The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, May 30, 1874, Image 3

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d MLVMni ~ [tBDAY * HAT 80, 1874 n d Juiy PrtMntmentt. Uuis Jour Book, ) jlmooonCoOMti, Hoy 88,1874. > m. tlie Grand Juror*, cho*en and far th* May tarn) of tba Superior ,art, 1874, m»k* those oar general pre- n(*i PUBLIC! BUILD IlfQA. a 0 examination we And the Oonrt ngtue in general good order, with the ex- „ution oi some few breake in the plae- , {jus, and a few defective lock* which ."would enggeet be pat in good condi- would also reoommend ae highly u.artant that the badly constructed Udiug «'epa entering the Court.home, trail! and rear, be removed, and that broad straight atepa of iron or granite, atoning directly from the door, be_plnced in toeir ateat. We alao find that the pipe* connected f itb the water closet need repair*. Ibe Jail ia at this time in a oonditlon jlghiy creditable to. the keeper. We would recommend that the pipe* at the jail be replaced by larger one*; the pres- , a t ouea are ont of order and entirely too mall for their purpose, being easily dogged. OBDINXBT—TAXIS. We have examined tbs books and vouchers of the Ordinary end find all tilings in good order end proper shape. We would reoommend that the Ordinary levy and eollect a tax for the ensuing year (mounting in the aggiegat* to $30,000, and that the amonnt oolleoted shall be •pportioned aa foliowa: gent fund, to include Sheriff, Jail- , ourt-houxe and Jail, and roade and briilgoe 412,000 00 Juror. and llailiffa S,t)00 00 Hnvcogoe asylum for the poor 3,000 00 4nioimt*e<,ulred to dofray eapeneea of tlr t>rc.i«nt t ouit 2,000 00 For tltr o brdgee, now being bnilt 1,600 00 v„ r two forma of county Court 600 00 t,.r cut rant expense, of county until tax* e, ara collected „.. 3,000 00 $30,000 00 We reoommend that the pay of Grand end Felit Jurora and Bailiffs be two dol lars per diem. BSXLUM FOB TBS POO*. Having visited the asylum for tb* poor we find the property in general good con dition and the iutuates in a good healthy ttate. We would reoommeud that the n.tion of meal to those of the inmstes who do not work be inoreaaed to flve- eigbu of a peok and to olbera aa the Gom- missioncra may think heat, not to exoeed the aforementioned rate. * We also recommend that ona blanket be furnished each inmate sleeping alone through the winter, same to be lelt in the institution at lime of inmates discharge. We recommend the building of a picket fence around the Hteeards’ quarters, and barns for the safe protection of provender raised upon or brnngbt on the place; and that the interior of the present buildings be wbitewhaahod. countx orricxBs. Having examined the books and papers of the several county officers, viz: Treas- urer.Cllrk Superior Court and Jnstioea of of the Pettoe.all having been snbjeoted to a rigid examination were found correct. For the neatness and aeenraey that char acterizes their books, we specially com- uteud T. Markham, Esq., Treasurer, and Jesse J. Bradford, Esq., Clark. To Judge F. M. Brooks, Ordinary, and J. A. Frazer, oar obliging and efficient Tax Collector, we return thanks for their kiudneas in facilitating na in the discharge of our dqties. * We append Account of the Treasurer from November 1, l.->73, to May 1, 1874 : Received on account cf contingent fund.. 7,600 00 “ “ “ old tndebtedneae.. 10,000 00 " " “ Court-houito aud Jail, including bit Unco on band of $161 lti 6,661 10 “ “ “ Jurora' and Bai liffs’ fluid, inclu ding balance on hand of $1,008,.. 6,069 50 Ibe county, meetswitb onr hearty apprwv-! ♦ 1 al; and fnrthar, that too high aommeada- I ! tion eannot be given to PeVer Preer, Wm. : G. Woolfolk and Lonla F. Garrard, for I the Wary efficient and faithful manner in j which they have managed the finance* of the eoanty, while to their Well-directed efforts, zeal and energy, is dne the feot of the county's entire freedom from debt, and wa hereby tender them this, onr pub lic expression of thanks, for their oonrte and its results, as above rsoited. To his Honor, James Johnson, Judge, Solicitor W. A. Little, onr worthy Fore man, W. H. Hughes, and Secretary W. E. Sandeford, we beg to return onr thanks. We request that tbsae presentments be published iu the Columbus Exquiaxa-Suif. W. H. Hucinxs, Foreman. Mike Anderson, W. H. Kent, H. C. Cody, J. H. LiHett, J>. Avorett, J. H. Mayer, J. W. Clements, W. R. Moore, COTTON WAREHOUSES. BANKING AND 'N3URANCE. Fontaine "Warehouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, otton Factors & Commission Merchants oolauamcTs, cskA- G. W. Dillingham, A. Gammel, W. C. Hammaok, E. G. Hodge, J. 8. Jones, Wm. Mayer, W. 8. Needham, W. H. Perrine, W. H. Thomas, F Wilding, E. Kern, W. E. 8andifobd, Seoretary. A. Is ton GROCERIES. THE WHOLESALE Grocery House -or- J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 16 Broad »t., Columbus, Ga., e kkkps constantly on hand amct 100,000 pound* sfiaoon. 800 barrel* Flour. From 100 to 200 barrel* Sugar. 100 beg* Coffee. From 100 to 200 barret* Syrup. 200 barrels Whlikey. 200 boxes Tobsooo. 800 “ Soap. 200 “ Candles. 100 barrels Lard. 80 Maokerel. BOO sacks Salt. 80 tl roes Rice. 800 reams Wrapping Paper. 100 oases Potash. 100 “ Sardines. 100 “ Oysters. 100 “ Pickles. 100 boxes Cendy. 100 ** Steroh. 100 |rou larlor Matches* 1»000 pounds LorlUtrd’s SnaflT. SO t OOO Cigars. 1*000 pounds Green and Black Tea. 900 base of Shot. lOO boxes Soda and Fancy Craekere. 100 “ Choose In eeaeoa. 50 barrel* Vinegar. 90 casks Scotch Ala. 100 tluion Wooden IS tickets. 100 1I020U Broome* And i otter :b»*r Jobbing liouso I aprlG Gm FLOURNOY, McGEHEE & CO., Warehouse & Commission Merchants* Columbus, Ga. Speoial Attention given to the Storage and Sale of Cotton and other Merchandise. w Alt Orpere FrewepSly kmetm. [»)t <»wla» Spring j. Their Stock Is Complete In Every Department, and was BOUGHT FOR CASH, at the Lowest New- York Prloee, and Will be told cor respondingly low. Best Prints 10 cents. Irish Linens Expressly Imported 1 Ladies’, Children’s and Misses’ Shoes. Also, good sup ply of Plantation Hoots and Shoes. Carpets and Bugs at reduoed prices. J. KYLH * co. fund fi,845 60 Paid on Recount of Court-house slid jail fuutl 6"® 51 Paid ou account of old iudebt- ednefij 24,060 40 Paid on account of Jurors and ILiiUUs 2,124 00 33,709 61 Balance on hand $2,611 15 PUBLIC 80B00L8. Upon investigation of the status of the Pnbuc Schools of the couuty, we find ike amount received fiom the State for edu cational purposes during the year to be #2,434 34 Paid to teaobers 1,813 45 Leaving in hands of School OoinpaiKsiouers #621 49 Number of white schools* 11; of col ored school 4 . 4. Total white 327 | Total colored 184 Owing to the limited amount of funds the schools cannot be kept open more than three months in the year* and the average amount of tuition is #31 17. We have eleoted to fill vacancies in the Board of School Commissioners as fol- lows: For 7th District—N. L. Howard. For 9th District—Dr. Q. B. Heard. For 10th District—Emanuel Bitch. HOADS AMD BRIDGES. We learn from reliable parties that the roads and bridges of the couuty are in good condition. We are not indebted to tho Koad Commissioners for any informa tion or assistance in the matter; none of them have reported, and we submit that they should be censured for neglect of duty in the direction indicated. We reoommond the payment of #150 per annum* commencing from the 1st of January last* to Mr. Stephen D. Lewis for set vices rendered, and to be rendered, in taking care of the Court House and grounds. VAGRANCY. We would especially call the attention of the proper authorities to lira vast amount of idleness* which necessarily leads to crime and its concomitant evils, that is now manifest in our community. There are to be seen daily on onr stree’s numbers of able-bodied %ien and women who have no visible means of support, and iu order to sustain life must resort to crime. Our own Contfc Room, w hile we prepare these presentments, is a sad proof of thi* fact, evideuoed by the crowd in attendance, two-thirds at leaHt of whom have no interest in its proceedings. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. It is the unanimous voice-of the Grand Jury that the plan udopted by the County Commissioners of paying oath for all work, thereby aeooring a great saving to BEST lilo COFFEE 3‘4£c $ lb. Boasted Bio Coflee, 40c lb. Orleans Extra A Pugar 14c $ lb. Now Orleans Yellow CUiifled huger 12%c. Extra Sugar-Cured Jlaxus. Choice Sugar cured should* rs. Mild Cured White Meat. Pure Apple and Wine Vinegar, oOc fl gal. St. Louis Pearl Grits. Fresh Turkish Prunos, 16%c ^ lb. New Currants, 12l£c. Borders’ Engle Milk. KiuKSlord Silver Glass Starch. Best quality Laundry ami T Hot Soaps. Purs White Kercsono Oil, 40c gallon. jnylO ROB’T S. CRANE, ff' hl dfirnl Trustee. H. F. ABELL & CO. JUST RKCR1VRD. Old Gov’m’t Javs end Mocha Ooffee, Gunpowder and Young Hyson Tee, Breakfast and Japan Tea, Canton Ginger Preserves, Capers and Sauces of all kinds, Italian Salad Oil, Rye Flour and Oat Meal, Imported Wines and Cigars, Goshen Butter, Beef Tongues, Magnolia Hams and Dried Beef, Mazeppa Flour and Grits, Graham Flour and Wheat Grits, Sugar, ail grades and prices. F. A. l’i 'YIEROY AT UIIOilF.K’3 COKNEH, < ALLS ATTENTION TO Choioe White Shad, “ Fresh Bay Fith, “ Mobile Cabbage, “ Celery and Lettuce, “ Live and Dratted Poultry, “ Fresh Country Sausage, Spare Ribs and Backbones. A Choice Lot of Fresh Craokers, Sugar Jumble*, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps, Lemon Cresms, &o. Apples, Onions, Potatoes A Turnips Also usual Family Supplies and Fancy Gro erios on bar. L Mr. T. C. PRIDGEN will lo found at the coun ter and will Lo plead 1 d to wait ou his former cu tumors and friemls. Tho patronage of the public respectfully solicited. feb28 Beautiful Spring Cassimeres Southern (Vs) fisks PEACOCK & SWIFT. ■yto mm run. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, OX Broatl tStx-oot. Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. mhll tf JNO. F. FLOURNOY. BUN. T. HATCH EH. 0 0. MoQgHBI. "W arelionse. H. R. KPPINd, Pisn't. H. TV. SOW A ltDS, Cuhlrr. It. *. MCLPORD, Axt’t Ctsk’r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLUMBUS, GEO. Goods and Staples ! 00. Grand Clearing Ont Sale! TO MAKE READY FORTH! SPRING TRADE, WE NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. FOB CASH! AND EVKIil OTHEU ARTICLE A8 LOW A8 TO BR FOUND RLSEWBKRR. CHAPMAN & VERSTILLE, jq <Kk*i DO ■RDAPWR8NT CIGARS. THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. MEDICINES. Good News to Smokers I j. Newman A Co. HAVX JUST OPENED A RETAIL CICAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbua, •nd to meet the demand for GOOD Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c„ they bavo laid in, at great expense, a magnificent ■tuck. Give them a call, end enjoy, at tho lowont price oonsiBtent with living, the best smoka fou have had for many a day. Remember tho place, rohl Rm HOTELS. Rankin House* Columbus, Ga. J. W. RYAN, Prop’r. Fsaxk Gulden, Clork. Ruby Restaurant* Bar and Billiard Saloon, Undbb the Rankin IIousb. mv24 dawtf .1. W. RYAN, Prop'r. DOOR8, 8A8H, ETC. Our Seventy Page Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BUNDS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ao., Mailed to xnj one inters,te.l In building, on receipt of etamp. KEOGH ft THORNE, 264 A 268 CANAL STREET, Jyll diwly NEW YORK CITY. DIT8ON ft CO.'8 Home Musical Library Price of each Book in Boards, #2.50. Cloth* #3; Full Gilt, #4. Musical Tr^a^ure. Vocal. Silver Chord. Vi cal. Wreath of Gems. Vocal. Gems of Facred Forg. Vocal. Gems of German Hong. VocmI. Goins of Fcoitinh Song. Vocal. Operatic H arlg. Vocal. Shower of Pearla. Vocal Dnete. Organ at Home, Reed Orgnn Music. Instri mental. tieiiut of Btraues. Instnimentai. Ilonin f’ircio, Vol. I. Inutruincnfiil. IC'inirt Circle. Vol. II. In-trurneutal. Pianisto’ Album. Jnatruuit utal. Piano Forte Gems. luHtrumeutal. Large, splendid books of bouud mimic, 200 to 260 C gee, full aheut muaic fixe, and contain a very rge proportion of all thu good shoot music pabljHued. gold by all dealers. Kither bock sent post paid for retail price. Oliver SItsos & Ce.. Chu. E. Sitsos It Co. Boston. Til Brondw.p, N, T. mj23 d2t.w(w«lM»t>»l7 THE Sk8T ADVICE that can be.given to pi . son* Suffering from dys< E spsla, bilious oomplaint. colic, consumption, si ' eadoche, fsver aud ague, nervous debility, or any disorder affecting the stomach, the liva'vi kidneys* Is to tone. clean«e, and regulate these lui portant organa by the use of DU. I UTT’d VBQKt< , DLK LIVER PILLS. Thoy net very mildly, yet thoroughly restore the ftindional action of the digestive organs and the iutistiues and reuorate the wholo t ,* stem. They produce neither nausea* griping or -.iitakuess, aud may be taken at any time without change of diet of occupation. Price 26c a box. Mold '>y all druggist*. DR. TUTTmThAIR DYE possesses qualities that no other dye does. 1 effect ia Instantaneous, and so natural that it c* not be detected by the closest observer. It la harmless and easily applied, and Is In gsnen smons the fashionable hair drovers in every city In the United States. Price $1 a box. Sold everywhere. 1840. 1874. Thl* Bank trtnuoti * General Banking buelnaee, pay* Interact on De- poelte under epoolal oontraot, glvee prompt attention to collection* on all aooeetlMe points, and Invite* oorreepondence. Information tranimlttod. by mail or wiroa whan dealrad. aprl din . SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! Til 12 Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y CONTINUES TO OEEEB THE PUBLIC Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Cat It Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH Treeldeat. Ootumtia., Oct. I.l. 1373. Tnuunr. HH SAVE YOUR MONEY!. MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would be no trouble to beoome Independent. UGH & PHENIX SAVINGS DEFUITNI'T. Lest than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the seourity of Depositors—$12 In assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payabloon demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. feb& dtr FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY. Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases cf the Sklh, St. An thony’s Fire, Krysipelan, Blotcbe*, Tumors, Dolls* Tetter, and Salt Khouiu, Scald Heud, Kltigworm, Rheumatism, Pain and Fnlargemont of the Bones, Female Wcakne**, Sterility, leucorrhoea or Whites, Womb Dheuets, Dropsy, White Swellings, Syphilis, KMuoy an l Llv r Complaint, Morcurial Taint, and Pi'en, nil proceed from Impure blood. DR* TUTT’B NABIAPARILLA is the luowt power.'ul blool I'uiiller known to medical science. It enters into the oiiciiiation and era>’icatea every morLiflr agent; rotiovaUm the system; produce* a beaut ful comuloxion and causes the holy to goiu flesh and Increase in weight. Keep the Blood Hemltfcy’ and all will *»*- well. To du so, nutiiiug has ever laen ofTored that can rompare with this valuable vegatAhle extract. P ico Si.iki b bottle. Sold by all Druggists, Office 48 Corilun It street. N. Y. fobl6 dnodawly cuRes Ktoralgia, Pile*, hesdsohs, Siarrhooa. Bells, OldSoros, Lameness, Burns, Soreness, Toothache, Scalds, Sprains, Hoarseness, Ulcers, bounds, Sore Throat, Colio, Bruises, Bhenmatism, Hemorrhages, teswC' marSl < odftwStn MILLINERY. w* 8PRINC MILLINERY. E bar- but » („>1 l| Dl . ,.f HPBINO AND MUMMER MIM.INEBY, In- eluding all tho MOVifiLTlbS ol tlio auason. PRESSING AND HLRACUING done In the letest styles, at the shortest notice. Next door below the New Yoik Store. MRS. UOLYIN and orMR—Ivtnari MtR u DONnkii.Y. ▲ NKW SUPPLY Lonsdale Bleached Sheeting. FEAOOCK * SWIFT. ay 10 Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, Boston^ “ “ “ - $529,364.02 “ “ “ - - 180,903.89 Total A*»*t»—Gold—January 1st, 1874, $882,632.02. LIABILITIES. Lomas Da* and Unpaid* in prucam of adjustmnut, or ailjnstod sud not due Nod*. |22,M)S 00 All other Olkima ’ 1,616 *S COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Inoome, 1R78 t<JI9,*87 78 Iuooiue, lb7Z 536,217 67 Gain S 88,668 86 Lmh* ffromptl* A<U**4*<1 «n<l Mettled k* G. jGUNBi JORDAN, Agent, 0*122 1, COLUMBUS. GA. DRY COOD8. ‘My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer L KT ALL KNOW ITI WK ARM OFFKUINO KXTKA0RD1NAHY INDUCEMENTS TO CASH Buyers I We must do htiHln'ss at all Itaxurdu, profit or no profit—tho goods must move. Our 8toek of Spring and Summer Drf Goods is Doing cunntantly ruplfliilshtd. Just rorelvcd, FIJZjIj ZjZNTB OF PARAlBOZiflI! Among them another lot «if thou* with t.enutiful dilvcr-uiountoii llwodled, Iu bword, c|>«ar, und many other chaste designs. O r ntork of JAOON39T TZIZMMmaS large, and la offered cheaper than ever b»?fo'e In ihirf muikot. rospectfullv oak all to call and oxamiun uud get prices. We elwaya show goods cheerfully, and NEW YORK 8TORE. S. I.ANI4AUEB * BBO. consider it no trouble. oprlfi tf LOW! LOWER!! LOWEST!!! WVERY CUSTOMER TRADING WITH JOSEPH A BROTHER knows that their one a U passed stock of Dry Goods or evt-ry vaiicty has In < u mdinig a$ The Lowest Cash Prices Ever Known in This Section! THIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE HAS LAID IN A Fine Stock of Spring Goods! To meet the w«uta of thair many eustomar*, and * 111 continue to sell their stook of Domestic Foreign Goods at prices that defy compMltl.-n. Come and see for yours-lt. 1 he goods niul sold. afrU tf JOSEPH & BRO. 88 Broad ■*.