The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 12, 1874, Image 1

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.11-■'-!«■ liiwesg^. n -i ~ • ’ "•“* Tfir II uTiifii ■te ■MnNHin olumb -AJSTD i i o DAILT no Hirer, XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1874. NO. 137. TEBMS ItEEKLY, AND SUNDAY ED n. CALHOUN, Proprietor. onths, in kdviDM $8 00 “ 4 00 HibB y " 2 00 I, “ 75o. nquibib, one year 2 00 Nquibbb, one jrs*r 2 60 , Weekly Enquibkb to ne yesr 8 00 idv«rtiiln« Betti. l:» 00 17 00 20 00 22 60 25 00 42 00 . I with thn privilege of . change I months. Vui yearly card, a liberal die* e made. ■ rates will Invariably be one-third i adyertllement Ifl changed more than b months the advertiser will be charg or composition. Foreign edver- t pev as do tlioae at horn*. —- 1 QEOBOIA HIVI, aparrowa have been placed 'urk, Savannah. of thn editors of the Maoon t paid » visit to Uilledgeville, in- tho old cspitol, *nd report, thn very much dilapidated and the > fast going to decay. )ie Home Courier of the !)th inst. [‘Wheat harvesting is now the order [day in this section, and reportaare e for a flue yield generally. It is I the market will open at $l.S0. j following is from the Savannah “l'he Mew Yotk, Philadelphia Itimore steamers whioh left nere y, in addition to other freight, 2,SIS packages of vegetables, jttermelons and U0 green turtles. I Grand Jury of Bibb county, iu- ing the charges against Ur. Wm. land his sou, Geo. M. Bull (mur- V. D. Mitchell) had, up to Wed- norniug, found a true bill against , but had nut found a bill against l Constitution .ays over one hun- 1 twenty military companies in ) have elected officers who have nmisaioned, and abont ten more en ordered to hold elections. It let the State will probably reoeive 1 arms to equip these oompanies in senty years. scandal of the Georgia press, r, is the violent and Vituperative 1 controversy betwesn the propriu- I editors of the Borne Courier on l side and those of the Commercial, i other. We hops that, as their last i eaunot be excelled in this re-peot, kill now conolnde that any additions i superfluous, and stop the coutro- Monday, by order of tho Gov. the coinmisaioa was vaoated ol E. Griffin, Tax Collector of De oounty. It appears from the re- I of the Comptroller General that he olleoted the sum of 18,125.45 of the tax assessed in that oounty for the 1873, and has wholly failed to make ent to the State. ir. W. B. Davis (the gentleman [ Washington who bought out a Dam- paper at Gaineaville and mads it dical sheet) is in hot water, but as n't fully make out the merits of the I from newspaper publications, we Ixpiess no opinion whether ha is the or the wronged party. Ha got * the paper somehow, and want to \ where he was arrested, at the in- of J. W. O’Neal, editor of his r at Gainesville, as “a common cheat |awindler.” This was about a week He was released, on bond we be- , bat was again arrested, on Tuesday, jtlie same charge, and was committed pil in Atlanta. ALABUUlimi' -The farmers of Coma Valley are out- ; wheat. -The wheat orop of Talladega ia much ter than was anticipated. -Meetings are to be held in the differ- beats of Chambers county on Satur- [ the 27th inst., to send delegates to County Conservative Convention, oh will meet at LaEayette on the 4th nly. Beat meetings are to be held in >u oounty on the same day as in ibers. The mineral fever (saya the Reporter) siting pretty high along the borders alladega, Clay, Cleburo and Bandolph sties. Copper, gold, silver and mica the minerals delved after. Many are dy feeling quits rich over their dia ries, while others are dreaming of oilioent forlunes just ahead. 'The Opelika Observer reports Hsla- kia oreek higher, a few days ago, than sis ever known to be before. Every ge on the oreek was washed away, mill dams badly damaged, and two mills destroyed. The mills washed y were Floyd & Griffin’s, worth $4,000, W. k. Jones’ mill on the big branch the Hilawaukia. OPAGATIOX OF OYSTEM AMD lobster* im Utah- Salt Leu Cm, Jane It.—The car itaining live oysters and lobsters ar sed at Ogden yesterday, and an attempt ill be made to propagate them iu the reat Salt Lakd, The dector arrested here for fatal sbor- on has auioided. EG ATT A TO BE SAILED OVER- Nnw Yobk, Jane 11.—Owing to the ••ther none of the yachts made the dis- inoe in the specified time. The regatta ill be sailed over. THE COTTON EXCHANGES. Wednesday** Proceedings—Appoint* went of Committees—Mngges* tlon of tkie Memphis Exchange, Etc# Augusta, June 11.—The Cotton Ex change Convention reassembled at 1 p. m. Wednesday. The President announced the following standing committees : On orop and acreage reports; better systems of receipts and shipments, closer watch on the details of figures from the Cotton ohange, and larger reports from interior towns; oonot of stock onoe a month; Southern consumption and Northorn consumption; overland movement; total orop figures; meteorological ropoit ; in formation and statistics—0. H. Eistbu, New York, chairman. Ou country dam ages and uniformity of bales—C. E. Richards, Galveston, obairman. On uni form classification—John Chaffee, New Orleans, chairman. Oa the subject of resolving this convention into a national association and the admission of add : - tional Cotton Exchanges—J. W. Lathrop, Savannah, chairman. Ou telegraphing— R. G. Hester, New Orleans, chairman. On foreign aud domestic bills of lading— William Whitlock, New York, chairman. On motion of Mr. Walter, of Charles ton, the subject of a uniform system of weighing oottoli was referred to the com mittee ou classification. Mr. Proudfit, of Memphis, read the pre amble, resolutions and argument adopted by the Memphis Cotton Exchange. The John Phelps, of New Orleans, Presi dent of the Convention, and chairman of the committee on constitution, and John Walts of New Orleans, chairman of sub-committee, reports through Charles A. Easton of New’ York, chairman of the cqromittee ou information and statistics, as follows: Recommends tho several Cotton Ex changes South to send to their correspon dents in tho country a uniform series of interrogatories on tho first of each month commencing on the first May and ending on first November of each year, questions roUtivo to the planting, condi tion, culture, und gathering of the cotton orop, and tbnt the replies to such ques tions lie closed and mailed not later than the loth of tho month in whioh they are sent, and that each Exobaoge shall com pile such answers by averages, and that such compilation fcliall be sent to the Ceu- tral Exchange, which the committee re commend shall be the Now (Means Ex change, ou the 20th of each mouth ; and that the New Orleans Exchange, on the 25th of c aoh mun.b, shall issue therefrom a Gene: a! Crop Report under the super vision of the Common Information. Tho Norfolk Exchange shall report tho that different exchanges provide for and enfore tho prosecution of cases of fraud- lent or falsely packed cotton that may come to their knowledge. UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION — BEAM SCALES RECOMMENDED. John Chaffer, of New Orleans, chair man of the Committee on Classifications, reported as follows: We recommend tho adoption of a uniform classification of cotton throughout tho United Stales, to be called tho “Standurd American Classi fication,” and that tho Couvoution request all Cotton Exchanges to appoint e.nh an expert, who shall meet at somo point to be designated on or before tho 1st of next September, when they slmll.ruake a il uni fication that shall bo the American r.taiul- ard, whieh shall bo adopted by all Ameri can Exchanges; and official quotations from and after tho first dny of October next, shall bo based on types prepared and established by said committee of ex perts— the typos to rt present tho follow ing grades: good nnddliug, middling,low- middling, good ordinary ami ordinary. Tho committee of exports nhnll fix the price to be charged for tlm same, not to exoeod five dollars per . tt. The committee further recommend tho condition of tho crop in Virginia; tho I expediency of adopting tho be Wilmington Exchange shull report North Carolina; Charleston report Houth Caroli na; Augusta and Savannah Exchanges re- port Florida and Georgia; Mobile Ex change reports Alabama as fur north as Summit; Nashville reports Middle Ten nessee oast of the Tennessee river and certain portions o: Alabama; Memphis' soivi, K >nsno, Illii.oi-*, Indiana 1 •msWt and Arkansas south ik n .:jsai liver: Gdvc&ton Exel: paper is very lengthy, and covers the j shall repeat Tennessee west of the Ten whole subject of cotton production and ! nes3o river ird certain counties in Mis:* consumption. It leaointneads that the j Lippi, and Arkansas north of the Atkom convention petition Congress to make Uti ] river; Louis Exchange report Mi: annual appropriation sufficient to furnish accurate information in reference tot;:) cotton orop; the appropriation to l.e i k*y« placed with the Department of Agiioul-1 ix:r. tare and the Sigu&l Bureau, and to be j, used especially for tho purpose of obtain ing information as to the acreage annual- dn • iy used in the planting^of cotton, the: & .u number of laborers employed, the average 1 a!*, amount of production of each district and | con State, the condition uf the crop from tho j rot -. time of planting to final gathering, aud providing for :hn public.dion of uioro ac curate monthly rot o:U. It also provides for establishing sign 1 nUtous at various points from Korin Carolina to Texts, to be in charge of competent oiiicjrs, whoee-du- ty it ahull be to keep an uocount of t. e .ram fall and temperature io be tokg* »;■ • oJ every Friday to Ijj ;i ic-tat" oi tho nearest Cotton Exchuu, r. .Vi i..j infor mation is to bo conS ’Uu*:nd by f lav i scab'' WASHINGTON. COXil to r.SSlOXAL. S-L-siUO. "NVasli•; :xon, June iu.—UcrJpn, from the Com-uittoo on Opium noe, reported fiivpr.ddy lu ;!w bill to .con.-utute Mont- goaiury, Ala.; .i port oa delivery. Placed W/HHlNt of Penury, of tl - a.;; reported IjSlh The Cnrrmi-y Lhl ■ gued to adjournment •Juno 11.-—'Workingmen i ju titiou tor a restoration i. t pv»r cent, on iron rnd g i'j;iaiu avScles for ■»*-■—»» ' vei l eg over p r ed m the Au- i* Mo.rn.yr. It w iheru Claims Cjui- ihuuuicd and ar- MARKETS. -Speoie increased 9,- Tho Honso wont to the speaker’s ta Utwl disposod of b 11s, A us \v ‘h o' jooted *. o til (.■. in were ub- rienale Civil ». j remove p«;- rcighing, r.nd th it all cotton bought! 11 * u,Ml ‘* : i ; h « (did bo weighed on tho sfime. I '• 1 • *‘d) « , i ..d j DOUli -5 : J •' ! mvlo to •' | Tho rep ; Di; i ' W. w I ' ••.iff* (>f !’• Foreign T A’ and .nil if r. tho Ar- - - io rc- mc iuteri- ! vor/ Fri- • ”. 14.1X1* aw ' s ; « l". -O be ..g from <c towns are to be' for weighing, and £o The refjoi t was adopted. EXPURTo—TELEGHJ.I'HIO BU£i:iE e f:-- J.iUJJNED. Of ;ho CommiUce of Expert in New York on the 6 si of 'v.-ptend T T.>ddswn:tb, of New ' trSejt}*, Jr nun. Tho place r.nd time rf the rr.’ of the next con*, ofiftcers of the I’Jv The C.-mua lo on Telegraph sub ted :i re port lrcb flictcd prolonged dis- oussinv. 't he matter wus referred to tho ofii of the National Exchange, to no- gc ; io. o for the transmission of i-lt the in Vcd L ondays {..ling nit- T> ontiou adjourned sine die. ck, t by! or tianep her cc a Orleans Exchange und dis*riiu:--,.i to‘ho various exchanges through.*at .ha v.o-: - try. Tho paper was referred ; :.j Cvm- mittee on Country Damages Mr. Smith, of Boston, u. ■ ■. pointment of a commiitce oa i- r . ui h was adopted. Boston, New York, Baltimoie, ton, Norfolk, Charlotte, Wilmington, Sa vannah, Atlanta, Montgomery, Opelika, Mobile, New Orleans, Galveston, Nash ville, Memphis, Cincinnati and St. Louis are represented iu the Convention. Abont one hundred delegates are present, etn- l mu 1 adopted. nations. I' New York, chair- .u, u.iw iu Hjmcstio and ■ of Iindi' g, rcoomiuenda that >n advise Ihe requirment r. from ail masters of vessels, ■ it ion ngeno, the entire num- billa of lading signed for aDy V A It I OK CON VENTION S. ev-. . . .i- . io hi; pend the rules by a two-ibi \;s v • e, which at the same time pisses thn bill, uiny be iu order. The House went to tho i&pouker’s table I U to t|io i ant ^ pjisaetl sevorr.l pcrciouu.1 unimportant j bills. Buudry appropriation bills were sub mitted. They cover 5121,000,000, and will occupy several d *ys. A motion was uiude to take up tho bill dividing Louisiana into two Judicial Dis tricts and refer to Judiciary Committee. Morey objected, aud tho bill : jmains »m the tabic. Ii w r ill take u two-thuds veto to move it. StVEX HrXDREI) J> t'ldl THE ('LAI.! FOM ii V. CIVIL EXOINEEBS-THF. REFOKK- El> PREHRTTERIA.VS I S'DI ANA A911111A1N0» CitAN. U CHS-Till: MAhTKto CAR BVIIDERS. Indiana Farmers Favor the Aboil* tlou of the Gold Basis Fnllney. :un{*ton, r* t Tl Cl: Ji. «f it)* breoing of the mo»t iplluentiul sod oonUini dalu ed ootton in t {, e intorior cutlon lectors m the United l. Jthont my iudication of such damage ® ea * I upon tho exterior of tho bale, and such The Convention adjourned to 8 o. m., , bales as are platted or composed of good in order to give the committees time to ' cotton upoa the oxte nor, and dooidodly prepare their reports ou tho subjects re- inferior ootton in the iuterior of the bale ferred to them. j in BUO h manner ns not to be deteoted j without opening the bale. Thursday’s Proceedings — National j Forms of certificates for irregularities Cotton Fxehanfge Formed-In* portant Reports Made and Adopted. FOBMITION OF EXCHANGES—RATIO OF BEP BKSEKTATION —WHAT SECTION THE JXOHANGES SHALL REPORT. Augusta, June 11.—The Convention in the picking of cotton, applicable to all placos for its distribution, are appended to the report of the committee. They recommend that copies of the certificates bo forwarded to European markets as those adopted by the National Conven tion of Cotton Exchanges ; and that here- met st 8 o'clock. C. -W. Cunningham, of ; » fl6r daims for f “ ko or f^udulentty Savannah, end A. Y. Mills, of Charleston, | P a , oktJ oo “ on mi ’f «P»r°rm to then, were appointed assistant secretaries. J. W. Latbrop, of Savannah, chairman of the Committee on Permanent Organi zation, reported iu favor of a permanent organization to be known as the “Nation al Ootton Exchange,” the present officers to hold over for twelve months, and rec ommended the formation of Exchanges J that a special committee be appointed all over the country. Exchanges repre- with authority to confer with the Liver- Civil Engineers. New Yobk, June 11.—At a meeting of del' eidpaiont.'. specified in the ! t ' 10 *“® ,ioan 8oBiet y ot oivil Engineers, theV.u'.ce oupy of bills of lading tbo on lUu bursting of the rnefi to l.e handed to the captain j Williamsburg dam reported that they had •and endorsed “captain’s copy,’’ I «»“«“» »t tho dam, und .-agent’s”copy," aud “not negotiable.” f ,un<1 ‘ lufoot,i of ^ grossest character,. indicating the work had been done by inexperienced persons. Reformed Presbyterians. Poughkeepsie, Juno 11.—Tho Synod of the Reformed Church to-day took ac tion unfavorable to a yroposed union with the Presbyterian Church, and then ad journed. Indiana Farmers. Indianapolis, Juno 11.—The Farmets' Convention platform declares tho gold basis fallacy should be abandoned, and calls for an unlimited issue of Govern ment currency, and the wtbdrawal of all bank and local currency. A full State ticket is nominated. Master Car Builders. Cincinnati, June 11.—Seven ly-fi vo delegates are in atteudunce upon the Master Car Builders’ Convention. Illinois Fannci'N, Springfield, Juno 11.—The Farm ’ Couveuliou adopted a long series of vc o- lutions and nominated aH'.aie ticket. Ex Gov. Pahm r spoke in favor of the Farmers’ movement. FALSE PACKED BALES DEPIKED. The same committee submitted a re port ou the* subject of reclamation for false and fraudulently packed cotton and claims. False and fraudulently packed cotton shall be define d as follows: Such bales as may contain any foreign substance, water packed bales, or bales U . : onistthroughou 1 tho S mth. inn c I- .i: p*,r- vd to r poi t tho bill to tue Vv-fiii v, v. i 1 ' k ei.dry nuv* .da»i*ntb, among .’hi o .*> ; r- p..sirg to send buck to tho (.' .iumission tl-o claim of William Biiily »-f Tj’juiKiauit, o j the ground that he sold cc’^aiu co. l ’.>n to tho Confederate govornnn.!)', -L. «’tby committed an act of dis •>; ;!U, \ Lid: B ioiild, negative any and all p »ot:T of !or«»:ty t.) tbo Uni ted State.) upou wLi.k h. *J iiouers paid his <Tiim. mii.r-r v.'ta luliy discussed in tho lion: .* r.« : y, when a motion to strike out (lii.i claim wus de feated by an overwhelming Vouo. The principle involved, and which tho iion-o thus refused to sanction, was asserted, however, by t he Sen do Committee io- duy by a vote of f» to 4. WllMilillglOII XotOH. The total amount of clnipis tiled by forty-two insurance companies for losses by tho Alabama, Florida and their ten ders, and by the Shenandoah after she loft Melbourne, i-; M0,000. Minister iiuCtcro.L w.U r^utain at Berlin until the arri'nd of his nuc s.-mr, his nephew, J. C. Baric v>i; ii »vis. Fast As- bifitunt Scv-retuiy of .-i’ni• . liuNing to-.luy been ron.ii'ut d fur th • positiot).’ Mr. Bancroft will probably make »Y«»shini'tou MI TEIeFeURAPH TO KN4I1JIRER. Money nml Stock Markets. London, June 11.—Consols 92AaS; Erie 28*a*. Paris, June 11.—Rentes fifif. GOo. Klw York, June 11.—Stocks dull and In War; Money at 2 per cent. Gold 11. 1 x i i..uoo—long 88$, short til. Govern- niontH dull State bonds quiet. New York, June 11.—Mouey easy at 2 .1 Soiling qiliet at 8.^. Gold lll^. Governments dull, but steady. State hoods qu'ot. Paris, Julm 11. uO 0,t;(H)f. Provision .Ifnrkele. Nr.w York,1ui« r. -Wheat quiet and heavy. C<>ru ii mei. Pork firm • $lb. Laid firm; steam 11 Mil, New York, Jum U.—C-fi'ee firm at 17a2t»|fi for Jii;>. ll .M- i-i iuo generally diqvMed to insist on little better prices. Kico dull aud unclnugud. Lir isvtlle, Juno 11.—Flour unchanged. Coru quiet au l uneh u t. 7Gii80. Provisions quiet. Pork tjjiiH 2."». Bacon— xh 'UldciH 7^; clear rib hvUh !(.’ clear sides 10§. Lard 12} Whukry Hu. Cincinnati, Jtino 11.—Flour quiet aud unchfliiged. C «r*i steady ; mixed at G5. X*oik quiet and nnebangoi L r I quiet and unchanged. Bnoon dull—shoulders clear rib sides 10, clear 10L Whiskey at 1)5. Cotton Mnrkete. Liverpool, Juno 11—Noon.—Cottou steady; uplands 8$; Oj leans 8 jag; sales 12,000, iuoludiog 2,000 for speculation aud exports. Sales of uplands nothing below good ordinary, shipped in June, 8 7-16; do , deliverable July and August, 8 7 10; do., nothing below low middlings, i hipped iu May, H.J; do., deliverable in August and Sepumber 8|. Breadstuff's firm. Corn at 85 38,*. ?. p. m.—Middling uplands 8‘J ij; mid- dling Orleans P^. . 8:30 p. m.—Wales itml’ido 8,4(0 Amer ican. Liverpool, June 11 — 5 p. m.—Ck»tt r n— 1’ diM of uplands, uufl.iu $ below good oi- ■liuaiy, f|■: r; b«r i**, August and Keptem- b-V. 8 P 16; siles of Orleans, nothing bo- 1 >w low middlings, 8 7-16. New York, Jam 11—Cotton nlcad\; •\u1ob i’»d8: nplatuTs )8^i; Orleans 184. F itur s «»; e- e J htcudy; July 17 0-16; Vtignit 1*5; Faptumber 1/|. New York, June 11.—Futures closed : tyudy; rules 18,300 bales, ah follows: July 1T[: August 17 25-32; October 17 5- io 17 It 32. Co»ton dal’; sales 527 bales at 18|al8j; net receipts 457. Charleston, Juno 11.— Dull; mid dling 17£ ; receipts 16; sales 84 ; stock 10,266. Savannah, June 11.—Quiet; middlings lGif; net receipts 70; sales 805. New Orleans, Jnno 11.—Ootton quiet; middlings 174; net receipts 15; sales 600 —lant evening 000; stock 65,054, Mobile, June 11.—Cotton quiet; mid- dlnigH 10;,-; low middlings 15jf; good ordi nary 14j; receipts 107; sales 100. Galveston, June 11.—Cotton nominal; good ordinary 15£; receipts 70; stock 7,172. Boston, June 11—Quiet; middlings 18|; sales 150; sto.*'{ 0.500. senting net receipts of 25,000 to 100,000 bales yearly to have one delegate aud one vote in the General Convention, with an additional vote for every 100,0Q0 bales; and Exchanges representing over 500,000 bales to bo entitled to two delegates, with one vote for every 100,000 Lules repre sented. The report was amended, on motion of C. W. Kent aid of Cincinnati, by adopting as a basis of representation that each Cotton Exchange handling 25,000 bales or more be entitled in the National Board to two delegates, and those Exchanges hand ling more than 100,000 bales bo entitled io au additional delegate for each 100,000 of additional receipts. Tho report, as amended, was thou adopted. B. P. Baker, of New York, moved the appointment of a committee to draft a constitution for the government of the National Cotton Exchange, to report at the next auuual meeting. Adopted. otherwise they will not bo recognized. The report was adopted. uniformity of packing and handlino BALES. W. L. Trenholm of Charleston, chair man of tho Committee ou Country Dam- j j fc fforson City, yesterday age and Uniformity in Rates, recommend | t hey wore confronted by lloelder, who fired a pi.tool Pierre without effect. IXo (lien shot tho pool Cotton Brokers’ Association and the j W nman in tho breast, wiuili-jtiug a danger- Livorpool Slip Owners’ Association, and j ou4 wound. lie fired twacty-two tails A MAX N HOOTS* TUT.XTI-TWO 1!AI.I.ft IN Ills BOO V. St. Louis, June 11.—As Jonoi Pk*ir«) and a woman accompanying him woio boarding Ilia westward bound train at opol \ BOOTS AND SHOES. Spring is Coming! "The Inida are beginning to swoll." Likewise our stock is boginping to swell WITH HUGE ADDITIONS OF SEASONABLE GOODS 1 W K hnve received' Lucie*’ Tuilot ana Dress 8 ippors nua Ties, Oongrees, Lace ai d Iiuttun Boots, in Serge, Fine Pebble ami his J. 0. Bono. >ft Da i aut j G •. man A‘ Mi*ui.slj)| F011EI The f.« UGEXCE. A JI ivnnn loiter ;/ of It n.ington m New Yoik. xa- by of into his body. He died ill (wo hours. The woman formerly lived with noeli'e. 1 as bin wife. TUB WEATHEIi. all similar Aksociutions, with a view to tho establishment of just rules. Greater attention to tho proper prepa ration and baling of cottou is requested. They sug£ tho following Rtandard : cot!on to Wr-dgb 450 to 500 , ounds to the bale; pretR boxes to be constructed of tho folio wiry dimensions—height 4 feet 6 inches, width 2 feet 3 inches— six ties to a bale. The committee, having considered tbo commu .ient*. *n from Galveston to the New York Liohange, and by the latter body l,.id before the convention, leooni- ’ r Ju.o. inarnl the ad iptloa of resolutions urging | up *u p-« .dv* i-i greater care h * 1 -i-j ! R |yf #i - 4 WLAA!) tt ai.ii iiaridj’’. •••.too::, Hi *h :.u ill [".•..vent r- v*.T5fr SIMTI/ tho liiiucus ruiitur.' o r *1-D yv - Dm— | y,. -i.v nce, June il i -^wel!. i I Pi : tr * .V'fA. Sixteen Kill- und iu cuiora, neal and substantial Brogans, Plow Shoes, i l i’ll oih *r .‘•'tup o (Juoi- for tbo wants of tb® (M.Ic, is urmxn lltd Wo uto well si.pplie^u i'li Leather and Findings, *d cun offer mduct-uh to all clu>ies of buyers N. B.— iV o pay tho.blgktsi uiurU'i price for Dry WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. hi I’.MivAtf Low Priced Basic Books! : Attractive, Useful and Very Popular. | (JLAItKE’d DOLiv iii INSXCVCTOKS, | «e I REED ORGANS, PIANO and VIOLIN. PrTAUt WeamsmTos Probabilities.-- l'.tr linti0 end Gulf H*-.( 'voAll'Or f.n'l light r-i : Bij.pi ijvorj .... iuu to v, -■ t ■ .* euutb "'y June 1 L.—Iu aateiuu. •..Di iu the Volga five werokiil- . i. ’.I oievoa have siuoe died. It is esti- *.<. ;d that fifteen were drowned. ' FRANCE. Paris, Juno 11.—The Assembly on i Wednesday, by a vote of 348 to 334, ” winds, shift- nf *°P ,0 d an amendment to the Municipal st, falling ictup’- Electoral bill, fixing the ngo of electors I at twenty-one instead of twenty-five — | yours, as proposed by the Government, LLOTINti FOR "hich is thus defeated on a vital provi- bl-AAiOK. don of tho bill. — Tho fifth joint TWO WOK It .11 EX the u .j to pt V:.) v, wot und dry iu (:*t •. uc | ; i resulted ft follow.: Burnside 14, j Middi./.ton, Conn. Juno ir.g :o low to ti ; . >d iv. i ; Dixon 20, Brintow 19. scattenug 17. Tho placed switch caused a c.!’•: •hat th« j . j • lecL j uod | sixth and seventh ballots rosuited about . euv jon aside trr'ek uu . suitubU flheltcr for r octon ;l the same. I wore working. They were 1; >). 11 CANTATA OK K^TH Eli. Draroatlded. 60 c«nt« Iiuuii’iisuly popular. Father Kemp’s Old Folks' Tunes. 4o ct.». Much eulargod. Huug everywhere. WINNER’S NEW SCHOOL fur ri:*nr». Cal into Orgau, Guitar, ltaujo, Co.u«t, Accvml-ut», Vif**. Kin to, FJayoolot, Ciariuuo .' *Tl'C- cf. arli Boo , 76 cout«. RIVER OF LIFE. 35 ceuOt. Be«t ttOok for Sab* g.».r });«t ; or. iccc’pt of rtoail price. , Oii^: DitJti U Co., Ohas. H. Uitccn is Cf. n n. 7)1 Broadway, N. Y. iaj -3 d4?uw[)ved»aat jtitly