The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 30, 1874, Image 1

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i .Ajsrao JDJl.XXj1T Ai* VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MAY BO, 1874. TSXtthtfS or TUB IoAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY 1 S2VQT7ZR1IR. ALFRED R.CALHOUN, mprltter. ....$8 00 .... 4 00 .... 2.00 .... 75o. .... 2 00 .... 2 50 f W eire month*, in ftdvanoe I cjt month*, 4 Three month*, 44 I One month, 44 (Vbiklt EKQtxnm*, one year I gflltDAY EnQCIBKB, ODO JOaT | sdnoat and Wbkkly Ehqui*** to gether, one year Advertising Balm. I fqusT*. 1 Week, Dally, i “ “ 1 Month, " 8 00 TUX APALACHICOLA MXCUHBIOX- nri. Party Xeinrnod — Pithing end Fan— Catching tho Finny by tho Hnndrod*— Foaming Around OonoraUy—Res olutions Pm**sd — Tho Xateur- •ionists Ail in • Columbus. i Steamer Ju ia $ 3 00 5 00 0 50 a oo l;i 00 1? uu 20 00 6 " “ 22 50 « “ 26 00 1 Pquare 1 year 42 00 TUe above le with the privilege of a change every t< re' months. Vvt yearly cards a liberal dis count will bo made. The Weekly rates will Invariably be one-third of the Daily. When an advertisement is changed more than one• in three month* th • advertiser will be charg ed with the cost of composition. Foreign adver tise* r« oust pav as do those at home. «muM xxwa. —Hon. John W. Wofford declines ran- niog for Coogren in tho 7th District. —The Albany New, of Thnraday says tint Hon. Nelson Tift is arrang ing for bis departure for Europe in the interest of the Direot Trade movement. —The Ordinary of Walton oonnty has ordered au election on the Uth of July to settle the question of the .took law, so far an that county is concerned. —Auctlier rich vein of gold has been discs .vui-.l in Lumpkin oounty on Battles Bunich, near D .hlouega One bushel of the ore yielded twenty-five hundred dot- lars pure gold. —The Atlanta Board of Water Commis sioners have closed a trade for a tract of three hundred and sixty acres, on which they propose to locate the reservoir for the wsler works. —A negro man named Elijah Prior was killed at the Pioneer Paper Mill, four miles from Atheon, on Monday last, by being caught in the maehiuery some way sod crushed or beat to death. —The editor of the Athena Northeait Georgian has reoeived a sample of clover from Bahks oounty, which, he save, beats any be ever saw, hoard or read or. It was fifty inches in length, —Mrs. Vigil, daughter of ex-Oovernor Troup, and the 1 «st of his living descend ants, has been admitted to the lunatio asy lum at Mdledgeville. The nufortnnate lady is about fifty years of age, and has been of unsound mind for a long time. —A fire at tba Etas Iron Works, near Home, was put out on Thursday,sfter burn, ing two days in a bank of 200,000 bushels of coal. The bank was considerably dam. aged, but probubly uoPmore than the in surance on it, which was $5,000. —Two gentlemen of Atlanta had fierce fight on Monday about a single strawberry, which one took from the bas ket of the other. They were separated before much damage woe done, aud one of them was bound over for assault and battery. —The Augusta Conttitutionaliet says “the Biscayne Bay Company, of Augnste, has made a notable beginning. We have aeen u specimen of arrow-root grown on the oompauy’s lands in Florida, which is equal, if not anperior, to the beet known to commerce.” —Tbe Looal of the Dehlonega Signal is besieged in his olUce by soakes, where he “watches and prays” diligently. Tbe most venomous one whioh he mentions seeing is a “small garter,” and we snspect that it he had uot been improperly prying be would uot have seen that. —At the meeting of the Police Com missioners of Atlauta, on Wednesday night, tbe Chief of Police was instructed to make frequent raids on the houseB of ill-fume, and arrest *ell so-called “atreat walkers.” Owners of property occupied by stioh wurneu were also notified that they mast oast them at once. —Tbe Atlunte correspondent of the Augusts Chronicle writes that Mr. Abrams has organized a publishing oompany and will start bis new paper in abont two weeks. Two of tbe stockholders are young merchants of Atlanta, and another a New Yorker. Mr. Abrams is to be the chief editor, and have nothing to do with tho business management That's the place for him. —Governor Smith hss appointed tbe following as a Board of Viaitors to attend the examination of the senior classes at the University of Georgia on the !)th day of July next i Ilov. II H Tncscr, D. D.; Bov. David Wills. D. D , of Atlanta; Col. H. II. Jose*, of Macon ; Professor J. W, Glenn, of Jcffersou; Major J. M. lticb- ards u, of Carrollton; Professor A. H. F.eae.len, of Cuthbert: George M. Dews, of Columbus; lion. John Y. Wood, of Lafayette; Ttev. W, L. Kirkpatrick, of Bichuioud county. — In Athens lei ter to the Atlanta Herald names the following students as contest ants for the medals to be given by the two literary societies • Pbi Kappa—Sopho mores Jones, Thomas and Jackson : Jun iors Graves, Walton, Ridley aud Hardy; Demostbenian—Sophomores Jacob Phini- zy,of Athens, aud llobert Walton,of Wash ington; Juniors John Hart, of Union Point, James Worrill of Cuthbert, Lott Warren, of Amerious; Seniors W. E. Johnston, of Bingguld, and A. S. Cluv'oo of Atlanta; Agricultural, W. S. Joiiu- aon. south ctnouna" thifvk.i sen- FENCED. Cham.tston, May 211.—Tbe three Coun from our Special Corroipondrnt fit Clair. Columbus, Ga., May 29, 1874. Editor Enquirer: The steamer Jnlia 8t. Clair, freighted as follows: Gen. W.' S. Holt, Msoon, Ga., Col, Thos. Hardeman, Maoon, Ga., James D. Holt, Geo. Turpin, Wm. Bose, J. W. Ad- erhold, W. F. Brown, D. E. Norris, Joseph Olisby of the Maoou Telegraph and Meteenger, I. B. English, J. F. Greer, Alderman Hayna EUis, H. T. John son, W. E. Flanders, Hon. 0. A. Nutting, John E. Jones, John Valentine, Felix Corput, N. T. Johnson, H. Burr Brown, Dr. J. 8. Baxter, W. D. P.Imer, W. W. Woodruff, Col. B. L. Mott, Columbus, Muj. W. L. Salisbury, Columbus, T, E. Blanchard, Col, W. A. Burden, 0, E, Hochstrasser, Hou. Palriok Welsh, Au gusts, of the Chronicle and Sentinel, i. O. Mathewson, W. E. Wheel- ook, T. H. Sibley, Alderman Thos. G. Barrett, Col. Henry Moore, reached this point to-night, after a most delightful trip to all parties. Starting from Columbus on the morning of the 19th, having on board the Columbus del egation, they reached Fort Gaines after a pleasant ran of a few hoars, where they took ou board the Msoon aud Augusta gentlemen. The business of the party was fishing and fun. Tbe fan was kept up the entire trip, but the first fishing was ou the dead lakes, a body of water formed by the Chipula'snd Chattahooohee rivers, covering many thousand acres and filled with the “finny tribe " We were entirely successful here, catching over two hun dred line trout and bream. Spending on afternoon, and night at this point, we then steamed for Apalachicola, whioh point we reached Thursday evening. That night at “Apalach,” aud then, early Friday morning, to the Bay. Here the real sport began, as we “went for” the “wrecks,” where tbe blaok fish abound. Speedily the small boats were lowered and filled with the eager fishermen. In leas than two hours over three hundred were hooked, weighiog from one to three and a half pounds. The next day more fishing, and au attempt to reach the snapper banks iu a sloop, but without success, as the wind failed, end after a long waiting we were forced to ref urn to the ateamer. Tim following day was so very aalm, that Cap tain Sam Whitesides concluded to take the steamer out and not truat to the sail boat. After considerable cruising tbe banks” were finally found, and the sight that followed beggars tbe descriptive powers of my pen. These goiden-bued inhabitants of the desp are aptly described by Gen.II.,as a “boquet of the eee." They live on the ooral reefs just outside of the Bay, and are iu coumless numbers. As soon as found, the anohor was thrown over, and every man, with book and line, commenced to haul them io. You did not have to wait for 1 bites”; you only bad to* throw over your hook, and tbe fish would fight for tbe bait. In little over an boar Unit were taken, that averaged eleven poanda eaob. The biggest cstoh was in the first twenty minutes, the party taking iu that time eleven hundred pounds. Tbe hoar or twd spent thus, satiated every one, when the anchor was tukon up, and we bad a most delightful ride of forty or fifty Miles on the blue waters of tbe Golf, coming back from Erst Pass to South Pass, and from South Puss to West Pass, where wc limed fur trout end red fish, making fino catches, uud also getting more crabs and oysters time the “crew” could destroy. Ou St. Viuceut Island we met Captain Hatch, tbe hospitable proprietor. Tbe kiuduess showu by tbe Captain and hia lady will not aoou be forg'itten by tbe “excursionists.” The biggest sport this poiut was seining, life party manag ing to catch, iti addition to large quaati ties of trout and red Ash, a shark meas uring five feet and six inches. Of the diys that followed it is useless to speak. Suffice it to any the time passed so pleasantly that days wore merged into hours, and every otic regretted when the time for dap irtura arrived. On I be road np the “oompany” wus called to otder, Col. B. L. Mot*, to the chair, and Hun. C. A. butting rt q lasted to act as Secretary. The following resolutions wore passed unanimously jat a meeting of the Fishing Party, held on board the steamer J nlis St. Clair, on the Chattahoochee river, Friday morning, May 29tb: Kosolved, As a fitting conclusion to this delightful trip to the Gulf, this party tender their most sincere thunks to Gen. Wm S. Holt, to whose liberality so many of the facilities lor making the trip so pleasant are dne, aud whose politenoss and cordiality have contributed so much to its euj yment. We are also under very grout obligations Ssm'l J. White- sides, no less for his official skill and abil ity, then for the great personal kindness ohief engineer, and, in fine, to all other officers end tbe erew and servants of the boat for their fidelity and attention to our comfort; end we also congratulate each other, in parting, on tbe harmony and good feeling « hioh have reigned su preme over every hour of our intercourse, Besolved, That, these proceedings be sublished in tbe Daily papers of Oolum- eus, Macon and Augusta. li. L. Mott, Chairman. 0. A. Nutrias, Secretary. This entire trip will be a green spot in the lives of the parties participating, and to Gen. W. S. Holt, who originated these excursions and who is the life of the par ty, we shall ever feel warmly towards. Oupt. Sam Whitesides, General Agent of the Central Lina of Boats, had oharge of the steamer. Capt. Brookway acted as pilot, and Capt. Wm. Johnson as clerk. AU are too well known in this section to The tee- need any tribute from our pen. olntions passed show how lira excursion- isis feel towards them. Beaobing home after this most pleasant trip, the whole party, we have no doubt, will feel rejuviuated, and are made fit to encounter tbe “hard times” and hot weather for this relaxation. We oan only add, that when the next one comes off “may we be there to eee.” Yours, WASHINGTON. CONGRESSIONAL. ty Commissioners of Barnwell, convicted I anil courtesy he has di.played to every ret .. Laws i.mmew Daniancuri -o one of us; hIho to Cuptaiu W. John ton, of corruptiou, have been sentenced re- I 8c ' rfler o{ , h /Captain o! epectively to ten years, ntno years, and to Brockwuy, river pilot, and Captain Wm. thirteen months in tbe penitentiary. j Austin, bay and ooast pilot, F.‘C. Torbitt, Ueuse. Washington, May 29.—The House is considering the'bill for the reduction of the army. The House passed e bill for the gradual reduction of the army, by 109 to 104. It fixes tbe number of cavalry regiments at 9, artillery at 4. and infantry at 20, and requires the consolidation of existing regiments. Butler offered nn amendment that the headquarters of the army shall not be moved from Wasbingtou daring peeoe, whioh was defeated. The House also disposed of the Senate amendments to the Legislative Appropri ation biU. No session to-morrow, on account of its being deeoration day. ItlBlS. Sherman, from the Finance Committee, reported back the Moiety biU with its amendments, end gave uotioe that he would call it up on Tuesday next. The negroes dwelUng among the Chiok osaw and CbootawH represent they are slaves, and petition to oorne here by dele gation. The Committee ou Finnuoe Reported back the House bill to amend the customs revenne laws, and to repeal moieties, with several amendments, and gave notice they would ask the Senate to prooeed to its consideration on Tnesday. Hamilton, of Maryland, from the Com mittee on Privileges and Elections, re ported a resolution to pay Francis W. Sykes, late contestant of a seat as Senator from Alabama, $8 374, tbe salary cf Sen ator from March 4th, 1878, to date. Laid over at tbe request of Conkling. The Committee i n Finance reported ad versely on tho resolution of the Senate di recting the committee to enquire into the expediency of all owners or producers of tobaoco to sell to other than licensed dealers, and the committee was discharged from its further consideration. The oommittees of conference appoint ed npon currency,is composed of Morton, Sherman, Merrimon, from tbe Senate. Davis oalled np the bill to authorise the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad Company to eunatruet a branch, and to changa the lo cation of its road within the Dietriet of Colombia. He submitted an amendment, providing that the whole of the breneb road to be eonstruoted in the Distriot should be outside the city of Washington. Agreed to, and tbe bill was poised. Adjourned to Monday. Washington Natoe. Senator Morton, in an interview with Gov. Herbert to-day, said the new elec tion in Louisiana was dead. Butler, from tbe Judiciary Committee, has permission to report Monday, with the understanding that he shall not tern- per with Civil Bights. It is conjectured that be will report a bill suspending Fed eral Judges during impeaobment proceed, ings, but tbe best lawyers hold that suoh action is utterly outside of tho Constitu tion. Butler doesn't care. VIRGINIA ELECTION*. Richmond and Petersburg Eloet Democrats—Lynchburg n Re publican Mayor. Richmond, May 27.—The Conrorvatives carried tbe municipal election yesterday. One Independent was elected to tbe Council. In Petersburg, the ltepublioana sue* taiued a disastrous defeat, at tbe rule of tbe city which they Lave held since the war, waB wrested from them, the Con servatives carrying tbe city by about 300 majority. They elected tbe city offioers, and have over two-thirda majority in tho Couuoil. Lynchburg elects a Bepublioau Mayor. OEOROIA. omleldo In Clarke Conaty-Ad- Jonrnmoat or Iho TarafoaL Atlauta, May 29.—In a quarrel over a game of base ball, in Clarke oounty. Pink Prioa strnok Lather Thrasher on the bead with a bat, killing him instantly. Prioa has fled. Both wore nndor twenty yean.of ego. Tho Torafaet adjourned to-night to moot next year at Neahvilla, Tann. The Preaidant ia J. Fox, of Naahvillo; Secre tary, Boaenstoin, of Knoxville. Tho ball to-night ia largely attended. LRuisiANA. ■ere Roney Wonted—'The hnRbrlng Rut Exaggerated. Boston, May 29.—Hon. Hawy Crowell, who has been superintending the distri bution of tbe Louisiana Belief Fund, in behalf of Boston enbscribers, returned from New Orleans to-day. Ha Bays the etoriea of destitution have not been in the least exaggerated, and that theanffer- era will need all the money that oan be raised for them. The system of distri bution ha speaks of in high terms of praise. _ _ SUIT FDR BUTT DA MAD Eh. Cincinnati, May 29.—Judge Swayne, of the U. S. Distriot Court, yesterday reodored a deoision in the eaaa of the Newport As Cinoinnati Bridge Oompany agaiust tbe United States. The suit wee brought by plaintiffs to reoover $487,000 damages for changing plane of n bridge during its construction. The U. S. Dis triot Attorney demurred. Judge Sweyne ruled out demurrer uud gave leave to answer. The oese will be heard ou ita merits. An appeal to the Supreme Court is probable in any event. MARKETS. New AdverU ALABAMA ■ENATORSHIP. gpeweer Cwnlrmed In UU But. Washington, May 29.—The Committee, by a strict party vote, ware discharged from further considering Abe oaae of Sykes vs. Spencer, in tbe Alabama Sena torial contest. '1 bis confirms Spencer ia his seat. SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN AM- SEMRLY. Columbus, Miss., May 29.—Three re ports ere reported regarding the eorrea. poadenee with the North.u eharoh. None are enoouragiug of early affiliation. TELEURAPHIaT NOTES. -The bnsiness squire in Deflauos, Ohio, was burued yes erdsy. —Fifteen firms in Ellwood, III., were burned out yesterday. Loas $50,000. -A prohibitory liquor law boa passed both Honses of the Bhode Island Legisla ture. —In New York occasional stages stag ger through the streets. The old driven bold out. —A cyolone visited St. Lonls yesterday. Several bonnes nets unroofed end steam boats lost chimneos. —Tbe Southern Begging Company’s j house, corner Barry and Deoalnr streets, in New York, waa burued yesterday. Loas $125,000. —Buehefort pissed through Chicago for New York yesterday. No demonstration. He and bis companion* escaped by swim ming to an English vessel, and were over four bonne in water. —Jnline L. Thurman, a member of tbe Pennsylvania Legislature, shot by Wilmer on Saturday, died on Thursday morning at his residence in Washington, Lancaster oonnty. foreignI’ntelligence. ■PAIN. Use. Ceaeha line lews Naesses. London, May 29.—A dispatch to tbe Sta : dard says: Gen. Concha has seixed the heights near Artoban and tbe roads leading from Biscay by way of Villareal Gamboa. Tbo army of Don Carlos eonseqnently abandoned Durango and retired into Gnipnxooa. It is reported that tbe Carlisle have re oeived 20 Krnpp Steel oannon, and are re-organizing their forces. The Pepe Seriously III. Vienna, May 29. —Dispatches from Borne represent the condition of the Holy Father aerions. FRANCE. A Forbidden Newspaper. Pabio, May 29.—The Minister of the Interior has issued au order prohibitiug the sale in Paris of tbe Nineteenth Cen- RT TELEDRAPU TO ENQUIRER. Maser sad stock Markets. London, May 29.— St. set } beiuw bank rate. Erie 32 [. Pabis, May 29.—Rentes 59f. sud 45c. Nnw Yoax, May 29.—Stocks dull. Money 2 per oent. Gold 12 j. Exchange —long 488}, short 491}. Governments dull. State bonds quiet. Nnw You, May 29 —Gold heavy at 12}a}. Governments dull, bnt steady. Hut** quiet and nominal. Mew York Rank ktotonseaL Loans decreased $9,225,000; speoie de creased $500.000; legal tenders iiiareaaed $1,500,000; deposits deo. eased $1,876,- 000; reserves increased $1,500,000. Pravlelea Markets. Nnw You, May 29.— Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat a shade firmer. Corn steady. Pork steady, $17.40*60. Lard heavy—steam 11}. St. Louts, May 29.—Flour quiet, weak, small buHiuess. Corn dull, uuxeltled nud lower ; 56}s68> for No. 2 mixed ou track. Whiskey steady at 95. Provisions nomi nal ; only a small order trade. Cottoa Markets. Lxvsbpool, May -9—Noon.—Cotton quiet and uuobaugcd; sales 10.000 bales, including 2,000 for export and specula tion; actual export 7,(Hli). Sales of nplauds, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in April 8}. Later.—Of sales to-day 5900 were Amerioan. Sales of uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable iu June and July, 8 7-10. Nnw You, May 29.—Cotton doll and nomiual; sales 81 baler; uplands 18j)c., Orleans 18|o. Futures opened weak : Jnnel7}al7-32, July 18}u3-16; August 18 9 10,ij. Nxw Yuiik, May 29.—Fuiuree oloaed firm; Bales 16,71)0 Luka, an follow*: Juno 17 21 82all-0; July 18jiil)-22; Au gust 18 11-16.23-82; So-t.-mbor l.'.Vo 17-16; Octolinr 17 27 8” ■}; November 17 ll-l6sj{; December K OotUm dull and : i o, .. I:'x.,1cb91 bale., at It 1 ;!..:,; not ruoo ; :, 2, llaj : 17.540. Weekly not 10 :• ■ expo, tl to i n 2167; .. y,;i. Boston, May 29.—nu.1 hoiv,; stock 95(10. Weekly ni t rooeipl i 7.7; cxpo.lx io Great Britain 212; s t'.on lo.'O. Nxw Oulcanb, Mny 2.) - Stead;' md .11 fair demand; stock 96 71.:. Weekly net rec-ip's HIT' 1 ; exports io Greet Britain 0107; 13.000. $25 A DAY G’JAt’Ar-fT'CT using «*» WELL AUGE.7 & DRILL la C no4 territory. Esdirlad by Oeveracrt ef IOWA, ARKAN2 A3 A DAKOTA MStfwfrti. V.HLU,Ih.LmU,m, [YOHOMA'-OY, or SOUL OHAKM- “■ps - -. XT 1NG.” How cithor fcs mny ! gain ( • lo*o nmt ult'rv tior n of :m they chooao Instantl . This him, U; u>. quireiuvnt all cun t ns t -ot, :i. r t.y . •250., together With iv inurriuKO unM* : . I Oracle, breams, Hln into UO., PuUn , rhila. 4w For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Bold by Drag IstiL 4w LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. Kor SO yenra nn.lions Imtu inter! y w-ticli d his PMtll.’it.H JTttl ItlHOIG Sm'OGUB llUd ’ItNft ACHiMVKMtKrH fti.i ti*»w eoyffr/y tie i’o I «• Com* plcte Llfa-Hlhtory oi I h o toorh^rentwitcd lir.itO It<til Ut.iNKPtCTOH. Vi ft..ill IllllflJs rl-0 th* CUtl* ofcitl ■ unit width of A ni <1 mil \v.,ml *f*il c un- try It ii> just retfffif. »,0U0 agents uuic’vlu. Olio i*in-lit ut»l ■' 164, m. "• 10«» "i i f - U'-rJc. t..rj>.tft[cul4 R,u*M..H< II(JURAIt 1> BBUBs, olthnr PUMu., button, or Li . u. 4w ©FLORE N C EbZB Tho lonfi'CnutcHtoil nit of tho Floranoe Sewing Maohine Oo. agalnat the H ngor, tVlioolor k W.I»on,an«1 Orem k Baker CompanicR, Involving over •980,900, la finally decided by tho Supreme'Oonrt of the United WtaU'e, ia fovor of tho VLOKKNUK, Whioh •lone has broken the monopoly of high prions. THE NKWrloilEXCK Ia the ONLY maChiue t'tit $««* backward Mi forward, or to right and loft. Hm pleat—Ohon|M'it—’V.t Sold 'or cash uu y. Hpuuul urma to clnba ud <lea I" i April, 1H7I. Flovenco, Mat*, Mobile, M *y L".» • . oi»' i IlSloH Great LJ. kiniu . *; '• 1 C'llAKLI'hlON, Lit 3' ' : !» — d-.Oi it I l,(i bale^. Wtikly net rccuii»tb liKi .1250, Cincinnati, Mny 2!) —VV« -leru m*rln geunm ly Wall nntl ui u'. t ■» > * OPELIKA PIRgCTORYs doctors. Dll. I. T. WAIINOCK, Surgeon Mini i'hyeicitaii. Offlcfl at biMUtfhUii’k i)tug tloie, Liu 1. .ud fctri fehl4 5TA.-’ i i’\TK DU. J. W. Me W1LLU11N Milllnory. MISSUS WU1XK A TUCK 10It, Fwahlonuble MilJluera and Dix-akiuiikera. Uuniluiaeu'it {•hula cm by* ii.Oabiiim. muU gtmrautooU io lit. Cbnuiotfre eitroi, uuxi to Ktuu 5 dry good* nture. _ lubl MBS. C. V. BARLOW, FMhloaable Milliner nntl Dreaaiuttker. ' thi a Ageut of Huuenck A Co.'s FalioruM. At tbe into baukiag lioueo ot ttbuppaid A Co., Opeiiko, Ala. Ja'iJ WA ERS’ COlv Notaries Public. U. D. BIGGINS, Being appointed Notary tuolic for laoo couuty roepotitfully eolicite the patro .ago of bte 1 duida Court iat aud td ^utiirduye oi each niuuin At K. U. Uollitleld'a Uw olllce. FurnlturM$lio. A. O. UAUWBLL, Denier In nil kind* at Fnrniture. AIno, Metallic, Wood Cottas, and Cashuts. j«l0 Cliatuu r« stieet. Lawyers. A. J. VICK LMM, Attoraey Mid ConBiallor al Law Office oppoaite AUhuata House. Practice# in all tbo Court# of tho Mate. ja^l Tailore. J. B. CAMPBELL, Tnltor, Cutting and Making in thu Lnit-ni Htyiue. Ho* pairing iiHUtiy dono. Houth Knilroa*! tit., *>'• r fiirfii uro Store, jui Dentists. J. L. K. SMITH, Deallat, Dona Pluto Woik and Plugging ou reuaonuble d**c^lj forma. re sfront. tury newspaper, beesusa it is offensive to pnbtio morality. THR WEATHER. Barber Shops. WESLEY BARRINGER, Harbor, Comer b.mth Railroad aud Chambers streots. dcc'22 Dxfxktkznt of Waa, > WasniNOTON, May 29, 1874.) BIG NON * T1R.MII, Bnrbera, South Kailrood street, uu. «r Aduiiui llousu. dec2't and Eastern Gulf States, parity cloudy aud warm weather, with light, variable winds, stationary to falling barometer, and possibly light rein in the Mississippi valley. Hotcis. AIIAMN i:<k 'v ,;. When go to <»| - T'< •. 1 » > *tr*p ftt tlx Allan - lioiiac.oj ,' . . 1 . j d“c'2 ‘ ■ UIP NEWS. Injur: n »•. Halifax, May 29.—Tbe ship Alfred, of Drommeo, from Pensaoola for Liverpool, wee abandoned nt sea. Crow saved. E. c. vvi;:-. Genarul lUkUran . v««fs. Offioo. Railroad fitroot. n\cr i ■ u t k Co. lovki i the mom bcauti u i ■> j h rr hi ole. The CO!.’ ’ c*r pltcod in nuy orgmi. It it p.i- j.l . y » extru set or r« e*l«i, p'-cilUrly > >. >>. t*.o i if of Ich Is m*»ft ihirmiu; uo i t. #ti■ **iii'.; g • • !o it4 Imitation ot tbs human v. i :c \b v;.’to. To.rjo liberal. WATB118’ PIIILIlATtMONTC, Yr.SPBflfl rud OllCIlK^TKAL OIU1 AN*, in nnlqna French come, are among tho lust, nude, anil »uiubliiu pur ty of rul< ing with uredt roUtuia ol to- o Itubh' lor rlor, church, or inuitic h tll WATKKn' NKtf 'ALK PIANOS bavo pre.itpover and a flnfHiig- g tone, with all tnodurn mproretio ut», ittid u»e tbo best IMniKS made. 'Abes* (Jivui.b uutJ IM.itos wurniutnd lor six yo.tra 'iice# • t Irfiuu y t f* r cash or p*rt ch«Ii, an I Mu ■*••• ii mo thy i|uirt«rly payiu* at#. -e< «• .*1 h it! m i um *iti .* u in oxchaiig**. Agent' tv..; i * u iiury iii*y in th<* Uiftcd Slut.* iiml mi du -> lih- srui discount to Teacbor**, Mi .i^ . i , uh'iichea, Lodge$7 "to llluttiafid cuts oguou (•'ailed. ' my‘28 WARCHOuala. DISSOLUTION. tl*^ concerned. AH unpaid udvuncoe are in tbe hands of the nnders'gnad for aaitlemept, who will also puy all claims against the old firm. NOTICE. * fJtRG UNDERSIGN KD will (Ull coatlnu. tb* Warehouse and Commission Business AT TUB LOWELL WARE-HOUSE, Thank'ul for tbo patronage buitowed upon us tho present awoson, we respectfully soil it Its con tinuance the coining seuson, with a promise to aao every effort to promote the interest of our pat rons O. A. REDD, GEO. Y. BANKS. April I, 1K74.—utf Wood. Wood! ;} E.Tf IVt»* It, r- J> sawe 1,71.00 pei cord. Wood ,4 k if.-rOlc ui- • l Order* fi. e*l prompt-