The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 04, 1874, Image 1

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lessffgasassi ■ i n—iui ii ii ijmw. »jLi; ".'■ wjbwpj | - |I, J | . 1 iL'i'iU-j^aagwg *waw* aM'tS ZSX2S2Z- VROL Li UT (</i. WAOK !;Otl H . ir**Tl«Ui ! fitlA COETTMBIJS* GEORGIA, THURSDAY. JUNE 4 1874. jar**™*"--■ NO. 181. AND SUNDAY )VXMOl. r «© It. CAIlRoun, ■ ai ranis...,■■....$5 oo • «*: • ..:U 4 00 “ t 00 , om* *ndmatt* Bawnan to- UnrUilaf UUi Unity,..../. I.aoo »• ....»4.«i..... ... 5 00. 1, “ ...*/. J.T* f* #i • • . A •*• 5 00 M 15 00 •« ..;,..... 17 00 •• ;.. woo « *8 50 •* 16 00 tlyaar 5100 iebovele with tho prlvllog* of . ehssg* j jowly osrts » literal 46- • Weekly rata* g^U lavsrtshiy te we-thlrd ‘ nl’ llMtaHl I. ohssgod imUu tWMH ». riMlw WIIIM obnrg- f«l|> tarer. <WB news. -HttaO)* Ii».y»»wiiimi»g A fee Mia up to Tu**d*y. Che Georgia fmcsttr nn Irwin ud r ooanti*. km. pUntad large aero ■ this year, and that Um nib* ara Mill I with own of bat jut'i orop. Macon Telegraph has informs that tb* ragtaa W»mp4 by th. tawsjtara Ballroad, Ire* Dawson to }sula, mtwoNd with good rain* on V ir J. B. Wyatt, aa old dtilan of I* oonnty, waa kUtad on Saturday, hone running away aad dragging aoraa dkatadat aatangtod in thornn. of Ma baggy. Waatmoralaud's laetnra round ia raid** hav* boon quit* re- >; aad aow souls frianda in and Alabk*i*h*v* raised n porta whioh thay nrga bar to nooapt l to a trip to Parla, tbara to hat*tif*for wastage. Stewart oonnty negro waa load and aerate for tranisg in ehnrob, Tha ‘‘masting" baa b**a oon- nntil on. o’elook tha Snaday aight — aad thin “oolorad brothar,” get- rad of it, broke It np by anbatitn- maladiotion for th* aeoal banadio- -Ths Forsyth Advertiser reporta ae.- BTaga and blood-tkinty aota, With ■era* intention, by a negro boy o»- t ortwelvu year* off sg*. Tha wont ia atepatona arte waa tb* attest* to i little negro girl aboat three yaara e. Ha beat her aavmiy wUh • rock ok aad ant bar with a kgifa, flnallj I fa.r,^a^ptr*nUy d»*d, in a ditch k 0*0*4 axtr.ordinary hail atorm vi«- | portiona of Ohty eoaaty on the 24th JZhahailaaraaadtha gaawad toon age depth of ahoat twaWo te*haa,*od laoaa drifted ’ to 'It depth of two or i feat. Tha hall atoaaa fare aa large _ i and ghinaa egge. Tha crop* t ware greatly dsr J*d, aad many atoek warn ia jty ; ■ itlioti littit to thi AuqiU atatea that a “amart jouiciej * of th* Antedated oily, who had •aa ia tha habit of “blaok-matling” a, woe laat week oonrlolad of m*I- »la ottos, aad aaatanoad to par a of $900, or to twelve month*’ labor ublio work*. Tha lattar adja that b llmm cwetttneitAL. —Bandolph oonnty, lika Iakkat jart baaa aarrad with a peremptory ranadamaa to collect the railroad tax, 1* favor of Bah- ry Olawa A Co. •:; 11 '.it .13 > «> ' —The Mobii* NsMstm.aampare* J ;lca to . from ona never take* a -ThoP.aioprttaAetna^athat fT the Oovarnmant cuuuoaa to lame ration*; than wiU be at laaat a thoaaaad |' ■topped in that radio*, thereby ml tb* farmer*. —Hr. James M. MeNamra; of Opelika, has bean appelated bid ooudfcladaBid reg ister in cbaneaiyifar, L** iraaaty, to hu tha vacanoy onraiinoad by the dmth <*] Waa psoorti. ft 'p7ovide« that within ton ratoer ewe. hla brother W. H. MaNamaa, Eaq. —Tha negro** of Bollock oounty h*td a meeting in Union Baring* on Saturday aight bat, bfit atterwrangHag for a whib/ln a etate of' Mat ItfoMer, U* light* were pat oat, aad th«y tk rated into two parii**. The bon*'of contention waa the nomination for thie Probata Jadgeohip—ona patty for Black aad the other farlloMk^ '« ‘ ‘ —John D. itotaev, eolbred, pahHibmd card ia th* Moatgomary Adeertuer, ia which he atatea that be applied for aad waa denied admiaaion to th* naaeaa of whito Hepublioana in Montgomery bat week; alaotbat ha met maayothbtool- ored men oendagdown theetoMWho had been daniad admiaaion. Hi* card ia called out by that of OM .Habt Bilaworth, who had daniad that nagroaa war* rafhaad *d- miaaion. Aa yat no nagro haa naan found who aaya that Ha attenmd. —The Union Spring*' IftraH tetli thb fox atory: A abort timo tinoo, Henry Hntehineon, aa ha waa riding along near Town Creek HwAmp, MW two old foxoa with aix young oaaa in tho wood* soar the road. Aiightmg from hfa hoe** 4>o killed one with a stiok, and seeing another part ly ooaoeabd under a bnah weak by, h* oanght it. On* of tho old oaaa ran at him and Jumped over bis head. Ho, aee- iog the other abo vanning towards him, threw up ona hand, which th* foc.abhac bit or obwed, ha is not certain which. They continued to rob around end near one with his pletolT ~ Honlffliig hbnorae he rodb of, Ao motbm -fWlowing ’ him about one bondrad and Iff yard* along tha road. Th* young fas biaeme qoiat 1 Chicago TMUea* MtaMaXJ Taklaf th* BM1 hjr tho «WM. Th* Boothern Motbodbte, to Ooafor- embled at Loobvilla, have taken a vary bold poaMao os ttoh qo**Uoa,aad on* wUobtemsoh: cal than any Northern ohnrob has aaaosMd. By a vary brg* vot*—828 to 88, being more than the naoaaaary two-third*—a minority report that thy paraon making, buying, malting, or ariag aa a bovotag* intoxio.ting liquora, abati ba, upon oon- viation, debarred from memborabipto tb* ohnrob, waa adopted. Thb nation will ba aant round to tha loeal Ooafarano**, apd if Aa majority of thraa-fonrtba eon- ear it will baoom* a Uw. • Th* vot* waa preceded by a long and axaited dieoBaaioii, in whioh all the point* which have ao be wildered our local olsrgy war* qanvaaaed. Aa there wee no apparent possi bility that scriptural texts' oould ba reconciled, or that th* views of delegates * would adaut of any oompromisa, they daeidad to taka the ball by the boras and throw th* animal out altogether. Tha whiakay-maaofao- turer, th* whbkay-setbr, tha whiakay- buyer, and Aa wbiakay-drifikar .ware all classed under the seme head, and the ban wea pronounced. Ac a teat of A* fooling in the Conference, one of A* most prom inent members declared himself in favor of jhi* special legislation, even if it itrook fifty thousand member* from A* bb foods to paytogAaea. bstMII r^°. D J inetoad, and Ant Acre l bb [ oat hb term knob rejoicing over bb onmtof to grief 'hbwny. -Young Marioh Oates waa not killed Aa discharge of a pistol to tb* hands t young lady, at Athaaa, bat hb pom oh Was rapraeentod by the first reports to inch aa to rail* tha presumption I ba lived only a few hour*. Tha An- ta Chronicle notions lator diapatohas ortiog him aatiar, with some hops* of Iraoovery. Itb stated that ho and i oang man had snapped A* pbtol 1 but on# of th* eaambars wiAont scharge, and they Aon lariated on the ngbdy snapping on A* remaining a, upon whioh Aey put a oap to startle Mr. She finally palled on A* trigger, with theaed reault reported. TEXAB BOBDBB TMCILtl. I ■Man mm Ike War Poth-Tanaae Rlelag ta fieftl tha lavadere. tianviSTow, Mey 81.—The Neat' San Ihtooio apecial aaya a Kiowa ohiaf in- foripad Aa Indian totatpretar at Fort till, ^eoently, that Aa Oamanohaa bad a ;iM>danoe near Elk Oraek, Indian Ter- ifitry, where they datarmioed in ooonoil depredate on the frontier settler*, and dally in Texan The Herald has in- atioo that General MoKenxie baa . i 'oroaaad tha Bio Graoda into the xioan territory, from Corpna Obrbti. [hare b a rumor bar* that a lot of dosha attacked Aa hone* of an Amer- _i, about twenty-fire mile* above her* . As Husoes, on last Tbnradty. The i *rt aeye they were driven oil—thirty-' ting killed. Thar* ar* other reports rerioaos being murdered at points t from twenty.fir* to fifty miles hero, Tbsrt b a vary strong feel- inseenrity to travolors orerUud b point.' attentive committee of asfety ined a cirtmbr, whioh requires all ttons b> mgiatar at As Heeorder's •iAin tan aaya, to esoh of whom art gi wn . All aho fail to ** r "to* 0 ton daye ar* to ba oonaid- ** ""tog at abetting A* enemy. to,0 5f7tiillbadi*lt with as far as lW *dh be anforoed against vagrants, ' Jtoulling and soipiolon* ohar- lula was oousldsrsd neosssary on has done itself otadlt to taking en atti tude which oannot be-muondantood.. If A* Oburoh is to take ehy position at all, it ahonld taka a radttal on*. U til drinking u an avti, it to folly fa* tb* Obnioh to oompromisa wiA it. Th* taaekars of vlrtna nave bO' right to meat vioe half way- By thb bold aeticki A* Church Sooth’ will no longer have 1 to aqnabbb over fermented end nn- fermented win*. longerbav* to apologize for the oouduot of Noah, Jo- aeph, DuvH, Solomon, and tb* rest of Ao driuking putrinrrhs. It will not bags io adopt triturated current jelly ns a substi tute for grape juice and the extra'ots of rye arid corn. It wilt not'have to explain that fiiiraole at Cana of Galilee. It sate A* seal of its disapproval upon all aaeh practices. It prononnoaa these old and arratia patriarchs as unworAy of Aa momberahip of tho MeAodbt Church. Nevertheless, the Gonferanoe ii to ta oradited with ooursgo to throwing out nl- cobot altogether. Now, will th* Metho dist Church North have tha oonrag* to follow in the steps of thoir Southern brethren, and leave the prodoota of th* vine end distillatioos of oaraab to A* sinners, and forever dear their skirts of responsibility, and aet an example to th* children of darkness ? ELECTION IN OREGON. Pobtlaup, June 3.—The eleotion re- returus oome in very slow. Grover, Aa Damooratio eandidat* for Governor, has a muoh lighter vote than waa antidpatod. Hb vote everywhere b behind hb party. Tha Independents will have control of As Legislature. TRAGEDIES IN KENTUCKY. NicnoLAsvmx, Kr., Jane 8.—Tnondny a Mr. Harding w« (hot and killed by W. H. Sopper, son of J. H. Sopper, about noon. Another tragedy oeenrrad about twelve miles aonth of Niohobavillc. Grsnvillo Smith, agsd 60, killed hb ne phew, W. Hughes, and than shot himself. SmlA is mortally wonnded. —A Wyoming paper delioetaly annonn- ees that its oharge for marriage notioae ia — ——„„ “jnat what the eostacy of the bridegroom it of nwnaron* murders committed, may prompt." .•toe edw »<[■• i 'ii'i f. !*»?•«•' aot^ox tw aaoAxn to mmxn'i bam#— i JqiiR..M-;Th»,BM>*to e l A* Consular and Hiplomatio aad on apprapsiation bills, aad than diri enasad; wiAont aottoa, As qnaation of ohnp tttnaiortiiioQ. Th* bffl to hUiend A4 oharior of A* idaaaabSnvtod and Traat Oampany ykanor. Ayala a Teoahle la iant of A* Currency ahdl appoint Area coed- tniosiriaera, who, under hb direction and the control of Ao Secretary of A* Treas ury, shall tab* possession of. A* banks and . all Aba aetata of tb* hank and its biuaa^pa, _ to wind np Aa fmstheaa of oaid bank and branabMandRMtoKMttoCvB- Traaantp .fill auroay .kadlnad lh*f*fram. Tb# ComptraUarof At Onirency b to daltvar’ and pay dlvidaods aa raaulta jnatify. Th* aommbalonaia ar* to raoaiva a aabry at §3,000 par annum, end, glw bonds of §25,000 aaoh. It to provided, bowavar, that if to th* prograaa of wind ing np, th* Oounnmissioners and Oomp- troUer of th* Ourreaoy, shall at any time will tun it OT«r to. a board of traate**, wfaoebaffAin reberve Atir present pow- •to. Tha Sanatahtd rip A# bill to anthor- Ua the offloere of the U f . 8. steanier Mon- arohyto aooept madab from the King of Hbm.. i 'In A* Aejhilt extending to A* 3d of Marob 1870, ea thatime forpra ten ting aleiina to 'At SonAera Obims OommUMt tobi* wp for action. It waa aipandad by providing for two additional commissioners- -■■> .flofiNSV |Ab amandment offered by Oohb, *f . North Carolina, to extend As jnriadlolioa toobiota MMpHkn-of bdildlngs and grounds to A« SouAera Statas by Ah army or navy of lb* Ua'ited Statas, wan raj acted by a Unvote—111 to U1; anfi auotber amendment, offered by Cobb, A4t norvic* to the •Confederate Army or Mi|ltb Anil not be taken ns oonelnsive proof of dtob^yslty, wsaalao rejected. 5 The bill wae Aea recommitted to the Cotoerittee on Gbiees. The net of th* ernrion was given to A* bill fordocpenfng Ae month of Ae Mis- slssippi river. No notion. Washington Notes. The Senate in Kxeonuve session today confirmed Ae. nomination of June* F. Green to be Appraiser of Charleston. Gen. Bristow will probably enter npon his duties a* Secretary of the Treasury on Friday. ^ - XEU6IOIS ABl’p’rBOrRMIONAL AMOUIAYION*. Refenmad Presbytorian Synod. Pbiladxlfhia, Pa., Jobs 3.—Tha Re formed Presbyterian Synod adopted a se ries of resolutions that Ae constitutional recognition of Jeeus Christ, Aa mediator between God ond mao, aa Ae legislative head and ruler of Ao nation, b the indis pensable daty of nations. Northern Proabytovlaa Assembly. Louiavuma, Kz., Jane 8.—In tk* Pree- bytorbn dssemMy, Breekenrldge, from Ae tommltte* appointed to consider Ae expediency of appointing a oommittee from this Assembly to oonfer with tb* Southern Assembly; reported that, owing to : A* action of that Assembly, nothing remained to be done. American Kedteal Association. Detroit, Juno 8,—Tha American Medi cal Amoobtion commanded its annual ses sion today. A large number of members ire present. Dr. Tonor, of ^Washington, A* President, mode an address—interest ing particularly to Ae profession. 2RM. A. SCOTT*ELECTED PEER- Pan^ Jon* 8.^-In A* AasamblyTuea- day th* geoeral atSotioa biU whs taken up, nnfi fr stormy fiobeta foOowed. Baa- janav Radtoal, to thd'Mttm of a hitler bpomb; taaatad A* Bonapartiata wiA leading VMM* to SaAui. A aeaa* of Mdid aMttwristik ansaad, mid at ona lima Iwma of tM Mpatba rimttot earn* to' . .*kiuoI* u f»:u ' -‘in* fwnsahsma' dsBtMUf (, ii''-^*b4iWA;u BM# to-day. Ha made a oomprahmufiv* ktatamaat of A* position of the Bopabll- o»° party/ tod doebrad AM the progrms ^t had mad* was owing to It* admirable E itohtirti. He predicted Apt A* atWiitb would be between Bepobli- ■a sad Bonapartism. K* sevsrely fisnonneed the oonduat of AeBoospert- bto; and oonctodod wiA nn anmost and eloqnent spptol to the UUmb to nntie on A* work of eomoHdlttoh if the ro- inblie. The ondieooe, numbering pbdnt inaladod many oMoAst* of the Aa- maabljr, and aavarml dUyOrk who worn diamtoaaff by the ht* govarnmant. The Rtoetlwa Rill to W CaatoaleO. Panin, Jane 8.—Th* dobnt* on tb* Hbetien bill will b* ooatastad to-morrow, when Ledra Bolin will Speak against tba meaanre. Brtaaon, in hb spasoh to-day, ■olatnhly warned Urn Chamber, that A* adoption of the bill would Uad to revolu tion, or * plebiedta*. ' Gambette, at Anxarra'today, danounc- *d tlta {AnbUhltnih aa fab* in prinoipis, and nU nltisan* Aonld appeal to A* poo- pl< by meant of A*, gonaral tioottobs. lhb wan A* vital quostttii. ,: ‘ - ■PAIN. ' ' ' ' ' Pasts, June 8.—It U reported on good authority that Serrano will soon order a general elaottOn to Spain, and if A* monarchists aid' in a majorily h* will pro- paBenn efithrAhamaot of the Priaaa of Aatnrisf, undakhinowarMnncy,' Itittnok, June 8.-^rttohe# from Su. Sebastian nsptort that A* town has'been attacked by the Carlbts to foroe, aad ia in a critical altuation. Man-of-war have been sent to protact AS foeetan rerilenta. Bolnforcemonts for A* garrison are haa- taning fromlha interior. ENSLANR. Tk* Winners mt Use Rarby. Lomdox, Jane 8, 8:80 f. ii.—The rses for the Derby.stnken at Epeoss to-day was won by W. S. Cartwright's rb. e. Georgs Frederick. Sir Toton Sickle*' hr. o. Courenne DeFor* cam* in aaoond, and Lord Falmonth'a ch. o. Atlantia third. Twenty started. Tha weather Waa favorable fex th* rao*. ’ tiUBA. * Havaxa, Jnna 8.—Payment of fomign postage in spacb ban been required slno* yesterday. MARKETS. BY TRLRGRAPM TO XXfiVIMI. Nataly all Ilsiasii orlflaat. ftoa Ia4i«wtlea sad Torpidity o( the Liv.r, aad rsliaf le always aniloesly soartu sftsr. If tbs Liver Is BsfuDted lu Its sctloi, hsallb la slaost tavariably ssoersd. Wont of action In the Liver causes usadsebs. Const!patloa, Jaundice. Fein In the Shealdera Oeuah^OhUb, Dlaalness, Soar Itoaaeh, Bad Toeo (a th# Month, Bltluiu Attaoka, Palpitation of the Bs*fM Dtproaslon of Spirits, or tho niuoa, aid a hd”*™! oAor synntonu, t>r whioh BIMkOMS' LIVnH XXOBLATOh la tha boat ronady that has rtsr bean dlscovsrsd. Itaols alldly, Phjladxlpjua, Jane 8.—At n meeting of th* Board of Directors of Ae Peno- •ylvania Railroad te^by, Col. Thoa. A, Soott was alaotad Viaaidant, and Goorg* Roberta Vice President. THE WEATHER. Dxpabtmext or Wan, > Washixotox, June 8, 1874.) Probability.— For the South Atbutio and Gulf Statas psrtblly cloudy end de cidedly warm weather on Thursday, with local mins. TELEGRAPHIC NOTE*. —Tbs brakamen an A* Chicago and Alton Railroad are ou a strike at Rloom- iegtou. Men have been sent to supply their places. —Tha compositors in tb* Courier office of Evansville, Iod., struok work yet" dey because the proprietor refoaod lo disoharge a compositor who would not pay the. amassment to sand a delegate to the National Typographical Union at St. Lonis. Loxnox, Jnna 8.—Consols for money 92|*B2|. , L, Nbw You, Jan* 8.—Stocks dnll and irragnbr. Money 2 oar qaot. Gold 11}. Exohange—long 488), short tflj. Gov- ernmanta steady. State bonds quiet. Naw You, Jab* 8—Evening.—Monty aaay at 9*8. Exobang* firm at 4884; Gold weak and declined, Ufall j. Rate* for carrying 2}. Governments doll ud low- . Staten quiet and nominal. Provision Mark eta. Nxw Yobx, June 8.— Floor quiet and unchanged. Wheat quiet ana steady. Cora steady. Pork firm—mam §lb 75. Loutovillb, Jane 3.—Floor unchanged. Provieiona quiet. Pork §18.25. Baeon shonldera 7j, dear riba 104, abar 104. Lard 12}a|. Whiskey 95. Oimcixxati, Jane 3.—Floor doll ud unchanged. Cora firmer—mixed 65*67. Pork quirt and firm nt §18. Lard quiet and firm nt 11}. Baooo a toady—jobbing sales, shoulders 7}; olaar rib 10; riser 104 a}. Whiskey steady at 95, St. Louis, Jnna 2.—Floor dull, nothing doing. Com firmer nt 56*57, on traok. Whiskey higher at 96. Provisions quiet —only a small order trade. If 13-16*27-82: Aogust 18 7-83*4; Sapiam- baa 18848. Nnw You, Jno* 8.—Qnl*t; aal*a 889 at 18}*}; oat receipts 498. Galvbrom, Jus 3.—Nat Meripta 135 baits. ia MoaiLX,_Jun* 3.—Cotton' Ann; mid dling* 17, low middling* 164, good ordin ary 15*}; Moot ptS 7. Bowrox, Jnna 8.—Ootton dnU; mid- dbbga 184*.; art Moatpta 5 balsa; **ba 200; *10* 8,500. porta to Gtort Britain 2115. Now Onnsaxs, June 3.—Ootton— In regobr and ansior; middliaga 17); low middllnoa 16}; good ordinary 15}; ordi- nary 18}; net reoeipta 689. —It is not generally known that BonA Carolina exempts all newly established manufacturers from State taxation for ten yean after Aey begin business. Liverpool, Jnna 8—9:80 p. H.— Oot ton— Uplands 8}a}; Orleau 8}; sab* 10,- 000 bale*, inolnding 2,000 for export tad apecnlatlnn. Sales of uplands nothing balow good ordinary, d*iiv*rsbb ia Jnn* 8 5-10; do., deliverable July end. August 8 7-16; do., deliverable Augnat and September 8 9-82, Seim of Oriaue nothing below low middlings, deliverable Jnn* end July 8 7-16. 2 p. m.—Salmof uplands nothing below low middlings, deliverable in Jane 8 5-16; do., deliverable August ud September S; dale* 6,000 of Aeeerioan. 3 p. m.—Sale* nothing below good or dinary, deliverable Jan* ud Jaly 8 5-16. New Yomx, Jan* 3.— Cotton **si*r, •lies 517 b*l*i; apbnd* 18}o., Orbsua 184c. Future* opaned weak a* follow*: June 17}*0-16; July 18; Augrut 18}t}. New You, June 8.—Ootton—net re oeipta 428. Fntnr** cloud etoady; oaloa 37,500 toil**, ** follow* : June 17 7-16; July and twin! a ainpla vegetable compoa'n'd, can d* ne Injury la any qaantlllM that It nay ba takas. It U harmleaa In every way j it baa been uoed kr JJrty yaara, and hundred! of the good end grant ftni all parla of tho country win vouch Tor Ik talng tho purest and boat. • filMM' UVtt UNUUNI, If ItiitiM, T« hamlet*, !■ no dt atic Violont medicine* Ia inr* to nri If taken rec«Urij, srtiKa&ttE&A., fa ttof cbeiMpI medicine In the world, In flTen with snfetj and Ihe heppieat reenlu to _ ihe noRt (Mloet* InfkDt, toe* net Interfere with bHRiMCM, Dog* n'»r difiRrrange the ijrMfem, Tikm the piece of Quinine Mu Bitter* of every . i Jiltnl, Ov^ntM Ifm ifmpl ot and keoi iwmediee. *OB HALE BY ALL DMUMJIff. fefcl deodftwly Prominent Incidents IN THB History of Columbus From He Firit Settlement in 1827, to th* Wileon Haiti, in 1865, compiled by Jonx H. Martin. The undereigned proposes lo publish, in a volume <if 150 or more pages, a work under th* above title, covering the period from th* selection of the locality for a “■trading town,” in 1827, to the capture and partial destruction the city by the Wilson Had, in 1865. Tho incidents will bt derived mainly from ill newspapers, which will be gleaned for Ms purpose with much care. It is believed that most gf our citicens would Hike to have such incidents in this eompactemd convenient form, and will encourage the undertaking to the extent of the small amount asked for th* work, Each chapter will contain short biographi- cal sketches or notices of the principal citicens mentioned m it, who have since died. The volume wilt also embrace full information concerning the churches, factorise, drc., now existing. We do not propose to publish this compila tion with a view to making money, as the smalt price asked for if will show. Nut at the same time we do not want to lose money by its publication, and therefore we wish to limit the number ef copies printed to the de mand for the work. With this object in view, wi issue this prospectus, inviting (hose who desire copies <rf the volume to send m their names. The price will be one dollar ptr copy for a pamphlet bound volume, printed on paper like the specimen sheet issued. A small number cf copies will also be issued on a su perior article cf paper for f l 30 per copy. Payable when the work is delivered, which will be some lime next Fall. THOS. GILBERT. May t2, 1874. ron SALE AMD WENT. To Bent. ^FTKR April 6th, two Vnrnieked BXD£| BOOMS, Kitohen end SUM*, with nee of dining room and parlor. Add roue »pl tf M, Inquirer Offloe. Pore Cold Soda I Kimeogen and Vichey Water rxon TCW’B HRW gORA FOUNTAIN, AT J. I. GRIFFIN'S J«t tf DXUO ST0U. CROCERIES. THX WH0UMALE Grocery House -Of- J. A J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and in Broad It, Oelimhna, Si„ wn nmuni on baud about 100,000 pound* Baeon. §00 barrrt* Flour. From 100 fo 200 bsrralt §«•■*. j.. 100 bH* Ooffh*. From 100 to MO horrolo Syrup, 200 barrot* Whhk*y. 900 boxoo To baooo. MO •* Soap, r 200 » Ooufilo*. 100 barralt Lord. • ■0 •• Mookorol. 000 took* Salt. •0 tlsrooa Rloo. §00 room* Wrapping Paper. 100 oa*o* Fotaak. MM “ Oardluoa. 100 “ Oyatars. 100 “ Piokia*. M0 boxo* Oaady. 100 “ ttsroh. lOOgrwa Parlor Hntakaa. NiM Cigars. *** laaaflkfa* ta Ih* Oo—qy Hno. wtaoh Uwv take to »• undo by tho pacha*#, as law ao aay athor Jobbing law (a lbs UaitM lutoa. oprll la j. a j. KAuruaN rtaotou aom ax uerrax, okit Vj xasr xio oorrax * uT Boosted Ei# OaOOs, 40a R R. Now Orleans Uatra A iagar !«■**, Maw Orlaans TaUow Otailtad Sugar It Ha. Ultra laiar-Ccrad Oaiaa. Oboloa Ingaronrad IboaUan. Mild Cdrod White Moat. Part Apple sad Wlas Ttasgar, Meg gal. at. Lonis Pearl Orlta. Plata Tarblab Pmaoa, ld^a R k. Now Onrtaata, Uj^c. Iordan 1 Magia Milk. Klogaford bu.or Ulan Staata. Boat qui-lity Laundry and TiUat Soapa. Pars White Koraatas Oil, toe ft gallon. ROBT 8. 0RANE, ■no thbl Mb] Trades. H. F. ABELL A CO. JOM UM0B1VKD. Old aof'n’t Java and Mocha Ooffoo, Ouopowdar and Young Hyton Tua, ■raakfaatocd Japan Too, Canton Glu«sr Froaarvat, "Otpar* and tauoa* of all kind*, Italian Sotod Oil, Ryo Flour and Oat Mod, Imported Wine* and Olgart, Qothan Ruttor. Roof Tongues, Magnolia Ham* and Oriad leaf, Maxappa Flour ond Grib, Graham Flour and Wheat Orlta, Oogar, all grada* add prloaa, aym if F. A. POMEROY, ‘ AT nOOUIB’l COHNEH, CALL! ATTUMTIOM TO Oholoo White Shad, " Fraah Bay Flth, 11 Mobil* Cabbage, 0alary and Lattuaa. " Live and Oraaaad Poultry, Fraah Country Rauaaga, Rpnr* Rib* and Baokbona*. A Oboloa Lot of I mb Ortekor*, Rugar Jumblav, Lemon gnapa, Olngar Rnapi, Lemon Craame, Ao, Apple*, Onion*, Potato** A Turalpa. AIm toh*1 family BappliM nod fnnej Qrocorio* on hand. Mr. T. 0. PRIDOKN will bo fonnd nl Ik* conn- tor and will b* pltMtd lo wall on hla former cua- tomor* and fritndi. Tb* pntronaf o of tho public is rwpocttolly Mlicltod. fobtl BIOLUTI DITOKOBf OBTAIMID FMOM Rourta, of dlffcront tUloa, lor d*o*rHon, Ao. Vo publicity required. No oharfo until dlvorc* grantqd. Addrww, * M. BOUSIp Attorney, mylO dawly 1M Broadway, N. T. Pleasant Summer Resort! W CATOOOA OFRIMOO, OA., an 0PUMUD JUNK lit, 1174. A ear. for all dlaaaaaa. Boar! $40 ptr month—