ Bhoas, cheap and warranted good. Freeh supply of Fans and Paranoia. myS4 Psnon, Gannon A Co. MAHKxn Bomrt All kinds of Dram Goods at a great re duction. Black Grenadines S8e and upwards. Beautiful Popllae at half prioe. White Goods exceedingly cheap. Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, A a. Jewelry and Chatalain Chains. Btbbous very cheep—will sell to mffiin- ers at New York prioee. Bast Prints lOo. Faotory Cheeks 14o. Spool Cotton 70s per doaeo, retail. Bleached Cottons and other Domestics cheap. Ladies' and Children's Shoes made to order and warranted not to rip. English and French Cloths. Unite made to order. Gents’ Furnishing Goode. I am endeavoring to dose ont as nearly as possible all goods now on hand, and will give unprecedented inducements in everything. Tanas oasb. ' my26 sod H. T. OnioLXX. / ‘The proper place to go when you want j cheap Dry Goode is Aaxx t Mubdocb's. hovp, sour, soup, i I mm B- gei* RMkkgc Is Ms is aa* Massages Hems. Lawyan, AMeewey at Law, ah* 9edge of Oeaatjr Oemrt. _ Action la all ether Oeerta. OMeeeeersleeeef W. H. Beberte A Cm, Bnat M. *•"“ “* "■« *StotaL OU Ogkthorpo corner. (feel oo^T*’ Colombo*, (tar-it. ft 4ka> Ha... . * . BAMITXL B. MATOMMR, OMee ever Wlttteh A Klseel’e. jr. m. Mennx, URKAM 4k CRAWPORBR, Atterasys at Law, MU yraetln Is the State eat Federal Ooerto el OMee ever Freer, IlhrtaT^.’t More, aortkweet eeraw lrea4 sat St. deir tie. JeS "notices la Btate out Federal Courts in Georgia end Aleheme. OMoo IM Brest tt-Oeleabus, Os.jet Mass H. Busbioss. Leon f. Sonatas, OMoe Vo. 47 Brood street, ever Wlttiek A Kis sel's Jewelry itor*. Will sraelles la the Btate end Federal Courts. inu psuoo i Joa M. Xosssil Csss J. Ewirv. MUMBLL 4k IVIFI, Attorneys os4 Counsellors ot Law. Will prectl la the Courts of Georgia (Chattahoochee circuit) a.4 AluBamn. OMoe over 0. A. Kodd S Co.’s store, Broad street, Cotambne, Go. Jal L. T. DOWNING, AtOermcy am* Beltelter. 0.8. Ooa’r end Beflater la Bankrupts;. Office nottO] over Brooke’ Drug Store, Columbus, Go, VETOED l—NO INFLATION I High prices oan no longer exist. Cash basis is the principle now, and as I desire to dose business, am offering my stook of Dry Goods, • Clothing, Hats, Bools and Shoes, Hosiery, and numerous articles in this line, at lees than cost. Coll and examine, and make one dol lar go farther than two at any other plaoe. I am in earnest. If you doubt it, step in and have proof of the foot. L. Haxbis, 114 Broad St., myl 4m Columbus, Go. g From JCIeeen MU On* O’clock, at n CMAH. HKTMAK A CO.'H, jj Under Me Natural Win* Alter. Liquor and Wine House, and the finest Restaurant in Columbus, on Broad street, below Georgia Home Bank. my8 tf Read ThU/ You oan find at T. E. Blanchard's, 128 Broad street, the very latest styles of Dress Goods, at such prioee as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Cell and aee them. Domeatio Goods at greatly reduoed rates; Faotory Goods at faotory prices; Coats' Spool Cotton at 70 eeatx per do*. ; the beat Prints at 10c per yard. mylO If _ The proper plaoe to buy American Oambrio is at Acaa A Muxdocb's. The proper plaoe to procure the latest novdties in Silk Scarfs, Bugs, Fans, Leather Belts, to., is at Acxa A Musdooh’s. The proper place to bny Oaliooes at 10 oents per yard and Coats' Thread at 70 oents per doxen is at Acxx A Murdoch's. The proper pises to buy Black Grena dines in all styles cheep is at Aamt A Mdxdoob'b. Seed Things. Go to the Uuby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to eat. ootlS tf The proper plaoe to find Oaasimeres for pants, boys Oaasimeres, Cottonndes, Linens is at Acxx A Mvxdoob's. The proper thing to do in, go to Acee A Murdoch’s and look through their hand some line of Silks, Grenadines, Poplins, Striped and Corded Organdies, and seleot what goods you want. A large lot of cheap Oaasimeres and Linens, very eheap, at ^ BLtxnHaan's. The best place to buy Table Linens, Napkins and Bheetings, is at Blaxmabd’s, 138 Broad st. Direct from Europe.' A fine assortment of Heal Meersobsum Pipes, Cigar Holders, Cigar Coses of reel Russian Leather, MateLssfoe, Ac., at Bubles's Cigar Emporium, on Randolph street, house with the Red Sign, near Enquirer offloa. mylO Suppose you have “tried fifty reme dies" and received no benefit, is there therefore “no balm in Gilead 7” Verily there is. Your liver may be congested, your stomach half paralysed, your nerves quivering, your muscles Inotted with torture, your bowels. constricted, your lunge diseased, your blood full of impuri ties—yet in one week after commencing a course of Dx. WAlois's Vdcxoab Bu nas yon will feel like a new creature. apr30 4w _ _ fM’i^klrsrt. It is os herd to indooe people to try the best remedy in the world as the poorest. Ask some friend about the Extract. Unanimous verdict. ^ [my 21 eodftw If you desire a real good emoke, go to Bchlik's, on Randolph street, and for hie new brands of Key West and Im ported Havana Cigars. mylO FKAMODT 4k BBAHWOR, Attorneys at Low. Office ovsa J. Basis A Co.'s Enas, Bioos It. aovlt) Warn Emi. M. t. MOM ESI, Attorney sad Cowssseltor ot Law, Georgia Homs Insurance Company building, so octl ly] • end story. CHAR. H. WILLIAMS, Attorney sat Low, Colons***, 9s. Will practice In any Court. Offloo over Aoeo A Murdoch's store. [ncvlt Doctors. DM. COLRKT. XesidsuM and OMm comer of St. Clair and Oslo- thorps ata. ORm koara—7 to 8 A. x., 13 to S r. n.. T to V r. x. sopa7 dot DM. R. B. LAW. ORm oorner Broad and Randolph stnota, Bamu' balldlag. ■osidonM on Forsyth, thraa doors below Et. Clair. JaS DM. t. A. VBGVHABT, ORm at 0. J. Moffett', Drat Store, Broad atnot. XMldasM on Et. Oltlr, botwMn Brand and •opt Front Ms., Oolnmbns, Go. DM. a. C. COOK, Druggists. J. i. GBirriN, aported Draft mad ChmlaOi, C. B. PALMER, UNBM44HtkM»7 On# door above Virginia Grocery. KP PhyilcioM* Prescriptions mode n apsclolty. doc 17j Night hell to loft of door. lOlUL. JTOMDAH, Druggist, Two doors bolowAoo. W. Brown's, Brosfl Btroot, Oolumbut, Ot. d&T Night Bell right of sonth door. »sp6 Wot flmi, Bhoad Btbkit, Columbus, Ga., WholoMle Md lt>il Dealer tm lgr«ff> and Medleiaee, Tellet Article* end Perfumery. ■ap6 iftndi J^jgsT Jul Confoctlonor*/ *» a- *rwjrf»~n~ Om*y Maaaihatan, ASS SSAISSm MR*» el hwSnim,,, ^ RttakOswiy u«Ma Full weight snnnntMd iOtachUt Llvsiy and talsl momkwt tMniinmg Livery, gale no* Kxefcaag, ■ OwsramraUcMs cskAssan^j “ Oolamhas, Ga A.OAMMIL, “very sad gale MaMco, Oeunncsri gi, Cowswu, g, .f^M'artata.UM Cr.ataPmto,. Rsstaurantg. HABMIg COORTT REgTAIl Is. >9 Bren* streot. ^ !■ end Dtnotie Liamn caoic J. J. BLaxsi.t y Tin and Copporgmlths WM. FEE, Werker i*Tlm, Sheet Iren,, ^ Ordora from abroad promptly attosM to Jg No. ITt. B^.„i . Fresh Meats. J. IV. PATRICK, . . •tells Ho. a And IS, Market Hsum, I F tan Ut * U * , ," r)r klBl »»« b«l ; I* 11 always on hand. a. T. COOK, Pr«ah Meet® ef All Kinds, J* Elgin No,. 18 ai, J Dentists. W. F. TIGNXK, Dentist, Opposite Strapper's balldlag, Kaadolch It eotaTr * o* 1 ”* ot * * fob toith** W *' “ W *»«“« hontlstij] T. W. HKXTX, Dontlet, Over JoMph A lrather’a .tors. W. T. POOL, Dentist, sorts] 101 Brood St., Colombo*, Go. w. a. rooLR, Dentist, Mp6j Georgia Homs Bulldlsg, Oolnnbm, a Cun and Looksmlth*. | PHILIP RIPLuT Gun sad Lookawttb, Crawford stmt, i Johaaoo's cornar, Oolambai, Ga WILLIAM nCHOBKR, Gna sod Locksmith sad dsnlsr iiGusliil torlnls. OppMlta Xnqatrsr Ofloa 1 Flsno Tunlns, ftc. L W. RLAC, Rspnirsr nod Tnnor of PUnosa, Otimi i Aooordsons. Sign Painting tlffo don*. Ordora msj bs bs lsft st J. W. PeMtl Norm Book 8 tors. Crooers. DAR'L M. SIRS, a. H. MAMIRTOK, Whelesale am* Retell Grocer, Junction of Franklin, Warren A Oglethorpe No charge for drsyngo. **Pl Cotton Factories, COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturer, of Bheetlmge, Shirtings, end Sowing and Knitting Thrend. Cards Wool, and Grinds Wheat and Corn- ORm In nor of Wlttich A Kissel's, Rudolph st. Jul8 B. H. CHILTON, President. ■VROB«U HAHVPACTVRIKU OR. Mnnnhctnrars of BI1XXTING8, 8UIRTINGS, YARN, HOP X, Ao. OOLUMBDB, GA. a. P. SWIFT, Pneldent. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. octal ly. Watchmakers. O. kCHOKBURG, PiMtloal Wttehmnker Mid Jeweler, Bnocensor to L. Gntownky, 105 Brood street, jail Columbn^Gn. - G. He LEQUIN, Wntchmnker, 134 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Watches and Clocks repaired In the best man ner and warranted. Jail Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS' SHAVING SALOON, (Successor to U. Uencs,) Under Georgia Home Insurance Bnildinz. Prompt aud polite barber* in attendance. Ja25 Ja8 ED. TEDDY, Barber, Crawford 8t., under Bankin House, Coluuibua, Ga. Dress-Making. IRHAM COOPER, Famlljr Grooer and Dealer in Coaatry 1 aep6 next to “Enquirer" Ones. Hotels. PLANTERS’ HOTEL. Next to Columbus Bunk Building. I Portals nt nil th« trains- JnlS MR8. w. 7. BN1BXS. Prof!, Tailors. O. A. KtEHNE, Marchnnt Tailor and Cutter. A fail stock of French nnd Icglllb Brmdolil Cauimercs and Vestinru. I aprl6 No. W Broad 8iw J. O. MONTIB, Fashionable Tailor® Mo. Brood gtreof, ljd ^ door al»t» N. B.—CuAffiso aan Bsraisino A S' i::aT1 _ feblSJ _____ HENRY BELLMAN. Catting, Cleaning nnd Repairing | Done in the beat style. , ProB » g apr24] Corner Crawford*ndyro|»^ Boot and Shoematofs WH. MEYER. Boot and Shoemaker. Dealer in Leather end F !",J?5',^Stl® |9 Redd A Co.'s. Prompt nnd atrlot niton. UkWYER*. A few pieeee of Fnnoh end English Gaooimeres, very low, to olooe ont, at T. E. Bitax gxaxs'a MIBB M. A. llOLLINGBWOKTII, Dress-Makinx, Catting and Pitting. Terms cheap. Baoioonco and shop in 7 uovlfl W. A. Farley AttorneY”**’ 1 '* , OUSSBTA, OKA T ffA“ OOOH “°^ u J AWSpooUl attmtlon ^v* 11 HINES DOZIEB. A-ttorney at l> a HAMILTON, OAu W ILL proctiM in the ObA'tthMJ^Jun or any where eUs- fllklnd ^ wean. "Png me or ran awaj*