The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 02, 1874, Image 3

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SUM 8, 1874. ■lAOtV J A CM*pl«..wC Kwnto*r* Wnp—n their . uhah **#f 2*v*l Nut. F»y«ttrrlU»(K:0.) Bxpree*.] A Mptaht looking Feyettavffl# darkey, ofcilUting brtwMn twenty nod twenty- fire *nww «re, overtook nn old mhoc the atteet the other day, end wedging him in n Mon oolrner, proeeedid toeoquaint hUa with ell the eorgeoot prorieione of the Civil Might* bQL Yoxag Afrioe ka put ed to old: Aftiee a fond of Teloeble ’wapwmi, Bumner* awivet rights bill hen peered do Senate ob do “Jeea eo, Uncle Billy. And tay, Uocie Billy, wo oolotad poaaona la gwina to see whoso porvirioaa iata depet. We are gwina to bo allowed to ride free on de railroads, smoke In do. ladles’ Oar, and pot * i ffr^yaamTht?? * - “Is dal so. Mail" da hotels andopt at da hood ob AjUMe, ud U^ imwf|aSr32hr and spit on da oarpetn. tod »ake tie desaemVea widout grumblin'; and Whoheber de boas ob da osoaera shoees S bill etna, wellhhb him eenttoWaOUngtoO and obsoarod hide ■fUSRMfef; “Jest ao, uoola BUly. And any, Unola Billy, we'a (wine he be allowed to go to dwwbita aebools aad sat op on do Uniform wld da taaahe* end lean .gahfaraphy, trlggennanoastry, gahomtny, Latin, diarrhea." “CWodCMf <sdntso,doslar>" boned la Malta ooflna wld looking glasses rill hhb to oarry oh top Ob data,; nad day wfll hab na on a hearae to de grabeyard and bury ssoatop ebd«aahMe felha, an aben ds day ehrenrstertoa am. arrived aagal dab riel ■ asms tootin' along, he’ll oat tiMr, hit taaamst, "Ah yon ool- nay, Uncle ob dat bill”—— ’' .d'Whata .dal yon aay 1>out perrialona, jeaiarf’ --it in • . . ■ ’“Wett,_UaOIABBIy, as I wee^wine oat obdat — iar. Yon say Asm s to rIaUi 49 “8 up right dar.doaia parmeiooa lO dat Kill r “fees ad, Undo Billy. De patwiaiona ob de bill" “Stop right dar, fosier. Bf dere's per- riaioaa in dat bill, I want a seek ob door die bony minnit. Dam do smokin' in do ear, an Latin, an de ‘ r! Dey’i »bOI Wolf a dam cent!” r da gehogmphy, andede Italia oofflna! I wantj'da Aasiar I Day's all dare it In n> m ■■ WAS TtUUI. »»»•«• .1.1 II j ..lit y. Anaedato of CWianreaaman Koasalth. flew the WaahlagtoB Oorraapoaitaaea at the OiMteeett Oowamelal. wMM^^Hwndf^MnoTeqfiwm^ Ojarlea Hewerrod ooe tern in thn Ben- *4 aeraralaii.JhMQ. and a few days after bawwe awccn In be waa* of tbe-aloe* rooms, and inaida ware Yaaaen- den, Merrill and .mvaml others whose bmhi w* can’t Mail. They hnilud him, torito4hi* to, and aftor oooYuwing for t fvyr moBMAta they asked him very - 4, 7J ' - Noaaritb, yo* hive eome from i "i donntry, where yonI .aay. the Mietton of year Ufa has been Whl yoa tall ua what drat atruok to'tha Senate ?" , whan Itook my Mat la this aasOat bedy, aald to be oomposed of tbehMpt dfonr greet oonntry, I was overwhelmed witbtlle atrasganaas of this one idem how I same to be hare.” “Oh! Ah! 7 Ugh! So! Abd then, 1ft. Ksamlfli.'wtikf then—What Waa year next osom tor wonder I” “The nest thing, gentlemen," answered than the drat thought, wn how in tb'lfenoe all yon other fdtowd get here !” ire wm a ehont, end from that, day solemn old feUowa, who bad thoagfat raws by their pomposity the ontde j Senator, were his sworn Monde ever neglected tn oostaion to tall! The next proposition of the oremation- Ste will be to utilize the ashes of the I feetba am of the bring: f Be need to make oar garden trash grow far- ,* tart > Or BarxC redaaad to aahes tee and dry \ Be hexed and labelled “eoneentrated lye 1” ! From the eanaae of Japan for tho| year 18UL joat pnbliebed, wa laarn that ttottof LtonlaliM if iala&d to ftd.- -SUSS! * and 18,814,687 are females. Of this num ber If ON princes, 15 prinoeeeee, 2,666 of noble birth while of Boddbiet priests,. priosISSsas and mine there are no fewer than 221,467. The Shinto prieate and prtastaaaea nnmber 102,477* and tbs oom. mon people are pnt down nt 80,887,271. Pleasant Summer Resort CATOOSA IPBI^CW, OA^ • i cull % £ W. 0. HBWITT. BSOLGTI DIVORCES OBTAIN ID FROM ooarte, of different States, for desertion, do* publicity required. No ebardb until divorce (muted. Address, Stein’s Patent Burial Caskets. ATS bean appointed agent by theaMhy Ubl’OeeketyetdoSipaM irUUant, end yet warm .oe, rary different from eppesrtnee of tne — , Wa’ant and — the public are i ■oUtfmmibi, prices. T. T. EDMUNDS. BA I. T. WA KNOCK, SMgeam aad Phyataiaw. OKoa at Sleaghur'i Png ttem, Baiba BA I. W. K. W1AUAM Millinery. , insus wens a tuokkk, "■" ywahlenable wiutnars aad Diwaemabere. Ow>ibm.a’« kklris eat br. chart msaaen, and 'ins. C. T. JAAKXJQW, able MUUeer awd Seta l|ml or BMurlok iCe.'a Waltaraa.'' Attba lea. naebtaff-iteas. at BSuperi S Oe^ Wllk. iU: m.'.-mr.i Notarise eeuaBK' D.^tuMUHr rurnlture, In At Pants ^PHeea. ' A. O.JBAKWriU. '* Dealer U attkladi ef niMbale, SB& Lewyersr. A. M. riCKKKA, mr wwd deeaaaUar «d u«, OKoa apposite Atebaaa Hearn, ' v ''! Prartlaw ibahaarta of lbs State.'. M,) Tellors. that nu W It M. K. CAHPMLL, TMldev Oatkiag sad; lSMtOy. U,. Booth Beil hawll!o iStlSm Dentists. ,1'dtoiiifcW Jml a .nun ny jH ** ^ hi t - r; r Thv Lowest Cash Prices £yer Known to'TtoSection! ■P„ld :IVli;w|iA,itijwm > fouee | i»M t Mie.iii' . iww of Spring Goods! ,. t , , ♦ .ho u f'. o:iin ,. t -. . ; j To wMt th. with at maelr oe.tow.fe, aed wDVeeatlaa. I» eaih Maakikjf T, foieife Goods at prleertBR dart cowpatlUon. i *** *WK> KlWri I «T Oawaatdeaa «aa jeuio^f. .yti^joeila mu*» Derfaw nhdpi. WULKT KAKKIMfiKK, Kerber, owj« £&+£$$* BI«MONdb Booth Railroad BtrMt, TWI«M|har»ara, BUrtt, ono.r “Adawe How Hotels. AWAHH HOUBK. , . , WbM roe so to Opollka, boaewldrtspetliM ! AJma.Itom.’.ppm^ Iheurened.^ ay K. C. MWff dt Bwil, ~ Seweawl Iwawratwee AatewM. OOm^Raiimftd BtrMt, or.r A H- °rt#ao A 6.,'a, Prominent Incidents FVem its J\rtf SettUmcM m 1887, «e (As WiUon Rmd, tn ldOb, eampUtd bp Jenn Ml The undertiffhidpnpotei to publM, in a volume of 150 M mere ^dpeej H Wi under the above title, covering OU porfod /nm (As eeleetkm of the locality/or a “ tradiiy^mtn," in 1827, to the capture and partial deetruetioa of the city by the Wilton Raid, in 1805. The incidenti will be derived mainly from iti newspapers, which will be fflraned fer thie purpose with much care. It it believed that mart of our citizens would like to have such incidents in Mil compact and convenient form, and will eneourayt the undertaking to the extent of the small amount asked for the work: Each chapter will eontam shorthiagrapki- cal sketches or notices nf Uu principal tiff mentioned in-it, who have 'once dial, volume will tries embrace full information concerning the churches, faetnriu, &t., now existing. We do not propose to publish this compila tion with a view to malting money, at the email pries ashed fee it will show. But at th* tame time we do m utant w lunewn by its pubBeattani mt M&H .w* wish to limit the number of copies printed to the de- mandfdk bdwhrh, j fifth tMft&olii tew, w* issue this prospectus, inviting thorn,,w/io desire copies if the volume to tend in their The price will be one dollar per copy /be a pamphlet bound volume, printed on paper like the epechnei thett issued. A email number of copies will also bo tutted on a su perior article of paper for $1 30 per copy. P»inHe vfan the mi: will be some time fall, TltOS/ GILBERT. May 12 1874, CICADA. THE NEW 0BLEAN8 CIOAR STOEE. , Good News to Smokers I j. Newman .. iiAyidtiBT orSRxn %RETAIL * - ^ ^0 At (41 Braid St. nektfwiafVmtsi Ac Co. iri»" t.pwmtiti a oo. FOR SALK AND HINT. To Bent 7 ^FTIR April Oth, two Fomlshed BU> M ROOMS, Kitchen end StnUe. with in of dining room and parlor. Address npl tf II, Bnqnlror Offlce. %n,Y. .cdooii w "» PJ> fijoj |>Tt>iy bt’i ‘My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!” Bapeml W. WOMH. beala-M at all Usenet, | Our etook of •prtnv'M^<I&iw^r:l^y -<idpdi|'. *■ :b kiBtg^lMalaailffdapl.ajabad. ndertlM^'d.dl ,>iioY s,o/ u | ■ . VtTZaXa DIff» OS' r4HA,*OLSI pgedMbmib. ^ 1 —* — f ?gnWfey- k * ll,<,<! * llM<l i* 1 : lMlnmtmtwm «baamui»,aed ^ N1W YORK tTORC. .»f ifelffo adfaedaxatalaa to tbiamnrkste Oran ;i ixia Louj* tl 4 AANBAtTKlL. anitoitoKiafite&m, “ ft ' • **>«•. id* L- ui.| ol «uu»ij9n*,i ;rr, t TO MAKl BIADT FOR THK 8PRIRO TIADK, WI NOW OFFIR f EC^rfr : Stock of Fancy Dwii ' " AT AND BELOW COST. TOR CASH! A!»W VTBST QTCSS AKHOLB AS LON 48 TO ■■ I CI^A^Alsr^ let daod 1/ . .. , ! ■> LOW! ' LOWER M- LOWEST!! 1 ! Spring" Goods "sFw. 1 "■MLiouK mtedw sNbf kaup Fn a 1 svwKxsaK !«e;. .• y .t 4>rpT*I(i.Ar. 1 1|N* 4-PWKtr OASH rKIOKSM. A‘J>«t)4Mt%eri. rUTJ 'ffFia xnq new or BPBINO goods, waick tini; Tkafr Stook la Cortplwtwiln Every Oapartmanii 'BBd* t FORrGAAHy.lTlha Naw ThrK & rtld’b ■ .Beet Prints 10 oenta. .... ^sbo. Irish. Linens Kxpreesiy Imported! v,ne. XT Ladies', Children^ and Missal Sboos:Alaoi good snt>" pl ? ^*Wtntation Boots i/.-e Carpets and Buriat redHeed^oM. Of All wi.hin, Spring Goods and Staples for cash can out do better, anthrt-::. !:!,.: „, r , I , - .w.,. riwBaawkwtih Adauioo, .'Mo nail! !-■ • lent v 1 ioialae -r nnda-nY . o : i-hc. „ : ,. aa COTTON WAREHOUeti. rwrn rasas, -i m.,i « n ,ii ujb. illssb-uw nO 'rdi'j'tri ilaiilol Hi« r* - /i ,‘..*ignot oia i tonn.i i • i v>t\v. v a'lwi 1 ... *.i , ij:nui oia i *. ALLEN, PREER & ILLCE8, dxo. v. ploSrnot. 0. 0. MoOBHIK. , JSSH-KHAWSfa... A. 1 s toil WareliotiBe, FLOURNOY, MoGEHEE & CO., Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Colnmt>tul,Ga. Special Attention given to the Storage quid Sale of Cotton • “■" »* and other RCerohandiae. i -. —f . ft jj AW AH OfsmFfSRiFtly Estci E. €k 4i00D A BRO. xx*r oO!*sTAWT[.T on handrun. BVocn ■r ■ -i: Mil : . Tf*- :! j. , - OsseSo Qhe*lo*n and Farfumary, tapn. ru AT SAW WtMVM**. "Til .Rwww"l Honse.and r Let for Sale •I Mirra PART 09. RROAP »T. T 'HI lot ia \i acre; the house has thpqo huge rooms, hall and nil necessary fgj| ont-hAHAtansi WUl bs eoidcKenp to A<Wi tourer. Apply to mhM tf^! f. Uu« • A. WIffTICIP. Prices of Flour Reduced 1 Empire Flour Mills. WHOLESALE PRI0E8. AA Floor (strictly Fancy) per barrel.. e»... $10 OGf A Flpnr (Choice Family) 00 BFloor.. 8 00 OFlonP4.j; 6 00 Oralrnm Flour.. 9 6(1 ... 14 00 ... 1 60 ... 17 50 Bran, lose than 1000 R> Beet White Table Mepl nad Grits, pel bushel, 1 16 Q. W. WOODRUFF. Columbus, Q i., Jane let, t874. imySI eodl w ICEI.ICE! APT BE THIS DATE lOX^WILL BE SOLD AT —»«— COLUMRUS ICC WORKS At the Following Prieo* : Ertelt, p«r lb.... X cu. Tlchete br loo lb. 11 ao “ » mo IU.„ u 3 60 - »«::•::::::::::::::::::::: JS ’iB Agoihe 7 00 “ lrto lb., 12 00 rt etteefeWeem wed. with dml.n. RIAL 1ST ATS ACKNTS. JOHN BLACKMAR, Real Estate Agent 1 amt Broker. . nerrs, »v rkiiirteiON, fMjfrfr#*’ ,**> lAriN, «»»<■ 1 tht*. rfrt ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents SMnMRK W ILL ATTKND PROMPTLY TO THB BALK, HINT AND PUHCUA8I of RIAL BffTAra in tlte City and countlfi end will advertise the mw. <et KtmUMl.| like OP OHAXax, aim tb. proptrtj U Md. For. Sale. VACANT LOT Of UlID, bales th. WMI.por* tloe of tb. -Num lot," en Enia tM, edjrthle, the reetdnnos of ilon. “ • *—* J if yon wont a bargain. CITY LOT No. SOI, on McIntosh street, with three dwellings on the same. Will be sold t °jS»* r ° f *****’ U • *Pf r - forCMh * V ALUABLI OUT. PROPJUITV, situated in th* bnsinese centre of the citf. Will sell at a great bargain, or to an aooeptabte party an undivided interest. The |>ropsrty can be suul# to pay a largo Interest on the investment. • A DE8IRABLI H0U8I AND LOT, with tan HOU01 with dye good reotRi, within 800 yards of Southwestern Railroad depot, OS a-half acre ground. or: . Por~Rent. A 8T0RII10UBI in the Talley of Talbot county Springe. A very Goods and OrsSdty desirable location i r 4n’ Wood. WOOd4‘ h w gEST WOOD, nedj iswrt, ti-ODper Mrt. Wood ■■wad for SO east. parVord. Order. tUrt prowpt- ly oo application to tk. fobll tf MUSCOGEE MANUfNO 00 ' RANRNtC^ KNU II 1 EHOfiXS BBOWtfl, PtmUssL 9*0. ▼. BtLUXSIAK, OuUsr. GEORGIA HOME BANK. • > . . -vf . r , !f . r gg> .... ■ Bank of Discount and DepeifL * Deals in Ssefcange. Coin, fttooks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. THE iW BOMB HARP BM Offers thb’ greattsst indUc^tuents to those having idle funds, for which they yyant undoubted security, a liberal iuterest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Gent., compound ed Jatfuary, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By tne tends of the Company’s chartei, the entire capital aud property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholder* is pledged for the obligations of the Saviage Bank. '' D»BoioRat J. BHODE8 BEOWNE, Free t of the Oo'. N. N. CURTIS, of WeU*,C<utU A Oo. /AS. f. BfflOBMAN, OeplUllit, AUente. U T. DOWNING. ArtotMjotJww. /. R. OLAFP, Meoertr, Olepp’e Feetofy. D. F. WUXOOZ, Seoretery of; h Oo. 7&HL JOHN MdLHHNNY, kfepar- : JOOIAH NORRIS, Beaker, Mod^'j. JAHSS RANKIN. C*pitoti»L CHAHLHS WlSS, 1840. 1874. D. F. WILLCOX, OCNERAL INSURANCE aqent, 8X Brohd atrwwt, Representing OWwt an* Strongest American and Engliah Companies. .YgMfWMBfi <■■>> ' S’*' ‘Oil. ,... IPPIHU, PrM'L H. N. EDWARDE, Oeafeler. S. S. ■OLPORS, AWt Cuh'r. The Chattahoochee Natipnal Bank . OP OOLUlMIplJ®, GKO. -anoliao *5 1 • •• f ——w This Bask trimick ■ Q«n*r«l Banking bualiiM*, pxy( Interest on De- pMlta m4ri bpeoldfvontraot, glm prompt bHewtibn to MllMtlon* on all ffeboMIble point*, inti Invito* oorroopondonoo. Information tranomRtod * h «" dMhiB. „a*prX4*w - r,.. ■ SECraT7--PR0MPTBESS---LIBEIlALITY ! ^ the Q^otgia Home Insurance Comp’y V' 1 f "' CONTINUER tk OPHR TNI rtiue mBDilTYaiallllt Loss by FIRE! Having, Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War I800 ( 000.00| if the Wants a Chance to Cat It Rack. l,RHpDEg BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH Freeidewl. Oolewbn., Oct. lit, 1*73. 14U SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT I If you will only Save what you Waste, K would be no trouble to become Indeoendent. ’I ’ ' Lett than one year old, and hat 378 Depotltbra. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 fOr the security of Depositor*—$12 In assets for every dol- Ur of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwardf received. Seven per oent compounded four times a year. DeposHs payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G.GUNBY JORDAN, Treas'r. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, - • $520,364.02 Boston “ “ “ - - 180,003.80 Totd A***U—Sold—January l»t, 1174, $BS2,CS2.02. LIABILITIES. Tmein* Doe and Uopold Mono. hotaoo in proem of adjortment, or *djanted and not do* 011,888 00 AU other Claim* —it *.616 ** COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Income, 1873 '.!! * 0619,887 78 Inoomel 1872 636,217 87 Gain »• 98,666 86 lawn frewpll, Mjwrtrt ww4 r rttli IrtlM bj G. GUNBY JOHDAN, Agent, <*tw ij ' - ooz.T7xnns. oi.