The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 06, 1874, Image 4

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I BATCBD1Y ■ ;...JPNg 6, 1S74. CITY AFFAIRS. Bolen <7 balta.. IlcnrttteUl. Mm—4 by S. W. B. B., «2 by II. * G. B. B., 8 by river,71 by wagooa, Oby N. 48. U. B., 0 by B. Shipments 12 belee—0 by B. W.TL B., 0 by W. B. B., M for home eooeamption. Seme dey lut yeer eelee were 88 belee; reoeipts II; shipments 171. The week’s operations, with the tnlnlsr reports of Liverpool, the ports end inte rior towee, mey be fonnd in ou centracr- eiel oolnmn; end the prloee current, to be Issued from this office eerly this men. ing, Md for wbioh orders ere solicited. During the ootton night, the Western B. ft. .of Alabama brought to Oolombwe efl fonts for Bevtn- neb end New Yevfe, 182 belee of ootton- 22 from Mobile, 87 from Montgomery, 0 from Helms, 0 from Opelike, West Point end other etetiojt% 6 from YiSke- bnrg, 60 from New Ofteene.' The total thron B d movement by this route, since September 1st, is 41,668 bales—20,688 from Mobile, 7,069 from Montgomesy, 4,tMB from Saint, 8,106 from West Point, OpeliJU, 4c., 2,288 from Vicksburg, 100 from Nets Orleans. yrntmattfridny, week. .On examination by- tbefteator, ftev. Dr. W. O. Hnntor, end e few friends exhibited e very satis factory improvement. The exoeUent tencher, Mrs. B. J. Dil- lard, etep-deughter of Mr. D. B. Porter, has given proof of great faithfulness in discharging her duties to the children committed to her cere. This school in which only the element tnry Kaglirti branches are tenghtieecher- ity sustained by the contributions of the parish. It was established coder its present system last October, and there has been tn average attendance of forty- five pupils—eighty having entered sinoe It was opened. The school hss an industrial depart ment attached, in whioh the girls are taught needle work. Attention is given to the personal habits and manners of the pupils, and they are all instructed in the catechism and worship of the Episcopal abttteh. The next session will begin on the first Monday in October next. Ts'Our Of it Hereafter the Sattuassftm pnrksgs will be sent to the Poatoffloe at Opelika. Mr. J. M. Psbut is our authorixad Agent for Opelike, and will reoeipt for subscrip tions. Our patsoal will 'oblige us b| calling on Mm'at tfie Express Ofitee and renewing. [If Price of Meal and Orite—Empire Street Tax—flee Nofloe. Baa vgriegfisatinesof Ordinary Brooke. Pond's Extraot—Bead advertisement. Mnoeogoo Suyertsr Court. Judge Johnson wdlr'too unWell yester day to hold a session, and he directed the Court adjourned to Monday at 8j a. m. The New Jeokson arrived early yester day morning. Bhr brought throe bales of cotton, two <* traof, find 87 barrel* of htiekvts this ‘morning Florida syrup. S! at 11 o’olook. Hmrrts County. (lantlemen who have lately been all over it, npojft planted in eompkfisOn with last year one-third lees cotton and 12| per oent. more oorn exclusive of of wbioh there ii alargb abi twitter «*eee. w j, Mr. Qolthwaite, of Troy, Ala., has returned from Warm aaa.' He repo and doing wt^L L ^inArka^. duetor l’ieree Up Oetyss ChritU. The datholio Church celebrated this feetivel on Thvrsdsy. It was instituted byNurbenlYin 12CG in honor of the oonaeorated host, and with a view to its adoration. i uab vM AnatTiw! j4ri . A little girl fell And broke "her arm, while jumping the rope, at the Girard Publio.Sohool for whites, yesterday. Wa did not learn her name. . Sheriff of Harris County. Mr. William A. Bedell waa Bherlif of Harris county, Ga., in 1843 ; not Bosaell county, Ala., taftjagpearad in our “Be- oolleotione” of that year published last Sunday. 20 mount to Me Asylum. A eresy colored boy, who has been waadeflng about Columbus Some time, was taken up by. the aulboritieeyeeterday. He is becomlug'dangerous,' and Ordinary Brooks intends sending him to the Asy lum. Mot. Dr. I, fioroo. We learn from the Macon popers of yeetergay that Dr. Bopn, the attending phyaioiao of Bev. Dr. L. Pierce in Ma- oon, dose not apprehend any immediate neulta; but fears that, at his advanced age, Dr. Piero* bps materially impaired hie health. MerwMNteiris oft* Jtmtn Aoormyo fie Me WooM. Binoe Friday noon of last week to the earns time yesterday the theimometer, observed three times a day, has averaged 84 degrees. The rain guage on the reef of the Alston Warehouse during tbs same time shows a fall of two inches and thir ty-eight hundredths of an inoh. The boats yesterday brought up some Florida watermelons, the lergeat of which weighed twenty-five pounds, the smallest about thirteen pounds. Charge* ou the boat were twenty-five to seventy-five oeata. Of course the price ou shore was greater. - In a abort time tbs quotations will be greatly reduced. Mi jtm* In Ulrwref, A negro woman, named Jenny Thorn ton, fall suddenly dead in her house in Girard, on Thursday ( evening. As she had taken a glass of 11 ‘ _ liquor a short time before this, the report at first got out that •he had been poisoned ; but the sudden ness of her death, without previous*pain, made this suspicion a very .unreason able ona. It ia thought that she died of 4 heart trinity NnetM School. -dosed Its firrautdWonoc 9? Stock of Colton in CefMmbwe. Account taken yesterday shows the fol lowing stoeka: Planters’ Warehouse, 4,*48; Alston, 891; Lowell, 888; Alabaps, 701; Fontaine, 982—total, 8,660. Of this amount 1,076 bales are held by Co lumbus manufactories. It may or may not be offered for sple. The Eagle and Pbenix manufactory Shows* Stock of 2,033 bales. This oot- ton has already been reported among the Moeipta, and also as striked to botne con- The counted stock shows 123 bales more than the tabular one, which has been altered correspondingly. Deads of ae'jtr-Jf*r<Aa« of (WsMm. Mr. Thomas Callier.died at hisresjd •nee at Oentrcvilfe, Talbot oounty, on last Bat- urday, of dropey of the heart. He waa born in Talbot oounty. He cam* to Co lumbus, we understand, at an early age. The first Ye heard of him was before the war when be was a clerk qf J. .K. Bedd 4 Co. BubkcqbeUtly he became Hantul of Columbus, and this office he retained for a term of years. He oooupied the piece aftek'tbis war, when he waa regard ed as affiliating with the Badicals, and wss defeated for the position. Sinoe that time he has been a farmer in Tslbct oounty. His age was about fifty years. The Esgle and Pbenix Manufactory has recently commeaoed the shipment of goods to South America. The faotory ia now turning out a quantity of flannel suitable for gentlemen’s wear, whioh will at onoe come into general favor. This establishment brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars to Columbus. It is the only mill in the United States whssa fiat oottoh blanket is maoufseiorsd. Theta blankets are the moat beautifully soft fabrioa we have evyrpeen. Splondid Booullo of a trishi—u Party. Messrs. Frank Gunby, Brace, Jams* Young and other young men of Colnmbna returned yesterday from a three weeks' hunting and fishing tour in Florida. They killed five deer. One wsa caught in the river with a boat, after a hard ohaae, and stabbed to death. At the snapper banka off Apalaohiooln they oaught several hun dred pounds of fish, tho smallest of whioh weighed twenty-two pounds. They didn't see, much less kill, a “bar." The proper plaoe to buy Caliooes at 10 oeata per yard and. Coats' Thread at 70 oeata per doaen is at Aoxx 4 Muanocn’s. fond's Extract. Men end women will Buffer from a seven headache, when ten minutes spent bsfhtbg the head with the EXtraot would afford relief. [Je4 eodftw CUAS. HETMAN ft CO., proud Street, Ooleqibus. Ga., offer at their popular mmstaveant And saloon The beet that can be found in Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. [my3 ly Go tn J. B. Jones' for new and chpioe Prints—large lot just opened at 10 oente. Opening twioe a week, new end desira ble goods, which ere offered ,at “selling' prices. Fastbsr Edged Braids. Another large lot Grenadines and Linen SuAiags, at J. B. Jonxs'i Black Alpaeoaa at—well, * go and see them at J. B. Jokes'. my30 eod Mood This i Yon can find at T. ft. Blanchard'a, 123 Broad street, the, very latest styles of Dress Goods, at such prioea as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Cali and see tk*m. Domeetlo Goods at greatly reduoed rates; Factory Good* at faotory pri,c*; Coat*’ Spool Cotton at 70 oenta per doz.; the beet Print* »t 10c per yard. mylO tf The proper plea* to go whan you went aheap Dry Goods is Acxx A Mubdooh'b. The proper plaoe to buy 4-4 Bleached Homespun at 10, 12 j end 16 oenta a yard ia Aon 4 Murdoch's. The proper plaoe to procure the latest novelties in Bilk Scarfs, Buga, Fane, Leather Belts, Ac., ie at Aon 4 MtranooH'e. ' The proper plaoe to buy Black Grena dines in all styles cheap is at Aon 4 Murdoch*. AT COBTt ■j9LXir~Aas0BSSS rflUANCIAlt COMMIRCIAh - Datarmined to sail always at the mi towxst mice*, and being daninm In make' room for fall.bnsinaaa, I offer to day my ximn stoat of Dry Goode at cost, embracing g. great variety of Staple end Fancy Goods of the most desirable character. Many Drees Goods are offered at muoh under the coat in New York. Elegant Clothe and Gent* 1 Famishing Goode. All ere Invited to come eerly and secure bargains. A rare opportunity is now offered. Terms cash on dblivary. je5 eod H. T. Cxiolxb. HSfiOO Worth of Ooodo ml Host for Cosh Dissolution. Tha firm of Patron, Gobdon 4 Co., by mutual consent having determined to dose the business, offer their entire stock of goods at cost. A rare opportunity is hereby offered to purohase, as our goods era new end freak, and were bought for oash. Aa our ofajaet ia to wind up tha business as aqua as possible, no goods will be ctaHvered without th* sate. The asms, “The Virginia Store," to gether Wttti the good will, Garniture, end e two yearn' lea**, from Ootobar next, will ba disposed of to any one wishing to invest. j* Psttok, Gobdok 4 Co.' VETOED l—NO INTENTION ! High prioaa oan no longer exist.. Cash basis is the principle new, end as I desire to dose business, am offering say stock of Dry Gpo^a, Clothing, Hat*, Beets and Shoes, Hosiery, and naptwona artidqp- in this line, at lew then'edit. ■ v - * jrv Call and examine, and make on* dol lar go farther than two at any other piece. I am in earnest. If yon donbt it, step in and have proof of the feet. L. Rafekis, U4 Broad St., myl 4m Colombo*, Go. 600 damn Cents' end Clarke’s O. N. T. Spool Cotton, 70 oenta, at J. S. Jokxs' A' few places of Frenob end English ' l,*d Caasi meres, very leer, to dose oat, T. E. Blanchard’.. A large lot of oheap Caaaimerea. and Linens, very sheep, at BnAHCHABDS. The best place to buy Table Linens, Napkins end Sheetings, is at Blanchard's, . , 123 Broad at. ' If yon dedr* a real good smoke, go to Bchlrb’s, on Bsndolph street, and ask for his new brands of Key West and Im ported Havana Cigars. mylO The proper ptace to find Caasimeres for psota, boys Caaaimerea, Cottonades, Linen* ia at Aoxx 4 Murdochs. Direct front Europe l A fine assortment of Bed Meersobanm Pipes, Cigar Holden, Cigar Cases of red Bosnian Leather, Matdtsafaa, Ao., at; Bubub’s Cigar Emporium^ on Baniolph The proper plaoe to bay American Cambric is at Aon A Mcanopu's. Saturate a pieoe of .brand ua meat'With gaatrio juice, and it will dissolve. This ia digestion. Add to auoh a mixture a little alcohol, ahd it will not dissolve. This ta indigestion. Beware, then, of tinctures, or tonioa, or deoootions con- tRifiiQg apiritaoaa liqnora. Bhun all rum “tonics,” and rely solely on Db. Walk* kb’s Vineoar Bxttkrs, the finest digest ive invigorant known, and free from the fiery onrse of Alcohol. mj28 4w The proper thing to do le, go to Aoee A Murdoch’s end look through their hand some line of Silks, Orenedines, Poplins, Striped end Oorded Organdies, andoeleet wkaft geode yon went. CFm4 Thing* Oo to the ltuby Beetenrent for your Oysters, Fish, Game, end ell things good to eat. ootl5 tf Dr. Sckencx’s Pulmonic Ktrup, 8ca Wrsd RKV4N1* Miwm&ki Puis.—Theftft aicdicinea hftvo umluubtedly performed more curve of CousMiuptioD tliau »uy other remedy kuown to the American public. They ere compounded of vegetable inrredfcDta, end eon tain nothing which can he iojurloui to the hnm*n constitution. Other remediee advertiaed u curt* for Consumption probably contain opium, whioh U a somewhat daagerowa drug ta all cnaet, and tf taken freely by coaanmptlve patients, It muet de greet Injury; for if tendency to to eonftne the morbid matter in the system, which, of ooutfie, Yiut make a cure impbeftihle. Bchenek’s Pnlmonio Byrup is war ranted .not to contain a particle of opium j it to composed of powerful hot karmlcm herb*, which act on the luugi, liver, stomach and blood, and thus correct all morbid secretions, and expel all the diseased matter from the body. These only mo.ins by which Consumption can be cured, and a« Sc bench’s Pulmohlc Byrup, Boa Weed Tontoaud Mandrake Mils hre the only medicine* which operate in this a ay, it to obvious they are the only genuine core for Pulmonary Cousump* h *•*“'* “■** 1 — 1 —*■'— tion. Each bottle of thta InYaluahlo medicine is ta | aocempatled by Dill tgrloiiona. Dr. ftheuek is nclp^ , ii professkmiiTly at his principal offlee, corner Sixth when all letters for advice matt he • mylP eodly Ooitvkioi. (U.i June A 117^ Fi»AireiAL.-l»lght Mill OB Hew York per; % yot,maLAlwmat^a ftwee : cent, par month. Gold and silver nominal. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. “‘“"‘^I^^iTwBmtahFta,-. k Mete He. No (UBeeltr In ebtalaiaff manor, if proper •eeurltp ia offend. uvAueov win tail Ysab.—The Uni- mliM r muua rteelpte t.l» more; aklpmenta AMO mare; <took ucleea. ledtaahlpmeata, ten* Jeeamrv lit. 8M,eoo, apatuat *M.aoo. Oof too In light a^Unat 1,711,411, ehewlag an lncroaaa of 17a.Tto Tn Genoa Situatiok.—Prioea have been downwaitltkia week ta ail markata. Tha port roodpta are eeeatdenUr leu than last yew. In Uoiambai the receipts have Dten vary llttl*. ThU —" rhla la aooowitad for by the neceaalty of work >uptaatatloni, eod thtMeereae la £'!«•*. The S.mpbii Oottoa Exobaoie from rot arm “ ios, XlaWaalppi sod omphla Cotton from Teon.iiM, Arkanaas. Mlaaiaalppi and KiaaoiuL show, a desisaM in oottoa aoroage to May 2othof 81-ie per eoot-; on leeroaaoor oorn or 18 por oent.; an Inert*** of 7-10 per cent, in labor, nnd Me per a*at.ln working bad stand, ooo-'ourth fair, ona-fourth good. Oorn In bad ooodltion; oats moderate. The A’aflomf Crop Reporter on May Mth haa an aeoount of area in cotton 18 4-10 per cent. Lm In Alabama, Arkanaas, MUnlaopp! and Toxaa, nnd nn lnorsuad ana of eon of IS per oent. In comparison with Boat yaw. In thla motion onMAIrd more corn and grata arc reported than Jaat yaw and law per cant, leu oottoa. Crops generally 14 days bshlnd ThTSrow York Finoociol Otnmfolr. probably tha Mat authority In tha eonatry, oontgadi that tha atottl of cotton ta feropoon apinnoro; hando have Inereased since October 800,000 bales, with no Increaee of oonrwaption, end that thla enhanced stock will be Ml to Its ln- finenoe on the merket end prleet after mid- eammer, as it did tn MTl-»n, when there was a short crop, succeeding a Urge one. The R»me paper Avenges the weekly consumption in Great Britain and on the continent at over 100,000 bales. Tha ratns of the weak ta this section have been partial. Northward they have been abun dant. Bast and west are sunprlng. 3Sn? i3«”iUto"lwf*raor Columbus waro- bousod 8M baloa. We already hear of crop* which will make the total several hundred boles bayend that amount, which will awsll our receipts over •1,900 bales, sgalnst 68,108 last day shows 8060 ball b by tho tabnlar state. The counted stock to-di 1*3 more than was shown . meet. The error has been corrected in the reports or this clronlar. * Of'this amount probably 1,070 bales are held by the manufactories of this city and Tallas- sse, Ala. The Eagle and Pheulx Manufactory holds 2.033 bales, whioh baa already been reported as received and shipped for homo oonsumpUoa. Tbs Wkathxb.—Thermometer Ibr the week averaged 84®. Good local rains on Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Light showers today. Bain tall for the week two inches and thirty-eight hundredths. aged *1®. Five r Iambus each day of the week : Up. Or. Up. Or.-Gold. Ool York declined Pmona Part Yuak. — Liverpool Unlands 8% ; Orleans O^d : New York. Up- lttudfl^l9^c;^Orleans 19^0. Gold 118. Oolum< Oolumbus market to-day dull. Sales 27 bales, Tho following are the quotations: Inferior I @10 Ordinary and stained 12 @— Good Ordinary 14U@— Low Middlings Uho- Mhldllnjn...... M . 4 lfl>J5- Strlot Middlings..; — 5— Week’s sales 178 bales—1M Northern spin* nets. 4*,lwa* eensnmpflen. • te slew York, 0 to Savannah, 0 for speculation. 0 for Now Orleans, • for Charleston, 0 for Tallas- s«o talus/0 for Mobile, 0 for New Orleans. Total sales *0,612-31,eoe for Northern spin ners, ffiiol for New York,7.814 for borne consump tion,11,002 for Savannah, 11M Tallasseo mills, 1,060 for Mobile, 200 for charleston, 200 for Now Orleans. Week’s receipts *98 bales, against 316 the E revious one, and 167 the corresponding week istseason—0 by SWRB, 03 by M fcG B WBKKLT STATBMXHT. r .. 1874 stock Aug. 31st .......see 1,177 Deceived past week... *26 Total received 60,271 Total rooelved, ln’ding stock. 61,448 668 pped 67,798 Total home consumption 7,814 Stock June 6 3,660 Sales.... 178 Year's reoeipts — MODK0 or RBCBIPTB. 1874 ' Southwestern Railroad4,163 Mobile and Girard Railroad. .18,040 Western Railroad 2,846 River 8,171 W a mobs ...24,682 North aid South Railroad.... 2,870 62,468 §.411 3,840 1873. 1492 17,920 1,878 6,846 26,770 1,740 60,271 66.146 §TAT*inury ruosoim tsa«i. MMl-SIMa^O 1170-1! 1871-3 •\rouou Cottom.—By Mobile and Girard R&iZZ. more, gi ll; Bostonfl 28. ‘ Tun Uzutko STATRO Poutb.—Rtcetpts for ie week 16,689 balm, against *1,IS3 last week ■23486 the. week before aad 26,130 same ione^e** ***** toU1 m( "*'* m * u u 1*94 Stock Aug. 31 60,969 Week’s exports to G. B... 90,816 “ “ Gon... 6.760 Total exports* to G. B . .1,818,220 Con 960,431 1873 46,929 96,180 8,488,964 86,676 18,216 AM 140 . 1'ui.voipal Posts.—TIM following Ibowa their total roodpta to Cato; 1874. ..1.183,017 .. 388,874 Now Orleans Mobile Savannah Charleston 434,787 Oalveeton 161,701 New York 101,11* Other Porte M4,60C 1878. 1486,868 333,389 M0,637 Total .,..,,..3,666,363 3,488.364 Iktsbiok Town.—They bare raeetret this week 4,988 balatj against S.197 last yaar. and week 4,986 balas, agatnat 1,107 last year, a have etocka of 64,136, against 64414. The t lowing ebowa tbetr total rsealpta to dot*: 1374. Augusta 197,610 Maoon 71467 Vllioillo 03 WAS Eulaula Columbus 60.271 Montgomery 32,726 Selma 60,169 1873 178,896 61,136 Nashville 71,964 Memphis.... 26,871 66,146 61,716 46,471 63,841 896,831 Total .918,110 886,009 From Lmenrooc.. — The following Is tele- Stook “ American 632,000 “ Afloat 678,000 graphed for the week: *874. 1873. 962,000 676,000 363,000 600,000 211,000 68,000 22,000 44,000 6,000 6,000 . a*K*a*b Bauaxxs.—Trada la vary alightlv dul|er than at this season of past year Tha ' Iona ana ' Sales Exporters Speculation*.. main demand Is for provUli _ .Corn has deollned on the they are — -*•« monom aawwaaagrad OU thC ’b^eorner baa bran brokan down and niaodeeroued, Ooantry prodne* haa Hama 170; Baoetn Kenlueky t7e; — _ . Hulk Moats — O. A fildaa 00; Bulk shoulders oo. oiaaa^OoooI-SardtaM • ease Oman Ooooa—SMdiaMJl eaaa of uo hxs las; Waiton To; N. Y. StatoThe. Cakdlm—Star m B tea; Bnata Ms. . Oonan-iUo ft A 37H3NJ Java 3MMM. Oouk—Ysllow Mlxsd llbua 95e.SMo.. good demand; Whit* 31.66931■<» ear load ratal ta de »Ji«A«a—Domaatlo * M «!*•«; Havana «M ®Floub—Tin* • bbl *3; Superfina «9 00; fix- Sad Irons ie; Bar Laad 14, Plow Stool ujg Oaat Start Uaatln|i •M>; 30e; Hon* anl Mull Shorn Shoo Nall* WiiCsae; Nalla fl keg 3* 9 doa 316017, laoa Labd—Prim. Laal LiATBin—Whlta m Oak I Sol* 1>S43o; Horn rSktaaMHli Aaaari oan do 3308 M; Upper Leather Ml M; Har ness do 60a; Dry Hides Uo; Oroon do to._ Maoksul—No 1V bbl 336; No 9316: No 3 tet Nol0 K bbl$10; No339;No8#6; No 1V kit 33. Picklia—Cam ittast *8 |o. Potaik—B aaaofis 60. PoTATona—Irish, ft bl Powaan—ft kaggf M; 33 60, In Magnalne. dpp m M; quart* Born—Manilla 0 S 33e; Cotton 40s; Mishin. Made 30. Mbal—flbnaSl 13. MoLAaain—Nro. ft nil ooo0—: FlorMa. 0330; CubA 410300: OcHlaa ~ syraprtOiss. Oats—B buab.l 90c. Oil -Known* 0 nil ISeiUnaood, raw fit Si; > boiled si 36: Lara 0 M; Train |1 36. on—ms lie. Salt—V laokSSOO. Tobacco—Common0S60e; Medium bright . M; Fine 76c; Extra *1; Nnvy 30036c; Mnoonhoy Snuff 360. ‘ SuoAto^Oub* *0 S IIOUH; A 13; B or ntnUli^UlljllO yrtlow olarified UH; do whit* 14014Ue. Soda—Keg To 0 S; box 100. Staboh—0 S 9c. Tn—Green nnd Black 0 s 31.36033.00. Wniu^-deelMsd0gall3109;Bourbon «1 Wutx Liad—0 S13013HC. coumtat raoDucn. Wholnal*. Retail Goshen Butter $ 40 $ 60 Country “ 30 66 Ems. .. J66 96038 Irish potatoes........a.. 00 u’k 6a p’k “ “ 6 00bbl 6 00bbl Seed Irish potatoes 0 00 bbl 0 00 bbl “ “ oog’k oo p’k Sweet potatoes.. 6s*: Flour, ▲ 64 76| B 64 96; ll 40. Rich Shorts 63 00. C Irits 61 ber bushel. . osnaburgs 15c.; ditto yarns 6140, OoLUMaua Mahufaotubbd Goods.—Asyto <t Phenix Millt.—Sheeting 4-410; ' "' ‘ - 8^o.; L Osnaburg8, 7 0S. |v>, VBiitevufgc, i , m w •ached sheet ing and drilling 12Uc.: < flannels 18o. Colored Goode.—Stripes 12 to 'ACTUXID UOODS,—BtUjft* sting 4-410l4o..% shirting s..Uo.: ^drilling 13>do.. nd drilling 12Uc.; cotton , -»18>4c.: hickory shirting 14c.: tloking lie. to 26c.; plaid and gfnghAms ohecks 18Wo.; plaids for field work 17c.; cotton blankets *2 to 64.26 per pair; bleached buokabaok towels 61-66 per do*.; yarns 6s. to 108., per buneh of five pounds 61.40; rope 28cp to 30o.; sewing thread, 16 balls to tne uissuuru, wu.; uninsaousu auu,, wrap ping twin# ta balls 46c. Woolen Good*.—One- Imeres, 9os. per yard, 82e. to 60c.; Joams 20c. to 36o.; doeskin Joans 700. ColumbM Factory —% shirting 6)4* 44 sheet ing 10J4o.j sewing thread, unbleaohed, knitting, do., 60o.; wrapping twta« 45c. Clegg'» Fmctory.—Plaid or ohooks 13Wo.; stripes, fancy fashions, 18c. , Dnr Goods,—Best prints Me. to Uo.; Coats’ thread 700. $5,000,000 Endowment Scheme I In Its action, health to almost invariably secured. Want of action la the Liver cauees Headache, Constipation, Jauadtoe, Pain In tha Ihoulden, Cough, Chills, DixsinoM, Soar 8tomacbv Bad Taste lu the Mouth, BUioua Attacks, Palnltatton of tha Heart, Depression of Ppirite, or the Blues, and a i the beat rem< edy that h M l» Nketuaily. and being a simple vegetable compound, cap da ue Injury in any quantities that It may ba taken, it to harmless in every way; It bus bean used for forty yean, and hundreds of the good and great from all part* of tha country wlU vom ‘ ‘ being the purest and best. 8iM3is’ UVII MCULim, K ldm, Is harmless, Is no dr- stic violent medicine, Is sure .to cure if taken regularly, Is uo intoxicating beverage, Is a faultless fhmlly medicine, Is the cheapest medicine In tk« the world, Does not interfere with businees, Done not disarrange thehystem, Takes the place of Quinine anu BUteta tf avtrj kind. Contains the simplust and best remedies. FOB 8ALB BT ALL LMUQ0XMTB, fob* deodawly Hew Advertisements. 625 A BAY GUARANTEED isiaf MS WELL AUOER S DRILL In f**4 ARKANSAS ADAKOT/i Qtellttatei. V.HU«,«LUSMfi. |l 9YOHOMANOY, er 80UL CHARM. ING.’> Hew either mx may faeetnat. they ehooa* instantly. This simplt ■ qulrsment all oan pesiess, free, by mall, for Uo., toffether with a marriage guide, Bnpttan' Oraela, Dreams, Bints teLadlss, WmkIIdx. Night Shirt, ha. A qussr tioek. Address T. WILLIAM fc OO., Pubs., Fhlta. «w Coughs, Colds, Hosreenees, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS* CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT VP UNLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Bold by Drugvllt*. LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. For BO y tiers millions have Intently watched AoaixviMKNTS, end now eagerly desire t plt4t Islft-Hlaltry of this %oorld-renowned usxo and bcxifactos. wblch unfolds also tha curl- osltlre and wealth of a wild and wonderftal coun try. It lejtut ready. 2,000 agentt wanted quickly. Ono agent told 1B4. another IBB «ja one week. For particulate, address B1IBBABD BBOI n either Phila., Boston, or do., O. 4w IFLOBENC The long-cootested futo of tgo • Florence Sewing M*ehln* Oo. against the 8'uger, Wheeler A Wilson, and Grover 6 Biker Com panics, Involving over •BSBgBBG, Fifth and Last Concert in aid or THK Public Library of Kentuckv. JULY 31, 1874. have been already given: The flret, December 1Q V 1871: the eecoad, December 2,1872; the third, July 8.1873; and the fourth, March 31st, 1874. Under their charter, granted by a special act of the Kentucky Legislature, March 16, 1871, tha Trufltees are authortxdd to give ONK MORE, and ONLY ONK MORK Gift Concert. With money arising ffom this Filth and LAST Concert, the Library. Museum, and other departments are to be on arged and endowed with a fixed and certain annual income. Such an endowment fund to de sired as will secure beyond peradventure not only the maintenance of this magnificent establish ment, but Its constant growth. The Fifth Gift Concert or the purposes mentioned, and which ia poei- OHAKTKR AND BY TUB PRRSBMT MANAGE- MKNT. will come off at the Publio Library Hall, at Louisville, Ky., Friday, July 31,1874. scale cor esponding with Its increased Importance. The mnsio will be rendered by an orchestra con- their fnqie in different lands, and the unprecedent ed sum of 88,000,000 List of Gifts. ONE GRAND OASH GIFT .3260,000 ONE GRAND OASH GIFT 1 W0 900 ONE GRAND OASH GIFT 7LOOO ONE GRAND OASH GIFT 3AOOO iiNR aiiLMn iiabu fii'nn ONE GRAND OASH GITT sToOO 6 OASH GIFTS 330,000 esob 100000 1C OASH GIFTS 14,900 etch 140 OW i»UASH GIFTS 1?000 each 1M M0 SO OASH GIFTS 6,000 each 100 000 38 OASH GIFTS 4,000 eaoh 100 M0 30 OASH GIFTS a)o00 each 90,000 60 OAMHUlPrS 8,000 each 100,000 100 OASH GIFTS 1,000 eaoh 100 000 240 CASH GIFTS 600 each 190.000 600 OASH GIFTS 100 eaoh oo.ow 19,000 OASH GIFTS 60 eaoh..... 080,009 GRAND TOTAL30,000 GIFTS. *7-T. CASH 33,600,000 PRICK OF TICMETS. Whole Ticket. $ so oo Halve"....-. 25 00 Tenth, oc tucli Coupon 500 11 Whole .ickets lor..., £00 U0 2-J^ Ticket* for 1,000 00 Tickets are now ready for sal/, and orders ac- c»iupHiiied by e-sah will be promptly filled. Libot ai commltBions will be allowed to ehtiefac- tory ug. nts. Cltcuian containing full particulars 'urnished in application TJSO. K. HBAMLETTE, Agent and Manager, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. myl9 c2taw*wtd Death to Caterpillars t — ’ in the coton crop, is r^epuctfully invited to my MOTH DESTROYER, whkh may be seen at theetore of Watt A Walker, or offlee of Dunham k Oo , Alabama Warehouse. MU8QU1TO FRAMES made to ordor. Sample at Estes 6 Brother's. myta wQy!5 0.9ALT0 A 00. Is finally decided by tha fiunrama Court of tho United States, in favor of tho FLORENCE, Which f alono has broken the monopoly of high prioea. monopoly of high prim. TiinffiuHnin Ii lb. ONLY mochlns that HW botkvud **4 ■old for CMh only, dwlcn. April, 1974. *pr30 w. « 4w . 4 I th. ! Phonetic I cMy nod abort time to report trioln, npocohno, rermonn, 3c. Th. Lord*. Prnycr ;■ written with 4» ltrokMof th. pan, end 14* word, par miaul*. Th. uo. ploy«d nhould learn thla nrt. Print by moll 60 rent*. Agnata wuttd. Addrm T. W. ffVANS k OO., 139 iouth 7th ntred, PhlUdnlphl^ to. 4w Thn hlgkmt medical mmtltmrlUe* •( Emroyo ny th* atrongaat Torto, Further and Doubitruont known to th* modlert world la JURUBEBA. iT . 'J. viwmtwM hiiisu, nugvw VU obrtruotlqj. andlut*directly on th* Ltvor iflaolNY 1 !' W ,OHlf 4* * AGENTS WANTXD fll rex tu tel fENNIAI __ or ta_ iJEia united states. ... —— — .... .jRu published of such uni- vena! interest to the American people. It appeals to no particular elass alone, but to all t 1 —rtt; to man and women of all prof, ssioas, oraadi, oocnpa- tione and political opioions—to formers, lawyers, business men, mechanics, physician*, politicians, teachers, students, manufaotnrsrs, salesman, men of learning aud men who oan only read, to old and young. All want it as a book of constant —, i •• «■* ** ui constant reference, and to preeerva for their children and children's children as the only complete and rolla- •v wraanr w* at is not a luxury k »‘» nwtmltylo.Tjry w«ll.infarmrt A melon citlieu. Ag.DM make gioo to tado'jtar month* Bend for clrculu. ZIIULKH 3 McCUKDY, Phil- .d.lphlo, P«. WA1EBS’ CONCSBTO ORGANS •n th. met boutifni In ityh oud perfect tn ton. •nr m>d.. The OONOXKTO ATOP te th. belt mr placed lu any or*u. It to produred by u «tn Mt or reodo, peculiarly volood, tha affect or which to moat charming and aoubatlrrlng, while iti imitation of tho human voioo to anpnrb. Term, liberal. WATXRS’ PHILHARMONIC, VBAPSM and QBOB11TRIL ORGANH, In' unique Trench cuea, arc among the heat made, aad combine purity of voicing with grout volume of toco. Suitable for parlor, church, or mnalo hull. WATERS' HEW AOALK PIANOS hurt great power and n Hue ting- Ing tone, with nil modern ImprorammU, nnd ire the boat Piano, made. The. Organ, nnd Ptonoa RP3 MrmFmmntmA tn• olw wa.a. »>_/ a low for cash or p*rt cash, and bslaneo In monthly or quarterly paymonta. Pccond-hund iutrnmcnu taken in exchange. Agents wanted in every county j n the Uo ted States and Canada. A »»- oral discount to Teachers, Minister-, lurches, fichools. Lodges, ato. Mustr**** catalogues mailed. HORACE W-»TER§ A BON, my28 481 Broadway. New York. Box 3667. A O T 8 Of the Last legiatature, FOR SALE BT W. J. CHAFFIN. FOR SALE AND RENT. To Rent. April 6th, two Tnrntohad IP^ ROOMS, Kitchen nnd Stahl., with w. of dining room nod parlor. Addrm •f 1 V H, Enquirer OSm.