The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, June 13, 1874, Image 3

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/ £*r Tcrnitt Cavil. Columbus, «l uuo 7tli, 1874. fgttUsfgWttttt. cousBrs i SATURDAY JUNE 13, 1874. FISHING. £ Turbid (lie water! ! ' Torrid the uoou! Near tho old quarters At Kyle’s—his lagoon! ’ Under the willows And close by tho mirs, Ladies aui *‘foll*r.<” y And black Jeremiah! Marie and Jennie, % * And Belle, If you plww 5 Rosa aud Hannah, A» d gentle Louise. In the ferns and the grasses. The sun climbing higher, “Fellers” and lassies And black Jeremiah! Waiting and wishing For nibbles, they talk Till there wasn’t a flak in A mile of a cork! Hippies of laughter— Wavelets of song— And a lunch Uiat came after gome choice gcuppernong I Black care to each banquet Brings its skeleton dog, A festal wet blanket; Ours was a—Dog! consider it no trouble. Misery’s picture— Gauut as a rail! Poverty’s spectre— All teeth, ribs anl tall. Nobody's darling That body would own; Starved beyond snarling, We gave him a bone I With the earth for a tab! i, The world for a seat, Watt a crowd of tha Able, Wise, witty and sweet! And they talked, tho dear creatures, Twixt pickles and cakes, Of love and musquitoes, Aud poots and snake*! ’Turns a feast without cooking— A fry without fire— And “monstous good looking,” Komarked Jeremiah i Yoa,’bright as pond-lilies On waters as bright. Their memory still is A star of flight 1 And the fairest of faces, The sweetest of smiles Have crowned with all graces That £pg*poad of Kylo’s. DRY GOODS. H AY E det.Tmlnml to UKUTmE TIIEIU LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL SELECTED STOCK OF DRESS UUOltS, IRRESPECTIVE OF COST I Those wishing to niircinuo will snvo money anti study their interest by giving them a call. Also, Just received, a beautiful Hue of Side Striped Prints, special styles, Bleached and Brown Domestics, all grades, Linens, Shoes and Boots, &c. J. KYLE * CO. My Kingdom for a Cash Buyer!” nr ALL KNOW ITl WB ARifl OFFERING EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO CASH J Buyers! We must do business at all hacards, profit or no profit—tho goods must move. Our Stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goods is being constantly replenished. Just received, A FUZiXj LINES OF FARASOIjB! ther lot of those with beautifu ns. Our stock of JACOWaT THIMMIKTOS BANKINC AND INSURANCE. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPACTS’. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, - - $529,364.92 Boston “ . “ “ - - 180,903.89 Total Aaaata—Gold—January lit, 1874, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Lowes Da* and Unpaid None. Losses in process of adjnstmeiit, or adjusted and not due $22,398 00 All other Olaiine 1,616 62 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Inoome, 1878 $010,887 73 Income, 626,217 87 Gain $ 93,669 86 Losses Promptly Adjusted and *’nitty Settled by G. GUNBjT JORDAN, Agent, oct22 ly • COLUMBUS. GA. NEW YORK 8TORE. 8. LANDAUER. LOW! LOWER!! LOWEST!!! knows that their uusu iety has been Nulling at The Lowest Cash Prices Ever Known in this Section I * THIS WELL KNOWN - HOUSE HAS LAID IN A Fine Stock of Spring Goods! To meet the ’wants of Iholr many customers, and will continue to sell their stock of Domestic Foreign Goodd at prices that defy competition. ££* Como aud sue for youvsolf. 'J he goods must be sold. JOSEPH & BRO. “i"-' 2 ir GO Broad St. Grand Clearing Out Sale ! Flanking a Salary Grabber. Colonel Ozro J. Dodds, lato member of Congress from the Fifth District of Ohio, tells a good story about a call he recently received at his office from a man who claimed to be an editor from Arkansas. He was a very soedy-louking chap, and appeared as thongU he had but recently come off from about a six weeks’ spree. Bowing profoundly, then striking an atti tude, with one hand on his heart and tl e other extending a badly used plug hat, he exclaimed with a dramatic air: “Have I the honor of addressing tie Honorable Ozro J. Dodds ? ’ Said the Colouel: “My name is Dodds, but I*m no longer au honorable.” “Not an honorable? Dodds not an honorable ? Now, by St. Paul, when I scan /hat honest face, on which all the gods at once do seem to Ret their seal (‘Green Seal,’ murmured Dobbs to him self;, I read nothing dwhonorable.” “That’s right,’ said Dobbs, “never read ' anything dishonorable. But to busi ness.” “Yes, as yon say, to business. I am a printer—I might say, with no unbecoming blush, an editor. I am from the noble State of Arkansaw—the only State, by- the-way, able and willing to support two Governors at the same time. Bat I have been unfortunate. Much have I been tossed through the ii£ of cruel Juno, and— “Juno how it is yourself,” broke in the Colonel. “Buffeted by the world’s rude storm you see me here a stranded wreck. Scarce three moons have passed since I left my offtoe in charge of my worthy foreman, and sought the peaceful vales and calm retreats of the Muskingum valley, where my childhood sported. Beturning, I stopped in Cincinnati. I fell into evil company, and—but why dwell upon de tails ? Enough that I am, that, that I am disheartened, ruined, broke! A mark for scorn to poiut hat slow, unerring finger at. As I,WttS about to give up in despair, having given up everything else I had, I thought of you. Sir, I am here. .You have not scut for me, but I have come! Your name, sir, is known and honored from one end of this great republic to the other! It “Glow* in the •taw, Refreshes in tho breeae, Warms in the sun And blotsoma on the trees.” “When the national treasury was threat ened by a horde of greedy Congressmen you stood like a wall of adamant between the people and those infamous salary grabbers. Lend me a dollar!” “My dear sir,” tho Colonel hastened lo explain, “you mist'dte *the case entirely. I was oue of the grabbers.” “Yon were?” (gnspiug the Colonel hand warmly) “so much the better! Let me congratulate you that a parsimonious public could not frighten you out of what was but a fair remuneration for your val uable services. I am glad that your pe cuniary circumstances are so much better than I supposed. Make it two dollars! ’ And the Colouel did. It was the ouly clean thing left for him to. TO MAKE READY FOR THE BPRING TRADE, WE NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST, I OR CASH ! AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE AS LOW AS TO UK FOUND ELSEWHERE. CHAPMAN & YEHSTILLE, a! d'tf.d 00 BROAD STREET New Advertisements. $25 A DAY GUARANTEED using out WELL AUGER & DRILL iu good territory. Endorsed by Governors of IOWA, ARKANSAS 4 DAKOTA CtUloguo frit. V. QXLXS, Bt, Lcuit, Ko. they choose instantly. This simple mental ac quirement all cun possess, free, by mail, for 25c., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding Shirt, itc. A queer hook. * J1 MAM k CO., Pubs , Phila. For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN HI.HE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. 4w LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. For 30 years millions have Intently watch* d his PEKILOliJ y<jt HEROIC STRL’OGLKS, UUd GRAND achievements, mid now eaycrly desire tilt* Com* plcte Life-History of thin world-renowned. hero aud benekactor, which uufoMrt ulno the curi osities and wealth of a wild and wonderful coun try. It in just ready. 2,(HX) agents wanted quickly. Oue ageut sold 184, uuutlier 196 tn one week. For particul us, address UUBliAUD BBOS., either Phila., Boston, or Liu.. O. 4w FLORENC The Jong-contested Suit of the Florence Sewing Machine Co. agaluat the 8 Riser, Wheeler & Wilson,aud Grover k B iker Companies, involving over $230,000, Is finilly decided Ly the Suprcnto Court of the Uuited States, in favor of the FLORENCE, Which alone has broken the monopoly of high prices. TIIE NEW FLORENCE Is the ONLY machine t'at sews backward aud forward, or to right and left. Simplest—Cheapest—Best. Sold 'or cash on y. Special terms to clubs and Florence, Hines. 4 w A Delaware Snake Story. The following description of a strange and deadly reptile found in Sussex coun ty, Del., is given by the Seaford Citizen : “A curious and daugerous snako, the only oue of the kind that has ever been found in this part of the country, was killed by some workmen on the farm of Francis Iusley,' near Wetipquiu, $u sex county. It measured twenty-eight moo es in length and two inches in circa infer ence. Its color is black, striped with w hite, which, when exposed lo the rays • f the fcuo, shine with the brilliancy of pol ished silver. It was provided with two rows of teeth, twenty-six ou each side, very sharp, yet are different from those of the snake common to this ouuutry. About five inches from its tail are two thick grisly protuberances, about one iuck in leugih, one on each side of the body. Kacb protuberance contains eigh teen horns, about one-eighth of an inch in length. They are hollow, and tho poi son is supplied to thorn by means of small ducts connecting with a thin, transparent bag about oue inch below the protuberan ces. We are told that some years ago a snake, supposed to be a horned sunke, attacked a man in this same vicinity, and in order to escape he jumped behind a large tree, aud the snake striking with such force .buried its horn into the trunk about ouo-eighth of an inch. In thirty minutes thereafter a dullness in the leaves was perceptible, aud strange to say in another hour they commenced fail ing off, and to-day it is nothing but a withered, naked trunk.” deal i* i April, 1874. op»’“U “EDEOCRAPHY,” « »>**"• Look on *tl«« art 11 Writing by Sou nu, a complete system of Ph.-met.c thort-li md, the shortest, most simple, iasy und coiupieh-nsive, enabling any one in a short time to «vport trials, speeches, sermons, Ac. The Lord’s Prayer is written with 41) strokes of tho pen, and 140 words per minute. The unem ployed l learn this art. Price by trail CO emits. Agent.4 wauud. Address T. W. EVANS & (JO., 13!) Mutth 7Ui strei I, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w _ The highest niedicu.1 aullioriUes of Kurope say the strongest Tonic, Puritier and Dcobstruent known to the medical world is JURUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forcos, exhaustion ol tho nervous system, restores vigor to the debil itated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on tho i iver and .spleen. Price *1 a buttle. JOHN Q. KEL LOGG, N. Y. 4w CENTENNIAL GAZETTEER okited’btates.* No Uoou lias ever bi-ea published of such uni versal interest to tho American people. It appeals to no particular class alone, but t*> all classes; to meu ami women of all prof bs oiis, creeds, occupa tions and political opinions—to farmers, luwyurs, business men, mechanics, physici.nn. politicians, teach'rs, students, manufacturers, salesmen, uni lag and men who can only read, to old ng. All want it as a book of constant jo, nn l to prestrve for their children and children’s children as the only complete aud relia ble w.-rk, showing the gigantic ns ills ol THE FIRST ONE HUNOHEO YEARS OF THE GREATEST REPUBLIC THE WUltlil) EVER SAW. li is not a luxury ; $5,000,000 Endowment Scheme! SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only 8ave what you Waste, it would be no trouble to become Indenendent. EWSLt S PH SMS IMTM'T Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per oent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand N. J. BUSSEY, Pres't. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. feb6 dtf SECURITY—PROMPTNESS-LIBERALITY ! THE Fifth and Last Concert Public Library of Kentucky JULY 31, 1874. In announcing the Fifth and l>.st of the serioa of Gift Ccncerts givou for the benefit of tho Public Library of Kentucky, the Trustees and Manager refer with pride ami pleauuro to the four which have becu already given : Tho first, December 10, 1871; the second, December 2,1872; the third, July 8,1873; and the fourth, March 31 -t, 1874. Under their charter, granted by a special act of tho Kentucky Legiidature, March 10, 1871, the Trustees arc authoriz'd to give ONE MOKE, and ONLY ONE MOUB Gift Concert. With money arising from this Fi th and LAST Concert, the Library, Museum, ami other departments are to be on urged nml endowed with a fixed and certain annual income. Such an endowment fund is dr- hired uh will secute beyond peradveuture not only the maintenance of thin magnificent establish ment, but its coiiatuut growth. Tlie Fifth Gift Concert or the purposes mentioned, nud which is posi tively und unequivocally announced us THE LAST WHICH WILL EVER BE GIVEN UNDER THIS CHARTER AND BY TIIE PRESENT MANAGE MENT, will come off at tho Public Library Uall, at Louisville, hy., Friday, July 31,1874. At this final Concert everything will he upon a scale cor espumijng with its iucreused importance. The music will bo reuderml by au or< liestra con sisting of one hundred performers selected for their fame in different lamia, und the uuprucedent- $2,500,000 List of Gifts. ONE GRAND CASH GIFT $250,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 100,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 76,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 60,000 ONE GRAND CASH GITT 26,000 6 CASH GIFTS $20,000 each 100,000 10 CASH GIFTS 14,000 each 140,000 16 CASH GIFTS 10,000 eaoh 160,000 20 CASH GIFTS 6,000 each 100,000 Georgia Home Insurance Comp’y CONTINUES TO OFFER THE PUBLIC INDEMNITY ajaiisl Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00 She Wants a Chance to Cet It Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH President. Columbus, Oct. l«t, 18TA. Treasurer. 1840. 1874. D. F. WILLCOX, 4.000 each loo,ouo 3.000 each 90,000 2.000 each 100,000 1.000 each 100,000 600 each 120,000 loo each 60,000 60 each 960,000 and yo Agoi nty i ZIEGLER & McCUllDY, Phil- WATERS’CONCERTO ORGANS lire tho most beautiful iu style and perfect in tone ever made. Tho CuNOEKTO STOP is the Uat ever placed in uny organ. It D produced by an extra not or roods, peculiarly voiced, the effect of which is most charming and soul-stirring, while its imitation of tho human voico is superb. Terms liberal. WATERS’ PHILHARMONIC, VESPERS und ORCHESTRAL ORGANS, iu unique Freuch cases, aru among tho beat made, and combine purity of voir lug with great volume of tone. Suitable for parlor, church, or music hall. WATERS’ NEW SHALE PIANOS have great power and a fine sing iug tone, w.tii all modern improvements, and are the best piaui s made. Thesj Organs ami Piauos are warranted for six years Prices extremely low for cash or p irt cash, au<l balance in monthly or quarterly payments. Second-hand instruments taken in exchange. Agents wanted in every county in the Uu ted States and Canada. A lib eral discount to Teachers, Minister*, Churches, Schools, Lodges, etc. Illustrated catalogues mailed. HORACE WATERS A SON, uy28 481 Broadway, New York. Box 3667. 25 CASH GIFTS 30 CASH GIFTS 60 CASIIOIFTS luo CASH GIFTS 240 CASH GIFTS 600 CASH GIFTS 19,000 CASH GIFTS GRAND TOTAL20,000 GIFTS, ALL CASH $2,600,000 1»IU€E OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets $ 50 00 Halves 25 00 Tenth, or c-.icli Coupon 5 00 11 Whole ’lickets lor 600 00 2iy 2 Tickets for 1,000 00 Tickets arc now ready for sale, and orders ac- ompituied hy cash will be promptly filled. Liberal commissions will bo ullowod to satisfac- ory agents. Circulars containing full particulars furnished u application. THO. E. It IS. 1 .VIE EFT E, Agent and Manager, Public 1 ibrary Building, Louisville, Ky. myl9 (I2tuw4wtd THE GRAIN CROP Can be Easily und Economically Saved! Holstead &■ Co., COLUMBUS, CA., Grain Crud.cs, Gi iug Machiues, F< wp23—tf c,r than ever before—Mowing les; Pteel-tootli Horse Hakes, •i Scythes and Snaths, Tlireah- t Mills, Straw Cutters, Ac. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 81 Broad Street, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. H. H. KPPIKU, Prrh’t. II. W. KDtVAliDS, Cull lor. It. M. NULPOItll, Aan't Cllh'r. The Chattahoochee National Bank OF COLUMBUS, UEO. This Bank transact* 'a General Banking busineaa, pays Interest on De posits under speeial contract, gives prompt attention to collections on ell aooessible points, and invites correspondence. Information transmitted by mail or wires when desired. aprl o’Gin J. RHODES BROWNE, President. 3E0. W. DILLINGHAM, Cashier. GEORGIA HOME BANK. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. this mmw mu Mvim b« Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle funds, for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patrons who live at a distan'ce. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound ed January, April, July and October—four times a year. SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s chartei, the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of the Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORS I J. KU0DE8 UROWNE, Pros't of the Co. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Copitalmt, Atlauln. J. It. CLAPP, Muuuf tr, Clapp'e Factory. Hon. JOHN McILHENNY, Mayor. JAMES KANKIN, Capitalist. N. N. CUimS, of Welle,CnrtiB & Co. L. T. DOWNING, Attovney-al-Law. D. F. WILLCOX. Secretary of; h Co. JOSIAH MOKR1S. Uanlter, Mou.g'y. CHARLES WI.-E, may* ori&wlt COTTON WAREHOUSES. A. M. ALLEN. PETER FREER. E. C. HOOD & BRO. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND FULL STOCKS Drugs, Chemicals and Perfumery, . my3 AT LOW FIGURE.. »h27 If Fontaine "Wareliouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants COLi-JI£3UG, READ AND HEED! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO EVERT ONE WHO WISHES TO SEE THE SOUTH SUCCEED THE COLUMBUS ENQUIRER-SUN Is the only thoroughly independent paper South. It believes we are to win; not by complaining about the past, but working for the future. While it gives proper space and notice Jo all political matters of State and National impor tance, it aims to call the attention of emigrants and capital ists to our great resources and to build up the South on a basis that has for its foundation Industry and economy. While disclaiming to be the organ of any creed, party or society, all its tendencies will be in favor of TEMPER ANCE, MORALITY and RELIGION. Being deeply interested in the success of the farmers, and having implicit faith in the grand destiny of the GRANGES, the EN QUIRER-SUN will devote a large space, under a capable editor, to AGRICULTURE, and in chronicling the move ments of the Patrons of Husbandry. THE DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN Will contain all tlie latest National, State, Local and For eign news, dcvoting-much space to Alabama interests. Its editorial management will be fearless for right, and while recording passing events it will not neglect the arts, sci ences and the advancement in the world’s material progress. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER Will give weekly a digest of all Foreign and National news. It will devote much space to Southern intelligence and will contain original articles on Agriculture, the Granges and other matters that will be of incalculable benefit to the planter and general reader. The SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN While giving the latest news, aims to become what is much needed, viz.: A GREAT SOUTHERN LITERARY WEEKLY! It will contain original articles, stories and sketches, his torical and biographical, from Southern pens. Each issue will contain in addition poetry, scientific notes, domestic recipes, fashion and household affairs, wit and humor, no tices of late books and periodicals, religious reading, church news, and in fact every interest will be represented that will, in any way, aid the reader. Are extremely low, so that the paper can be procured by the poorest man and road with profit by himself and family: Daily, in advance, one year $ 8 00 Weekly, “ . “ “ 2 00 Sunday, “ “ “ 2 50 Sunday and Weekly, in advance, one year 3 00 Three Weeklies to one Post Office 5 00 Five “ « “ 7 50 Ten “ “ ‘ 14 00 Fifteen “ “ “ 18 75 Twenty “ “ “ 23 00 Thirty “ “ “ 30 00 Sunday and Weekly invariably 3 00 These papers offer the best opportunities to advertisers. Get up your clubs and help in this good work. Address COLUMBUS ENQUIRER’SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA.