The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 06, 1874, Image 1

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Columbus ** - AND ~ IDA.XXj'X" Enquirer. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1874. NO. 133. t ILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY ALFMD n. CALHOUN, •wwlv* mouths, in ndvanes *8 00 in month,, “ Ium month,, “ M month, “ tatli £>«nm, on, ynor moat Baqunan, on, ;«i saner and Vnu Kacquinan to- 4 00 2 00 780. 2 00 2 SO 8 00 tirwllH., tnlw. Vm, imuy, 8 i oo 6 00 : eoo ,00 la oo 17 00 20 00 22 (0 25 00 Hnnljw 43 oo Tka a (ora la with tha prlvilaga of • change aerj thna months. >« yaarlj aarla a liberal die- KBl will hi Mil, Tka Wsskly rataa will Invariably be one-third 'tka Sail,. 'Thra aa la oka.gad more than « la three mom the tka advertiser will ba char, • with tha coat of ooaapoaltloa. Poralga advar- ra meat mi a. do tkaa. at hM,. aBMMU nwi. —Mr. Jams* Hardin, a prominont oiti- t of Randolph Bounty, died inddenly Maoon on ntdaf of oongMtion of ths ■Mr. Bobret William,, miliar at n’a Mill*, hi Floyd eonnty, hong himself on Saturday Jut. Tha Mt ia»t- tributadSM partial insanity. —Two of tb, Gsorol* oad.ta—young auibr, of Griffin, and Dyksmsn, of At- _Jta—bar. Mooamfnlly pawed tha severe ,semination at th* Natal and Military Loadamy at Annapolla. —Tha Fadaial anthoritUa are raportad taring gobblad np wtaral Ulioit wbis- ’ dUtiliariM, and thoaa angagad in nittg tbam. In two or three oonntiw of orlh Georgia, within tha Iwt faw day,. —Tha building*, machinery, *to., of «Iron ManofMturlng Company warn on Tnoaday, nndar a deers* of oonrt. hay war, bid off by Col. N. J. Bayard, wait 1!%, itar for tha atookholdam, at Afty-fiv* onaand dollar,. —Two of tha oldefft—if thay war, not M tary oldwt—oitizena of Floyd ooanty ,to wad within tha laat weak, tin: On J..M Mabry, of Cat, Springe, and on Monday, Mra. Elizabeth ’, of Plwaant Valley, agad 96. Jndg* Bisbard Hntohlnga, of Jones ity, haa boon pnmtratad in Maoon for lima.. Tha oorraqiondent of the da OkrmMt wye Oat U, oondi. on w hopalaaa. Ha bw oaaoar ol the oa. Hat, ana of tha noblaat old Geor- now bring. Tha Legislative aowwlttae appointed umlna into tha State Road manage- nndar Babook, 1, now in aaaaiun at ta. An intwtigatlon will ba made rthelal oonduot of A. L. Harris, P. Barrie, Jama W. Jeokaon and B. W. 'tana. —At tha Hortionltnral Fair in Thomas . Iwt weak, Jndga B. H. Hardaway ibltad right oabbag.e, all of different tlaa, tha aggragata weight of whiob 148 pounds. Tha lightwt weighed pound,, and tha hmriwt 24. Who ■ that wa ean’t ralm eabbSgea equal to iyinthaoowtiyf A Joatloe in Dahlonega, after sen riaoner to jail for laroany, fol- and tha ooutabla outside of eontt-room, for tha pornow of lector-, tha young men ana giving him adrioa, wban tba prisoner suddenly it np a rook and with, it knocked Oonrt down. Moral—Jndioial oMoers lwre prisoners to tba tender mar- of sheriff, and oonstablre, after oon [ion. numu cwnmw. I M Haa* tm Mal|k, I.C, Cans nmd Lees tm f Atlanta, Oa., Jnna 4.—The Agrionltn Coo grew to-day adopted rwolatlon, dug to the anion of the Cotton States trade movement with tha Direct da Union of Georgia, without eipress- | pref«reuoe for any port. oomnkittM of Its from aaoh State | appointed to memoriabsa tha Logis tics on the lobjeot of proonring ststis- > report of tha Committee on Immi don was adopted. It favor, land ■ donating land to aotoal wttiers, n ww adopted in favor of ! tha cotton tai to the prodno- i Oongrem adjourn, to meet in Ba- i in January, 1878. > Hwtera of tha State Granges of | Cotton State, to-day appointed an ntlve Committee to urge Congress to 1 the cotton tea. reports of both meetings show a increase of aareal' aoreag. and de- * in cotton planting. WASHINGTON. CONGRESSIONAL. Washinotck, Jnna 5.—Tha Senate passed e bill to remove tba diwblbties of John Jnliae Gnthria, of North Carolina. Hamilton oalled np the resolution to pay Francis M. Sykes, the lets contestant for the aaat In the Senate from Alabama, the salary of a Senator from March 4th, 1873, to May 28, 1874, and mileage each way, amounting to 98,874. Hamilton said ths computation had bean made at tha rata of 97,800 par annum. Whilt that was the legal compensation of n Sen ator, he ww willing, however, that com putation for tha entire period ehonld be made at the rata of 96,000 par annum. Conkling said tha principle involved in this resolution ww sntiraly wrong. It ww n proposition to pay a gentleman who had never sat a day In tha Senate, and never performed an honr'a aervios; and, furthermore, the Senate had declared he never had any title to the name of Senator. He admitted there might be a preoedent for the rale, bnt it ww time now to disregard all snoh pro ceedings. He would be willing to pay the personal expenses of tho contestants, bnt if his oonnsel few wets to be paid those inenrred by the sitting members should also be paid. Pending the disooasion, the Senate ad journed. Bouse. The debate oo the Mississippi bill by being closed. The vote will soon be taken. The Darrell owe is not op nor deeided. In the House the diwbbitiw of Ohw. H. Thomas were removed. After a disouasion on tho bill to im prove the navigation of the Mississippi as a substitute for the Eads jettie project, n bib for the construction of tha Fort St. Phbbps canal, and for its maintenance w pubbe highway, and passed the lettor by a lots of 146 to 86. This is the bill introdnoed by McCreary oa May 16th. THE IMPEACHMBHT Off ACME BESTEED RECOMMENDED. Washington, Jane 8.—Ths Jadioiniy Committee have decided to impeMh Bustesd, District Judge of Alabama, oa tba two first counts of non-rwidenoe and irregularity in holding oourta. The third charge, which involvw pecuniary corrup tion, failed. Attorney eeneral William Marriage. The Attorney General hw declared that irrespective of the time or place of mar riage, or the residence of the partiw, n white woman married to a citizen of this oonntry is to be leken and deemed a oit- ixen of tba United Stntea. KENTUCKY. ■nllroMorn wag ClUseas righting. Dantilu, Kt., Jane 5.—Tho eltisena of Burnside Point and the railroaders an lag. One railroad man ww killed and one wounded, and two ottissns wounded. Many armed oitisane declare the railroader* moat Iwve th* oonntry. maid oh gerrgia butiluu. Bonn, Ga., Juno 6.—Yesterday Oolloo- tor Holtzolaw and th* *Depnty United Statw Marshal returned from a raid Into Chattooga oounty, bringing Mvsn prison ers. They wind five illicit diatUlaries. The prisoners were bound over by the U. S. Commissioners. HEW FOX.ITICTL PARTY. Th* Americana—The Homo of CM In tho Constitution. Stbaouse, N. Y., June'4.—The after noon session of the Anti-Secret Sooisty Convention ww tamed into k pobtiosl meeting. About 2,000 delegntw were present. President Blsnohard, of Wheaton Col lage, submitted a preamble and resolu tions for the formation of a national po litical party, opposed to aeoret societies. After a long debate nod some amend ments, n report was adopted. The name of the party is to be “The Americans,” and tha platform of prinoi- ples is to l>c framed by a committee of one from eaob State. Tba national con vention is to be called to nominate presi dential candidates. The debate was very warm on tha prop osition (o embody the name of Goo in the oonstitaiion ss a plunk in the plat form, which was finally adopted. Pittsburg, Pa., was selected w the pleoe for holding the next annual convention. AMERICAN PILGRIMS IH FRANCE Paris, June 5.—The American pilgrims to-day went in procession to the grotto of our lady of Lnurde. They oarried the Amerioan flag. Large crowds witnessed tha prooeusioa. At the alose of the cere monies the pilgrims proceeded to Msr- willes, All are in good health. Will of John Edgar Tbompswn. Philadelphia, June 8.—The will of John Edgar Thompson ww probated to day. It appoints trustees, after provi ding for his wife and two sisters, neioe, and trustees to appropriate “ths net in- oome of my estate," after payments specified, or so muoh of it w may to j udicioualy applied is lo go totha education and maintenance of the female orphans of railway employees whoso fathers may have been killed while in the discharge of their duties. Ths estate is veined at —Dr. Mendenhall, n well known pbysl- olan of Giodnnatti, it dead. Tba old managers of th* Chicago and Northwestern Boll rood warn re-elected. —Frank Brown, a formerly well known Ethiopian minstrel, died yesterday in Philadelphia. —Thirty masked men took Melntyn and Walker from th* jail at Austin, Ne vada, and hanged them. —The Brewer*’ Convention at Boston adjourned to moot next yser at Oindn hi. Th* old officers won oUotad. —Th* Governor'* veto of th* Constitu tional bill ww euetained in th* Mwwohn- setts Houw yesterday. —The bridge aerow th* Mississippi river et St. Louis, is opened for th* pas- sag* of wagons. A stsedy stream of vehi cles is crossing. —Th* flouring mill of Wm. and Henry Halsey, at Ithnen, N. Y., ww defrayed by an inoendiaiy fir* betwen 2 end 8 o'olook yesterday morning. Low—940,080. foreign Intelligence. ENGLAND. Jaflkraen Dwvls Leaves br An larlea London, Jane 5.—Jefferson Davis hw wiled on the Adrletie. KAO* von THS OAXe. The oheennt filly Apology won th* race to-day. Cbesnnt filly Miw Toto e in second and bay filly Lady Ps- tricha third. Tha weather ww favorable for the race. Pavllnwentary Matters. Th* Hone* of Commons Iwt night, by n vote of 181 against 126, adopted s pro position of th* Government that tha pnb- lie hones* of this eity he kept open on week days from 7 o'olook a. s. until 12:30 nt night. Disraeli announced that the Govern ment had wven important bill*, and that the session would be long. BPAIH. Batonnb, Jane 8.—General Elio hw arrived here to recruit Ms health. Gen. Planw suooeed* him during his absence from his command. Th* Oar list attacks npon Ben Bebwtlsn, Iran, Heronni end Leqaertio wen merely feints to oover tho withdrawal of their fores* to Dens* of iSstoll*., BOMB. The Pope Better. Bon, June 5.—The Pope is wmawhet batter. He refuse* to quit th* Vstioen, although a ehang* of air is reoomnunded by hie physicians. THE WEATHER.' of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable July and August, 8J; do., de liverable August and September, 8}; do., nothing below low middlings, delivenbln Jnna and July, 8}. Balm of Orleans, nothing below low middling*, deliverable Jane and Jnly, 8}. Livxkvool, June 5—4:30 r. m.—Yarns and fnbrios nt Manohwter steady. 6:80 ». K.—Bales of upland* nothing below good ordinary, deliverable Jane end Jnly, 8}; do., deliverable July end August 8 7-16. New Yoon, Jane 8.—Cotton doll; mlw 248; uplands 18j: Orleans 18}. Futures opened quiet and ewy; Joan 17 7-18al6 82; Jnly 17}a29-82; August 18 9-82*8-18; September 18 3-16*}. Naw Yonx, Jane 8.—Doll et 18|el8}; net reoetpts 882. Future* dosed ewy; eelw 80,600 balsa, w follows : Jane 1713-82*1711-16; July 17}el7 28-82; August 18 542*18 8-16; September 1818-16; October 174*1711- 16; November 17}sl7}. Acquits, Juno 6.—Cotton steady; mid dling* 164o. ; receipts 102 bdei; wlw 102 ; stock 12,682. Weekly receipts 828 balm ; shipments 188; sales 1608—to spinners 1241. OBaaLWTON, Jnna 5.—Cotton quiet; middling* 17}o.; exports to continent 180 bnlw ; wlw 180 ; stock 1701. Wwkly net reosipta 1872 bnlw; exports to oontinent 180 ; edw 900. Savannah, Jnne 5.—Cotton dull;, mid dlings 16jc. ; sales 72 balsa ; stock 95,- 908. Weekly reoeipts 7736 bale* ; exports to Grwt Britain 2128 ; edw 684. Boston, Jane 5.—Cotton qaiet; mid dlings 18|o. ; eslw 100 bdee ; stock 980. Weekly net receipt! 152 bales; edw 980. Naw Oslkahs, June A—Cotton quiet and unchanged; middlings 17}; ad rs- oeipU 662; arire 1,000; Iwt evening 1,000; stock 79,671. Weekly net reodpta 6,278; exports to Greet Britain 13,488; to France 2,718; ■sire 10,000. Galveston, Jane 5.—Demand Hgjit and unchanged; for good ordinary 18}. Wwkly net reoeipta 915; exporta to Grwt Britain 868; to Oontinent 1,828; ■dw 822. Silica, Jane 8.—Wwkly reoeipts 168; shipments 229; stock 8,886. Bhkxvxvobt, June 8.—Doll; low mid dling 16}. Wwkly reoeipta 800; shipments 760; nlw 456; stock 1,161. Maoon, Jan* 5.—Dnll tad dedining; middling 16. Weekly reodpta 477; shipments 404; stock 8,288. Niumtii, Jnne 5.—Qaiet; low mid dling 16}. Weekly reoeipta 880; shipments 699; stock 7,079. Montoohixt, Jan* 5.—Quiet; little doing; low middling 16}. Weekly reodpta ISO; stock 6,807. Mosiln, Jane 8.—Cotton doll and un changed ; middling 17. Wwkly reoeipta 838; exports to Conti- neat 8,378; edw 1,800. , UnxpBis, Jnne 8.—Dnll; low middling 16}; reoeipta 447; shipment* 658; .took 24,580. Weekly reodpta 1,756; eMpmenta 8,665. —It is slid that General Grant is in favor of dsoorating tha graves of Union and Confederate dead dike, end that Gen. Sheridan is opposed to it. Thaw -two soldiers belong to widely different sebooli. Gen. Grant fought the Confed erate* with the sword—Gen. Sheridan with n box of match**.—Courier-Journal. RAILROADS. CENTRALJAILROAD. 0 skull BvpniKvussirr's Orvna, OSNTSLL RAILtOAt, •avavxab, November 1,1173. ini Railroad, it*Branch** and Ootacctlona, will nui aa followa: HAW M0. 1, QOINO NORTH AMD W1 ... 3:4ftAM ... fcW»4M ... 4.-OOPK ...UfcOftm ...11:5ft P M ... 3:4ftPR ... 7:17 PH ... 3:10pm ... 7:30PR ...13:45AM Least fSTUBih..... Lmti A Of «ata Arrive In Asrusts Arrlva tn MlfledffSPlIls Arrive Is Eatoaloa Arrive in Maoon Leave Mason lot Oolnaabne Leave Maoon lav RaWa Leave Maoon for AilanU Arrive at Columbaa Arrive at Rsfculaf 10:30 a h Arrive at Atlanta COMING SOUTH AMD IA8T. Leave Atlanta Leave Columbna. Leave lufanla Arrive at Maoon from Atlanta Arrive at Maoon from Colnmbna Arrive at Macon from Bufonla Leave Maoon Leave Anguata Arrlva at Angneta., Arrive at Savannah IKK) AM 7:10 p M 7:3ft PM 6:50 A M 4:10 A M 8:45 AM 7:15 AM fcOftAM 4:00 PM ft:Sft P M TRAIN NO. 3, GOING NORTH AND WR8T. Leave Savannah.... Leave Anguata Arrive In Angneta.... . 7:30pm , 3:00 PM . 6:6ftam . *30AM . 9:30 AM . 3.06 AM . 3:10 am . 0:36 PM . 6:40 pm ■agnate jkrriw in nlaooa Leave Maoon for Columbus Leave Maoon for Rnfanla Leave Maoon for Atlanta Arrive tn OoIuhImu Arrive in Rnfanla Arrive in Atlanta 6:48 pm COMING SOUTH AND RA8T. Leave Atlanta 7.-00 a m Leave Oolnmbne 8:30 pm Leave Rnfanla Arrive In Maoon from Atlanta 8:40 p m Arrive in Macon frogi Celnmboa... Arrive tn Maoon from lufaula Leave Maoon. Arrive in Milledgeville Arrive in Ratonton.... Augunl Arrive In Angneta Arrive In Savannah Paeeenjrers for Milledgeville end Retonton will take train Mo. I from la>anuah and Angneta, and train No. S from potato on the Southwestern Rail road, Atlanta and Maoon. The Milledgeville and Ratonton train run* daily, Sundays esoenud. WILLIAM ROGERS, my36 If General Superintendent. Western Railroad c Alabama. DnrssTRSNT or Wan, > WssnniaTON, Jane 8, 1874.) ProbubiUUm.—For tbs South Atlantis and Golf Statw inorandag otondinew will preToll, with variable winds, e on tinn ed high teesperature end slight chongw In the barometer. MARKETS. OOEH DEMOCRATIC. ^Fasnonao, Jane S.-Dispatohes lwo ^.ion dollars. m Oregon indioate that tho wUl*dsot the entire State »«*“* Eighteen oonntiw giro Graver majority. Savannah, Jan* 5.—Arrived: F. long- Jane 6.—Oongressmin ley. ■» talegtem that Oregon hw Cleared: J. W. Parker, Bohn Hepon, > by nog thnnwnd. Jaointa, German Bark, Antoinette. BY TELEGRAPH TO RHBEIHKD. Heaey wad HWefc Markets. London, Jon* 6.—Consols 92}n}; Erl* 80}*}. Nsw Yoon, Jnne 5.—Stocks doll and seder. Honey 2} per oent. Gold 11}. Exohonga—long 488}, short 491}. Gov ernments doll. State bonds qaiet. Nnw Yomc, Jon* 8.—Honey ewy end in abundant supply at 2nS per oent. Ex change dull nt 488}. Gold U1}*U1}. Governments dnll and steady. State bond* nominal. Pravislea Markets. Nnw Yobk, Jane 6.—Flour quiet end unohenged. Wheat quiet end firm. Corn qaiet end steady. Pork firm—mew nt 918 12}. Laid quiet; steam 11 9-16, Cincinnati, June 6.— Floor nnohsngsd. Corn steady et 65. Pork firm et 917 80. Lard steady st 10}. Bacon qaiet and un changed ; shoulders 7}; dwr rib 10; dear 10}. Whiskey firm and in good demand at 95. Louis villi, June 5.—Floor qaiet and unobanged. Corn quiet and unchanged, 78*82. Pork oseier, $18. Daoon qaiet. Lard 12}*12}. Whiskey 95. St. Louis, Jane 8.—Floor quiet and weak. Corn dull and drooping; No. 2 mixed 58*59 on trsok. Whiskey steady et 96. Pork firm at 918 28. Bsoon quiet; dear sides 9. Lard firm at 11; refined 11}. Cettea Markets. Litkkpool, Jnne 5—Noon. — Cotton quiet and steady: uplands 8}*}; Orleans 8ft; sdw 12,000, lndnding 2,000 for speo- oistion tod export. Aotnd export 6,000; cotton to arrive steady; no transactions 2 f. m.—Bnlw 8,100 of Amtrioen; wlw DRUC8 AND MEDICINES. J. I. GRIFFIN, IMPORTED VperfumeryW FANCY GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICER. All good* gnefauta*d. 4 folly prepared et ell hours. Jal8 deodewly ■ Prescription* cere J. I. GRIFFIN, 106 Frond Bt. DIAMOND SPECTACLE* t 6ROCERIE6. THE WHOLESALE Grocery House -OI- J. A J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 end 16 Rroed te., Oolnmbne, Ge., UIN tHRARM H RAID AMCT 900 b^rdt Flour. From 100 to 200 kemk Oufar. 100 bafli Ooffk*. From 100 to 200 barroU Syrup. 200 barrde Whiskey. 200 boxes Tobeoeo. 900 •• Soap. 200 “ Oasdlw. 100 barrel* Lard. 90 “ Meeker *1. 900 socks Salt. 90 tltroM Moo. 900 rooms Wrapping Paper. lOO ceew Potoeh. 100 . “ Sordine*. 100 11 Oyster*. 100 “ Ploklos. 100 box** Candy. 100 “ Stnroh. ion grew Parlor Helenas. 1AM pennds LarUlard’s lesE SO,OOO Cigar*. 1AM pansd* Graaaan* BlaakTaa. too bags ef Oho*. I Paaay Craekars. 544 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME 1 Choice of Two Route*. Vrw York and N#w Orloaai Kail Lino. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, OoLtMBOi, Ga., April S4th, 1874. TRAINS LBAYIOOLUMBU3 DAILY For Montgomery end Belme, 1HK> a. m. Arrive et Montg’y, 6:4ft A. M. Arrive et Belme, 11:04 A. m. FOR ATLANTA AND NIW TORE At 10.40 e.m. Arrive Opelika et 13:87 p.m. At Atlanta 6:48 p. m. By Atlanta and Mohmond Alr-Una. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., CHARLOTTR 3:36 e. m., Danville 3:27 p. m., Richmond 11:06 p. m. Ar rive et Washington 4:30 a. m n et Baltimore 3:30 a. m., et Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., et NSW TORE 6:1ft p. m. Ileeping Cmre Run foam Atlaatm 3* Oherletto. By Konnwaw Rout*. Leave Atlanta 6:00 p. m., Dalton 10:83 p. m., Bristol 10:46 a. m., Lynchhnrk 10.46 p. m. Ai et Washington 6:46 a. m., et Baltimore 9:16 a at PhiledJphia 1:80 p. m„ et NEW YORE 6:16 p. m. Sleeping cars ran from Atlanta to Linohbarg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta and New York, St94 a. m. From Montgomery and talma 1:30 r. m. Tickets for sale at Union Passenger Depot. 0HA8. P. BALL, General gup't. R. A. BACON, Agent.fapr86tf NOTICE. Asd .fsnthlsg Is tk* Oman lisa, which thay a*Sr ta tha ttsda hy tha ysetaga, as tow as say othar JahMac Hssas Is tha Unltad S sycl* < »»» 1.01. KAUVRAN. nnoiM qoohrn surras, myk, \j nan xio oorru ss^. p b. Xsssted kla IMS, 40a V k. Naw Otlasas kstt* A Isgsr lta y b. Naw Orlasaa Tallow ClaitAad hqu ujfa. ■sirs ItftrOiind Haas. Ohotoa Isgsr^srad Bhonldars. Mild Osrad Whita Hast. Pan Appla sad Wise Vlaafsr, (OaRoti. 81. Louis Paorl Qrlta Praah Ttrhlah Praaaa, IS}(e R k. Naw Osmata, l>t%c. Iordan' Nasl>< Milk. KlSfSforJ Silver Qian Itarak. Baat quality Lsasdry ssd Tollat Bospa. Pan Whita Enswsa OU, 40o R folios. ROB’T 8. CRANE, ■y!0 (febl dim] Truotee. Ornct Mobili A Gieaed Raiiaoav, 1 Oolumboo, April 1ft, 1374. / Train 4>n this Road will ran as follow*: Pebbles’' brilliancy. Having bean tested with th* polariecope, th* dlamoao lenses have been found to admit fifteen per cent, lees heated, ray• than any other pebble. They are ground with great seientifio accuracy, arc free from chromatic aberration!, and produce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before attained In spectacles. Manufactured by tb* Spenoer Optical Manufacturing Oo., Mew York, for tale by responsible agents ta every city ta th* 01 wntlOH A K1NBKL, Jewalan sad Optioiau, are sol* agents for Oolnmbui, Ga., from whom they oan only be attained. Mo peddlers employed. Do not buy a pair lnless you see the trad* m»rk nets deodewly ’ THE GRAIN CROP Can frd Batily and Eeonomically Bated l Holetead do., COLUMBUS, OA.. Oflbr at priest lower than ever before—Mowing nd Reaping Machines; Steel-tooth More* Rakes, Grain Gradies, Orate Boy thee and Snathe, Thresh ing Machines, Fan MUU, Straw Cutter*, Ac. 8:00 V. M. 11:06 t. M. 8:86 A. M. Arrive at 'Oolumbua .........lfeSO a. m. aprie 3w W. L. CLaRK, Sap’t. Leave Colunibue . Arrive at Troy.... Leave Troy., H. F. ABELL & CO. JUST *1011VNQ. Old (tov’m’t Java bud Moeha Coffee, GtMRRwdbr and Young Hyson Tea, Braakfbet and Japan Tan, Canton Ginger Fraservas, Oapora and Canaan of all klada, Italian Salad OH, Ryo Flour and Oat Maal, Imported Wines and Clgara, Qoahaa Butler, Baaf Tongues, Magnolia Hama and Drlad Baaf, Mazappa Flour and Grit*, Graham Flour and Wksat Orlta, Sugar, all gradaa and prloaa. DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our teventy Rat* Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, STAIB KAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ao., Mulled ta any one istereeted iu bundles, os receipt of etawp. KEOGH ft THORNE, 264 A 2(6 CANAL STUNT, Jylt tfAwly HR TONE OITT. Stein’9 Patent Burial Casket*. I HAVE bran appointed agent hr three, the latest, moit ■uouetelul, And by for tht aittt baantirul Oaakat yetdsriaasa. 4eUt ol Wal nut, covered with th* Oaret Slmoals Broad- clot h, or Lyonr Velvet, onoasod In s bssatltally doilgned sad richly wrousht Silver Mstsll* fratnt, thay present s brilliant, and yat warm and pleasant appearance, very different from ths sold, hard, repulsive apiwerano* of th* «ld •tyl* MstaUs Oases, _ Alio, Rosewood, Wa'nut and sthsr Coffins end Oases, which th* publlsore assured will bo toM at reasonable priooa. ■JT17 tr T. T. EDMUNDS. F. A. POMEROY, AT BOOHEH'I CORNER, CALLS ATTENTION TO * Choioo Whita Shad, ' Frash Bay Fish, • Mobil* Cabbaga, 4 Oslsry and Lattuos, • Liva and Draaaad Foaltry, ' Frash Country Sausaga, Spars Rib* and Baekb«n**. A Choice Lot of Fresh Oraakara, Sugar JumMas, Lamon Snaps, Glngar Snaps, Lamon Craams, Ao. Applaa, Oaloat, Potato** A Turnips. Alao u.ual really SuppllH ssd tsacy Oro-.rl** i hand. Mr. T. C. PRIDGEN will be found et the coun ter end will be pleas'd to wall on hit former cue- tomort atd frieade. Th* pttrontg* of tho public U respectfully eollcltad. f*b88 E. C. HOOD & BRO. K11P 00N8TANTLT ON HAND PULL STOCKS Drug*, Ohomloals and FarfUmary, AT LOW FIGURES. Piques, White and Colored. Bishop and Victoria Lawn*. Beautiful Colored Muslins, PEACOCK A SWIFT’S. ■yU