The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 29, 1874, Image 4

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I r tam cgmrxtmanvMMVt nutic. XTKeith’s Cordon-A Pbeuninry and ^CITY AFFAIRS. In&VZPi- WfW, d dfiMnmsaSC? n*A*oiAT,.—Sight bills on Now York p»r; oa Boston % per cent, discount; on r*a- vannah % per eont; demand bills on Boston percent. Banks are selling checks on New . York at ^e* premia m, Currency loans H)ll4 per cent. per month. (fold and silver noml- »—Mvrket dill. Th. following are th. qnotBtloa.: UMtr Id 8— •» - >2T?r r, “* GFhod Ordinary. T.'7. •. li @1 & % Low Middlings.... MtddiiB*i. .16X817 Strict Middlings — @— Sales 171 bales. Beeeipts 186 bales - 6 by M.kO. R R.; • by wagons j 20 by N. k 8. B. R.; 118 by W. R. K. ; 2 be river; 0 by S. W. R. tt Shipments 123 bales—0 by S. W. R. R.; 121 for homo oonsxmptlon; 0 by W. B. R. DAILY BTATBIIBWT. 8took on band August 81st, 1878 1,177 Reoelved to-<iay 1M »* previously 89,689—&9.Q93 01,170 8t0.ll OB hBBd 4 030 Sams Dat Last Ybab.—August Slut 1873 1U: saib. <l.y 0; total r.oelpu 63 937; Iklpirtd ism. day 141; total shipment. 61,310; (took 4,106 ; uio> 367. Riddling. 17o. U.8. Pobts.—Boo.lpt.fir 0 d.y* 16,866; 08- poru to Orest Brlislo 17,166; to Continent 6; itook 816,106. Index to Adeortieonunit. Fresh Fi.h—O. W, Brown, Sanitary Regulations—3. B. Cleghom | Mayor. Mayw'e Court Yutwday. Moms and Ainand* Beck were fined each *2.60, _ TktrmomelrU lleeord. The highest point indicated by the ther- momet.r in Middlebrouke’ store yester day wm 88 degrees ; in Chaffin's 00. Jtoiw PfmW. The one of .Sunday covered a very narrow space. Moisture is beginning to be badly wanted generally in this section. In some quarters no rsin has fallen in a month. The ground is gotting quite hard. _ < Savannah and Memphis Railroad, As wa have stated all the lately pur chased iron has arrived safely at Opelika. The trnok is expected to be completed to Alexander City on June 10th. The citi zens of that plane have seonred the first train to give a pionio for tha churches in tha town. . Discharged Bankrupt*, Tha following parties in this section Wire granted final dieobarges during the pMt term of the United Stales Circuit Court at Savannah : John Hooks end Jamas J. Matthews, Stewart connty; and John la Woodward, Taylor county. Calumbua Cotton Receipts. Yesterday Columbus received 154 bales of oottoo, 118 of whiob were received by the Eagle aud Pbenix Manufactory per Weetarn Railroad of Alabama. This bus baen entered iu tables as shipped to home consumption, and does not enter into the reported stook. Tha Birot Square. Mr. R. R. Smiib^a euooeasfnl farmer, who baa oharge of Col. Taliaferro's plant ation (formerly Wynn’s) in Russell coun ty, Ala,, yesterday left with us a very imnll but distinot square of oottoo gath ered from his fields. Of courso it is no ■ample of ihe ooudition of orops in that Motion—perhaps not even hiB own geuer- •lly —bnt only .hows that he is ahead in a year of backwardness and disaster. Apalachicola Looking Up, The boats bring the intelligence that the Apaleobioola Mills were sold on Sat urday, May 9th, for *17,0(10. Early op- Bor Maya an4 Joy A* «Msm. A corresponleuks fimm Mwr OH,—■ to the Enqmua-Bm of Ooiuaabwa, On., la attracting no little atteotion in political circles in our city. The oonmpond—t, who is repraeentsd M a Row Orleana Jour nal is t, thoroughly nnqnklnted with mat ters and thinga hare, relates come spicy ooonrranoM concerning the timidity of the Governor, which hM baen frequently unfavorably commented on, and treats in a similar manner as did the German Gazette the oontemptible abuse the Gov ernor has made of his pardoning power. The warning the correspondent gives is far from being flattering for New Orleana. He say-; “The city is full of thieves and murderers, and I would advise my Geor. gia friend- to be on their guard whenever they visit New Orleans. Snob is onr rep utation abroad—thanks to our mimrable administration of oriminal jnatioe, to the inefficiency of onr police, and owing to the wholesale pardons extended by a weak- iuinded Governor to convicted and im prisoned convicts. The Columbus En- quieeu-Sun is one of the oldest papers in Georgia, published by A. B. Calhoun, an old journalist, with whom, some time ago, the former administration of the Pienp- une was negotiating for assuming the Pie's management in plaoe of Col. Bhett. Tue spiey New Orleans correspondence of the Enq’jmxbSu.v will be continued every week. The paper has also an abun dance oi other readable matter. It oan be obtained at Haley's.—New Orleans German Gazette. Tea Esejoaaa Su*. —This la an excel lent conservative journal published at Columbus, Oa., and whiob can bo ob- tamed in New Orleans at 0. 0. Haley's, No. 19, Commercial Plaoe, and No. 153, Poydraa street. The number of Mey 24, which we have before us, oontains an ed- torial article on Louisiana and the Ad ministration States South, and a New Or leans correspondence which gives some curious roValadons regarding Kellogg. Tbe Ekquibxb-Sum is welcome aa another auxiliary to tbe independent press of New Orleans, which is by no awni nu merous—L'AbeiUe ie la Jfoutelle-Orleane. The Same Name hue th* Wrong Poroon Ckaryo*. Hatchzghubbss, Ana., t May 26th, 1874. f Enrroa Enemas*—Dear Sir: I see in your isme of tha 14th inat an artiole calculated to in jure me. I refer to the arrest at Hnrtville of two oolored persona for the offenM of burglary. In associa ting their names with the orime the re port states that “one Regains Persons, a negro preacher," was a “party oriminis.” It is true that “Beg Persons," (shame be it) a name-sake of mine, did enter the premises in tbe above eapaoity, bnt he is no minister, and as I am the only oolored pastor answering that cognomen in this section, I beg that yon will do me tbe justice to make a note of the faot. In common with all good people, white and black, I very muoh deplore the licen tiousness governing the peouliar nature of my raoe, and were the Inwa of onr State based upon honesty and principle, and vigorously exMnted, we would not be called upon to so often chroniole the “guilt and rapine that so often ensnare the weary soul.” I believe myreeordis above suspicion, and that aU persona, both white and blaok, respect myself and family. I am no politician, nor do I suf fer my religious duties to affiliate with worldly objects which at present seem to muoh to agitate the body politic. With assurance of my profound respect for your ably edited journal, and having a knowledge that yon would not knowing ly wrong me, I beg to be, very truly, <ko. Your obedient servant, Beoudur Pin sows, Colored Minister. LOCAL BRIMWB. The Conrt room yMterday was orowded with black and buff odors. Clouds shaded the earth and improved the severity of tbe atmosphere. Tbe Mobile and Girard Railroad is bringing large amonnta of ooal from the North Alabama mines, in addition to quanties of western freight. Oats end wheat are reported very fine. Farmers are busy cutting them. Little oorn will have to be bought from this time out. An Engliih writer estimates there are 17.(100 hymns in the English language, 10,000 of wbioh are or have been used by tbe Anglican Church. .Talking and acting are thna forcibly expiossed: Dr. Livingstone says that Sobele, a famous Afrioan chief, observed io him on the occasion of his preaching to the tribe, “Do you itnagioe that these people will ever believe by your talking to them ? I cau make them do nothing except by thrashing them; and, if you like, I will call my bead man with our whips of rhinocerous hide, and will soon make them all believe together.” Handsomely Executed Picture. Prof. John L. Duffle exhibited to ns yosterd-y a full life sized bust piotnre of Col. S. C. Lindsay, whiob, in its exe- outioa, was a very artistio creation. The likeness was perfect. The photograph was taken from a small card. The tints, shading and coloring were imitations to tbe life. Executed in India ink, no trace of tbe brash oan be discerned. The work looks as well near at hand as on a wall. The entire performance bears the impress of a very superior artist, who un derstands every detail of bis profession. Iu nppearanoe the picture is equal to any iu oil. Prof. Duffle’s rooms are at his residence (at Mrs. Blackmu’s) on Forsyth street, between Randolph snd Bryan. Race this Afternoon. One takes place this afternoon between three of the fastest trotters in Columbns, stockings may be burned off your fret a dusky uiaideu, liviug ou the same place, j eutered by Messrs. Pryor, Klink, and b*[ot. yon can feel the slightest warmth Neither ahot took effect. At the last term , Odom, on tbe Fair Grounds track. As f»» the fire; linen taken from boiliug of tho Circuit Court indict uieutu were '■ tha animals are very fast, muoh interest watRT inatautly stiffans to the consistency fouud against Alfred nml William, for as-j has been excited. The race will corn- of a wooden board, and heated stones will sault with intent to murder. Theyweie menee about four o’clock. Admission not prevent the sheets of the bed from arrested on Wednesday lost, and lodged . will be free. Those loving each teats of fettling. j in jail at Seale. speed will not fail to be preaeot. of bn»,*fW > iHrlttidflfe<HBa^aat of the probable militray picnic* of the year, which entertainments have proved <.flp pleasant and particularly successful. * 1 ,,1!hei.** UtP.Qity Light Guard*, snd was the second ever given by any military company iu Heiob’e Garden The City Light Guards moved down about four o’clock in tbe afternoon, with full ranks, headed by tyie Wall hi Ivor Cor net Band; the Columbus Guards at 6 P. M. , The dress parade of the two companies took place at suoHet, the b in 1 mentioned tarnishing *uin*ie. dipt. W. 8. Shepherd, of the Columbus Guards, com minding, aud Lieut. Brantley, of the City Light Guards, being Adjutant. It wan witnessed by numbers of people. General order* announced Oapt. Shepherd, of tbe Colum bus Guards, Officer of the D y *, and Lieut. FrL. BrookV of the City Lights, sa Officer of lire Guard* tteatinnis were posted, mid u strict guard of sentries from both companies detailed Uuriug the uigbi to prevent the least trace of disorder. Night CHOie on. The spacious hall was soou tilled, aud merry feet glided to the innsio of inspiring melody to the giddy tuases of the dance. After tea the crowds began to assemble, aud noon the brilliant ly lighted tialU and grounds were crowded with an assemblage of beauty, good broadcloth and summer attire. The "red and tho grey’’ mingle ! iu friendly inter- couise, aud tho bright Luca of woman re flected back iu gracelul contrast a pioin- nion of gladsome colors, the whole blend ing in oue harmonious whole. Iu the grounds many lanterns shone, but all were puled by the glorious moon which reflected silvery light on tree, house and flowing river. ••Xu 1 cbi night, did Young Loroi so sir car ho loved her well; Stealing her tottl with um 11 y vows of laltli, Aud ne'er a true one." The b&ll-room wur ever a scone of glad- ness and delight. Ever and anon fire works would be Rot off aloft which light- eueu up the pale night and cast u gluring brightness over tho fasl-il^wiug river. Cue fuels litre c^uotitig ; "The riHon muon h is hiii the stars, Her level rays, liko gulueu Imm Li» on Uiu Lwi.lNudpe gieun, With Khu.luWd hr wn uuuvoeu And t liver t\Lho tho r.vor gloauis, As it Diana iu her dreams, Had dropped h r tilver bow Upon tho valleys low." As a pecuniary aud social success the picnic HurpaHsc 1 expectation. The Muu- narebor Bang to the enjoyment of all. On the music stand were the wordn, “Welcome to Ihe Columbus Guards, the Mannaaohor and Wull Cilver Cornet Band as Honored Guests.” Midnight approached aud all the guests left the halcyon scene. The military marched to their armories to merry strains. JTUSCOGEE SUPERIOR COURT. Judge Jamo$ Johnson Presiding—May Term, ' SIXTEENTH DAT. Criminal docket was resumed. Following oases were disposed of. Andrew Thomas, oolored—false swear ing—nol proaxod. Andrew Thomas, colored—disturbing public worship—continued. Wesley Mitchell, colored—vagrancy— found guilty but r.ot yet sentenced. Jim Brook*, col ire J—forgery—found not guilty. It was proven that he oh. taiued goods on an order forged on Mr. A. A. C ileiuan, but the Judge held that •rations are expected. Repairs already I couv j c t G f pe>j >iry it must be proven bsvs bnen oonraranoud. The capacity of tbe port y wxote himself the order. Three the mills is nbont 00,000 feet of lumber per day, end tbe anticipation is to run both circular aud gang saws to their full •ttont. Tbe towu is looking up in cun- asqoence. It will have to look n long Urns before it again becomes n plaoe of importance. Loo County, Alabama, Matter*, Auburu is SOU feet above tbe aea lev; 1 Opelika subs; r bed *150 to give a dinner to tbe New York editors. They did not ooiue that way, so the Opelikiaus gut tbeir money back. Hinry Clean, at the May term, 1872, of tbe U. 3. District Court, subsequently Oouflrmad by the Circuit Court, at Mobile, obtained a judgment fur *13,722 40 on railroad sue; aubscribed by Lee oouuty, Ala. On Monday last, U. 8. Marshs! Williford served the Judge of Probate and Oomuiissiouora with a poremptoiy man- damns to compel the Court to levy a tax to pay off this judgment. Bote to Keep Cool Cheap, loo is now retailing at two cents per other indictments hang over Jim’s head. Lila LewiH, Rosa Hnr i», Sal ie Lee and Rutha Maul, all colored—robbery, were found guilty aud sentenced each to the peuitentiary for four years. George Wuhkiugton, colo.ed—cattle stealing, continued. Gr .mi Jury icported three trus bilK This body will make its general present ments to day and adjourn. After fur h*r argument, Judge Johnson refused to piss upon the mo ion mi Jo by tbe Clerk and Sber.ff for extra com pen-a- tion for extra work doue, ou the ground that ho had uo authority to do bo. Court adjourned to u. m. to-day. The first caso to be tried this morning is that of Joe Martin, colored, charged with burglary in the night tiuio. Russell Darkles 8hnotiHg ll'omm. In August last, William B ackiuan, a freedmuu, then in the employ of Capt. John Burch, Russell county, Ala., insti gated, it is supposed, by th« “green-eyed . , _ , , _ , monster,” jealousy, tired a gun charged ponnd in Columbus. Those who have %ilh SU1B ,1 ^ „ t Miss Emm. Wr.gbt, a nat the two cenis cau try to keep out ( enltt i e descendant u f Ham, atoyiugoblhe warmtb by assembling tbe family every premiHe8 of Mr . 1Se dd', the shot tak- afternoon at three o'olook, snd while they ing efloct in tbe back of Miss Emma, in- shiver at the thought read the following: flioting a painful though not dangerous Iu Spitsbergen during the winter stones wound, crack with tbe noise of thunder; iu a | Iu February last, Alfred Bass, another crowded hut the breath of tbe occupaut colored individual, iu tho oinploy of Mr. will fall in flakes of snow; wine aud H. K. Lamb, ou the p’aco adjoining Mr. spirit* turn to ice; the anow burns like Redd, instigated, it is supposed, by the caustic; if iron touohea the akin it brings Devi, backed by too much mean wbi*key, the flesh away with it; tbe aolea of your fired twice w*ith a pistol at Miss Sue Hunt, ratostB t-n nmAnor r : High pdsM oan no loagat exist. Cash basis Is th* prinoipla sow, andaaldtsim to eloM bntinsM, am offering my stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Bools and Shoes, Hoaisry, and numerous articles in this line, at leas than coat. Call and eaamine, and maka one dol lar go farther than two at any other place. I am in earnest. If yon donbt it, stop in and have proof of tha faot L. Hiatus, U4 Broad St., myt 4m Colombia, Ga. Tha proper plaoe to bny 4-4 Bleached Homespnn at 10, 12} and 15 cents a yard is Aexx A Mubdocb's. the Virginia Store. Great reduction in the price of Dress Goods. Beautiful Blaek Grenadines only fiOo per yard. White Goods oheaper then before the war. White striped Lawns at one-half the former price. Gents’ Furnishing Goods of every kind, cheap. Fall lines of Gents’ snd Ladies’ Kids, from 7oo to *2.50. Factory Checks only 14 cents. 1,000 doe. Coats’ Spool Cotton only 70o per dozen. 4-4 Bleaohed and Brown Cotton, lOo. Beantifnl Prints, 10c. Ladies' and Gents’ Shoes, cboap and warranted good. Fresh supply of Fans and Parasols. my24 Peyton, Gordon A Co. Pond’* Extract, Large sums of money are spent by the afflioted to find relief from Piles. Tbe Extract is a certain core for Blind or Bleeding PilM. [my28 eod&w Ear Sato, Three Hundred Chickens. my27-8t* B. W. Miutohd, Ag't. Saturate a piece of bread or meat with gMtria juice, and it will dissolve. This is digestion. Add to snoh a mixture a little aloobol, and it will not dissolve. This ia indigestion. Beware, then, of tiootures, or tonics, or decoctions con taining spirituous liqnors. Shan all rum “touios," and rely solely on Dn. Walk- xa's Vineoab Bitteos, tbe finest digest- ive invigorant known, and free from the fiery ourse of Alcohol. my28 4w Direct from Europe ! A fine assortment of Real Meerschaum Pipes, Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases of real Russian Leather, MatchsafM, to., at Bvbjjsb’z Cigar Emporium, on Randolph street, house with tbe Red 8ign, near Enquirer offioe. my 10 The proper place to go when you want oheap Dry Goods is Aoxe A Mubdoch’b. SOUP, SOUP, SOUP, Every Day, Prom Elcren tm one O’ Clock, at CBAB. 11 EYMAtf A CO.’S, Under tho Natural Wine Arbor. Liquor snd Wine House, and the Quest Restaurant in Columbns, on Broad street, below Georgia Home Bank. my3 tf Bead This I You can find at T. E. Blauobard's, 123 Broad street, the very latest styles of Dress Goods, at such prioes as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Call and see them. Domestic Goods ‘ at greatly redueed rates ; Factory Goods at factory prices ; Coats' Spool Cotton at 70 cents per doz.; the best Prints at 10a per yard. . mjlO tf The proper place to buy American Gambrio is at Aoxa A Murdoch's. The proper plaoe to procure the latest novelties in Silk Scarfs, Bags, Fans, Leather Belts, Ac., is at Acee A Murdoch's. The proper place to bay Calicoes et 10 oents per yard and Coats' Thread at 70 eants per dozen ia at Acre A Murdoch's. T he proper pluoe to buy Black Grena dines in all styles oheap is at Acre A Murdoch's. flood Things. Go to tha Ruby Restaurant for yonr Oysters, Fish, Game, and 411 things good to eat. ^ octlB tf The proper place to find Cassimeros for pants, boys Cassimeres, Cottonades, Linens is at Agee A Murdoch’s. A few pieces of Frenoh and English Cassimeres, very low, to close ont, at T. E. Blanchard's. The proper thing to do is, go to Acee A Murdoch's and look through their hand some lice uf Silks, Grenadioes, Poplins, Striped and Corded Organdies, and select what goods you want. A large lot of cheap Cassimeres and Liueus, very cheap, at Blanchard’s. Tho best plaoe to buy Table Liueus, Napkins and Sheetings, is at Blanchard’s, 123 Broad st. If yon desire a real good Btnoke, go to Buhlxb's, on Randolph street, and aak for bis new brands of Key West and Im ported Havana Cigars. niylO Tobaooo, eismrs, ho. MAI SB SMS. W yoa want to sajay a ga A smoke, «o to kls Oicor Moaulhctorv. H.twe.n usorgtn llom. nod Maseages Horn.. - C. LOPES, Besler la mad Huifselsm af rill Clean, Ja* Near Broad Streot Depot. Lawyers. Joseph t rbu, AttonsyatUw, and Judea efCeuatjr OaurL Practices la all other Courts. Office over store of W. II. ltobarts A Go., Broad 8t. J >05 SAMUEL B. HATCHES. Attorney at Law. )n20 Offlce over Wltticb A Elnssl's. J. M. MoNEILL, Attoraoy aud Gouauallor ut Law. Practices in courts of Georgia and Alabama. Office 130 Broad »t., (over Uolatead * Co.’s. Special attention given to collections. Jail Poara Irsbam. Mabvix J. Cuwiou. Hun Caawroao. INGRAM d CRAWFORDS, Attorneys mt Law, Will practice la tue State aud Federal Courts of Georgia. Offlce over Preer, Ulgee A Co.'s store, northwest corner Broad and St. Clair Sts. Ja8 A, A. DOZIER, AUsraty ssd ONmMlIwr at Law, PneiloM In gut, and Zadsrn) Court, in Georg!, and Alabama. Offlce 126 Broad . t., Columbus, Ga. Ja6 Mai* H. Blandford. Loots F. Quukd. BLA2BFOBR d GARRARD, Attorneys and €o«Bsellors at Law. Office No. 67 Broad street, over Wittich A Kin- ■el's Jewelry Store. Will^proctioe lu tho State and Fedeihl Courts. Jas. M. Russell. Cbas J. Swift. BUSSELL d SWIFT, Attorneys aud Counsellors at Law. Will practice in the Courts of Georgia (Chattahoochee Circuit) Emd Alabama. Office over 0. A. Redd * Co.’s store, Broad street, Columbus, Ga. jal L. T. DOWNING, Attorney aud Solicitor. U. g. Com’r and Kegiater In B.nkruptcy. Ofllc. UOV3UJ over Hrouke' Drug store, Uolumhut. On. PEAMODY dfc BRANNON, Attoraeya at Law. Ornr. ovtn J. Zsst. k Co.’t Sion., fteogn 8t., novlS] Wat Sin«. M. J. MOSES, Attorney and Counsellor ut Law, Georgia Home Insurance Company buildiug, sec- jsctT ly] ond story. CHASo H. WILLIAMS, Attorney ut Law, Colunshua, Ga. Will practice io any Court Office over Acee A Murdoch’s store. (uovl* Doctors. DR. COLSEYo Resiilenco and Offlce coruer of 8t. Clair aud Ogle thorpe sts. Office hours—7 to 9 A. M., 12 to 2 r. a., 7 to 9 p. it. sep*7 dtr MM. S. B. LAW. Offlce corner Brood and Randolph street*, Burrus' building. Residence on Forsyth, litres doors below Si. Clair. Ja6 MM. J. A. UMQUHAMT, Offlce at C. J. Moffett’s Drug Store, Broad street. Residence on St. Clair, between Broad and sep6 Front Sts., Columbus, Go. MM. J. €. COOK, Offlce over Ellis A Harrison’s Commission Ilouse, eep6 first door to loft. Druggists. J. I. GRIFFIN, Imported Drugs and Chemloals, Prescriptions carefully prepared. jal8 No 106 Broad street. C. B. PALMER, Licensed Apothecary One door above Virginia Grocery. 49" Phyeicians’ Prescriptions made a specialty, dec 17 J Night bell to lett of door. JOHN L. JOMMAN, Druggist, Two doors below Geo. W. Brown’*, Broad Street, Columbus, Go. <69* Night Bell right of south door. sep6 A. M. BRANNON, Wur Sim, Broiu Strut, Columbus, Ut., and R«6all Dealer la Drag, and Zedlcinee, Toilet Article, and Pcrlumcry. Cotton Factories. COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturers of Sheetings, Shirtings, and Sewing aad Knitting Thread. . Cards Wool and Grinds Wheat and Corn- Office in rear of Wittich A Kiosel’s, Randolph st. jal8 1C. II. ClilLTOX, President. MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of 8UEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, R0PR, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. O. P. SWIFT, President! W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. oct3l ly. Watchmakers. C. 8CHOMBURG, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, Successor to L. Gutowsky, 103 Broad street, jail Columbus, Go. C. H. LKQUIN, Watchmaker, 134 Brood street, Columbus, Ga. Wat cites and Clocks repaired iu the beet man ner aud warranted. J*il Barber 8hops. LOUIS WELLS' SHAVING SALOON, (Successor to U. Uencs,) Under Georgia Home Insurance Building Prompt aud polite barbers iu attendance. ja2ft ALEX A* HAM, ja8 b.ouiEUb, St. Clair Htr t kt. ED. TERRY, Barber, Crawford St., under Hankiu House, Columbus, Go. duels Dress-Making. MISS 91. A. 1IOLLINGIIWOMTU, Dress-Slaking, Cutting and Fittiug. Terms cheap. Residence and shop iu Rrownsvllle. novie JBuHd«rB 9 nd^ ir c h |t %o ^ J- «• UHHCarHaiw M MMai dac ,t ,aA, Id ••“•J 8»rwt, VII ta a. w. Bm-n'. ^ .fotsmtwa n. WM. SNOW * B..m and sip, Folatel. 0M Ogle thorp* corner, (J u .t norths ’ , „ Co'.umbus, UoorgU. P * to * Will contract for Hou*« >>,a hi . reasonable prlcoe, and saanata? Holer to » m. aooa . ‘ ’“‘“helioo 1 F—d Store. JOHN riTXUIBBoq- ' Wholesale aud D™i„ r , n lu , Bacon, *c., OgletUoriM xt ,. Confoctloneu. i, 46. WBUmTir Candy Manufacturer AS» DtAUB IS AU kteda of Coafeetlonery a. d , fitlck Candy la eenta, foil weight guaranteed In each box. J Jvory and Sale Stabiel MOMMTxilOMPaos, Uwery, tale and Huh» M , Oeumoan, Noun or Xrseotra s»i, octao Coiombm. q k . A. «A||sl ^ Uwery and am. H tak , N Ouunoxn at., Coioanv, Ua of'gSk? 1 " «• feeding monuTor day. Ua '" ■» «Mk. J, Restaurants. Tb ; 7 °^-«a^r 0 r. Li ’ M " d " 1 » J.J.BLAKSbV. Proj Tin and Coppersmith*. WM. FEE, Wwrker la Tin, kheet Iren, p,, Ordcn from ahioud promptly attended , -18? No- nt li-,.,i 8 ,’, Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stall. So. a and 18, Market Hone. iresh Meats of overy klui and I. -J* 11 Mway ou Imud. H«*li J. T. COOK, Frmb Menta or All Kluda, -fG" 1 — Mall. 1 6 _ Dentists. W. P. TIONEll, Bentiat, Oppwlte Stropper’e bulldog, Kau.lolpl Uentlon glren toUe imertlo^. # feb23^A» W ’ 1 “ to Deutiel T. W. HENTZ, Dentist. Over Joseph A Broiler i nor*. W. T. POOL, Dr u Mat, tfll llrpMil rt., Columbue. Ga. W. J. POOLE, Dantlat, *ep6J Qeorgln Homo Uullqing, Oo umbu.. (J. Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP EIFLEK, Gan tad Locknwitb, Craw lord streot. next Johnson’s turner, Golumbn*. Ga. j*f WILLIAM 80HOBS&, Gun snd Lockeultb and dealer in Gunning B . terial ** Opposite Enquirer Office. JftlG Plano Tunlnut Ac. E. W. BLAU, Repairer and Tuner of Plane*,, Organ, Aocordeone. Sign Painting nlio done. Orders may be be left at J. W. IVnee A .Nnrn Book Htore.' a( Crocers. DAM’L a. SIZE, Donler in Family Groceries, on Bryan itr tween Ogletborpe * Jackson streets. No charge for drayuge. JT. U. UAMILTOX, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, dec7 IAIIAM COOPER, Family Grocer aud Dealer in Country Froduce, ■ep5 nest to "Unquirer” Offiee. Hotels. PLANTERS' HOTEL, Next to Columbaa Bank Building. Porters at all tho trains. JaIS MR*. W F SNIDER, Propr’M Tailors. O. A. KCEHNE* Merchant Tailor and Cntter. ▲ full Stock of French snd Kn^lieb Hrourtcloth*, CaM*iai; r-*s and Veetlnue. apclG No. l.M Dread Street. J. G. MONTI Eg Fashionable Tailor. No. —, Broad Stroot, let door above Rankin ll.UBO. N. B ClJtAKIVG A>5D lUPAIRINd A SpF.CIAlTT. feb^lSJ- HENRY BELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning and Repatriug Doue iu tho Leit style. apr24] Corner Crawford and Front 8t«- Boot and Shoemakers Deal Redd * Co.'i to order*. WM. MEYER, Root and Shoemaker. heather aud Findings- Next tot ;- i. Prompt and strict stteuUon^Ueu LAWYERS. W.*A. Farley, Attoruoy-»t-I*» w OUSSETA, Ohattahoochss Co., Q* Mpspeolal at: sntton given to oollscttosa _ HINESD0ZIER, Attorney at Law, HAMILTON, OA- m. “ngr ms or run away." n0 ' 1# u