The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 09, 1874, Image 4

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mmmmtrn SmSSm^S: raunui TUESDAY CITY AFFAIRS. ~ ***** ~ TctAwetAU rtgtt Min on Haw York pari Promt—Mayor Ciaghorn and Aldor- ^^^aMB'SSESTi; MU, Bsfino—l»r, Flournoy Mod Durkin. Akmt—Aldermaa Koat. -Suntdsa were'read and confirmed;' Hpeteeat. Book!onto! Tort ot )<*. |—loo. Oorronoy local lfftH per oob*. por mU. QcMaad Dm total- ■oL Oottoo—Morttt doll ond loon U» pool and Wow Tort down. TOO MMWIfff art Jt #10 M O- V.MM9UN .UK#1*X » 6m MJ,; .T- - •" nooolpu T MM! -1 briua.!, B.; Ordiaaryaad statute Oood Ordinary.. Law KMdUago f fork DAILY Staokoakaad A newt Mot, urs.. Kooolrod May ■|ook l,MialMlT. Itlddllaca iTWo. U.S.Pobto.—Boootptofor I days i,Ml; ti- port, to Oroat Brltala 6,**l; to Uoatlaoat w f*WW84fl4fl will bo aoot to tho Pi Mr. J. U. Pfitof to ow owlboriaad A#eo* tor Opalika, and will raoolpt for anbaerip- io f tiogjg n(<€li ealling on ! Jwdow to Worn AdoorMoomowto. Boptoboaoldto-dur-MprabalH. W. Morpby. . i.»¥-:c. ■ ■ulo Delinquent Tai Pa|ani-M.W., ^ty MUbi dor Bale—H. O. Ivey, Matur. TAlfFA » a,.* tow Prioo of Mnaio Book*—Dltoon ft ^Ssf&aaSSL. Maatiag to-night—BA Aldamar Con.- M VAST dPfgfr ■ Aooonno. Oommittaa rooommondod payment of YdUowtag aoixrunta, which woo adopted Km. Andaioon, #70 85; L. H. Cogbill, #87 10 and #3; Uiobard Porter, #14; A. Tamar, ##: Wm. Burma, #18; J. 0. Por to?, #36 83; J*ff Holbrook, #160; Kyta ftCo., #110; T. T. Edmunds, #16; J. 0. Porter, #6; Tbotaoe Gilbert ft Oo. #7; H. Uiddlobrook, 80s. and #8 60; Thomas Gilbert ft Oo., #16 60, and Thom as Gilbert, #46 26. following now aoeonnte wore referred to Oommittaa an A Mounts L. H. Cogbill, #22 76; John Durkin, by wt—it Ok* B. lL#.jLs.i.-Sto.Llk.Wl 5r *> THBi *<»; 4 W. B.B. ; l ky rtrori 0 by fc Praaoott, #162 80; A. Tumor, #6; Wm jM»dM^#j^ohnjMBjBMnnK) #18 AoStelrMrtooa**,# li, otorogs for two enginao; W. B. Kent, #14 70; Mrs. 0. Anderson, #44 10; i. Ennis, #66 77; E. ft P^Mfc Co., #81 19; Them*! ft Preeoott, #144; Jomso Lynab, #6; B. Porter, #11 D. W. tAampayna, #13 60; T. J. Dudley, #110 83. ' ■ srposts or cctsmittw*. ar.'Hte MerW Ootosstuoo reported 11 stalls in the vegetable market rented and notes made; 11 rented and notes not made; 1 rented and paid; 13 not rented #| not* wuN 'accepted qxoopt OfiM- Young, which wan referred bpek to Mat- ket Uemmiltee to secure letter aaaurity The Committee on Police and Gas mafts their report, j uotiftring Polioeman Mitchell in bis arrest ot Mr. H. D. Yen. Us The MMhndlet churches observed ae- oraesentai arttioea in the taotifcif. One person Jltaed BA Luke ofanroh by appli- satioa and another Mr >«q*v* showers of rain fall In lbs afternoon and r^afartonas ohurehee. amts m tni^^plSijtiefleMapw' The nine aegroea eaprieted.-aad sen, tsMed to the Penitentiary luring the ses sion of the BnperiepOtofft, were seat un- dor guard to ttlanta on Bunday afternoon. Four of the party are women. They abed are from tww to tfteen years. Superior CsweS.. This body again s*Htoh*Al* H a. w. The motion docket was rssumed. No bus in ses of gentral intorast was trans- grantod—others rtfhaed. IfTsThS the Court will adjourn for tho term to day. Yesterday was the twenty-fotirth day of the session. J—to a JMeorfriioo. Copt. Charles Brook way, an ex-river tion of pilot on the steamer New Jackson. Oapi Btookway is oaa of the olererset and »* pmmUr m*p ( snd ItoWI the river like a printed page which for years ha baa rapeatad. •’ ■ ’ i The ftrly Shh Over. The man ran over and killed by the down train from Atlanta to Montgomery on Friday night, nt Whitfield Crossing, between LaG range and Hogantvilla, waa Mr. K. B WhiteAeid, of Troap oanaty, a man thirty-eeren ysara of ago, who bad a wife and threa ohildren. He waa a man of •**■*, whoaa wnly fathts wta the tava of liquor. ini a oonoert In ttta'bpaftt'feouao during tha lattw portion of tha month. Our oittasns will ramember tha axoallanca of tha mg, aioai sntartainmeats in past years over which ha naaa with whieh ha has qaaistqd in qU.qg- dsrtakinga to promota tha plaasure kind good of our city. In addition to tha many whom our oittasns hava heard, some naw and beautiful voices will girt additional oharm and' attrention la’ tha seating. Prof. OhaM will exart his Una abilities to create enjoyment and create appreciation in all. A majority of tha mala .inhabitants of Oolumhua wtU remember Ltailt QUfton, of tha dsmfsnedk pereneatan, who before and daring tha war, flaunted her oolors in a ins carriage drawn by kwe splgodid grays. Fora whUa she had a reaidenoe in Wynnton, until Urn indignation of tha neighbors became too string to endore it Since the waf operaliona have been trans ferred te Atlanta, and her name ha* been frequently auntioned In the oonrta in va rious suits of a disreputable character The other day aha was indicted and found guilty of keeping Mid maintaining a hones of UI faipe- . She waa defended by. dodge W. F. Wright Judge HopUaa sentenced her to p*y a floe of #1,000 and aorta, or go to the chalk gang for twelve months. This was the extreme limit of pualshment allowed by taw. My. We have already published it r*pto*4y*rfe'elV«d. . T#e special committee appointed to re vise the polios ordinances, if such revi sion waa neoeasary, repeal*# that too ad- dJUpual ragptattans are nooeyury; bat wo resomhiCod the' repeal of' tha ordl- nanaa adopted ip. dannaiy last, known as tha “Polios Ordinance.” Beport oairad. sxToaTS bv *** orrtcxM. -im moose, clerk of emrkat, repotted ooileotiona from wagons tor Msy to June 8th, #18.10. WhiMlngerJ. 6. Bmtos reported Whsrf- age end port dues for May #110 03. Ar- rtvals were seven steamboats, bringing 1,063 barrels, 200 bales, 076 sseks, 4} tun*. . Saxton James Lynab reported the deaths in the city of 13 whites, 14 oolor- ed»total, 37. White non-residents, 3 ; oolored, 6—total, 14. Total burials, 41; of hhioh 10 weth whit* adults and 11 Iren I eelored adults, lk| ehildrso, 7. Whits paupers 1; oolored 8, of whioh 8 were county paupers, i, n. JussK-rr, tussbubku, » aocouvt ' WITH HSTOB AMD COttMOIL, rBOU J! 1 . HAS OH 1 ip JO** J, 1874. Batawnon hand and in bank...# 4,617 73 Wharf 360 07 Hucksters and peddlers 61 00 BsMB liquor Itaense.... 1,000 00 Msyor’s Court 36 60 8alee 1872 12 63 Beal estate W72 140 60 'llMlet t. 20 05 Bills receivable 188 06 Dray license 37 60 Lioeuae 1873 506 00 Bales “ 4,864 44 Henaann depot.. 18 03 Bales 1874 3,074 74 Beal estate 1874 8,146 15 License 18T4..h...‘ 2,488 75 Merchants’ and Mechanics’ on Angnrt — AhlW Sohneartar and AndreM wrt* kf#*#w<B • Tha Miyor wm *tort*d a WM#»rth# Ald. Cbalmars sailed attention to tha condition of tha wharf. In <hs dry eat wsathar spring* ooaad through and mad* thegronadwat His attention had been eelled to the fort hy a number of ware housemen. He reoommandad a sowar, costing about #126 to #160. Oommittao on Wharf war* trttnktad to WMrtne critically, proonr* proposals, and report to Council. for tho redaction of *m eminent* of pro perty wen made by T. I. NookoUe, I. J. McKendraa, M. Ctariday, S. J. Fraser, Mrs. J. M. Watt M. B. BnlUeao, t. S. Wabater, J. It Clapp, JarttoOany; D. B. Porter, Jordan L. Howell, T. 8. Stewart, Chart** Barns, Mat B. 8. Patatak, Mrs. Bridget Dolan, L G. Strapper. All go to the Finanoe OemmlH**, under tha ruta- The time for making th*M patlticns ex. pirtdaiih tha present amating of OonnrtL L. T. Downing pwaantad a maaaorial regarding lota 284, 286 and 387, bpr#yjag the south oommons. Being praasnt ha Was asked to give hi* vtows to CouneiL He did so. Ho represented that a ditch had bean lad through bis lota aeroas the common* to th'a ritar. The Mil . became porous, dissolved by wader, and a targe ravin* bad baan aondnrtad to on* of hi* lot*. The bridge acrSM the mein* wm dangerous. He recommended the dig ging of a ditch in south portion of Ogle- thorpe street, whioh wouM reiiev* hta lot kud also that tha oity trash b* thrown in to tbo ravins to strip its growth. JPhe subject was referred to tha Committee on Commons. BtoOtiPTIOm AMD OBCOUMOXS. Alderman MoQahaa mared that 100 oopiee of tha polio* regulation*, adopted June let, 1870, be printed, and a copy ha placed in tha hands of (very otfloer, and that they b* bald to a strict oonformiiy with such raise and rigalatlnaa The M*wr* stated am h* had, With con,, jimonlty, found a copy of these rules and lagntattans, that ha Intended to have, on bis own responsibility, one hun dred oopiee published, and was glad tha resolution was introduced. Alderman MoGshto mid he noticed they were daily viotatad. The Mayor statad that be ha# ofa*err*d the earn* thing, and wanted tha regal* tions published that o&oert could not plead ignoraaea,-aad be held to a strict compliance. Alderman Flonrnoy offered tha follow ing, which.#** adopted > Bcsolvad, That tha City Saxton sb*ll have full powers of a poll as man, a* fkr m relates to tho cemetery, and ehali arrest any and all persona stealing flowers, shrubbery, or aoy kind of ornaments from, or in any manner ctutilating graves lid th* cemetery, and report same-to the Mayor. Kesolvad, That th* Mayor shall line *11 parties oonviotad of either of the fore going, in earn* of not lias than twenty dollars, the Sexton to reooive naif of all fines oollectad from each persons *s he seay arrest and report. -Oeptota W,D,Ohlpt*Fto«*tbe#trt*a Clab from Keataeky a tolm twMty years old, whioh had baea boiled twenty-four hears. It WMprsne -“Thta engtae wewk work,” remarked a fireman to Chief Engineer Williams the other day. “No wowdoc,’’ Wtowarad tha Chief, “it was made to play. -A boy wm oaoght ateaUag ioe the other night “What at* you doing tlmto, yowyeongiuMclf" acM 4h* pr* prictor. ''Merely taking oold,” yaltad ^wThavehad taaeamat ehower* sino* Friday night —It must hava baa* at sight when th* deviltatere# th* Garden dTNdto, for he qmne after ^ve. Tnyrnimel #/ eke ItM The following Western AtooctatedPreoe J nno 4th, wiU iatereat Bank Real octet* 1874.. #31,656 01 Public aohaola Luntbor aass&E Goo^l-honao G*s Bills payable Hewers Carte and mules. 241 83 « 124 55 :. 26 75 1,155 64 100 CO 344 20 ) 1,771 84 51 60 Interest Incidentals..., 16,751 88 123 60 103 45 Folio* 2,688 75 400 80 Satary, 2,166 90 Cemetery 31 25 Oath on bond 1,860 98 . #31.666 01 Beoeived. Goes to Finance Committee under rota. . ' -ran MraannirT. Chief Engineer W. H. Williams recom mended that a petition of WasMogton No. t (eelored) for four taataras, some materiale for their engine, and whitewash ing and repairs to the honse, bo granted. Accompanying bis report wore the peti- tioa and bide for tha wort. The whole will coat about #40. Beferred to Com- adtta* on Fit* Department, with power to ool, after h*vi^g examined into tb* nooes- aity for tbo proposed improvements. Aid. Flonrnoy Called' the attention of Council to the qondition Cf the house of Young America No. 5. It was being rained in some portion because of defec tive guttering. Beferred to Committee on Fite Department, in connection with No. 6, to examine end report to Ooonoil what notion it necessary. naufOAD ooNvxMnoM dxlbostss. Alderman Bedd moved a committee of three be appointed to represent the city stock in tho convention of stockholder* of tb* M. ft G. Hail road, to be bold in Colombo*, on July let. Aldermen Badd, Brannon and Grim** were appointed. Alderman Btanohsrd moved a commit tee of three ha appointed to represent the city'* atook in the annul meeting of tho stockholders of tho Savannah and Memphis Railroad, to b* bald at Opelika, Aldsrman Grimes called attention to a telegram lie had aaan in h Western paper of Jone 4th—that th* Committee of Commerce of the Senate of tb* United State* hid agreed to report mi appropria tion of #26,000 for th* removal of ob struction* in th* Chattahoochee river. He had not notioed this in the Columbus paper or any Southern exchange. [Alderman Grimes is correal. We found it in the Associated Press dispatches of Jane 4th in a Western exchange. While the Southern Pres* Agent wm buy telegraphing the report of tho Western Union Telegraph Company—about whioh no one in this section oared—he failed to send a report in whioh a large pops la tion in three States are greatly interested. We saw the same report yesterday, and it can be found else where.] imomat. Oo motion of Alderman Btaostaud, Ooonoil adjourn ad to meet at 6 r. ml on th* seooaid Monday in next month. kqsrAsr TUI— */ Eighty Year* if* It will be ramambered that some few weaka ago we published several letters from Western Virginia, from B. J. Mo ss*, Jr., formerly from Columbus, and son of Major B. J. Mesas ot this oity. The Weston [Lewis oounty, West Va.,1 Democrat in a late issue has this showing the purpose of hi* visit to that aaetlsa: “Mr. Raphael J. Mo***, a New York lawyer, in now in Braxton Mrvipg writs of ejeetmant upon about olio thousand landlords in that region. He is oounael for Easton Youngeta!., who claim one hundred thousand sore* of land situated on Bireh river sad its tributaries, in Braxton, Wabater and Nicholas counties. It is olaimed by the plaintiffs that about the year 1797 or 1800 th* Commonwealth at Virginia gave to a Mr. Young a patent for the on# hundred thousand sore* in question; that by anforeassn aacUants that gentleman failed to pastes* himself of the property, and that his hairs have been unable to do so natil now. Th* de fendants are nearly on* thousand in nom- ber. Should tho plaintiffs b* sucaeesfal the result will render homeless probably four or fire thousand people. Anohter lamentable feature of the oaa* in this point of view is tha foot that ail these landlords purchased their property in good frith and for a bona fide Considera tion. Jtieer jrem. Th* Farley arrived early Hnnday morn ing with om balk of oatton, forty sacks of grouoAitaA*, fifty aacka of oorn, and a number of dozeu of eggs from Florida. Slit leaves to-morrow at 11 a. u. “Th* Baaato Ceaumittoa so Ooaamoroe have decided to reeommeod the insertion of an item in th* Btvar and Harbor A; propriattun b(Q of #96,#00 for tb* tarn rtl of ohatroothma from th* Chattahoo chee and Flint, rivara, in Georgia.” IMS Ml Is ■ tree* MM kutaa Bisos Friday night w* have had heavy showers. One inch of rata fail Be «sasia!*5SatMi fall between Wednesday and Friday of last week, show* that 6.41 inch** of tain hava fallen to tha part save* days. This is Ik* maaaosamant of th* rain gauge on thtkoofof the Alstoa warehouse. CWwmtaM a musts—Messing ZosS JNpM. There wm » good stlstolslMll at the Columbus uoskU' masting 'ah# night Tb* Committee grant*# farther Urn*, with wU power to not a communication wm raeeivad from tha Pablio Library Amoctation, asking tha Company to repeat thair plo-nlo forth* benefit of tho Library. Th* Company topremafloxriliagirem toeftdtheAswonl ation in building up a library, and ap pointed a Oommittaa to oonfar with the Directors of tha Association, with author ity to make all arrangements for th* pio- ni*, if after eonaoltatioa the matter be thought feasible. The Commit!** constat* of tb* follow ing members: Lisnt, Cliff. B. Grimes, Bargt. 0. E. Hoobstramer, Sergt. W. S. Holstead, Corporal A. J. Mi# Corporal J. K. Arnold, Privatas 0. H. Watt, W. H. Johnson, F. W. Long, C. J. Frederick. " The down passenger train en th* West ern railroad waa delayed two boon Ban- day morning by a wash tot** mUq* be yond West Point. Enpns was damaged. Road now all right. On top eflta* moraiag,*o tha Oslumbus bismeh, near Hoilta’tank, tom-toOks from Opolika, a oar ran off and got aeroas th* irtrtrtlr > rthirtli dammMa^ to to# J mail* and pmaangam. Ail wm boss mods right. Rev. 0. A. Kendrick, ot this oity, preaches the. commencement sermon be fore to* Troy (Alabama) Female College the Utter part ot this month. 970,000 Worth if Beans as Q*«tAr Cpeb, XMsselMtiei*. Tb* firm ot Pmttom, Gobdow ft Oo., by mutual consent, having determinad to close th* bnetaeoa, offer their entire stock of goods at ooat. A rare opportunity is hereby offered to purchase, aa out goods are new and fresh, end were bought for caah. Aa our objoot is to wind up the business aa soon aa poartMe, no goods will be delivered without th* oaab. The name, “Tb* Virginia Store, gather with the good will, farntton, and a two yean’ Isaac, from October next, will be disposed of to any on* wishing to invest. J* AtOOttl rilTtr*—* to MB always at th* vmst iowxst raioas, and befog desirous to amk* rosea fat <*U hoeisme, I offer to- dsy my urma stoox of Diy Good* at iinrt.' ■tolrtili'd -treat variety of Staple and Fancy Goods of th* moot desirable Many Drae* Goods are offered at moeh UBdto lb* ooto in Naw York. Bagant Cloth* and Gants’ Famishing Good*. All era lavltad to art#* eorly and aaonre bargain*. A ram opportunity I* now offarad. Tarns caah on delivery. j*6 sod H. T. Csiolxx. TMTMMMl—MOUTMLATIO* I High prieee ean no longar exist. Cash beats is th* principle now, and as I desire to dose business, am effacing my stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hosiery, lad nosaerous article* in this line, at Ism nu ooat. Call and axasalna, ah# makeonadol tar go farther than two at (tap other pise* I am in aarnaak If yon doubt it, stop In and hat* proof of th* that ' L. Hsxmis, 114 Broad St., myl 4m Columbus, G*. 600 doaen Coats’ and Clarke’s O. N. T. Spool Cotton, 70 eaats, at J. 8. Joins’. A few piaoM of Frasieh and English Caaaimaree, very low, to oloo* oat, at T. E. Blamobsbd’s. A targe lot of cheap Oassimaras and linens, very {hasp, at BiAMonsap’*. Tb* bast ptao* to bay Table Linens, Napkins and Sheetings, ia at Buhceisd’s, 128 Broad at. If yon dseir* a real good smoke, go to Bonus’s, on Randolph stnet, and ask for bis naw brands of Kay West and Im ported Havana Oigsn. my 10 Tb* proper piece to find Casaimeres for pants, bey* Oamimeree, Oottonadss, laana is at Aon ft Mobdooh’s. iMreeS/twas Murtpol A fin* assorteseat of Baal Maanobanm Pipes, Cigar Holdan, Cigar Cases of real Matohaafas, Ac., at Bonus’s Cigar Emporium, on Randolph street, hones with th* Bed Sign, near Enquirer ofllo*. mylO Th* proper pise* to buy American Cambric is at Acnm ft Monsoon's. Bat urate a piece of bread or meat with gastrio juice, and it will dissolve. This is digestion. Add to snob a mixture a little alcohol, and it will not dissolve. This is indigestion. Beware, then, of Hnotnres, or tonics, or decoctions con taining apiritaoaa liquors. Shun all ram “tooiaa,” and rely solely on Dm. Walk- mi ’* Vimboab Birman, the finest digest ive invigorant known, and free from tho fiery ourae of AlooboL my28 4w The proper thing to data, gotoAcoe ft Mardoeh'e sad look throagh their hand some line of Silks, Grenadine*, Poplins, Striped and Corded Organdies, and select what goods yon want. OeeW 1 Go to tb* Baby Bastanrant for you Oysters, Fish, Gama, sad all thing* good to oat. ootl6 tf Pmxtom, Gobdom ft Oo. Bsaoffkt»t You can find at T. E. Blanchard's, 198 Broad street, the very latest styles of Dross Goods, at ouch prise* as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Cali and see them. Dosnaatio Goods at greatly rodeoed rates; Factory Goods at fsalary pries*; Coats' Spool Cotton at 70 oenta par dos.; tha boat Prints at 10c per yard. mylO If Tha proper plao* to go .whan yon want cheap Dry Goods ia Am ft Monnoow's. Th* proper ptao* to boy 4.4 Bleached Homespun at 10,12# end 16 oenta a .yard is Acna ft Monsoon's. The proper place to proonr* the latest novelties in Bilk 8oarfa, Bogs, Fens, Leather Balts, fte., is at Am ft Mobdocb's. Th* proper ptao* to bay Black Grena dine* in all style* obaap is at Am ft Musdocm's. °" ,o aVsVs‘* J«.Mr« 0iU ' (‘ A meetlny of th* AtoeShoMei* »f the Mobil* and Girard Ksltrosd Oowpsny will be held it the depot in Olrerd, Ala., os Wednesday, j t . ly 1st, at MX o'olook a. m., whsn an eleetloa far Prasldsnt and six Dlrsstors will tabs pises. Stookholdsrs with their families wlUDepaat- ed ires, eom Inc wlthtm twe deys of meetiax end returning w lthla five day* *«*». Oertlfleatas of Stock must ha aahihSted to the eonduetor by a stockholder sad eartUeaUof stock and written proxy most be shows te os titis a prosy to pass tree. je*-td_ J. X. FBA3KB, Bee'y. Th* proper plao* to boy Caliooes at 10 oenta per yard and Coats' Thread at 70 Msti par dosan ia at Aon ft Mdbdocb'b. CMAS. HITM Ay I CO., Broad Straat, Oolnmbns, Ga., offer at their popular BMBTAUMAIT AID BAZOOS Th* best that can be found in Liquors, Cigars, Tobacoo, fte. [my3 ly Opening twioe a weak, naw and desira ble goods, whioh era offarad at “selling” NOTICE. ^BgOLUTl DITOKCU QSTAIMKD TXOM court., of dlffenet ktstw, (hr Sllllllis. Ac. Me pubUsity nquired. Ns eh*C(e so til dlvere* granite. Addna., M. H0089, Attar..;, myta dAwly m BteeStny. M. Y. Go to J. 8. Jones’ for new and ohoic* Prints—large lot just opened at 10 oenta. New Piqnea, Feathar-Edged Braids. Another targe lot Grenadines and Linen Butting., at J. S. Jonm*’; Btaak Alpaooaa at—wall, go and see toem at J. S. Jones’. mySO aod Bs. (esises’s Pctaosio User, 8u Wiid Tome, as» bantu Pius.—Tbra. medicine, have undoubtedly performed mar. cun. of Ouu.nptk. tkss say other remedy known to the A marten pablio. They in eompoundte ot nfotAble Insredlenta, and centsln nothing which cau he lujurlou, to lh. human oonatUntion. Other nrntdvs sdnrttsed as cure for Oonsamplion probably oostaia .plum, whioh b a aomewhst dangsrsnSkrsg la all cam, and If takes freely by cossaaptlra lattcata, U stnst do great Injury; for It. tewtasey U to eondn* th. morbid matter In th. ay.t.m, whieh, of eonne, nut msk. a core Impoaaihl.. Schenek'. Pulmonic Byrnp la war* matte net to contain n panicle .or opiuut i it !■ conpoMd cf powerful tot lurmliu hertM, which •ct oh th# long#, livt-r, itomeh ud blood, and tho# ooriwot all aorbid #• cretion#, and expel all th# diseM#d mfttUr from th# body. Theae are the only ae#u by which Consumption cmu be cured, ud »» fk bench’# Pulmonic 8yrup, 8#n Wo d Tonic and Mnndrnk# Pill# nr# th# only medtein## Whieh op# rat# In thl# wny. it I# obviuu* they a re th# only *#nnin# enr# for Palm nNr> Cnusump- Mon. me# bottle of thl# InYalonbl# mudicine ii noc#i»P#nl#d hf full dlrse ion#. Ik. fch#nah Is ,; at hi. principal orto., rora.r Sisth styll Mdly NOTICE. CoUSbus, Ga , June t, 17 A FTER thl. data th. folluwiag.mtM will b. Colomtn. to Onion Bprlns*—8th elate 91 oenta, oth olaa. sec, 7th clan iuc» 100 A. Colnmhu. to Nua. 8 anu 10—Oth clast 43c, 6th clui 00c 7th clun 23c » 1001b. ColnmUn. to Troy—Sth clan 44c, Oth class SJc, VhMi J.M. rRAXKK, Ageat. CENTRAL RAILROAO. 0EXTRAL SUPniYTRNDtNT’S OfFIOR, ) ClNTKAL KAILROAt), V Satanxah, No##Rtb#r 1, 1878. J O n AW AVTKR »UNJ>AY, Tfll ED 1MTART. Pnsftpnger Train# on tb# Ckoml* OMtral Railrond, iU Branch## nod Connection#, will ran m follow#: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AN0 WMT. Lear# lama«h..,M 8:48 am Leave August# ;.... fcU6 a m Arrive In Annum WOO r m Arrive in MilledgevUl# 10:09 p m Arrive In Eatonton....p m Arrive In Macon............ A : fl:4A r m Leave Maeon for (Jolnmbut.i...7:17pm Lear# Macon fbr Ku enla, 9:10pm Leave Macon for Atlanta 7:30 p m Arrive at Colombo# * 18:4ftam Arrive at Bufauhtf .10:90 a m Arrive at Atlanta 1:40 am COMING SOUTH AND BA8T. Leave AtUnta..... 1:00a m Leave Co nnibua 7;io p M Leave Eufanla p M Arrive at Macon (You Atlanta 6:50 a M Arrive at Maoon from Columbus 4:10 a m Arrive at Macon from liulaula 6:4ft a m L#av# Macon 7:15 am Leave Augusta 9:06 a m Arrive at Augnita 4.00 pm Arrive at Savannah 6:V6 p m TRAIN NO. 8, GOING NORTH AND WKST. Leave Savannah.... 7:30 pm Leave Augusta..... 8:06pm Arrive In Augnuta. 6:66 a m Arrive in Maoon... 8:80 am Leave Macon for Uolumbna 9:90 a m Leave Macou for Ruraula. Leave Macon fbr Atlanta Arrive In Ooldntbu# Arrive in Rufaula.. Arrive in Atlanta COMING SOUTH AND RA8T. Leave Atlanta Leave Colnnibus Leave Kufania Arrive in Macon from Atlanta Arrive in Macon, fiouj Columbus.... Arrive iu Macou from Eufanla 9.06 am 9:10 a M 6:35 pm 6:40 pm 6:48 P m ..v 7:00am 8:30 p m 0d»AM 8:40 P M 7alftPM .t... 6:10pm a...;7:3ft PM 10:09 pm 11:55 pm 8:04 P M 5:56 am 7:15 am Train No. 8, being a through train on the Cen tral Railrond, atopidtiK only at whole station#, passenger* for ba r # 't on# cannot b# taken ou or put off. Passenger* for Kill* l. evlll# aod latonton will take train No. I fr<.m Sa- uanah and Aagwsta, and train No. 9 from points < a the douthwsetern Rail road, Atlanta and Mi'o.-n. Th# MUl#df#ville aad Ratonton train run# daily, 8nnd#y# excepted. WILLIAM ROOBRR, ®y26 tf General 8uperintaadeut. Leave Maom......*... Arrive in MllledgavilU.. Arrive in Eatonton...... Leave Augusta Western Railroad of Alabama. 541 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! Choice of Two Routes. Nsw York ud New Orls&ni lOU XJbi, WXSTIRN BAILROAD OP ALABAMA, Oeuasoa, G*,, Apill Mth, 1ST*. TBAIKS LEAVX COLUMBUS DAILY Pur Montgomery and B«lnm, i-oe n, Arrir.atMontg'y, . A » Arrir.ati.ima, . Hd)4 a. u. 70B ATLANTA 4ND NIW YOKE i‘il22?fc4?i. m" lt# 0p *" k ‘ “ ,2::!T «-• "• A ‘ By Atlgnt* and Richmond Alr-Lln«. LraraAttanta0:0(1 p. m- CHARLOTTE 8:35 a. m., DnnriHe 3:27 p. m- Richmond 11:05 n. m. Ar- ri ” ''XT!** 1 ™ ,:M *■ ■»-.»* B*ltlmoraS:30.. m., »t Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., at NIW YORK 6:15 p. m. ■iMplm* Cara Ban frawt Athmla to Charlette. By K*nnea*w Rout*. Lea.o Atlanta 0:00 p. m„ .Dalton 10:28 p. m., Brietol |(':4» a. m., Lynchburg to.46 p. m. Arrlra 'I VaahJagton 0:46 a. m, atlwilniore »:16 a. m- at Phlludulphlu 1:30 p. m , a4 NKW YORK 5:15 Bleeping cur. rmj from Atlanta to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARBIVN AT COLUMBUS DAILY from Atlanta and Now York, 6:24 A. u. from Montgomery and Bolma - 2:30 r. u. Ticket, for nle nt Union Panenger Depot. 0IIA8. P. BALL, General Bnp't. 9-A. BAQON, Agant. fapr26 tf NOTICE. Omen Modus A Girard Railroad, 1 Columbus, April 15,1874. / f\N AND AFTRE APRIL 16TU, the Passenger ^ Train on this Road will run as follows: Leave Columbus 3:00 p. m. Arrive at Troy 11:06 p.m. Leave Troy... 9:25 a. m. Arrive at Columbus 1(h30 A. M. aprtS 8w W. L. CLaBE, ««!>'*• DOOMS, eaert, 1TC. Our Saventy Pa#e lllustra* ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., Moiled to any ono Interested in bnlldlng, on reoeipt of itamp. KEOGH & THORNE, 254 A 256 CANAL STREET, Jyll dAwly NRW YORK OITY.