The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 02, 1874, Image 4

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lulls fW* TUESDAY.. ■ TOMB 3, 18$*., CITY AFFAIRS. COLVMHVS DAILY MAMKKT. • ‘ a? • riBASCiA4.~4NgM «•*.'» *ag Ysthpnri OB Boo ton X POT Mat. dlioonat; oa so- Taaaah 14 por am .4aaSnd bODea JtaeUa Kporooat. Banks are salting ohaoke ooHtw York at <40. pomlaa. OanoaOf loaao ieij{ por ooat. por month. QoK sad slw noml- aoi. I r (I (j | ■ “* 11 Oottow.—Market doll oad lowor. Tko fob lowing an tko qaotaUoao: .... t , Iaforlor OU Ordinary nsd stained.....>.....11 (U Oood Ordinary..,,.,^,,..18 WK Low hUddllnge ...It OilJ< Mtddlfwr*............ ........... MKO- Strlot Middling! If #- Balm ft bkloo. Heeelpte IX balm — t by M. fc O. R. B.; 1 bp wacoan 1 bp ft, A >B, B. B. 1 8 to W. B. B. ; 1 bp rlroti 1 bp fi. W. M. £ Shipments eta kales-0 bp 8. W. B. B.I orarhomoooaookipUoai SbpW. R. R. DA1LT BTVTBBBOT. " Block oa hand AacwatUt, IMk 4,171 Kooolrod ttwiav... it pnrloaaip to.ttl-to.dib •Ito* .... XU ....*1,11 Shlppe^to-day.. nrarloai Voia JStMpMBMUalB prorloaalp... Stock oa Hand..,, Soak Dor Loot Yn**r—Aagwet Mat, 18ft, lit; rooolTod a a at a dap Tti total laatlptt at.tfbi ahlppod ammo dap btt total thlpmoato M,1H| a took 4,080 1 aoloa OX. Middling, ITS. U.B.PoRTs.-Heoetptofor adapt 0,4X8. ax. porta to Oraot Britain lX,tttfto Omttaeat 4,808; ttook 8X0,777. latta (a Millinary, Hair Mn. U. B. Howard. Mooting of Stockholders—M. A Q. H. B.00. jiOMAS Dlaoolntion—H. Londoner A Bro. Hook and Ladder Company—Moot j to night. Pan Cold M> Wottp-J. I. Grittn. Bee Ttriont oolao by lh* Biiariff. : Hew Dry Gnoda Mid Notions—8. Lon doner. Gredltora of John King—Meet l«4af. The udarataadlag io that the atone, on the prinolploo ennnatated by thp Iifauai, would be earried to the ffnpraae* Oeext, and ell the defendant* wool* abide hr thet deateion. The BoUotter fonght far triola the pceeent teem. Benda were annonnoed forfaited ia the eaeeo of Looarna k B. Mato, had Wolf, John GrUBtb, and deha Btoohtod. M jnnt eaoe to be trjM thie morning ia Self Of Npm« Bornptt; misdemeanor. W. U Beiiabnry, I. A. Welker end M. M. Moore were appointed oommimiocara te tot lee the j try liana ef HU aunty They aot in oonjanotion with the Ordinary and Boparior Court Clerk. Conit adjourned to 8| o. m. to-day. The Farley armed Suftday with three bale* of ootton end ten beeiel*. . She Will leave Wednesday at 11 0. M. Strang* Rtfug., When Ktlbk'e bear broke loon* tlib oth er day, and treeo, honae , tope end .other •afe plooeo we;e an hurriedly mount**!, one gentleman took refuge In a' hearae. IfarrM, in New York oity, on Monday, May 25tb, 1874, "hy Her. William BpJflmkn, Mr. Iaooo Movito to Mr*. Susan Yon, all of ColnmbuO, Ge. . -- * YnNsrD-iiar. The creditor* of Mr. John King meet at 11 0. u. to-day, in the Library Botna, over UrifBn'a ding store, to hear. the report p| the eonpnitlkh affdUted ft UM meeting. Vkwrekea The day wee very warm, and congrega tions were not large 1* oonaequenoe. Pee to re filled pulpits: L * ^ ' Appropriate eerrioes were held In the Episcopal and CathaUo ohurakea bn ao- oonnt of its being Trinity Sunday. This day ia so styled from the fsaet held in honor of the Holy Trinity. Jem.. • ■ 1 She oommenoed hor reign yesterday with the hottest sort of whether. In the abediest plaoea at 1 o'olook the thermom eter indicated 01 JvK It wont up higher during tlio afternoon. Juno, from whom this month gets its name, wss a Jealous old writh, aud made that buahknd of here, old Jupiter—he thpt flung around the tbnnderbolte—In'hot water ah the while. He gore her cause for rows, and in her month they are often heard quar reling in the upper spherea. Tha Jurisdiction «f Knper’e Oenrls. In a oase io the Superior Court yester day, Judge Johnson deoided that the Mayor’a Court had no jurisdiction over oaaes arising from Seljibg liqUar on the BB>bath • day. ' It eras ' made- a brims by State law and paaiababie to a greater ex tant than the Mayor can infliet. The State bad aot conferred any auah power, though the Legislators had ttae oonititu- ttonal authority to do ao. . ■, The decision rose upon an indietment by the Grand Jury. The lawyera claimed that the defendant baa bean alruady triad and punished by a competent trlbnUl, end it wee not lawful totfy amen twioa for tha nnu offense. The Coart went on with the trial, TA« reurist’s Com?antaie. A paper of the above name is to be leaned in Washington vara shortly, which will bjf oondocted by D. Okipley, General Southern Agent of the Baltimore end Ohio' end Virginia Midland railroads. Twenty-five thousand oopicu will bs distributed free at ell points end on ell trains between New York and Baltimore. Unprecedent ed '.inducements ere offered to ad- verticals. The paper will give general railroad schedules, instructions to travel- era, the reek to mieeellaueoua matters. All know here the brains, energy **»d interact Copt. Gbipley can give to any pnblioatiou, for he ie one of the moat in. elllgentt end entreprising yonng men of the country. The ToariH will be e popular railroad companion, and hotels, especially, can be widely known by ad vertising in it. Will opon to-morrow rhany Novelties, .MWMM ivfMun oovmt. Jam— Jrtaue Mwetdtup-MWff 9**- • „ I; The Crtraiaal Doekat was riiumel Houaa well filled unapt at lausb hour. Wiley flnper currying xcueeelifi weep, ■we Tsrfiiet ad guilty, . HUlrnlw Wunmieim MM MfloUAf house ob Sabbath day—eootiaued by dm feadeat 'A. to. guilty. Wn, Baraell simple laroeuy—woi pm. Many partiee wart oherged srith keep ing open tippling bonsea oa lb# Bubbath day. aauaaal re lead the (A. Cadatuo) of the Grand Jnron (Jrat tall), who found the lufliotmanta, waa Rot acitisen of tha United States; that the witneeeee won aot aurora by the Jury as pruartbidby tbaCoda, and aavacul other wen dsatarrad to Finally tha plea of guilty waa aaterad la aaa eaaa of F. Batch, aad be waafiaad oaa dollar and aoata. Thera are aevanl Aeoording to the United Btatae aarvey, the rlsvettsa of the lew wntaa amah«t Columbus bridge ia aooordiagto the leveia of the Mobile end Girard BaUroad bridge, blfMrt^.U8Mf at Aexiea. <fh. total fell front Columbua to Euiaala, a dietonas of elf mUa^ if .U;80faat; Urn average fall in tbie part Is a early nnlfi ly eight Inebee per mile. The avenge profile ia 800 feet wide. The exaot dis- obarges are ; At Colnmbaa, 8610 cubio feat par aaeoad; la Uehea Beaah, me; at Boaaoke Island, 8430; at 4110. Mean low water is, by authority of the oldaat pilots on tha river, aqua! to tha stage of tu on tha crest of WootMk the shoal eat plaoe ia the river, mean low water two feat; yearly water five feat; eomtaoa high water fif teen feet. . The lowest water ever kaown happening oaoe every two or three yearn in October and November (a 1.30 feet, the extreme range between lowed and 1 blgbad water is fie to 70 fast TWsdaes not change between Oolnmboa and Ia- fgaU, the profiles having the portion aa tha discharge!, aad tha river being ooaflned between high bluffs all the way. The oast to improve the whole river to as to moke it navigable throughout the year, ie estimated at the lowed at 9U6, 000, and •860,000 at tha highest. The dletance to Apeloohleole ia said to be by river 878 miles, by lend travel 380; by straight line 187. The lad figures are not the results of a survey. Ota CMcerf, Tho one to be given to-night in the Open House for tho purpose of paying off the debt of St. Peal's (Methodist) Church, promisee to he a vary attractive and pleasing entertainment. It povei gad beautiful features in M any amateur performance aver given in. Colnmbaa. Living slot aery, superb sceaea, rich pinging, aad satertaining manic, will charm and delight all. Be- served aeats were being rapidly told yes terday. Go out aad enjoy to hsart's con. tent. The advertisement gives prioee end perticnlare. A reporter attended the rubenaenl ltd night It arts anperb. The rtitumte are rich aad atriking, aad the tableeaz end etetue repneentetione lovely ee e draem of youth end hop#. The dosing scene ie gorgeoaa beyond description. Wards oenuot give ttm remotest Idas of its redieat beauty. Go ail aad beer the tweet muato, end tha glittering show of ettrnotiveaeaa. thm IWeweaM JMIsre in Barite “B.” of tho Building end Lent Aaeociatione wan sold lad night et an avenge of 16). Tha tewed five shares brought 29. In “Mechenioa” $3,000 sold et an aver age of 88—84 being tha lowed laeeeaa ful bidder. The eels at money in Series “A.” waa postponed to Friday eveniag when the report will ho teed.' Then remain sixty unbanawed shares ia thin Association, twenty of whieh era held ia Macon. Tippling Mm—. According to n deetrtoa rendered yee- terdey by Judge Johnson, it makes no difference how many doors era opehtd or dosed to e bar-room, If you go there oa Sunday end get drinks,the law is violated. Obtaining the drinks there, is whet the lew desire* to prevent, on Sundays. An injunction has been obtained in the U. 8. Distriot Court, and ooafirxxad by the Circuit Court, restraining the sale of the well known Goetohiae k Oo.'s steam pii<y*«3| tottiit, whisk vm mItwHmiI among them OolUre, Caffe, Butting*, be disposed of at aaotioa today. The Spanteh Laos, Bcerfr, Footings. Ac., Ac., I injunction wee obtained at the lnatanoe of •* J. & Voaae'. 1 J. J. Wood.edadniatretor of F. J. Abbott Theititewtegateay laid aaa^ Wit ' resting to ampy hare, ffartag their ZStX^JSSSt&Sl He mart have belonged to the Maaad family. Several yearn ^o he waa employ ed by Mr. Q. B. HarTieea. White _ aoaM athakrtytov a JNsAm* ttoa to be seat to New York, ;tbe gaaSeraea be- tdaM aa piaaaad irtth tea tort be ea> blm to New York and tends kta peeker in a large toriato -hi year he eaate South with hie eatptoymr oa h vtriA and saw aad fell fat love with Soaaa Yoa, a hrtafaaaqean. “ wum to (Milfe XW.aMh 1^1 -. cbenglag vows, Ac. Ha ntpmad to New with dinetiaas to proeeedet o ifark, aad they weaMbe awflrt •Mae. Ha atrt bar ea tha Jaiaay aida, Wrtate$ te e fawhaaae. The Haw York Bun at tha fifth alt baa this; I HStA'J S I . MAUND—YON.—OaMcadgy, May 38, 1874, by Hrt Mart. Wmaai Spalfaaaa, SSSStisSS!!**- ' TUtff tofit.*i*rti.»irAa family of Untie Sera fwlejM Ahl haeaolaag lived ia thta aeatioa. It* aa aeMoae tort wa have anything U ttd taartrtlH Waa atoehg atlkit Vtoila ier hteak, that wa make the paragraph, j • fin! ' ! P^igjgpjptf--■■;! y tart afternoon, netoiiBawelagf partial jgsr train for .Mseon was within • few mitteaf OAAn. tb. htof Mftes axis Waa broken. Neither aaglae nor eats - Great'Ndaatiaa la thaptteaaf Drxas Goods. ***** par yard. c ' White Goode steeper than before the IT- WhMa atriped Una at ana-half tha femes tiea.^ - , 0 rtaWag Goode of every Mad, ihrtj ^ Ia*. » x jC4 Fell Vines of GaMF t^XaMat'KUU, fiepot r#e to.St.8a. i x Feetory Oherttaonly 14 eeato. 1 1,000 dos. Oorts' Spool Cotton only tOe ftodanart- i1 4 4 Bleaehad and Brawn Cotton, t*a> Beenllfnl Pitaia, 10a - Teeto eapply of Faaa aad Fuaeaula. ayN Farrow, CMaaoa A Co. Tha yaqgar ptosl^toHy4d WaiGrtf •pen til 10, UJ aad 18 eeatn n yard Aon A Mcnnocn'a. waa iajand. Tha traia waa datahtad asm A freight train ooaeing down, the CgtegfeSmS; ttaia sped oaita ^ep. Amother engine waa proaaiadhaAwiaMftghMMheddhte prtat in Anawamar WelterMJohneoakrtbeen eonfirmad to poetmaarer of Oaterthaa Ha is a young men of intilligeaea aad npertty, aad Add ■any yean of to^Wl3Wr|rt Ohs af toe la the present dtoBefe 1 : MWJAUffM. —Tha Mgpiw held no metises yaatar- day. Nnmhesa tea aaterad for trial to day. .238JC riZT.i —Tha gteaa hdawiag soaepaay whieh washatwartwrt Tha proper ptoseto proaara the latest aavslttea ia Bilk Baaefa, Bape, Faaa, loathe* Bette, A*, la at .... — . ...-. ^grt * MunnooWe. Tha prapea pleas to bey Black Graaa, dfosaln all ktyiea cheap is et , Aoaa A Monooa'e. A few pieces of Fraaoh aad Bag)teh Clawgwem, very tew, to cteaa oat, at T. E. Bueoajee'x _ The proper thing to dote, go to Aces A Hutdootfe aWI looktbroagh their hand- noaMlinaof BUha, graaadjtoei FopUaa Striped and Oerdsd OrgeadldA an* asM» whet goods yon want A large lot of cheap Ortalmerai aad Xainenx, very cheap, at W«.41MtXI4|p l a rti'Ui ■TbvViai'ass —'fWH#rte ton OtekFatoa’ Oaaaart, to bagttto,rtehGnStoMtapM% ttpbaf. Aaa. hartaaaa eboat hiay He took. dees; apotogtaad by saying aha wae ad- dressing those who were Jurt commencing Arithmetic. "-^SSSnHMr k4M toap ara tha favorlto- beveregaa for tbe Oolumbna males. —No rail estate Jrtoefen hays beta la three wealm. >' Oemamptle* tksa say ttlwr vemeCy kaewa te saaejs-ifeassss:. 0** be lelerteee te the keaea eeeetitnUee. Other temrtlm eCvwtteeC u csrm for Oeeiemptlee &ZSStSat!3i,lAXZS coeenrUn feUeete. it amtdcgsmt irtrtyi hr its toeCuey Is to ooelee tk* merMd utter Is the which, of ooereo, most uko e out Iwpoaetblc. aohceekU hleale ftyrop b wor- matet e«f te eoetoa eretttobor opiewi tin Mewul Of poworfol bet hamlom horho, whlok art oa Ito lease, Itver* eteuch etobbrt*enC thm eentet ei uctolC etetulini/ort hpk IM tkc btmert wetter bom the boCy. Thu en the only aeeae by oWleh OimoueMm con WenroC, u4 oC aChnib'e Pnlmortc toray, Sm Wert Tonic *n4 MeoCreko HUetro Ike only wrtlclom which optmlo In thle e*y, It Io .... way. It b ebviooa they ere the ealy acnnlno cere for Fntmoauy Oonnwo- tie*. awE battle of tbto InvelneMo wrtldeo to eemayenlrt by Ml Clrooileee. Dr. Sckoaok to MHBOniSSSIF eqr ; x ertty .. t . , . Opening twice a waak, new and deem- ble goods, whieh Mb offered at '‘selling" Haw Piques, Feather Edged Braids. Another large lot Grenadines and Linen Bui tinge, at _ Q j „ g . G -j J. B. Jonas'. Black Alpeocee at—wall, go and eee than at J. 8. Jonas'. mySO eod A fins aeanrfment of Beal Msersohium Pipes, Cigar Hatdern, Cigar Oaaes of real Hearten Leather, Male Leaf ee, Ac., at Baaum'a Cigar Emporium, oa Baalolph atreet, hones with the Bad Bign, near Baqaimr ortaa. my 10 Maad ratat Yea can lad at T. E. Blanchard's, 128 Broad street, tha vary latest styles of Drees Goods, fit woch. prioee as eannot fail to give satisfaction. CaU tbam. . Domeatte Goods at greatly radnoad rates; Factory Qaeda to faobwy prtcea Coals' SpoflGvWaa at 70 easts par dos.; mjffgmaaimna. Tha peoper plaoa to bay Aeaerican Cam brio te at Aoaa A Mmnooa'e. Upon (tertra a cart goo* steak 1, go to Bcnemnh, ea Bendalpk atewrt, .and.eto fttr hte'new brand! Wf Key West sad lea- ported Hamaa Oigara. . n .„ mplf rxroxD ;-»*iMYLATnUry O High prioee oaa ao longer mML' '-fliMf bash ia thW prfaiaipte now, and aa I dartre to etoae buefaeas, am effcatng my stock of , Dry Goods, 1 Ctethiag. Rata, i ’ Boats aad Shoes, Hosiery, and nueaerou* artielce in thte Una, rt teas Call wad lar go farther item two to any other ptoaa. I am in earnest. If yon doubt ft, Map ia and have proof of the fart. r j - L. Huso, m Broad St., | myl 4m _ Oolnmban, Oa. Jena’s ^WScmrt. *»me of money nH gjfpnt by tho afiUatad to Bad raltef from Fites. Tha ia a caetete an far EUnd.wr Brtarata a ptoaa at bread or mart with goaitrio jnioe, aad it will diaaolva. Tbie to dtgaeUawk Add to aaak a a Mtlla alcohol, aad it will art dimalva. Tbie ia indlgaatioa. Bewara, than, of tinotnrae, or tonics, to dacodUoni'con taining spirituous liquor*. Bhon all nOh "tonic*,” aad rely eolely on Da. Wux- ■eVAnnia, Revenber 1,11(8, J ,S ARP AJTRR »OTDAf,TBR tP 1H8TART, - Mrtar YMm en -me neeiffe -oentrai IHBraacbmart qeeecctloji, will rue turn ko. i,,aoiHo aqixu akd wbbt. S2»l®&sW.v:.; SSiS Arrive I* AtflceVn lfiltrtievtfla.'.,,; HM*» a Arrive In Balcntea 1l:rt» n ascr.:::;::?.::: Antxert Altertt - i:to*n lutaaMtot. IdBW OlllMtM 7:10 t U Ir—T« IwteMh.. 7:8ft F M Alrtnn li»M Ami AtlMld 8:60 a ■ Antoihl Mmm tnm OtluikM 4:10 a « AjstatatNMoaflm M«k 8:*ftA« Ugmg Maoor......... 7:1ftam twri AttIyg fevftrn IIA1V MO. t, OOIMM MOBTH AMO WMftT. Lwti •MFMiMku...: 1 .'.... ;Vi V. 7:80 pm LmT3 AHCEBteev..*. 8:0ft P M ArrlTG 1m OtUMbu, l».i 6:35 p M ArrlYG in .*;. A?... 5:40 p m Arriva io AtloaiM.... 6:48 P M conrtnf 8o«* Aim Jact. uhm» Atiaau:.':. 1 f.tcit itv.f. awa .. .v. twww Arrive In rtnrtB View rtlenwi.v. MIn ArrinInKoufrow SatoSm^iTH.T!! frJOr" tom Hem hii.v.l 1:39r Arrimln rtilMamlll. looe r n Arrive Is Asymt*....... - 1 .’; AH i n Atrif. Iikiutoi IM Rallrcrt, K/l'S.' F Ami|rt im •Mix At WhoU BtdtlOQd, IGM «AAoot b* UkdB OB MfSe tf Q*A«ml KptriAUndBBt. '*v? :■?'x* «f > ~ Wwtern Railroad of ’‘'■AkhfiWHt tSTt y ’'***' *** ■+**¥**** ** — TT tv* invigonat known, and Mb Aom tho Tho proper place to go when yon went ) Dry Goode ie sour, tour, tour, i JVem Ilm* Nil Oaa •'ttoaCW* Jj i mut. vztmah - tep.-e,. «j | trader the Rtowrai W*aa 4rbr. g Liquor and Wine House, end the finest Beetanndt in Ootambas, Cat WortSfbt* below Georglt Heart Beal. 11 my8 If mamkmd mwtrirr ? - o H AH kinds of Dram Gauds tie geest re duction. Black Grenadine 35c aad apwtods. Beaatifnl PopUea et half ptioe. White Goode exoaediogfy fbN^^ Hosiery, Gloves, Hnudkerohiefs, Ac, Jewelry and Ohrtelebi Chaiui. . I ' ■■■ Uibbons very clitop—wilt’toll to millin ers et New York prioen. Best Prints lUo. Factory Chechs Ito. Spool Cotton 70o per doaaa, retail. Blenched Ootton* end other Domestic* sheep. Ladies' end Children's Shoe* made to order and warranted sot to rip. English and French Cloths. Saits made to order. Gents'Famishing Goode. I am endeavoring to doe* out at hefty aa possible all goods now oa head, end »UI fibre unprecedented todaesaiento in everything. Terms oesb. my*6 eod H. T. Channel. The proper plate to bay Caltoaes et 10 oaata per yard and Coat*' Thraad at 70 cent* per doxso ia at Aoaa A Muanoca'a. Go to tb* Baby Eertanmnt for your Oyster*, Fish, Gama, aad all things good to eat. ^ ooll5 tf Tbe proper plaoe to Bod Caetiaueres for pants, boy* Cla ml meres, Cottonadea, Lianas teat Aoaa A Xoaaooa's. WiHQUBS TO mt Y0B£ NINE: HOtjRI FASTEST TIME! Choice tfTwo^&outes. Few Tot* tai Nrw Qriesai Kxll Line. trrtrrRRR xatikoxi) or Alabama, OetCaaoe, •*., April xttb, l«TA ~ nam tMmmmntn daily FOR ATLANTA ARP NRW YORK Vrl^Pprilb. at IfoXT a. m. AA lNW AtlMto 8:00 p. OHAKLOTTM 8:35 *. Ctea Mmm Atm A(1m(4 Ig s&kSZvs lZrUdi5rttl«rt sfkaygffon Coughs, Colds, akd AIL ■njJIWT DISCAStS, WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT V J ONLY IN rtLtia ROXY*. A TNED AND SURE REMEDY. RoMtty DfUtifttft > 11 LIVINGSTONE mmm I voMdorfel« ' ybe teug-eontmlrt erit ef Ito FlofeROe iowtHS MhMr* Oo. : zSSfeasgjss 4be aerttelr et bisk jrlw. nenwruRim I, Ike ORLY machine Ifol On brnkweri eto forward, *r Ut . •old fo» o5fGMif.; .IfGckl 1 toraw f diU Phonetic Short-11 And, tho shortust, moat alapht eoiy end fifaigMuoMYOhW»»4lt«C **J S3SA the pee, art-HR werte per rtlaeM. Ybeeum- '3S55S5S85iS:t*g*- Whs klfhmt toeritamt aeiheriUm toBmenjoeaythaataeawert tmta, Ferifier, ato Dmhriramtteeawa make me (fort wiwt* is JURUBEBA. Itormta deooj of yiui forooe, tf “ JWtOMITlfdrl ILm ITU, OIRRBRmi VIUBIRU VfUVUl iwmwvww ob. tract Ion, and nets alnetl) <m the Liver nnd By Kenetosw Rout*. tom Atlanta eto n. ■., Deltas 10:88 p. m., rtotal Ub40 A m, Lynehbem 10.45 p. m. Arrive et Wmhleetm trie a. n- at Raltiwur. X:U a a., at Pbllrttfphta 1:80 p. ■., et NSW YORR 0:19 *B. MpeplUC mn nip from Attaat* to L,nchbarg. TRA1R0 ARRIVg AT OOLUHIU0 DAILY from Attest* art New York, 5:24 A. n. tram ll.ateu.ry aad Mu eun r. n YriwbhmbM Ppta* J>»r tfopot. ml f»l NOTICE. MUIB W -3BB 0".ts. D 4Vhiivsw.JS , ‘i%i. , r‘’«“ Loot# OolaMbai Inlisst Tiogr........... ... 3:00 p. n. ...IU» r.n. X:25a.m. Ivoat Ostambn 10:301. n. W. L. 0L.RK, Sep'*. WARKHOUDKO. DISSOLUTION fTlHM Firm of OHAMBHIIB * HANKS ± hfrt bOGA dlMOleod hf tho MBMDt Of Oil I AT- UM eouoenied. A!1 aopoid Utsdcm mre in tho hmads of tho amdenlcRM for Mtttomut, who will RliR pMjr mil violas Ofmlmut tho old flra. i NOTICE. rpia VRPkMIORBD will Mill roallaa. tk. War«hoiiM and Commission Business AT THB LOWELL WARE-HOUSE. Thankful for Hw p*tm.ef* begtawrt upon ue toyentuor,wermpeetlpllr eoUciUtaeen- ttanemevke mwl.g m«ma, wlfo eprulm to me •very total *» preuto the I.tweet of oar pat- April 1,1IT4.—4tf 0. A. BEDD, GEO. Y. BANKS. — THE 6KAIK C&OP CitaU MatOfa** Bioaatakaky Sated Holstaad A Co., OOLUMBUD. OA.. ^Mhrsi prly lower thus DYor hofore—**oih n g fosMll Hl la Ormlwo, Qnw floftl Imf Moohlm—, Pmm Mlllo, Strmw Cutters, Ac. JAl % CRIlkq STATn. buv. bbe ever bv*u puhUfbed of Utah «*l- veml lotartat to the America, people. Itapperi* to no partloeiita ctaae bloee, bat t-* all dime; 4. aMAadwomaaof Ml ptof u one, treifo, mmpfo totchcn, itudemtu, fommmihctmrors, m of lemrntAg •ad mHem mho IcmsilT.rwd, to mld mnd young. All wmt || reference, and to pOMenr# children’s children ao thmomly c ble work, ehowlnm the gigenHf Finer bwtwxinR THE UREATMT BEPKB1 WORLD EVEB SAW. .Uta a.l»ln«nry bnr. neettaitytaveety -wriHifolwirtirtnmtmR cltlien. Agent, tart. $100 ta $3WI por unth. lend for dire.tar. XIR0LRR A McCURPY, Jkll- rtelpblA J»> ' 4w wim art the meet beAotl ever taida, ■ The I (lewd ta rty extra est er reeita,' wblch’le meet eh Ite inltattan'erthekoi liberal/ ‘ ^ WATYHS' FRILtfARfoRIC, vna.u. m ORC1IR3TRAL ORQAMX, In oslqne Praneh mm ara .Ao.g the beat taada, aad cowblaej ~ nORAOR WATRRI A iOR. 481 Bfartwey, Re. Yeik. Bex t|«f. HIDES. Wanted for Cash! loiooo Iht-bry nnd Qraen Hidtt, ao#, om “ Rags, 60,000 M. M. HIE8CH, Cwlnnebnn, Si Wrtppief Paper, Paper aad riser Ban, Mid ■ ■sweat manat rata*. ■E' 3 ; ; [jart dip HIDES! HIDES I -#• ' wkwrapay-twr ■ Highest Market Pric ■:’< ; .1 04q.:. . POR fi Green \ Dry HidesT Fun, Beeswax, A«. MAMNETTACO., -.#<■» : Crnwllnto ntrart. MOTEL!. Rankin House, Oolumbna, Qn. - j W KYAN, Prop’r. Frank Golobn. Clurk. Huby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, U»DwettnxItAKxr» Hodca ■T84 dewtr J. w. WYAR, Puta To the Blind. wUrbe nnpand to treat ■TB. Can be found at I Omv.OUsmbna'o*. ” ,h * "^7* tone, m W. O.