The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 10, 1874, Image 4

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WfljSXliiiMlIKShffiHMflffiiAi#'' WCDME |jcp* f, ir«. CITY AfFAIM. ooirvfvmjKr^E^^VV T\ rwAKiAt..—SlRht bllll M N*WT*tk per; aiB.s&TLnr*^ M parent. ■cakcarcMlII** check! mi Haw YMkat K«. (Min. Ocndtoy low 10114 Oontt-Kuktt 4.U. Th'MJ**fct**p IilkW v ... v * «1» OrdlwrrUKlMAtMd.................n •— Ooo4 OrdUur MMCUK i«* MMditap ..;..x.t.u.;...umuH .11 •uk«- ■IrtrtXVUlla** hlaV biM. Mpu I tote* — 0 bp K. AG. X. B.; Tbywagaui 0 hr N. A ■. B. B. t a bp w. a.a. I 0 bp fWirr iYi'*. * t irssLzx&xtznt. * IMMUM OT propricting heavy amoanto, X»......y...l4TT nT'pwp.^ .SSyrasws, snsrsuasssi m U. 8. Pobt*.—Rcertpt* for «<apaT,0W| a«- poH U(«i« te tMMM T.TW! Otock IT0.W- _ . . . nin! IT^ETtTTTrTl ' ..O lb Oar Ofilkm Muteertaero. Hereafter the Enqotbrb-Sun p*akfig* will be aant to the Poctofflo# et Opelika. Bailing on hla ait tka Exprcro Ofllo* and 8K£ psri -u >M * ) n>* boenlp-flfth da; of the aeaaion baa paaaari Court opened at 8| a. whan the motion docket waa reaamed. k6tw fqa 4a* triala Vfo jefuMfa tbbdmrin.of M-A. Prti4* h. Hra. F. f.‘ Diokinaon, F. If. Brook*, trustee, elalm- Mt; L~g._ Utauppei n H. Lovingw, Pea- bedf* BMaaon, garniaheea; J. B. Harry vs. H. K. Lamb; J. A. Hollifleld A Co. vs. Royal and L. A. Wtyte, executrix, claim abt^ W. Thomas Vs: H. T. Bergen; P. J. Biggera vs. V. L. Stapler. A motion for a new trial In the ease of BswajSh Paaoaek va. Peacock A Chap man. A motion of Major it. J. Moses to have a receiver appointed to take charge of the property and offsets of the Eagle Mfg.' Oo. (not the Eagle A Pheniz), especially the claim against the Government for SO bales of ootton, on the ground that Hr. Wm. H. Yonng, who was appointed Sec retary and Treasurer to wind np the bad ness, wits giving away all hie property to Ids affaypaA ;was refused. Major H. in his affidavit charged Mr. Y. with miaap- —Bain again alaMSt Ml dP VbSlerilay; ' -The steamer Hew Jaeksoo leavsa this -The Hew York BtrM sacs small ehaaee of a brisk aatnmn trade. —Beal bawl dresses are now defined as baby chthft. —If the Change dess nothfag also tbMi to Inaugurate the pay doom system, it will add twsnty per oent. to thelaseme of the farmer, merchant, and mechanic, Credit always was a bare-faced swindler. -New apples ara ona dollar and tan oanteper quart—ten eaats for the apples, anda dollar for the —Oommereteltreveteraprononnee best. near in aU aaatfcna of lha ooontry aa ez oeeding doll; not only in the Booth, bnt tn the North, Esat and Weat. 9y Wm. Dogal Ttemmad. ftsa* are laid in Georgia and the Booth, tome- diately after the war, and U Faria dosing the rise, trig* and fsM of tbs Ooasaaone, The hen is ultra cosmopolites, and baa eome advanoad notion* of thadetteaof Society and Qevemment-Chpital Labor—Famala Beffiaga—Tha X. X- *•— The L W. A.-and that terrible sfhyns, the Commune, ate., eto., oome under the ’Isuthorh netto*. —They hare got op a goad thing on and Young’s oounier-affidavit act ant werth #00,000 to #70,000 transferred—whioh MOordence with a de termination made years sgo that it would A# dens whan his daughter w*c twsnty. ona years of age—whioh happened last fall. The original draft bad been drawn byMej. M. The deeds had been publicly rewarded. Moce the factory was bwnsdj *» ha Ihiaa this in I860, and the oompeny ceased yppra tions, he bed taken oare of the property, end paid ont numerous large dividends, and hie aocoanta bed been submitted Hr. Gilbert’s splendid job printing end hoc# binding «et»H|~ir-fr* Onyof the bint rendered wee this: “To Be pa ring tha Way to Heaven, U oente.” —Macbeth must have bean a tobaooo obewer, as his way of Ufa had fallen into, the sera and yellow leaf. —A large party la now at Jmripar, fringing the banka and boats with lags, and getting son boned while endeavor ing to saloh lab. —Shooting at imaginary hell bate on tha commons is now tha latest pleasure. —The Warm Springs, In Mstiwhether eoonly, are. now open. A good crowd la A Sac EMM Fancy, fear yearn ^Id. a* iffi 8toi Exona A Pnatnz Ham Vo Oo., jalO eodlw* Colombo*, Ue. Wanted—A Pleasant Boom. Oa Ira fat Bela-Bea Opffikme af the Pram. Pony for Bale—Apply at E. A P.Mfg.Oo. Flan tors’ Hotel—Mm. W. F. Balder.' White Bnlphur Springs Open—Sap ad. Wa retanitbaokf to .{%■*. Hayaan A Oo. for a choice lonoh at a late hoar last »**»■ Tha Mayor held none yesterday but is azpaeted to Reside to-day.' 1 Tbs Ooentgr (tenif^npete aept Monday. It is thought the Superior Court wiU certainly adjourn to-day. Mere Weather. Another ahowarish time yesterday. The atmosphere waa so hot last evening that more rain can confidently be predicted for Tin Breihert Die en the Beme Morning# ||i; Walker lliobardaon, of Oleiuivilto, Ala.,had a Utile amt to din alMantf- denoe yesterday morning at an early hoar. A fsw boom after another died at St. Joseph's Aoademy in this city. The boys were aged respectively live and sit and a half yearn. Both will bs barted this morning. Mr. Ulehordsou has a lit tle «M who is ahm copestod la die. Tha bereaved parents have many friends in sympathize with in: bereaved parents hays me thia city who deeply aye fcaminV>#ipffimty.; Of Mere MUeresI Mere. We nndentand 'that knit, la Vestarn Virginia, of whioh we spoke yesterday, and in whioh B. J. Maces, jr.,ia engaged, is k eeatoat between perttea and land aorspaniee, Mrs. Yeaga, of thia eitj, related to Mr. J. Rhodes Brown, is one of the tdabnaMt. : It ta alleged the tend compenies secured poms salon fraudu lently, and ona sold out to tha other for A proposition is now being gaaeasily lha theme of oonyaiaaBa#, whan there le not much else to gain attention, whioh is about narrowing the etraeta tan or At taco feet on either side. The city, of course, move the pavements out to this line. The idea ffi tn sell Urn ekteozioo thus mads to the oaoppauta of the iota in order that thay may have a front paid to beantify and adorn. No building, would ha allowed on the apace thus gained. Ttfapwetaty bjlBg’maBe nanowar can be better kept op. Barioeaa streets would have to be exempted from the plan if it ahonld aver ha adopted. We have m ly sketched tha outlines. Wa mantioned the subject several years ago. Wa And now But many landing citizens antartain lha project. vary favorably. Whether anok a thing will avpt ha oarried out is a matter of vary great improbability. aumm warn Bert. A gentleman brought in yesterday tram Busaell county a speciee of worm which is aaid to already exist in thousands and am doing groat damage. Thay are called a bud or ont worm. When they oome so roes a plant which is tender they cat it even with the ground. Whan tha plant has grown n little, and tha stalk baeomaa too thick to be eat easily, the worm climbs np and nuts away the bad. The gentleman reports them m wide spread and numeroea. tea mnating of the stockholders in 1878. TBit report had IjpeQ kuhudtted ta a com mittee, <»tapered of ( UbodBs Browne, J. M. Bivine, sod L. 8. Metthewson, who bad not yet reported because of tife delay of'llr. Browne. The claim now ia suit (some #5,000) against tba Govorament would sober anpanasa and legitimate ehaypaior services. He offered to give Bondi with Mat security, for the hm ount of eny claina which Msj. Mesas might ez- peet to get from him as stockholder of tba awh Company. Peabody A Brannon and Ingram A Grewfofd represented Mr. Yonog. Case occupied several hours. Msj. Moses made bis motion at one of the ttpakholders sad represented hie own oese. I*ile« Sw(Me Jtrlqhtett ana 8wtetett»f Them All. tTnfem the notion ohangee, as it did week, the Club gave the last German of the season in the upper rooms of Gun- by’s bnilding last evening. Tbe reams were radiant with grace and bahMy. on which the brilliant lights loved to'^ow. Charming matrons gained si- mostes much admiration as the belie Of the “Wlwee eye*, whose lips, whose clieeke, whose ■heps, whose Ihelaro*, SesOi to he draws br Love's own hand; by Love himself tn love.” Of eourae the denoe was Uelioioos. Merry masio, and ninety degrees to nc- comptay ib Bo place bns batter “gliders” or anything else then the membera of this olnb. Why, the ladiea— “Dear creaturo# J You'd swear, - When their delicate feet ia the dauco twinkle round, That their step# arc of light, that their hone II the air, And they only, ‘par complaisance.’ touched tho ground.’* And the men, too, must be prafeed, for “flief (Inure, I say, right well, With omphaftlffit uud »!«<> witli good some— A thing in footing indispBtisuble; Tliey dance without thcutrical pretense— Mot like a liHilet in,inter in I lie van , 01 hi# drill'd i#yuiplw, hut iiko geutlouien.” Amid the pausea there was time fat love and gUBliing. Tbe young man would whisper iu substance: “Except I be by Silvia in the night, There 1> no music In the mocking bird; Ualesi I lock on Sylvia in the dty, There Is no day tor me to took upon.” And tho fsir creature replied: “Methlnlu I feel this youth’s perfection* Steel with nn lnvleible and eubtle ite&th To craeplntomy heart. Well, let It be.” Love! though wrinkled old humdrum, end hard faots deride it. Didn’t a thirty- year married poet thus Bing: Why the world are all thinking about It, And as for myself I oan swear, If 1 fancied Unit Heaven were without It, m.soases.feel a wish to be there, It being tbe last, an elegant lunok was provided of Charley Heyman’s best food and good wiuaa. Tha refreshing tintin. nabnlation of ioe dunking the glasses end sparkling champaguo ’ brought the wit, Npartea, and good things that had been stored for mouths perhaps. Tbe time waa a gay and fastiva one. Supper I ye gods I What is there more reapoot- ablet For eating,w ho,snve Byrole, ever ehk'd n belief Time passed delightfully. The pleas ures weat p6 n late hour like the rainbow’s beauteous form evanishing amid tba stores. Beat, ye Gormans, pa your hippy mem ories until tba heated term is over ! —Santa Anna told us the curious story hia: loot leg) and iu the following „ j “Begeidiug my foot, I mast men. that 1 MHevedlt waa lost when the rebbie took it from the tomb ou the 6th at’ Deoember, 1841, end dragged it through tbe streets ; but yesterday a lady Cams to see me, telling me that her bus- band, who wm en aid colonel of thg Mex ican army, had preserved it, aud rooom- Oaptaln T. H. Moore, who bM been in command of tba Fariey for tba hut few mouths, is one of the aaoat aoutoopa and popular offioers that ever trod tha deck of a steamer. Ha ia young, bnt month* ia this century ore equivalent to ydars in the days when our farafsatesn though* they were *q wise, bat in reality were so poky. Oaptain 7 Henry is one df the will* awake yonng men of tbe age, and deserves all tha good lack h* has woo. To-day h# takas temporary command of tka New Jaeknoo, Mtdoatrisae pleasant party to NaaT* Landing; Florida, of late jfiiffYBi Thtrt tht jartj ttHIi no hostile intent, and will be weloomed at on* of tba most htspitshla koossa te Jackson county. Hat* 0«g#dn Henry links his fortunes with Mias Ella Butler, one of the fairest of Florida's maiden*. Thus raiaforsad by youth and beaaty and Moore happiness, tha bridal party returns Iq the tmat, go oo to BaMiridg*, and thence return to Colombo*. Joy attend the party. > ■' ) Offil ta. tioathi to retarn it to me if I should oves eome back to Mexioo. I am expect ing ibis gift to day at noon. I consider this conduct tha more praiseworthy, be cause the gift might have been made in 1853, when I was President; but then each action would have been considered eu adulation.” He had scarcely finished these words when tho lady arrived with the promised foot. Dr. Autonip opened the box end examined his ralio with interest. The foot was perfectly mummi fied bnt well oonserved. [Cor. AUa Californian. —William B.Og ’ New York, was gden, of yesterday elected True tee of the Northern Paolfio Hail road, vie* J. Edgar Thompson, Ike CWer of Me Mr so* Crooks. The etkeraal bine oolor of the sky ia dna to minute partielsa of matter whioh £00! is AhAiriQr* W^p^4hijpfNwvM^ tktf’ sky wonld be dead black. It is a fact la Optra that etcsedfngiy fins portions of matter dispan* or seatter ,1110 bine rays of light, ooener portions aoatter re# nyk, and still eoaraaf potions scatter all the rays, tasking white light. An atmosphere ia full of aqnaona vapor, tha particle* of whioh diffuse white light in all direatlons. When thaa* particles are enlarged, they baoo'm* visible in the form of oleods. The vapor particle* of tbe white clonds are anppaaed to bo fleer and lighter than the** of tho dark ones. —They tell of e hen whioh floated down the raging tide at MID rivar, for some distanoe, in the banal whan «ha was la boriously “covering” nineteen eggs. She attended strictly to baeinoM, daring tho flood finally brought np in a friendly har bor, and has also* loft ha* Barrel with nineteen chickens at her beels. AISfiOO Worth of desks at Out far Cask. DittoImNsh. Tha firm of Futon, Gobdon A Oo., by mutual consent, having determined to close the basin see, offer their entire stock of goods el oath. A Mr* 'opportunity is hereby offered to purchase, M our goods ere new and fraah, and ware bought for Aa our object lit to Wind np tho business as soon as passible, no gogdo will be delivered without the eesh. The name, “The Virginia Store," to gether with the good will, fnrnitare, and a two year*' lease, from October next, will be disposed of to any on* wishing to invest. jet Pbttom, Goaoox A Oo. *«r coin Determined to toll always at tha vxxr Lowx8T pbicxs, and being desirous to make room for fall business, I offer to day my atrrta* stock of Dry Goods at oost, embracing a great variety of Staple end Fenoy Goods of tha most desirable character. Many Drees Goods are offered at moo# under the oaet in New York. Elegant Cloths and Gents' Furnishing Goods. AU ara invited to oome early and secure bargains. A rare opportunity is now offered. Terms cash on delivery. Je5 eod H. T. Guanas. Opening twio* a week, new and desira ble goods, whioh are offered at “selling!' prioee. Go to J. B. Jonas’ for new and choice Prints—Urge lot jnat opened at 10 cento. “Batter thaA*ta*‘tontt*ofwhet pesae* for artistic fiction. Admirably well writ ten."—Coismiw JSnquirer. The style ia claaz, fotetble, gfaoHnl JKnNs In the manner of Vtotoc Hugo.”—JV. [b* book grown on no it. Tho deeortprion of tho riots in Paris is anparh ■ aotaaMy worthy of Hago.”—Atiokte Horrid. . fiT For aal* by aU hsoksaUors, or post-paid by tha pnbUahan on neaipt of #1,50 O. 8. PahUahtog Company, 13 Dnivaraity Plaoa, N. Y. jalO 8t-W*Fr8nAWlt] rxroMBi-wo munwn High prlorn oaa no longer axiat. I heart la the prineiplo now, and MI dartre to alooe basin eat, am offering my (took of DryGoodo, Clothing, fl V7. i Hate,' Boots and Shoaa, Hosrtry, and numerous aritrito in thia Una, at rt» an oost. Call and oxamtao, arid ondmao* dol lar go farther than two at any other plaoa. I am in earnest. If yon doqb* It, thp to aadhovaproof of Ibofaot. L. Haims, lit Broad St, myl 4m Colombo*, G*. A few pieoaa of Froaoh and Engliah Oaaaimares, vary low, to oloo* ont, at T. EL Bbiaouw'A A large lot of ohoop Oassimmis and Idnoas, Vary chaaft at ' ' BLAXcntxp'a. The best plao* to bay Table Iin*n*i Napkins and Sbeatinge, ia at Blaxcxaad's, IH Brood at If von deaira a tael good amok*, go to BomJit, an BAhdolpb street, and ask tot his now brand* et Kay West and Im- portad Havana Cigars. nqrlO / . _* j£ * 1 — The proper plae* to find Oeeslmeree r pm,tx Linen* rt at DO A fine assortment of Heel Meerschaum Pip#*, Cigar Holders, OigK Oases of real v. !««»•**•% *«•. * Benue's Cigar Rmporium, on B*nlol|di street, house with the Bril Sign, near Enquirer offlo*. my 10 Tha proper plae* to bay Amotieon Cambrio is at Aami A Mtnmoan's. Saturate a pise* of brood or mast with gaalrio juice, and It will dissolve. This rt digastioa. Add to such a mixture a little alcohol, and it wiU not ditoolv*. This rt indigestion Bowers, than, of tinctures, or tonic*, or doeoctione con taining spirituous Uquor*. Shan oH ram “tonios, ” and roly solely oa Dm. Vf su m's Vimioab fliwn, the finest digest ive invigorant known, and fra* from tha fiery oon* of AloohnL my 88 4w The proper thing to do la, go to Aooe A Murdoob’a and leek through their hand some line of Bilks, Qrsnsdinas, Poplins, Striped end Corded Organdies, and select what goods yon want. Hood Thing*. Go to the Unby iteetenrent for your Oysters, Fish, Came, and all things good to e»t. ^ oetl5 If l The' proper piece to bny Calico** at 10 oente per yard and Goats’ Thread at 70 cents per doaen ia at Aon A MusDooa't, CHAM. HMl MAM A CO., Broad Btreet, Colombo*, Q*., offer at thair popular BMBTAVMAMT AMD IAZOOfr The beet that oan b* found in Liqnora, Oigsrs, Tobacco, A*. [myS ly JlMik^kU 1 Yon can find at T. E. Blanchard's, 128 Broad street, the very latest (tries of Dress Goods, at such pries* aa cannot fail to give satisfaction. Call and a** them. Domestic Goods a* greatly radoead rates; Factory Goods at faotory price*; Goats' Spool Ootton at Tllnanta par dsn.; the best Prints at 10a par yard. my 10 tf •_ Tha proper plaoa to go whan you wont eboap Dry Goods Is Aon A Moanooa'a. Tha proper plao* to boy 4-4 Bleaohad Homespun at 10,12j and 16 oan la a yard rt; Aom A Moidook’s. Tha proper plao* to proear* tha latest norelties in Bilk Soatfs, Bon Fans, Leather BalU, Ae., te at Aom A Muxdooh's. Tha proper plaoa to bay Black arena- dines in all styles obaap la at Aom A Mcxpooi'a. TOmA’o Mat met. Men and woman will suffer from a savers headache, whan tea minutes spent bathing the head with tha Extract wonld afford relief. [jet «odAw Ovrroa Mosils a Oibabd Nailsoad, » Oeiambas,»*., J***1,M»*. J A meetlMor tkelttoehheMen or the Mobile and Olmr* Balliead Oompeny will boheU kt the depot 1a Girard, Ala., on Wednesday, Ju- ly lit, at 1IM o'eloek a. «., whea an election Dr president ead six Dlreetort will take plaee. Stoekholdere with thair fsmiUei wlUbopsm- adtrsa, coming within twedays of meeUng and letaralat wltkia five days alter. Certificates ofStoek mart to exhibited to the eandaetor by a etoekkelder sad oortlfioat* of stash sad wrtttea proxy mast be shown toon tlQo a proxy to part freo. j. m. yRAZEE, goaty. NOTICE. Omcs Morns * amiss B*iL*o*n, 1 Cowaiot, Qt., Jose s, 1874. I » nil this dst* ths following rate* will be ^OeUsabwrlo Union 8ertng*-*th clws 37 cent*, Oth etas* Me, Tth clam me {* 100 ft. Ootnabu to Hoe. * and 10-Sth clu* 43c, Ctb dm* M, Tth ebm Ik* 100 ». Oelnnbn* to Tror—*th etaae 44c, 6th cite* 7th clem tfeV 100#. J± J. M. PRAfifiB, Agent. CENTRAL RAILROAD, Omui ScmumNDurr’a Ornoa, ClNTKAL RAILBOAD, Iatamai, Novembwr 1,187a, j AM 4KP Ann SUNDAY. TUN 8D INSTANT. W Pb—if r Trains on tn# Q«orgi# 0#ntrnl Rffiilroffid, It# BnachM and ConnBotloni, will rnn TRAIN MO. l t COIN® MONTH AMD WB8T. Lmn flftYAnnffik.... 8:4f» A M LffiffiYffi Affiflffiffilffi A ■ ArriYffi in AnEnatn 4:00 p x ArrlYffi in MiflftdgevlUffi 10:(J9 p m Arrive in Mntonton 11:66 P n ArriYffi la Macon 6:46 p m IdMYffi MffiOOffi for Colnabu# 7:17 p u LffiffiYffi Macon for Bu'ffittU 9:10 p m LffiffiYffi MffiOM for Allffiffitffi 7:30 p n ArriYffi ftl Colnnbn# 12:46 a m ArriYffi ftt Mffifoahfl 10: 40 a m ArriYffi •! AtUnU 1:40 a m COMING SOUTH AND MAST. LffiffiYffi AtUnte 1:00 a m LffiffiYffi Oo’ffiffiibn# 7:10 p M LffiffiYffi Mnfoalffi 7:26 r x ArriYffi ftt Mffioon Utm Atlnnu........... 6:00 from Colnmbiiffi 4:10 from Bufiralffi 6:46 a x Ml 7:16 a m MU. 0:06 am WgUdto 4:00 pm ArriYffi •! flffiYffinnnb 6:v6 p m TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WR8T. LffiffiYffi BffiVffinnftb 7:30 p m LffiffiYffi Affifffiffitffi 8:06 p x ArriYffi in AffifEalffi 6:65 am ArriYffi In Mason 8:20 am LffiffiYffi MffiOM for Oolnmbufl 9:20 a m LffiffiYffi MffiOffin for Bnlknlffi 9.06 a m LffiffiYffi Mftcon for Atl mi ft 9:10 ▲ x ArriYffi In Oolnmbmi... 6:36 pm ArriYffi In Snfffiuln 6:40 p m ArriYffi la AtUnta 6:48 pm OOMING SOUTH AND MAST. LffiffiYffi Atlanta 7:00 A x LffiffiYffi Oolambffis 2:30 pm LffiffiYffi Mnfoffilffi 8:60 a m Arrivffi in Mncon from Atlnnta 3:40 p m ArriYffi in Mffioon from Cotambu# 7:26 p m ArriYffi ia Mffioon from Rnfonls 6:10 r x r* MaoGffi 7:36 pm lYffi In MUMfl^riliffi 10:09 P M lYffiin Raton Ion 11:66 pm LffiffiYffi Aaf«>U 8:05 pm AmrlVffi ia AffifEffilffi 6:65 am ArriYffi In flffivffiaaffik....e 7:16 am Train Mo. *, Uinn ft through train on the Cen tral Rffiilroffid, itcaping only at whole station*, paffiffiffingerffi for half itatlon# cannot b« taken rpntofc fm—nfW for ekffi train Be. 1 f for Millffidfffirillffi and Batonton will 1 from flffiYffinnah and Augusta, enl train Mo. 2 from point* on tka Southwo#t<m RmiI road, Atlanta and Macon. Th« Milledgvviile »ud ■atonton train ram dally, flandnyi exceptrd. my 26 tf 17, BHHtam/w cawuti u. WILLIAM ROGKK8, General Bnporinuudcnt. Western Railroad of Alabama. 641 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOUM FASTEST TIME! Choice of Two Routes. Ntv Tort tad New Orlesas Xsil Lis*. WMIIIK RAILBOAD OP ALABAMA, Ounuire, Ox., April 24th, 1874. (RAIMI LBAVfi OOLDHBU8 DAILY P« Montgomery uut hint, l-.OO l. *. hrrjTt mlfionlf',, . . 6:43 *. >. Arrive .t Seim., - . 11:04 A. n. FOR ATLANTA AMD MMW YORK At 10:40 m a. Arrive Opelika at 12.87 p. u. At AtlMta 5:42 p. m. By AtlfiNta an# Riokmond Air-Line. IMT. Attaeuednp. m^ OIIARLOTTK 8:35 ». »•> Duvtlt* 3:21 p. m, Rietimond 11:05 p. m. Ar- ntWn.hl.iton 4:30 n. m., et Belttmor. 0:30 n. m., at PhtUdelphl. 1:30 p. m., at MMW YORK 6:13 p. m. Sleeplmg (taws Bss Arena Atlanta to fitertrtta By Kennesaw Rout*. Lmv. Atlanta 6:00 p. m., Dalton 10:28 p. ta.. Bristol 10:46 a. m., Lynchburg 10.45 p. m. Arrive •! If"* 1 *"** 0 ® m m., at Baltimore 916 a. m.. nt PUUdffiTpbU 1:80 p. m., at NBW YORK 6:15 p. m. Blwplng car* rnn from AttaaU to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVM AT OOLDMBD8 DAILY Prom Atlanta ud Maw York, 5:24 *. a. Prem Montgomery and 8.1m* 2:30 r. n. Ticket, for Ml. at Onion PuMngor D:-p u t. _ . 0HA8. P. BALL, Ooutnal Oup'l. R- A. MAOOM, Agont. Inpr25 tf NOTICE. 0“ Grnoa Momu 4 Git aid Railroad, i Oulumboa, April 16,1874. / AMD AFTBB APRIL 16TH, the rmsseeger Train on this Road will rnn a# follow#: .. 3:00 P. M. ..11:05 p. m. .. 2:23 a.m. ...10530 A. M. LffiffiYffi Oolambua ArriYffi at Troy LffiffiYffi Troy ArriYffi at Columbus nprli 2w w. L, CLaBK, flap*!. POOW8, ffiAffiH, ETC. Our Seventy Pane llluetra- . ted Catalogue of d o o b s, BASHER, BLINDS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., Mailed to any one tntorootod In buildiug, on receipt of stamp. XZOGH * THORNE, *54 A 134 CANAL ITOUiST, Jytl dAwly MMW TORN CITY. $5,000,000 Endowment Scheme) t Fifth and Lx#t Concert v .* I IN AID or TUI Public Library of Kentucky, j JULY 31, 1874. ““ I In Announcing the Filth nnd last of the icriei of Gift Coucorta given for the benefit of tho Public Library of Kentucky, lb# TiuileM and Man*g fr refpr n Uk pride and pleasure to the four which have been Already given: The nr»t, December 16 1871? the second, Drc -nrher 2,1872; the third, July 1 8,1873; nnd the fourth, March Hlet, 1*74. Under their charter, grunted by n epecla! act of the Kentucky Legislature, March lu, 1871, th 9 , Trustee# arc autbortx.'d to give ONE 610KK, an j ONLY ONK MORK Gift Concert. With a oo ef arising from thU I’hth and LAST Concoct, the L LibMry. Museum, and other departments sre to be enlarged and endowed with a fixed and certain annual income. Such an endowment film] in j t . ■ired as will seen v beyond peradvonturo not«ui« m the maintenance of this magnificent establUh. " ment, but its coustant growth. The Fifth Gift Concert or the pnrpovea mentioned, and which is po»i. tively andnnetmlYOCMlly unnouncedTllE LAfiT WHICH WTt L KVBK I»K GIVEN UNDER Tills CHAHTr-U AN,D HY TUN FRJCRBNTJIANAUE. MENT, will come off at the Fublio Library Uall, at Louisville, Ky., Friday, July 31,1874. At this final Concerto scale cor impending witli its increased importance. Tho muHic will he reudered by an onheslracoii. eiffit ng of one hundred performer# selected for their feuio in diflfurt>nt lands, aud the nffipruci'dtot. ed sum vf 88,800,000 nong t List of Gifts. ONE OBAND CASH GIFT ONE GRAND CASH OIIT..—-u ONE GRAND CASH OIIT ONE ORAND CASH GIFT ONE GRAND CASH G1TT 5 WASH GIFTS *20,000 CMh 10 CASH GIFTS 14,000 tech wm, i5 oasii gifts 10,000 ceon iwS M UASU GIFTS 5.000 cub loom ‘♦250,(0 • 100,00, ’ ’6,1ft , 60, a* 26.1ft 100,00 25 CASH GIFTS 30 OASII OUTS 50 OASH GIFTS 100 OASH GIFTS 240 UASH OI FI’S 300 OASH GIFTS 10,000 OASH GIFTS 4.000 enoh loo.ift 8.000 each 00,'™ 2.000 enoh loo 0* 1.000 each loom*.- m2' lW88ek 60,019 .. W each V50,UQu GRAND TOT Alt 20,000 GIFTS, ALL "fcp#1 OASH.. fl2,600,OW * : PRICE OF TICHEm - Whole Ticket# $ 60 IUlvos 2/i« Tenth, or each Cuiinou r t( . 11 Whole 'tickets lor coo ft 22Tickets for i.ihnj . i Tickets are now ready for sdle, and order* id compouied by cash will lie pronitdly filled. Liberal commisaious will be allowed to sutfcfi tory ageuts. Circulars containing full particular! furuitbr: on application. A THO. E. BHAMLGTTE, Age»t sad Manager, Pnblio Library Building, Louidvillc, Ky. my19 o2taw4wtd MEDICINES. THE BEST ADVICE that can be given to i^rsona Buffering from dp J pcfpsla, blHvnifi eomphitiit. colic, consumption, lid i headache, fevor and H^*ue, nervoae debility, any disorder affecting ibe stomach, the live t i kidneys, is to tone, cl* uid o, and regnfate these is i portanteorgane by tho uso of DR. IaITT’S VKOE / BLE LIVKR PILLS. They act very tnihlly,v thoroughly restore the functional action of a digestive organs and tho intestines aud renon) the whole system. They produce neither halm griping or weakness, and may be taken atu time without change of diet or occupation. Priee 26c a box. 8old by all druggists. DR. TUTtThAIR DYE possesses qualities that no other dye doei. Ii effect is instantaneous, and so natural that it t* not be detected by the closest observer. Itr ' harmlesd and easily applied, and is in gei among the fashionable hairdressers in ev . city in the United States. Prioe $1 a box. s- overy whore. Scrofula, Eruptive DiBeasos of tho Skill, 81- Whites, Womb Diseases, Dro)wy, White flwol fiyphilis, Kidney and Liv* r Cumplaint, Mert-m- Taint, and Piles, all proceod from impure blooJ. DM. TBTT’S OAlttAPAVIUi Is the most powerful Blood Purifier known medical science. It enters Into the circulate and eradicates every morbific agent; rt*nou» the system; produces a beautiful complexion t causes thffi body to gain flesli and lncrcax* weight. Ueep the Blood Healthy and all will ha well. To do so, nothing luw been offered that can compare with this vnlud* vegetable extract. Price $1.00 u btitflo. Soli? -II Drugi ’ ' — ' * f«b!5 t PPOWQ Neuralgia, Piles, headaohs, Liarrhou. Soils, OldSoiws, Lameness, Burns, Soreness, Toothache, Scalds, Sprains, Hoarseness, Ulsers. Wounds, Sore Throat, Colic, Bruises, Rheumatism, Bomorrhagea >oirai/d mar31 *odAw8m ^BSOLUTB DIVORCES OBTAINKD V0 courts, of different States, for dosertiou, * No publicity required. No charge, until dlf° r M’.tod. Address, M. HOUSE, Attorney. my30 dswly 194 Broadway. Extra Size Hoop skirts, 3 PEACOCK & SWIFT'S, inySl