The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 28, 1874, Image 4

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mfan MUUCH THURSDAY MAY 28, 1*74. Msnocsg s*p*ato» cocst. tJudy* Jams* Jehnsen Preslding—May Term. city AfrAiiit. _ COLUMBUS DAILY MAMMET. Financial.—Sight bill! on Now York par; on Booton % por cent, dlacount; on sa vannah % per cent; demand bill* on Booton ^percent. Banks are sell log chocka on New York at %o. premium. Currency loan* 101J4 por cent, por month. Gold and ailror nomi nal. Cotton -Market dnlL Nothing doing. The following aro tho qnotatlona: Inferior W ©ia Ordinary and atalnod M ©14 Oood Ordinary *. ».14 @1&V* Row MiddllngO MViGWVi Mlddllnca 16%@17 Btrlot Mlddllnga — ©— Sale? 22 batoa. Receipts 24 batoa — 2 by M. fc O. R. R.{ 8 by wagons; 14 by ft. It f. R. R- ♦ 0 by W. R. R. ; 0 by river; 0 by 8. W. R. R. Shipments 8 bales— 0 by B. W. R. K. 8 for koine consumption; 0 by W. R. R. DAILY 8TAT1WENT. stock on hand August21lt, 1878 ......1,177 Received to-iay-....♦ **. #Jl0 •• previously 68,816—69 *39 •1,016 Shipped to-dav • »• previously 67,008—67.017 Stock on hand 8W9 Samk Day Last Y*ar.—August 81st 1872 168: received samoday 0; total receipts 65 037; •hipped Pimo day HI; total ablpmenta 61,24) ; atock 4 818 ; sale* 234. Middlings 17c. U.S. Pour*.—Receipts for 6 dnya 15,648; er- ports to Ore at Britain 6,818; to Dominant 0; stock 824,912. Index to Veto Advertisement*. Military—Columbus and City Light Guard*. See noticee. Twon«y-live Dollars a Day—W. Gileo. Psychomancy, or Soul ObarmiDR~“T. Williams A Co. Coughs, Colds, Ac.—Wells’ Carbolic Tablets. History of Livingstone—Habbard Bros. Florence Sewing Machine—See notioe. Edeograpby—T. W. Evans A Co. Strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deob- atruont—J urubeba. Centeuriiul Gazetteer—Zeigler A Mc Curdy. Wiitors’ Concerto Organs—Horace Wa ters A Son. Homestead and Personalty—William Harley. Olde Folkes Conoerte—Next Tuesday. Coffee, and Staple and Funoy Groce ries—H. F. Abell A Co. Wilson Williams Lodge—Meeting and Election. Attention, City Light Guard* t Meet promptly at your Armory this aftoruoou at 2 o’clock, to move to picnic grounds. By order of the Captain, my28 It J. C. Ghihky, O. H. ATTENTION, COLUMBUS GUARDS! Meet at your Armory this (Tbuisday) evening at 5 o’clock, to attend picnic of City Light Guards. By order of the Captain, my28 It J. J. Clapp, O. S. For Sal*, Three Hundred Chickens. my27-3«.* It. W Milfoqd, Ag’t. fifteenth day. Tb# criminal docket was taken up. The eourt-room, outside the bar, was well Riled with the commoner colored people, several of whom slept sweetly. Six oases were continued, among them Aleck Pryor end Harrison Thomas, obarged with murder. Jim Brooks, colored, charged with ob taining goods Qnder color of a forged or der, was found “Not Guilty,” on the Judge instructing the jury that the in dictment was defective because it did not contain the forged order. There are four other oases against him. Warren Adams, colored, was found “Guilty” of burglary, and *flcntenced to four years iu the penitentiary. Judge Crawford and Major Moses ar gued in favor of allowing by the Court the Sheriff and clerk extra compensation for extra services, and that the Judge had authority to order it. Buies were taken against defanlting witnesses, and this will continue. Ab sentees mast come to time or they will be fined. The criminal docket was sounded. Of the 14'J cases, 51 no arrests were re ported. The casos of the following persons now iu jail will be taken up in the following order; No. 85, Andrew Thomas; No. 71, Win, Berry; No. 99, Wesley Mitchell; No. 109, Torn Bird ; No. Ill, Jim Brooks; No. 117, Lila Lewis; No. 118 and 119, Rosa Harris, Bailie Lee, Ruths Maul, Lila Lewis; No. 120, George Washington (burglary); No. 121, Joe Martin ; No. 125, Frank Chambers; No. 127, Henry Ray, John Thweatt; No. 131,Wash Grauberry; No. 130, John Gaines; No. 139, Amos Jackson; No. 140, Peter Williams; No. 141, Bob Pryor. The Grand Jury reported three true and one no bill. Court adjourned to 8$ a. at. to-day. Grand Military Moonlight Finite, The City Light Guards give their grand picnic this afternoon and night. The grounds are tho loveliest in this section. Brass bands, military drill, guard mount ing, dress parade, and dancing in one of the finest halls in Georgia, will be among tho attractions. The grounds will be illu minated with Chiuese lanterns, and the moon will shine its silvery rays over all. Various amusements have been provided for those wbo do not dance. The Men- nerclior will famish vocal music. A splendid string band has been engaged. The Columbus Guards will participate in the exercises as honored gueats. A target practice was to take place—the City Lights offering a silver pitcher as the prize—but this has been postponed to some future meeting. A prize has been put up to be contested for by brass bands of Georgia and Alabama. A strong military guard will be station ed in and aronnd the grounds, so as to prevent the least traoe of disorder. Gates open at 1 p. m. Admission 50 cents; children 25 oentfl. Go all, and have a charming evening. Colored Baptist Church, The Sunday School of thin church has a picnic in the grove near the cemetery to-morrow. Sent to Jail, Adam Peabody, colored, was sent to jail yesterday, iu default of bail, on the charge of breaking open the store of Mr, Palmer, on lower Broad street. Personal. Gen. W. W. Allen, of Montgomery, generul agent of tho New Orleans FaBt Freight Lino through this section, called on us yesterday. Uot, The thermometer last afternoon stood at 92 degrees iu Cbufflu’s and 90 iu Mid- dlebrook’s store. At the Alabama Ware house, we are told, the mercury indicated 95 degrees. The Military Encampment. At tbe encampment of the military companies of the Htate iu July, at Atlau ta, it is proposed to have a ahum battle. Governor Smith has promised to secure the ueoussary artillery. No Bill, It was known u,l along Broad street yesterday that ihe graud jury brought iu a “No B«ll” in the ease of Major A. U Calhoun. It is the fact, though, we have learned it from no court officer. Admission Free, The tunungers of the trottiog raoe on Frid y afternoon have determined to make the admission free so that all may attend and make tho ocossic n more inter esting. The contest will bo a most inter esting and excitiog one. The Opelika Hail road. Savannah, it seems, iu 1854 subscribed $100,000 of city bonds to the branch road betweeu this point and Opelika They became clue on May 1st. To last Saturday tbe Treasurer of that city had paid $87,500 of these bonds, and had the tuonpy to pay the bnlauce. Nominated a* J*o»t master. Telegrams of last night announce that Mr. Walter H. Johnson, one of the lead ing clerks of the office has been nomi nated as Postmaster of Columbus. He is a young man of ability, tbe sou of Judge Johnson of our Circuit, and per sonally is very popular. He will make an obligiug>aud capable officer. Of his con firmation, there is no doubt. The Screven Mouse, Savannah. Witbout doubt, this is one of the most delightful hotels in the country. Tbe building is large and spacious, situated on tbe principal street and in the heart of tbe business portion of Savannah. R. Bradley A Son were born hotel proprie tors, and understand that most difficult of all arts—how to keep hotel so as to make tbe guests happy and contented. The fare is excellent. We advise all wbo visit Savannah to stop at the * ‘Screven.” Making a Practical Test of It, A conductor tells us that tho employees of the Western Ruilroad, of Alabama, are endeavoring to raise a fund to send ten of the loudest smelling corn field ne groes to Cambridge Uuiveruity, Mass., in use the Civil Rights bill is passed. They want to give the Northern students a fall taste of the equality doctrine. The Report Incorrect. Superintended G. M. Dows writes that we were misinformed in reference to the applieation of colored children to be ad mitted into the white schools, and that no such application had beeu made to him either directly or indireo ly. We are glad to hear this. As we atated, we do not believe such an applieation would be countenanced by respectable colored peo ple. We beard the reports from various sources late 'i uesday night, oLe informant telling us that a geutlemau had just given him tho statement that he knew the faot. It waa too late to fiud authorities, and we tliiuk our readers Bhonld be informed of such things, notwithstanding the disap proval of President Coleman. That Convention of Cotton Exchanges, The one to be held in Augusta is ex pected to be attended by some two hun dred delegates, representing nearly every Cotton Exchange in the United States. Columbus has no regular board of ex change, but considering the importance —The Mayor held so mstimm ymUr i,,. —Tb. etoaaet FerWy toft yraUcdey tbe New Jeokeon U du. Friday. ^ —Cotton to greatly improving trader tbe iuflneuo. of tb* warm weather. —“All right old ikiltot toga,” said ■ lawyer to • judge who flnnd him for con tempt. —City ‘texee aro boing paid quite promptly considering the scarcity of good collateral on which to obtain money. —Cotton continnea to oome in. Fifteen hundred more bales aro expected this Meson. -The odor of Africa floated stonily on the Court House air yesterday morning. The sndiencs department was well enp- ported by sleepers. —Fears are expressed that some of the most extensive champagne honees in France will tail this jeer, in consequence of the damage inflieted by the tote storms on Hew Jersey apple trees. —Saratoga trunks ara to be discarded this summer by the fair pinks of fashion for tbe Dnehess of Edinburgh peeking oases, whioh are only fonr times ae large. Hard on hotel porters. —President Qraut parted with Mrs. Nellie Grant Sertorins with an embraoe, a kiss, and a “God bless you, Nellie." Columbus, Ga., May 27, 1874. Editor Enquirer .-—An artiole in your paper this morning, headed “Iusolenoe of Borne Colored People,” to, I think, cal culated to do moch harm by unnecessarily arraying the prejudice of the whites agaiost the colored raoe. The question of colored children demanding admission into tbe white schools, to of too grave u character to go ont to the world in u lead ing newspaper upon mere rumor, espe cially as the facta oould have been so eas ily ascertained by making the proper in quiry of the Superintendent of the schools. Mr. Daws informs me that there was not the slightest foundation for the report. Regretting the necessity for this com munication, I am very truly yours, B. F. Colxkam, President of tbs Board of Trustees of Publie Schools of Colombns. Sstnrste s piece of bread or meat with gaatrio jnioe, and it will dissolve. Tbis is digestion. Add to snob a mixture a little alcohol, and it will not dissolve. This is indigestion. Beware, then, of tiuotnres, or tonios, or decootions con taining spirituous liquors. Shun all rnm “tonics,” and rely solely on Dn. Walk- ib's Vikzoab Bitixss, the finest digest ive invigorant known, and free from tbe fiery enrse of Alcohol. my28 4w Pena's -Extract. Large sums of money are spent by the afflioted to find relief from Piles. Tbe Extraot is a certain oora for Blind or Bleeding Pilot. [my28 eoddw Tke Virginia Store. Great - redaction in tbe prioe of Dress Goods. Bssatifal Black Grenadines only 50c per yard. White Goods cheaper than before the war. White striped Lawns at one-half the former price. GentB’ Furnishing Goods of every kind, aheap. Fall lines of Gents' and Ladies' Kids, from 75o to $2.60. Factory Checks only 14 cents. 1,000 doz. Coats' Spool Cotton only 70o per dozen. 4-4 Bleaohed and Brown Cotton, 10c. Beantifnl Prints, lOe. Ladies' snd Gents’ Shoes, cheap and warranted good. Fresh supply of Fans and Parasols. my24 Pxxtoh, Gobdon k Co, WtOMSI-SO XSSLAttOSt High prises oou uo lowges exist C Dry Goods, . ■ Clothing, Hats, Hosiery, than coat. tor go farther then two at any other place. I am in earnest. If yon doubt it, st< in snd have proof of tho fact. L. Hausm, 114 Broad St., myl 4m Columbus, Ga. Aon k Muudooh's. Black Grenadines. Black and Gray Grenadine*. Blaok and White “ Gray snd White “ Plain Whit* All colon in “ Ladies' Plain Linen Baitings. “ Striped “ “ Plain and Striped Lenoe. Striped snd Figured Muslins. 'Viotoria Lawns. Linen “ white and figured. Immense linea of Embroidery, at gre bargains. Best Prints at 10 oento. Most elegant Silks in the oity. Coats’ Thread 70 cento. Factory Goods at factory prioes. J. 8. Jokes, myl5 eod Colombns, Georgia. The proper plaoe to go when yon wsi oheap Dry Goods is Aoxx k Mubdoch s. nj soup, soup, bovp, £ Every Day, § Pnm Alma till On, O’clock, «l k) CHAS. HEY MAX * CO.’H, Fakir Ike Natural Win, Artor. \t of sud tbe large cotton receipts and heavy mumifscturiog interests, we think it emi nently proper that tho cotton men of Co lumbus should meet sud appoint one or more delegates. It would beuetit in many ways to have a Cotton Exchange in Columbus. Direct from Europe! A fine assortment of tieul Meersobanm Pipes, Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases of real Russian Leather, MatcLsafes, lie., at Buhleb's Cigar Emporium, MASKED DOWN! All kinds of Dress Goods at a great re daction. Blaok Grenadines 35o and upwards. Beautiful Poplins at half price. White Goods exceedingly cheap. Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac. Jewelry aud Ohatalsin Chains. Ribbons very oheap—will sell to millin ers at New York prioes. Bent Prints lOo. Faotory Checks 14o, Spool Cotton 70c per dozen, retail. Bleaohed Oottone and other Domestics cheap. Ladies' and Children's Shoes made to order aud warranted not to rip. English and French Cloths. Suite made to order. Gents' Furnishing Goods. I am endeavoring to close ont as nearly as possible all goods now on hand, and will give unprecedented inducements iu everything. Terms cash. my2(i eod H. T. Cbioleb, Tbe proper thing to do is, go to Acee k Murdoch’s and look through their hand some line of Silks, Grenadines, Poplins, below Georgis Home Bank. mj3 tf Mead This ! fail to give satisfaction, them. Domestio Goods at g the best Prints at 10c per yard" mylO tf Tbe proper plaoe to bay . unbrio is at Aces A Mcbdooh's. Leather Belts, Ao., is at Aon A Mubdochs. cents per dozen is at Aoee A Mubdoch s. dines in alt styles obesp is at Aoee A Mdbdooh’s. Aoze A Mdbdooh's. Oassimeres, very low, to olose ont, at T. E. Blamohabd’s. system te remain in a disordered condition the disorder has time to develop itself. An of prevention is worth a pound of cure, is and truthf ul saying. Therefore, we advise a aro troubled with the complaints uow very preva lent—headache, indigestion, disordered lhcr, want of appetite, nausea, or feverish skin—to take, witbout delay, Bchenck’e Mandrake Pills, know of no remedy so harmless and decisive in Its action. It at once strikes at tbe root of the dis* ease and procures a healthy tone to the system. People never need suffer from any disease arising from a disordered condition of the liver U they would take this excellent modicine when they feel the 'first indications of the malady. Families leaving home for the summer months should take three or rcur boxes cf these pills with them. They havo an iilniost instantaneous fffjct. They will relievo the patient of headache in one or two hours, and will r p'dly cieause the liver of sur rounding bil-, and will effectually prevent a bil ious attack. Thoy Are so'd by all druggists, my 0 eo ily Tehaooo.Olstits, Ao. MAIM MBS. If you nit to enjoy . go A na.k., go t. hi. Oigor Maoulkrtory, Botvnw Uoor(la Romo sad Kom.(m Home. Jos o C. LOPES, Mot iu ud IssbMsn, .r Pin. 8 Cigars, J», Rat Brood Itmt Depot. Lawyers. JOSEPH F. POU, Attorney nt Law, and Judge of County Court. Practices in all other Courts. Office over store of W. 11. Roberts A Co., Broad 8t. Ja26 SAMVEL B. BATCHER, Attorn./ at Law. JaSO Offlce over Wltticb A KlueePo. J. M. McNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. Practices in courts of Georgia and Alabama. OR os 138 Broad Bt., (over Uolstead A Co.’s. * Special attention given to collections. jail Fratsa Iaraon. Hasnx J. Cuwross. Kssss Csawroas. IESRAM A CRAWFORDS, Attara.ya at tow, Will practice In the State and Federal Courts of Georgia. * Office ovor Freer, lllges A Co.’s store, northwest corner Broad and bt. Clair Sts. ja8 Ad Ad DOB1EB, Attarmey and Conmsellor at Law, Practices in Stats and Federal Courts in Georgia and Alabama. Offlce 126 Broad . t., Columbus, Ga. ja6 Mask H. Bland rocs. Louis F. Garrard. BLABDFORD A GARRARD, Attarmeys and Counsellors at law. Office No. 67 Broad street, ovor Wittich A Kin sel’s Jewelry Store. Will^ractico ln the State and Federal Courts. Jas. M. Rusirll. Chas. J. Swift. RUBBELL A SWIFT, Attorneys and Cvansellors at Law. Will practice in the Courts of Georgia (Chattahoochee Circuit) aud Alabama. Office over C. A. Redd A Co.’s store, Broad street, Columbus, Ga. jal L. T. DOWNING, Attorn./ and Solicitor. U. 8. Com’r and Register in Bankruptcy. Office nov20j over Brooks’ Drug Store, Columbus, Ga. PfARODY * BRANNON, Attenieys at Raw. Orrici otrr J. Ennis A Co.’s Storr, Broad St., novl8] West Bidr. R. M. HOMES, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Georgia Home Insurance Company building, sec* oct7 lyj ond story. CIIAS. 11. WILLIAMS, Attoraey at Law, Columbian, Ga. Will practice In any Court. Office over Acee A Murdoch’s store. [uovlt Doctors. DR. CORSET. Residence and Office corner of 8t. Clair aud Ogle thorpe ats. Office hours—7 to 9 A. M., 12 to 2 p. M., 7 to 9 P. M. sep27 dtt DR. B. B. LAW. Offlce corner Broad and Randolph streets, Burras’ building. Residence on Forsyth, thres doors below St. Clair. DR. A, A. URQUHART, Offlce At C. J. Moffett’s Drug Store, Broad street. Residence on St. Clair, between It rood and sep5 Front Ste., Columbus, Gu. DR. J. C. COOK, Office over Rills A Harrison’s Commission House, sep6 first door to left. DrusEUlste. J. I. GRIFFIN, Imported Drag! and Chemicals, Prescriptions carefully prepared. [ jal8 No. 106 Broad street. C. B* PARMER, Licensed Apothecary One door above Virginia Grocery. AN Physicians’ Prescriptions made a specialty, dec 17 J Night bell to left of door. JOHN R. JORDAN, Drnffglet, Two doors below Geo. W. Brown’s, Broad Btreet, Columbus, Ga. AN Night Boll right of south door. sep5 g A. M. BRANNON, Wist Bids, Broad Strut, Columbus, Ga., ' Wholesale and Retail Dealer In 1 Drugs and Medicines, I Toilet Articles nnd Perfumery. d sepO ■ujideri andArahk A.«. nu **« Carpenter au, JoBWaz duo. at then aoti« Ihd snecif.rmttnma r. ... * •toad StrMt, aext to u. W I • Broca-, Painters. VI- SHOW, JR., , , Houae aud Big, Colombo., Ueorgio. Will contract for Horn and *lt» Dalai JFeed Store. fiteuibmoxs ’holfeale and Kettil lx-aler in m.. , Bacon, Ac., UgleiUorue I Confectioners. I* O- WBCl-iEK, Candy MaoofActnror an satua m J1 kinds of Oontoetleany , M ■tick Candy 18 coats. * U ‘ r *° t0 ' <1 ln MA box. Livery and Sale stable ROBERT rUOMPAD.V, Otutman, Hosts o> Xxnoi M8n . •°**°_ Columbia. Q«. . A. UAUei, Livery nmd Bale Etable. Oouisests St., CoLCSBCl Ox oftt 1 " *“““»» •*»» iuf^di.,, JKhSE?. M "'“ bo “ Wl " ***<*« I Restaurant!. «•. U Bread Street. . b... of^jud B-mjkj^ ■*. J, BLAKELY, p„ Tin and Coppors m | th , mm. PEE, Worker In Tin, Sheet Iren, t., OrdoM from abroad promptl, attooM to. iS—Mo. 174. Brood Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, «aUs No. a and 18, Market Hoot, Freah Ktsau ol ovury kiud nul L. J* 11 clwuy. ou burnt. 1. T. COOK, Freeh Meats of All Kinds, JSiil Dentists. W. P. T1GNEB, Dentist, Opposite Strapper', bnileing. Randolph« ScmTS? attention giveo to tbe Ineettieior . »■ veil.. to Operative itentiitry T. W. RENTE, Dentist. Over Joooph k Brother’a .tore. W. T. POOL, DruMst, 101 Broad g*t., Columbus, 0a. W. J. POOLE, Den tut, aepSJ Georgia Home building, Co'.mntrai, Cun and Lopksmlthfl. PHILIP EIFLER, Gun and Lockuwith, Orawiord street, i Johnson’s corner, Columbus. Ga. WILLIAM 8CHOBVR, Gun and Locksmith and dealer inGunnlA| JalO torials. Opposite Knquirer Office. Plano Tuning, lie. K. W. RLAU, Repairer and Tuner of Pianoea, Orpnu Grocers. DAN’L R. B1ZE, Dealer in Family Groceries, on Bryan street tween Oglethorpe A Jackson afreet*. AN* No charge for drayuge. Cotton Factories. OultraibuB ae ao interior point' . . .■ ’ , , ’ . , , Striped and Oorded Organdies, and select what goods yon want. A large lot of cheap Cassimeres and Linens, very cheap, at Blanchabd'b. The best place to bay Table Linens, Napkins and Sheetings, is at Blahchabd's, 123 Broad st. If yon desire a real good smoke, go to IUnjolph Bdhleb's, on Randolph street, snd ssk street, house with the Red Sign, near for his new brands of Key West snd Im- Enquirer office. my 10 I ported Havana Cigars. my 10 Stein’s Patent Burial Caskets. covered with tho fineit Simonis Broadcloth, Lyons Velvet, eocaied in a beautifully designed and richly wrought Silver Mstallc frame, they present a brilliant, and yet warm and pleasant appearance, very different from the cold, hard, rt-pulsivo appearance of tho old style Metalio Cates. Also, Ho-«e wood, Walnut and other Coffins ami Cates, which the public are assured will be sold at reasonable prices. my 17 tf T. T. EDMUNDS. To the Blind. B Y 8PKCIAL request DR. W. A. HOOTKN (Oculist) will visit Macon, Ga., on tho 1st day of Juue and COLUMUU8, GA, on the HD, 4111, 5T11 and (if 11 of JUNE, (fonr days only) and will be prepared to treat ail DISEASES of the KYU. Can t»e foilud at the residence of W. C. Grav, Columbus, Ga. wylU end*w2w Wood. Wood! gE8T WOOD, ready sawed,$4.00 per cord. Wood sawed for 60 cents per cord. Orders filled prompt' ly on application to the f. b2l tf MUSCOGEE MANUF’NG CO PACIFIC LAWNS and Freneh Muslins. PEACOCK & SWIFT. mylO COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturers of Shsetinfi, Shirtings, *nd Sewing; end Knitting Thread. Cards Wool and Grinds Wheat and Corn- Office In rear of \Vittich A Kinsel’s, Randolph st. Jal8 K. II. CHILTON, President. MUftCOOEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of SHEETINGS, £ II1 Li'l'J NGS, YARN, ROPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. 0. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. oct31 ly. Watchmakers. C. SGHOMBURG, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, Successoaio L. Gutow»ky, 105 Broad stref t, Jail Columbus, Ga. 7. H. LEQUIN, Watchmaker, Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS* SHAVING SALOON, (Successor to II. Uenes,) Uuder Georgia Homs Insurauce Building. Prompt and polite barbers in attendance.' J»26 ALEX dk BAM, ja8 Paf.beru, St. Ciair 8tr<:f.t. ED. TERRY, Barber, Crawford St., under Runkiu House, Columbus, Ga. -Dress-Making. MIBB M. A. HOLLINGSWORTH, itting and Fitting. Terms i b and shop in Brownsville. J. H. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Junction of Franklin, Warren k Oglethorpe No chargo for drayage. sep 1BHAM COOPER, Family Grocer aud Dealer in Country Pr<x eepft next to “Enquiror - ’ Offlea. Hotels. PLANTERS' HOTEL, Next to Columbus Bank Building. Portt-x. at all thn iriUnx. Jill;! Mil*. W g. WIDER, Troiir Tailors. O. A. KCEHNE. Merchant Tailor and Cutter. A full stock of Fronch and Engliflh Broadch Cassimeros and VesUonfi. aprie No. 18* Broad Str« J. G. MONTIE, Fashionable Tailor. No. —, Broad Street, 1st door sbor* House. N. B — Cleaning aud Repairing a Bpiciui feb 18] - HENRY SELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning and Repairing Done in the best sty lo. opr24] 1 Corner Crawford and Front B Boot and 8hoomak® rs WM. MEYER, Boot and Shoemaker* Dealer in Loathor and Finding". N«*[ t0 8 Redd A Co.’h. Prompt aud strict stten 8 to orders. LAWYERS- W. A. Farley, Attornoy*» t "^' aV OUSSETA, OHXTTXH00CHSS 0M* WSpeclal atirational”* ““ HINES D0ZIEB, Attorney at La* HAMILTON, W- W ILL practice in the ObaJJ^’SuS or any where else. All x* B0 ,U mane. “Pay me or run away.